path: root/src
diff options
authorEmile Joubert <>2013-04-24 14:46:49 +0100
committerEmile Joubert <>2013-04-24 14:46:49 +0100
commit9e38384a80b0f2fe481fb44f887762314fc785c2 (patch)
treecd20974ac94506bbfc37a8c6c2e7724cb8e4a5e9 /src
parent7898cd2d43154ad33ba5af29d58e9308c92c4105 (diff)
parent7f4b87411bc8e5d83a4a17740db76fbcb52eec54 (diff)
Merged stable into default
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
61 files changed, 3819 insertions, 2092 deletions
diff --git a/src/credit_flow.erl b/src/credit_flow.erl
index 9ffaf247..106179fd 100644
--- a/src/credit_flow.erl
+++ b/src/credit_flow.erl
@@ -52,6 +52,22 @@
+%% process dict update macro - eliminates the performance-hurting
+%% closure creation a HOF would introduce
+-define(UPDATE(Key, Default, Var, Expr),
+ begin
+ %% We deliberately allow Var to escape from the case here
+ %% to be used in Expr. Any temporary var we introduced
+ %% would also escape, and might conflict.
+ case get(Key) of
+ undefined -> Var = Default;
+ Var -> ok
+ end,
+ put(Key, Expr)
+ end).
%% There are two "flows" here; of messages and of credit, going in
%% opposite directions. The variable names "From" and "To" refer to
%% the flow of credit, but the function names refer to the flow of
@@ -66,29 +82,33 @@
send(From) -> send(From, ?DEFAULT_CREDIT).
send(From, {InitialCredit, _MoreCreditAfter}) ->
- update({credit_from, From}, InitialCredit,
- fun (1) -> block(From),
- 0;
- (C) -> C - 1
- end).
+ ?UPDATE({credit_from, From}, InitialCredit, C,
+ if C == 1 -> block(From),
+ 0;
+ true -> C - 1
+ end).
ack(To) -> ack(To, ?DEFAULT_CREDIT).
ack(To, {_InitialCredit, MoreCreditAfter}) ->
- update({credit_to, To}, MoreCreditAfter,
- fun (1) -> grant(To, MoreCreditAfter),
- MoreCreditAfter;
- (C) -> C - 1
- end).
+ ?UPDATE({credit_to, To}, MoreCreditAfter, C,
+ if C == 1 -> grant(To, MoreCreditAfter),
+ MoreCreditAfter;
+ true -> C - 1
+ end).
handle_bump_msg({From, MoreCredit}) ->
- update({credit_from, From}, 0,
- fun (C) when C =< 0 andalso C + MoreCredit > 0 -> unblock(From),
- C + MoreCredit;
- (C) -> C + MoreCredit
- end).
-blocked() -> get(credit_blocked, []) =/= [].
+ ?UPDATE({credit_from, From}, 0, C,
+ if C =< 0 andalso C + MoreCredit > 0 -> unblock(From),
+ C + MoreCredit;
+ true -> C + MoreCredit
+ end).
+blocked() -> case get(credit_blocked) of
+ undefined -> false;
+ [] -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end.
peer_down(Peer) ->
%% In theory we could also remove it from credit_deferred here, but it
@@ -105,24 +125,17 @@ grant(To, Quantity) ->
Msg = {bump_credit, {self(), Quantity}},
case blocked() of
false -> To ! Msg;
- true -> update(credit_deferred, [],
- fun (Deferred) -> [{To, Msg} | Deferred] end)
+ true -> ?UPDATE(credit_deferred, [], Deferred, [{To, Msg} | Deferred])
-block(From) -> update(credit_blocked, [], fun (Blocks) -> [From | Blocks] end).
+block(From) -> ?UPDATE(credit_blocked, [], Blocks, [From | Blocks]).
unblock(From) ->
- update(credit_blocked, [], fun (Blocks) -> Blocks -- [From] end),
+ ?UPDATE(credit_blocked, [], Blocks, Blocks -- [From]),
case blocked() of
- false -> [To ! Msg || {To, Msg} <- get(credit_deferred, [])],
- erase(credit_deferred);
+ false -> case erase(credit_deferred) of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ Credits -> [To ! Msg || {To, Msg} <- Credits]
+ end;
true -> ok
-get(Key, Default) ->
- case get(Key) of
- undefined -> Default;
- Value -> Value
- end.
-update(Key, Default, Fun) -> put(Key, Fun(get(Key, Default))), ok.
diff --git a/src/delegate.erl b/src/delegate.erl
index b622dc6b..e833b819 100644
--- a/src/delegate.erl
+++ b/src/delegate.erl
@@ -62,6 +62,13 @@ invoke(Pid, Fun) when is_pid(Pid) ->
erlang:raise(Class, Reason, StackTrace)
+invoke([], _Fun) -> %% optimisation
+ {[], []};
+invoke([Pid], Fun) when node(Pid) =:= node() -> %% optimisation
+ case safe_invoke(Pid, Fun) of
+ {ok, _, Result} -> {[{Pid, Result}], []};
+ {error, _, Error} -> {[], [{Pid, Error}]}
+ end;
invoke(Pids, Fun) when is_list(Pids) ->
{LocalPids, Grouped} = group_pids_by_node(Pids),
%% The use of multi_call is only safe because the timeout is
@@ -90,6 +97,11 @@ invoke_no_result(Pid, Fun) when is_pid(Pid) andalso node(Pid) =:= node() ->
invoke_no_result(Pid, Fun) when is_pid(Pid) ->
invoke_no_result([Pid], Fun);
+invoke_no_result([], _Fun) -> %% optimisation
+ ok;
+invoke_no_result([Pid], Fun) when node(Pid) =:= node() -> %% optimisation
+ safe_invoke(Pid, Fun), %% must not die
+ ok;
invoke_no_result(Pids, Fun) when is_list(Pids) ->
{LocalPids, Grouped} = group_pids_by_node(Pids),
case orddict:fetch_keys(Grouped) of
diff --git a/src/file_handle_cache.erl b/src/file_handle_cache.erl
index d2d4d295..406add8a 100644
--- a/src/file_handle_cache.erl
+++ b/src/file_handle_cache.erl
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
-export([start_link/0, start_link/2, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_cast/2]).
+ handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_cast/3]).
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(RESERVED_FOR_OTHERS, 100).
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ init([AlarmSet, AlarmClear]) ->
alarm_set = AlarmSet,
alarm_clear = AlarmClear }}.
-prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_cast(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
{release, _, _} -> 5;
_ -> 0
diff --git a/src/gen_server2.erl b/src/gen_server2.erl
index 4056e3d9..507d1cda 100644
--- a/src/gen_server2.erl
+++ b/src/gen_server2.erl
@@ -16,12 +16,15 @@
%% The original code could reorder messages when communicating with a
%% process on a remote node that was not currently connected.
-%% 4) The callback module can optionally implement prioritise_call/3,
-%% prioritise_cast/2 and prioritise_info/2. These functions take
-%% Message, From and State or just Message and State and return a
-%% single integer representing the priority attached to the message.
-%% Messages with higher priorities are processed before requests with
-%% lower priorities. The default priority is 0.
+%% 4) The callback module can optionally implement prioritise_call/4,
+%% prioritise_cast/3 and prioritise_info/3. These functions take
+%% Message, From, Length and State or just Message, Length and State
+%% (where Length is the current number of messages waiting to be
+%% processed) and return a single integer representing the priority
+%% attached to the message, or 'drop' to ignore it (for
+%% prioritise_cast/3 and prioritise_info/3 only). Messages with
+%% higher priorities are processed before requests with lower
+%% priorities. The default priority is 0.
%% 5) The callback module can optionally implement
%% handle_pre_hibernate/1 and handle_post_hibernate/1. These will be
@@ -72,6 +75,12 @@
%% format_message_queue/2 which is the equivalent of format_status/2
%% but where the second argument is specifically the priority_queue
%% which contains the prioritised message_queue.
+%% 9) The function with_state/2 can be used to debug a process with
+%% heavyweight state (without needing to copy the entire state out of
+%% process as sys:get_status/1 would). Pass through a function which
+%% can be invoked on the state, get back the result. The state is not
+%% modified.
%% All modifications are (C) 2009-2013 VMware, Inc.
@@ -181,6 +190,7 @@
cast/2, reply/2,
abcast/2, abcast/3,
multi_call/2, multi_call/3, multi_call/4,
+ with_state/2,
enter_loop/3, enter_loop/4, enter_loop/5, enter_loop/6, wake_hib/1]).
%% System exports
@@ -196,8 +206,7 @@
%% State record
-record(gs2_state, {parent, name, state, mod, time,
- timeout_state, queue, debug, prioritise_call,
- prioritise_cast, prioritise_info}).
+ timeout_state, queue, debug, prioritisers}).
@@ -380,6 +389,16 @@ multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, Timeout)
when is_list(Nodes), is_atom(Name), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
do_multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, Timeout).
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Apply a function to a generic server's state.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+with_state(Name, Fun) ->
+ case catch gen:call(Name, '$with_state', Fun, infinity) of
+ {ok,Res} ->
+ Res;
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ exit({Reason, {?MODULE, with_state, [Name, Fun]}})
+ end.
%% enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, <ServerName>, <TimeOut>, <Backoff>) ->_
@@ -638,17 +657,22 @@ adjust_timeout_state(SleptAt, AwokeAt, {backoff, CurrentTO, MinimumTO,
{backoff, CurrentTO1, MinimumTO, DesiredHibPeriod, RandomState1}.
in({'$gen_cast', Msg} = Input,
- GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritise_cast = PC }) ->
- in(Input, PC(Msg, GS2State), GS2State);
+ GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritisers = {_, F, _} }) ->
+ in(Input, F(Msg, GS2State), GS2State);
in({'$gen_call', From, Msg} = Input,
- GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritise_call = PC }) ->
- in(Input, PC(Msg, From, GS2State), GS2State);
+ GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritisers = {F, _, _} }) ->
+ in(Input, F(Msg, From, GS2State), GS2State);
+in({'$with_state', _From, _Fun} = Input, GS2State) ->
+ in(Input, 0, GS2State);
in({'EXIT', Parent, _R} = Input, GS2State = #gs2_state { parent = Parent }) ->
in(Input, infinity, GS2State);
in({system, _From, _Req} = Input, GS2State) ->
in(Input, infinity, GS2State);
-in(Input, GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritise_info = PI }) ->
- in(Input, PI(Input, GS2State), GS2State).
+in(Input, GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritisers = {_, _, F} }) ->
+ in(Input, F(Input, GS2State), GS2State).
+in(_Input, drop, GS2State) ->
+ GS2State;
in(Input, Priority, GS2State = #gs2_state { queue = Queue }) ->
GS2State # gs2_state { queue = priority_queue:in(Input, Priority, Queue) }.
@@ -658,6 +682,10 @@ process_msg({system, From, Req},
%% gen_server puts Hib on the end as the 7th arg, but that version
%% of the fun seems not to be documented so leaving out for now.
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug, GS2State);
+process_msg({'$with_state', From, Fun},
+ GS2State = #gs2_state{state = State}) ->
+ reply(From, catch Fun(State)),
+ loop(GS2State);
process_msg({'EXIT', Parent, Reason} = Msg,
GS2State = #gs2_state { parent = Parent }) ->
terminate(Reason, Msg, GS2State);
@@ -864,13 +892,19 @@ dispatch(Info, Mod, State) ->
common_reply(_Name, From, Reply, _NState, [] = _Debug) ->
reply(From, Reply),
-common_reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug) ->
- reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug).
+common_reply(Name, {To, _Tag} = From, Reply, NState, Debug) ->
+ reply(From, Reply),
+ sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name, {out, Reply, To, NState}).
-common_debug([] = _Debug, _Func, _Info, _Event) ->
+common_noreply(_Name, _NState, [] = _Debug) ->
-common_debug(Debug, Func, Info, Event) ->
- sys:handle_debug(Debug, Func, Info, Event).
+common_noreply(Name, NState, Debug) ->
+ sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name, {noreply, NState}).
+common_become(_Name, _Mod, _NState, [] = _Debug) ->
+ [];
+common_become(Name, Mod, NState, Debug) ->
+ sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name, {become, Mod, NState}).
handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg}, GS2State = #gs2_state { mod = Mod,
state = State,
@@ -887,23 +921,11 @@ handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg}, GS2State = #gs2_state { mod = Mod,
loop(GS2State #gs2_state { state = NState,
time = Time1,
debug = Debug1});
- {noreply, NState} ->
- Debug1 = common_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
- {noreply, NState}),
- loop(GS2State #gs2_state {state = NState,
- time = infinity,
- debug = Debug1});
- {noreply, NState, Time1} ->
- Debug1 = common_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
- {noreply, NState}),
- loop(GS2State #gs2_state {state = NState,
- time = Time1,
- debug = Debug1});
{stop, Reason, Reply, NState} ->
{'EXIT', R} =
(catch terminate(Reason, Msg,
GS2State #gs2_state { state = NState })),
- reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
+ common_reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
Other ->
handle_common_reply(Other, Msg, GS2State)
@@ -916,28 +938,24 @@ handle_common_reply(Reply, Msg, GS2State = #gs2_state { name = Name,
debug = Debug}) ->
case Reply of
{noreply, NState} ->
- Debug1 = common_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
- {noreply, NState}),
- loop(GS2State #gs2_state { state = NState,
- time = infinity,
- debug = Debug1 });
+ Debug1 = common_noreply(Name, NState, Debug),
+ loop(GS2State #gs2_state {state = NState,
+ time = infinity,
+ debug = Debug1});
{noreply, NState, Time1} ->
- Debug1 = common_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
- {noreply, NState}),
- loop(GS2State #gs2_state { state = NState,
- time = Time1,
- debug = Debug1 });
+ Debug1 = common_noreply(Name, NState, Debug),
+ loop(GS2State #gs2_state {state = NState,
+ time = Time1,
+ debug = Debug1});
{become, Mod, NState} ->
- Debug1 = common_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
- {become, Mod, NState}),
+ Debug1 = common_become(Name, Mod, NState, Debug),
GS2State #gs2_state { mod = Mod,
state = NState,
time = infinity,
debug = Debug1 }));
{become, Mod, NState, Time1} ->
- Debug1 = common_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
- {become, Mod, NState}),
+ Debug1 = common_become(Name, Mod, NState, Debug),
GS2State #gs2_state { mod = Mod,
state = NState,
@@ -957,12 +975,6 @@ handle_common_termination(Reply, Msg, GS2State) ->
terminate({bad_return_value, Reply}, Msg, GS2State)
-reply(Name, {To, Tag}, Reply, State, Debug) ->
- reply({To, Tag}, Reply),
- sys:handle_debug(
- Debug, fun print_event/3, Name, {out, Reply, To, State}).
%% Callback functions for system messages handling.
@@ -1165,30 +1177,33 @@ whereis_name(Name) ->
find_prioritisers(GS2State = #gs2_state { mod = Mod }) ->
- PrioriCall = function_exported_or_default(
- Mod, 'prioritise_call', 3,
- fun (_Msg, _From, _State) -> 0 end),
- PrioriCast = function_exported_or_default(Mod, 'prioritise_cast', 2,
- fun (_Msg, _State) -> 0 end),
- PrioriInfo = function_exported_or_default(Mod, 'prioritise_info', 2,
- fun (_Msg, _State) -> 0 end),
- GS2State #gs2_state { prioritise_call = PrioriCall,
- prioritise_cast = PrioriCast,
- prioritise_info = PrioriInfo }.
+ PCall = function_exported_or_default(Mod, 'prioritise_call', 4,
+ fun (_Msg, _From, _State) -> 0 end),
+ PCast = function_exported_or_default(Mod, 'prioritise_cast', 3,
+ fun (_Msg, _State) -> 0 end),
+ PInfo = function_exported_or_default(Mod, 'prioritise_info', 3,
+ fun (_Msg, _State) -> 0 end),
+ GS2State #gs2_state { prioritisers = {PCall, PCast, PInfo} }.
function_exported_or_default(Mod, Fun, Arity, Default) ->
case erlang:function_exported(Mod, Fun, Arity) of
true -> case Arity of
- 2 -> fun (Msg, GS2State = #gs2_state { state = State }) ->
- case catch Mod:Fun(Msg, State) of
+ 3 -> fun (Msg, GS2State = #gs2_state { queue = Queue,
+ state = State }) ->
+ Length = priority_queue:len(Queue),
+ case catch Mod:Fun(Msg, Length, State) of
+ drop ->
+ drop;
Res when is_integer(Res) ->
Err ->
handle_common_termination(Err, Msg, GS2State)
- 3 -> fun (Msg, From, GS2State = #gs2_state { state = State }) ->
- case catch Mod:Fun(Msg, From, State) of
+ 4 -> fun (Msg, From, GS2State = #gs2_state { queue = Queue,
+ state = State }) ->
+ Length = priority_queue:len(Queue),
+ case catch Mod:Fun(Msg, From, Length, State) of
Res when is_integer(Res) ->
Err ->
diff --git a/src/gm.erl b/src/gm.erl
index 76b535e6..3f0909e8 100644
--- a/src/gm.erl
+++ b/src/gm.erl
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
confirmed_broadcast/2, info/1, forget_group/1]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
- code_change/3, prioritise_info/2]).
+ code_change/3, prioritise_info/3]).
@@ -721,12 +721,12 @@ terminate(Reason, State = #state { module = Module,
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
-prioritise_info(flush, _State) ->
+prioritise_info(flush, _Len, _State) ->
-prioritise_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, _Pid, _Reason},
+prioritise_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, _Pid, _Reason}, _Len,
#state { members_state = MS }) when MS /= undefined ->
-prioritise_info(_, _State) ->
+prioritise_info(_, _Len, _State) ->
diff --git a/src/pmon.erl b/src/pmon.erl
index 54c3fc34..ed32b8b2 100644
--- a/src/pmon.erl
+++ b/src/pmon.erl
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
-export([new/0, monitor/2, monitor_all/2, demonitor/2, is_monitored/2, erase/2,
monitored/1, is_empty/1]).
+-compile({no_auto_import, [monitor/2]}).
@@ -48,7 +50,9 @@ monitor(Item, M) ->
false -> dict:store(Item, erlang:monitor(process, Item), M)
-monitor_all(Items, M) -> lists:foldl(fun monitor/2, M, Items).
+monitor_all([], M) -> M; %% optimisation
+monitor_all([Item], M) -> monitor(Item, M); %% optimisation
+monitor_all(Items, M) -> lists:foldl(fun monitor/2, M, Items).
demonitor(Item, M) ->
case dict:find(Item, M) of
diff --git a/src/priority_queue.erl b/src/priority_queue.erl
index 02a0a1df..0dc19819 100644
--- a/src/priority_queue.erl
+++ b/src/priority_queue.erl
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
new() ->
- {queue, [], []}.
+ {queue, [], [], 0}.
-is_queue({queue, R, F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
+is_queue({queue, R, F, L}) when is_list(R), is_list(F), is_integer(L) ->
is_queue({pqueue, Queues}) when is_list(Queues) ->
lists:all(fun ({infinity, Q}) -> is_queue(Q);
@@ -80,17 +80,17 @@ is_queue({pqueue, Queues}) when is_list(Queues) ->
is_queue(_) ->
-is_empty({queue, [], []}) ->
+is_empty({queue, [], [], 0}) ->
is_empty(_) ->
-len({queue, R, F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
- length(R) + length(F);
+len({queue, _R, _F, L}) ->
+ L;
len({pqueue, Queues}) ->
lists:sum([len(Q) || {_, Q} <- Queues]).
-to_list({queue, In, Out}) when is_list(In), is_list(Out) ->
+to_list({queue, In, Out, _Len}) when is_list(In), is_list(Out) ->
[{0, V} || V <- Out ++ lists:reverse(In, [])];
to_list({pqueue, Queues}) ->
[{maybe_negate_priority(P), V} || {P, Q} <- Queues,
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ to_list({pqueue, Queues}) ->
in(Item, Q) ->
in(Item, 0, Q).
-in(X, 0, {queue, [_] = In, []}) ->
- {queue, [X], In};
-in(X, 0, {queue, In, Out}) when is_list(In), is_list(Out) ->
- {queue, [X|In], Out};
-in(X, Priority, _Q = {queue, [], []}) ->
+in(X, 0, {queue, [_] = In, [], 1}) ->
+ {queue, [X], In, 2};
+in(X, 0, {queue, In, Out, Len}) when is_list(In), is_list(Out) ->
+ {queue, [X|In], Out, Len + 1};
+in(X, Priority, _Q = {queue, [], [], 0}) ->
in(X, Priority, {pqueue, []});
-in(X, Priority, Q = {queue, _, _}) ->
+in(X, Priority, Q = {queue, _, _, _}) ->
in(X, Priority, {pqueue, [{0, Q}]});
in(X, Priority, {pqueue, Queues}) ->
P = maybe_negate_priority(Priority),
@@ -113,33 +113,33 @@ in(X, Priority, {pqueue, Queues}) ->
{value, {_, Q}} ->
lists:keyreplace(P, 1, Queues, {P, in(X, Q)});
false when P == infinity ->
- [{P, {queue, [X], []}} | Queues];
+ [{P, {queue, [X], [], 1}} | Queues];
false ->
case Queues of
[{infinity, InfQueue} | Queues1] ->
[{infinity, InfQueue} |
- lists:keysort(1, [{P, {queue, [X], []}} | Queues1])];
+ lists:keysort(1, [{P, {queue, [X], [], 1}} | Queues1])];
_ ->
- lists:keysort(1, [{P, {queue, [X], []}} | Queues])
+ lists:keysort(1, [{P, {queue, [X], [], 1}} | Queues])
-out({queue, [], []} = Q) ->
+out({queue, [], [], 0} = Q) ->
{empty, Q};
-out({queue, [V], []}) ->
- {{value, V}, {queue, [], []}};
-out({queue, [Y|In], []}) ->
+out({queue, [V], [], 1}) ->
+ {{value, V}, {queue, [], [], 0}};
+out({queue, [Y|In], [], Len}) ->
[V|Out] = lists:reverse(In, []),
- {{value, V}, {queue, [Y], Out}};
-out({queue, In, [V]}) when is_list(In) ->
- {{value,V}, r2f(In)};
-out({queue, In,[V|Out]}) when is_list(In) ->
- {{value, V}, {queue, In, Out}};
+ {{value, V}, {queue, [Y], Out}, Len - 1};
+out({queue, In, [V], Len}) when is_list(In) ->
+ {{value,V}, r2f(In, Len - 1)};
+out({queue, In,[V|Out], Len}) when is_list(In) ->
+ {{value, V}, {queue, In, Out, Len - 1}};
out({pqueue, [{P, Q} | Queues]}) ->
{R, Q1} = out(Q),
NewQ = case is_empty(Q1) of
true -> case Queues of
- [] -> {queue, [], []};
+ [] -> {queue, [], [], 0};
[{0, OnlyQ}] -> OnlyQ;
[_|_] -> {pqueue, Queues}
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ out({pqueue, [{P, Q} | Queues]}) ->
{R, NewQ}.
-join(A, {queue, [], []}) ->
+join(A, {queue, [], [], 0}) ->
-join({queue, [], []}, B) ->
+join({queue, [], [], 0}, B) ->
-join({queue, AIn, AOut}, {queue, BIn, BOut}) ->
- {queue, BIn, AOut ++ lists:reverse(AIn, BOut)};
-join(A = {queue, _, _}, {pqueue, BPQ}) ->
+join({queue, AIn, AOut, ALen}, {queue, BIn, BOut, BLen}) ->
+ {queue, BIn, AOut ++ lists:reverse(AIn, BOut), ALen + BLen};
+join(A = {queue, _, _, _}, {pqueue, BPQ}) ->
{Pre, Post} =
lists:splitwith(fun ({P, _}) -> P < 0 orelse P == infinity end, BPQ),
Post1 = case Post of
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ join(A = {queue, _, _}, {pqueue, BPQ}) ->
_ -> [ {0, A} | Post ]
{pqueue, Pre ++ Post1};
-join({pqueue, APQ}, B = {queue, _, _}) ->
+join({pqueue, APQ}, B = {queue, _, _, _}) ->
{Pre, Post} =
lists:splitwith(fun ({P, _}) -> P < 0 orelse P == infinity end, APQ),
Post1 = case Post of
@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ merge([{PA, A}|As], Bs = [{PB, _}|_], Acc) when PA < PB orelse PA == infinity ->
merge(As = [{_, _}|_], [{PB, B}|Bs], Acc) ->
merge(As, Bs, [ {PB, B} | Acc ]).
-r2f([]) -> {queue, [], []};
-r2f([_] = R) -> {queue, [], R};
-r2f([X,Y]) -> {queue, [X], [Y]};
-r2f([X,Y|R]) -> {queue, [X,Y], lists:reverse(R, [])}.
+r2f([], 0) -> {queue, [], [], 0};
+r2f([_] = R, 1) -> {queue, [], R, 1};
+r2f([X,Y], 2) -> {queue, [X], [Y], 2};
+r2f([X,Y|R], L) -> {queue, [X,Y], lists:reverse(R, []), L}.
maybe_negate_priority(infinity) -> infinity;
maybe_negate_priority(P) -> -P.
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 77537994..3cfa21ba 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
{memory, any()}]).
-spec(is_running/0 :: () -> boolean()).
-spec(is_running/1 :: (node()) -> boolean()).
--spec(environment/0 :: () -> [{param() | term()}]).
+-spec(environment/0 :: () -> [{param(), term()}]).
-spec(rotate_logs/1 :: (file_suffix()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error(any())).
-spec(force_event_refresh/0 :: () -> 'ok').
@@ -258,16 +258,28 @@
+%% HiPE compilation happens before we have log handlers - so we have
+%% to io:format/2, it's all we can do.
maybe_hipe_compile() ->
{ok, Want} = application:get_env(rabbit, hipe_compile),
Can = code:which(hipe) =/= non_existing,
case {Want, Can} of
- {true, true} -> hipe_compile();
- {true, false} -> io:format("Not HiPE compiling: HiPE not found in "
- "this Erlang installation.~n");
- {false, _} -> ok
+ {true, true} -> hipe_compile(),
+ true;
+ {true, false} -> false;
+ {false, _} -> true
+warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(true) ->
+ ok;
+warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(false) ->
+ error_logger:warning_msg(
+ "Not HiPE compiling: HiPE not found in this Erlang installation.~n").
+%% HiPE compilation happens before we have log handlers and can take a
+%% long time, so make an exception to our no-stdout policy and display
+%% progress via stdout.
hipe_compile() ->
Count = length(?HIPE_WORTHY),
io:format("~nHiPE compiling: |~s|~n |",
@@ -311,14 +323,15 @@ start() ->
ok = app_utils:start_applications(
app_startup_order(), fun handle_app_error/2),
- ok = print_plugin_info(rabbit_plugins:active())
+ ok = log_broker_started(rabbit_plugins:active())
boot() ->
start_it(fun() ->
ok = ensure_application_loaded(),
- maybe_hipe_compile(),
+ Success = maybe_hipe_compile(),
ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
+ warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(Success),
ok = rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_mnesia(),
%% It's important that the consistency check happens after
@@ -332,7 +345,7 @@ boot() ->
ok = app_utils:start_applications(
StartupApps, fun handle_app_error/2),
- ok = print_plugin_info(Plugins)
+ ok = log_broker_started(Plugins)
handle_app_error(App, {bad_return, {_MFA, {'EXIT', {Reason, _}}}}) ->
@@ -408,13 +421,11 @@ status() ->
is_running() -> is_running(node()).
-is_running(Node) ->
- rabbit_nodes:is_running(Node, rabbit).
+is_running(Node) -> rabbit_nodes:is_running(Node, rabbit).
environment() ->
- lists:keysort(
- 1, [P || P = {K, _} <- application:get_all_env(rabbit),
- K =/= default_pass]).
+ lists:keysort(1, [P || P = {K, _} <- application:get_all_env(rabbit),
+ K =/= default_pass]).
rotate_logs(BinarySuffix) ->
Suffix = binary_to_list(BinarySuffix),
@@ -432,13 +443,14 @@ start(normal, []) ->
case erts_version_check() of
ok ->
{ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(rabbit, vsn),
- error_logger:info_msg("Starting RabbitMQ ~s on Erlang ~s~n",
- [Vsn, erlang:system_info(otp_release)]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("Starting RabbitMQ ~s on Erlang ~s~n~s~n~s~n",
+ [Vsn, erlang:system_info(otp_release),
{ok, SupPid} = rabbit_sup:start_link(),
true = register(rabbit, self()),
+ log_banner(),
[ok = run_boot_step(Step) || Step <- boot_steps()],
- io:format("~nbroker running~n"),
{ok, SupPid};
Error ->
@@ -467,22 +479,16 @@ app_shutdown_order() ->
%% boot step logic
-run_boot_step({StepName, Attributes}) ->
- Description = case lists:keysearch(description, 1, Attributes) of
- {value, {_, D}} -> D;
- false -> StepName
- end,
+run_boot_step({_StepName, Attributes}) ->
case [MFA || {mfa, MFA} <- Attributes] of
[] ->
- io:format("-- ~s~n", [Description]);
+ ok;
MFAs ->
- io:format("starting ~-60s ...", [Description]),
_:Reason -> boot_error(Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace())
end || {M,F,A} <- MFAs],
- io:format("done~n"),
@@ -543,6 +549,9 @@ sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps) ->
+-spec(boot_error/2 :: (term(), not_available | [tuple()]) -> no_return()).
boot_error(Term={error, {timeout_waiting_for_tables, _}}, _Stacktrace) ->
AllNodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
{Err, Nodes} =
@@ -562,13 +571,15 @@ boot_error(Reason, Stacktrace) ->
Args = [Reason, log_location(kernel), log_location(sasl)],
boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, Stacktrace).
+-spec(boot_error/4 :: (term(), string(), [any()], not_available | [tuple()])
+ -> no_return()).
+boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, not_available) ->
+ basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args);
boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, Stacktrace) ->
- case Stacktrace of
- not_available -> basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args);
- _ -> basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt ++
- "Stack trace:~n ~p~n~n",
- Args ++ [Stacktrace])
- end.
+ basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt ++ "Stack trace:~n ~p~n~n",
+ Args ++ [Stacktrace]).
basic_boot_error(Reason, Format, Args) ->
io:format("~n~nBOOT FAILED~n===========~n~n" ++ Format, Args),
@@ -694,24 +705,17 @@ force_event_refresh() ->
%% misc
-print_plugin_info([]) ->
- ok;
-print_plugin_info(Plugins) ->
- %% This gets invoked by rabbitmqctl start_app, outside the context
- %% of the rabbit application
+log_broker_started(Plugins) ->
fun() ->
- io:format("~n-- plugins running~n"),
- [print_plugin_info(
- AppName, element(2, application:get_key(AppName, vsn)))
- || AppName <- Plugins],
- ok
+ PluginList = iolist_to_binary([rabbit_misc:format(" * ~s~n", [P])
+ || P <- Plugins]),
+ error_logger:info_msg(
+ "Server startup complete; ~b plugins started.~n~s",
+ [length(Plugins), PluginList]),
+ io:format(" completed with ~p plugins.~n", [length(Plugins)])
-print_plugin_info(Plugin, Vsn) ->
- Len = 76 - length(Vsn),
- io:format("~-" ++ integer_to_list(Len) ++ "s ~s~n", [Plugin, Vsn]).
erts_version_check() ->
FoundVer = erlang:system_info(version),
case rabbit_misc:version_compare(?ERTS_MINIMUM, FoundVer, lte) of
@@ -723,49 +727,39 @@ erts_version_check() ->
print_banner() ->
{ok, Product} = application:get_key(id),
{ok, Version} = application:get_key(vsn),
- ProductLen = string:len(Product),
- io:format("~n"
- "+---+ +---+~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| +---+ +-------+~n"
- "| |~n"
- "| ~s +---+ |~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| ~s +---+ |~n"
- "| |~n"
- "+-------------------+~n"
- "~s~n~s~n~s~n~n",
- [Product, string:right([$v|Version], ProductLen),
+ io:format("~n ~s ~s. ~s"
+ "~n ## ## ~s"
+ "~n ## ##"
+ "~n ########## Logs: ~s"
+ "~n ###### ## ~s"
+ "~n ##########"
+ "~n Starting broker...",
+ log_location(kernel), log_location(sasl)]).
+log_banner() ->
Settings = [{"node", node()},
- {"app descriptor", app_location()},
{"home dir", home_dir()},
{"config file(s)", config_files()},
{"cookie hash", rabbit_nodes:cookie_hash()},
{"log", log_location(kernel)},
{"sasl log", log_location(sasl)},
- {"database dir", rabbit_mnesia:dir()},
- {"erlang version", erlang:system_info(version)}],
+ {"database dir", rabbit_mnesia:dir()}],
DescrLen = 1 + lists:max([length(K) || {K, _V} <- Settings]),
Format = fun (K, V) ->
- io:format("~-" ++ integer_to_list(DescrLen) ++ "s: ~s~n",
- [K, V])
+ rabbit_misc:format(
+ "~-" ++ integer_to_list(DescrLen) ++ "s: ~s~n", [K, V])
- lists:foreach(fun ({"config file(s)" = K, []}) ->
- Format(K, "(none)");
- ({"config file(s)" = K, [V0 | Vs]}) ->
- Format(K, V0), [Format("", V) || V <- Vs];
- ({K, V}) ->
- Format(K, V)
- end, Settings),
- io:nl().
-app_location() ->
- {ok, Application} = application:get_application(),
- filename:absname(code:where_is_file(atom_to_list(Application) ++ ".app")).
+ Banner = iolist_to_binary(
+ [case S of
+ {"config file(s)" = K, []} ->
+ Format(K, "(none)");
+ {"config file(s)" = K, [V0 | Vs]} ->
+ Format(K, V0), [Format("", V) || V <- Vs];
+ {K, V} ->
+ Format(K, V)
+ end || S <- Settings]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("~s", [Banner]).
home_dir() ->
case init:get_argument(home) of
diff --git a/src/rabbit_alarm.erl b/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
index b6b2d4b7..6d24d130 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
@@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ start() ->
stop() -> ok.
-register(Pid, HighMemMFA) ->
- gen_event:call(?SERVER, ?MODULE, {register, Pid, HighMemMFA},
- infinity).
+register(Pid, AlertMFA) ->
+ gen_event:call(?SERVER, ?MODULE, {register, Pid, AlertMFA}, infinity).
set_alarm(Alarm) -> gen_event:notify(?SERVER, {set_alarm, Alarm}).
clear_alarm(Alarm) -> gen_event:notify(?SERVER, {clear_alarm, Alarm}).
@@ -94,9 +93,9 @@ init([]) ->
alarmed_nodes = dict:new(),
alarms = []}}.
-handle_call({register, Pid, HighMemMFA}, State) ->
+handle_call({register, Pid, AlertMFA}, State) ->
{ok, 0 < dict:size(State#alarms.alarmed_nodes),
- internal_register(Pid, HighMemMFA, State)};
+ internal_register(Pid, AlertMFA, State)};
handle_call(get_alarms, State = #alarms{alarms = Alarms}) ->
{ok, Alarms, State};
@@ -121,8 +120,8 @@ handle_event({node_up, Node}, State) ->
handle_event({node_down, Node}, State) ->
{ok, maybe_alert(fun dict_unappend_all/3, Node, [], State)};
-handle_event({register, Pid, HighMemMFA}, State) ->
- {ok, internal_register(Pid, HighMemMFA, State)};
+handle_event({register, Pid, AlertMFA}, State) ->
+ {ok, internal_register(Pid, AlertMFA, State)};
handle_event(_Event, State) ->
{ok, State}.
@@ -198,14 +197,14 @@ alert(Alertees, Source, Alert, NodeComparator) ->
end, ok, Alertees).
-internal_register(Pid, {M, F, A} = HighMemMFA,
+internal_register(Pid, {M, F, A} = AlertMFA,
State = #alarms{alertees = Alertees}) ->
_MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
case dict:find(node(), State#alarms.alarmed_nodes) of
{ok, Sources} -> [apply(M, F, A ++ [Pid, R, true]) || R <- Sources];
error -> ok
- NewAlertees = dict:store(Pid, HighMemMFA, Alertees),
+ NewAlertees = dict:store(Pid, AlertMFA, Alertees),
State#alarms{alertees = NewAlertees}.
handle_set_alarm({{resource_limit, Source, Node}, []}, State) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
index 04457ed0..8c00c85c 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
@@ -26,15 +26,16 @@
-export([list/0, list/1, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2]).
-export([force_event_refresh/0, wake_up/1]).
-export([consumers/1, consumers_all/1, consumer_info_keys/0]).
--export([basic_get/3, basic_consume/7, basic_cancel/4]).
--export([notify_sent/2, notify_sent_queue_down/1, unblock/2, flush_all/2]).
--export([notify_down_all/2, limit_all/3]).
+-export([basic_get/4, basic_consume/9, basic_cancel/4]).
+-export([notify_sent/2, notify_sent_queue_down/1, resume/2, flush_all/2]).
+-export([notify_down_all/2, activate_limit_all/2, credit/5]).
-export([update/2, store_queue/1, policy_changed/2]).
--export([start_mirroring/1, stop_mirroring/1]).
+-export([start_mirroring/1, stop_mirroring/1, sync_mirrors/1,
+ cancel_sync_mirrors/1]).
%% internal
--export([internal_declare/2, internal_delete/2, run_backing_queue/3,
+-export([internal_declare/2, internal_delete/1, run_backing_queue/3,
set_ram_duration_target/2, set_maximum_since_use/2]).
@@ -143,25 +144,26 @@
-spec(ack/3 :: (pid(), [msg_id()], pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(reject/4 :: (pid(), [msg_id()], boolean(), pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(notify_down_all/2 :: (qpids(), pid()) -> ok_or_errors()).
--spec(limit_all/3 :: (qpids(), pid(), rabbit_limiter:token()) ->
- ok_or_errors()).
--spec(basic_get/3 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), boolean()) ->
+-spec(activate_limit_all/2 :: (qpids(), pid()) -> ok_or_errors()).
+-spec(basic_get/4 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), boolean(), pid()) ->
{'ok', non_neg_integer(), qmsg()} | 'empty').
--spec(basic_consume/7 ::
- (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), boolean(), pid(),
- rabbit_limiter:token(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), any())
+-spec(credit/5 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(),
+ non_neg_integer(), boolean()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(basic_consume/9 ::
+ (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), boolean(), pid(), pid(), boolean(),
+ rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), {non_neg_integer(), boolean()} | 'none', any())
-> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('exclusive_consume_unavailable')).
-spec(basic_cancel/4 ::
(rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), any()) -> 'ok').
-spec(notify_sent/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(notify_sent_queue_down/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
--spec(unblock/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(resume/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(flush_all/2 :: (qpids(), pid()) -> 'ok').
--spec(internal_delete/2 ::
- (name(), pid()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('not_found') |
- rabbit_types:connection_exit() |
- fun (() -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('not_found') |
- rabbit_types:connection_exit())).
+-spec(internal_delete/1 ::
+ (name()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('not_found') |
+ rabbit_types:connection_exit() |
+ fun (() -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('not_found') |
+ rabbit_types:connection_exit())).
-spec(run_backing_queue/3 ::
(pid(), atom(),
(fun ((atom(), A) -> {[rabbit_types:msg_id()], A}))) -> 'ok').
@@ -174,6 +176,8 @@
(rabbit_types:amqqueue(), rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok').
-spec(start_mirroring/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(stop_mirroring/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(sync_mirrors/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok' | rabbit_types:error('not_mirrored')).
+-spec(cancel_sync_mirrors/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok' | {'ok', 'not_syncing'}).
@@ -258,7 +262,7 @@ internal_declare(Q = #amqqueue{name = QueueName}, false) ->
[ExistingQ = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}] ->
case rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(QPid) of
true -> rabbit_misc:const(ExistingQ);
- false -> TailFun = internal_delete(QueueName, QPid),
+ false -> TailFun = internal_delete(QueueName),
fun () -> TailFun(), ExistingQ end
@@ -303,6 +307,8 @@ add_default_binding(#amqqueue{name = QueueName}) ->
key = RoutingKey,
args = []}).
+lookup([]) -> []; %% optimisation
+lookup([Name]) -> ets:lookup(rabbit_queue, Name); %% optimisation
lookup(Names) when is_list(Names) ->
%% Normally we'd call mnesia:dirty_read/1 here, but that is quite
%% expensive for reasons explained in rabbit_misc:dirty_read/1.
@@ -381,14 +387,10 @@ with_exclusive_access_or_die(Name, ReaderPid, F) ->
assert_args_equivalence(#amqqueue{name = QueueName, arguments = Args},
RequiredArgs) ->
- rabbit_misc:assert_args_equivalence(
- Args, RequiredArgs, QueueName, [<<"x-expires">>, <<"x-message-ttl">>]).
+ rabbit_misc:assert_args_equivalence(Args, RequiredArgs, QueueName,
+ [Key || {Key, _Fun} <- args()]).
check_declare_arguments(QueueName, Args) ->
- Checks = [{<<"x-expires">>, fun check_expires_arg/2},
- {<<"x-message-ttl">>, fun check_message_ttl_arg/2},
- {<<"x-dead-letter-exchange">>, fun check_string_arg/2},
- {<<"x-dead-letter-routing-key">>, fun check_dlxrk_arg/2}],
[case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, Key) of
undefined -> ok;
TypeVal -> case Fun(TypeVal, Args) of
@@ -399,9 +401,16 @@ check_declare_arguments(QueueName, Args) ->
[Key, rabbit_misc:rs(QueueName),
- end || {Key, Fun} <- Checks],
+ end || {Key, Fun} <- args()],
+args() ->
+ [{<<"x-expires">>, fun check_expires_arg/2},
+ {<<"x-message-ttl">>, fun check_message_ttl_arg/2},
+ {<<"x-dead-letter-exchange">>, fun check_string_arg/2},
+ {<<"x-dead-letter-routing-key">>, fun check_dlxrk_arg/2},
+ {<<"x-max-length">>, fun check_max_length_arg/2}].
check_string_arg({longstr, _}, _Args) -> ok;
check_string_arg({Type, _}, _Args) -> {error, {unacceptable_type, Type}}.
@@ -411,6 +420,13 @@ check_int_arg({Type, _}, _) ->
false -> {error, {unacceptable_type, Type}}
+check_max_length_arg({Type, Val}, Args) ->
+ case check_int_arg({Type, Val}, Args) of
+ ok when Val >= 0 -> ok;
+ ok -> {error, {value_negative, Val}};
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
check_expires_arg({Type, Val}, Args) ->
case check_int_arg({Type, Val}, Args) of
ok when Val == 0 -> {error, {value_zero, Val}};
@@ -523,16 +539,19 @@ notify_down_all(QPids, ChPid) ->
Bads1 -> {error, Bads1}
-limit_all(QPids, ChPid, Limiter) ->
- delegate:cast(QPids, {limit, ChPid, Limiter}).
+activate_limit_all(QPids, ChPid) ->
+ delegate:cast(QPids, {activate_limit, ChPid}).
+credit(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, CTag, Credit, Drain) ->
+ delegate:cast(QPid, {credit, ChPid, CTag, Credit, Drain}).
-basic_get(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, NoAck) ->
- delegate:call(QPid, {basic_get, ChPid, NoAck}).
+basic_get(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, NoAck, LimiterPid) ->
+ delegate:call(QPid, {basic_get, ChPid, NoAck, LimiterPid}).
-basic_consume(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, NoAck, ChPid, Limiter,
- ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg) ->
- delegate:call(QPid, {basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid,
- Limiter, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg}).
+basic_consume(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid, LimiterActive,
+ ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, CreditArgs, OkMsg) ->
+ delegate:call(QPid, {basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid, LimiterActive,
+ ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, CreditArgs, OkMsg}).
basic_cancel(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg) ->
delegate:call(QPid, {basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}).
@@ -554,7 +573,7 @@ notify_sent_queue_down(QPid) ->
erase({consumer_credit_to, QPid}),
-unblock(QPid, ChPid) -> delegate:cast(QPid, {unblock, ChPid}).
+resume(QPid, ChPid) -> delegate:cast(QPid, {resume, ChPid}).
flush_all(QPids, ChPid) -> delegate:cast(QPids, {flush, ChPid}).
@@ -570,7 +589,7 @@ internal_delete1(QueueName) ->
%% after the transaction.
-internal_delete(QueueName, QPid) ->
+internal_delete(QueueName) ->
fun () ->
case mnesia:wread({rabbit_queue, QueueName}) of
@@ -580,8 +599,7 @@ internal_delete(QueueName, QPid) ->
fun() ->
ok = T(),
ok = rabbit_event:notify(queue_deleted,
- [{pid, QPid},
- {name, QueueName}])
+ [{name, QueueName}])
@@ -616,10 +634,13 @@ set_maximum_since_use(QPid, Age) ->
start_mirroring(QPid) -> ok = delegate:cast(QPid, start_mirroring).
stop_mirroring(QPid) -> ok = delegate:cast(QPid, stop_mirroring).
+sync_mirrors(QPid) -> delegate:call(QPid, sync_mirrors).
+cancel_sync_mirrors(QPid) -> delegate:call(QPid, cancel_sync_mirrors).
on_node_down(Node) ->
fun () -> QsDels =
- qlc:e(qlc:q([{{QName, Pid}, delete_queue(QName)} ||
+ qlc:e(qlc:q([{QName, delete_queue(QName)} ||
#amqqueue{name = QName, pid = Pid,
slave_pids = []}
<- mnesia:table(rabbit_queue),
@@ -632,10 +653,9 @@ on_node_down(Node) ->
fun () ->
- fun({QName, QPid}) ->
+ fun(QName) ->
ok = rabbit_event:notify(queue_deleted,
- [{pid, QPid},
- {name, QName}])
+ [{name, QName}])
end, Qs)
@@ -693,6 +713,8 @@ deliver(Qs, Delivery, _Flow) ->
R -> {routed, [QPid || {QPid, ok} <- R]}
+qpids([]) -> {[], []}; %% optimisation
+qpids([#amqqueue{pid = QPid, slave_pids = SPids}]) -> {[QPid], SPids}; %% opt
qpids(Qs) ->
{MPids, SPids} = lists:foldl(fun (#amqqueue{pid = QPid, slave_pids = SPids},
{MPidAcc, SPidAcc}) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
index e3885644..3712a625 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/3,
- prioritise_cast/2, prioritise_info/2, format_message_queue/2]).
+ handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/4,
+ prioritise_cast/3, prioritise_info/3, format_message_queue/2]).
%% Queue's state
-record(q, {q,
@@ -49,12 +49,10 @@
- publish_seqno,
- unconfirmed,
- delayed_stop,
- queue_monitors,
- dlx_routing_key
+ dlx_routing_key,
+ max_length,
+ status
-record(consumer, {tag, ack_required}).
@@ -64,9 +62,12 @@
+ %% Queue of {ChPid, #consumer{}} for consumers which have
+ %% been blocked for any reason
+ %% The limiter itself
- is_limit_active,
+ %% Internal flow control for queue -> writer
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
- [pid,
+ [name,
@@ -93,24 +94,22 @@
- active_consumers,
- backing_queue_status
+ backing_queue_status,
+ status
- [pid,
- name,
+ [name,
+-define(INFO_KEYS, [pid | ?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS ++ ?STATISTICS_KEYS -- [name]]).
@@ -122,26 +121,7 @@ info_keys() -> ?INFO_KEYS.
init(Q) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- State = #q{q = Q#amqqueue{pid = self()},
- exclusive_consumer = none,
- has_had_consumers = false,
- backing_queue = undefined,
- backing_queue_state = undefined,
- active_consumers = queue:new(),
- expires = undefined,
- sync_timer_ref = undefined,
- rate_timer_ref = undefined,
- expiry_timer_ref = undefined,
- ttl = undefined,
- senders = pmon:new(),
- dlx = undefined,
- dlx_routing_key = undefined,
- publish_seqno = 1,
- unconfirmed = dtree:empty(),
- delayed_stop = undefined,
- queue_monitors = pmon:new(),
- msg_id_to_channel = gb_trees:empty()},
- {ok, rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer), hibernate,
+ {ok, init_state(Q#amqqueue{pid = self()}), hibernate,
init_with_backing_queue_state(Q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = Owner}, BQ, BQS,
@@ -150,27 +130,26 @@ init_with_backing_queue_state(Q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = Owner}, BQ, BQS,
none -> ok;
_ -> erlang:monitor(process, Owner)
+ State = init_state(Q),
+ State1 = State#q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ rate_timer_ref = RateTRef,
+ senders = Senders,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC},
+ State2 = process_args(State1),
+ lists:foldl(fun (Delivery, StateN) ->
+ deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, true, StateN)
+ end, State2, Deliveries).
+init_state(Q) ->
State = #q{q = Q,
exclusive_consumer = none,
has_had_consumers = false,
- backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS,
active_consumers = queue:new(),
- expires = undefined,
- sync_timer_ref = undefined,
- rate_timer_ref = RateTRef,
- expiry_timer_ref = undefined,
- ttl = undefined,
- senders = Senders,
- publish_seqno = 1,
- unconfirmed = dtree:empty(),
- delayed_stop = undefined,
- queue_monitors = pmon:new(),
- msg_id_to_channel = MTC},
- State1 = process_args(rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer)),
- lists:foldl(fun (Delivery, StateN) ->
- deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, true, StateN)
- end, State1, Deliveries).
+ senders = pmon:new(),
+ msg_id_to_channel = gb_trees:empty(),
+ status = running},
+ rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer).
terminate(shutdown = R, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
terminate_shutdown(fun (BQS) -> BQ:terminate(R, BQS) end, State);
@@ -182,7 +161,9 @@ terminate(Reason, State = #q{q = #amqqueue{name = QName},
fun (BQS) ->
BQS1 = BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS),
%% don't care if the internal delete doesn't return 'ok'.
- rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName, self()),
+ rabbit_event:if_enabled(State, #q.stats_timer,
+ fun() -> emit_stats(State) end),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName),
end, State).
@@ -260,11 +241,12 @@ process_args(State = #q{q = #amqqueue{arguments = Arguments}}) ->
[{<<"x-expires">>, fun init_expires/2},
{<<"x-dead-letter-exchange">>, fun init_dlx/2},
{<<"x-dead-letter-routing-key">>, fun init_dlx_routing_key/2},
- {<<"x-message-ttl">>, fun init_ttl/2}]).
+ {<<"x-message-ttl">>, fun init_ttl/2},
+ {<<"x-max-length">>, fun init_max_length/2}]).
init_expires(Expires, State) -> ensure_expiry_timer(State#q{expires = Expires}).
-init_ttl(TTL, State) -> drop_expired_messages(State#q{ttl = TTL}).
+init_ttl(TTL, State) -> drop_expired_msgs(State#q{ttl = TTL}).
init_dlx(DLX, State = #q{q = #amqqueue{name = QName}}) ->
State#q{dlx = rabbit_misc:r(QName, exchange, DLX)}.
@@ -272,13 +254,20 @@ init_dlx(DLX, State = #q{q = #amqqueue{name = QName}}) ->
init_dlx_routing_key(RoutingKey, State) ->
State#q{dlx_routing_key = RoutingKey}.
+init_max_length(MaxLen, State) -> State#q{max_length = MaxLen}.
terminate_shutdown(Fun, State) ->
State1 = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS} =
- stop_sync_timer(stop_rate_timer(State)),
+ lists:foldl(fun (F, S) -> F(S) end, State,
+ [fun stop_sync_timer/1,
+ fun stop_rate_timer/1,
+ fun stop_expiry_timer/1,
+ fun stop_ttl_timer/1]),
case BQS of
undefined -> State1;
_ -> ok = rabbit_memory_monitor:deregister(self()),
- [emit_consumer_deleted(Ch, CTag)
+ QName = qname(State),
+ [emit_consumer_deleted(Ch, CTag, QName)
|| {Ch, CTag, _} <- consumers(State1)],
State1#q{backing_queue_state = Fun(BQS)}
@@ -308,36 +297,18 @@ backing_queue_module(Q) ->
true -> rabbit_mirror_queue_master
-ensure_sync_timer(State = #q{sync_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
- TRef = erlang:send_after(?SYNC_INTERVAL, self(), sync_timeout),
- State#q{sync_timer_ref = TRef};
ensure_sync_timer(State) ->
- State.
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #q.sync_timer_ref,
+ ?SYNC_INTERVAL, sync_timeout).
-stop_sync_timer(State = #q{sync_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
- State;
-stop_sync_timer(State = #q{sync_timer_ref = TRef}) ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- State#q{sync_timer_ref = undefined}.
-ensure_rate_timer(State = #q{rate_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
- TRef = erlang:send_after(
- ?RAM_DURATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL, self(), update_ram_duration),
- State#q{rate_timer_ref = TRef};
-ensure_rate_timer(State) ->
- State.
+stop_sync_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.sync_timer_ref).
-stop_rate_timer(State = #q{rate_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
- State;
-stop_rate_timer(State = #q{rate_timer_ref = TRef}) ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- State#q{rate_timer_ref = undefined}.
+ensure_rate_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #q.rate_timer_ref,
+ update_ram_duration).
-stop_expiry_timer(State = #q{expiry_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
- State;
-stop_expiry_timer(State = #q{expiry_timer_ref = TRef}) ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- State#q{expiry_timer_ref = undefined}.
+stop_rate_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.rate_timer_ref).
%% We wish to expire only when there are no consumers *and* the expiry
%% hasn't been refreshed (by queue.declare or basic.get) for the
@@ -347,17 +318,41 @@ ensure_expiry_timer(State = #q{expires = undefined}) ->
ensure_expiry_timer(State = #q{expires = Expires}) ->
case is_unused(State) of
true -> NewState = stop_expiry_timer(State),
- TRef = erlang:send_after(Expires, self(), maybe_expire),
- NewState#q{expiry_timer_ref = TRef};
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(NewState, #q.expiry_timer_ref,
+ Expires, maybe_expire);
false -> State
+stop_expiry_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.expiry_timer_ref).
+ensure_ttl_timer(undefined, State) ->
+ State;
+ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State = #q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
+ After = (case Expiry - now_micros() of
+ V when V > 0 -> V + 999; %% always fire later
+ _ -> 0
+ end) div 1000,
+ TRef = erlang:send_after(After, self(), drop_expired),
+ State#q{ttl_timer_ref = TRef, ttl_timer_expiry = Expiry};
+ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State = #q{ttl_timer_ref = TRef,
+ ttl_timer_expiry = TExpiry})
+ when Expiry + 1000 < TExpiry ->
+ case erlang:cancel_timer(TRef) of
+ false -> State;
+ _ -> ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State#q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined})
+ end;
+ensure_ttl_timer(_Expiry, State) ->
+ State.
+stop_ttl_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.ttl_timer_ref).
ensure_stats_timer(State) ->
rabbit_event:ensure_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer, emit_stats).
-assert_invariant(#q{active_consumers = AC,
- backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
- true = (queue:is_empty(AC) orelse BQ:is_empty(BQS)).
+assert_invariant(State = #q{active_consumers = AC}) ->
+ true = (queue:is_empty(AC) orelse is_empty(State)).
+is_empty(#q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) -> BQ:is_empty(BQS).
lookup_ch(ChPid) ->
case get({ch, ChPid}) of
@@ -365,17 +360,17 @@ lookup_ch(ChPid) ->
C -> C
-ch_record(ChPid) ->
+ch_record(ChPid, LimiterPid) ->
Key = {ch, ChPid},
case get(Key) of
undefined -> MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, ChPid),
+ Limiter = rabbit_limiter:client(LimiterPid),
C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid,
monitor_ref = MonitorRef,
- acktags = sets:new(),
+ acktags = queue:new(),
consumer_count = 0,
blocked_consumers = queue:new(),
- is_limit_active = false,
- limiter = rabbit_limiter:make_token(),
+ limiter = Limiter,
unsent_message_count = 0},
put(Key, C),
@@ -385,9 +380,9 @@ ch_record(ChPid) ->
update_ch_record(C = #cr{consumer_count = ConsumerCount,
acktags = ChAckTags,
unsent_message_count = UnsentMessageCount}) ->
- case {sets:size(ChAckTags), ConsumerCount, UnsentMessageCount} of
- {0, 0, 0} -> ok = erase_ch_record(C);
- _ -> ok = store_ch_record(C)
+ case {queue:is_empty(ChAckTags), ConsumerCount, UnsentMessageCount} of
+ {true, 0, 0} -> ok = erase_ch_record(C);
+ _ -> ok = store_ch_record(C)
@@ -395,37 +390,32 @@ store_ch_record(C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid}) ->
put({ch, ChPid}, C),
-erase_ch_record(#cr{ch_pid = ChPid,
- limiter = Limiter,
- monitor_ref = MonitorRef}) ->
- ok = rabbit_limiter:unregister(Limiter, self()),
+erase_ch_record(#cr{ch_pid = ChPid, monitor_ref = MonitorRef}) ->
erase({ch, ChPid}),
-update_consumer_count(C = #cr{consumer_count = 0, limiter = Limiter}, +1) ->
- ok = rabbit_limiter:register(Limiter, self()),
- update_ch_record(C#cr{consumer_count = 1});
-update_consumer_count(C = #cr{consumer_count = 1, limiter = Limiter}, -1) ->
- ok = rabbit_limiter:unregister(Limiter, self()),
- update_ch_record(C#cr{consumer_count = 0,
- limiter = rabbit_limiter:make_token()});
-update_consumer_count(C = #cr{consumer_count = Count}, Delta) ->
- update_ch_record(C#cr{consumer_count = Count + Delta}).
all_ch_record() -> [C || {{ch, _}, C} <- get()].
block_consumer(C = #cr{blocked_consumers = Blocked}, QEntry) ->
update_ch_record(C#cr{blocked_consumers = queue:in(QEntry, Blocked)}).
-is_ch_blocked(#cr{unsent_message_count = Count, is_limit_active = Limited}) ->
- Limited orelse Count >= ?UNSENT_MESSAGE_LIMIT.
+is_ch_blocked(#cr{unsent_message_count = Count, limiter = Limiter}) ->
+ Count >= ?UNSENT_MESSAGE_LIMIT orelse rabbit_limiter:is_suspended(Limiter).
+maybe_send_drained(WasEmpty, State) ->
+ case (not WasEmpty) andalso is_empty(State) of
+ true -> [send_drained(C) || C <- all_ch_record()];
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ State.
-ch_record_state_transition(OldCR, NewCR) ->
- case {is_ch_blocked(OldCR), is_ch_blocked(NewCR)} of
- {true, false} -> unblock;
- {false, true} -> block;
- {_, _} -> ok
+send_drained(C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid, limiter = Limiter}) ->
+ case rabbit_limiter:drained(Limiter) of
+ {[], Limiter} -> ok;
+ {CTagCredit, Limiter2} -> rabbit_channel:send_drained(
+ ChPid, CTagCredit),
+ update_ch_record(C#cr{limiter = Limiter2})
deliver_msgs_to_consumers(_DeliverFun, true, State) ->
@@ -443,18 +433,21 @@ deliver_msgs_to_consumers(DeliverFun, false,
deliver_msg_to_consumer(DeliverFun, E = {ChPid, Consumer}, State) ->
- C = ch_record(ChPid),
+ C = lookup_ch(ChPid),
case is_ch_blocked(C) of
true -> block_consumer(C, E),
{false, State};
- false -> case rabbit_limiter:can_send(C#cr.limiter, self(),
- Consumer#consumer.ack_required) of
- false -> block_consumer(C#cr{is_limit_active = true}, E),
- {false, State};
- true -> AC1 = queue:in(E, State#q.active_consumers),
- deliver_msg_to_consumer(
- DeliverFun, Consumer, C,
- State#q{active_consumers = AC1})
+ false -> case rabbit_limiter:can_send(C#cr.limiter,
+ Consumer#consumer.ack_required,
+ Consumer#consumer.tag) of
+ {suspend, Limiter} ->
+ block_consumer(C#cr{limiter = Limiter}, E),
+ {false, State};
+ {continue, Limiter} ->
+ AC1 = queue:in(E, State#q.active_consumers),
+ deliver_msg_to_consumer(
+ DeliverFun, Consumer, C#cr{limiter = Limiter},
+ State#q{active_consumers = AC1})
@@ -470,7 +463,7 @@ deliver_msg_to_consumer(DeliverFun,
rabbit_channel:deliver(ChPid, ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
{QName, self(), AckTag, IsDelivered, Message}),
ChAckTags1 = case AckRequired of
- true -> sets:add_element(AckTag, ChAckTags);
+ true -> queue:in(AckTag, ChAckTags);
false -> ChAckTags
update_ch_record(C#cr{acktags = ChAckTags1,
@@ -478,10 +471,8 @@ deliver_msg_to_consumer(DeliverFun,
{Stop, State1}.
deliver_from_queue_deliver(AckRequired, State) ->
- {{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag, _Remaining},
- State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}} =
- fetch(AckRequired, State),
- {{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag}, BQ:is_empty(BQS), State1}.
+ {Result, State1} = fetch(AckRequired, State),
+ {Result, is_empty(State1), State1}.
confirm_messages([], State) ->
@@ -517,25 +508,26 @@ send_or_record_confirm(#delivery{sender = SenderPid,
rabbit_misc:confirm_to_sender(SenderPid, [MsgSeqNo]),
{immediately, State}.
-discard(#delivery{sender = SenderPid, message = #basic_message{id = MsgId}},
- State) ->
- %% fake an 'eventual' confirm from BQ; noop if not needed
+discard(#delivery{sender = SenderPid,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo,
+ message = #basic_message{id = MsgId}}, State) ->
State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} =
- confirm_messages([MsgId], State),
+ case MsgSeqNo of
+ undefined -> State;
+ _ -> confirm_messages([MsgId], State)
+ end,
BQS1 = BQ:discard(MsgId, SenderPid, BQS),
State1#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}.
run_message_queue(State) ->
- State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} =
- drop_expired_messages(State),
- {_IsEmpty1, State2} = deliver_msgs_to_consumers(
+ {_IsEmpty1, State1} = deliver_msgs_to_consumers(
fun deliver_from_queue_deliver/2,
- BQ:is_empty(BQS), State1),
- State2.
+ is_empty(State), State),
+ State1.
attempt_delivery(Delivery = #delivery{sender = SenderPid, message = Message},
- Props = #message_properties{delivered = Delivered},
- State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ Props, Delivered, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
case BQ:is_duplicate(Message, BQS) of
{false, BQS1} ->
@@ -557,28 +549,65 @@ attempt_delivery(Delivery = #delivery{sender = SenderPid, message = Message},
deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery = #delivery{message = Message, sender = SenderPid},
Delivered, State) ->
{Confirm, State1} = send_or_record_confirm(Delivery, State),
- Props = message_properties(Message, Confirm, Delivered, State),
- case attempt_delivery(Delivery, Props, State1) of
+ Props = message_properties(Message, Confirm, State),
+ case attempt_delivery(Delivery, Props, Delivered, State1) of
{true, State2} ->
%% The next one is an optimisation
{false, State2 = #q{ttl = 0, dlx = undefined}} ->
discard(Delivery, State2);
{false, State2 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}} ->
- BQS1 = BQ:publish(Message, Props, SenderPid, BQS),
- ensure_ttl_timer(Props#message_properties.expiry,
- State2#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1})
+ BQS1 = BQ:publish(Message, Props, Delivered, SenderPid, BQS),
+ {Dropped, State3 = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS2}} =
+ maybe_drop_head(State2#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}),
+ QLen = BQ:len(BQS2),
+ %% optimisation: it would be perfectly safe to always
+ %% invoke drop_expired_msgs here, but that is expensive so
+ %% we only do that if a new message that might have an
+ %% expiry ends up at the head of the queue. If the head
+ %% remains unchanged, or if the newly published message
+ %% has no expiry and becomes the head of the queue then
+ %% the call is unnecessary.
+ case {Dropped > 0, QLen =:= 1, Props#message_properties.expiry} of
+ {false, false, _} -> State3;
+ {true, true, undefined} -> State3;
+ {_, _, _} -> drop_expired_msgs(State3)
+ end
+ end.
+maybe_drop_head(State = #q{max_length = undefined}) ->
+ {0, State};
+maybe_drop_head(State = #q{max_length = MaxLen,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ case BQ:len(BQS) - MaxLen of
+ Excess when Excess > 0 ->
+ {Excess,
+ with_dlx(
+ State#q.dlx,
+ fun (X) -> dead_letter_maxlen_msgs(X, Excess, State) end,
+ fun () ->
+ {_, BQS1} = lists:foldl(fun (_, {_, BQS0}) ->
+ BQ:drop(false, BQS0)
+ end, {ok, BQS},
+ lists:seq(1, Excess)),
+ State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}
+ end)};
+ _ -> {0, State}
requeue_and_run(AckTags, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ WasEmpty = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
{_MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:requeue(AckTags, BQS),
- run_message_queue(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}).
+ {_Dropped, State1} = maybe_drop_head(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}),
+ run_message_queue(maybe_send_drained(WasEmpty, drop_expired_msgs(State1))).
fetch(AckRequired, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
{Result, BQS1} = BQ:fetch(AckRequired, BQS),
- {Result, drop_expired_messages(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1})}.
+ State1 = drop_expired_msgs(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}),
+ {Result, maybe_send_drained(Result =:= empty, State1)}.
ack(AckTags, ChPid, State) ->
subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State,
@@ -597,9 +626,9 @@ remove_consumer(ChPid, ConsumerTag, Queue) ->
(CP /= ChPid) or (CTag /= ConsumerTag)
end, Queue).
-remove_consumers(ChPid, Queue) ->
+remove_consumers(ChPid, Queue, QName) ->
queue:filter(fun ({CP, #consumer{tag = CTag}}) when CP =:= ChPid ->
- emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, CTag),
+ emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, CTag, QName),
(_) ->
@@ -607,20 +636,29 @@ remove_consumers(ChPid, Queue) ->
possibly_unblock(State, ChPid, Update) ->
case lookup_ch(ChPid) of
- not_found ->
+ not_found -> State;
+ C -> C1 = Update(C),
+ case is_ch_blocked(C) andalso not is_ch_blocked(C1) of
+ false -> update_ch_record(C1),
+ State;
+ true -> unblock(State, C1)
+ end
+ end.
+unblock(State, C = #cr{limiter = Limiter}) ->
+ case lists:partition(
+ fun({_ChPid, #consumer{tag = CTag}}) ->
+ rabbit_limiter:is_consumer_blocked(Limiter, CTag)
+ end, queue:to_list(C#cr.blocked_consumers)) of
+ {_, []} ->
+ update_ch_record(C),
- C ->
- C1 = Update(C),
- case ch_record_state_transition(C, C1) of
- ok -> update_ch_record(C1),
- State;
- unblock -> #cr{blocked_consumers = Consumers} = C1,
- update_ch_record(
- C1#cr{blocked_consumers = queue:new()}),
- AC1 = queue:join(State#q.active_consumers,
- Consumers),
- run_message_queue(State#q{active_consumers = AC1})
- end
+ {Blocked, Unblocked} ->
+ BlockedQ = queue:from_list(Blocked),
+ UnblockedQ = queue:from_list(Unblocked),
+ update_ch_record(C#cr{blocked_consumers = BlockedQ}),
+ AC1 = queue:join(State#q.active_consumers, UnblockedQ),
+ run_message_queue(State#q{active_consumers = AC1})
should_auto_delete(#q{q = #amqqueue{auto_delete = false}}) -> false;
@@ -640,7 +678,8 @@ handle_ch_down(DownPid, State = #q{exclusive_consumer = Holder,
C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid,
acktags = ChAckTags,
blocked_consumers = Blocked} ->
- _ = remove_consumers(ChPid, Blocked), %% for stats emission
+ QName = qname(State),
+ _ = remove_consumers(ChPid, Blocked, QName), %% for stats emission
ok = erase_ch_record(C),
State1 = State#q{
exclusive_consumer = case Holder of
@@ -648,11 +687,12 @@ handle_ch_down(DownPid, State = #q{exclusive_consumer = Holder,
Other -> Other
active_consumers = remove_consumers(
- ChPid, State#q.active_consumers),
+ ChPid, State#q.active_consumers,
+ QName),
senders = Senders1},
case should_auto_delete(State1) of
true -> {stop, State1};
- false -> {ok, requeue_and_run(sets:to_list(ChAckTags),
+ false -> {ok, requeue_and_run(queue:to_list(ChAckTags),
@@ -667,13 +707,8 @@ check_exclusive_access(none, true, State) ->
false -> in_use
-consumer_count() -> consumer_count(fun (_) -> false end).
-active_consumer_count() -> consumer_count(fun is_ch_blocked/1).
-consumer_count(Exclude) ->
- lists:sum([Count || C = #cr{consumer_count = Count} <- all_ch_record(),
- not Exclude(C)]).
+consumer_count() ->
+ lists:sum([Count || #cr{consumer_count = Count} <- all_ch_record()]).
is_unused(_State) -> consumer_count() == 0.
@@ -691,15 +726,24 @@ subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State, Fun) ->
not_found ->
C = #cr{acktags = ChAckTags} ->
- update_ch_record(C#cr{acktags = lists:foldl(fun sets:del_element/2,
- ChAckTags, AckTags)}),
+ update_ch_record(
+ C#cr{acktags = subtract_acks(AckTags, [], ChAckTags)}),
-message_properties(Message, Confirm, Delivered, #q{ttl = TTL}) ->
+subtract_acks([], [], AckQ) ->
+ AckQ;
+subtract_acks([], Prefix, AckQ) ->
+ queue:join(queue:from_list(lists:reverse(Prefix)), AckQ);
+subtract_acks([T | TL] = AckTags, Prefix, AckQ) ->
+ case queue:out(AckQ) of
+ {{value, T}, QTail} -> subtract_acks(TL, Prefix, QTail);
+ {{value, AT}, QTail} -> subtract_acks(AckTags, [AT | Prefix], QTail)
+ end.
+message_properties(Message, Confirm, #q{ttl = TTL}) ->
#message_properties{expiry = calculate_msg_expiry(Message, TTL),
- needs_confirming = Confirm == eventually,
- delivered = Delivered}.
+ needs_confirming = Confirm == eventually}.
calculate_msg_expiry(#basic_message{content = Content}, TTL) ->
#content{properties = Props} =
@@ -711,103 +755,89 @@ calculate_msg_expiry(#basic_message{content = Content}, TTL) ->
T -> now_micros() + T * 1000
-drop_expired_messages(State = #q{dlx = DLX,
- backing_queue_state = BQS,
- backing_queue = BQ }) ->
- Now = now_micros(),
+%% Logically this function should invoke maybe_send_drained/2.
+%% However, that is expensive. Since some frequent callers of
+%% drop_expired_msgs/1, in particular deliver_or_enqueue/3, cannot
+%% possibly cause the queue to become empty, we push the
+%% responsibility to the callers. So be cautious when adding new ones.
+drop_expired_msgs(State) ->
+ case is_empty(State) of
+ true -> State;
+ false -> drop_expired_msgs(now_micros(), State)
+ end.
+drop_expired_msgs(Now, State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ backing_queue = BQ }) ->
ExpirePred = fun (#message_properties{expiry = Exp}) -> Now >= Exp end,
- {Props, BQS1} = case DLX of
- undefined -> {Next, undefined, BQS2} =
- BQ:dropwhile(ExpirePred, false, BQS),
- {Next, BQS2};
- _ -> {Next, Msgs, BQS2} =
- BQ:dropwhile(ExpirePred, true, BQS),
- DLXFun = dead_letter_fun(expired),
- DLXFun(Msgs),
- {Next, BQS2}
- end,
+ {Props, State1} =
+ with_dlx(
+ State#q.dlx,
+ fun (X) -> dead_letter_expired_msgs(ExpirePred, X, State) end,
+ fun () -> {Next, BQS1} = BQ:dropwhile(ExpirePred, BQS),
+ {Next, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}} end),
ensure_ttl_timer(case Props of
- undefined -> undefined;
- #message_properties{expiry = Exp} -> Exp
- end, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}).
-ensure_ttl_timer(undefined, State) ->
- State;
-ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State = #q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
- After = (case Expiry - now_micros() of
- V when V > 0 -> V + 999; %% always fire later
- _ -> 0
- end) div 1000,
- TRef = erlang:send_after(After, self(), drop_expired),
- State#q{ttl_timer_ref = TRef, ttl_timer_expiry = Expiry};
-ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State = #q{ttl_timer_ref = TRef,
- ttl_timer_expiry = TExpiry})
- when Expiry + 1000 < TExpiry ->
- case erlang:cancel_timer(TRef) of
- false -> State;
- _ -> ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State#q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined})
- end;
-ensure_ttl_timer(_Expiry, State) ->
- State.
-dead_letter_fun(Reason) ->
- fun(Msgs) -> gen_server2:cast(self(), {dead_letter, Msgs, Reason}) end.
-dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason, X, State = #q{publish_seqno = MsgSeqNo}) ->
- DLMsg = make_dead_letter_msg(Reason, Msg, State),
- Delivery = rabbit_basic:delivery(false, DLMsg, MsgSeqNo),
+ undefined -> undefined;
+ #message_properties{expiry = Exp} -> Exp
+ end, State1).
+with_dlx(undefined, _With, Without) -> Without();
+with_dlx(DLX, With, Without) -> case rabbit_exchange:lookup(DLX) of
+ {ok, X} -> With(X);
+ {error, not_found} -> Without()
+ end.
+dead_letter_expired_msgs(ExpirePred, X, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ dead_letter_msgs(fun (DLFun, Acc, BQS1) ->
+ BQ:fetchwhile(ExpirePred, DLFun, Acc, BQS1)
+ end, expired, X, State).
+dead_letter_rejected_msgs(AckTags, X, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ {ok, State1} =
+ dead_letter_msgs(
+ fun (DLFun, Acc, BQS) ->
+ {Acc1, BQS1} = BQ:ackfold(DLFun, Acc, BQS, AckTags),
+ {ok, Acc1, BQS1}
+ end, rejected, X, State),
+ State1.
+dead_letter_maxlen_msgs(X, Excess, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ {ok, State1} =
+ dead_letter_msgs(
+ fun (DLFun, Acc, BQS) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (_, {ok, Acc0, BQS0}) ->
+ {{Msg, _, AckTag}, BQS1} =
+ BQ:fetch(true, BQS0),
+ {ok, DLFun(Msg, AckTag, Acc0), BQS1}
+ end, {ok, Acc, BQS}, lists:seq(1, Excess))
+ end, maxlen, X, State),
+ State1.
+dead_letter_msgs(Fun, Reason, X, State = #q{dlx_routing_key = RK,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ QName = qname(State),
+ {Res, Acks1, BQS1} =
+ Fun(fun (Msg, AckTag, Acks) ->
+ dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason, X, RK, QName),
+ [AckTag | Acks]
+ end, [], BQS),
+ {_Guids, BQS2} = BQ:ack(Acks1, BQS1),
+ {Res, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS2}}.
+dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason, X, RK, QName) ->
+ DLMsg = make_dead_letter_msg(Msg, Reason,, RK, QName),
+ Delivery = rabbit_basic:delivery(false, DLMsg, undefined),
{Queues, Cycles} = detect_dead_letter_cycles(
DLMsg, rabbit_exchange:route(X, Delivery)),
lists:foreach(fun log_cycle_once/1, Cycles),
- {_, DeliveredQPids} = rabbit_amqqueue:deliver(
- rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Queues), Delivery),
- DeliveredQPids.
-handle_queue_down(QPid, Reason, State = #q{queue_monitors = QMons,
- unconfirmed = UC}) ->
- case pmon:is_monitored(QPid, QMons) of
- false -> noreply(State);
- true -> case rabbit_misc:is_abnormal_exit(Reason) of
- true -> {Lost, _UC1} = dtree:take_all(QPid, UC),
- QNameS = rabbit_misc:rs(qname(State)),
- rabbit_log:warning("DLQ ~p for ~s died with "
- "~p unconfirmed messages~n",
- [QPid, QNameS, length(Lost)]);
- false -> ok
- end,
- {MsgSeqNoAckTags, UC1} = dtree:take(QPid, UC),
- cleanup_after_confirm(
- [AckTag || {_MsgSeqNo, AckTag} <- MsgSeqNoAckTags],
- State#q{queue_monitors = pmon:erase(QPid, QMons),
- unconfirmed = UC1})
- end.
+ rabbit_amqqueue:deliver( rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Queues), Delivery),
+ ok.
-stop(State) -> stop(undefined, noreply, State).
+stop(State) -> stop(noreply, State).
-stop(From, Reply, State = #q{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
- case {dtree:is_empty(UC), Reply} of
- {true, noreply} ->
- {stop, normal, State};
- {true, _} ->
- {stop, normal, Reply, State};
- {false, _} ->
- noreply(State#q{delayed_stop = {From, Reply}})
- end.
+stop(noreply, State) -> {stop, normal, State};
+stop(Reply, State) -> {stop, normal, Reply, State}.
-cleanup_after_confirm(AckTags, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS,
- unconfirmed = UC,
- backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
- {_Guids, BQS1} = BQ:ack(AckTags, BQS),
- State1 = State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1},
- case dtree:is_empty(UC) andalso DS =/= undefined of
- true -> case DS of
- {_, noreply} -> ok;
- {From, Reply} -> gen_server2:reply(From, Reply)
- end,
- {stop, normal, State1};
- false -> noreply(State1)
- end.
detect_dead_letter_cycles(#basic_message{content = Content}, Queues) ->
#content{properties = #'P_basic'{headers = Headers}} =
@@ -836,19 +866,16 @@ detect_dead_letter_cycles(#basic_message{content = Content}, Queues) ->
- Msg = #basic_message{content = Content,
+make_dead_letter_msg(Msg = #basic_message{content = Content,
exchange_name = Exchange,
routing_keys = RoutingKeys},
- State = #q{dlx = DLX, dlx_routing_key = DlxRoutingKey}) ->
+ Reason, DLX, RK, #resource{name = QName}) ->
{DeathRoutingKeys, HeadersFun1} =
- case DlxRoutingKey of
+ case RK of
undefined -> {RoutingKeys, fun (H) -> H end};
- _ -> {[DlxRoutingKey],
- fun (H) -> lists:keydelete(<<"CC">>, 1, H) end}
+ _ -> {[RK], fun (H) -> lists:keydelete(<<"CC">>, 1, H) end}
ReasonBin = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Reason)),
- #resource{name = QName} = qname(State),
TimeSec = rabbit_misc:now_ms() div 1000,
HeadersFun2 =
fun (Headers) ->
@@ -899,14 +926,12 @@ i(exclusive_consumer_tag, #q{exclusive_consumer = {_ChPid, ConsumerTag}}) ->
i(messages_ready, #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
i(messages_unacknowledged, _) ->
- lists:sum([sets:size(C#cr.acktags) || C <- all_ch_record()]);
+ lists:sum([queue:len(C#cr.acktags) || C <- all_ch_record()]);
i(messages, State) ->
lists:sum([i(Item, State) || Item <- [messages_ready,
i(consumers, _) ->
-i(active_consumers, _) ->
- active_consumer_count();
i(memory, _) ->
{memory, M} = process_info(self(), memory),
@@ -924,6 +949,8 @@ i(synchronised_slave_pids, #q{q = #amqqueue{name = Name}}) ->
false -> '';
true -> SSPids
+i(status, #q{status = Status}) ->
+ Status;
i(backing_queue_status, #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
i(Item, _) ->
@@ -945,23 +972,23 @@ emit_stats(State) ->
emit_stats(State, Extra) ->
rabbit_event:notify(queue_stats, Extra ++ infos(?STATISTICS_KEYS, State)).
-emit_consumer_created(ChPid, ConsumerTag, Exclusive, AckRequired) ->
+emit_consumer_created(ChPid, ConsumerTag, Exclusive, AckRequired, QName) ->
[{consumer_tag, ConsumerTag},
{exclusive, Exclusive},
{ack_required, AckRequired},
{channel, ChPid},
- {queue, self()}]).
+ {queue, QName}]).
-emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag) ->
+emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag, QName) ->
[{consumer_tag, ConsumerTag},
{channel, ChPid},
- {queue, self()}]).
+ {queue, QName}]).
-prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
+prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
info -> 9;
{info, _Items} -> 9;
@@ -970,7 +997,7 @@ prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
_ -> 0
-prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_cast(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
delete_immediately -> 8;
{set_ram_duration_target, _Duration} -> 8;
@@ -979,7 +1006,7 @@ prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
_ -> 0
-prioritise_info(Msg, #q{q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = DownPid}}) ->
+prioritise_info(Msg, _Len, #q{q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = DownPid}}) ->
case Msg of
{'DOWN', _, process, DownPid, _} -> 8;
update_ram_duration -> 8;
@@ -990,9 +1017,6 @@ prioritise_info(Msg, #q{q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = DownPid}}) ->
_ -> 0
-handle_call(_, _, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- noreply(State);
handle_call({init, Recover}, From,
State = #q{q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = none}}) ->
declare(Recover, From, State);
@@ -1032,80 +1056,95 @@ handle_call({deliver, Delivery, Delivered}, From, State) ->
gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
noreply(deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, Delivered, State));
-handle_call({notify_down, ChPid}, From, State) ->
+handle_call({notify_down, ChPid}, _From, State) ->
%% we want to do this synchronously, so that auto_deleted queues
%% are no longer visible by the time we send a response to the
%% client. The queue is ultimately deleted in terminate/2; if we
%% return stop with a reply, terminate/2 will be called by
- %% gen_server2 *before* the reply is sent. FIXME: in case of a
- %% delayed stop the reply is sent earlier.
+ %% gen_server2 *before* the reply is sent.
case handle_ch_down(ChPid, State) of
{ok, State1} -> reply(ok, State1);
- {stop, State1} -> stop(From, ok, State1)
+ {stop, State1} -> stop(ok, State1)
-handle_call({basic_get, ChPid, NoAck}, _From,
+handle_call({basic_get, ChPid, NoAck, LimiterPid}, _From,
State = #q{q = #amqqueue{name = QName}}) ->
AckRequired = not NoAck,
State1 = ensure_expiry_timer(State),
- case fetch(AckRequired, drop_expired_messages(State1)) of
+ case fetch(AckRequired, State1) of
{empty, State2} ->
reply(empty, State2);
- {{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag, Remaining}, State2} ->
- State3 =
+ {{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag}, State2} ->
+ State3 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} =
case AckRequired of
- true -> C = #cr{acktags = ChAckTags} = ch_record(ChPid),
- ChAckTags1 = sets:add_element(AckTag, ChAckTags),
+ true -> C = #cr{acktags = ChAckTags} =
+ ch_record(ChPid, LimiterPid),
+ ChAckTags1 = queue:in(AckTag, ChAckTags),
update_ch_record(C#cr{acktags = ChAckTags1}),
false -> State2
Msg = {QName, self(), AckTag, IsDelivered, Message},
- reply({ok, Remaining, Msg}, State3)
+ reply({ok, BQ:len(BQS), Msg}, State3)
-handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid, Limiter,
- ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg},
- _From, State = #q{exclusive_consumer = ExistingHolder}) ->
- case check_exclusive_access(ExistingHolder, ExclusiveConsume,
- State) of
+handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid, LimiterActive,
+ ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, CreditArgs, OkMsg},
+ _From, State = #q{exclusive_consumer = Holder}) ->
+ case check_exclusive_access(Holder, ExclusiveConsume, State) of
in_use ->
reply({error, exclusive_consume_unavailable}, State);
ok ->
- C = ch_record(ChPid),
- C1 = update_consumer_count(C#cr{limiter = Limiter}, +1),
+ C = #cr{consumer_count = Count,
+ limiter = Limiter} = ch_record(ChPid, LimiterPid),
+ Limiter1 = case LimiterActive of
+ true -> rabbit_limiter:activate(Limiter);
+ false -> Limiter
+ end,
+ Limiter2 = case CreditArgs of
+ none -> Limiter1;
+ {Crd, Drain} -> rabbit_limiter:credit(
+ Limiter1, ConsumerTag, Crd, Drain)
+ end,
+ C1 = update_ch_record(C#cr{consumer_count = Count + 1,
+ limiter = Limiter2}),
+ case is_empty(State) of
+ true -> send_drained(C1);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
Consumer = #consumer{tag = ConsumerTag,
ack_required = not NoAck},
ExclusiveConsumer = if ExclusiveConsume -> {ChPid, ConsumerTag};
- true -> ExistingHolder
+ true -> Holder
State1 = State#q{has_had_consumers = true,
exclusive_consumer = ExclusiveConsumer},
ok = maybe_send_reply(ChPid, OkMsg),
- E = {ChPid, Consumer},
- State2 =
- case is_ch_blocked(C1) of
- true -> block_consumer(C1, E),
- State1;
- false -> update_ch_record(C1),
- AC1 = queue:in(E, State1#q.active_consumers),
- run_message_queue(State1#q{active_consumers = AC1})
- end,
emit_consumer_created(ChPid, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume,
- not NoAck),
- reply(ok, State2)
+ not NoAck, qname(State1)),
+ AC1 = queue:in({ChPid, Consumer}, State1#q.active_consumers),
+ reply(ok, run_message_queue(State1#q{active_consumers = AC1}))
-handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}, From,
+handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}, _From,
State = #q{exclusive_consumer = Holder}) ->
ok = maybe_send_reply(ChPid, OkMsg),
case lookup_ch(ChPid) of
not_found ->
reply(ok, State);
- C = #cr{blocked_consumers = Blocked} ->
- emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag),
+ C = #cr{consumer_count = Count,
+ limiter = Limiter,
+ blocked_consumers = Blocked} ->
+ emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag, qname(State)),
Blocked1 = remove_consumer(ChPid, ConsumerTag, Blocked),
- update_consumer_count(C#cr{blocked_consumers = Blocked1}, -1),
+ Limiter1 = case Count of
+ 1 -> rabbit_limiter:deactivate(Limiter);
+ _ -> Limiter
+ end,
+ Limiter2 = rabbit_limiter:forget_consumer(Limiter1, ConsumerTag),
+ update_ch_record(C#cr{consumer_count = Count - 1,
+ limiter = Limiter2,
+ blocked_consumers = Blocked1}),
State1 = State#q{
exclusive_consumer = case Holder of
{ChPid, ConsumerTag} -> none;
@@ -1113,65 +1152,83 @@ handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}, From,
active_consumers = remove_consumer(
ChPid, ConsumerTag,
- State#q.active_consumers)},
+ State#q.active_consumers)},
case should_auto_delete(State1) of
false -> reply(ok, ensure_expiry_timer(State1));
- true -> stop(From, ok, State1)
+ true -> stop(ok, State1)
handle_call(stat, _From, State) ->
State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} =
- drop_expired_messages(ensure_expiry_timer(State)),
- reply({ok, BQ:len(BQS), active_consumer_count()}, State1);
+ ensure_expiry_timer(State),
+ reply({ok, BQ:len(BQS), consumer_count()}, State1);
-handle_call({delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty}, From,
+handle_call({delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty}, _From,
State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
- IsEmpty = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
+ IsEmpty = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
IsUnused = is_unused(State),
- IfEmpty and not(IsEmpty) -> reply({error, not_empty}, State);
- IfUnused and not(IsUnused) -> reply({error, in_use}, State);
- true -> stop(From, {ok, BQ:len(BQS)}, State)
+ IfEmpty and not(IsEmpty) -> reply({error, not_empty}, State);
+ IfUnused and not(IsUnused) -> reply({error, in_use}, State);
+ true -> stop({ok, BQ:len(BQS)}, State)
handle_call(purge, _From, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
{Count, BQS1} = BQ:purge(BQS),
- reply({ok, Count}, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1});
+ State1 = State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1},
+ reply({ok, Count}, maybe_send_drained(Count =:= 0, State1));
handle_call({requeue, AckTags, ChPid}, From, State) ->
gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
noreply(requeue(AckTags, ChPid, State));
+handle_call(sync_mirrors, _From,
+ State = #q{backing_queue = rabbit_mirror_queue_master,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ S = fun(BQSN) -> State#q{backing_queue_state = BQSN} end,
+ HandleInfo = fun (Status) ->
+ receive {'$gen_call', From, {info, Items}} ->
+ Infos = infos(Items, State#q{status = Status}),
+ gen_server2:reply(From, {ok, Infos})
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end,
+ EmitStats = fun (Status) ->
+ rabbit_event:if_enabled(
+ State, #q.stats_timer,
+ fun() -> emit_stats(State#q{status = Status}) end)
+ end,
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_master:sync_mirrors(HandleInfo, EmitStats, BQS) of
+ {ok, BQS1} -> reply(ok, S(BQS1));
+ {stop, Reason, BQS1} -> {stop, Reason, S(BQS1)}
+ end;
+handle_call(sync_mirrors, _From, State) ->
+ reply({error, not_mirrored}, State);
+%% By definition if we get this message here we do not have to do anything.
+handle_call(cancel_sync_mirrors, _From, State) ->
+ reply({ok, not_syncing}, State);
handle_call(force_event_refresh, _From,
State = #q{exclusive_consumer = Exclusive}) ->
rabbit_event:notify(queue_created, infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State)),
+ QName = qname(State),
case Exclusive of
- none -> [emit_consumer_created(Ch, CTag, false, AckRequired) ||
+ none -> [emit_consumer_created(
+ Ch, CTag, false, AckRequired, QName) ||
{Ch, CTag, AckRequired} <- consumers(State)];
{Ch, CTag} -> [{Ch, CTag, AckRequired}] = consumers(State),
- emit_consumer_created(Ch, CTag, true, AckRequired)
+ emit_consumer_created(Ch, CTag, true, AckRequired, QName)
reply(ok, State).
-handle_cast({confirm, MsgSeqNos, QPid}, State = #q{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
- {MsgSeqNoAckTags, UC1} = dtree:take(MsgSeqNos, QPid, UC),
- State1 = case dtree:is_defined(QPid, UC1) of
- false -> QMons = State#q.queue_monitors,
- State#q{queue_monitors = pmon:demonitor(QPid, QMons)};
- true -> State
- end,
- cleanup_after_confirm([AckTag || {_MsgSeqNo, AckTag} <- MsgSeqNoAckTags],
- State1#q{unconfirmed = UC1});
-handle_cast(_, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- noreply(State);
handle_cast({run_backing_queue, Mod, Fun},
State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
- noreply(run_message_queue(
- State#q{backing_queue_state = BQ:invoke(Mod, Fun, BQS)}));
+ noreply(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQ:invoke(Mod, Fun, BQS)});
handle_cast({deliver, Delivery = #delivery{sender = Sender}, Delivered, Flow},
State = #q{senders = Senders}) ->
@@ -1190,27 +1247,25 @@ handle_cast({ack, AckTags, ChPid}, State) ->
handle_cast({reject, AckTags, true, ChPid}, State) ->
noreply(requeue(AckTags, ChPid, State));
-handle_cast({reject, AckTags, false, ChPid}, State = #q{dlx = undefined}) ->
- noreply(ack(AckTags, ChPid, State));
handle_cast({reject, AckTags, false, ChPid}, State) ->
- DLXFun = dead_letter_fun(rejected),
- noreply(subtract_acks(
- ChPid, AckTags, State,
- fun (State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
- BQS1 = BQ:fold(fun(M, A) -> DLXFun([{M, A}]) end,
- BQS, AckTags),
- State1#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}
- end));
+ noreply(with_dlx(
+ State#q.dlx,
+ fun (X) -> subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State,
+ fun (State1) ->
+ dead_letter_rejected_msgs(
+ AckTags, X, State1)
+ end) end,
+ fun () -> ack(AckTags, ChPid, State) end));
handle_cast(delete_immediately, State) ->
-handle_cast({unblock, ChPid}, State) ->
+handle_cast({resume, ChPid}, State) ->
possibly_unblock(State, ChPid,
- fun (C) -> C#cr{is_limit_active = false} end));
+ fun (C = #cr{limiter = Limiter}) ->
+ C#cr{limiter = rabbit_limiter:resume(Limiter)}
+ end));
handle_cast({notify_sent, ChPid, Credit}, State) ->
@@ -1219,21 +1274,12 @@ handle_cast({notify_sent, ChPid, Credit}, State) ->
C#cr{unsent_message_count = Count - Credit}
-handle_cast({limit, ChPid, Limiter}, State) ->
+handle_cast({activate_limit, ChPid}, State) ->
- possibly_unblock(
- State, ChPid,
- fun (C = #cr{consumer_count = ConsumerCount,
- limiter = OldLimiter,
- is_limit_active = OldLimited}) ->
- case (ConsumerCount =/= 0 andalso
- not rabbit_limiter:is_enabled(OldLimiter)) of
- true -> ok = rabbit_limiter:register(Limiter, self());
- false -> ok
- end,
- Limited = OldLimited andalso rabbit_limiter:is_enabled(Limiter),
- C#cr{limiter = Limiter, is_limit_active = Limited}
- end));
+ possibly_unblock(State, ChPid,
+ fun (C = #cr{limiter = Limiter}) ->
+ C#cr{limiter = rabbit_limiter:activate(Limiter)}
+ end));
handle_cast({flush, ChPid}, State) ->
ok = rabbit_channel:flushed(ChPid, self()),
@@ -1248,31 +1294,6 @@ handle_cast({set_maximum_since_use, Age}, State) ->
ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age),
-handle_cast({dead_letter, Msgs, Reason}, State = #q{dlx = XName}) ->
- case rabbit_exchange:lookup(XName) of
- {ok, X} ->
- {AckImmediately, State2} =
- lists:foldl(
- fun({Msg, AckTag},
- {Acks, State1 = #q{publish_seqno = SeqNo,
- unconfirmed = UC,
- queue_monitors = QMons}}) ->
- case dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason, X, State1) of
- [] -> {[AckTag | Acks], State1};
- QPids -> UC1 = dtree:insert(
- SeqNo, QPids, AckTag, UC),
- QMons1 = pmon:monitor_all(QPids, QMons),
- {Acks,
- State1#q{publish_seqno = SeqNo + 1,
- unconfirmed = UC1,
- queue_monitors = QMons1}}
- end
- end, {[], State}, Msgs),
- cleanup_after_confirm(AckImmediately, State2);
- {error, not_found} ->
- cleanup_after_confirm([AckTag || {_, AckTag} <- Msgs], State)
- end;
handle_cast(start_mirroring, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
%% lookup again to get policy for init_with_existing_bq
@@ -1290,18 +1311,27 @@ handle_cast(stop_mirroring, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
noreply(State#q{backing_queue = BQ1,
backing_queue_state = BQS1});
+handle_cast({credit, ChPid, CTag, Credit, Drain},
+ State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ Len = BQ:len(BQS),
+ rabbit_channel:send_credit_reply(ChPid, Len),
+ C = #cr{limiter = Limiter} = lookup_ch(ChPid),
+ C1 = C#cr{limiter = rabbit_limiter:credit(Limiter, CTag, Credit, Drain)},
+ noreply(case Drain andalso Len == 0 of
+ true -> update_ch_record(C1),
+ send_drained(C1),
+ State;
+ false -> case is_ch_blocked(C1) of
+ true -> update_ch_record(C1),
+ State;
+ false -> unblock(State, C1)
+ end
+ end);
handle_cast(wake_up, State) ->
-%% We need to not ignore this as we need to remove outstanding
-%% confirms due to queue death.
-handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, Reason},
- State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- handle_queue_down(DownPid, Reason, State);
-handle_info(_, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- noreply(State);
handle_info(maybe_expire, State) ->
case is_unused(State) of
true -> stop(State);
@@ -1309,7 +1339,9 @@ handle_info(maybe_expire, State) ->
handle_info(drop_expired, State) ->
- noreply(drop_expired_messages(State#q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined}));
+ WasEmpty = is_empty(State),
+ State1 = drop_expired_msgs(State#q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined}),
+ noreply(maybe_send_drained(WasEmpty, State1));
handle_info(emit_stats, State) ->
@@ -1328,9 +1360,9 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason},
%% unexpectedly.
-handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, Reason}, State) ->
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason}, State) ->
case handle_ch_down(DownPid, State) of
- {ok, State1} -> handle_queue_down(DownPid, Reason, State1);
+ {ok, State1} -> noreply(State1);
{stop, State1} -> stop(State1)
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl
index 44231f7b..2dc1cad3 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-spec(hash_password/1 :: (rabbit_types:password())
-> rabbit_types:password_hash()).
-spec(set_tags/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), [atom()]) -> 'ok').
--spec(list_users/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()).
+-spec(list_users/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(user_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()).
-spec(lookup_user/1 :: (rabbit_types:username())
-> rabbit_types:ok(rabbit_types:internal_user())
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
regexp(), regexp(), regexp()) -> 'ok').
-spec(clear_permissions/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:vhost())
-> 'ok').
--spec(list_permissions/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()).
+-spec(list_permissions/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(list_vhost_permissions/1 ::
- (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> rabbit_types:infos()).
+ (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(list_user_permissions/1 ::
- (rabbit_types:username()) -> rabbit_types:infos()).
+ (rabbit_types:username()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(list_user_vhost_permissions/2 ::
(rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:vhost())
- -> rabbit_types:infos()).
+ -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(perms_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()).
-spec(vhost_perms_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()).
-spec(user_perms_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl
index 1ed54fef..847a38f5 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
%% referring generically to "SASL security mechanism", i.e. the above.
description() ->
- [{name, <<"AMQPLAIN">>},
- {description, <<"QPid AMQPLAIN mechanism">>}].
+ [{description, <<"QPid AMQPLAIN mechanism">>}].
should_offer(_Sock) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl
index e4494ab4..4b08e4be 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@
%% SECURE-OK: "My password is ~s", [Password]
description() ->
- [{name, <<"RABBIT-CR-DEMO">>},
- {description, <<"RabbitMQ Demo challenge-response authentication "
+ [{description, <<"RabbitMQ Demo challenge-response authentication "
should_offer(_Sock) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl
index 5553a641..a35a133a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@
%% matching and will thus be much faster.
description() ->
- [{name, <<"PLAIN">>},
- {description, <<"SASL PLAIN authentication mechanism">>}].
+ [{description, <<"SASL PLAIN authentication mechanism">>}].
should_offer(_Sock) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_autoheal.erl b/src/rabbit_autoheal.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c00c2dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rabbit_autoheal.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+%% at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-export([init/0, maybe_start/1, node_down/2, handle_msg/3]).
+%% The named process we are running in.
+-define(SERVER, rabbit_node_monitor).
+%% In order to autoheal we want to:
+%% * Find the winning partition
+%% * Stop all nodes in other partitions
+%% * Wait for them all to be stopped
+%% * Start them again
+%% To keep things simple, we assume all nodes are up. We don't start
+%% unless all nodes are up, and if a node goes down we abandon the
+%% whole process. To further keep things simple we also defer the
+%% decision as to the winning node to the "leader" - arbitrarily
+%% selected as the first node in the cluster.
+%% To coordinate the restarting nodes we pick a special node from the
+%% winning partition - the "winner". Restarting nodes then stop, tell
+%% the winner they have done so, and wait for it to tell them it is
+%% safe to start again.
+%% The winner and the leader are not necessarily the same node! Since
+%% the leader may end up restarting, we also make sure that it does
+%% not announce its decision (and thus cue other nodes to restart)
+%% until it has seen a request from every node that has experienced a
+%% partition.
+%% Possible states:
+%% not_healing
+%% - the default
+%% {winner_waiting, OutstandingStops, Notify}
+%% - we are the winner and are waiting for all losing nodes to stop
+%% before telling them they can restart
+%% restarting
+%% - we are restarting. Of course the node monitor immediately dies
+%% then so this state does not last long. We therefore send the
+%% autoheal_safe_to_start message to the rabbit_outside_app_process
+%% instead.
+init() -> not_healing.
+maybe_start(not_healing) ->
+ case enabled() of
+ true -> [Leader | _] = lists:usort(rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all)),
+ send(Leader, {request_start, node()}),
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal request sent to ~p~n", [Leader]),
+ not_healing;
+ false -> not_healing
+ end;
+maybe_start(State) ->
+ State.
+enabled() ->
+ {ok, autoheal} =:= application:get_env(rabbit, cluster_partition_handling).
+node_down(_Node, {winner_waiting, _Nodes, _Notify} = Autoheal) ->
+ Autoheal;
+node_down(_Node, not_healing) ->
+ not_healing;
+node_down(Node, _State) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: aborting - ~p went down~n", [Node]),
+ not_healing.
+%% By receiving this message we become the leader
+%% TODO should we try to debounce this?
+handle_msg({request_start, Node},
+ not_healing, Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal request received from ~p~n", [Node]),
+ case rabbit_node_monitor:all_rabbit_nodes_up() of
+ false -> not_healing;
+ true -> AllPartitions = all_partitions(Partitions),
+ {Winner, Losers} = make_decision(AllPartitions),
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal decision~n"
+ " * Partitions: ~p~n"
+ " * Winner: ~p~n"
+ " * Losers: ~p~n",
+ [AllPartitions, Winner, Losers]),
+ send(Winner, {become_winner, Losers}),
+ [send(L, {winner_is, Winner}) || L <- Losers],
+ not_healing
+ end;
+handle_msg({become_winner, Losers},
+ not_healing, _Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: I am the winner, waiting for ~p to stop~n",
+ [Losers]),
+ {winner_waiting, Losers, Losers};
+handle_msg({become_winner, Losers},
+ {winner_waiting, WaitFor, Notify}, _Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: I am the winner, waiting additionally for "
+ "~p to stop~n", [Losers]),
+ {winner_waiting, lists:usort(Losers ++ WaitFor),
+ lists:usort(Losers ++ Notify)};
+handle_msg({winner_is, Winner},
+ not_healing, _Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:warning(
+ "Autoheal: we were selected to restart; winner is ~p~n", [Winner]),
+ rabbit_node_monitor:run_outside_applications(
+ fun () ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, {?SERVER, Winner}),
+ rabbit:stop(),
+ send(Winner, {node_stopped, node()}),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, {?SERVER, Winner}, _Reason} -> ok;
+ autoheal_safe_to_start -> ok
+ end,
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ rabbit:start()
+ end),
+ restarting;
+%% This is the winner receiving its last notification that a node has
+%% stopped - all nodes can now start again
+handle_msg({node_stopped, Node},
+ {winner_waiting, [Node], Notify}, _Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: final node has stopped, starting...~n",[]),
+ [{rabbit_outside_app_process, N} ! autoheal_safe_to_start || N <- Notify],
+ not_healing;
+handle_msg({node_stopped, Node},
+ {winner_waiting, WaitFor, Notify}, _Partitions) ->
+ {winner_waiting, WaitFor -- [Node], Notify};
+handle_msg(_, restarting, _Partitions) ->
+ %% ignore, we can contribute no further
+ restarting;
+handle_msg({node_stopped, _Node}, State, _Partitions) ->
+ %% ignore, we already cancelled the autoheal process
+ State.
+send(Node, Msg) -> {?SERVER, Node} ! {autoheal_msg, Msg}.
+make_decision(AllPartitions) ->
+ Sorted = lists:sort([{partition_value(P), P} || P <- AllPartitions]),
+ [[Winner | _] | Rest] = lists:reverse([P || {_, P} <- Sorted]),
+ {Winner, lists:append(Rest)}.
+partition_value(Partition) ->
+ Connections = [Res || Node <- Partition,
+ Res <- [rpc:call(Node, rabbit_networking,
+ connections_local, [])],
+ is_list(Res)],
+ {length(lists:append(Connections)), length(Partition)}.
+%% We have our local understanding of what partitions exist; but we
+%% only know which nodes we have been partitioned from, not which
+%% nodes are partitioned from each other.
+all_partitions(PartitionedWith) ->
+ Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
+ Partitions = [{node(), PartitionedWith} |
+ [rpc:call(Node, rabbit_node_monitor, partitions, [])
+ || Node <- Nodes -- [node()]]],
+ all_partitions(Partitions, [Nodes]).
+all_partitions([], Partitions) ->
+ Partitions;
+all_partitions([{Node, CantSee} | Rest], Partitions) ->
+ {[Containing], Others} =
+ lists:partition(fun (Part) -> lists:member(Node, Part) end, Partitions),
+ A = Containing -- CantSee,
+ B = Containing -- A,
+ Partitions1 = case {A, B} of
+ {[], _} -> Partitions;
+ {_, []} -> Partitions;
+ _ -> [A, B | Others]
+ end,
+ all_partitions(Rest, Partitions1).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl b/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl
index 5e13bc58..2f247448 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl
@@ -18,25 +18,22 @@
%% We can't specify a per-queue ack/state with callback signatures
-type(ack() :: any()).
-type(state() :: any()).
-type(msg_ids() :: [rabbit_types:msg_id()]).
-type(fetch_result(Ack) ::
- ('empty' |
- %% Message, IsDelivered, AckTag, Remaining_Len
- {rabbit_types:basic_message(), boolean(), Ack, non_neg_integer()})).
+ ('empty' | {rabbit_types:basic_message(), boolean(), Ack})).
+-type(drop_result(Ack) ::
+ ('empty' | {rabbit_types:msg_id(), Ack})).
-type(attempt_recovery() :: boolean()).
-type(purged_msg_count() :: non_neg_integer()).
-type(async_callback() ::
fun ((atom(), fun ((atom(), state()) -> state())) -> 'ok')).
-type(duration() :: ('undefined' | 'infinity' | number())).
--type(msg_fun() :: fun((rabbit_types:basic_message(), ack()) -> 'ok') |
- 'undefined').
+-type(msg_fun(A) :: fun ((rabbit_types:basic_message(), ack(), A) -> A)).
-type(msg_pred() :: fun ((rabbit_types:message_properties()) -> boolean())).
%% Called on startup with a list of durable queue names. The queues
@@ -72,14 +69,18 @@
%% content.
-callback delete_and_terminate(any(), state()) -> state().
-%% Remove all messages in the queue, but not messages which have been
-%% fetched and are pending acks.
+%% Remove all 'fetchable' messages from the queue, i.e. all messages
+%% except those that have been fetched already and are pending acks.
-callback purge(state()) -> {purged_msg_count(), state()}.
+%% Remove all messages in the queue which have been fetched and are
+%% pending acks.
+-callback purge_acks(state()) -> state().
%% Publish a message.
-callback publish(rabbit_types:basic_message(),
- rabbit_types:message_properties(), pid(), state()) ->
- state().
+ rabbit_types:message_properties(), boolean(), pid(),
+ state()) -> state().
%% Called for messages which have already been passed straight
%% out to a client. The queue will be empty for these calls
@@ -124,33 +125,50 @@
%% be ignored.
-callback drain_confirmed(state()) -> {msg_ids(), state()}.
-%% Drop messages from the head of the queue while the supplied predicate returns
-%% true. Also accepts a boolean parameter that determines whether the messages
-%% necessitate an ack or not. If they do, the function returns a list of
-%% messages with the respective acktags.
--callback dropwhile(msg_pred(), true, state())
- -> {rabbit_types:message_properties() | undefined,
- [{rabbit_types:basic_message(), ack()}], state()};
- (msg_pred(), false, state())
- -> {rabbit_types:message_properties() | undefined,
- undefined, state()}.
+%% Drop messages from the head of the queue while the supplied
+%% predicate on message properties returns true. Returns the first
+%% message properties for which the predictate returned false, or
+%% 'undefined' if the whole backing queue was traversed w/o the
+%% predicate ever returning false.
+-callback dropwhile(msg_pred(), state())
+ -> {rabbit_types:message_properties() | undefined, state()}.
+%% Like dropwhile, except messages are fetched in "require
+%% acknowledgement" mode and are passed, together with their ack tag,
+%% to the supplied function. The function is also fed an
+%% accumulator. The result of fetchwhile is as for dropwhile plus the
+%% accumulator.
+-callback fetchwhile(msg_pred(), msg_fun(A), A, state())
+ -> {rabbit_types:message_properties() | undefined,
+ A, state()}.
%% Produce the next message.
-callback fetch(true, state()) -> {fetch_result(ack()), state()};
(false, state()) -> {fetch_result(undefined), state()}.
+%% Remove the next message.
+-callback drop(true, state()) -> {drop_result(ack()), state()};
+ (false, state()) -> {drop_result(undefined), state()}.
%% Acktags supplied are for messages which can now be forgotten
%% about. Must return 1 msg_id per Ack, in the same order as Acks.
-callback ack([ack()], state()) -> {msg_ids(), state()}.
-%% Acktags supplied are for messages which should be processed. The
-%% provided callback function is called with each message.
--callback fold(msg_fun(), state(), [ack()]) -> state().
%% Reinsert messages into the queue which have already been delivered
%% and were pending acknowledgement.
-callback requeue([ack()], state()) -> {msg_ids(), state()}.
+%% Fold over messages by ack tag. The supplied function is called with
+%% each message, its ack tag, and an accumulator.
+-callback ackfold(msg_fun(A), A, state(), [ack()]) -> {A, state()}.
+%% Fold over all the messages in a queue and return the accumulated
+%% results, leaving the queue undisturbed.
+-callback fold(fun((rabbit_types:basic_message(),
+ rabbit_types:message_properties(),
+ boolean(), A) -> {('stop' | 'cont'), A}),
+ A, state()) -> {A, state()}.
%% How long is my queue?
-callback len(state()) -> non_neg_integer().
@@ -210,9 +228,10 @@
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
[{start, 1}, {stop, 0}, {init, 3}, {terminate, 2},
- {delete_and_terminate, 2}, {purge, 1}, {publish, 4},
- {publish_delivered, 4}, {discard, 3}, {drain_confirmed, 1}, {dropwhile, 3},
- {fetch, 2}, {ack, 2}, {fold, 3}, {requeue, 2}, {len, 1},
+ {delete_and_terminate, 2}, {purge, 1}, {purge_acks, 1}, {publish, 5},
+ {publish_delivered, 4}, {discard, 3}, {drain_confirmed, 1},
+ {dropwhile, 2}, {fetchwhile, 4},
+ {fetch, 2}, {ack, 2}, {requeue, 2}, {ackfold, 4}, {fold, 3}, {len, 1},
{is_empty, 1}, {depth, 1}, {set_ram_duration_target, 2},
{ram_duration, 1}, {needs_timeout, 1}, {timeout, 1},
{handle_pre_hibernate, 1}, {status, 1}, {invoke, 3}, {is_duplicate, 2}] ;
diff --git a/src/rabbit_backing_queue_qc.erl b/src/rabbit_backing_queue_qc.erl
index a028602c..052db3a5 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_backing_queue_qc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_backing_queue_qc.erl
@@ -85,17 +85,19 @@ backing_queue_test(Cmds) ->
%% Commands
-%% Command frequencies are tuned so that queues are normally reasonably
-%% short, but they may sometimes exceed ?QUEUE_MAXLEN. Publish-multiple
-%% and purging cause extreme queue lengths, so these have lower probabilities.
-%% Fetches are sufficiently frequent so that commands that need acktags
-%% get decent coverage.
+%% Command frequencies are tuned so that queues are normally
+%% reasonably short, but they may sometimes exceed
+%% ?QUEUE_MAXLEN. Publish-multiple and purging cause extreme queue
+%% lengths, so these have lower probabilities. Fetches/drops are
+%% sufficiently frequent so that commands that need acktags get decent
+%% coverage.
command(S) ->
frequency([{10, qc_publish(S)},
{1, qc_publish_delivered(S)},
{1, qc_publish_multiple(S)}, %% very slow
- {15, qc_fetch(S)}, %% needed for ack and requeue
+ {9, qc_fetch(S)}, %% needed for ack and requeue
+ {6, qc_drop(S)}, %%
{15, qc_ack(S)},
{15, qc_requeue(S)},
{3, qc_set_ram_duration_target(S)},
@@ -104,7 +106,8 @@ command(S) ->
{1, qc_dropwhile(S)},
{1, qc_is_empty(S)},
{1, qc_timeout(S)},
- {1, qc_purge(S)}]).
+ {1, qc_purge(S)},
+ {1, qc_fold(S)}]).
qc_publish(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
{call, ?BQMOD, publish,
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ qc_publish(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
#message_properties{needs_confirming = frequency([{1, true},
{20, false}]),
expiry = oneof([undefined | lists:seq(1, 10)])},
- self(), BQ]}.
+ false, self(), BQ]}.
qc_publish_multiple(#state{}) ->
{call, ?MODULE, publish_multiple, [resize(?QUEUE_MAXLEN, pos_integer())]}.
@@ -124,6 +127,9 @@ qc_publish_delivered(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
qc_fetch(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
{call, ?BQMOD, fetch, [boolean(), BQ]}.
+qc_drop(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
+ {call, ?BQMOD, drop, [boolean(), BQ]}.
qc_ack(#state{bqstate = BQ, acks = Acks}) ->
{call, ?BQMOD, ack, [rand_choice(proplists:get_keys(Acks)), BQ]}.
@@ -141,7 +147,7 @@ qc_drain_confirmed(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
{call, ?BQMOD, drain_confirmed, [BQ]}.
qc_dropwhile(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
- {call, ?BQMOD, dropwhile, [fun dropfun/1, false, BQ]}.
+ {call, ?BQMOD, dropwhile, [fun dropfun/1, BQ]}.
qc_is_empty(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
{call, ?BQMOD, is_empty, [BQ]}.
@@ -152,6 +158,9 @@ qc_timeout(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
qc_purge(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
{call, ?BQMOD, purge, [BQ]}.
+qc_fold(#state{bqstate = BQ}) ->
+ {call, ?BQMOD, fold, [makefoldfun(pos_integer()), foldacc(), BQ]}.
%% Preconditions
%% Create long queues by only allowing publishing
@@ -173,7 +182,7 @@ precondition(#state{len = Len}, {call, ?MODULE, publish_multiple, _Arg}) ->
%% Model updates
-next_state(S, BQ, {call, ?BQMOD, publish, [Msg, MsgProps, _Pid, _BQ]}) ->
+next_state(S, BQ, {call, ?BQMOD, publish, [Msg, MsgProps, _Del, _Pid, _BQ]}) ->
#state{len = Len,
messages = Messages,
confirms = Confirms,
@@ -217,22 +226,10 @@ next_state(S, Res,
next_state(S, Res, {call, ?BQMOD, fetch, [AckReq, _BQ]}) ->
- #state{len = Len, messages = Messages, acks = Acks} = S,
- ResultInfo = {call, erlang, element, [1, Res]},
- BQ1 = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
- AckTag = {call, erlang, element, [3, ResultInfo]},
- S1 = S#state{bqstate = BQ1},
- case gb_trees:is_empty(Messages) of
- true -> S1;
- false -> {SeqId, MsgProp_Msg, M2} = gb_trees:take_smallest(Messages),
- S2 = S1#state{len = Len - 1, messages = M2},
- case AckReq of
- true ->
- S2#state{acks = [{AckTag, {SeqId, MsgProp_Msg}}|Acks]};
- false ->
- S2
- end
- end;
+ next_state_fetch_and_drop(S, Res, AckReq, 3);
+next_state(S, Res, {call, ?BQMOD, drop, [AckReq, _BQ]}) ->
+ next_state_fetch_and_drop(S, Res, AckReq, 2);
next_state(S, Res, {call, ?BQMOD, ack, [AcksArg, _BQ]}) ->
#state{acks = AcksState} = S,
@@ -265,7 +262,7 @@ next_state(S, Res, {call, ?BQMOD, drain_confirmed, _Args}) ->
S#state{bqstate = BQ1};
next_state(S, Res, {call, ?BQMOD, dropwhile, _Args}) ->
- BQ = {call, erlang, element, [3, Res]},
+ BQ = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
#state{messages = Messages} = S,
Msgs1 = drop_messages(Messages),
S#state{bqstate = BQ, len = gb_trees:size(Msgs1), messages = Msgs1};
@@ -278,19 +275,38 @@ next_state(S, BQ, {call, ?MODULE, timeout, _Args}) ->
next_state(S, Res, {call, ?BQMOD, purge, _Args}) ->
BQ1 = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
- S#state{bqstate = BQ1, len = 0, messages = gb_trees:empty()}.
+ S#state{bqstate = BQ1, len = 0, messages = gb_trees:empty()};
+next_state(S, Res, {call, ?BQMOD, fold, _Args}) ->
+ BQ1 = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
+ S#state{bqstate = BQ1}.
%% Postconditions
postcondition(S, {call, ?BQMOD, fetch, _Args}, Res) ->
#state{messages = Messages, len = Len, acks = Acks, confirms = Confrms} = S,
case Res of
- {{MsgFetched, _IsDelivered, AckTag, RemainingLen}, _BQ} ->
+ {{MsgFetched, _IsDelivered, AckTag}, _BQ} ->
{_SeqId, {_MsgProps, Msg}} = gb_trees:smallest(Messages),
MsgFetched =:= Msg andalso
not proplists:is_defined(AckTag, Acks) andalso
not gb_sets:is_element(AckTag, Confrms) andalso
- RemainingLen =:= Len - 1;
+ Len =/= 0;
+ {empty, _BQ} ->
+ Len =:= 0
+ end;
+postcondition(S, {call, ?BQMOD, drop, _Args}, Res) ->
+ #state{messages = Messages, len = Len, acks = Acks, confirms = Confrms} = S,
+ case Res of
+ {{MsgIdFetched, AckTag}, _BQ} ->
+ {_SeqId, {_MsgProps, Msg}} = gb_trees:smallest(Messages),
+ MsgId = eval({call, erlang, element,
+ [?RECORD_INDEX(id, basic_message), Msg]}),
+ MsgIdFetched =:= MsgId andalso
+ not proplists:is_defined(AckTag, Acks) andalso
+ not gb_sets:is_element(AckTag, Confrms) andalso
+ Len =/= 0;
{empty, _BQ} ->
Len =:= 0
@@ -313,6 +329,15 @@ postcondition(S, {call, ?BQMOD, drain_confirmed, _Args}, Res) ->
lists:all(fun (M) -> gb_sets:is_element(M, Confirms) end,
+postcondition(S, {call, ?BQMOD, fold, [FoldFun, Acc0, _BQ0]}, {Res, _BQ1}) ->
+ #state{messages = Messages} = S,
+ {_, Model} = lists:foldl(fun ({_SeqId, {_MsgProps, _Msg}}, {stop, Acc}) ->
+ {stop, Acc};
+ ({_SeqId, {MsgProps, Msg}}, {cont, Acc}) ->
+ FoldFun(Msg, MsgProps, false, Acc)
+ end, {cont, Acc0}, gb_trees:to_list(Messages)),
+ true = Model =:= Res;
postcondition(#state{bqstate = BQ, len = Len}, {call, _M, _F, _A}, _Res) ->
?BQMOD:len(BQ) =:= Len.
@@ -371,6 +396,16 @@ rand_choice(List, Selection, N) ->
rand_choice(List -- [Picked], [Picked | Selection],
N - 1).
+makefoldfun(Size) ->
+ fun (Msg, _MsgProps, Unacked, Acc) ->
+ case {length(Acc) > Size, Unacked} of
+ {false, false} -> {cont, [Msg | Acc]};
+ {false, true} -> {cont, Acc};
+ {true, _} -> {stop, Acc}
+ end
+ end.
+foldacc() -> [].
dropfun(Props) ->
Expiry = eval({call, erlang, element,
[?RECORD_INDEX(expiry, message_properties), Props]}),
@@ -388,6 +423,24 @@ drop_messages(Messages) ->
+next_state_fetch_and_drop(S, Res, AckReq, AckTagIdx) ->
+ #state{len = Len, messages = Messages, acks = Acks} = S,
+ ResultInfo = {call, erlang, element, [1, Res]},
+ BQ1 = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
+ AckTag = {call, erlang, element, [AckTagIdx, ResultInfo]},
+ S1 = S#state{bqstate = BQ1},
+ case gb_trees:is_empty(Messages) of
+ true -> S1;
+ false -> {SeqId, MsgProp_Msg, M2} = gb_trees:take_smallest(Messages),
+ S2 = S1#state{len = Len - 1, messages = M2},
+ case AckReq of
+ true ->
+ S2#state{acks = [{AckTag, {SeqId, MsgProp_Msg}}|Acks]};
+ false ->
+ S2
+ end
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_binding.erl b/src/rabbit_binding.erl
index 6096e07b..cb86e5ae 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_binding.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_binding.erl
@@ -40,8 +40,11 @@
[{'not_found', (rabbit_types:binding_source() |
rabbit_types:binding_destination())} |
{'absent', rabbit_types:amqqueue()}]})).
-type(bind_ok_or_error() :: 'ok' | bind_errors() |
- rabbit_types:error('binding_not_found')).
+ rabbit_types:error(
+ 'binding_not_found' |
+ {'binding_invalid', string(), [any()]})).
-type(bind_res() :: bind_ok_or_error() | rabbit_misc:thunk(bind_ok_or_error())).
-type(inner_fun() ::
@@ -157,15 +160,22 @@ add(Binding, InnerFun) ->
fun (Src, Dst, B) ->
- %% this argument is used to check queue exclusivity;
- %% in general, we want to fail on that in preference to
- %% anything else
- case InnerFun(Src, Dst) of
- ok -> case mnesia:read({rabbit_route, B}) of
- [] -> add(Src, Dst, B);
- [_] -> fun rabbit_misc:const_ok/0
- end;
- {error, _} = Err -> rabbit_misc:const(Err)
+ case rabbit_exchange:validate_binding(Src, B) of
+ ok ->
+ %% this argument is used to check queue exclusivity;
+ %% in general, we want to fail on that in preference to
+ %% anything else
+ case InnerFun(Src, Dst) of
+ ok ->
+ case mnesia:read({rabbit_route, B}) of
+ [] -> add(Src, Dst, B);
+ [_] -> fun rabbit_misc:const_ok/0
+ end;
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ rabbit_misc:const(Err)
+ end;
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ rabbit_misc:const(Err)
diff --git a/src/rabbit_channel.erl b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
index a715b291..52c6140e 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_channel.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
@@ -21,22 +21,23 @@
-export([start_link/11, do/2, do/3, do_flow/3, flush/1, shutdown/1]).
--export([send_command/2, deliver/4, flushed/2]).
+-export([send_command/2, deliver/4, send_credit_reply/2, send_drained/2,
+ flushed/2]).
-export([list/0, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/0, info_all/1]).
-export([refresh_config_local/0, ready_for_close/1]).
-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/3,
- prioritise_cast/2, prioritise_info/2, format_message_queue/2]).
+ handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/4,
+ prioritise_cast/3, prioritise_info/3, format_message_queue/2]).
%% Internal
-record(ch, {state, protocol, channel, reader_pid, writer_pid, conn_pid,
- conn_name, limiter, tx_status, next_tag, unacked_message_q,
- uncommitted_message_q, uncommitted_acks, uncommitted_nacks, user,
- virtual_host, most_recently_declared_queue, queue_monitors,
- consumer_mapping, blocking, queue_consumers, delivering_queues,
+ conn_name, limiter, tx, next_tag, unacked_message_q, user,
+ virtual_host, most_recently_declared_queue,
+ queue_names, queue_monitors, consumer_mapping,
+ blocking, queue_consumers, delivering_queues,
queue_collector_pid, stats_timer, confirm_enabled, publish_seqno,
unconfirmed, confirmed, capabilities, trace_state}).
@@ -64,6 +65,12 @@
+-define(INCR_STATS(Incs, Measure, State),
+ case rabbit_event:stats_level(State, #ch.stats_timer) of
+ fine -> incr_stats(Incs, Measure);
+ _ -> ok
+ end).
@@ -75,8 +82,8 @@
-spec(start_link/11 ::
(channel_number(), pid(), pid(), pid(), string(),
rabbit_types:protocol(), rabbit_types:user(), rabbit_types:vhost(),
- rabbit_framing:amqp_table(),
- pid(), rabbit_limiter:token()) -> rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
+ rabbit_framing:amqp_table(), pid(), pid()) ->
+ rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
-spec(do/2 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record()) -> 'ok').
-spec(do/3 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(),
rabbit_types:maybe(rabbit_types:content())) -> 'ok').
@@ -88,6 +95,9 @@
-spec(deliver/4 ::
(pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), rabbit_amqqueue:qmsg())
-> 'ok').
+-spec(send_credit_reply/2 :: (pid(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(send_drained/2 :: (pid(), [{rabbit_types:ctag(), non_neg_integer()}])
+ -> 'ok').
-spec(flushed/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(list/0 :: () -> [pid()]).
-spec(list_local/0 :: () -> [pid()]).
@@ -132,6 +142,12 @@ send_command(Pid, Msg) ->
deliver(Pid, ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg) ->
gen_server2:cast(Pid, {deliver, ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg}).
+send_credit_reply(Pid, Len) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(Pid, {send_credit_reply, Len}).
+send_drained(Pid, CTagCredit) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(Pid, {send_drained, CTagCredit}).
flushed(Pid, QPid) ->
gen_server2:cast(Pid, {flushed, QPid}).
@@ -174,7 +190,7 @@ force_event_refresh() ->
init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ConnPid, ConnName, Protocol, User, VHost,
- Capabilities, CollectorPid, Limiter]) ->
+ Capabilities, CollectorPid, LimiterPid]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
ok = pg_local:join(rabbit_channels, self()),
State = #ch{state = starting,
@@ -184,16 +200,14 @@ init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ConnPid, ConnName, Protocol, User, VHost,
writer_pid = WriterPid,
conn_pid = ConnPid,
conn_name = ConnName,
- limiter = Limiter,
- tx_status = none,
+ limiter = rabbit_limiter:new(LimiterPid),
+ tx = none,
next_tag = 1,
unacked_message_q = queue:new(),
- uncommitted_message_q = queue:new(),
- uncommitted_acks = [],
- uncommitted_nacks = [],
user = User,
virtual_host = VHost,
most_recently_declared_queue = <<>>,
+ queue_names = dict:new(),
queue_monitors = pmon:new(),
consumer_mapping = dict:new(),
blocking = sets:new(),
@@ -213,20 +227,20 @@ init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ConnPid, ConnName, Protocol, User, VHost,
{ok, State1, hibernate,
-prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
+prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
info -> 9;
{info, _Items} -> 9;
_ -> 0
-prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_cast(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
{confirm, _MsgSeqNos, _QPid} -> 5;
_ -> 0
-prioritise_info(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_info(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
emit_stats -> 7;
_ -> 0
@@ -311,12 +325,27 @@ handle_cast({deliver, ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
noreply(record_sent(ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg, State));
+handle_cast({send_credit_reply, Len}, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
+ ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(
+ WriterPid, #'basic.credit_ok'{available = Len}),
+ noreply(State);
+handle_cast({send_drained, CTagCredit}, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
+ [ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(
+ WriterPid, #'basic.credit_drained'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag,
+ credit_drained = CreditDrained})
+ || {ConsumerTag, CreditDrained} <- CTagCredit],
+ noreply(State);
handle_cast(force_event_refresh, State) ->
rabbit_event:notify(channel_created, infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State)),
handle_cast({confirm, MsgSeqNos, From}, State) ->
State1 = #ch{confirmed = C} = confirm(MsgSeqNos, From, State),
- noreply([send_confirms], State1, case C of [] -> hibernate; _ -> 0 end).
+ Timeout = case C of [] -> hibernate; _ -> 0 end,
+ %% NB: don't call noreply/1 since we don't want to send confirms.
+ {noreply, ensure_stats_timer(State1), Timeout}.
handle_info({bump_credit, Msg}, State) ->
@@ -327,8 +356,10 @@ handle_info(timeout, State) ->
handle_info(emit_stats, State) ->
- noreply([ensure_stats_timer],
- rabbit_event:reset_stats_timer(State, #ch.stats_timer));
+ State1 = rabbit_event:reset_stats_timer(State, #ch.stats_timer),
+ %% NB: don't call noreply/1 since we don't want to kick off the
+ %% stats timer.
+ {noreply, send_confirms(State1), hibernate};
handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, QPid, Reason}, State) ->
State1 = handle_publishing_queue_down(QPid, Reason, State),
@@ -336,9 +367,13 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, QPid, Reason}, State) ->
State3 = handle_consuming_queue_down(QPid, State2),
State4 = handle_delivering_queue_down(QPid, State3),
- erase_queue_stats(QPid),
- noreply(State4#ch{queue_monitors = pmon:erase(
- QPid, State4#ch.queue_monitors)});
+ #ch{queue_names = QNames, queue_monitors = QMons} = State4,
+ case dict:find(QPid, QNames) of
+ {ok, QName} -> erase_queue_stats(QName);
+ error -> ok
+ end,
+ noreply(State4#ch{queue_names = dict:erase(QPid, QNames),
+ queue_monitors = pmon:erase(QPid, QMons)});
handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
{stop, Reason, State}.
@@ -359,6 +394,8 @@ terminate(Reason, State) ->
_ -> ok
pg_local:leave(rabbit_channels, self()),
+ rabbit_event:if_enabled(State, #ch.stats_timer,
+ fun() -> emit_stats(State) end),
rabbit_event:notify(channel_closed, [{pid, self()}]).
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
@@ -368,30 +405,11 @@ format_message_queue(Opt, MQ) -> rabbit_misc:format_message_queue(Opt, MQ).
-reply(Reply, NewState) -> reply(Reply, [], NewState).
-reply(Reply, Mask, NewState) -> reply(Reply, Mask, NewState, hibernate).
-reply(Reply, Mask, NewState, Timeout) ->
- {reply, Reply, next_state(Mask, NewState), Timeout}.
+reply(Reply, NewState) -> {reply, Reply, next_state(NewState), hibernate}.
-noreply(NewState) -> noreply([], NewState).
-noreply(Mask, NewState) -> noreply(Mask, NewState, hibernate).
-noreply(Mask, NewState, Timeout) ->
- {noreply, next_state(Mask, NewState), Timeout}.
--define(MASKED_CALL(Fun, Mask, State),
- case lists:member(Fun, Mask) of
- true -> State;
- false -> Fun(State)
- end).
+noreply(NewState) -> {noreply, next_state(NewState), hibernate}.
-next_state(Mask, State) ->
- State1 = ?MASKED_CALL(ensure_stats_timer, Mask, State),
- State2 = ?MASKED_CALL(send_confirms, Mask, State1),
- State2.
+next_state(State) -> ensure_stats_timer(send_confirms(State)).
ensure_stats_timer(State) ->
rabbit_event:ensure_stats_timer(State, #ch.stats_timer, emit_stats).
@@ -425,8 +443,14 @@ handle_exception(Reason, State = #ch{protocol = Protocol,
{stop, normal, State1}
+-spec(precondition_failed/1 :: (string()) -> no_return()).
precondition_failed(Format) -> precondition_failed(Format, []).
+-spec(precondition_failed/2 :: (string(), [any()]) -> no_return()).
precondition_failed(Format, Params) ->
rabbit_misc:protocol_error(precondition_failed, Format, Params).
@@ -443,15 +467,13 @@ check_resource_access(User, Resource, Perm) ->
undefined -> [];
Other -> Other
- CacheTail =
- case lists:member(V, Cache) of
- true -> lists:delete(V, Cache);
- false -> ok = rabbit_access_control:check_resource_access(
- User, Resource, Perm),
- lists:sublist(Cache, ?MAX_PERMISSION_CACHE_SIZE - 1)
- end,
- put(permission_cache, [V | CacheTail]),
- ok.
+ case lists:member(V, Cache) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> ok = rabbit_access_control:check_resource_access(
+ User, Resource, Perm),
+ CacheTail = lists:sublist(Cache, ?MAX_PERMISSION_CACHE_SIZE-1),
+ put(permission_cache, [V | CacheTail])
+ end.
clear_permission_cache() ->
@@ -530,16 +552,12 @@ check_not_default_exchange(_) ->
%% check that an exchange/queue name does not contain the reserved
%% "amq." prefix.
-%% One, quite reasonable, interpretation of the spec, taken by the
-%% QPid M1 Java client, is that the exclusion of "amq." prefixed names
+%% As per the AMQP 0-9-1 spec, the exclusion of "amq." prefixed names
%% only applies on actual creation, and not in the cases where the
-%% entity already exists. This is how we use this function in the code
-%% below. However, AMQP JIRA 123 changes that in 0-10, and possibly
-%% 0-9SP1, making it illegal to attempt to declare an exchange/queue
-%% with an amq.* name when passive=false. So this will need
-%% revisiting.
+%% entity already exists or passive=true.
-%% TODO: enforce other constraints on name. See AMQP JIRA 69.
+%% NB: We deliberately do not enforce the other constraints on names
+%% required by the spec.
check_name(Kind, NameBin = <<"amq.", _/binary>>) ->
@@ -550,18 +568,16 @@ check_name(_Kind, NameBin) ->
queue_blocked(QPid, State = #ch{blocking = Blocking}) ->
case sets:is_element(QPid, Blocking) of
false -> State;
- true -> Blocking1 = sets:del_element(QPid, Blocking),
- case sets:size(Blocking1) of
- 0 -> ok = send(#'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}, State);
- _ -> ok
- end,
- State#ch{blocking = Blocking1}
+ true -> maybe_send_flow_ok(
+ State#ch{blocking = sets:del_element(QPid, Blocking)})
-record_confirm(undefined, _, State) ->
- State;
-record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State) ->
- record_confirms([{MsgSeqNo, XName}], State).
+maybe_send_flow_ok(State = #ch{blocking = Blocking}) ->
+ case sets:size(Blocking) of
+ 0 -> ok = send(#'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}, State);
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ State.
record_confirms([], State) ->
@@ -597,6 +613,15 @@ handle_method(_Method, _, State = #ch{state = closing}) ->
handle_method(#'channel.close'{}, _, State = #ch{reader_pid = ReaderPid}) ->
{ok, State1} = notify_queues(State),
+ %% We issue the channel.close_ok response after a handshake with
+ %% the reader, the other half of which is ready_for_close. That
+ %% way the reader forgets about the channel before we send the
+ %% response (and this channel process terminates). If we didn't do
+ %% that, a for the same channel number, which a
+ %% client is entitled to send as soon as it has received the
+ %% close_ok, might be received by the reader before it has seen
+ %% the termination and hence be sent to the old, now dead/dying
+ %% channel process, instead of a new process, and thus lost.
ReaderPid ! {channel_closing, self()},
{noreply, State1};
@@ -604,8 +629,8 @@ handle_method(#'channel.close'{}, _, State = #ch{reader_pid = ReaderPid}) ->
%% while waiting for the reply to a synchronous command, we generally
%% do allow this...except in the case of a pending tx.commit, where
%% it could wreak havoc.
-handle_method(_Method, _, #ch{tx_status = TxStatus})
- when TxStatus =/= none andalso TxStatus =/= in_progress ->
+handle_method(_Method, _, #ch{tx = Tx})
+ when Tx =:= committing orelse Tx =:= failed ->
channel_error, "unexpected command while processing 'tx.commit'", []);
@@ -619,7 +644,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.publish'{exchange = ExchangeNameBin,
routing_key = RoutingKey,
mandatory = Mandatory},
Content, State = #ch{virtual_host = VHostPath,
- tx_status = TxStatus,
+ tx = Tx,
confirm_enabled = ConfirmEnabled,
trace_state = TraceState}) ->
ExchangeName = rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, exchange, ExchangeNameBin),
@@ -633,23 +658,22 @@ handle_method(#'basic.publish'{exchange = ExchangeNameBin,
check_user_id_header(Props, State),
{MsgSeqNo, State1} =
- case {TxStatus, ConfirmEnabled} of
+ case {Tx, ConfirmEnabled} of
{none, false} -> {undefined, State};
{_, _} -> SeqNo = State#ch.publish_seqno,
{SeqNo, State#ch{publish_seqno = SeqNo + 1}}
case rabbit_basic:message(ExchangeName, RoutingKey, DecodedContent) of
{ok, Message} ->
- rabbit_trace:tap_trace_in(Message, TraceState),
+ rabbit_trace:tap_in(Message, TraceState),
Delivery = rabbit_basic:delivery(Mandatory, Message, MsgSeqNo),
QNames = rabbit_exchange:route(Exchange, Delivery),
- {noreply,
- case TxStatus of
- none -> deliver_to_queues({Delivery, QNames}, State1);
- in_progress -> TMQ = State1#ch.uncommitted_message_q,
- NewTMQ = queue:in({Delivery, QNames}, TMQ),
- State1#ch{uncommitted_message_q = NewTMQ}
- end};
+ DQ = {Delivery, QNames},
+ {noreply, case Tx of
+ none -> deliver_to_queues(DQ, State1);
+ {Msgs, Acks} -> Msgs1 = queue:in(DQ, Msgs),
+ State1#ch{tx = {Msgs1, Acks}}
+ end};
{error, Reason} ->
precondition_failed("invalid message: ~p", [Reason])
@@ -662,29 +686,31 @@ handle_method(#'basic.nack'{delivery_tag = DeliveryTag,
handle_method(#'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DeliveryTag,
multiple = Multiple},
- _, State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ, tx_status = TxStatus}) ->
+ _, State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ, tx = Tx}) ->
{Acked, Remaining} = collect_acks(UAMQ, DeliveryTag, Multiple),
State1 = State#ch{unacked_message_q = Remaining},
- {noreply,
- case TxStatus of
- none -> ack(Acked, State1),
- State1;
- in_progress -> State1#ch{uncommitted_acks =
- Acked ++ State1#ch.uncommitted_acks}
- end};
+ {noreply, case Tx of
+ none -> ack(Acked, State1),
+ State1;
+ {Msgs, Acks} -> Acks1 = ack_cons(ack, Acked, Acks),
+ State1#ch{tx = {Msgs, Acks1}}
+ end};
handle_method(#'basic.get'{queue = QueueNameBin,
no_ack = NoAck},
_, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid,
conn_pid = ConnPid,
+ limiter = Limiter,
next_tag = DeliveryTag}) ->
QueueName = expand_queue_name_shortcut(QueueNameBin, State),
check_read_permitted(QueueName, State),
case rabbit_amqqueue:with_exclusive_access_or_die(
QueueName, ConnPid,
- fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), NoAck) end) of
+ fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(
+ Q, self(), NoAck, rabbit_limiter:pid(Limiter))
+ end) of
{ok, MessageCount,
- Msg = {_QName, QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
+ Msg = {QName, QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
routing_keys = [RoutingKey | _CcRoutes],
content = Content}}} ->
@@ -696,7 +722,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.get'{queue = QueueNameBin,
routing_key = RoutingKey,
message_count = MessageCount},
- State1 = monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, State),
+ State1 = monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, QName, State),
{noreply, record_sent(none, not(NoAck), Msg, State1)};
empty ->
{reply, #'basic.get_empty'{}, State}
@@ -707,7 +733,8 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
no_local = _, % FIXME: implement
no_ack = NoAck,
exclusive = ExclusiveConsume,
- nowait = NoWait},
+ nowait = NoWait,
+ arguments = Arguments},
_, State = #ch{conn_pid = ConnPid,
limiter = Limiter,
consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping}) ->
@@ -729,16 +756,20 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
QueueName, ConnPid,
fun (Q) ->
- Q, NoAck, self(), Limiter,
+ Q, NoAck, self(),
+ rabbit_limiter:pid(Limiter),
+ rabbit_limiter:is_active(Limiter),
ActualConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume,
+ parse_credit_args(Arguments),
ok_msg(NoWait, #'basic.consume_ok'{
consumer_tag = ActualConsumerTag})),
end) of
- {ok, Q = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}} ->
+ {ok, Q = #amqqueue{pid = QPid, name = QName}} ->
CM1 = dict:store(ActualConsumerTag, Q, ConsumerMapping),
State1 = monitor_delivering_queue(
- NoAck, QPid, State#ch{consumer_mapping = CM1}),
+ NoAck, QPid, QName,
+ State#ch{consumer_mapping = CM1}),
case NoWait of
true -> consumer_monitor(ActualConsumerTag, State1);
@@ -803,33 +834,29 @@ handle_method(#'basic.qos'{prefetch_size = Size}, _, _State) when Size /= 0 ->
"prefetch_size!=0 (~w)", [Size]);
-handle_method(#'basic.qos'{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount}, _,
+handle_method(#'basic.qos'{prefetch_count = 0}, _,
State = #ch{limiter = Limiter}) ->
- Limiter1 = case {rabbit_limiter:is_enabled(Limiter), PrefetchCount} of
- {false, 0} -> Limiter;
- {false, _} -> enable_limiter(State);
- {_, _} -> Limiter
- end,
- Limiter3 = case rabbit_limiter:limit(Limiter1, PrefetchCount) of
- ok -> Limiter1;
- {disabled, Limiter2} -> ok = limit_queues(Limiter2, State),
- Limiter2
- end,
- {reply, #'basic.qos_ok'{}, State#ch{limiter = Limiter3}};
+ Limiter1 = rabbit_limiter:unlimit_prefetch(Limiter),
+ {reply, #'basic.qos_ok'{}, State#ch{limiter = Limiter1}};
+handle_method(#'basic.qos'{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount}, _,
+ State = #ch{limiter = Limiter, unacked_message_q = UAMQ}) ->
+ Limiter1 = rabbit_limiter:limit_prefetch(Limiter,
+ PrefetchCount, queue:len(UAMQ)),
+ {reply, #'basic.qos_ok'{},
+ maybe_limit_queues(Limiter, Limiter1, State#ch{limiter = Limiter1})};
handle_method(#'basic.recover_async'{requeue = true},
_, State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ,
limiter = Limiter}) ->
OkFun = fun () -> ok end,
UAMQL = queue:to_list(UAMQ),
- ok = fold_per_queue(
- fun (QPid, MsgIds, ok) ->
- rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
- OkFun, fun () ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:requeue(
- QPid, MsgIds, self())
- end)
- end, ok, UAMQL),
+ foreach_per_queue(
+ fun (QPid, MsgIds) ->
+ rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
+ OkFun,
+ fun () -> rabbit_amqqueue:requeue(QPid, MsgIds, self()) end)
+ end, lists:reverse(UAMQL)),
ok = notify_limiter(Limiter, UAMQL),
%% No answer required - basic.recover is the newer, synchronous
%% variant of this method
@@ -1044,34 +1071,34 @@ handle_method(#'queue.purge'{queue = QueueNameBin,
handle_method(#''{}, _, #ch{confirm_enabled = true}) ->
precondition_failed("cannot switch from confirm to tx mode");
+handle_method(#''{}, _, State = #ch{tx = none}) ->
+ {reply, #'tx.select_ok'{}, State#ch{tx = new_tx()}};
handle_method(#''{}, _, State) ->
- {reply, #'tx.select_ok'{}, State#ch{tx_status = in_progress}};
+ {reply, #'tx.select_ok'{}, State};
-handle_method(#'tx.commit'{}, _, #ch{tx_status = none}) ->
+handle_method(#'tx.commit'{}, _, #ch{tx = none}) ->
precondition_failed("channel is not transactional");
-handle_method(#'tx.commit'{}, _,
- State = #ch{uncommitted_message_q = TMQ,
- uncommitted_acks = TAL,
- uncommitted_nacks = TNL,
- limiter = Limiter}) ->
- State1 = rabbit_misc:queue_fold(fun deliver_to_queues/2, State, TMQ),
- ack(TAL, State1),
- lists:foreach(
- fun({Requeue, Acked}) -> reject(Requeue, Acked, Limiter) end, TNL),
- {noreply, maybe_complete_tx(new_tx(State1#ch{tx_status = committing}))};
-handle_method(#'tx.rollback'{}, _, #ch{tx_status = none}) ->
+handle_method(#'tx.commit'{}, _, State = #ch{tx = {Msgs, Acks},
+ limiter = Limiter}) ->
+ State1 = rabbit_misc:queue_fold(fun deliver_to_queues/2, State, Msgs),
+ lists:foreach(fun ({ack, A}) -> ack(A, State1);
+ ({Requeue, A}) -> reject(Requeue, A, Limiter)
+ end, lists:reverse(Acks)),
+ {noreply, maybe_complete_tx(State1#ch{tx = committing})};
+handle_method(#'tx.rollback'{}, _, #ch{tx = none}) ->
precondition_failed("channel is not transactional");
handle_method(#'tx.rollback'{}, _, State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ,
- uncommitted_acks = TAL,
- uncommitted_nacks = TNL}) ->
- TNL1 = lists:append([L || {_, L} <- TNL]),
- UAMQ1 = queue:from_list(lists:usort(TAL ++ TNL1 ++ queue:to_list(UAMQ))),
- {reply, #'tx.rollback_ok'{}, new_tx(State#ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ1})};
+ tx = {_Msgs, Acks}}) ->
+ AcksL = lists:append(lists:reverse([lists:reverse(L) || {_, L} <- Acks])),
+ UAMQ1 = queue:from_list(lists:usort(AcksL ++ queue:to_list(UAMQ))),
+ {reply, #'tx.rollback_ok'{}, State#ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ1,
+ tx = new_tx()}};
-handle_method(#''{}, _, #ch{tx_status = in_progress}) ->
+handle_method(#''{}, _, #ch{tx = {_, _}}) ->
precondition_failed("cannot switch from tx to confirm mode");
handle_method(#''{nowait = NoWait}, _, State) ->
@@ -1080,27 +1107,44 @@ handle_method(#''{nowait = NoWait}, _, State) ->
handle_method(#'channel.flow'{active = true}, _,
State = #ch{limiter = Limiter}) ->
- Limiter2 = case rabbit_limiter:unblock(Limiter) of
- ok -> Limiter;
- {disabled, Limiter1} -> ok = limit_queues(Limiter1, State),
- Limiter1
- end,
- {reply, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = true}, State#ch{limiter = Limiter2}};
+ Limiter1 = rabbit_limiter:unblock(Limiter),
+ {reply, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = true},
+ maybe_limit_queues(Limiter, Limiter1, State#ch{limiter = Limiter1})};
handle_method(#'channel.flow'{active = false}, _,
State = #ch{consumer_mapping = Consumers,
limiter = Limiter}) ->
- Limiter1 = case rabbit_limiter:is_enabled(Limiter) of
- true -> Limiter;
- false -> enable_limiter(State)
- end,
- State1 = State#ch{limiter = Limiter1},
- ok = rabbit_limiter:block(Limiter1),
- case consumer_queues(Consumers) of
- [] -> {reply, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}, State1};
- QPids -> State2 = State1#ch{blocking = sets:from_list(QPids)},
+ case rabbit_limiter:is_blocked(Limiter) of
+ true -> {noreply, maybe_send_flow_ok(State)};
+ false -> Limiter1 = rabbit_limiter:block(Limiter),
+ State1 = maybe_limit_queues(Limiter, Limiter1,
+ State#ch{limiter = Limiter1}),
+ %% The semantics of channel.flow{active=false}
+ %% require that no messages are delivered after the
+ %% channel.flow_ok has been sent. We accomplish that
+ %% by "flushing" all messages in flight from the
+ %% consumer queues to us. To do this we tell all the
+ %% queues to invoke rabbit_channel:flushed/2, which
+ %% will send us a {flushed, ...} message that appears
+ %% *after* all the {deliver, ...} messages. We keep
+ %% track of all the QPids thus asked, and once all of
+ %% them have responded (or died) we send the
+ %% channel.flow_ok.
+ QPids = consumer_queues(Consumers),
ok = rabbit_amqqueue:flush_all(QPids, self()),
- {noreply, State2}
+ {noreply, maybe_send_flow_ok(
+ State1#ch{blocking = sets:from_list(QPids)})}
+ end;
+handle_method(#''{consumer_tag = CTag,
+ credit = Credit,
+ drain = Drain}, _,
+ State = #ch{consumer_mapping = Consumers}) ->
+ case dict:find(CTag, Consumers) of
+ {ok, Q} -> ok = rabbit_amqqueue:credit(
+ Q, self(), CTag, Credit, Drain),
+ {noreply, State};
+ error -> precondition_failed("unknown consumer tag '~s'", [CTag])
handle_method(_MethodRecord, _Content, _State) ->
@@ -1130,9 +1174,12 @@ consumer_monitor(ConsumerTag,
-monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, State = #ch{queue_monitors = QMons,
- delivering_queues = DQ}) ->
- State#ch{queue_monitors = pmon:monitor(QPid, QMons),
+monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, QName,
+ State = #ch{queue_names = QNames,
+ queue_monitors = QMons,
+ delivering_queues = DQ}) ->
+ State#ch{queue_names = dict:store(QPid, QName, QNames),
+ queue_monitors = pmon:monitor(QPid, QMons),
delivering_queues = case NoAck of
true -> DQ;
false -> sets:add_element(QPid, DQ)
@@ -1166,6 +1213,16 @@ handle_consuming_queue_down(QPid,
handle_delivering_queue_down(QPid, State = #ch{delivering_queues = DQ}) ->
State#ch{delivering_queues = sets:del_element(QPid, DQ)}.
+parse_credit_args(Arguments) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Arguments, <<"x-credit">>) of
+ {table, T} -> case {rabbit_misc:table_lookup(T, <<"credit">>),
+ rabbit_misc:table_lookup(T, <<"drain">>)} of
+ {{long, Credit}, {boolean, Drain}} -> {Credit, Drain};
+ _ -> none
+ end;
+ undefined -> none
+ end.
binding_action(Fun, ExchangeNameBin, DestinationType, DestinationNameBin,
RoutingKey, Arguments, ReturnMethod, NoWait,
State = #ch{virtual_host = VHostPath,
@@ -1196,6 +1253,8 @@ binding_action(Fun, ExchangeNameBin, DestinationType, DestinationNameBin,
not_found, "no binding ~s between ~s and ~s",
[RoutingKey, rabbit_misc:rs(ExchangeName),
+ {error, {binding_invalid, Fmt, Args}} ->
+ rabbit_misc:protocol_error(precondition_failed, Fmt, Args);
{error, #amqp_error{} = Error} ->
ok -> return_ok(State, NoWait, ReturnMethod)
@@ -1215,42 +1274,40 @@ basic_return(#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
reject(DeliveryTag, Requeue, Multiple,
- State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ, tx_status = TxStatus}) ->
+ State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ, tx = Tx}) ->
{Acked, Remaining} = collect_acks(UAMQ, DeliveryTag, Multiple),
State1 = State#ch{unacked_message_q = Remaining},
- {noreply,
- case TxStatus of
- none ->
- reject(Requeue, Acked, State1#ch.limiter),
- State1;
- in_progress ->
- State1#ch{uncommitted_nacks =
- [{Requeue, Acked} | State1#ch.uncommitted_nacks]}
- end}.
+ {noreply, case Tx of
+ none -> reject(Requeue, Acked, State1#ch.limiter),
+ State1;
+ {Msgs, Acks} -> Acks1 = ack_cons(Requeue, Acked, Acks),
+ State1#ch{tx = {Msgs, Acks1}}
+ end}.
+%% NB: Acked is in youngest-first order
reject(Requeue, Acked, Limiter) ->
- ok = fold_per_queue(
- fun (QPid, MsgIds, ok) ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:reject(QPid, MsgIds, Requeue, self())
- end, ok, Acked),
+ foreach_per_queue(
+ fun (QPid, MsgIds) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:reject(QPid, MsgIds, Requeue, self())
+ end, Acked),
ok = notify_limiter(Limiter, Acked).
record_sent(ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
- Msg = {_QName, QPid, MsgId, Redelivered, _Message},
+ Msg = {QName, QPid, MsgId, Redelivered, _Message},
State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ,
next_tag = DeliveryTag,
trace_state = TraceState}) ->
- incr_stats([{queue_stats, QPid, 1}], case {ConsumerTag, AckRequired} of
- {none, true} -> get;
- {none, false} -> get_no_ack;
- {_ , true} -> deliver;
- {_ , false} -> deliver_no_ack
- end, State),
+ ?INCR_STATS([{queue_stats, QName, 1}], case {ConsumerTag, AckRequired} of
+ {none, true} -> get;
+ {none, false} -> get_no_ack;
+ {_ , true} -> deliver;
+ {_ , false} -> deliver_no_ack
+ end, State),
case Redelivered of
- true -> incr_stats([{queue_stats, QPid, 1}], redeliver, State);
+ true -> ?INCR_STATS([{queue_stats, QName, 1}], redeliver, State);
false -> ok
- rabbit_trace:tap_trace_out(Msg, TraceState),
+ rabbit_trace:tap_out(Msg, TraceState),
UAMQ1 = case AckRequired of
true -> queue:in({DeliveryTag, ConsumerTag, {QPid, MsgId}},
@@ -1258,40 +1315,61 @@ record_sent(ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
State#ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ1, next_tag = DeliveryTag + 1}.
+%% NB: returns acks in youngest-first order
collect_acks(Q, 0, true) ->
- {queue:to_list(Q), queue:new()};
+ {lists:reverse(queue:to_list(Q)), queue:new()};
collect_acks(Q, DeliveryTag, Multiple) ->
- collect_acks([], queue:new(), Q, DeliveryTag, Multiple).
+ collect_acks([], [], Q, DeliveryTag, Multiple).
collect_acks(ToAcc, PrefixAcc, Q, DeliveryTag, Multiple) ->
case queue:out(Q) of
{{value, UnackedMsg = {CurrentDeliveryTag, _ConsumerTag, _Msg}},
QTail} ->
if CurrentDeliveryTag == DeliveryTag ->
- {[UnackedMsg | ToAcc], queue:join(PrefixAcc, QTail)};
+ {[UnackedMsg | ToAcc],
+ case PrefixAcc of
+ [] -> QTail;
+ _ -> queue:join(
+ queue:from_list(lists:reverse(PrefixAcc)),
+ QTail)
+ end};
Multiple ->
collect_acks([UnackedMsg | ToAcc], PrefixAcc,
QTail, DeliveryTag, Multiple);
true ->
- collect_acks(ToAcc, queue:in(UnackedMsg, PrefixAcc),
+ collect_acks(ToAcc, [UnackedMsg | PrefixAcc],
QTail, DeliveryTag, Multiple)
{empty, _} ->
precondition_failed("unknown delivery tag ~w", [DeliveryTag])
-ack(Acked, State) ->
- Incs = fold_per_queue(
- fun (QPid, MsgIds, L) ->
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:ack(QPid, MsgIds, self()),
- [{queue_stats, QPid, length(MsgIds)} | L]
- end, [], Acked),
- ok = notify_limiter(State#ch.limiter, Acked),
- incr_stats(Incs, ack, State).
-new_tx(State) -> State#ch{uncommitted_message_q = queue:new(),
- uncommitted_acks = [],
- uncommitted_nacks = []}.
+%% NB: Acked is in youngest-first order
+ack(Acked, State = #ch{queue_names = QNames}) ->
+ foreach_per_queue(
+ fun (QPid, MsgIds) ->
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:ack(QPid, MsgIds, self()),
+ ?INCR_STATS(case dict:find(QPid, QNames) of
+ {ok, QName} -> Count = length(MsgIds),
+ [{queue_stats, QName, Count}];
+ error -> []
+ end, ack, State)
+ end, Acked),
+ ok = notify_limiter(State#ch.limiter, Acked).
+%% {Msgs, Acks}
+%% Msgs is a queue.
+%% Acks looks s.t. like this:
+%% [{false,[5,4]},{true,[3]},{ack,[2,1]}, ...]
+%% Each element is a pair consisting of a tag and a list of
+%% ack'ed/reject'ed msg ids. The tag is one of 'ack' (to ack), 'true'
+%% (reject w requeue), 'false' (reject w/o requeue). The msg ids, as
+%% well as the list overall, are in "most-recent (generally youngest)
+%% ack first" order.
+new_tx() -> {queue:new(), []}.
notify_queues(State = #ch{state = closing}) ->
{ok, State};
@@ -1301,24 +1379,26 @@ notify_queues(State = #ch{consumer_mapping = Consumers,
sets:union(sets:from_list(consumer_queues(Consumers)), DQ)),
{rabbit_amqqueue:notify_down_all(QPids, self()), State#ch{state = closing}}.
-fold_per_queue(_F, Acc, []) ->
- Acc;
-fold_per_queue(F, Acc, [{_DTag, _CTag, {QPid, MsgId}}]) -> %% common case
- F(QPid, [MsgId], Acc);
-fold_per_queue(F, Acc, UAL) ->
+foreach_per_queue(_F, []) ->
+ ok;
+foreach_per_queue(F, [{_DTag, _CTag, {QPid, MsgId}}]) -> %% common case
+ F(QPid, [MsgId]);
+%% NB: UAL should be in youngest-first order; the tree values will
+%% then be in oldest-first order
+foreach_per_queue(F, UAL) ->
T = lists:foldl(fun ({_DTag, _CTag, {QPid, MsgId}}, T) ->
rabbit_misc:gb_trees_cons(QPid, MsgId, T)
end, gb_trees:empty(), UAL),
- rabbit_misc:gb_trees_fold(F, Acc, T).
+ rabbit_misc:gb_trees_foreach(F, T).
-enable_limiter(State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ,
- limiter = Limiter}) ->
- Limiter1 = rabbit_limiter:enable(Limiter, queue:len(UAMQ)),
- ok = limit_queues(Limiter1, State),
- Limiter1.
-limit_queues(Limiter, #ch{consumer_mapping = Consumers}) ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:limit_all(consumer_queues(Consumers), self(), Limiter).
+maybe_limit_queues(OldLimiter, NewLimiter, State) ->
+ case ((not rabbit_limiter:is_active(OldLimiter)) andalso
+ rabbit_limiter:is_active(NewLimiter)) of
+ true -> Queues = consumer_queues(State#ch.consumer_mapping),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:activate_limit_all(Queues, self());
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ State.
consumer_queues(Consumers) ->
lists:usort([QPid ||
@@ -1329,68 +1409,98 @@ consumer_queues(Consumers) ->
%% messages sent in a response to a basic.get (identified by their
%% 'none' consumer tag)
notify_limiter(Limiter, Acked) ->
- case rabbit_limiter:is_enabled(Limiter) of
+ %% optimisation: avoid the potentially expensive 'foldl' in the
+ %% common case.
+ case rabbit_limiter:is_prefetch_limited(Limiter) of
false -> ok;
true -> case lists:foldl(fun ({_, none, _}, Acc) -> Acc;
- ({_, _, _}, Acc) -> Acc + 1
+ ({_, _, _}, Acc) -> Acc + 1
end, 0, Acked) of
0 -> ok;
Count -> rabbit_limiter:ack(Limiter, Count)
+deliver_to_queues({#delivery{message = #basic_message{exchange_name = XName},
+ msg_seq_no = undefined,
+ mandatory = false},
+ []}, State) -> %% optimisation
+ ?INCR_STATS([{exchange_stats, XName, 1}], publish, State),
+ State;
deliver_to_queues({Delivery = #delivery{message = Message = #basic_message{
exchange_name = XName},
msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo},
- QNames}, State) ->
- {RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids} =
- rabbit_amqqueue:deliver_flow(rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QNames), Delivery),
- State1 = State#ch{queue_monitors =
- pmon:monitor_all(DeliveredQPids,
- State#ch.queue_monitors)},
- State2 = process_routing_result(RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids,
- XName, MsgSeqNo, Message, State1),
- incr_stats([{exchange_stats, XName, 1} |
- [{queue_exchange_stats, {QPid, XName}, 1} ||
- QPid <- DeliveredQPids]], publish, State2),
- State2.
+ DelQNames}, State = #ch{queue_names = QNames,
+ queue_monitors = QMons}) ->
+ Qs = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(DelQNames),
+ {RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids} = rabbit_amqqueue:deliver_flow(Qs, Delivery),
+ %% The pmon:monitor_all/2 monitors all queues to which we
+ %% delivered. But we want to monitor even queues we didn't deliver
+ %% to, since we need their 'DOWN' messages to clean
+ %% queue_names. So we also need to monitor each QPid from
+ %% queues. But that only gets the masters (which is fine for
+ %% cleaning queue_names), so we need the union of both.
+ %%
+ %% ...and we need to add even non-delivered queues to queue_names
+ %% since alternative algorithms to update queue_names less
+ %% frequently would in fact be more expensive in the common case.
+ {QNames1, QMons1} =
+ lists:foldl(fun (#amqqueue{pid = QPid, name = QName},
+ {QNames0, QMons0}) ->
+ {case dict:is_key(QPid, QNames0) of
+ true -> QNames0;
+ false -> dict:store(QPid, QName, QNames0)
+ end, pmon:monitor(QPid, QMons0)}
+ end, {QNames, pmon:monitor_all(DeliveredQPids, QMons)}, Qs),
+ State1 = process_routing_result(RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids,
+ XName, MsgSeqNo, Message,
+ State#ch{queue_names = QNames1,
+ queue_monitors = QMons1}),
+ ?INCR_STATS([{exchange_stats, XName, 1} |
+ [{queue_exchange_stats, {QName, XName}, 1} ||
+ QPid <- DeliveredQPids,
+ {ok, QName} <- [dict:find(QPid, QNames1)]]],
+ publish, State1),
+ State1.
-process_routing_result(unroutable, _, XName, MsgSeqNo, Msg, State) ->
- ok = basic_return(Msg, State, no_route),
- incr_stats([{exchange_stats, Msg#basic_message.exchange_name, 1}],
- return_unroutable, State),
- record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State);
-process_routing_result(routed, [], XName, MsgSeqNo, _, State) ->
- record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State);
process_routing_result(routed, _, _, undefined, _, State) ->
+process_routing_result(routed, [], XName, MsgSeqNo, _, State) ->
+ record_confirms([{MsgSeqNo, XName}], State);
process_routing_result(routed, QPids, XName, MsgSeqNo, _, State) ->
State#ch{unconfirmed = dtree:insert(MsgSeqNo, QPids, XName,
- State#ch.unconfirmed)}.
+ State#ch.unconfirmed)};
+process_routing_result(unroutable, _, XName, MsgSeqNo, Msg, State) ->
+ ok = basic_return(Msg, State, no_route),
+ ?INCR_STATS([{exchange_stats, XName, 1}], return_unroutable, State),
+ case MsgSeqNo of
+ undefined -> State;
+ _ -> record_confirms([{MsgSeqNo, XName}], State)
+ end.
send_nacks([], State) ->
-send_nacks(_MXs, State = #ch{state = closing,
- tx_status = none}) -> %% optimisation
+send_nacks(_MXs, State = #ch{state = closing,
+ tx = none}) -> %% optimisation
-send_nacks(MXs, State = #ch{tx_status = none}) ->
+send_nacks(MXs, State = #ch{tx = none}) ->
coalesce_and_send([MsgSeqNo || {MsgSeqNo, _} <- MXs],
fun(MsgSeqNo, Multiple) ->
#'basic.nack'{delivery_tag = MsgSeqNo,
multiple = Multiple}
end, State);
send_nacks(_MXs, State = #ch{state = closing}) -> %% optimisation
- State#ch{tx_status = failed};
+ State#ch{tx = failed};
send_nacks(_, State) ->
- maybe_complete_tx(State#ch{tx_status = failed}).
+ maybe_complete_tx(State#ch{tx = failed}).
-send_confirms(State = #ch{tx_status = none, confirmed = []}) ->
+send_confirms(State = #ch{tx = none, confirmed = []}) ->
-send_confirms(State = #ch{tx_status = none, confirmed = C}) ->
+send_confirms(State = #ch{tx = none, confirmed = C}) ->
MsgSeqNos =
fun ({MsgSeqNo, XName}, MSNs) ->
- incr_stats([{exchange_stats, XName, 1}], confirm, State),
+ ?INCR_STATS([{exchange_stats, XName, 1}], confirm, State),
[MsgSeqNo | MSNs]
end, [], lists:append(C)),
send_confirms(MsgSeqNos, State#ch{confirmed = []});
@@ -1424,7 +1534,12 @@ coalesce_and_send(MsgSeqNos, MkMsgFun, State = #ch{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
[ok = send(MkMsgFun(SeqNo, false), State) || SeqNo <- Ss],
-maybe_complete_tx(State = #ch{tx_status = in_progress}) ->
+ack_cons(Tag, Acked, [{Tag, Acks} | L]) -> [{Tag, Acked ++ Acks} | L];
+ack_cons(Tag, Acked, Acks) -> [{Tag, Acked} | Acks].
+ack_len(Acks) -> lists:sum([length(L) || {ack, L} <- Acks]).
+maybe_complete_tx(State = #ch{tx = {_, _}}) ->
maybe_complete_tx(State = #ch{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
case dtree:is_empty(UC) of
@@ -1432,16 +1547,16 @@ maybe_complete_tx(State = #ch{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
true -> complete_tx(State#ch{confirmed = []})
-complete_tx(State = #ch{tx_status = committing}) ->
+complete_tx(State = #ch{tx = committing}) ->
ok = send(#'tx.commit_ok'{}, State),
- State#ch{tx_status = in_progress};
-complete_tx(State = #ch{tx_status = failed}) ->
+ State#ch{tx = new_tx()};
+complete_tx(State = #ch{tx = failed}) ->
{noreply, State1} = handle_exception(
precondition_failed, "partial tx completion", [],
- State1#ch{tx_status = in_progress}.
+ State1#ch{tx = new_tx()}.
infos(Items, State) -> [{Item, i(Item, State)} || Item <- Items].
@@ -1450,21 +1565,18 @@ i(connection, #ch{conn_pid = ConnPid}) -> ConnPid;
i(number, #ch{channel = Channel}) -> Channel;
i(user, #ch{user = User}) -> User#user.username;
i(vhost, #ch{virtual_host = VHost}) -> VHost;
-i(transactional, #ch{tx_status = TE}) -> TE =/= none;
+i(transactional, #ch{tx = Tx}) -> Tx =/= none;
i(confirm, #ch{confirm_enabled = CE}) -> CE;
i(name, State) -> name(State);
-i(consumer_count, #ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping}) ->
- dict:size(ConsumerMapping);
-i(messages_unconfirmed, #ch{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
- dtree:size(UC);
-i(messages_unacknowledged, #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ}) ->
- queue:len(UAMQ);
-i(messages_uncommitted, #ch{uncommitted_message_q = TMQ}) ->
- queue:len(TMQ);
-i(acks_uncommitted, #ch{uncommitted_acks = TAL}) ->
- length(TAL);
+i(consumer_count, #ch{consumer_mapping = CM}) -> dict:size(CM);
+i(messages_unconfirmed, #ch{unconfirmed = UC}) -> dtree:size(UC);
+i(messages_unacknowledged, #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ}) -> queue:len(UAMQ);
+i(messages_uncommitted, #ch{tx = {Msgs, _Acks}}) -> queue:len(Msgs);
+i(messages_uncommitted, #ch{}) -> 0;
+i(acks_uncommitted, #ch{tx = {_Msgs, Acks}}) -> ack_len(Acks);
+i(acks_uncommitted, #ch{}) -> 0;
i(prefetch_count, #ch{limiter = Limiter}) ->
- rabbit_limiter:get_limit(Limiter);
+ rabbit_limiter:get_prefetch_limit(Limiter);
i(client_flow_blocked, #ch{limiter = Limiter}) ->
i(Item, _) ->
@@ -1473,12 +1585,8 @@ i(Item, _) ->
name(#ch{conn_name = ConnName, channel = Channel}) ->
list_to_binary(rabbit_misc:format("~s (~p)", [ConnName, Channel])).
-incr_stats(Incs, Measure, State) ->
- case rabbit_event:stats_level(State, #ch.stats_timer) of
- fine -> [update_measures(Type, Key, Inc, Measure) ||
- {Type, Key, Inc} <- Incs];
- _ -> ok
- end.
+incr_stats(Incs, Measure) ->
+ [update_measures(Type, Key, Inc, Measure) || {Type, Key, Inc} <- Incs].
update_measures(Type, Key, Inc, Measure) ->
Measures = case get({Type, Key}) of
@@ -1495,24 +1603,23 @@ emit_stats(State) ->
emit_stats(State, []).
emit_stats(State, Extra) ->
- CoarseStats = infos(?STATISTICS_KEYS, State),
+ Coarse = infos(?STATISTICS_KEYS, State),
case rabbit_event:stats_level(State, #ch.stats_timer) of
- coarse ->
- rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats, Extra ++ CoarseStats);
- fine ->
- FineStats =
- [{channel_queue_stats,
- [{QPid, Stats} || {{queue_stats, QPid}, Stats} <- get()]},
- {channel_exchange_stats,
- [{X, Stats} || {{exchange_stats, X}, Stats} <- get()]},
- {channel_queue_exchange_stats,
- [{QX, Stats} ||
- {{queue_exchange_stats, QX}, Stats} <- get()]}],
- rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats,
- Extra ++ CoarseStats ++ FineStats)
+ coarse -> rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats, Extra ++ Coarse);
+ fine -> Fine = [{channel_queue_stats,
+ [{QName, Stats} ||
+ {{queue_stats, QName}, Stats} <- get()]},
+ {channel_exchange_stats,
+ [{XName, Stats} ||
+ {{exchange_stats, XName}, Stats} <- get()]},
+ {channel_queue_exchange_stats,
+ [{QX, Stats} ||
+ {{queue_exchange_stats, QX}, Stats} <- get()]}],
+ rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats, Extra ++ Coarse ++ Fine)
-erase_queue_stats(QPid) ->
- erase({queue_stats, QPid}),
+erase_queue_stats(QName) ->
+ erase({queue_stats, QName}),
[erase({queue_exchange_stats, QX}) ||
- {{queue_exchange_stats, QX = {QPid0, _}}, _} <- get(), QPid =:= QPid0].
+ {{queue_exchange_stats, QX = {QName0, _}}, _} <- get(),
+ QName0 =:= QName].
diff --git a/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl b/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl
index 8ea44a81..a0c7624b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ start_link({tcp, Sock, Channel, FrameMax, ReaderPid, ConnName, Protocol, User,
{channel, {rabbit_channel, start_link,
[Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ReaderPid, ConnName,
Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities, Collector,
- rabbit_limiter:make_token(LimiterPid)]},
+ LimiterPid]},
intrinsic, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_channel]}),
{ok, AState} = rabbit_command_assembler:init(Protocol),
{ok, SupPid, {ChannelPid, AState}};
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ start_link({direct, Channel, ClientChannelPid, ConnPid, ConnName, Protocol,
{channel, {rabbit_channel, start_link,
[Channel, ClientChannelPid, ClientChannelPid, ConnPid,
ConnName, Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities, Collector,
- rabbit_limiter:make_token(LimiterPid)]},
+ LimiterPid]},
intrinsic, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_channel]}),
{ok, SupPid, {ChannelPid, none}}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl b/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl
index 9602c512..7cc11fef 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
--export([start_link/1, start_link/2]).
+-export([start_link/1, start_link/2, start_link_worker/2]).
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
-spec(start_link/2 :: ({'local', atom()}, rabbit_types:mfargs()) ->
+-spec(start_link_worker/2 :: ({'local', atom()}, rabbit_types:mfargs()) ->
+ rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
@@ -43,6 +45,12 @@ start_link(Callback) ->
start_link(SupName, Callback) ->
supervisor2:start_link(SupName, ?MODULE, Callback).
+start_link_worker(SupName, Callback) ->
+ supervisor2:start_link(SupName, ?MODULE, {Callback, worker}).
init({M,F,A}) ->
{ok, {{simple_one_for_one_terminate, 0, 1},
- [{client, {M,F,A}, temporary, infinity, supervisor, [M]}]}}.
+ [{client, {M,F,A}, temporary, infinity, supervisor, [M]}]}};
+init({{M,F,A}, worker}) ->
+ {ok, {{simple_one_for_one_terminate, 0, 1},
+ [{client, {M,F,A}, temporary, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [M]}]}}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_connection_sup.erl b/src/rabbit_connection_sup.erl
index cc29e41c..31bc51b8 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_connection_sup.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_connection_sup.erl
@@ -42,16 +42,11 @@ start_link() ->
{collector, {rabbit_queue_collector, start_link, []},
intrinsic, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_queue_collector]}),
- {ok, ChannelSupSupPid} =
- supervisor2:start_child(
- SupPid,
- {channel_sup_sup, {rabbit_channel_sup_sup, start_link, []},
- intrinsic, infinity, supervisor, [rabbit_channel_sup_sup]}),
{ok, ReaderPid} =
{reader, {rabbit_reader, start_link,
- [ChannelSupSupPid, Collector,
+ [SupPid, Collector,
intrinsic, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_reader]}),
{ok, SupPid, ReaderPid}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_control_main.erl b/src/rabbit_control_main.erl
index 6a00a0cb..f5e70365 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_control_main.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_control_main.erl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
--export([start/0, stop/0, action/5]).
+-export([start/0, stop/0, action/5, sync_queue/1, cancel_sync_queue/1]).
-define(RPC_TIMEOUT, infinity).
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
{forget_cluster_node, [?OFFLINE_DEF]},
+ {sync_queue, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {cancel_sync_queue, [?VHOST_DEF]},
@@ -159,6 +161,12 @@ start() ->
false -> io:format("...done.~n")
+ {ok, Info} ->
+ case Quiet of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> io:format("...done (~p).~n", [Info])
+ end,
+ rabbit_misc:quit(0);
{'EXIT', {function_clause, [{?MODULE, action, _} | _]}} -> %% < R15
@@ -280,6 +288,18 @@ action(forget_cluster_node, Node, [ClusterNodeS], Opts, Inform) ->
rpc_call(Node, rabbit_mnesia, forget_cluster_node,
[ClusterNode, RemoveWhenOffline]);
+action(sync_queue, Node, [Q], Opts, Inform) ->
+ VHost = proplists:get_value(?VHOST_OPT, Opts),
+ QName = rabbit_misc:r(list_to_binary(VHost), queue, list_to_binary(Q)),
+ Inform("Synchronising ~s", [rabbit_misc:rs(QName)]),
+ rpc_call(Node, rabbit_control_main, sync_queue, [QName]);
+action(cancel_sync_queue, Node, [Q], Opts, Inform) ->
+ VHost = proplists:get_value(?VHOST_OPT, Opts),
+ QName = rabbit_misc:r(list_to_binary(VHost), queue, list_to_binary(Q)),
+ Inform("Stopping synchronising ~s", [rabbit_misc:rs(QName)]),
+ rpc_call(Node, rabbit_control_main, cancel_sync_queue, [QName]);
action(wait, Node, [PidFile], _Opts, Inform) ->
Inform("Waiting for ~p", [Node]),
wait_for_application(Node, PidFile, rabbit_and_plugins, Inform);
@@ -513,6 +533,16 @@ action(eval, Node, [Expr], _Opts, _Inform) ->
format_parse_error({_Line, Mod, Err}) -> lists:flatten(Mod:format_error(Err)).
+sync_queue(Q) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:with(
+ Q, fun(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}) -> rabbit_amqqueue:sync_mirrors(QPid) end).
+cancel_sync_queue(Q) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:with(
+ Q, fun(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:cancel_sync_mirrors(QPid)
+ end).
wait_for_application(Node, PidFile, Application, Inform) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl b/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl
index 3efc9c0c..eb6247e0 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ init_file(File, PrevHandler) ->
Error -> Error
+%% filter out "application: foo; exited: stopped; type: temporary"
+handle_event({info_report, _, {_, std_info, _}}, State) ->
+ {ok, State};
handle_event(Event, State) ->
error_logger_file_h:handle_event(Event, State).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_event.erl b/src/rabbit_event.erl
index 10f8ceb8..a91a9916 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_event.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_event.erl
@@ -110,18 +110,18 @@ ensure_stats_timer(C, P, Msg) ->
stop_stats_timer(C, P) ->
case element(P, C) of
- #state{level = Level, timer = TRef} = State
- when Level =/= none andalso TRef =/= undefined ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- setelement(P, C, State#state{timer = undefined});
+ #state{timer = TRef} = State when TRef =/= undefined ->
+ case erlang:cancel_timer(TRef) of
+ false -> C;
+ _ -> setelement(P, C, State#state{timer = undefined})
+ end;
#state{} ->
reset_stats_timer(C, P) ->
case element(P, C) of
- #state{timer = TRef} = State
- when TRef =/= undefined ->
+ #state{timer = TRef} = State when TRef =/= undefined ->
setelement(P, C, State#state{timer = undefined});
#state{} ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
index 2fba941f..b4bdd348 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
assert_equivalence/6, assert_args_equivalence/2, check_type/1,
lookup/1, lookup_or_die/1, list/1, lookup_scratch/2, update_scratch/3,
info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2,
- route/2, delete/2]).
+ route/2, delete/2, validate_binding/2]).
%% these must be run inside a mnesia tx
-export([maybe_auto_delete/1, serial/1, peek_serial/1, update/2]).
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@
-spec(recover/0 :: () -> [name()]).
(rabbit_types:exchange(), fun_name(),
- fun((boolean()) -> non_neg_integer()) | atom(),
- [any()]) -> 'ok').
+ fun((boolean()) -> non_neg_integer()) | atom(), [any()]) -> 'ok').
-spec(policy_changed/2 ::
(rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'ok').
-spec(declare/6 ::
@@ -69,7 +68,8 @@
-spec(update_scratch/3 :: (name(), atom(), fun((any()) -> any())) -> 'ok').
-spec(update/2 ::
- fun((rabbit_types:exchange()) -> rabbit_types:exchange())) -> 'ok').
+ fun((rabbit_types:exchange()) -> rabbit_types:exchange()))
+ -> not_found | rabbit_types:exchange()).
-spec(info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()).
-spec(info/1 :: (rabbit_types:exchange()) -> rabbit_types:infos()).
-spec(info/2 ::
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@
(name(), boolean())-> 'ok' |
rabbit_types:error('not_found') |
+-spec(validate_binding/2 ::
+ (rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:binding())
+ -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error({'binding_invalid', string(), [any()]})).
-> 'not_deleted' | {'deleted', rabbit_binding:deletions()}).
@@ -111,29 +114,40 @@ recover() ->
callback(X, create, map_create_tx(Tx), [X])
+ report_missing_decorators(Xs),
[XName || #exchange{name = XName} <- Xs].
-callback(X = #exchange{type = XType}, Fun, Serial0, Args) ->
- Serial = fun (Bool) ->
- case Serial0 of
- _ when is_atom(Serial0) -> Serial0;
- _ -> Serial0(Bool)
- end
+report_missing_decorators(Xs) ->
+ Mods = lists:usort(lists:append([rabbit_exchange_decorator:select(raw, D) ||
+ #exchange{decorators = D} <- Xs])),
+ case [M || M <- Mods, code:which(M) =:= non_existing] of
+ [] -> ok;
+ M -> rabbit_log:warning("Missing exchange decorators: ~p~n", [M])
+ end.
+callback(X = #exchange{type = XType,
+ decorators = Decorators}, Fun, Serial0, Args) ->
+ Serial = if is_function(Serial0) -> Serial0;
+ is_atom(Serial0) -> fun (_Bool) -> Serial0 end
- [ok = apply(M, Fun, [Serial(M:serialise_events(X)) | Args])
- || M <- decorators()],
+ [ok = apply(M, Fun, [Serial(M:serialise_events(X)) | Args]) ||
+ M <- rabbit_exchange_decorator:select(all, Decorators)],
Module = type_to_module(XType),
apply(Module, Fun, [Serial(Module:serialise_events()) | Args]).
-policy_changed(X1, X2) -> callback(X1, policy_changed, none, [X1, X2]).
+policy_changed(X = #exchange{type = XType,
+ decorators = Decorators},
+ X1 = #exchange{decorators = Decorators1}) ->
+ D = rabbit_exchange_decorator:select(all, Decorators),
+ D1 = rabbit_exchange_decorator:select(all, Decorators1),
+ DAll = lists:usort(D ++ D1),
+ [ok = M:policy_changed(X, X1) || M <- [type_to_module(XType) | DAll]],
+ ok.
-serialise_events(X = #exchange{type = Type}) ->
- case [Serialise || M <- decorators(),
- Serialise <- [M:serialise_events(X)],
- Serialise == true] of
- [] -> (type_to_module(Type)):serialise_events();
- _ -> true
- end.
+serialise_events(X = #exchange{type = Type, decorators = Decorators}) ->
+ lists:any(fun (M) -> M:serialise_events(X) end,
+ rabbit_exchange_decorator:select(all, Decorators))
+ orelse (type_to_module(Type)):serialise_events().
serial(#exchange{name = XName} = X) ->
Serial = case serialise_events(X) of
@@ -144,9 +158,6 @@ serial(#exchange{name = XName} = X) ->
(false) -> none
-decorators() ->
- [M || {_, M} <- rabbit_registry:lookup_all(exchange_decorator)].
declare(XName, Type, Durable, AutoDelete, Internal, Args) ->
X = rabbit_policy:set(#exchange{name = XName,
type = Type,
@@ -267,7 +278,8 @@ update_scratch(Name, App, Fun) ->
Scratches2 = orddict:store(
App, Fun(Scratch), Scratches1),
X#exchange{scratches = Scratches2}
- end)
+ end),
+ ok
update(Name, Fun) ->
@@ -278,9 +290,10 @@ update(Name, Fun) ->
case Durable of
true -> ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_durable_exchange, X1, write);
_ -> ok
- end;
+ end,
+ X1;
[] ->
- ok
+ not_found
info_keys() -> ?INFO_KEYS.
@@ -312,58 +325,67 @@ info_all(VHostPath) -> map(VHostPath, fun (X) -> info(X) end).
info_all(VHostPath, Items) -> map(VHostPath, fun (X) -> info(X, Items) end).
-%% Optimisation
-route(#exchange{name = #resource{name = <<"">>, virtual_host = VHost}},
- #delivery{message = #basic_message{routing_keys = RKs}}) ->
- [rabbit_misc:r(VHost, queue, RK) || RK <- lists:usort(RKs)];
-route(X = #exchange{name = XName}, Delivery) ->
- route1(Delivery, {queue:from_list([X]), XName, []}).
-route1(Delivery, {WorkList, SeenXs, QNames}) ->
- case queue:out(WorkList) of
- {empty, _WorkList} ->
- lists:usort(QNames);
- {{value, X = #exchange{type = Type}}, WorkList1} ->
- DstNames = process_alternate(
- X, ((type_to_module(Type)):route(X, Delivery))),
- route1(Delivery,
- lists:foldl(fun process_route/2, {WorkList1, SeenXs, QNames},
- DstNames))
+route(#exchange{name = #resource{virtual_host = VHost, name = RName} = XName,
+ decorators = Decorators} = X,
+ #delivery{message = #basic_message{routing_keys = RKs}} = Delivery) ->
+ case {RName, rabbit_exchange_decorator:select(route, Decorators)} of
+ {<<"">>, []} ->
+ %% Optimisation
+ [rabbit_misc:r(VHost, queue, RK) || RK <- lists:usort(RKs)];
+ {_, SelectedDecorators} ->
+ lists:usort(route1(Delivery, SelectedDecorators, {[X], XName, []}))
-process_alternate(#exchange{arguments = []}, Results) -> %% optimisation
- Results;
+route1(_, _, {[], _, QNames}) ->
+ QNames;
+route1(Delivery, Decorators,
+ {[X = #exchange{type = Type} | WorkList], SeenXs, QNames}) ->
+ ExchangeDests = (type_to_module(Type)):route(X, Delivery),
+ DecorateDests = process_decorators(X, Decorators, Delivery),
+ AlternateDests = process_alternate(X, ExchangeDests),
+ route1(Delivery, Decorators,
+ lists:foldl(fun process_route/2, {WorkList, SeenXs, QNames},
+ AlternateDests ++ DecorateDests ++ ExchangeDests)).
+process_alternate(#exchange{arguments = []}, _Results) -> %% optimisation
+ [];
process_alternate(#exchange{name = XName, arguments = Args}, []) ->
case rabbit_misc:r_arg(XName, exchange, Args, <<"alternate-exchange">>) of
undefined -> [];
AName -> [AName]
-process_alternate(_X, Results) ->
- Results.
+process_alternate(_X, _Results) ->
+ [].
+process_decorators(_, [], _) -> %% optimisation
+ [];
+process_decorators(X, Decorators, Delivery) ->
+ lists:append([Decorator:route(X, Delivery) || Decorator <- Decorators]).
process_route(#resource{kind = exchange} = XName,
{_WorkList, XName, _QNames} = Acc) ->
process_route(#resource{kind = exchange} = XName,
{WorkList, #resource{kind = exchange} = SeenX, QNames}) ->
- {case lookup(XName) of
- {ok, X} -> queue:in(X, WorkList);
- {error, not_found} -> WorkList
- end, gb_sets:from_list([SeenX, XName]), QNames};
+ {cons_if_present(XName, WorkList),
+ gb_sets:from_list([SeenX, XName]), QNames};
process_route(#resource{kind = exchange} = XName,
{WorkList, SeenXs, QNames} = Acc) ->
case gb_sets:is_element(XName, SeenXs) of
true -> Acc;
- false -> {case lookup(XName) of
- {ok, X} -> queue:in(X, WorkList);
- {error, not_found} -> WorkList
- end, gb_sets:add_element(XName, SeenXs), QNames}
+ false -> {cons_if_present(XName, WorkList),
+ gb_sets:add_element(XName, SeenXs), QNames}
process_route(#resource{kind = queue} = QName,
{WorkList, SeenXs, QNames}) ->
{WorkList, SeenXs, [QName | QNames]}.
+cons_if_present(XName, L) ->
+ case lookup(XName) of
+ {ok, X} -> [X | L];
+ {error, not_found} -> L
+ end.
call_with_exchange(XName, Fun) ->
fun () -> case mnesia:read({rabbit_exchange, XName}) of
@@ -390,6 +412,10 @@ delete(XName, IfUnused) ->
+validate_binding(X = #exchange{type = XType}, Binding) ->
+ Module = type_to_module(XType),
+ Module:validate_binding(X, Binding).
maybe_auto_delete(#exchange{auto_delete = false}) ->
maybe_auto_delete(#exchange{auto_delete = true} = X) ->
@@ -431,8 +457,7 @@ peek_serial(XName, LockType) ->
invalid_module(T) ->
- rabbit_log:warning(
- "Could not find exchange type ~s.~n", [T]),
+ rabbit_log:warning("Could not find exchange type ~s.~n", [T]),
put({xtype_to_module, T}, rabbit_exchange_type_invalid),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_decorator.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_decorator.erl
index befbc462..3abaa48c 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_decorator.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_decorator.erl
@@ -16,14 +16,17 @@
+-export([select/2, set/1]).
%% This is like an exchange type except that:
%% 1) It applies to all exchanges as soon as it is installed, therefore
%% 2) It is not allowed to affect validation, so no validate/1 or
%% assert_args_equivalence/2
-%% 3) It also can't affect routing
-%% It's possible in the future we might relax 3), or even make these
+%% It's possible in the future we might make decorators
%% able to manipulate messages as they are published.
@@ -46,6 +49,10 @@
-callback delete(tx(), rabbit_types:exchange(), [rabbit_types:binding()]) ->
+%% called when the policy attached to this exchange changes.
+-callback policy_changed(rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:exchange()) ->
+ 'ok'.
%% called after a binding has been added or recovered
-callback add_binding(serial(), rabbit_types:exchange(),
rabbit_types:binding()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -54,9 +61,13 @@
-callback remove_bindings(serial(), rabbit_types:exchange(),
[rabbit_types:binding()]) -> 'ok'.
-%% called when the policy attached to this exchange changes.
--callback policy_changed (
- serial(), rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'ok'.
+%% Allows additional destinations to be added to the routing decision.
+-callback route(rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:delivery()) ->
+ [rabbit_amqqueue:name() | rabbit_exchange:name()].
+%% Whether the decorator wishes to receive callbacks for the exchange
+%% none:no callbacks, noroute:all callbacks except route, all:all callbacks
+-callback active_for(rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'none' | 'noroute' | 'all'.
@@ -64,8 +75,32 @@
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
[{description, 0}, {serialise_events, 1}, {create, 2}, {delete, 3},
- {add_binding, 3}, {remove_bindings, 3}, {policy_changed, 3}];
+ {policy_changed, 2}, {add_binding, 3}, {remove_bindings, 3},
+ {route, 2}, {active_for, 1}];
behaviour_info(_Other) ->
+%% select a subset of active decorators
+select(all, {Route, NoRoute}) -> filter(Route ++ NoRoute);
+select(route, {Route, _NoRoute}) -> filter(Route);
+select(raw, {Route, NoRoute}) -> Route ++ NoRoute.
+filter(Modules) ->
+ [M || M <- Modules, code:which(M) =/= non_existing].
+set(X) ->
+ Decs = lists:foldl(fun (D, {Route, NoRoute}) ->
+ ActiveFor = D:active_for(X),
+ {cons_if_eq(all, ActiveFor, D, Route),
+ cons_if_eq(noroute, ActiveFor, D, NoRoute)}
+ end, {[], []}, list()),
+ X#exchange{decorators = Decs}.
+list() -> [M || {_, M} <- rabbit_registry:lookup_all(exchange_decorator)].
+cons_if_eq(Select, Select, Item, List) -> [Item | List];
+cons_if_eq(_Select, _Other, _Item, List) -> List.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl
index 1fbcb2d8..ebc59501 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
%% called BEFORE declaration, to check args etc; may exit with #amqp_error{}
-callback validate(rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'ok'.
+%% called BEFORE declaration, to check args etc
+-callback validate_binding(rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:binding()) ->
+ rabbit_types:ok_or_error({'binding_invalid', string(), [any()]}).
%% called after declaration and recovery
-callback create(tx(), rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -44,6 +48,10 @@
-callback delete(tx(), rabbit_types:exchange(), [rabbit_types:binding()]) ->
+%% called when the policy attached to this exchange changes.
+-callback policy_changed(rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:exchange()) ->
+ 'ok'.
%% called after a binding has been added or recovered
-callback add_binding(serial(), rabbit_types:exchange(),
rabbit_types:binding()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -58,18 +66,15 @@
rabbit_framing:amqp_table()) ->
'ok' | rabbit_types:connection_exit().
-%% called when the policy attached to this exchange changes.
--callback policy_changed(serial(), rabbit_types:exchange(),
- rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'ok'.
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
- [{description, 0}, {serialise_events, 0}, {route, 2}, {validate, 1},
+ [{description, 0}, {serialise_events, 0}, {route, 2},
+ {validate, 1}, {validate_binding, 2}, {policy_changed, 2},
{create, 2}, {delete, 3}, {add_binding, 3}, {remove_bindings, 3},
- {assert_args_equivalence, 2}, {policy_changed, 3}];
+ {assert_args_equivalence, 2}];
behaviour_info(_Other) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl
index e54bd66e..10a79c55 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
-export([description/0, serialise_events/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/3,
- add_binding/3, remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
+-export([validate/1, validate_binding/2,
+ create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/2, add_binding/3,
+ remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
[{description, "exchange type direct"},
@@ -31,8 +32,7 @@
{enables, kernel_ready}]}).
description() ->
- [{name, <<"direct">>},
- {description, <<"AMQP direct exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
+ [{description, <<"AMQP direct exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
serialise_events() -> false.
@@ -41,9 +41,10 @@ route(#exchange{name = Name},
rabbit_router:match_routing_key(Name, Routes).
validate(_X) -> ok.
+validate_binding(_X, _B) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
-policy_changed(_Tx, _X1, _X2) -> ok.
+policy_changed(_X1, _X2) -> ok.
add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok.
remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
assert_args_equivalence(X, Args) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl
index 870b327a..3ebd8548 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
-export([description/0, serialise_events/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/3, add_binding/3,
+-export([validate/1, validate_binding/2,
+ create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/2, add_binding/3,
remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
@@ -31,8 +32,7 @@
{enables, kernel_ready}]}).
description() ->
- [{name, <<"fanout">>},
- {description, <<"AMQP fanout exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
+ [{description, <<"AMQP fanout exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
serialise_events() -> false.
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ route(#exchange{name = Name}, _Delivery) ->
rabbit_router:match_routing_key(Name, ['_']).
validate(_X) -> ok.
+validate_binding(_X, _B) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
-policy_changed(_Tx, _X1, _X2) -> ok.
+policy_changed(_X1, _X2) -> ok.
add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok.
remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
assert_args_equivalence(X, Args) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl
index b185cc4a..cf2d3140 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
-export([description/0, serialise_events/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/3, add_binding/3,
+-export([validate/1, validate_binding/2,
+ create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/2, add_binding/3,
remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
@@ -37,8 +38,7 @@
description() ->
- [{name, <<"headers">>},
- {description, <<"AMQP headers exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
+ [{description, <<"AMQP headers exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
serialise_events() -> false.
@@ -51,14 +51,24 @@ route(#exchange{name = Name},
Name, fun (#binding{args = Spec}) -> headers_match(Spec, Headers) end).
-default_headers_match_kind() -> all.
+validate_binding(_X, #binding{args = Args}) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, <<"x-match">>) of
+ {longstr, <<"all">>} -> ok;
+ {longstr, <<"any">>} -> ok;
+ {longstr, Other} -> {error,
+ {binding_invalid,
+ "Invalid x-match field value ~p; "
+ "expected all or any", [Other]}};
+ {Type, Other} -> {error,
+ {binding_invalid,
+ "Invalid x-match field type ~p (value ~p); "
+ "expected longstr", [Type, Other]}};
+ undefined -> {error,
+ {binding_invalid, "x-match field missing", []}}
+ end.
parse_x_match(<<"all">>) -> all;
-parse_x_match(<<"any">>) -> any;
-parse_x_match(Other) ->
- rabbit_log:warning("Invalid x-match field value ~p; expected all or any",
- [Other]),
- default_headers_match_kind().
+parse_x_match(<<"any">>) -> any.
%% Horrendous matching algorithm. Depends for its merge-like
%% (linear-time) behaviour on the lists:keysort
@@ -69,17 +79,9 @@ parse_x_match(Other) ->
%% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-headers_match(Pattern, Data) ->
- MatchKind = case lists:keysearch(<<"x-match">>, 1, Pattern) of
- {value, {_, longstr, MK}} -> parse_x_match(MK);
- {value, {_, Type, MK}} ->
- rabbit_log:warning("Invalid x-match field type ~p "
- "(value ~p); expected longstr",
- [Type, MK]),
- default_headers_match_kind();
- _ -> default_headers_match_kind()
- end,
- headers_match(Pattern, Data, true, false, MatchKind).
+headers_match(Args, Data) ->
+ {longstr, MK} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, <<"x-match">>),
+ headers_match(Args, Data, true, false, parse_x_match(MK)).
headers_match([], _Data, AllMatch, _AnyMatch, all) ->
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ headers_match([{PK, PT, PV} | PRest], [{DK, DT, DV} | DRest],
validate(_X) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
-policy_changed(_Tx, _X1, _X2) -> ok.
+policy_changed(_X1, _X2) -> ok.
add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok.
remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
assert_args_equivalence(X, Args) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_invalid.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_invalid.erl
index ac6c4b31..07a8004a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_invalid.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_invalid.erl
@@ -20,17 +20,21 @@
-export([description/0, serialise_events/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/3,
- add_binding/3, remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
+-export([validate/1, validate_binding/2,
+ create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/2, add_binding/3,
+ remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
description() ->
- [{name, <<"invalid">>},
- {description,
+ [{description,
<<"Dummy exchange type, to be used when the intended one is not found.">>
serialise_events() -> false.
+-spec(route/2 :: (rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:delivery())
+ -> no_return()).
route(#exchange{name = Name, type = Type}, _) ->
@@ -38,9 +42,10 @@ route(#exchange{name = Name, type = Type}, _) ->
[rabbit_misc:rs(Name), Type]).
validate(_X) -> ok.
+validate_binding(_X, _B) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
-policy_changed(_Tx, _X1, _X2) -> ok.
+policy_changed(_X1, _X2) -> ok.
add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok.
remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
assert_args_equivalence(X, Args) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl
index 70e32eaa..ce76ccb0 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
-export([description/0, serialise_events/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/3, add_binding/3,
+-export([validate/1, validate_binding/2,
+ create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/2, add_binding/3,
remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
@@ -34,8 +35,7 @@
description() ->
- [{name, <<"topic">>},
- {description, <<"AMQP topic exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
+ [{description, <<"AMQP topic exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
serialise_events() -> false.
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ route(#exchange{name = X},
end || RKey <- Routes]).
validate(_X) -> ok.
+validate_binding(_X, _B) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
delete(transaction, #exchange{name = X}, _Bs) ->
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ delete(transaction, #exchange{name = X}, _Bs) ->
delete(none, _Exchange, _Bs) ->
-policy_changed(_Tx, _X1, _X2) -> ok.
+policy_changed(_X1, _X2) -> ok.
add_binding(transaction, _Exchange, Binding) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_guid.erl b/src/rabbit_guid.erl
index d98baf2e..6c45deea 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_guid.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_guid.erl
@@ -104,8 +104,6 @@ advance_blocks({B1, B2, B3, B4}, I) ->
B5 = erlang:phash2({B1, I}, 4294967296),
{{(B2 bxor B5), (B3 bxor B5), (B4 bxor B5), B5}, I+1}.
-blocks_to_binary({B1, B2, B3, B4}) -> <<B1:32, B2:32, B3:32, B4:32>>.
%% generate a GUID. This function should be used when performance is a
%% priority and predictability is not an issue. Otherwise use
%% gen_secure/0.
@@ -114,14 +112,15 @@ gen() ->
%% time we need a new guid we rotate them producing a new hash
%% with the aid of the counter. Look at the comments in
%% advance_blocks/2 for details.
- {BS, I} = case get(guid) of
- undefined -> <<B1:32, B2:32, B3:32, B4:32>> =
- erlang:md5(term_to_binary(fresh())),
- {{B1,B2,B3,B4}, 0};
- {BS0, I0} -> advance_blocks(BS0, I0)
- end,
- put(guid, {BS, I}),
- blocks_to_binary(BS).
+ case get(guid) of
+ undefined -> <<B1:32, B2:32, B3:32, B4:32>> = Res =
+ erlang:md5(term_to_binary(fresh())),
+ put(guid, {{B1, B2, B3, B4}, 0}),
+ Res;
+ {BS, I} -> {{B1, B2, B3, B4}, _} = S = advance_blocks(BS, I),
+ put(guid, S),
+ <<B1:32, B2:32, B3:32, B4:32>>
+ end.
%% generate a non-predictable GUID.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_limiter.erl b/src/rabbit_limiter.erl
index 8a7d14fe..d9f1170e 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_limiter.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_limiter.erl
@@ -14,42 +14,165 @@
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+%% The purpose of the limiter is to stem the flow of messages from
+%% queues to channels, in order to act upon various protocol-level
+%% flow control mechanisms, specifically AMQP 0-9-1's basic.qos
+%% prefetch_count and channel.flow, and AMQP 1.0's link (aka consumer)
+%% credit mechanism.
+%% Each channel has an associated limiter process, created with
+%% start_link/1, which it passes to queues on consumer creation with
+%% rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume/9, and rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get/4.
+%% The latter isn't strictly necessary, since basic.get is not
+%% subject to limiting, but it means that whenever a queue knows about
+%% a channel, it also knows about its limiter, which is less fiddly.
+%% The limiter process holds state that is, in effect, shared between
+%% the channel and all queues from which the channel is
+%% consuming. Essentially all these queues are competing for access to
+%% a single, limited resource - the ability to deliver messages via
+%% the channel - and it is the job of the limiter process to mediate
+%% that access.
+%% The limiter process is separate from the channel process for two
+%% reasons: separation of concerns, and efficiency. Channels can get
+%% very busy, particularly if they are also dealing with publishes.
+%% With a separate limiter process all the aforementioned access
+%% mediation can take place without touching the channel.
+%% For efficiency, both the channel and the queues keep some local
+%% state, initialised from the limiter pid with new/1 and client/1,
+%% respectively. In particular this allows them to avoid any
+%% interaction with the limiter process when it is 'inactive', i.e. no
+%% protocol-level flow control is taking place.
+%% This optimisation does come at the cost of some complexity though:
+%% when a limiter becomes active, the channel needs to inform all its
+%% consumer queues of this change in status. It does this by invoking
+%% rabbit_amqqueue:activate_limit_all/2. Note that there is no inverse
+%% transition, i.e. once a queue has been told about an active
+%% limiter, it is not subsequently told when that limiter becomes
+%% inactive. In practice it is rare for that to happen, though we
+%% could optimise this case in the future.
+%% In addition, the consumer credit bookkeeping is local to queues, so
+%% it is not necessary to store information about it in the limiter
+%% process. But for abstraction we hide it from the queue behind the
+%% limiter API, and it therefore becomes part of the queue local
+%% state.
+%% The interactions with the limiter are as follows:
+%% 1. Channels tell the limiter about basic.qos prefetch counts -
+%% that's what the limit_prefetch/3, unlimit_prefetch/1,
+%% is_prefetch_limited/1, get_prefetch_limit/1 API functions are
+%% about - and channel.flow blocking - that's what block/1,
+%% unblock/1 and is_blocked/1 are for. They also tell the limiter
+%% queue state (via the queue) about consumer credit changes -
+%% that's what credit/4 is for.
+%% 2. Queues also tell the limiter queue state about the queue
+%% becoming empty (via drained/1) and consumers leaving (via
+%% forget_consumer/2).
+%% 3. Queues register with the limiter - this happens as part of
+%% activate/1.
+%% 4. The limiter process maintains an internal counter of 'messages
+%% sent but not yet acknowledged', called the 'volume'.
+%% 5. Queues ask the limiter for permission (with can_send/3) whenever
+%% they want to deliver a message to a channel. The limiter checks
+%% whether a) the channel isn't blocked by channel.flow, b) the
+%% volume has not yet reached the prefetch limit, and c) whether
+%% the consumer has enough credit. If so it increments the volume
+%% and tells the queue to proceed. Otherwise it marks the queue as
+%% requiring notification (see below) and tells the queue not to
+%% proceed.
+%% 6. A queue that has been told to proceed (by the return value of
+%% can_send/3) sends the message to the channel. Conversely, a
+%% queue that has been told not to proceed, will not attempt to
+%% deliver that message, or any future messages, to the
+%% channel. This is accomplished by can_send/3 capturing the
+%% outcome in the local state, where it can be accessed with
+%% is_suspended/1.
+%% 7. When a channel receives an ack it tells the limiter (via ack/2)
+%% how many messages were ack'ed. The limiter process decrements
+%% the volume and if it falls below the prefetch_count then it
+%% notifies (through rabbit_amqqueue:resume/2) all the queues
+%% requiring notification, i.e. all those that had a can_send/3
+%% request denied.
+%% 8. Upon receipt of such a notification, queues resume delivery to
+%% the channel, i.e. they will once again start asking limiter, as
+%% described in (5).
+%% 9. When a queue has no more consumers associated with a particular
+%% channel, it deactivates use of the limiter with deactivate/1,
+%% which alters the local state such that no further interactions
+%% with the limiter process take place until a subsequent
+%% activate/1.
+%% channel API
+-export([new/1, limit_prefetch/3, unlimit_prefetch/1, block/1, unblock/1,
+ is_prefetch_limited/1, is_blocked/1, is_active/1,
+ get_prefetch_limit/1, ack/2, pid/1]).
+%% queue API
+-export([client/1, activate/1, can_send/3, resume/1, deactivate/1,
+ is_suspended/1, is_consumer_blocked/2, credit/4, drained/1,
+ forget_consumer/2]).
+%% callbacks
-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2, prioritise_call/3]).
--export([start_link/0, make_token/0, make_token/1, is_enabled/1, enable/2,
- disable/1]).
--export([limit/2, can_send/3, ack/2, register/2, unregister/2]).
--export([get_limit/1, block/1, unblock/1, is_blocked/1]).
+ handle_info/2, prioritise_call/4]).
--record(token, {pid, enabled}).
+-record(lstate, {pid, prefetch_limited, blocked}).
+-record(qstate, {pid, state, credits}).
--opaque(token() :: #token{}).
+-type(lstate() :: #lstate{pid :: pid(),
+ prefetch_limited :: boolean(),
+ blocked :: boolean()}).
+-type(qstate() :: #qstate{pid :: pid(),
+ state :: 'dormant' | 'active' | 'suspended'}).
-spec(start_link/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
--spec(make_token/0 :: () -> token()).
--spec(make_token/1 :: ('undefined' | pid()) -> token()).
--spec(is_enabled/1 :: (token()) -> boolean()).
--spec(enable/2 :: (token(), non_neg_integer()) -> token()).
--spec(disable/1 :: (token()) -> token()).
--spec(limit/2 :: (token(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok' | {'disabled', token()}).
--spec(can_send/3 :: (token(), pid(), boolean()) -> boolean()).
--spec(ack/2 :: (token(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
--spec(register/2 :: (token(), pid()) -> 'ok').
--spec(unregister/2 :: (token(), pid()) -> 'ok').
--spec(get_limit/1 :: (token()) -> non_neg_integer()).
--spec(block/1 :: (token()) -> 'ok').
--spec(unblock/1 :: (token()) -> 'ok' | {'disabled', token()}).
--spec(is_blocked/1 :: (token()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(new/1 :: (pid()) -> lstate()).
+-spec(limit_prefetch/3 :: (lstate(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer())
+ -> lstate()).
+-spec(unlimit_prefetch/1 :: (lstate()) -> lstate()).
+-spec(block/1 :: (lstate()) -> lstate()).
+-spec(unblock/1 :: (lstate()) -> lstate()).
+-spec(is_prefetch_limited/1 :: (lstate()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(is_blocked/1 :: (lstate()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(is_active/1 :: (lstate()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(get_prefetch_limit/1 :: (lstate()) -> non_neg_integer()).
+-spec(ack/2 :: (lstate(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(pid/1 :: (lstate()) -> pid()).
+-spec(client/1 :: (pid()) -> qstate()).
+-spec(activate/1 :: (qstate()) -> qstate()).
+-spec(can_send/3 :: (qstate(), boolean(), rabbit_types:ctag()) ->
+ {'continue' | 'suspend', qstate()}).
+-spec(resume/1 :: (qstate()) -> qstate()).
+-spec(deactivate/1 :: (qstate()) -> qstate()).
+-spec(is_suspended/1 :: (qstate()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(is_consumer_blocked/2 :: (qstate(), rabbit_types:ctag()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(credit/4 :: (qstate(), rabbit_types:ctag(), non_neg_integer(), boolean())
+ -> qstate()).
+-spec(drained/1 :: (qstate())
+ -> {[{rabbit_types:ctag(), non_neg_integer()}], qstate()}).
+-spec(forget_consumer/2 :: (qstate(), rabbit_types:ctag()) -> qstate()).
@@ -64,120 +187,181 @@
%% notified of a change in the limit or volume that may allow it to
%% deliver more messages via the limiter's channel.
+-record(credit, {credit = 0, drain = false}).
%% API
start_link() -> gen_server2:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
-make_token() -> make_token(undefined).
-make_token(Pid) -> #token{pid = Pid, enabled = false}.
+new(Pid) ->
+ %% this a 'call' to ensure that it is invoked at most once.
+ ok = gen_server:call(Pid, {new, self()}),
+ #lstate{pid = Pid, prefetch_limited = false, blocked = false}.
-is_enabled(#token{enabled = Enabled}) -> Enabled.
+limit_prefetch(L, PrefetchCount, UnackedCount) when PrefetchCount > 0 ->
+ ok = gen_server:call(,
+ {limit_prefetch, PrefetchCount, UnackedCount}),
+ L#lstate{prefetch_limited = true}.
-enable(#token{pid = Pid} = Token, Volume) ->
- gen_server2:call(Pid, {enable, Token, self(), Volume}, infinity).
+unlimit_prefetch(L) ->
+ ok = gen_server:call(, unlimit_prefetch),
+ L#lstate{prefetch_limited = false}.
-disable(#token{pid = Pid} = Token) ->
- gen_server2:call(Pid, {disable, Token}, infinity).
+block(L) ->
+ ok = gen_server:call(, block),
+ L#lstate{blocked = true}.
-limit(Limiter, PrefetchCount) ->
- maybe_call(Limiter, {limit, PrefetchCount, Limiter}, ok).
+unblock(L) ->
+ ok = gen_server:call(, unblock),
+ L#lstate{blocked = false}.
-%% Ask the limiter whether the queue can deliver a message without
-%% breaching a limit. Note that we don't use maybe_call here in order
-%% to avoid always going through with_exit_handler/2, even when the
-%% limiter is disabled.
-can_send(#token{pid = Pid, enabled = true}, QPid, AckRequired) ->
- rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
- fun () -> true end,
- fun () ->
- gen_server2:call(Pid, {can_send, QPid, AckRequired}, infinity)
- end);
-can_send(_, _, _) ->
- true.
+is_prefetch_limited(#lstate{prefetch_limited = Limited}) -> Limited.
+is_blocked(#lstate{blocked = Blocked}) -> Blocked.
+is_active(L) -> is_prefetch_limited(L) orelse is_blocked(L).
+get_prefetch_limit(#lstate{prefetch_limited = false}) -> 0;
+get_prefetch_limit(L) -> gen_server:call(, get_prefetch_limit).
-%% Let the limiter know that the channel has received some acks from a
-%% consumer
-ack(Limiter, Count) -> maybe_cast(Limiter, {ack, Count}).
+ack(#lstate{prefetch_limited = false}, _AckCount) -> ok;
+ack(L, AckCount) -> gen_server:cast(, {ack, AckCount}).
-register(Limiter, QPid) -> maybe_cast(Limiter, {register, QPid}).
+pid(#lstate{pid = Pid}) -> Pid.
-unregister(Limiter, QPid) -> maybe_cast(Limiter, {unregister, QPid}).
+client(Pid) -> #qstate{pid = Pid, state = dormant, credits = gb_trees:empty()}.
-get_limit(Limiter) ->
+activate(L = #qstate{state = dormant}) ->
+ ok = gen_server:cast(, {register, self()}),
+ L#qstate{state = active};
+activate(L) -> L.
+can_send(L = #qstate{pid = Pid, state = State, credits = Credits},
+ AckRequired, CTag) ->
+ case is_consumer_blocked(L, CTag) of
+ false -> case (State =/= active orelse
+ safe_call(Pid, {can_send, self(), AckRequired}, true)) of
+ true -> {continue, L#qstate{
+ credits = record_send_q(CTag, Credits)}};
+ false -> {suspend, L#qstate{state = suspended}}
+ end;
+ true -> {suspend, L}
+ end.
+safe_call(Pid, Msg, ExitValue) ->
- fun () -> 0 end,
- fun () -> maybe_call(Limiter, get_limit, 0) end).
+ fun () -> ExitValue end,
+ fun () -> gen_server2:call(Pid, Msg, infinity) end).
+resume(L) -> L#qstate{state = active}.
-block(Limiter) ->
- maybe_call(Limiter, block, ok).
+deactivate(L = #qstate{state = dormant}) -> L;
+deactivate(L) ->
+ ok = gen_server:cast(, {unregister, self()}),
+ L#qstate{state = dormant}.
+is_suspended(#qstate{state = suspended}) -> true;
+is_suspended(#qstate{}) -> false.
+is_consumer_blocked(#qstate{credits = Credits}, CTag) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(CTag, Credits) of
+ {value, #credit{credit = C}} when C > 0 -> false;
+ {value, #credit{}} -> true;
+ none -> false
+ end.
-unblock(Limiter) ->
- maybe_call(Limiter, {unblock, Limiter}, ok).
+credit(Limiter = #qstate{credits = Credits}, CTag, Credit, Drain) ->
+ Limiter#qstate{credits = update_credit(CTag, Credit, Drain, Credits)}.
-is_blocked(Limiter) ->
- maybe_call(Limiter, is_blocked, false).
+drained(Limiter = #qstate{credits = Credits}) ->
+ {CTagCredits, Credits2} =
+ rabbit_misc:gb_trees_fold(
+ fun (CTag, #credit{credit = C, drain = true}, {Acc, Creds0}) ->
+ {[{CTag, C} | Acc], update_credit(CTag, 0, false, Creds0)};
+ (_CTag, #credit{credit = _C, drain = false}, {Acc, Creds0}) ->
+ {Acc, Creds0}
+ end, {[], Credits}, Credits),
+ {CTagCredits, Limiter#qstate{credits = Credits2}}.
+forget_consumer(Limiter = #qstate{credits = Credits}, CTag) ->
+ Limiter#qstate{credits = gb_trees:delete_any(CTag, Credits)}.
+%% Queue-local code
+%% We want to do all the AMQP 1.0-ish link level credit calculations
+%% in the queue (to do them elsewhere introduces a ton of
+%% races). However, it's a big chunk of code that is conceptually very
+%% linked to the limiter concept. So we get the queue to hold a bit of
+%% state for us (#qstate.credits), and maintain a fiction that the
+%% limiter is making the decisions...
+record_send_q(CTag, Credits) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(CTag, Credits) of
+ {value, #credit{credit = Credit, drain = Drain}} ->
+ update_credit(CTag, Credit - 1, Drain, Credits);
+ none ->
+ Credits
+ end.
+update_credit(CTag, Credit, Drain, Credits) ->
+ %% Using up all credit implies no need to send a 'drained' event
+ Drain1 = Drain andalso Credit > 0,
+ gb_trees:enter(CTag, #credit{credit = Credit, drain = Drain1}, Credits).
%% gen_server callbacks
-init([]) ->
- {ok, #lim{}}.
+init([]) -> {ok, #lim{}}.
+prioritise_call(get_prefetch_limit, _From, _Len, _State) -> 9;
+prioritise_call(_Msg, _From, _Len, _State) -> 0.
-prioritise_call(get_limit, _From, _State) -> 9;
-prioritise_call(_Msg, _From, _State) -> 0.
+handle_call({new, ChPid}, _From, State = #lim{ch_pid = undefined}) ->
+ {reply, ok, State#lim{ch_pid = ChPid}};
+handle_call({limit_prefetch, PrefetchCount, UnackedCount}, _From, State) ->
+ %% assertion
+ true = State#lim.prefetch_count == 0 orelse
+ State#lim.volume == UnackedCount,
+ {reply, ok, maybe_notify(State, State#lim{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount,
+ volume = UnackedCount})};
+handle_call(unlimit_prefetch, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, maybe_notify(State, State#lim{prefetch_count = 0,
+ volume = 0})};
+handle_call(block, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, State#lim{blocked = true}};
+handle_call(unblock, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, maybe_notify(State, State#lim{blocked = false})};
+handle_call(get_prefetch_limit, _From,
+ State = #lim{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount}) ->
+ {reply, PrefetchCount, State};
handle_call({can_send, QPid, _AckRequired}, _From,
State = #lim{blocked = true}) ->
{reply, false, limit_queue(QPid, State)};
handle_call({can_send, QPid, AckRequired}, _From,
State = #lim{volume = Volume}) ->
- case limit_reached(State) of
+ case prefetch_limit_reached(State) of
true -> {reply, false, limit_queue(QPid, State)};
false -> {reply, true, State#lim{volume = if AckRequired -> Volume + 1;
true -> Volume
- end;
-handle_call(get_limit, _From, State = #lim{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount}) ->
- {reply, PrefetchCount, State};
-handle_call({limit, PrefetchCount, Token}, _From, State) ->
- case maybe_notify(State, State#lim{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount}) of
- {cont, State1} ->
- {reply, ok, State1};
- {stop, State1} ->
- {reply, {disabled, Token#token{enabled = false}}, State1}
- end;
-handle_call(block, _From, State) ->
- {reply, ok, State#lim{blocked = true}};
-handle_call({unblock, Token}, _From, State) ->
- case maybe_notify(State, State#lim{blocked = false}) of
- {cont, State1} ->
- {reply, ok, State1};
- {stop, State1} ->
- {reply, {disabled, Token#token{enabled = false}}, State1}
- end;
-handle_call(is_blocked, _From, State) ->
- {reply, blocked(State), State};
-handle_call({enable, Token, Channel, Volume}, _From, State) ->
- {reply, Token#token{enabled = true},
- State#lim{ch_pid = Channel, volume = Volume}};
-handle_call({disable, Token}, _From, State) ->
- {reply, Token#token{enabled = false}, State}.
+ end.
handle_cast({ack, Count}, State = #lim{volume = Volume}) ->
NewVolume = if Volume == 0 -> 0;
true -> Volume - Count
- {cont, State1} = maybe_notify(State, State#lim{volume = NewVolume}),
- {noreply, State1};
+ {noreply, maybe_notify(State, State#lim{volume = NewVolume})};
handle_cast({register, QPid}, State) ->
{noreply, remember_queue(QPid, State)};
@@ -199,27 +383,13 @@ code_change(_, State, _) ->
maybe_notify(OldState, NewState) ->
- case (limit_reached(OldState) orelse blocked(OldState)) andalso
- not (limit_reached(NewState) orelse blocked(NewState)) of
- true -> NewState1 = notify_queues(NewState),
- {case NewState1#lim.prefetch_count of
- 0 -> stop;
- _ -> cont
- end, NewState1};
- false -> {cont, NewState}
+ case (prefetch_limit_reached(OldState) orelse blocked(OldState)) andalso
+ not (prefetch_limit_reached(NewState) orelse blocked(NewState)) of
+ true -> notify_queues(NewState);
+ false -> NewState
-maybe_call(#token{pid = Pid, enabled = true}, Call, _Default) ->
- gen_server2:call(Pid, Call, infinity);
-maybe_call(_, _Call, Default) ->
- Default.
-maybe_cast(#token{pid = Pid, enabled = true}, Cast) ->
- gen_server2:cast(Pid, Cast);
-maybe_cast(_, _Call) ->
- ok.
-limit_reached(#lim{prefetch_count = Limit, volume = Volume}) ->
+prefetch_limit_reached(#lim{prefetch_count = Limit, volume = Volume}) ->
Limit =/= 0 andalso Volume >= Limit.
blocked(#lim{blocked = Blocked}) -> Blocked.
@@ -231,10 +401,9 @@ remember_queue(QPid, State = #lim{queues = Queues}) ->
true -> State
-forget_queue(QPid, State = #lim{ch_pid = ChPid, queues = Queues}) ->
+forget_queue(QPid, State = #lim{queues = Queues}) ->
case orddict:find(QPid, Queues) of
{ok, {MRef, _}} -> true = erlang:demonitor(MRef),
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:unblock(QPid, ChPid),
State#lim{queues = orddict:erase(QPid, Queues)};
error -> State
@@ -251,13 +420,13 @@ notify_queues(State = #lim{ch_pid = ChPid, queues = Queues}) ->
end, {[], Queues}, Queues),
case length(QList) of
0 -> ok;
- 1 -> ok = rabbit_amqqueue:unblock(hd(QList), ChPid); %% common case
+ 1 -> ok = rabbit_amqqueue:resume(hd(QList), ChPid); %% common case
L ->
%% We randomly vary the position of queues in the list,
%% thus ensuring that each queue has an equal chance of
%% being notified first.
{L1, L2} = lists:split(random:uniform(L), QList),
- [[ok = rabbit_amqqueue:unblock(Q, ChPid) || Q <- L3]
+ [[ok = rabbit_amqqueue:resume(Q, ChPid) || Q <- L3]
|| L3 <- [L2, L1]],
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_master.erl b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_master.erl
index 6db6ce9d..bcd4861a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_master.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_master.erl
@@ -17,58 +17,60 @@
-export([init/3, terminate/2, delete_and_terminate/2,
- purge/1, publish/4, publish_delivered/4, discard/3, fetch/2, ack/2,
- requeue/2, len/1, is_empty/1, depth/1, drain_confirmed/1,
- dropwhile/3, set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1,
+ purge/1, purge_acks/1, publish/5, publish_delivered/4,
+ discard/3, fetch/2, drop/2, ack/2, requeue/2, ackfold/4, fold/3,
+ len/1, is_empty/1, depth/1, drain_confirmed/1,
+ dropwhile/2, fetchwhile/4, set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1,
needs_timeout/1, timeout/1, handle_pre_hibernate/1,
- status/1, invoke/3, is_duplicate/2, fold/3]).
+ status/1, invoke/3, is_duplicate/2]).
-export([start/1, stop/0]).
--export([promote_backing_queue_state/7, sender_death_fun/0, depth_fun/0]).
+-export([promote_backing_queue_state/8, sender_death_fun/0, depth_fun/0]).
--export([init_with_existing_bq/3, stop_mirroring/1]).
+-export([init_with_existing_bq/3, stop_mirroring/1, sync_mirrors/3]).
--record(state, { gm,
+-record(state, { name,
+ gm,
- set_delivered,
- ack_msg_id,
--export_type([death_fun/0, depth_fun/0]).
+-export_type([death_fun/0, depth_fun/0, stats_fun/0]).
-type(death_fun() :: fun ((pid()) -> 'ok')).
-type(depth_fun() :: fun (() -> 'ok')).
--type(master_state() :: #state { gm :: pid(),
+-type(stats_fun() :: fun ((any()) -> 'ok')).
+-type(master_state() :: #state { name :: rabbit_amqqueue:name(),
+ gm :: pid(),
coordinator :: pid(),
backing_queue :: atom(),
backing_queue_state :: any(),
- set_delivered :: non_neg_integer(),
seen_status :: dict(),
confirmed :: [rabbit_guid:guid()],
- ack_msg_id :: dict(),
known_senders :: set()
--spec(promote_backing_queue_state/7 ::
- (pid(), atom(), any(), pid(), [any()], dict(), [pid()]) ->
- master_state()).
+-spec(promote_backing_queue_state/8 ::
+ (rabbit_amqqueue:name(), pid(), atom(), any(), pid(), [any()], dict(),
+ [pid()]) -> master_state()).
-spec(sender_death_fun/0 :: () -> death_fun()).
-spec(depth_fun/0 :: () -> depth_fun()).
-spec(init_with_existing_bq/3 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), atom(), any()) ->
-spec(stop_mirroring/1 :: (master_state()) -> {atom(), any()}).
+-spec(sync_mirrors/3 :: (stats_fun(), stats_fun(), master_state()) ->
+ {'ok', master_state()} | {stop, any(), master_state()}).
@@ -109,14 +111,13 @@ init_with_existing_bq(Q = #amqqueue{name = QName}, BQ, BQS) ->
{_MNode, SNodes} = rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:suggested_queue_nodes(Q),
rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:add_mirrors(QName, SNodes),
- #state { gm = GM,
+ #state { name = QName,
+ gm = GM,
coordinator = CPid,
backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS,
- set_delivered = 0,
seen_status = dict:new(),
confirmed = [],
- ack_msg_id = dict:new(),
known_senders = sets:new() }.
stop_mirroring(State = #state { coordinator = CPid,
@@ -126,6 +127,31 @@ stop_mirroring(State = #state { coordinator = CPid,
stop_all_slaves(shutdown, State),
{BQ, BQS}.
+sync_mirrors(HandleInfo, EmitStats,
+ State = #state { name = QName,
+ gm = GM,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ Log = fun (Fmt, Params) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Synchronising ~s: " ++ Fmt ++ "~n",
+ [rabbit_misc:rs(QName) | Params])
+ end,
+ Log("~p messages to synchronise", [BQ:len(BQS)]),
+ {ok, #amqqueue{slave_pids = SPids}} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QName),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Syncer = rabbit_mirror_queue_sync:master_prepare(Ref, Log, SPids),
+ gm:broadcast(GM, {sync_start, Ref, Syncer, SPids}),
+ S = fun(BQSN) -> State#state{backing_queue_state = BQSN} end,
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_sync:master_go(
+ Syncer, Ref, Log, HandleInfo, EmitStats, BQ, BQS) of
+ {shutdown, R, BQS1} -> {stop, R, S(BQS1)};
+ {sync_died, R, BQS1} -> Log("~p", [R]),
+ {ok, S(BQS1)};
+ {already_synced, BQS1} -> {ok, S(BQS1)};
+ {ok, BQS1} -> Log("complete", []),
+ {ok, S(BQS1)}
+ end.
terminate({shutdown, dropped} = Reason,
State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
@@ -135,8 +161,8 @@ terminate({shutdown, dropped} = Reason,
%% in without this node being restarted. Thus we must do the full
%% blown delete_and_terminate now, but only locally: we do not
%% broadcast delete_and_terminate.
- State #state { backing_queue_state = BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS),
- set_delivered = 0 };
+ State#state{backing_queue_state = BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS)};
State = #state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
%% Backing queue termination. The queue is going down but
@@ -147,20 +173,16 @@ terminate(Reason,
delete_and_terminate(Reason, State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
stop_all_slaves(Reason, State),
- State #state { backing_queue_state = BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS),
- set_delivered = 0 }.
-stop_all_slaves(Reason, #state{gm = GM}) ->
- Info = gm:info(GM),
- Slaves = [Pid || Pid <- proplists:get_value(group_members, Info),
- node(Pid) =/= node()],
- MRefs = [erlang:monitor(process, S) || S <- Slaves],
+ State#state{backing_queue_state = BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS)}.
+stop_all_slaves(Reason, #state{name = QName, gm = GM}) ->
+ {ok, #amqqueue{slave_pids = SPids}} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QName),
+ MRefs = [erlang:monitor(process, SPid) || SPid <- SPids],
ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {delete_and_terminate, Reason}),
[receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _Pid, _Info} -> ok end || MRef <- MRefs],
%% Normally when we remove a slave another slave or master will
%% notice and update Mnesia. But we just removed them all, and
%% have stopped listening ourselves. So manually clean up.
- QName = proplists:get_value(group_name, Info),
fun () ->
[Q] = mnesia:read({rabbit_queue, QName}),
@@ -174,30 +196,29 @@ purge(State = #state { gm = GM,
backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {drop, 0, BQ:len(BQS), false}),
{Count, BQS1} = BQ:purge(BQS),
- {Count, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1,
- set_delivered = 0 }}.
+ {Count, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }}.
+purge_acks(_State) -> exit({not_implemented, {?MODULE, purge_acks}}).
-publish(Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId }, MsgProps, ChPid,
+publish(Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId }, MsgProps, IsDelivered, ChPid,
State = #state { gm = GM,
seen_status = SS,
backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
false = dict:is_key(MsgId, SS), %% ASSERTION
ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {publish, ChPid, MsgProps, Msg}),
- BQS1 = BQ:publish(Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, BQS),
+ BQS1 = BQ:publish(Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered, ChPid, BQS),
ensure_monitoring(ChPid, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }).
publish_delivered(Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId }, MsgProps,
ChPid, State = #state { gm = GM,
seen_status = SS,
backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS,
- ack_msg_id = AM }) ->
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
false = dict:is_key(MsgId, SS), %% ASSERTION
ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {publish_delivered, ChPid, MsgProps, Msg}),
{AckTag, BQS1} = BQ:publish_delivered(Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, BQS),
- AM1 = maybe_store_acktag(AckTag, MsgId, AM),
- State1 = State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1, ack_msg_id = AM1 },
+ State1 = State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 },
{AckTag, ensure_monitoring(ChPid, State1)}.
discard(MsgId, ChPid, State = #state { gm = GM,
@@ -220,22 +241,17 @@ discard(MsgId, ChPid, State = #state { gm = GM,
-dropwhile(Pred, AckRequired,
- State = #state{gm = GM,
- backing_queue = BQ,
- set_delivered = SetDelivered,
- backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+dropwhile(Pred, State = #state{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
Len = BQ:len(BQS),
- {Next, Msgs, BQS1} = BQ:dropwhile(Pred, AckRequired, BQS),
- Len1 = BQ:len(BQS1),
- Dropped = Len - Len1,
- case Dropped of
- 0 -> ok;
- _ -> ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {drop, Len1, Dropped, AckRequired})
- end,
- SetDelivered1 = lists:max([0, SetDelivered - Dropped]),
- {Next, Msgs, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1,
- set_delivered = SetDelivered1 } }.
+ {Next, BQS1} = BQ:dropwhile(Pred, BQS),
+ {Next, drop(Len, false, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 })}.
+fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, Acc, State = #state{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ Len = BQ:len(BQS),
+ {Next, Acc1, BQS1} = BQ:fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, Acc, BQS),
+ {Next, Acc1, drop(Len, true, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 })}.
drain_confirmed(State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS,
@@ -267,43 +283,33 @@ drain_confirmed(State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
seen_status = SS1,
confirmed = [] }}.
-fetch(AckRequired, State = #state { gm = GM,
- backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS,
- set_delivered = SetDelivered,
- ack_msg_id = AM }) ->
+fetch(AckRequired, State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
{Result, BQS1} = BQ:fetch(AckRequired, BQS),
State1 = State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 },
- case Result of
- empty ->
- {Result, State1};
- {#basic_message { id = MsgId } = Message, IsDelivered, AckTag,
- Remaining} ->
- ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {fetch, AckRequired, MsgId, Remaining}),
- IsDelivered1 = IsDelivered orelse SetDelivered > 0,
- SetDelivered1 = lists:max([0, SetDelivered - 1]),
- AM1 = maybe_store_acktag(AckTag, MsgId, AM),
- {{Message, IsDelivered1, AckTag, Remaining},
- State1 #state { set_delivered = SetDelivered1,
- ack_msg_id = AM1 }}
- end.
+ {Result, case Result of
+ empty -> State1;
+ {_MsgId, _IsDelivered, AckTag} -> drop_one(AckTag, State1)
+ end}.
+drop(AckRequired, State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ {Result, BQS1} = BQ:drop(AckRequired, BQS),
+ State1 = State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 },
+ {Result, case Result of
+ empty -> State1;
+ {_MsgId, AckTag} -> drop_one(AckTag, State1)
+ end}.
ack(AckTags, State = #state { gm = GM,
backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS,
- ack_msg_id = AM }) ->
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
{MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:ack(AckTags, BQS),
case MsgIds of
[] -> ok;
_ -> ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {ack, MsgIds})
- AM1 = lists:foldl(fun dict:erase/2, AM, AckTags),
- {MsgIds, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1,
- ack_msg_id = AM1 }}.
-fold(MsgFun, State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS }, AckTags) ->
- State #state { backing_queue_state = BQ:fold(MsgFun, BQS, AckTags) }.
+ {MsgIds, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }}.
requeue(AckTags, State = #state { gm = GM,
backing_queue = BQ,
@@ -312,6 +318,16 @@ requeue(AckTags, State = #state { gm = GM,
ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {requeue, MsgIds}),
{MsgIds, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }}.
+ackfold(MsgFun, Acc, State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }, AckTags) ->
+ {Acc1, BQS1} = BQ:ackfold(MsgFun, Acc, BQS, AckTags),
+ {Acc1, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }}.
+fold(Fun, Acc, State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ {Result, BQS1} = BQ:fold(Fun, Acc, BQS),
+ {Result, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }}.
len(#state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
@@ -399,20 +415,19 @@ is_duplicate(Message = #basic_message { id = MsgId },
%% Other exported functions
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-promote_backing_queue_state(CPid, BQ, BQS, GM, AckTags, SeenStatus, KS) ->
+promote_backing_queue_state(QName, CPid, BQ, BQS, GM, AckTags, Seen, KS) ->
{_MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:requeue(AckTags, BQS),
Len = BQ:len(BQS1),
Depth = BQ:depth(BQS1),
true = Len == Depth, %% ASSERTION: everything must have been requeued
ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {depth, Depth}),
- #state { gm = GM,
+ #state { name = QName,
+ gm = GM,
coordinator = CPid,
backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS1,
- set_delivered = Len,
- seen_status = SeenStatus,
+ seen_status = Seen,
confirmed = [],
- ack_msg_id = dict:new(),
known_senders = sets:from_list(KS) }.
sender_death_fun() ->
@@ -440,8 +455,25 @@ depth_fun() ->
-maybe_store_acktag(undefined, _MsgId, AM) -> AM;
-maybe_store_acktag(AckTag, MsgId, AM) -> dict:store(AckTag, MsgId, AM).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Helpers
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+drop_one(AckTag, State = #state { gm = GM,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {drop, BQ:len(BQS), 1, AckTag =/= undefined}),
+ State.
+drop(PrevLen, AckRequired, State = #state { gm = GM,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ Len = BQ:len(BQS),
+ case PrevLen - Len of
+ 0 -> State;
+ Dropped -> ok = gm:broadcast(GM, {drop, Len, Dropped, AckRequired}),
+ State
+ end.
ensure_monitoring(ChPid, State = #state { coordinator = CPid,
known_senders = KS }) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_misc.erl
index 05036d35..4fb1fc3b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_misc.erl
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
[policy_validator, <<"ha-mode">>, ?MODULE]}},
{mfa, {rabbit_registry, register,
[policy_validator, <<"ha-params">>, ?MODULE]}},
+ {mfa, {rabbit_registry, register,
+ [policy_validator, <<"ha-sync-mode">>, ?MODULE]}},
{requires, rabbit_registry},
{enables, recovery}]}).
@@ -184,6 +186,7 @@ start_child(Name, MirrorNode, Q) ->
rabbit_mirror_queue_slave_sup:start_child(MirrorNode, [Q])
end) of
{ok, SPid} when is_pid(SPid) ->
+ maybe_auto_sync(Q),
rabbit_log:info("Adding mirror of ~s on node ~p: ~p~n",
[rabbit_misc:rs(Name), MirrorNode, SPid]),
{ok, started};
@@ -235,13 +238,13 @@ suggested_queue_nodes(Q) ->
%% rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(running) out of a loop or
%% transaction or both.
suggested_queue_nodes(Q, PossibleNodes) ->
- {MNode0, SNodes} = actual_queue_nodes(Q),
+ {MNode0, SNodes, SSNodes} = actual_queue_nodes(Q),
MNode = case MNode0 of
none -> node();
_ -> MNode0
suggested_queue_nodes(policy(<<"ha-mode">>, Q), policy(<<"ha-params">>, Q),
- {MNode, SNodes}, PossibleNodes).
+ {MNode, SNodes, SSNodes}, PossibleNodes).
policy(Policy, Q) ->
case rabbit_policy:get(Policy, Q) of
@@ -249,15 +252,20 @@ policy(Policy, Q) ->
_ -> none
-suggested_queue_nodes(<<"all">>, _Params, {MNode, _SNodes}, Possible) ->
- {MNode, Possible -- [MNode]};
-suggested_queue_nodes(<<"nodes">>, Nodes0, {MNode, _SNodes}, Possible) ->
+suggested_queue_nodes(<<"all">>, _Params, {MNode, _SNodes, _SSNodes}, Poss) ->
+ {MNode, Poss -- [MNode]};
+suggested_queue_nodes(<<"nodes">>, Nodes0, {MNode, _SNodes, SSNodes}, Poss) ->
Nodes1 = [list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Node)) || Node <- Nodes0],
- %% If the current master is currently not in the nodes specified,
- %% act like it is for the purposes below - otherwise we will not
- %% return it in the results...
- Nodes = lists:usort([MNode | Nodes1]),
- Unavailable = Nodes -- Possible,
+ %% If the current master is not in the nodes specified, then what we want
+ %% to do depends on whether there are any synchronised slaves. If there
+ %% are then we can just kill the current master - the admin has asked for
+ %% a migration and we should give it to them. If there are not however
+ %% then we must keep the master around so as not to lose messages.
+ Nodes = case SSNodes of
+ [] -> lists:usort([MNode | Nodes1]);
+ _ -> Nodes1
+ end,
+ Unavailable = Nodes -- Poss,
Available = Nodes -- Unavailable,
case Available of
[] -> %% We have never heard of anything? Not much we can do but
@@ -265,21 +273,24 @@ suggested_queue_nodes(<<"nodes">>, Nodes0, {MNode, _SNodes}, Possible) ->
{MNode, []};
_ -> case lists:member(MNode, Available) of
true -> {MNode, Available -- [MNode]};
- false -> promote_slave(Available)
+ false -> %% Make sure the new master is synced! In order to
+ %% get here SSNodes must not be empty.
+ [NewMNode | _] = SSNodes,
+ {NewMNode, Available -- [NewMNode]}
%% When we need to add nodes, we randomise our candidate list as a
%% crude form of load-balancing. TODO it would also be nice to
-%% randomise the list of ones to remove when we have too many - but
-%% that would fail to take account of synchronisation...
-suggested_queue_nodes(<<"exactly">>, Count, {MNode, SNodes}, Possible) ->
+%% randomise the list of ones to remove when we have too many - we
+%% would have to take account of synchronisation though.
+suggested_queue_nodes(<<"exactly">>, Count, {MNode, SNodes, _SSNodes}, Poss) ->
SCount = Count - 1,
{MNode, case SCount > length(SNodes) of
- true -> Cand = shuffle((Possible -- [MNode]) -- SNodes),
+ true -> Cand = shuffle((Poss -- [MNode]) -- SNodes),
SNodes ++ lists:sublist(Cand, SCount - length(SNodes));
false -> lists:sublist(SNodes, SCount)
-suggested_queue_nodes(_, _, {MNode, _}, _) ->
+suggested_queue_nodes(_, _, {MNode, _, _}, _) ->
{MNode, []}.
shuffle(L) ->
@@ -288,11 +299,14 @@ shuffle(L) ->
{_, L1} = lists:unzip(lists:keysort(1, [{random:uniform(), N} || N <- L])),
-actual_queue_nodes(#amqqueue{pid = MPid, slave_pids = SPids}) ->
+actual_queue_nodes(#amqqueue{pid = MPid,
+ slave_pids = SPids,
+ sync_slave_pids = SSPids}) ->
+ Nodes = fun (L) -> [node(Pid) || Pid <- L] end,
{case MPid of
none -> none;
_ -> node(MPid)
- end, [node(Pid) || Pid <- SPids]}.
+ end, Nodes(SPids), Nodes(SSPids)}.
is_mirrored(Q) ->
case policy(<<"ha-mode">>, Q) of
@@ -302,6 +316,14 @@ is_mirrored(Q) ->
_ -> false
+maybe_auto_sync(Q = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}) ->
+ case policy(<<"ha-sync-mode">>, Q) of
+ <<"automatic">> ->
+ spawn(fun() -> rabbit_amqqueue:sync_mirrors(QPid) end);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
update_mirrors(OldQ = #amqqueue{pid = QPid},
NewQ = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}) ->
case {is_mirrored(OldQ), is_mirrored(NewQ)} of
@@ -313,19 +335,30 @@ update_mirrors(OldQ = #amqqueue{pid = QPid},
update_mirrors0(OldQ = #amqqueue{name = QName},
NewQ = #amqqueue{name = QName}) ->
- All = fun ({A,B}) -> [A|B] end,
- OldNodes = All(actual_queue_nodes(OldQ)),
- NewNodes = All(suggested_queue_nodes(NewQ)),
- add_mirrors(QName, NewNodes -- OldNodes),
+ {OldMNode, OldSNodes, _} = actual_queue_nodes(OldQ),
+ {NewMNode, NewSNodes} = suggested_queue_nodes(NewQ),
+ OldNodes = [OldMNode | OldSNodes],
+ NewNodes = [NewMNode | NewSNodes],
+ add_mirrors (QName, NewNodes -- OldNodes),
drop_mirrors(QName, OldNodes -- NewNodes),
+ maybe_auto_sync(NewQ),
validate_policy(KeyList) ->
- validate_policy(
- proplists:get_value(<<"ha-mode">>, KeyList),
- proplists:get_value(<<"ha-params">>, KeyList, none)).
+ case validate_policy(
+ proplists:get_value(<<"ha-mode">>, KeyList),
+ proplists:get_value(<<"ha-params">>, KeyList, none)) of
+ ok -> case proplists:get_value(
+ <<"ha-sync-mode">>, KeyList, <<"manual">>) of
+ <<"automatic">> -> ok;
+ <<"manual">> -> ok;
+ Mode -> {error, "ha-sync-mode must be \"manual\" "
+ "or \"automatic\", got ~p", [Mode]}
+ end;
+ E -> E
+ end.
validate_policy(<<"all">>, none) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl
index 17337d9a..964b0eb4 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
-export([start_link/1, set_maximum_since_use/2, info/1]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
- code_change/3, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/3,
- prioritise_cast/2, prioritise_info/2]).
+ code_change/3, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/4,
+ prioritise_cast/3, prioritise_info/3, format_message_queue/2]).
-export([joined/2, members_changed/3, handle_msg/3]).
@@ -37,18 +37,10 @@
-%% Shut dialyzer up
--spec(promote_me/2 :: (_, _) -> no_return()).
@@ -79,6 +71,8 @@
start_link(Q) -> gen_server2:start_link(?MODULE, Q, []).
set_maximum_since_use(QPid, Age) ->
@@ -222,6 +216,31 @@ handle_cast({deliver, Delivery = #delivery{sender = Sender}, true, Flow},
noreply(maybe_enqueue_message(Delivery, State));
+handle_cast({sync_start, Ref, Syncer},
+ State = #state { depth_delta = DD,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ State1 = #state{rate_timer_ref = TRef} = ensure_rate_timer(State),
+ S = fun({MA, TRefN, BQSN}) ->
+ State1#state{depth_delta = undefined,
+ msg_id_ack = dict:from_list(MA),
+ rate_timer_ref = TRefN,
+ backing_queue_state = BQSN}
+ end,
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_sync:slave(
+ DD, Ref, TRef, Syncer, BQ, BQS,
+ fun (BQN, BQSN) ->
+ BQSN1 = update_ram_duration(BQN, BQSN),
+ TRefN = erlang:send_after(?RAM_DURATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL,
+ self(), update_ram_duration),
+ {TRefN, BQSN1}
+ end) of
+ denied -> noreply(State1);
+ {ok, Res} -> noreply(set_delta(0, S(Res)));
+ {failed, Res} -> noreply(S(Res));
+ {stop, Reason, Res} -> {stop, Reason, S(Res)}
+ end;
handle_cast({set_maximum_since_use, Age}, State) ->
ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age),
@@ -232,17 +251,13 @@ handle_cast({set_ram_duration_target, Duration},
BQS1 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(Duration, BQS),
noreply(State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }).
- State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
- {RamDuration, BQS1} = BQ:ram_duration(BQS),
- DesiredDuration =
- rabbit_memory_monitor:report_ram_duration(self(), RamDuration),
- BQS2 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(DesiredDuration, BQS1),
+handle_info(update_ram_duration, State = #state{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ BQS1 = update_ram_duration(BQ, BQS),
%% Don't call noreply/1, we don't want to set timers
{State1, Timeout} = next_state(State #state {
rate_timer_ref = undefined,
- backing_queue_state = BQS2 }),
+ backing_queue_state = BQS1 }),
{noreply, State1, Timeout};
handle_info(sync_timeout, State) ->
@@ -308,30 +323,31 @@ handle_pre_hibernate(State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
BQS3 = BQ:handle_pre_hibernate(BQS2),
{hibernate, stop_rate_timer(State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS3 })}.
-prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
+prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
info -> 9;
{gm_deaths, _Deaths} -> 5;
_ -> 0
-prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_cast(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
{set_ram_duration_target, _Duration} -> 8;
{set_maximum_since_use, _Age} -> 8;
{run_backing_queue, _Mod, _Fun} -> 6;
{gm, _Msg} -> 5;
- {post_commit, _Txn, _AckTags} -> 4;
_ -> 0
-prioritise_info(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_info(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
update_ram_duration -> 8;
sync_timeout -> 6;
_ -> 0
+format_message_queue(Opt, MQ) -> rabbit_misc:format_message_queue(Opt, MQ).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% GM
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -359,6 +375,11 @@ handle_msg([_SPid], _From, process_death) ->
handle_msg([CPid], _From, {delete_and_terminate, _Reason} = Msg) ->
ok = gen_server2:cast(CPid, {gm, Msg}),
{stop, {shutdown, ring_shutdown}};
+handle_msg([SPid], _From, {sync_start, Ref, Syncer, SPids}) ->
+ case lists:member(SPid, SPids) of
+ true -> gen_server2:cast(SPid, {sync_start, Ref, Syncer});
+ false -> ok
+ end;
handle_msg([SPid], _From, Msg) ->
ok = gen_server2:cast(SPid, {gm, Msg}).
@@ -444,6 +465,9 @@ confirm_messages(MsgIds, State = #state { msg_id_status = MS }) ->
handle_process_result({ok, State}) -> noreply(State);
handle_process_result({stop, State}) -> {stop, normal, State}.
+-spec(promote_me/2 :: ({pid(), term()}, #state{}) -> no_return()).
promote_me(From, #state { q = Q = #amqqueue { name = QName },
gm = GM,
backing_queue = BQ,
@@ -530,7 +554,7 @@ promote_me(From, #state { q = Q = #amqqueue { name = QName },
AckTags = [AckTag || {_MsgId, AckTag} <- dict:to_list(MA)],
MasterState = rabbit_mirror_queue_master:promote_backing_queue_state(
- CPid, BQ, BQS, GM, AckTags, SS, MPids),
+ QName, CPid, BQ, BQS, GM, AckTags, SS, MPids),
MTC = dict:fold(fun (MsgId, {published, ChPid, MsgSeqNo}, MTC0) ->
gb_trees:insert(MsgId, {ChPid, MsgSeqNo}, MTC0);
@@ -564,35 +588,27 @@ next_state(State = #state{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
backing_queue_timeout(State = #state { backing_queue = BQ }) ->
run_backing_queue(BQ, fun (M, BQS) -> M:timeout(BQS) end, State).
-ensure_sync_timer(State = #state { sync_timer_ref = undefined }) ->
- TRef = erlang:send_after(?SYNC_INTERVAL, self(), sync_timeout),
- State #state { sync_timer_ref = TRef };
ensure_sync_timer(State) ->
- State.
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #state.sync_timer_ref,
+ ?SYNC_INTERVAL, sync_timeout).
+stop_sync_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #state.sync_timer_ref).
-stop_sync_timer(State = #state { sync_timer_ref = undefined }) ->
- State;
-stop_sync_timer(State = #state { sync_timer_ref = TRef }) ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- State #state { sync_timer_ref = undefined }.
-ensure_rate_timer(State = #state { rate_timer_ref = undefined }) ->
- TRef = erlang:send_after(?RAM_DURATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL,
- self(), update_ram_duration),
- State #state { rate_timer_ref = TRef };
ensure_rate_timer(State) ->
- State.
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #state.rate_timer_ref,
+ update_ram_duration).
-stop_rate_timer(State = #state { rate_timer_ref = undefined }) ->
- State;
-stop_rate_timer(State = #state { rate_timer_ref = TRef }) ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- State #state { rate_timer_ref = undefined }.
+stop_rate_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #state.rate_timer_ref).
ensure_monitoring(ChPid, State = #state { known_senders = KS }) ->
State #state { known_senders = pmon:monitor(ChPid, KS) }.
local_sender_death(ChPid, State = #state { known_senders = KS }) ->
+ %% The channel will be monitored iff we have received a delivery
+ %% from it but not heard about its death from the master. So if it
+ %% is monitored we need to point the death out to the master (see
+ %% essay).
ok = case pmon:is_monitored(ChPid, KS) of
false -> ok;
true -> confirm_sender_death(ChPid)
@@ -608,6 +624,10 @@ confirm_sender_death(Pid) ->
fun (?MODULE, State = #state { known_senders = KS,
gm = GM }) ->
%% We're running still as a slave
+ %%
+ %% See comment in local_sender_death/2; we might have
+ %% received a sender_death in the meanwhile so check
+ %% again.
ok = case pmon:is_monitored(Pid, KS) of
false -> ok;
true -> gm:broadcast(GM, {ensure_monitoring, [Pid]}),
@@ -698,7 +718,7 @@ process_instruction({publish, ChPid, MsgProps,
Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId }}, State) ->
State1 = #state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS } =
publish_or_discard(published, ChPid, MsgId, State),
- BQS1 = BQ:publish(Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, BQS),
+ BQS1 = BQ:publish(Msg, MsgProps, true, ChPid, BQS),
{ok, State1 #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }};
process_instruction({publish_delivered, ChPid, MsgProps,
Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId }}, State) ->
@@ -722,8 +742,7 @@ process_instruction({drop, Length, Dropped, AckRequired},
State1 = lists:foldl(
fun (const, StateN = #state{backing_queue_state = BQSN}) ->
- {{#basic_message{id = MsgId}, _, AckTag, _}, BQSN1} =
- BQ:fetch(AckRequired, BQSN),
+ {{MsgId, AckTag}, BQSN1} = BQ:drop(AckRequired, BQSN),
AckRequired, MsgId, AckTag,
StateN #state { backing_queue_state = BQSN1 })
@@ -732,21 +751,6 @@ process_instruction({drop, Length, Dropped, AckRequired},
true -> State1;
false -> update_delta(ToDrop - Dropped, State1)
-process_instruction({fetch, AckRequired, MsgId, Remaining},
- State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
- QLen = BQ:len(BQS),
- {ok, case QLen - 1 of
- Remaining ->
- {{#basic_message{id = MsgId}, _IsDelivered,
- AckTag, Remaining}, BQS1} = BQ:fetch(AckRequired, BQS),
- maybe_store_ack(AckRequired, MsgId, AckTag,
- State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 });
- _ when QLen =< Remaining andalso AckRequired ->
- State;
- _ when QLen =< Remaining ->
- update_delta(-1, State)
- end};
process_instruction({ack, MsgIds},
State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
backing_queue_state = BQS,
@@ -769,6 +773,9 @@ process_instruction({sender_death, ChPid},
State = #state { sender_queues = SQ,
msg_id_status = MS,
known_senders = KS }) ->
+ %% The channel will be monitored iff we have received a message
+ %% from it. In this case we just want to avoid doing work if we
+ %% never got any messages.
{ok, case pmon:is_monitored(ChPid, KS) of
false -> State;
true -> MS1 = case dict:find(ChPid, SQ) of
@@ -828,16 +835,27 @@ update_delta( DeltaChange, State = #state { depth_delta = Delta }) ->
true = DeltaChange =< 0, %% assertion: we cannot become 'less' sync'ed
set_delta(Delta + DeltaChange, State #state { depth_delta = undefined }).
+update_ram_duration(BQ, BQS) ->
+ {RamDuration, BQS1} = BQ:ram_duration(BQS),
+ DesiredDuration =
+ rabbit_memory_monitor:report_ram_duration(self(), RamDuration),
+ BQ:set_ram_duration_target(DesiredDuration, BQS1).
+%% [1] - the arrival of this newly synced slave may cause the master to die if
+%% the admin has requested a migration-type change to policy.
record_synchronised(#amqqueue { name = QName }) ->
Self = self(),
- rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(
- fun () ->
- case mnesia:read({rabbit_queue, QName}) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- [Q = #amqqueue { sync_slave_pids = SSPids }] ->
- rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:store_updated_slaves(
- Q #amqqueue { sync_slave_pids = [Self | SSPids] }),
- ok
- end
- end).
+ case rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(
+ fun () ->
+ case mnesia:read({rabbit_queue, QName}) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [Q1 = #amqqueue { sync_slave_pids = SSPids }] ->
+ Q2 = Q1#amqqueue{sync_slave_pids = [Self | SSPids]},
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:store_updated_slaves(Q2),
+ {ok, Q1, Q2}
+ end
+ end) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {ok, Q1, Q2} -> rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:update_mirrors(Q1, Q2) %% [1]
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_sync.erl b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_sync.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8cfe4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_sync.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2010-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-export([master_prepare/3, master_go/7, slave/7]).
+-define(SYNC_PROGRESS_INTERVAL, 1000000).
+%% There are three processes around, the master, the syncer and the
+%% slave(s). The syncer is an intermediary, linked to the master in
+%% order to make sure we do not mess with the master's credit flow or
+%% set of monitors.
+%% Interactions
+%% ------------
+%% '*' indicates repeating messages. All are standard Erlang messages
+%% except sync_start which is sent over GM to flush out any other
+%% messages that we might have sent that way already. (credit) is the
+%% usual credit_flow bump message every so often.
+%% Master Syncer Slave(s)
+%% sync_mirrors -> || ||
+%% (from channel) || -- (spawns) --> || ||
+%% || --------- sync_start (over GM) -------> ||
+%% || || <--- sync_ready ---- ||
+%% || || (or) ||
+%% || || <--- sync_deny ----- ||
+%% || <--- ready ---- || ||
+%% || <--- next* ---- || || }
+%% || ---- msg* ----> || || } loop
+%% || || ---- sync_msg* ----> || }
+%% || || <--- (credit)* ----- || }
+%% || <--- next ---- || ||
+%% || ---- done ----> || ||
+%% || || -- sync_complete --> ||
+%% || (Dies) ||
+-type(log_fun() :: fun ((string(), [any()]) -> 'ok')).
+-type(bq() :: atom()).
+-type(bqs() :: any()).
+-type(ack() :: any()).
+-type(slave_sync_state() :: {[{rabbit_types:msg_id(), ack()}], timer:tref(),
+ bqs()}).
+-spec(master_prepare/3 :: (reference(), log_fun(), [pid()]) -> pid()).
+-spec(master_go/7 :: (pid(), reference(), log_fun(),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_master:stats_fun(),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_master:stats_fun(),
+ bq(), bqs()) ->
+ {'already_synced', bqs()} | {'ok', bqs()} |
+ {'shutdown', any(), bqs()} |
+ {'sync_died', any(), bqs()}).
+-spec(slave/7 :: (non_neg_integer(), reference(), timer:tref(), pid(),
+ bq(), bqs(), fun((bq(), bqs()) -> {timer:tref(), bqs()})) ->
+ 'denied' |
+ {'ok' | 'failed', slave_sync_state()} |
+ {'stop', any(), slave_sync_state()}).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Master
+master_prepare(Ref, Log, SPids) ->
+ MPid = self(),
+ spawn_link(fun () -> syncer(Ref, Log, MPid, SPids) end).
+master_go(Syncer, Ref, Log, HandleInfo, EmitStats, BQ, BQS) ->
+ Args = {Syncer, Ref, Log, HandleInfo, EmitStats, rabbit_misc:get_parent()},
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Syncer, normal} -> {already_synced, BQS};
+ {'EXIT', Syncer, Reason} -> {sync_died, Reason, BQS};
+ {ready, Syncer} -> EmitStats({syncing, 0}),
+ master_go0(Args, BQ, BQS)
+ end.
+master_go0(Args, BQ, BQS) ->
+ case BQ:fold(fun (Msg, MsgProps, Unacked, Acc) ->
+ master_send(Msg, MsgProps, Unacked, Args, Acc)
+ end, {0, erlang:now()}, BQS) of
+ {{shutdown, Reason}, BQS1} -> {shutdown, Reason, BQS1};
+ {{sync_died, Reason}, BQS1} -> {sync_died, Reason, BQS1};
+ {_, BQS1} -> master_done(Args, BQS1)
+ end.
+master_send(Msg, MsgProps, Unacked,
+ {Syncer, Ref, Log, HandleInfo, EmitStats, Parent}, {I, Last}) ->
+ T = case timer:now_diff(erlang:now(), Last) > ?SYNC_PROGRESS_INTERVAL of
+ true -> EmitStats({syncing, I}),
+ Log("~p messages", [I]),
+ erlang:now();
+ false -> Last
+ end,
+ HandleInfo({syncing, I}),
+ receive
+ {'$gen_cast', {set_maximum_since_use, Age}} ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age)
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ receive
+ {'$gen_call', From,
+ cancel_sync_mirrors} -> stop_syncer(Syncer, {cancel, Ref}),
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
+ {stop, cancelled};
+ {next, Ref} -> Syncer ! {msg, Ref, Msg, MsgProps, Unacked},
+ {cont, {I + 1, T}};
+ {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> {stop, {shutdown, Reason}};
+ {'EXIT', Syncer, Reason} -> {stop, {sync_died, Reason}}
+ end.
+master_done({Syncer, Ref, _Log, _HandleInfo, _EmitStats, Parent}, BQS) ->
+ receive
+ {next, Ref} -> stop_syncer(Syncer, {done, Ref}),
+ {ok, BQS};
+ {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> {shutdown, Reason, BQS};
+ {'EXIT', Syncer, Reason} -> {sync_died, Reason, BQS}
+ end.
+stop_syncer(Syncer, Msg) ->
+ unlink(Syncer),
+ Syncer ! Msg,
+ receive {'EXIT', Syncer, _} -> ok
+ after 0 -> ok
+ end.
+%% Master
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Syncer
+syncer(Ref, Log, MPid, SPids) ->
+ [erlang:monitor(process, SPid) || SPid <- SPids],
+ %% We wait for a reply from the slaves so that we know they are in
+ %% a receive block and will thus receive messages we send to them
+ %% *without* those messages ending up in their gen_server2 pqueue.
+ case [SPid || SPid <- SPids,
+ receive
+ {sync_ready, Ref, SPid} -> true;
+ {sync_deny, Ref, SPid} -> false;
+ {'DOWN', _, process, SPid, _} -> false
+ end] of
+ [] -> Log("all slaves already synced", []);
+ SPids1 -> MPid ! {ready, self()},
+ Log("mirrors ~p to sync", [[node(SPid) || SPid <- SPids1]]),
+ syncer_loop(Ref, MPid, SPids1)
+ end.
+syncer_loop(Ref, MPid, SPids) ->
+ MPid ! {next, Ref},
+ receive
+ {msg, Ref, Msg, MsgProps, Unacked} ->
+ SPids1 = wait_for_credit(SPids),
+ [begin
+ credit_flow:send(SPid),
+ SPid ! {sync_msg, Ref, Msg, MsgProps, Unacked}
+ end || SPid <- SPids1],
+ syncer_loop(Ref, MPid, SPids1);
+ {cancel, Ref} ->
+ %% We don't tell the slaves we will die - so when we do
+ %% they interpret that as a failure, which is what we
+ %% want.
+ ok;
+ {done, Ref} ->
+ [SPid ! {sync_complete, Ref} || SPid <- SPids]
+ end.
+wait_for_credit(SPids) ->
+ case credit_flow:blocked() of
+ true -> receive
+ {bump_credit, Msg} ->
+ credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg),
+ wait_for_credit(SPids);
+ {'DOWN', _, process, SPid, _} ->
+ credit_flow:peer_down(SPid),
+ wait_for_credit(lists:delete(SPid, SPids))
+ end;
+ false -> SPids
+ end.
+%% Syncer
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Slave
+slave(0, Ref, _TRef, Syncer, _BQ, _BQS, _UpdateRamDuration) ->
+ Syncer ! {sync_deny, Ref, self()},
+ denied;
+slave(_DD, Ref, TRef, Syncer, BQ, BQS, UpdateRamDuration) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Syncer),
+ Syncer ! {sync_ready, Ref, self()},
+ {_MsgCount, BQS1} = BQ:purge(BQ:purge_acks(BQS)),
+ slave_sync_loop({Ref, MRef, Syncer, BQ, UpdateRamDuration,
+ rabbit_misc:get_parent()}, {[], TRef, BQS1}).
+slave_sync_loop(Args = {Ref, MRef, Syncer, BQ, UpdateRamDuration, Parent},
+ State = {MA, TRef, BQS}) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Syncer, _Reason} ->
+ %% If the master dies half way we are not in the usual
+ %% half-synced state (with messages nearer the tail of the
+ %% queue); instead we have ones nearer the head. If we then
+ %% sync with a newly promoted master, or even just receive
+ %% messages from it, we have a hole in the middle. So the
+ %% only thing to do here is purge.
+ {_MsgCount, BQS1} = BQ:purge(BQ:purge_acks(BQS)),
+ credit_flow:peer_down(Syncer),
+ {failed, {[], TRef, BQS1}};
+ {bump_credit, Msg} ->
+ credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg),
+ slave_sync_loop(Args, State);
+ {sync_complete, Ref} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ credit_flow:peer_down(Syncer),
+ {ok, State};
+ {'$gen_cast', {set_maximum_since_use, Age}} ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age),
+ slave_sync_loop(Args, State);
+ {'$gen_cast', {set_ram_duration_target, Duration}} ->
+ BQS1 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(Duration, BQS),
+ slave_sync_loop(Args, {MA, TRef, BQS1});
+ update_ram_duration ->
+ {TRef1, BQS1} = UpdateRamDuration(BQ, BQS),
+ slave_sync_loop(Args, {MA, TRef1, BQS1});
+ {sync_msg, Ref, Msg, Props, Unacked} ->
+ credit_flow:ack(Syncer),
+ Props1 = Props#message_properties{needs_confirming = false},
+ {MA1, BQS1} =
+ case Unacked of
+ false -> {MA, BQ:publish(Msg, Props1, true, none, BQS)};
+ true -> {AckTag, BQS2} = BQ:publish_delivered(
+ Msg, Props1, none, BQS),
+ {[{, AckTag} | MA], BQS2}
+ end,
+ slave_sync_loop(Args, {MA1, TRef, BQS1});
+ {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
+ {stop, Reason, State};
+ %% If the master throws an exception
+ {'$gen_cast', {gm, {delete_and_terminate, Reason}}} ->
+ BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS),
+ {stop, Reason, {[], TRef, undefined}}
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index 21dbaeb5..c36fb147 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
+-export([ensure_timer/4, stop_timer/2]).
%% Horrible macro to use in guards
@@ -241,7 +243,9 @@
-spec(interval_operation/4 ::
({atom(), atom(), any()}, float(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer())
-> {any(), non_neg_integer()}).
+-spec(ensure_timer/4 :: (A, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), any()) -> A).
+-spec(stop_timer/2 :: (A, non_neg_integer()) -> A).
+-spec(get_parent/0 :: () -> pid()).
@@ -352,13 +356,12 @@ set_table_value(Table, Key, Type, Value) ->
lists:keystore(Key, 1, Table, {Key, Type, Value})).
-r(#resource{virtual_host = VHostPath}, Kind, Name)
- when is_binary(Name) ->
+r(#resource{virtual_host = VHostPath}, Kind, Name) ->
#resource{virtual_host = VHostPath, kind = Kind, name = Name};
-r(VHostPath, Kind, Name) when is_binary(Name) andalso is_binary(VHostPath) ->
+r(VHostPath, Kind, Name) ->
#resource{virtual_host = VHostPath, kind = Kind, name = Name}.
-r(VHostPath, Kind) when is_binary(VHostPath) ->
+r(VHostPath, Kind) ->
#resource{virtual_host = VHostPath, kind = Kind, name = '_'}.
r_arg(#resource{virtual_host = VHostPath}, Kind, Table, Key) ->
@@ -1046,3 +1049,53 @@ interval_operation({M, F, A}, MaxRatio, IdealInterval, LastInterval) ->
{false, false} -> lists:max([IdealInterval,
round(LastInterval / 1.5)])
+ensure_timer(State, Idx, After, Msg) ->
+ case element(Idx, State) of
+ undefined -> TRef = erlang:send_after(After, self(), Msg),
+ setelement(Idx, State, TRef);
+ _ -> State
+ end.
+stop_timer(State, Idx) ->
+ case element(Idx, State) of
+ undefined -> State;
+ TRef -> case erlang:cancel_timer(TRef) of
+ false -> State;
+ _ -> setelement(Idx, State, undefined)
+ end
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Begin copypasta from gen_server2.erl
+get_parent() ->
+ case get('$ancestors') of
+ [Parent | _] when is_pid (Parent) -> Parent;
+ [Parent | _] when is_atom(Parent) -> name_to_pid(Parent);
+ _ -> exit(process_was_not_started_by_proc_lib)
+ end.
+name_to_pid(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined -> case whereis_name(Name) of
+ undefined -> exit(could_not_find_registerd_name);
+ Pid -> Pid
+ end;
+ Pid -> Pid
+ end.
+whereis_name(Name) ->
+ case ets:lookup(global_names, Name) of
+ [{_Name, Pid, _Method, _RPid, _Ref}] ->
+ if node(Pid) == node() -> case erlang:is_process_alive(Pid) of
+ true -> Pid;
+ false -> undefined
+ end;
+ true -> Pid
+ end;
+ [] -> undefined
+ end.
+%% End copypasta from gen_server2.erl
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
index 039a8c60..8cd976fa 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@
%% Various queries to get the status of the db
-spec(status/0 :: () -> [{'nodes', [{node_type(), [node()]}]} |
- {'running_nodes', [node()]}]).
+ {'running_nodes', [node()]} |
+ {'partitions', [{node(), [node()]}]}]).
-spec(is_clustered/0 :: () -> boolean()).
-spec(cluster_nodes/1 :: ('all' | 'disc' | 'ram' | 'running') -> [node()]).
-spec(node_type/0 :: () -> node_type()).
@@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ cluster_status(WhichNodes) ->
node_info() ->
{erlang:system_info(otp_release), rabbit_misc:version(),
- cluster_status_from_mnesia()}.
+ delegate_beam_hash(), cluster_status_from_mnesia()}.
node_type() ->
DiscNodes = cluster_nodes(disc),
@@ -561,10 +562,13 @@ check_cluster_consistency(Node) ->
case rpc:call(Node, rabbit_mnesia, node_info, []) of
{badrpc, _Reason} ->
{error, not_found};
- {_OTP, _Rabbit, {error, _}} ->
+ {_OTP, _Rabbit, _Hash, {error, _}} ->
{error, not_found};
- {OTP, Rabbit, {ok, Status}} ->
- case check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit, Node, Status) of
+ {_OTP, Rabbit, _Status} ->
+ %% pre-2013/04 format implies version mismatch
+ version_error("Rabbit", rabbit_misc:version(), Rabbit);
+ {OTP, Rabbit, Hash, {ok, Status}} ->
+ case check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit, Hash, Node, Status) of
{error, _} = E -> E;
{ok, Res} -> {ok, Res}
@@ -599,19 +603,16 @@ discover_cluster(Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) ->
lists:foldl(fun (_, {ok, Res}) -> {ok, Res};
(Node, {error, _}) -> discover_cluster(Node)
end, {error, no_nodes_provided}, Nodes);
+discover_cluster(Node) when Node == node() ->
+ {error, {cannot_discover_cluster, "Cannot cluster node with itself"}};
discover_cluster(Node) ->
OfflineError =
{error, {cannot_discover_cluster,
"The nodes provided are either offline or not running"}},
- case node() of
- Node -> {error, {cannot_discover_cluster,
- "Cannot cluster node with itself"}};
- _ -> case rpc:call(Node,
- rabbit_mnesia, cluster_status_from_mnesia, []) of
- {badrpc, _Reason} -> OfflineError;
- {error, mnesia_not_running} -> OfflineError;
- {ok, Res} -> {ok, Res}
- end
+ case rpc:call(Node, rabbit_mnesia, cluster_status_from_mnesia, []) of
+ {badrpc, _Reason} -> OfflineError;
+ {error, mnesia_not_running} -> OfflineError;
+ {ok, Res} -> {ok, Res}
schema_ok_or_move() ->
@@ -734,14 +735,17 @@ change_extra_db_nodes(ClusterNodes0, CheckOtherNodes) ->
-check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit) ->
+check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit, Hash) ->
- [check_otp_consistency(OTP), check_rabbit_consistency(Rabbit)]).
+ [check_otp_consistency(OTP),
+ check_rabbit_consistency(Rabbit),
+ check_beam_compatibility(Hash)]).
-check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit, Node, Status) ->
+check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit, Hash, Node, Status) ->
+ check_beam_compatibility(Hash),
check_nodes_consistency(Node, Status)]).
check_nodes_consistency(Node, RemoteStatus = {RemoteAllNodes, _, _}) ->
@@ -782,6 +786,21 @@ check_rabbit_consistency(Remote) ->
rabbit_misc:version(), Remote, "Rabbit",
fun rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent/2).
+check_beam_compatibility(RemoteHash) ->
+ case RemoteHash == delegate_beam_hash() of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> {error, {incompatible_bytecode,
+ "Incompatible Erlang bytecode found on nodes"}}
+ end.
+%% The delegate module sends functions across the cluster; if it is
+%% out of sync (say due to mixed compilers), we will get badfun
+%% exceptions when trying to do so. Let's detect that at startup.
+delegate_beam_hash() ->
+ {delegate, Obj, _} = code:get_object_code(delegate),
+ {ok, {delegate, Hash}} = beam_lib:md5(Obj),
+ Hash.
%% This is fairly tricky. We want to know if the node is in the state
%% that a `reset' would leave it in. We cannot simply check if the
%% mnesia tables aren't there because restarted RAM nodes won't have
@@ -807,11 +826,12 @@ find_good_node([]) ->
find_good_node([Node | Nodes]) ->
case rpc:call(Node, rabbit_mnesia, node_info, []) of
- {badrpc, _Reason} -> find_good_node(Nodes);
- {OTP, Rabbit, _} -> case check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit) of
- {error, _} -> find_good_node(Nodes);
- ok -> {ok, Node}
- end
+ {badrpc, _Reason} -> find_good_node(Nodes);
+ {_OTP, _Rabbit, _} -> find_good_node(Nodes);
+ {OTP, Rabbit, Hash, _} -> case check_consistency(OTP, Rabbit, Hash) of
+ {error, _} -> find_good_node(Nodes);
+ ok -> {ok, Node}
+ end
is_only_clustered_disc_node() ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl b/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
index 112d1ce2..c63321b5 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
-export([transform_dir/3, force_recovery/2]). %% upgrade
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
- code_change/3, prioritise_call/3, prioritise_cast/2,
- prioritise_info/2, format_message_queue/2]).
+ code_change/3, prioritise_call/4, prioritise_cast/3,
+ prioritise_info/3, format_message_queue/2]).
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ init([Server, BaseDir, ClientRefs, StartupFunState]) ->
-prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
+prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
successfully_recovered_state -> 7;
{new_client_state, _Ref, _Pid, _MODC, _CloseFDsFun} -> 7;
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
_ -> 0
-prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_cast(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
{combine_files, _Source, _Destination, _Reclaimed} -> 8;
{delete_file, _File, _Reclaimed} -> 8;
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
_ -> 0
-prioritise_info(Msg, _State) ->
+prioritise_info(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
case Msg of
sync -> 8;
_ -> 0
@@ -946,15 +946,12 @@ next_state(State = #msstate { cref_to_msg_ids = CTM }) ->
_ -> {State, 0}
-start_sync_timer(State = #msstate { sync_timer_ref = undefined }) ->
- TRef = erlang:send_after(?SYNC_INTERVAL, self(), sync),
- State #msstate { sync_timer_ref = TRef }.
+start_sync_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #msstate.sync_timer_ref,
+ ?SYNC_INTERVAL, sync).
-stop_sync_timer(State = #msstate { sync_timer_ref = undefined }) ->
- State;
-stop_sync_timer(State = #msstate { sync_timer_ref = TRef }) ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
- State #msstate { sync_timer_ref = undefined }.
+stop_sync_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #msstate.sync_timer_ref).
internal_sync(State = #msstate { current_file_handle = CurHdl,
cref_to_msg_ids = CTM }) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_msg_store_gc.erl b/src/rabbit_msg_store_gc.erl
index 3881de23..0dd7a7cc 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_msg_store_gc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_msg_store_gc.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_cast/2]).
+ terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_cast/3]).
{ pending_no_readers,
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ init([MsgStoreState]) ->
msg_store_state = MsgStoreState }, hibernate,
-prioritise_cast({set_maximum_since_use, _Age}, _State) -> 8;
-prioritise_cast(_Msg, _State) -> 0.
+prioritise_cast({set_maximum_since_use, _Age}, _Len, _State) -> 8;
+prioritise_cast(_Msg, _Len, _State) -> 0.
handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
{stop, normal, ok, State}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_net.erl b/src/rabbit_net.erl
index b8b03f56..b53c16bf 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_net.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_net.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-export([is_ssl/1, ssl_info/1, controlling_process/2, getstat/2,
recv/1, async_recv/3, port_command/2, getopts/2, setopts/2, send/2,
close/1, fast_close/1, sockname/1, peername/1, peercert/1,
- tune_buffer_size/1, connection_string/2, socket_ends/2]).
+ connection_string/2, socket_ends/2]).
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
-spec(peercert/1 ::
-> 'nossl' | ok_val_or_error(rabbit_ssl:certificate())).
--spec(tune_buffer_size/1 :: (socket()) -> ok_or_any_error()).
-spec(connection_string/2 ::
(socket(), 'inbound' | 'outbound') -> ok_val_or_error(string())).
-spec(socket_ends/2 ::
@@ -189,13 +188,6 @@ peername(Sock) when is_port(Sock) -> inet:peername(Sock).
peercert(Sock) when ?IS_SSL(Sock) -> ssl:peercert(Sock#ssl_socket.ssl);
peercert(Sock) when is_port(Sock) -> nossl.
-tune_buffer_size(Sock) ->
- case getopts(Sock, [sndbuf, recbuf, buffer]) of
- {ok, BufSizes} -> BufSz = lists:max([Sz || {_Opt, Sz} <- BufSizes]),
- setopts(Sock, [{buffer, BufSz}]);
- Err -> Err
- end.
connection_string(Sock, Direction) ->
case socket_ends(Sock, Direction) of
{ok, {FromAddress, FromPort, ToAddress, ToPort}} ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_networking.erl b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
index 0a0e51c5..4b6c7538 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_networking.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
-export([boot/0, start/0, start_tcp_listener/1, start_ssl_listener/2,
stop_tcp_listener/1, on_node_down/1, active_listeners/0,
- node_listeners/1, connections/0, connection_info_keys/0,
+ node_listeners/1, register_connection/1, unregister_connection/1,
+ connections/0, connection_info_keys/0,
connection_info/1, connection_info/2,
connection_info_all/0, connection_info_all/1,
close_connection/2, force_connection_event_refresh/0, tcp_host/1]).
@@ -65,6 +66,8 @@
-spec(stop_tcp_listener/1 :: (listener_config()) -> 'ok').
-spec(active_listeners/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:listener()]).
-spec(node_listeners/1 :: (node()) -> [rabbit_types:listener()]).
+-spec(register_connection/1 :: (pid()) -> ok).
+-spec(unregister_connection/1 :: (pid()) -> ok).
-spec(connections/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:connection()]).
-spec(connections_local/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:connection()]).
-spec(connection_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()).
@@ -294,20 +297,15 @@ start_client(Sock) ->
start_ssl_client(SslOpts, Sock) ->
start_client(Sock, ssl_transform_fun(SslOpts)).
+register_connection(Pid) -> pg_local:join(rabbit_connections, Pid).
+unregister_connection(Pid) -> pg_local:leave(rabbit_connections, Pid).
connections() ->
rabbit_networking, connections_local, []).
-connections_local() ->
- [Reader ||
- {_, ConnSup, supervisor, _}
- <- supervisor:which_children(rabbit_tcp_client_sup),
- Reader <- [try
- rabbit_connection_sup:reader(ConnSup)
- catch exit:{noproc, _} ->
- noproc
- end],
- Reader =/= noproc].
+connections_local() -> pg_local:get_members(rabbit_connections).
connection_info_keys() -> rabbit_reader:info_keys().
diff --git a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
index c4f06921..7d844c72 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ %% Utils
+-export([all_rabbit_nodes_up/0, run_outside_applications/1]).
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(RABBIT_UP_RPC_TIMEOUT, 2000).
--record(state, {monitors, partitions, subscribers}).
+-record(state, {monitors, partitions, subscribers, down_ping_timer, autoheal}).
@@ -53,9 +57,12 @@
-spec(notify_joined_cluster/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(notify_left_cluster/1 :: (node()) -> 'ok').
--spec(partitions/0 :: () -> {node(), [{atom(), node()}]}).
+-spec(partitions/0 :: () -> {node(), [node()]}).
-spec(subscribe/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(all_rabbit_nodes_up/0 :: () -> boolean()).
+-spec(run_outside_applications/1 :: (fun (() -> any())) -> pid()).
@@ -193,10 +200,12 @@ init([]) ->
%% writing out the cluster status files - bad things can then
%% happen.
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
{ok, _} = mnesia:subscribe(system),
{ok, #state{monitors = pmon:new(),
subscribers = pmon:new(),
- partitions = []}}.
+ partitions = [],
+ autoheal = rabbit_autoheal:init()}}.
handle_call(partitions, _From, State = #state{partitions = Partitions}) ->
{reply, {node(), Partitions}, State};
@@ -249,23 +258,69 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, {rabbit, Node}, _Reason},
write_cluster_status({AllNodes, DiscNodes, del_node(Node, RunningNodes)}),
ok = handle_dead_rabbit(Node),
[P ! {node_down, Node} || P <- pmon:monitored(Subscribers)],
- {noreply, State#state{monitors = pmon:erase({rabbit, Node}, Monitors)}};
+ {noreply, handle_dead_rabbit_state(
+ Node,
+ State#state{monitors = pmon:erase({rabbit, Node}, Monitors)})};
handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _Reason},
State = #state{subscribers = Subscribers}) ->
{noreply, State#state{subscribers = pmon:erase(Pid, Subscribers)}};
+handle_info({nodedown, Node}, State) ->
+ ok = handle_dead_node(Node),
+ {noreply, State};
{inconsistent_database, running_partitioned_network, Node}},
- State = #state{partitions = Partitions}) ->
+ State = #state{partitions = Partitions,
+ monitors = Monitors,
+ autoheal = AState}) ->
+ %% We will not get a node_up from this node - yet we should treat it as
+ %% up (mostly).
+ State1 = case pmon:is_monitored({rabbit, Node}, Monitors) of
+ true -> State;
+ false -> State#state{
+ monitors = pmon:monitor({rabbit, Node}, Monitors)}
+ end,
+ ok = handle_live_rabbit(Node),
Partitions1 = ordsets:to_list(
ordsets:add_element(Node, ordsets:from_list(Partitions))),
- {noreply, State#state{partitions = Partitions1}};
+ {noreply, State1#state{partitions = Partitions1,
+ autoheal = rabbit_autoheal:maybe_start(AState)}};
+handle_info({autoheal_msg, Msg}, State = #state{autoheal = AState,
+ partitions = Partitions}) ->
+ AState1 = rabbit_autoheal:handle_msg(Msg, AState, Partitions),
+ {noreply, State#state{autoheal = AState1}};
+handle_info(ping_nodes, State) ->
+ %% We ping nodes when some are down to ensure that we find out
+ %% about healed partitions quickly. We ping all nodes rather than
+ %% just the ones we know are down for simplicity; it's not expensive
+ %% to ping the nodes that are up, after all.
+ State1 = State#state{down_ping_timer = undefined},
+ Self = self(),
+ %% all_nodes_up() both pings all the nodes and tells us if we need to again.
+ %%
+ %% We ping in a separate process since in a partition it might
+ %% take some noticeable length of time and we don't want to block
+ %% the node monitor for that long.
+ spawn_link(fun () ->
+ case all_nodes_up() of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> Self ! ping_again
+ end
+ end),
+ {noreply, State1};
+handle_info(ping_again, State) ->
+ {noreply, ensure_ping_timer(State)};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #state.down_ping_timer),
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
@@ -282,7 +337,80 @@ handle_dead_rabbit(Node) ->
ok = rabbit_networking:on_node_down(Node),
ok = rabbit_amqqueue:on_node_down(Node),
ok = rabbit_alarm:on_node_down(Node),
- ok = rabbit_mnesia:on_node_down(Node).
+ ok = rabbit_mnesia:on_node_down(Node),
+ ok.
+handle_dead_node(_Node) ->
+ %% In general in rabbit_node_monitor we care about whether the
+ %% rabbit application is up rather than the node; we do this so
+ %% that we can respond in the same way to "rabbitmqctl stop_app"
+ %% and "rabbitmqctl stop" as much as possible.
+ %%
+ %% However, for pause_minority mode we can't do this, since we
+ %% depend on looking at whether other nodes are up to decide
+ %% whether to come back up ourselves - if we decide that based on
+ %% the rabbit application we would go down and never come back.
+ case application:get_env(rabbit, cluster_partition_handling) of
+ {ok, pause_minority} ->
+ case majority() of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> await_cluster_recovery()
+ end;
+ {ok, ignore} ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, autoheal} ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, Term} ->
+ rabbit_log:warning("cluster_partition_handling ~p unrecognised, "
+ "assuming 'ignore'~n", [Term]),
+ ok
+ end.
+await_cluster_recovery() ->
+ rabbit_log:warning("Cluster minority status detected - awaiting recovery~n",
+ []),
+ Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
+ run_outside_applications(fun () ->
+ rabbit:stop(),
+ wait_for_cluster_recovery(Nodes)
+ end).
+run_outside_applications(Fun) ->
+ spawn(fun () ->
+ %% If our group leader is inside an application we are about
+ %% to stop, application:stop/1 does not return.
+ group_leader(whereis(init), self()),
+ %% Ensure only one such process at a time, will
+ %% exit(badarg) (harmlessly) if one is already running
+ register(rabbit_outside_app_process, self()),
+ Fun()
+ end).
+wait_for_cluster_recovery(Nodes) ->
+ case majority() of
+ true -> rabbit:start();
+ false -> timer:sleep(?RABBIT_DOWN_PING_INTERVAL),
+ wait_for_cluster_recovery(Nodes)
+ end.
+handle_dead_rabbit_state(Node, State = #state{partitions = Partitions,
+ autoheal = Autoheal}) ->
+ %% If we have been partitioned, and we are now in the only remaining
+ %% partition, we no longer care about partitions - forget them. Note
+ %% that we do not attempt to deal with individual (other) partitions
+ %% going away. It's only safe to forget anything about partitions when
+ %% there are no partitions.
+ Partitions1 = case Partitions -- (Partitions -- alive_rabbit_nodes()) of
+ [] -> [];
+ _ -> Partitions
+ end,
+ ensure_ping_timer(
+ State#state{partitions = Partitions1,
+ autoheal = rabbit_autoheal:node_down(Node, Autoheal)}).
+ensure_ping_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(
+ State, #state.down_ping_timer, ?RABBIT_DOWN_PING_INTERVAL, ping_nodes).
handle_live_rabbit(Node) ->
ok = rabbit_alarm:on_node_up(Node),
@@ -311,3 +439,30 @@ legacy_should_be_disc_node(DiscNodes) ->
add_node(Node, Nodes) -> lists:usort([Node | Nodes]).
del_node(Node, Nodes) -> Nodes -- [Node].
+%% mnesia:system_info(db_nodes) (and hence
+%% rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(running)) does not give reliable
+%% results when partitioned. So we have a small set of replacement
+%% functions here. "rabbit" in a function's name implies we test if
+%% the rabbit application is up, not just the node.
+majority() ->
+ Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
+ length(alive_nodes(Nodes)) / length(Nodes) > 0.5.
+all_nodes_up() ->
+ Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
+ length(alive_nodes(Nodes)) =:= length(Nodes).
+all_rabbit_nodes_up() ->
+ Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
+ length(alive_rabbit_nodes(Nodes)) =:= length(Nodes).
+alive_nodes(Nodes) -> [N || N <- Nodes, pong =:= net_adm:ping(N)].
+alive_rabbit_nodes() -> alive_rabbit_nodes(rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all)).
+alive_rabbit_nodes(Nodes) ->
+ [N || N <- alive_nodes(Nodes), rabbit_nodes:is_process_running(N, rabbit)].
diff --git a/src/rabbit_nodes.erl b/src/rabbit_nodes.erl
index c92e5963..5640f12a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_nodes.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_nodes.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
--export([names/1, diagnostics/1, make/1, parts/1, cookie_hash/0, is_running/2]).
+-export([names/1, diagnostics/1, make/1, parts/1, cookie_hash/0,
+ is_running/2, is_process_running/2]).
-define(EPMD_TIMEOUT, 30000).
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
-spec(parts/1 :: (node() | string()) -> {string(), string()}).
-spec(cookie_hash/0 :: () -> string()).
-spec(is_running/2 :: (node(), atom()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(is_process_running/2 :: (node(), atom()) -> boolean()).
@@ -98,3 +100,10 @@ is_running(Node, Application) ->
{badrpc, _} -> false;
Apps -> proplists:is_defined(Application, Apps)
+is_process_running(Node, Process) ->
+ case rpc:call(Node, erlang, whereis, [Process]) of
+ {badrpc, _} -> false;
+ undefined -> false;
+ P when is_pid(P) -> true
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_parameter_validation.erl b/src/rabbit_parameter_validation.erl
index 39d0188c..a4bd5042 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_parameter_validation.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_parameter_validation.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--export([number/2, binary/2, boolean/2, list/2, regex/2, proplist/3]).
+-export([number/2, binary/2, boolean/2, list/2, regex/2, proplist/3, enum/1]).
number(_Name, Term) when is_number(Term) ->
@@ -73,3 +73,15 @@ proplist(Name, Constraints, Term) when is_list(Term) ->
proplist(Name, _Constraints, Term) ->
{error, "~s not a list ~p", [Name, Term]}.
+enum(OptionsA) ->
+ Options = [list_to_binary(atom_to_list(O)) || O <- OptionsA],
+ fun (Name, Term) when is_binary(Term) ->
+ case lists:member(Term, Options) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> {error, "~s should be one of ~p, actually was ~p",
+ [Name, Options, Term]}
+ end;
+ (Name, Term) ->
+ {error, "~s should be binary, actually was ~p", [Name, Term]}
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
index bce4b43e..58c906eb 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ list(PluginsDir) ->
[plugin_info(PluginsDir, Plug) || Plug <- EZs ++ FreeApps]),
case Problems of
[] -> ok;
- _ -> io:format("Warning: Problem reading some plugins: ~p~n",
- [Problems])
+ _ -> error_logger:warning_msg(
+ "Problem reading some plugins: ~p~n", [Problems])
@@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ prepare_plugins(EnabledFile, PluginsDistDir, ExpandDir) ->
case Enabled -- plugin_names(ToUnpackPlugins) of
[] -> ok;
- Missing -> io:format("Warning: the following enabled plugins were "
- "not found: ~p~n", [Missing])
+ Missing -> error_logger:warning_msg(
+ "The following enabled plugins were not found: ~p~n",
+ [Missing])
%% Eliminate the contents of the destination directory
diff --git a/src/rabbit_policy.erl b/src/rabbit_policy.erl
index 7398cd2d..0990c662 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_policy.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_policy.erl
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ name0(undefined) -> none;
name0(Policy) -> pget(name, Policy).
set(Q = #amqqueue{name = Name}) -> Q#amqqueue{policy = set0(Name)};
-set(X = #exchange{name = Name}) -> X#exchange{policy = set0(Name)}.
+set(X = #exchange{name = Name}) -> rabbit_exchange_decorator:set(
+ X#exchange{policy = set0(Name)}).
set0(Name = #resource{virtual_host = VHost}) -> match(Name, list(VHost)).
@@ -170,9 +171,14 @@ update_policies(VHost) ->
update_exchange(X = #exchange{name = XName, policy = OldPolicy}, Policies) ->
case match(XName, Policies) of
OldPolicy -> no_change;
- NewPolicy -> rabbit_exchange:update(
- XName, fun(X1) -> X1#exchange{policy = NewPolicy} end),
- {X, X#exchange{policy = NewPolicy}}
+ NewPolicy -> case rabbit_exchange:update(
+ XName, fun (X0) ->
+ rabbit_exchange_decorator:set(
+ X0 #exchange{policy = NewPolicy})
+ end) of
+ #exchange{} = X1 -> {X, X1};
+ not_found -> {X, X }
+ end
update_queue(Q = #amqqueue{name = QName, policy = OldPolicy}, Policies) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl b/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
index 4559bb8a..ea70208f 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
-record(qistate, { dir, segments, journal_handle, dirty_count,
- max_journal_entries, on_sync, unsynced_msg_ids }).
+ max_journal_entries, on_sync, unconfirmed }).
-record(segment, { num, path, journal_entries, unacked }).
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
dirty_count :: integer(),
max_journal_entries :: non_neg_integer(),
on_sync :: on_sync_fun(),
- unsynced_msg_ids :: gb_set()
+ unconfirmed :: gb_set()
-type(contains_predicate() :: fun ((rabbit_types:msg_id()) -> boolean())).
-type(walker(A) :: fun ((A) -> 'finished' |
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
-spec(deliver/2 :: ([seq_id()], qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(ack/2 :: ([seq_id()], qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(sync/1 :: (qistate()) -> qistate()).
--spec(needs_sync/1 :: (qistate()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(needs_sync/1 :: (qistate()) -> 'confirms' | 'other' | 'false').
-spec(flush/1 :: (qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(read/3 :: (seq_id(), seq_id(), qistate()) ->
{[{rabbit_types:msg_id(), seq_id(),
@@ -269,13 +269,16 @@ delete_and_terminate(State) ->
publish(MsgId, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent,
- State = #qistate { unsynced_msg_ids = UnsyncedMsgIds })
+ State = #qistate { unconfirmed = Unconfirmed })
when is_binary(MsgId) ->
?MSG_ID_BYTES = size(MsgId),
{JournalHdl, State1} =
- State #qistate {
- unsynced_msg_ids = gb_sets:add_element(MsgId, UnsyncedMsgIds) }),
+ case MsgProps#message_properties.needs_confirming of
+ true -> Unconfirmed1 = gb_sets:add_element(MsgId, Unconfirmed),
+ State #qistate { unconfirmed = Unconfirmed1 };
+ false -> State
+ end),
ok = file_handle_cache:append(
JournalHdl, [<<(case IsPersistent of
@@ -302,8 +305,14 @@ sync(State = #qistate { journal_handle = JournalHdl }) ->
needs_sync(#qistate { journal_handle = undefined }) ->
-needs_sync(#qistate { journal_handle = JournalHdl }) ->
- file_handle_cache:needs_sync(JournalHdl).
+needs_sync(#qistate { journal_handle = JournalHdl, unconfirmed = UC }) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(UC) of
+ true -> case file_handle_cache:needs_sync(JournalHdl) of
+ true -> other;
+ false -> false
+ end;
+ false -> confirms
+ end.
flush(State = #qistate { dirty_count = 0 }) -> State;
flush(State) -> flush_journal(State).
@@ -398,7 +407,7 @@ blank_state_dir(Dir) ->
dirty_count = 0,
max_journal_entries = MaxJournal,
on_sync = fun (_) -> ok end,
- unsynced_msg_ids = gb_sets:new() }.
+ unconfirmed = gb_sets:new() }.
clean_filename(Dir) -> filename:join(Dir, ?CLEAN_FILENAME).
@@ -607,19 +616,21 @@ add_to_journal(RelSeq, Action,
add_to_journal(RelSeq, Action, JEntries) ->
- Val = case array:get(RelSeq, JEntries) of
- undefined ->
- case Action of
- ?PUB -> {Action, no_del, no_ack};
- del -> {no_pub, del, no_ack};
- ack -> {no_pub, no_del, ack}
- end;
- ({Pub, no_del, no_ack}) when Action == del ->
- {Pub, del, no_ack};
- ({Pub, Del, no_ack}) when Action == ack ->
- {Pub, Del, ack}
- end,
- array:set(RelSeq, Val, JEntries).
+ case array:get(RelSeq, JEntries) of
+ undefined ->
+ array:set(RelSeq,
+ case Action of
+ ?PUB -> {Action, no_del, no_ack};
+ del -> {no_pub, del, no_ack};
+ ack -> {no_pub, no_del, ack}
+ end, JEntries);
+ ({Pub, no_del, no_ack}) when Action == del ->
+ array:set(RelSeq, {Pub, del, no_ack}, JEntries);
+ ({no_pub, del, no_ack}) when Action == ack ->
+ array:set(RelSeq, {no_pub, del, ack}, JEntries);
+ ({?PUB, del, no_ack}) when Action == ack ->
+ array:reset(RelSeq, JEntries)
+ end.
maybe_flush_journal(State = #qistate { dirty_count = DCount,
max_journal_entries = MaxJournal })
@@ -732,9 +743,12 @@ deliver_or_ack(Kind, SeqIds, State) ->
add_to_journal(SeqId, Kind, StateN)
end, State1, SeqIds)).
-notify_sync(State = #qistate { unsynced_msg_ids = UG, on_sync = OnSyncFun }) ->
- OnSyncFun(UG),
- State #qistate { unsynced_msg_ids = gb_sets:new() }.
+notify_sync(State = #qistate { unconfirmed = UC, on_sync = OnSyncFun }) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(UC) of
+ true -> State;
+ false -> OnSyncFun(UC),
+ State #qistate { unconfirmed = gb_sets:new() }
+ end.
%% segment manipulation
diff --git a/src/rabbit_reader.erl b/src/rabbit_reader.erl
index d0d8e8c1..61fac0e2 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_reader.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_reader.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-export([system_continue/3, system_terminate/4, system_code_change/4]).
--export([init/4, mainloop/2]).
+-export([init/4, mainloop/2, recvloop/2]).
-export([conserve_resources/3, server_properties/1]).
@@ -35,12 +35,17 @@
--record(v1, {parent, sock, name, connection, callback, recv_len, pending_recv,
+-record(v1, {parent, sock, connection, callback, recv_len, pending_recv,
connection_state, queue_collector, heartbeater, stats_timer,
- channel_sup_sup_pid, start_heartbeat_fun, buf, buf_len,
- auth_mechanism, auth_state, conserve_resources,
- last_blocked_by, last_blocked_at, host, peer_host,
- port, peer_port}).
+ conn_sup_pid, channel_sup_sup_pid, start_heartbeat_fun,
+ buf, buf_len, throttle}).
+-record(connection, {name, host, peer_host, port, peer_port,
+ protocol, user, timeout_sec, frame_max, vhost,
+ client_properties, capabilities,
+ auth_mechanism, auth_state}).
+-record(throttle, {conserve_resources, last_blocked_by, last_blocked_at}).
-define(STATISTICS_KEYS, [pid, recv_oct, recv_cnt, send_oct, send_cnt,
send_pend, state, last_blocked_by, last_blocked_age,
@@ -60,6 +65,10 @@
State#v1.connection_state =:= blocking orelse
State#v1.connection_state =:= blocked)).
+ (State#v1.connection_state =:= closing orelse
+ State#v1.connection_state =:= closed)).
@@ -101,12 +110,12 @@ start_link(ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun) ->
shutdown(Pid, Explanation) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {shutdown, Explanation}, infinity).
-init(Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun) ->
+init(Parent, ConnSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun) ->
Deb = sys:debug_options([]),
{go, Sock, SockTransform} ->
- Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb, Sock,
+ Parent, ConnSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb, Sock,
@@ -192,7 +201,7 @@ socket_op(Sock, Fun) ->
-start_connection(Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb,
+start_connection(Parent, ConnSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb,
Sock, SockTransform) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Name = case rabbit_net:connection_string(Sock, inbound) of
@@ -210,39 +219,41 @@ start_connection(Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb,
socket_op(Sock, fun (S) -> rabbit_net:socket_ends(S, inbound) end),
State = #v1{parent = Parent,
sock = ClientSock,
- name = list_to_binary(Name),
connection = #connection{
+ name = list_to_binary(Name),
+ host = Host,
+ peer_host = PeerHost,
+ port = Port,
+ peer_port = PeerPort,
protocol = none,
user = none,
timeout_sec = ?HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT,
frame_max = ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE,
vhost = none,
client_properties = none,
- capabilities = []},
+ capabilities = [],
+ auth_mechanism = none,
+ auth_state = none},
callback = uninitialized_callback,
recv_len = 0,
pending_recv = false,
connection_state = pre_init,
queue_collector = Collector,
heartbeater = none,
- channel_sup_sup_pid = ChannelSupSupPid,
+ conn_sup_pid = ConnSupPid,
+ channel_sup_sup_pid = none,
start_heartbeat_fun = StartHeartbeatFun,
buf = [],
buf_len = 0,
- auth_mechanism = none,
- auth_state = none,
- conserve_resources = false,
- last_blocked_by = none,
- last_blocked_at = never,
- host = Host,
- peer_host = PeerHost,
- port = Port,
- peer_port = PeerPort},
+ throttle = #throttle{
+ conserve_resources = false,
+ last_blocked_by = none,
+ last_blocked_at = never}},
- ok = inet_op(fun () -> rabbit_net:tune_buffer_size(ClientSock) end),
- recvloop(Deb, switch_callback(rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(
- State, #v1.stats_timer),
- handshake, 8)),
+ run({?MODULE, recvloop,
+ [Deb, switch_callback(rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(
+ State, #v1.stats_timer),
+ handshake, 8)]}),
log(info, "closing AMQP connection ~p (~s)~n", [self(), Name])
Ex -> log(case Ex of
@@ -259,10 +270,16 @@ start_connection(Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb,
%% accounting as accurate as possible we ought to close the
%% socket w/o delay before termination.
+ rabbit_networking:unregister_connection(self()),
rabbit_event:notify(connection_closed, [{pid, self()}])
+run({M, F, A}) ->
+ try apply(M, F, A)
+ catch {become, MFA} -> run(MFA)
+ end.
recvloop(Deb, State = #v1{pending_recv = true}) ->
mainloop(Deb, State);
recvloop(Deb, State = #v1{connection_state = blocked}) ->
@@ -289,8 +306,10 @@ mainloop(Deb, State = #v1{sock = Sock, buf = Buf, buf_len = BufLen}) ->
closed when State#v1.connection_state =:= closed ->
closed ->
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
{error, Reason} ->
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
throw({inet_error, Reason});
{other, {system, From, Request}} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, State#v1.parent,
@@ -302,8 +321,10 @@ mainloop(Deb, State = #v1{sock = Sock, buf = Buf, buf_len = BufLen}) ->
-handle_other({conserve_resources, Conserve}, State) ->
- control_throttle(State#v1{conserve_resources = Conserve});
+handle_other({conserve_resources, Conserve},
+ State = #v1{throttle = Throttle}) ->
+ Throttle1 = Throttle#throttle{conserve_resources = Conserve},
+ control_throttle(State#v1{throttle = Throttle1});
handle_other({channel_closing, ChPid}, State) ->
ok = rabbit_channel:ready_for_close(ChPid),
@@ -319,25 +340,28 @@ handle_other({'EXIT', Parent, Reason}, State = #v1{parent = Parent}) ->
%% ordinary error case. However, since this termination is
%% initiated by our parent it is probably more important to exit
%% quickly.
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
-handle_other({channel_exit, _Channel, E = {writer, send_failed, _E}}, _State) ->
+handle_other({channel_exit, _Channel, E = {writer, send_failed, _E}}, State) ->
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
handle_other({channel_exit, Channel, Reason}, State) ->
handle_exception(State, Channel, Reason);
handle_other({'DOWN', _MRef, process, ChPid, Reason}, State) ->
handle_dependent_exit(ChPid, Reason, State);
-handle_other(terminate_connection, _State) ->
+handle_other(terminate_connection, State) ->
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
handle_other(handshake_timeout, State)
- when ?IS_RUNNING(State) orelse
- State#v1.connection_state =:= closing orelse
- State#v1.connection_state =:= closed ->
+ when ?IS_RUNNING(State) orelse ?IS_STOPPING(State) ->
handle_other(handshake_timeout, State) ->
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
throw({handshake_timeout, State#v1.callback});
handle_other(heartbeat_timeout, State = #v1{connection_state = closed}) ->
-handle_other(heartbeat_timeout, #v1{connection_state = S}) ->
+handle_other(heartbeat_timeout, State = #v1{connection_state = S}) ->
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
throw({heartbeat_timeout, S});
handle_other({'$gen_call', From, {shutdown, Explanation}}, State) ->
{ForceTermination, NewState} = terminate(Explanation, State),
@@ -369,8 +393,9 @@ handle_other(emit_stats, State) ->
handle_other({bump_credit, Msg}, State) ->
-handle_other(Other, _State) ->
+handle_other(Other, State) ->
%% internal error -> something worth dying for
+ maybe_emit_stats(State),
exit({unexpected_message, Other}).
switch_callback(State, Callback, Length) ->
@@ -383,29 +408,31 @@ terminate(Explanation, State) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) ->
terminate(_Explanation, State) ->
{force, State}.
-control_throttle(State = #v1{connection_state = CS,
- conserve_resources = Mem}) ->
- case {CS, Mem orelse credit_flow:blocked()} of
+control_throttle(State = #v1{connection_state = CS, throttle = Throttle}) ->
+ case {CS, (Throttle#throttle.conserve_resources orelse
+ credit_flow:blocked())} of
{running, true} -> State#v1{connection_state = blocking};
{blocking, false} -> State#v1{connection_state = running};
{blocked, false} -> ok = rabbit_heartbeat:resume_monitor(
State#v1{connection_state = running};
- {blocked, true} -> update_last_blocked_by(State);
+ {blocked, true} -> State#v1{throttle = update_last_blocked_by(
+ Throttle)};
{_, _} -> State
-maybe_block(State = #v1{connection_state = blocking}) ->
+maybe_block(State = #v1{connection_state = blocking, throttle = Throttle}) ->
ok = rabbit_heartbeat:pause_monitor(State#v1.heartbeater),
- update_last_blocked_by(State#v1{connection_state = blocked,
- last_blocked_at = erlang:now()});
+ State#v1{connection_state = blocked,
+ throttle = update_last_blocked_by(
+ Throttle#throttle{last_blocked_at = erlang:now()})};
maybe_block(State) ->
-update_last_blocked_by(State = #v1{conserve_resources = true}) ->
- State#v1{last_blocked_by = resource};
-update_last_blocked_by(State = #v1{conserve_resources = false}) ->
- State#v1{last_blocked_by = flow}.
+update_last_blocked_by(Throttle = #throttle{conserve_resources = true}) ->
+ Throttle#throttle{last_blocked_by = resource};
+update_last_blocked_by(Throttle = #throttle{conserve_resources = false}) ->
+ Throttle#throttle{last_blocked_by = flow}.
%% error handling / termination
@@ -428,13 +455,13 @@ close_connection(State = #v1{queue_collector = Collector,
handle_dependent_exit(ChPid, Reason, State) ->
case {channel_cleanup(ChPid), termination_kind(Reason)} of
- {undefined, uncontrolled} ->
- exit({abnormal_dependent_exit, ChPid, Reason});
- {_Channel, controlled} ->
- maybe_close(control_throttle(State));
- {Channel, uncontrolled} ->
- maybe_close(handle_exception(control_throttle(State),
- Channel, Reason))
+ {undefined, controlled} -> State;
+ {undefined, uncontrolled} -> exit({abnormal_dependent_exit,
+ ChPid, Reason});
+ {_Channel, controlled} -> maybe_close(control_throttle(State));
+ {Channel, uncontrolled} -> State1 = handle_exception(
+ State, Channel, Reason),
+ maybe_close(control_throttle(State1))
terminate_channels() ->
@@ -542,9 +569,10 @@ payload_snippet(<<Snippet:16/binary, _/binary>>) ->
create_channel(Channel, State) ->
- #v1{sock = Sock, name = Name, queue_collector = Collector,
+ #v1{sock = Sock, queue_collector = Collector,
channel_sup_sup_pid = ChanSupSup,
- connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol,
+ connection = #connection{name = Name,
+ protocol = Protocol,
frame_max = FrameMax,
user = User,
vhost = VHost,
@@ -573,17 +601,13 @@ all_channels() -> [ChPid || {{ch_pid, ChPid}, _ChannelMRef} <- get()].
handle_frame(Type, 0, Payload,
- State = #v1{connection_state = CS,
- connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}})
- when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed ->
+ State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}})
+ when ?IS_STOPPING(State) ->
case rabbit_command_assembler:analyze_frame(Type, Payload, Protocol) of
{method, MethodName, FieldsBin} ->
handle_method0(MethodName, FieldsBin, State);
_Other -> State
-handle_frame(_Type, _Channel, _Payload, State = #v1{connection_state = CS})
- when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed ->
- State;
handle_frame(Type, 0, Payload,
State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) ->
case rabbit_command_assembler:analyze_frame(Type, Payload, Protocol) of
@@ -601,44 +625,45 @@ handle_frame(Type, Channel, Payload,
heartbeat -> unexpected_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State);
Frame -> process_frame(Frame, Channel, State)
+handle_frame(_Type, _Channel, _Payload, State) when ?IS_STOPPING(State) ->
+ State;
handle_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State) ->
unexpected_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State).
process_frame(Frame, Channel, State) ->
- {ChPid, AState} = case get({channel, Channel}) of
+ ChKey = {channel, Channel},
+ {ChPid, AState} = case get(ChKey) of
undefined -> create_channel(Channel, State);
Other -> Other
- case process_channel_frame(Frame, ChPid, AState) of
- {ok, NewAState} -> put({channel, Channel}, {ChPid, NewAState}),
- post_process_frame(Frame, ChPid, State);
- {error, Reason} -> handle_exception(State, Channel, Reason)
- end.
-process_channel_frame(Frame, ChPid, AState) ->
case rabbit_command_assembler:process(Frame, AState) of
- {ok, NewAState} -> {ok, NewAState};
- {ok, Method, NewAState} -> rabbit_channel:do(ChPid, Method),
- {ok, NewAState};
- {ok, Method, Content, NewAState} -> rabbit_channel:do_flow(
- ChPid, Method, Content),
- {ok, NewAState};
- {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
+ {ok, NewAState} ->
+ put(ChKey, {ChPid, NewAState}),
+ post_process_frame(Frame, ChPid, State);
+ {ok, Method, NewAState} ->
+ rabbit_channel:do(ChPid, Method),
+ put(ChKey, {ChPid, NewAState}),
+ post_process_frame(Frame, ChPid, State);
+ {ok, Method, Content, NewAState} ->
+ rabbit_channel:do_flow(ChPid, Method, Content),
+ put(ChKey, {ChPid, NewAState}),
+ post_process_frame(Frame, ChPid, control_throttle(State));
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ handle_exception(State, Channel, Reason)
post_process_frame({method, 'channel.close_ok', _}, ChPid, State) ->
+ %% This is not strictly necessary, but more obviously
+ %% correct. Also note that we do not need to call maybe_close/1
+ %% since we cannot possibly be in the 'closing' state.
-post_process_frame({method, MethodName, _}, _ChPid,
- State = #v1{connection = #connection{
- protocol = Protocol}}) ->
- case Protocol:method_has_content(MethodName) of
- true -> erlang:bump_reductions(2000),
- maybe_block(control_throttle(State));
- false -> control_throttle(State)
- end;
+post_process_frame({content_header, _, _, _, _}, _ChPid, State) ->
+ maybe_block(State);
+post_process_frame({content_body, _}, _ChPid, State) ->
+ maybe_block(State);
post_process_frame(_Frame, _ChPid, State) ->
- control_throttle(State).
+ State.
@@ -694,8 +719,12 @@ handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", 1, 1, 8, 0>>, State) ->
handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", 1, 1, 9, 1>>, State) ->
start_connection({8, 0, 0}, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_8, State);
+%% ... and finally, the 1.0 spec is crystal clear! Note that the
+handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", Id, 1, 0, 0>>, State) ->
+ become_1_0(Id, State);
handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", A, B, C, D>>, #v1{sock = Sock}) ->
- refuse_connection(Sock, {bad_version, A, B, C, D});
+ refuse_connection(Sock, {bad_version, {A, B, C, D}});
handle_input(handshake, Other, #v1{sock = Sock}) ->
refuse_connection(Sock, {bad_header, Other});
@@ -709,6 +738,7 @@ handle_input(Callback, Data, _State) ->
start_connection({ProtocolMajor, ProtocolMinor, _ProtocolRevision},
State = #v1{sock = Sock, connection = Connection}) ->
+ rabbit_networking:register_connection(self()),
Start = #'connection.start'{
version_major = ProtocolMajor,
version_minor = ProtocolMinor,
@@ -722,10 +752,13 @@ start_connection({ProtocolMajor, ProtocolMinor, _ProtocolRevision},
connection_state = starting},
frame_header, 7).
-refuse_connection(Sock, Exception) ->
- ok = inet_op(fun () -> rabbit_net:send(Sock, <<"AMQP",0,0,9,1>>) end),
+refuse_connection(Sock, Exception, {A, B, C, D}) ->
+ ok = inet_op(fun () -> rabbit_net:send(Sock, <<"AMQP",A,B,C,D>>) end),
+refuse_connection(Sock, Exception) ->
+ refuse_connection(Sock, Exception, {0, 0, 9, 1}).
ensure_stats_timer(State = #v1{connection_state = running}) ->
rabbit_event:ensure_stats_timer(State, #v1.stats_timer, emit_stats);
ensure_stats_timer(State) ->
@@ -757,13 +790,13 @@ handle_method0(#'connection.start_ok'{mechanism = Mechanism,
{table, Capabilities1} -> Capabilities1;
_ -> []
- State = State0#v1{auth_mechanism = AuthMechanism,
- auth_state = AuthMechanism:init(Sock),
- connection_state = securing,
+ State = State0#v1{connection_state = securing,
connection =
client_properties = ClientProperties,
- capabilities = Capabilities}},
+ capabilities = Capabilities,
+ auth_mechanism = {Mechanism, AuthMechanism},
+ auth_state = AuthMechanism:init(Sock)}},
auth_phase(Response, State);
handle_method0(#'connection.secure_ok'{response = Response},
@@ -801,32 +834,39 @@ handle_method0(#'connection.tune_ok'{frame_max = FrameMax,
handle_method0(#''{virtual_host = VHostPath},
State = #v1{connection_state = opening,
- connection = Connection = #connection{
- user = User,
- protocol = Protocol},
- sock = Sock}) ->
+ connection = Connection = #connection{
+ user = User,
+ protocol = Protocol},
+ conn_sup_pid = ConnSupPid,
+ sock = Sock,
+ throttle = Throttle}) ->
ok = rabbit_access_control:check_vhost_access(User, VHostPath),
NewConnection = Connection#connection{vhost = VHostPath},
ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, #'connection.open_ok'{}, Protocol),
Conserve = rabbit_alarm:register(self(), {?MODULE, conserve_resources, []}),
+ Throttle1 = Throttle#throttle{conserve_resources = Conserve},
+ {ok, ChannelSupSupPid} =
+ supervisor2:start_child(
+ ConnSupPid,
+ {channel_sup_sup, {rabbit_channel_sup_sup, start_link, []},
+ intrinsic, infinity, supervisor, [rabbit_channel_sup_sup]}),
State1 = control_throttle(
- State#v1{connection_state = running,
- connection = NewConnection,
- conserve_resources = Conserve}),
+ State#v1{connection_state = running,
+ connection = NewConnection,
+ channel_sup_sup_pid = ChannelSupSupPid,
+ throttle = Throttle1}),
[{type, network} |
infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State1)]),
- rabbit_event:if_enabled(State1, #v1.stats_timer,
- fun() -> emit_stats(State1) end),
+ maybe_emit_stats(State1),
handle_method0(#'connection.close'{}, State) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) ->
lists:foreach(fun rabbit_channel:shutdown/1, all_channels()),
maybe_close(State#v1{connection_state = closing});
- State = #v1{connection_state = CS,
- connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol},
+ State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol},
sock = Sock})
- when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed ->
+ when ?IS_STOPPING(State) ->
%% We're already closed or closing, so we don't need to cleanup
%% anything.
ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, #'connection.close_ok'{}, Protocol),
@@ -835,8 +875,7 @@ handle_method0(#'connection.close_ok'{},
State = #v1{connection_state = closed}) ->
self() ! terminate_connection,
-handle_method0(_Method, State = #v1{connection_state = CS})
- when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed ->
+handle_method0(_Method, State) when ?IS_STOPPING(State) ->
handle_method0(_Method, #v1{connection_state = S}) ->
@@ -881,30 +920,31 @@ auth_mechanisms_binary(Sock) ->
string:join([atom_to_list(A) || A <- auth_mechanisms(Sock)], " ")).
- State = #v1{auth_mechanism = AuthMechanism,
- auth_state = AuthState,
- connection = Connection =
- #connection{protocol = Protocol},
+ State = #v1{connection = Connection =
+ #connection{protocol = Protocol,
+ auth_mechanism = {Name, AuthMechanism},
+ auth_state = AuthState},
sock = Sock}) ->
case AuthMechanism:handle_response(Response, AuthState) of
{refused, Msg, Args} ->
access_refused, "~s login refused: ~s",
- [proplists:get_value(name, AuthMechanism:description()),
- io_lib:format(Msg, Args)]);
+ [Name, io_lib:format(Msg, Args)]);
{protocol_error, Msg, Args} ->
rabbit_misc:protocol_error(syntax_error, Msg, Args);
{challenge, Challenge, AuthState1} ->
Secure = #''{challenge = Challenge},
ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, Secure, Protocol),
- State#v1{auth_state = AuthState1};
+ State#v1{connection = Connection#connection{
+ auth_state = AuthState1}};
{ok, User} ->
Tune = #'connection.tune'{channel_max = 0,
frame_max = server_frame_max(),
heartbeat = server_heartbeat()},
ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, Tune, Protocol),
State#v1{connection_state = tuning,
- connection = Connection#connection{user = User}}
+ connection = Connection#connection{user = User,
+ auth_state = none}}
@@ -912,11 +952,6 @@ auth_phase(Response,
infos(Items, State) -> [{Item, i(Item, State)} || Item <- Items].
i(pid, #v1{}) -> self();
-i(name, #v1{name = Name}) -> Name;
-i(host, #v1{host = Host}) -> Host;
-i(peer_host, #v1{peer_host = PeerHost}) -> PeerHost;
-i(port, #v1{port = Port}) -> Port;
-i(peer_port, #v1{peer_port = PeerPort}) -> PeerPort;
i(SockStat, S) when SockStat =:= recv_oct;
SockStat =:= recv_cnt;
SockStat =:= send_oct;
@@ -933,36 +968,30 @@ i(peer_cert_issuer, S) -> cert_info(fun rabbit_ssl:peer_cert_issuer/1, S);
i(peer_cert_subject, S) -> cert_info(fun rabbit_ssl:peer_cert_subject/1, S);
i(peer_cert_validity, S) -> cert_info(fun rabbit_ssl:peer_cert_validity/1, S);
i(state, #v1{connection_state = CS}) -> CS;
-i(last_blocked_by, #v1{last_blocked_by = By}) -> By;
-i(last_blocked_age, #v1{last_blocked_at = never}) ->
+i(last_blocked_by, #v1{throttle = #throttle{last_blocked_by = By}}) -> By;
+i(last_blocked_age, #v1{throttle = #throttle{last_blocked_at = never}}) ->
-i(last_blocked_age, #v1{last_blocked_at = T}) ->
+i(last_blocked_age, #v1{throttle = #throttle{last_blocked_at = T}}) ->
timer:now_diff(erlang:now(), T) / 1000000;
i(channels, #v1{}) -> length(all_channels());
-i(auth_mechanism, #v1{auth_mechanism = none}) ->
- none;
-i(auth_mechanism, #v1{auth_mechanism = Mechanism}) ->
- proplists:get_value(name, Mechanism:description());
-i(protocol, #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = none}}) ->
- none;
-i(protocol, #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) ->
- Protocol:version();
-i(user, #v1{connection = #connection{user = none}}) ->
- '';
-i(user, #v1{connection = #connection{user = #user{
- username = Username}}}) ->
- Username;
-i(vhost, #v1{connection = #connection{vhost = VHost}}) ->
- VHost;
-i(timeout, #v1{connection = #connection{timeout_sec = Timeout}}) ->
- Timeout;
-i(frame_max, #v1{connection = #connection{frame_max = FrameMax}}) ->
- FrameMax;
-i(client_properties, #v1{connection = #connection{client_properties =
- ClientProperties}}) ->
- ClientProperties;
-i(Item, #v1{}) ->
- throw({bad_argument, Item}).
+i(Item, #v1{connection = Conn}) -> ic(Item, Conn).
+ic(name, #connection{name = Name}) -> Name;
+ic(host, #connection{host = Host}) -> Host;
+ic(peer_host, #connection{peer_host = PeerHost}) -> PeerHost;
+ic(port, #connection{port = Port}) -> Port;
+ic(peer_port, #connection{peer_port = PeerPort}) -> PeerPort;
+ic(protocol, #connection{protocol = none}) -> none;
+ic(protocol, #connection{protocol = P}) -> P:version();
+ic(user, #connection{user = none}) -> '';
+ic(user, #connection{user = U}) -> U#user.username;
+ic(vhost, #connection{vhost = VHost}) -> VHost;
+ic(timeout, #connection{timeout_sec = Timeout}) -> Timeout;
+ic(frame_max, #connection{frame_max = FrameMax}) -> FrameMax;
+ic(client_properties, #connection{client_properties = CP}) -> CP;
+ic(auth_mechanism, #connection{auth_mechanism = none}) -> none;
+ic(auth_mechanism, #connection{auth_mechanism = {Name, _Mod}}) -> Name;
+ic(Item, #connection{}) -> throw({bad_argument, Item}).
socket_info(Get, Select, #v1{sock = Sock}) ->
case Get(Sock) of
@@ -988,6 +1017,40 @@ cert_info(F, #v1{sock = Sock}) ->
{ok, Cert} -> list_to_binary(F(Cert))
+maybe_emit_stats(State) ->
+ rabbit_event:if_enabled(State, #v1.stats_timer,
+ fun() -> emit_stats(State) end).
emit_stats(State) ->
rabbit_event:notify(connection_stats, infos(?STATISTICS_KEYS, State)),
rabbit_event:reset_stats_timer(State, #v1.stats_timer).
+%% 1.0 stub
+-spec(become_1_0/2 :: (non_neg_integer(), #v1{}) -> no_return()).
+become_1_0(Id, State = #v1{sock = Sock}) ->
+ case code:is_loaded(rabbit_amqp1_0_reader) of
+ false -> refuse_connection(Sock, amqp1_0_plugin_not_enabled);
+ _ -> Mode = case Id of
+ 0 -> amqp;
+ 3 -> sasl;
+ _ -> refuse_connection(
+ Sock, {unsupported_amqp1_0_protocol_id, Id},
+ {3, 1, 0, 0})
+ end,
+ throw({become, {rabbit_amqp1_0_reader, init,
+ [Mode, pack_for_1_0(State)]}})
+ end.
+pack_for_1_0(#v1{parent = Parent,
+ sock = Sock,
+ recv_len = RecvLen,
+ pending_recv = PendingRecv,
+ queue_collector = QueueCollector,
+ conn_sup_pid = ConnSupPid,
+ start_heartbeat_fun = SHF,
+ buf = Buf,
+ buf_len = BufLen}) ->
+ {Parent, Sock, RecvLen, PendingRecv, QueueCollector, ConnSupPid, SHF,
+ Buf, BufLen}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_registry.erl b/src/rabbit_registry.erl
index 60419856..acdc2cff 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_registry.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_registry.erl
@@ -84,12 +84,34 @@ internal_binary_to_type(TypeBin) when is_binary(TypeBin) ->
internal_register(Class, TypeName, ModuleName)
when is_atom(Class), is_binary(TypeName), is_atom(ModuleName) ->
ok = sanity_check_module(class_module(Class), ModuleName),
- true = ets:insert(?ETS_NAME,
- {{Class, internal_binary_to_type(TypeName)}, ModuleName}),
+ RegArg = {{Class, internal_binary_to_type(TypeName)}, ModuleName},
+ true = ets:insert(?ETS_NAME, RegArg),
+ conditional_register(RegArg),
internal_unregister(Class, TypeName) ->
- true = ets:delete(?ETS_NAME, {Class, internal_binary_to_type(TypeName)}),
+ UnregArg = {Class, internal_binary_to_type(TypeName)},
+ conditional_unregister(UnregArg),
+ true = ets:delete(?ETS_NAME, UnregArg),
+ ok.
+%% register exchange decorator route callback only when implemented,
+%% in order to avoid unnecessary decorator calls on the fast
+%% publishing path
+conditional_register({{exchange_decorator, Type}, ModuleName}) ->
+ case erlang:function_exported(ModuleName, route, 2) of
+ true -> true = ets:insert(?ETS_NAME,
+ {{exchange_decorator_route, Type},
+ ModuleName});
+ false -> ok
+ end;
+conditional_register(_) ->
+ ok.
+conditional_unregister({exchange_decorator, Type}) ->
+ true = ets:delete(?ETS_NAME, {exchange_decorator_route, Type}),
+ ok;
+conditional_unregister(_) ->
sanity_check_module(ClassModule, Module) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 60ee26e5..163f6170 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ all_tests() ->
passed = test_runtime_parameters(),
passed = test_policy_validation(),
passed = test_server_status(),
+ passed = test_amqp_connection_refusal(),
passed = test_confirms(),
+ passed = test_with_state(),
passed =
fun run_cluster_dependent_tests/1,
@@ -562,8 +564,9 @@ test_topic_matching() ->
XName = #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>,
kind = exchange,
name = <<"test_exchange">>},
- X = #exchange{name = XName, type = topic, durable = false,
- auto_delete = false, arguments = []},
+ X0 = #exchange{name = XName, type = topic, durable = false,
+ auto_delete = false, arguments = []},
+ X = rabbit_exchange_decorator:set(X0),
%% create
exchange_op_callback(X, create, []),
@@ -911,10 +914,10 @@ test_arguments_parser() ->
test_dynamic_mirroring() ->
%% Just unit tests of the node selection logic, see multi node
%% tests for the rest...
- Test = fun ({NewM, NewSs, ExtraSs}, Policy, Params, {OldM, OldSs}, All) ->
+ Test = fun ({NewM, NewSs, ExtraSs}, Policy, Params, CurrentState, All) ->
{NewM, NewSs0} =
- Policy, Params, {OldM, OldSs}, All),
+ Policy, Params, CurrentState, All),
NewSs1 = lists:sort(NewSs0),
case dm_list_match(NewSs, NewSs1, ExtraSs) of
ok -> ok;
@@ -922,28 +925,36 @@ test_dynamic_mirroring() ->
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[]}, [a,b,c]),
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[b,c]},[a,b,c]),
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[d]}, [a,b,c]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[], []}, [a,b,c]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[b,c],[b,c]},[a,b,c]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[d], [d]}, [a,b,c]),
+ N = fun (Atoms) -> [list_to_binary(atom_to_list(A)) || A <- Atoms] end,
%% Add a node
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"c">>],{a,[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
- Test({b,[a,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"c">>],{b,[a]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({b,[a,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{b,[a],[a]},[a,b,c,d]),
%% Add two nodes and drop one
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"c">>],{a,[d]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{a,[d],[d]},[a,b,c,d]),
%% Don't try to include nodes that are not running
- Test({a,[b], 0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"f">>],{a,[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,f]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
%% If we can't find any of the nodes listed then just keep the master
- Test({a,[], 0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"f">>,<<"g">>,<<"h">>],{a,[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
- %% And once that's happened, still keep the master even when not listed
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"b">>,<<"c">>], {a,[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[], 1},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[], 2},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c], 1},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c,d],0},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([f,g,h]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ %% And once that's happened, still keep the master even when not listed,
+ %% if nothing is synced
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[b],[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ %% But if something is synced we can lose the master - but make
+ %% sure we pick the new master from the nodes which are synced!
+ Test({b,[c], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({b,[c], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([c,b]), {a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[], 1},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[], 2},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c], [c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c], 1},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c], [c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c,d],[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c,d],0},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c,d],[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
@@ -1085,25 +1096,20 @@ test_policy_validation() ->
{error_string, _} = SetPol("testpos", [-1, 0, 1]),
{error_string, _} = SetPol("testeven", [ 1, 2, 3]),
+ ok = control_action(clear_policy, ["name"]),
test_server_status() ->
%% create a few things so there is some useful information to list
- Writer = spawn(fun test_writer/0),
- {ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link(
- 1, self(), Writer, self(), "", rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1,
- user(<<"user">>), <<"/">>, [], self(),
- rabbit_limiter:make_token(self())),
+ {_Writer, Limiter, Ch} = test_channel(),
[Q, Q2] = [Queue || Name <- [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>],
{new, Queue = #amqqueue{}} <-
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name),
false, false, [], none)]],
ok = rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume(
- Q, true, Ch, rabbit_limiter:make_token(),
- <<"ctag">>, true, undefined),
+ Q, true, Ch, Limiter, false, <<"ctag">>, true, none, undefined),
%% list queues
ok = info_action(list_queues, rabbit_amqqueue:info_keys(), true),
@@ -1123,11 +1129,9 @@ test_server_status() ->
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>)),
%% list connections
- [#listener{host = H, port = P} | _] =
- [L || L = #listener{node = N} <- rabbit_networking:active_listeners(),
- N =:= node()],
- {ok, _C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []),
+ {H, P} = find_listener(),
+ {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []),
+ gen_tcp:send(C, <<"AMQP", 0, 0, 9, 1>>),
ok = info_action(list_connections,
rabbit_networking:connection_info_keys(), false),
@@ -1164,7 +1168,24 @@ test_server_status() ->
-test_writer() -> test_writer(none).
+test_amqp_connection_refusal() ->
+ [passed = test_amqp_connection_refusal(V) ||
+ V <- [<<"AMQP",9,9,9,9>>, <<"AMQP",0,1,0,0>>, <<"XXXX",0,0,9,1>>]],
+ passed.
+test_amqp_connection_refusal(Header) ->
+ {H, P} = find_listener(),
+ {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, [binary, {active, false}]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(C, Header),
+ {ok, <<"AMQP",0,0,9,1>>} = gen_tcp:recv(C, 8, 100),
+ ok = gen_tcp:close(C),
+ passed.
+find_listener() ->
+ [#listener{host = H, port = P} | _] =
+ [L || L = #listener{node = N} <- rabbit_networking:active_listeners(),
+ N =:= node()],
+ {H, P}.
test_writer(Pid) ->
@@ -1175,13 +1196,17 @@ test_writer(Pid) ->
shutdown -> ok
-test_spawn() ->
+test_channel() ->
Me = self(),
Writer = spawn(fun () -> test_writer(Me) end),
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(),
{ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link(
1, Me, Writer, Me, "", rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1,
- user(<<"guest">>), <<"/">>, [], Me,
- rabbit_limiter:make_token(self())),
+ user(<<"guest">>), <<"/">>, [], Me, Limiter),
+ {Writer, Limiter, Ch}.
+test_spawn() ->
+ {Writer, _Limiter, Ch} = test_channel(),
ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #''{}),
receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok)
@@ -1275,6 +1300,11 @@ test_confirms() ->
+test_with_state() ->
+ fhc_state = gen_server2:with_state(file_handle_cache,
+ fun (S) -> element(1, S) end),
+ passed.
test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid) ->
Foo -> Pid ! Foo, test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid)
@@ -1306,8 +1336,7 @@ test_statistics() ->
QName = receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q0} -> Q0
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_queue_declare_ok)
- {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName)),
- QPid =,
+ QRes = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName),
X = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>),
rabbit_tests_event_receiver:start(self(), [node()], [channel_stats]),
@@ -1331,9 +1360,9 @@ test_statistics() ->
channel_queue_exchange_stats, E)) > 0
- [{QPid,[{get,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event2),
+ [{QRes, [{get,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event2),
[{X,[{publish,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_exchange_stats, Event2),
- [{{QPid,X},[{publish,1}]}] =
+ [{{QRes,X},[{publish,1}]}] =
proplists:get_value(channel_queue_exchange_stats, Event2),
%% Check the stats remove stuff on queue deletion
@@ -1358,31 +1387,31 @@ test_refresh_events(SecondaryNode) ->
[channel_created, queue_created]),
{_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(),
- expect_events(Ch, channel_created),
+ expect_events(pid, Ch, channel_created),
{_Writer2, Ch2} = test_spawn(SecondaryNode),
- expect_events(Ch2, channel_created),
+ expect_events(pid, Ch2, channel_created),
- {new, #amqqueue { pid = QPid } = Q} =
+ {new, #amqqueue{name = QName} = Q} =
rabbit_amqqueue:declare(test_queue(), false, false, [], none),
- expect_events(QPid, queue_created),
+ expect_events(name, QName, queue_created),
rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false),
-expect_events(Pid, Type) ->
- expect_event(Pid, Type),
+expect_events(Tag, Key, Type) ->
+ expect_event(Tag, Key, Type),
- expect_event(Pid, Type).
+ expect_event(Tag, Key, Type).
-expect_event(Pid, Type) ->
+expect_event(Tag, Key, Type) ->
receive #event{type = Type, props = Props} ->
- case pget(pid, Props) of
- Pid -> ok;
- _ -> expect_event(Pid, Type)
+ case pget(Tag, Props) of
+ Key -> ok;
+ _ -> expect_event(Tag, Key, Type)
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw({failed_to_receive_event, Type})
@@ -1554,7 +1583,7 @@ control_action(Command, Node, Args, Opts) ->
info_action(Command, Args, CheckVHost) ->
ok = control_action(Command, []),
- if CheckVHost -> ok = control_action(Command, []);
+ if CheckVHost -> ok = control_action(Command, [], ["-p", "/"]);
true -> ok
ok = control_action(Command, lists:map(fun atom_to_list/1, Args)),
@@ -2237,6 +2266,10 @@ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, VQ) ->
variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, fun (_N, P) -> P end, VQ).
variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, 1, Count, PropFun,
+ fun (_N) -> <<>> end, VQ).
+variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun, PayloadFun, VQ) ->
fun (N, VQN) ->
@@ -2245,16 +2278,18 @@ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) ->
<<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = case IsPersistent of
true -> 2;
false -> 1
- end}, <<>>),
- PropFun(N, #message_properties{}), self(), VQN)
- end, VQ, lists:seq(1, Count)).
+ end},
+ PayloadFun(N)),
+ PropFun(N, #message_properties{}), false, self(), VQN)
+ end, VQ, lists:seq(Start, Start + Count - 1)).
variable_queue_fetch(Count, IsPersistent, IsDelivered, Len, VQ) ->
lists:foldl(fun (N, {VQN, AckTagsAcc}) ->
Rem = Len - N,
{{#basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent },
- IsDelivered, AckTagN, Rem}, VQM} =
+ IsDelivered, AckTagN}, VQM} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQN),
+ Rem = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQM),
{VQM, [AckTagN | AckTagsAcc]}
end, {VQ, []}, lists:seq(1, Count)).
@@ -2320,38 +2355,126 @@ test_variable_queue() ->
fun test_variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing/1,
fun test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere1/1,
fun test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere2/1,
+ fun test_drop/1,
fun test_variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk/1,
- fun test_dropwhile/1,
+ fun test_dropfetchwhile/1,
fun test_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration/1,
+ fun test_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration/1,
fun test_variable_queue_ack_limiting/1,
- fun test_variable_queue_requeue/1]],
+ fun test_variable_queue_purge/1,
+ fun test_variable_queue_requeue/1,
+ fun test_variable_queue_fold/1]],
-test_variable_queue_requeue(VQ0) ->
- Interval = 50,
- Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0) + 2 * Interval,
+test_variable_queue_fold(VQ0) ->
+ {PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} =
+ variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0),
+ Count = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ1),
+ Msgs = lists:sort(PendingMsgs ++ RequeuedMsgs ++ FreshMsgs),
+ lists:foldl(fun (Cut, VQ2) ->
+ test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ2)
+ end, VQ1, [0, 1, 2, Count div 2,
+ Count - 1, Count, Count + 1, Count * 2]).
+test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ0) ->
+ {Acc, VQ1} = rabbit_variable_queue:fold(
+ fun (M, _, Pending, A) ->
+ MInt = msg2int(M),
+ Pending = lists:member(MInt, PendingMsgs), %% assert
+ case MInt =< Cut of
+ true -> {cont, [MInt | A]};
+ false -> {stop, A}
+ end
+ end, [], VQ0),
+ Expected = lists:takewhile(fun (I) -> I =< Cut end, Msgs),
+ Expected = lists:reverse(Acc), %% assertion
+ VQ1.
+msg2int(#basic_message{content = #content{ payload_fragments_rev = P}}) ->
+ binary_to_term(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(P))).
+ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, Rem) ->
+ lists:filter(fun ({_Ack, N}) -> (N + Rem) rem Interval == 0 end, AckSeqs).
+requeue_one_by_one(Acks, VQ) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) ->
+ {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ [AckTag], VQN),
+ end, VQ, Acks).
+%% Create a vq with messages in q1, delta, and q3, and holes (in the
+%% form of pending acks) in the latter two.
+variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0) ->
+ Interval = 64,
+ Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2 * Interval,
Seq = lists:seq(1, Count),
VQ1 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ0),
- VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ1),
- {VQ3, Acks} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
- Subset = lists:foldl(fun ({Ack, N}, Acc) when N rem Interval == 0 ->
- [Ack | Acc];
- (_, Acc) ->
- Acc
- end, [], lists:zip(Acks, Seq)),
- {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(Acks -- Subset, VQ3),
- VQ5 = lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) ->
- {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
- [AckTag], VQN),
- end, VQ4, Subset),
- VQ6 = lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQa) ->
- {{#basic_message{}, true, AckTag, _}, VQb} =
+ VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(
+ false, 1, Count,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ1),
+ {VQ3, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
+ Acks = lists:reverse(AcksR),
+ AckSeqs = lists:zip(Acks, Seq),
+ [{Subset1, _Seq1}, {Subset2, _Seq2}, {Subset3, Seq3}] =
+ [lists:unzip(ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, I)) || I <- [0, 1, 2]],
+ %% we requeue in three phases in order to exercise requeuing logic
+ %% in various vq states
+ {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ Acks -- (Subset1 ++ Subset2 ++ Subset3), VQ3),
+ VQ5 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset1, VQ4),
+ %% by now we have some messages (and holes) in delt
+ VQ6 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset2, VQ5),
+ VQ7 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ6),
+ %% add the q1 tail
+ VQ8 = variable_queue_publish(
+ true, Count + 1, 64,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ7),
+ %% assertions
+ [false = case V of
+ {delta, _, 0, _} -> true;
+ 0 -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end || {K, V} <- rabbit_variable_queue:status(VQ8),
+ lists:member(K, [q1, delta, q3])],
+ Depth = Count + 64,
+ Depth = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ8),
+ Len = Depth - length(Subset3),
+ Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8),
+ {Seq3, Seq -- Seq3, lists:seq(Count + 1, Count + 64), VQ8}.
+test_variable_queue_requeue(VQ0) ->
+ {_PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} =
+ variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0),
+ Msgs =
+ lists:zip(RequeuedMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(RequeuedMsgs), true)) ++
+ lists:zip(FreshMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(FreshMsgs), false)),
+ VQ2 = lists:foldl(fun ({I, Requeued}, VQa) ->
+ {{M, MRequeued, _}, VQb} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQa),
+ Requeued = MRequeued, %% assertion
+ I = msg2int(M), %% assertion
- end, VQ5, lists:reverse(Acks)),
- {empty, VQ7} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ6),
- VQ7.
+ end, VQ1, Msgs),
+ {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ2),
+ VQ3.
+test_variable_queue_purge(VQ0) ->
+ LenDepth = fun (VQ) ->
+ {rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ),
+ rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ)}
+ end,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 10, VQ0),
+ {VQ2, Acks} = variable_queue_fetch(6, false, false, 10, VQ1),
+ {4, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:purge(VQ2),
+ {0, 6} = LenDepth(VQ3),
+ {_, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(lists:sublist(Acks, 2), VQ3),
+ {2, 6} = LenDepth(VQ4),
+ VQ5 = rabbit_variable_queue:purge_acks(VQ4),
+ {2, 2} = LenDepth(VQ5),
+ VQ5.
test_variable_queue_ack_limiting(VQ0) ->
%% start by sending in a bunch of messages
@@ -2382,41 +2505,86 @@ test_variable_queue_ack_limiting(VQ0) ->
-test_dropwhile(VQ0) ->
+test_drop(VQ0) ->
+ %% start by sending a messages
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
+ %% drop message with AckRequired = true
+ {{MsgId, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(true, VQ1),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ2),
+ true = AckTag =/= undefinded,
+ %% drop again -> empty
+ {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ2),
+ %% requeue
+ {[MsgId], VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue([AckTag], VQ3),
+ %% drop message with AckRequired = false
+ {{MsgId, undefined}, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ4),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5),
+ VQ5.
+test_dropfetchwhile(VQ0) ->
Count = 10,
%% add messages with sequential expiry
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(
- false, Count,
- fun (N, Props) -> Props#message_properties{expiry = N} end, VQ0),
+ false, 1, Count,
+ fun (N, Props) -> Props#message_properties{expiry = N} end,
+ fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ0),
+ %% fetch the first 5 messages
+ {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, {Msgs, AckTags}, VQ2} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile(
+ fun (#message_properties{expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end,
+ fun (Msg, AckTag, {MsgAcc, AckAcc}) ->
+ {[Msg | MsgAcc], [AckTag | AckAcc]}
+ end, {[], []}, VQ1),
+ true = lists:seq(1, 5) == [msg2int(M) || M <- lists:reverse(Msgs)],
+ %% requeue them
+ {_MsgIds, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(AckTags, VQ2),
%% drop the first 5 messages
- {_, undefined, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
- fun(#message_properties { expiry = Expiry }) ->
- Expiry =< 5
- end, false, VQ1),
- %% fetch five now
- VQ3 = lists:foldl(fun (_N, VQN) ->
- {{#basic_message{}, _, _, _}, VQM} =
+ {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, VQ4} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
+ fun (#message_properties {expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end, VQ3),
+ %% fetch 5
+ VQ5 = lists:foldl(fun (N, VQN) ->
+ {{Msg, _, _}, VQM} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQN),
+ true = msg2int(Msg) == N,
- end, VQ2, lists:seq(6, Count)),
+ end, VQ4, lists:seq(6, Count)),
%% should be empty now
- {empty, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQ3),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5),
- VQ4.
+ VQ5.
test_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration(VQ0) ->
+ test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(
+ fun (VQ1) ->
+ {_, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
+ fun (_) -> false end, VQ1),
+ VQ2
+ end, VQ0).
+test_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(VQ0) ->
+ test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(
+ fun (VQ1) ->
+ {_, ok, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile(
+ fun (_) -> false end,
+ fun (_, _, A) -> A end,
+ ok, VQ1),
+ VQ2
+ end, VQ0).
+test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(Fun, VQ0) ->
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
VQ2 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ1),
- {_, undefined, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
- fun(_) -> false end, false, VQ2),
+ VQ3 = Fun(VQ2),
VQ4 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ3),
VQ5 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ4),
- {_, undefined, VQ6} =
- rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(fun(_) -> false end, false, VQ5),
+ VQ6 = Fun(VQ5),
test_variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change(VQ0) ->
@@ -2451,7 +2619,8 @@ publish_fetch_and_ack(0, _Len, VQ0) ->
publish_fetch_and_ack(N, Len, VQ0) ->
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
- {{_Msg, false, AckTag, Len}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ {{_Msg, false, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2),
{_Guids, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack([AckTag], VQ2),
publish_fetch_and_ack(N-1, Len, VQ3).
@@ -2516,8 +2685,8 @@ test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere1(VQ0) ->
Count, VQ4),
_VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(shutdown, VQ5),
VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(true), true),
- {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1, Count1}, VQ8} =
- rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ7),
+ {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ7),
+ Count1 = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8),
VQ9 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ8),
VQ10 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ9),
{VQ11, _AckTags2} = variable_queue_fetch(Count1, true, true, Count, VQ10),
@@ -2539,7 +2708,8 @@ test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere2(VQ0) ->
test_variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk(VQ0) ->
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, 1, VQ0),
{VQ2, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(1, true, false, 1, VQ1),
- VQ3 = rabbit_variable_queue:fold(fun (_M, _A) -> ok end, VQ2, AckTags),
+ {ok, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ackfold(fun (_M, _A, ok) -> ok end,
+ ok, VQ2, AckTags),
test_queue_recover() ->
@@ -2555,18 +2725,20 @@ test_queue_recover() ->
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(),
fun (Q1 = #amqqueue { pid = QPid1 }) ->
CountMinusOne = Count - 1,
{ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid1, _AckTag, true, _Msg}} =
- rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q1, self(), false),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q1, self(), false, Limiter),
exit(QPid1, shutdown),
VQ1 = variable_queue_init(Q, true),
- {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1, CountMinusOne}, VQ2} =
+ {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ2} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ CountMinusOne = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2),
_VQ3 = rabbit_variable_queue:delete_and_terminate(shutdown, VQ2),
- rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName, QPid1)
+ rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName)
@@ -2580,9 +2752,11 @@ test_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback() ->
rabbit_amqqueue:set_ram_duration_target(QPid, 0),
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(),
CountMinusOne = Count - 1,
{ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid, _AckTag, false, _Msg}} =
- rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), true),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), true, Limiter),
{ok, CountMinusOne} = rabbit_amqqueue:purge(Q),
%% give the queue a second to receive the close_fds callback msg
diff --git a/src/rabbit_trace.erl b/src/rabbit_trace.erl
index 59e53be7..432055d4 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_trace.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_trace.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--export([init/1, tracing/1, tap_trace_in/2, tap_trace_out/2, start/1, stop/1]).
+-export([init/1, enabled/1, tap_in/2, tap_out/2, start/1, stop/1]).
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
-type(state() :: rabbit_types:exchange() | 'none').
-spec(init/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> state()).
--spec(tracing/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> boolean()).
--spec(tap_trace_in/2 :: (rabbit_types:basic_message(), state()) -> 'ok').
--spec(tap_trace_out/2 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:qmsg(), state()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(enabled/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(tap_in/2 :: (rabbit_types:basic_message(), state()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(tap_out/2 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:qmsg(), state()) -> 'ok').
-spec(start/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> 'ok').
-spec(stop/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> 'ok').
@@ -43,26 +43,26 @@
init(VHost) ->
- case tracing(VHost) of
+ case enabled(VHost) of
false -> none;
true -> {ok, X} = rabbit_exchange:lookup(
rabbit_misc:r(VHost, exchange, ?XNAME)),
-tracing(VHost) ->
+enabled(VHost) ->
{ok, VHosts} = application:get_env(rabbit, ?TRACE_VHOSTS),
lists:member(VHost, VHosts).
-tap_trace_in(Msg = #basic_message{exchange_name = #resource{name = XName}},
- TraceX) ->
- maybe_trace(TraceX, Msg, <<"publish">>, XName, []).
+tap_in(_Msg, none) -> ok;
+tap_in(Msg = #basic_message{exchange_name = #resource{name = XName}}, TraceX) ->
+ trace(TraceX, Msg, <<"publish">>, XName, []).
-tap_trace_out({#resource{name = QName}, _QPid, _QMsgId, Redelivered, Msg},
- TraceX) ->
+tap_out(_Msg, none) -> ok;
+tap_out({#resource{name = QName}, _QPid, _QMsgId, Redelivered, Msg}, TraceX) ->
RedeliveredNum = case Redelivered of true -> 1; false -> 0 end,
- maybe_trace(TraceX, Msg, <<"deliver">>, QName,
- [{<<"redelivered">>, signedint, RedeliveredNum}]).
+ trace(TraceX, Msg, <<"deliver">>, QName,
+ [{<<"redelivered">>, signedint, RedeliveredNum}]).
@@ -83,14 +83,11 @@ update_config(Fun) ->
-maybe_trace(none, _Msg, _RKPrefix, _RKSuffix, _Extra) ->
+trace(#exchange{name = Name}, #basic_message{exchange_name = Name},
+ _RKPrefix, _RKSuffix, _Extra) ->
-maybe_trace(#exchange{name = Name}, #basic_message{exchange_name = Name},
- _RKPrefix, _RKSuffix, _Extra) ->
- ok;
-maybe_trace(X, Msg = #basic_message{content = #content{
- payload_fragments_rev = PFR}},
- RKPrefix, RKSuffix, Extra) ->
+trace(X, Msg = #basic_message{content = #content{payload_fragments_rev = PFR}},
+ RKPrefix, RKSuffix, Extra) ->
{ok, _, _} = rabbit_basic:publish(
X, <<RKPrefix/binary, ".", RKSuffix/binary>>,
#'P_basic'{headers = msg_to_table(Msg) ++ Extra}, PFR),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl b/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl
index 457b1567..b7b1635b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
-rabbit_upgrade({sync_slave_pids, mnesia, [policy]}).
-rabbit_upgrade({no_mirror_nodes, mnesia, [sync_slave_pids]}).
-rabbit_upgrade({gm_pids, mnesia, [no_mirror_nodes]}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({exchange_decorators, mnesia, [policy]}).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
-spec(sync_slave_pids/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(no_mirror_nodes/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(gm_pids/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(exchange_decorators/0 :: () -> 'ok').
@@ -282,6 +284,20 @@ gm_pids() ->
|| T <- Tables],
+exchange_decorators() ->
+ ok = exchange_decorators(rabbit_exchange),
+ ok = exchange_decorators(rabbit_durable_exchange).
+exchange_decorators(Table) ->
+ transform(
+ Table,
+ fun ({exchange, Name, Type, Dur, AutoDel, Int, Args, Scratches,
+ Policy}) ->
+ {exchange, Name, Type, Dur, AutoDel, Int, Args, Scratches, Policy,
+ {[], []}}
+ end,
+ [name, type, durable, auto_delete, internal, arguments, scratches, policy,
+ decorators]).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl b/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
index 1acc9ef0..f7c6c729 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@
--export([init/3, terminate/2, delete_and_terminate/2, purge/1,
- publish/4, publish_delivered/4, discard/3, drain_confirmed/1,
- dropwhile/3, fetch/2, ack/2, requeue/2, len/1, is_empty/1,
- depth/1, set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1,
+-export([init/3, terminate/2, delete_and_terminate/2, purge/1, purge_acks/1,
+ publish/5, publish_delivered/4, discard/3, drain_confirmed/1,
+ dropwhile/2, fetchwhile/4,
+ fetch/2, drop/2, ack/2, requeue/2, ackfold/4, fold/3, len/1,
+ is_empty/1, depth/1, set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1,
needs_timeout/1, timeout/1, handle_pre_hibernate/1, status/1, invoke/3,
- is_duplicate/2, multiple_routing_keys/0, fold/3]).
+ is_duplicate/2, multiple_routing_keys/0]).
-export([start/1, stop/0]).
@@ -254,16 +255,13 @@
- pending_ack,
- pending_ack_index,
- ram_ack_index,
+ ram_pending_ack,
+ disk_pending_ack,
- async_callback,
@@ -348,16 +346,14 @@
q3 :: ?QUEUE:?QUEUE(),
q4 :: ?QUEUE:?QUEUE(),
next_seq_id :: seq_id(),
- pending_ack :: gb_tree(),
- ram_ack_index :: gb_tree(),
+ ram_pending_ack :: gb_tree(),
+ disk_pending_ack :: gb_tree(),
index_state :: any(),
msg_store_clients :: 'undefined' | {{any(), binary()},
{any(), binary()}},
durable :: boolean(),
transient_threshold :: non_neg_integer(),
- async_callback :: rabbit_backing_queue:async_callback(),
len :: non_neg_integer(),
persistent_count :: non_neg_integer(),
@@ -426,7 +422,7 @@ init(Queue, Recover, AsyncCallback) ->
init(#amqqueue { name = QueueName, durable = IsDurable }, false,
AsyncCallback, MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun) ->
IndexState = rabbit_queue_index:init(QueueName, MsgIdxOnDiskFun),
- init(IsDurable, IndexState, 0, [], AsyncCallback,
+ init(IsDurable, IndexState, 0, [],
case IsDurable of
true -> msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE,
MsgOnDiskFun, AsyncCallback);
@@ -454,7 +450,7 @@ init(#amqqueue { name = QueueName, durable = true }, true,
rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, PersistentClient)
- init(true, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms1, AsyncCallback,
+ init(true, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms1,
PersistentClient, TransientClient).
terminate(_Reason, State) ->
@@ -519,18 +515,19 @@ purge(State = #vqstate { q4 = Q4,
ram_msg_count = 0,
persistent_count = PCount1 })}.
+purge_acks(State) -> a(purge_pending_ack(false, State)).
publish(Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent, id = MsgId },
MsgProps = #message_properties { needs_confirming = NeedsConfirming },
- _ChPid, State = #vqstate { q1 = Q1, q3 = Q3, q4 = Q4,
- next_seq_id = SeqId,
- len = Len,
- in_counter = InCount,
- persistent_count = PCount,
- durable = IsDurable,
- ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
- unconfirmed = UC }) ->
+ IsDelivered, _ChPid, State = #vqstate { q1 = Q1, q3 = Q3, q4 = Q4,
+ next_seq_id = SeqId,
+ len = Len,
+ in_counter = InCount,
+ persistent_count = PCount,
+ durable = IsDurable,
+ unconfirmed = UC }) ->
IsPersistent1 = IsDurable andalso IsPersistent,
- MsgStatus = msg_status(IsPersistent1, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps),
+ MsgStatus = msg_status(IsPersistent1, IsDelivered, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps),
{MsgStatus1, State1} = maybe_write_to_disk(false, false, MsgStatus, State),
State2 = case ?QUEUE:is_empty(Q3) of
false -> State1 #vqstate { q1 = ?QUEUE:in(m(MsgStatus1), Q1) };
@@ -538,12 +535,12 @@ publish(Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent, id = MsgId },
PCount1 = PCount + one_if(IsPersistent1),
UC1 = gb_sets_maybe_insert(NeedsConfirming, MsgId, UC),
- a(reduce_memory_use(State2 #vqstate { next_seq_id = SeqId + 1,
- len = Len + 1,
- in_counter = InCount + 1,
- persistent_count = PCount1,
- ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount + 1,
- unconfirmed = UC1 })).
+ a(reduce_memory_use(
+ inc_ram_msg_count(State2 #vqstate { next_seq_id = SeqId + 1,
+ len = Len + 1,
+ in_counter = InCount + 1,
+ persistent_count = PCount1,
+ unconfirmed = UC1 }))).
publish_delivered(Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent,
id = MsgId },
@@ -557,8 +554,7 @@ publish_delivered(Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent,
durable = IsDurable,
unconfirmed = UC }) ->
IsPersistent1 = IsDurable andalso IsPersistent,
- MsgStatus = (msg_status(IsPersistent1, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps))
- #msg_status { is_delivered = true },
+ MsgStatus = msg_status(IsPersistent1, true, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps),
{MsgStatus1, State1} = maybe_write_to_disk(false, false, MsgStatus, State),
State2 = record_pending_ack(m(MsgStatus1), State1),
PCount1 = PCount + one_if(IsPersistent1),
@@ -579,27 +575,28 @@ drain_confirmed(State = #vqstate { confirmed = C }) ->
confirmed = gb_sets:new() }}
-dropwhile(Pred, AckRequired, State) -> dropwhile(Pred, AckRequired, State, []).
+dropwhile(Pred, State) ->
+ case queue_out(State) of
+ {empty, State1} ->
+ {undefined, a(State1)};
+ {{value, MsgStatus = #msg_status { msg_props = MsgProps }}, State1} ->
+ case Pred(MsgProps) of
+ true -> {_, State2} = remove(false, MsgStatus, State1),
+ dropwhile(Pred, State2);
+ false -> {MsgProps, a(in_r(MsgStatus, State1))}
+ end
+ end.
-dropwhile(Pred, AckRequired, State, Msgs) ->
- End = fun(Next, S) when AckRequired -> {Next, lists:reverse(Msgs), S};
- (Next, S) -> {Next, undefined, S}
- end,
+fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, Acc, State) ->
case queue_out(State) of
{empty, State1} ->
- End(undefined, a(State1));
+ {undefined, Acc, a(State1)};
{{value, MsgStatus = #msg_status { msg_props = MsgProps }}, State1} ->
- case {Pred(MsgProps), AckRequired} of
- {true, true} ->
- {MsgStatus1, State2} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State1),
- {{Msg, _, AckTag, _}, State3} =
- internal_fetch(true, MsgStatus1, State2),
- dropwhile(Pred, AckRequired, State3, [{Msg, AckTag} | Msgs]);
- {true, false} ->
- {_, State2} = internal_fetch(false, MsgStatus, State1),
- dropwhile(Pred, AckRequired, State2, undefined);
- {false, _} ->
- End(MsgProps, a(in_r(MsgStatus, State1)))
+ case Pred(MsgProps) of
+ true -> {Msg, State2} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State1),
+ {AckTag, State3} = remove(true, MsgStatus, State2),
+ fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, Fun(Msg, AckTag, Acc), State3);
+ false -> {MsgProps, Acc, a(in_r(MsgStatus, State1))}
@@ -610,9 +607,18 @@ fetch(AckRequired, State) ->
{{value, MsgStatus}, State1} ->
%% it is possible that the message wasn't read from disk
%% at this point, so read it in.
- {MsgStatus1, State2} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State1),
- {Res, State3} = internal_fetch(AckRequired, MsgStatus1, State2),
- {Res, a(State3)}
+ {Msg, State2} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State1),
+ {AckTag, State3} = remove(AckRequired, MsgStatus, State2),
+ {{Msg, MsgStatus#msg_status.is_delivered, AckTag}, a(State3)}
+ end.
+drop(AckRequired, State) ->
+ case queue_out(State) of
+ {empty, State1} ->
+ {empty, a(State1)};
+ {{value, MsgStatus}, State1} ->
+ {AckTag, State2} = remove(AckRequired, MsgStatus, State1),
+ {{MsgStatus#msg_status.msg_id, AckTag}, a(State2)}
ack([], State) ->
@@ -638,16 +644,6 @@ ack(AckTags, State) ->
persistent_count = PCount1,
ack_out_counter = AckOutCount + length(AckTags) })}.
-fold(undefined, State, _AckTags) ->
- State;
-fold(MsgFun, State = #vqstate{pending_ack = PA}, AckTags) ->
- a(lists:foldl(fun(SeqId, State1) ->
- {MsgStatus, State2} =
- read_msg(gb_trees:get(SeqId, PA), false, State1),
- MsgFun(MsgStatus#msg_status.msg, SeqId),
- State2
- end, State, AckTags)).
requeue(AckTags, #vqstate { delta = Delta,
q3 = Q3,
q4 = Q4,
@@ -669,12 +665,28 @@ requeue(AckTags, #vqstate { delta = Delta,
in_counter = InCounter + MsgCount,
len = Len + MsgCount }))}.
+ackfold(MsgFun, Acc, State, AckTags) ->
+ {AccN, StateN} =
+ lists:foldl(fun(SeqId, {Acc0, State0}) ->
+ MsgStatus = lookup_pending_ack(SeqId, State0),
+ {Msg, State1} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State0),
+ {MsgFun(Msg, SeqId, Acc0), State1}
+ end, {Acc, State}, AckTags),
+ {AccN, a(StateN)}.
+fold(Fun, Acc, State = #vqstate{index_state = IndexState}) ->
+ {Its, IndexState1} = lists:foldl(fun inext/2, {[], IndexState},
+ [msg_iterator(State),
+ disk_ack_iterator(State),
+ ram_ack_iterator(State)]),
+ ifold(Fun, Acc, Its, State#vqstate{index_state = IndexState1}).
len(#vqstate { len = Len }) -> Len.
is_empty(State) -> 0 == len(State).
-depth(State = #vqstate { pending_ack = Ack }) ->
- len(State) + gb_trees:size(Ack).
+depth(State = #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA, disk_pending_ack = DPA }) ->
+ len(State) + gb_trees:size(RPA) + gb_trees:size(DPA).
DurationTarget, State = #vqstate {
@@ -711,7 +723,7 @@ ram_duration(State = #vqstate {
ack_out_counter = AckOutCount,
ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
ram_msg_count_prev = RamMsgCountPrev,
- ram_ack_index = RamAckIndex,
+ ram_pending_ack = RPA,
ram_ack_count_prev = RamAckCountPrev }) ->
Now = now(),
{AvgEgressRate, Egress1} = update_rate(Now, Timestamp, OutCount, Egress),
@@ -722,7 +734,7 @@ ram_duration(State = #vqstate {
{AvgAckIngressRate, AckIngress1} =
update_rate(Now, AckTimestamp, AckInCount, AckIngress),
- RamAckCount = gb_trees:size(RamAckIndex),
+ RamAckCount = gb_trees:size(RPA),
Duration = %% msgs+acks / (msgs+acks/sec) == sec
case (AvgEgressRate == 0 andalso AvgIngressRate == 0 andalso
@@ -754,21 +766,20 @@ ram_duration(State = #vqstate {
ram_msg_count_prev = RamMsgCount,
ram_ack_count_prev = RamAckCount }}.
-needs_timeout(State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState }) ->
- case must_sync_index(State) of
- true -> timed;
- false ->
- case rabbit_queue_index:needs_sync(IndexState) of
- true -> idle;
- false -> case reduce_memory_use(
- fun (_Quota, State1) -> {0, State1} end,
- fun (_Quota, State1) -> State1 end,
- fun (_Quota, State1) -> {0, State1} end,
- State) of
- {true, _State} -> idle;
- {false, _State} -> false
- end
- end
+needs_timeout(State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState,
+ target_ram_count = TargetRamCount }) ->
+ case rabbit_queue_index:needs_sync(IndexState) of
+ confirms -> timed;
+ other -> idle;
+ false when TargetRamCount == infinity -> false;
+ false -> case reduce_memory_use(
+ fun (_Quota, State1) -> {0, State1} end,
+ fun (_Quota, State1) -> State1 end,
+ fun (_Quota, State1) -> {0, State1} end,
+ State) of
+ {true, _State} -> idle;
+ {false, _State} -> false
+ end
timeout(State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState }) ->
@@ -782,8 +793,8 @@ handle_pre_hibernate(State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState }) ->
status(#vqstate {
q1 = Q1, q2 = Q2, delta = Delta, q3 = Q3, q4 = Q4,
len = Len,
- pending_ack = PA,
- ram_ack_index = RAI,
+ ram_pending_ack = RPA,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA,
target_ram_count = TargetRamCount,
ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
next_seq_id = NextSeqId,
@@ -798,10 +809,10 @@ status(#vqstate {
{q3 , ?QUEUE:len(Q3)},
{q4 , ?QUEUE:len(Q4)},
{len , Len},
- {pending_acks , gb_trees:size(PA)},
+ {pending_acks , gb_trees:size(RPA) + gb_trees:size(DPA)},
{target_ram_count , TargetRamCount},
{ram_msg_count , RamMsgCount},
- {ram_ack_count , gb_trees:size(RAI)},
+ {ram_ack_count , gb_trees:size(RPA)},
{next_seq_id , NextSeqId},
{persistent_count , PersistentCount},
{avg_ingress_rate , AvgIngressRate},
@@ -862,16 +873,28 @@ cons_if(true, E, L) -> [E | L];
cons_if(false, _E, L) -> L.
gb_sets_maybe_insert(false, _Val, Set) -> Set;
-%% when requeueing, we re-add a msg_id to the unconfirmed set
-gb_sets_maybe_insert(true, Val, Set) -> gb_sets:add(Val, Set).
-msg_status(IsPersistent, SeqId, Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId },
- MsgProps = #message_properties { delivered = Delivered }) ->
- %% TODO would it make sense to remove #msg_status.is_delivered?
- #msg_status { seq_id = SeqId, msg_id = MsgId, msg = Msg,
- is_persistent = IsPersistent, is_delivered = Delivered,
- msg_on_disk = false, index_on_disk = false,
- msg_props = MsgProps }.
+gb_sets_maybe_insert(true, Val, Set) -> gb_sets:add(Val, Set).
+msg_status(IsPersistent, IsDelivered, SeqId,
+ Msg = #basic_message {id = MsgId}, MsgProps) ->
+ #msg_status{seq_id = SeqId,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
+ msg = Msg,
+ is_persistent = IsPersistent,
+ is_delivered = IsDelivered,
+ msg_on_disk = false,
+ index_on_disk = false,
+ msg_props = MsgProps}.
+beta_msg_status({MsgId, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent, IsDelivered}) ->
+ #msg_status{seq_id = SeqId,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
+ msg = undefined,
+ is_persistent = IsPersistent,
+ is_delivered = IsDelivered,
+ msg_on_disk = true,
+ index_on_disk = true,
+ msg_props = MsgProps}.
trim_msg_status(MsgStatus) -> MsgStatus #msg_status { msg = undefined }.
@@ -935,31 +958,21 @@ maybe_write_delivered(false, _SeqId, IndexState) ->
maybe_write_delivered(true, SeqId, IndexState) ->
rabbit_queue_index:deliver([SeqId], IndexState).
-betas_from_index_entries(List, TransientThreshold, PA, IndexState) ->
+betas_from_index_entries(List, TransientThreshold, RPA, DPA, IndexState) ->
{Filtered, Delivers, Acks} =
- fun ({MsgId, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent, IsDelivered},
+ fun ({_MsgId, SeqId, _MsgProps, IsPersistent, IsDelivered} = M,
{Filtered1, Delivers1, Acks1} = Acc) ->
case SeqId < TransientThreshold andalso not IsPersistent of
true -> {Filtered1,
cons_if(not IsDelivered, SeqId, Delivers1),
[SeqId | Acks1]};
- false -> case gb_trees:is_defined(SeqId, PA) of
- false ->
- {?QUEUE:in_r(
- m(#msg_status {
- seq_id = SeqId,
- msg_id = MsgId,
- msg = undefined,
- is_persistent = IsPersistent,
- is_delivered = IsDelivered,
- msg_on_disk = true,
- index_on_disk = true,
- msg_props = MsgProps
- }), Filtered1),
- Delivers1, Acks1};
- true ->
- Acc
+ false -> case (gb_trees:is_defined(SeqId, RPA) orelse
+ gb_trees:is_defined(SeqId, DPA)) of
+ false -> {?QUEUE:in_r(m(beta_msg_status(M)),
+ Filtered1),
+ Delivers1, Acks1};
+ true -> Acc
end, {?QUEUE:new(), [], []}, List),
@@ -987,7 +1000,7 @@ update_rate(Now, Then, Count, {OThen, OCount}) ->
%% Internal major helpers for Public API
-init(IsDurable, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms, AsyncCallback,
+init(IsDurable, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms,
PersistentClient, TransientClient) ->
{LowSeqId, NextSeqId, IndexState1} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(IndexState),
@@ -1006,15 +1019,13 @@ init(IsDurable, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms, AsyncCallback,
q3 = ?QUEUE:new(),
q4 = ?QUEUE:new(),
next_seq_id = NextSeqId,
- pending_ack = gb_trees:empty(),
- ram_ack_index = gb_trees:empty(),
+ ram_pending_ack = gb_trees:empty(),
+ disk_pending_ack = gb_trees:empty(),
index_state = IndexState1,
msg_store_clients = {PersistentClient, TransientClient},
durable = IsDurable,
transient_threshold = NextSeqId,
- async_callback = AsyncCallback,
len = DeltaCount1,
persistent_count = DeltaCount1,
@@ -1045,9 +1056,11 @@ in_r(MsgStatus = #msg_status { msg = undefined },
State = #vqstate { q3 = Q3, q4 = Q4 }) ->
case ?QUEUE:is_empty(Q4) of
true -> State #vqstate { q3 = ?QUEUE:in_r(MsgStatus, Q3) };
- false -> {MsgStatus1, State1 = #vqstate { q4 = Q4a }} =
+ false -> {Msg, State1 = #vqstate { q4 = Q4a }} =
read_msg(MsgStatus, State),
- State1 #vqstate { q4 = ?QUEUE:in_r(MsgStatus1, Q4a) }
+ inc_ram_msg_count(
+ State1 #vqstate { q4 = ?QUEUE:in_r(MsgStatus#msg_status {
+ msg = Msg }, Q4a) })
in_r(MsgStatus, State = #vqstate { q4 = Q4 }) ->
State #vqstate { q4 = ?QUEUE:in_r(MsgStatus, Q4) }.
@@ -1063,35 +1076,35 @@ queue_out(State = #vqstate { q4 = Q4 }) ->
{{value, MsgStatus}, State #vqstate { q4 = Q4a }}
-read_msg(MsgStatus, State) -> read_msg(MsgStatus, true, State).
+read_msg(#msg_status{msg = undefined,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
+ is_persistent = IsPersistent}, State) ->
+ read_msg(MsgId, IsPersistent, State);
+read_msg(#msg_status{msg = Msg}, State) ->
+ {Msg, State}.
-read_msg(MsgStatus = #msg_status { msg = undefined,
- msg_id = MsgId,
- is_persistent = IsPersistent },
- CountDiskToRam, State = #vqstate { ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
- msg_store_clients = MSCState}) ->
+read_msg(MsgId, IsPersistent, State = #vqstate{msg_store_clients = MSCState}) ->
{{ok, Msg = #basic_message {}}, MSCState1} =
msg_store_read(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgId),
- {MsgStatus #msg_status { msg = Msg },
- State #vqstate { ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount + one_if(CountDiskToRam),
- msg_store_clients = MSCState1 }};
-read_msg(MsgStatus, _CountDiskToRam, State) ->
- {MsgStatus, State}.
-internal_fetch(AckRequired, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
- seq_id = SeqId,
- msg_id = MsgId,
- msg = Msg,
- is_persistent = IsPersistent,
- is_delivered = IsDelivered,
- msg_on_disk = MsgOnDisk,
- index_on_disk = IndexOnDisk },
- State = #vqstate {ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
- out_counter = OutCount,
- index_state = IndexState,
- msg_store_clients = MSCState,
- len = Len,
- persistent_count = PCount }) ->
+ {Msg, State #vqstate {msg_store_clients = MSCState1}}.
+inc_ram_msg_count(State = #vqstate{ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount}) ->
+ State#vqstate{ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount + 1}.
+remove(AckRequired, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
+ seq_id = SeqId,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
+ msg = Msg,
+ is_persistent = IsPersistent,
+ is_delivered = IsDelivered,
+ msg_on_disk = MsgOnDisk,
+ index_on_disk = IndexOnDisk },
+ State = #vqstate {ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
+ out_counter = OutCount,
+ index_state = IndexState,
+ msg_store_clients = MSCState,
+ len = Len,
+ persistent_count = PCount}) ->
%% 1. Mark it delivered if necessary
IndexState1 = maybe_write_delivered(
IndexOnDisk andalso not IsDelivered,
@@ -1102,12 +1115,11 @@ internal_fetch(AckRequired, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
ok = msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, [MsgId])
Ack = fun () -> rabbit_queue_index:ack([SeqId], IndexState1) end,
- IndexState2 =
- case {AckRequired, MsgOnDisk, IndexOnDisk} of
- {false, true, false} -> Rem(), IndexState1;
- {false, true, true} -> Rem(), Ack();
- _ -> IndexState1
- end,
+ IndexState2 = case {AckRequired, MsgOnDisk, IndexOnDisk} of
+ {false, true, false} -> Rem(), IndexState1;
+ {false, true, true} -> Rem(), Ack();
+ _ -> IndexState1
+ end,
%% 3. If an ack is required, add something sensible to PA
{AckTag, State1} = case AckRequired of
@@ -1118,16 +1130,14 @@ internal_fetch(AckRequired, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
false -> {undefined, State}
- PCount1 = PCount - one_if(IsPersistent andalso not AckRequired),
- Len1 = Len - 1,
+ PCount1 = PCount - one_if(IsPersistent andalso not AckRequired),
RamMsgCount1 = RamMsgCount - one_if(Msg =/= undefined),
- {{Msg, IsDelivered, AckTag, Len1},
- State1 #vqstate { ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount1,
- out_counter = OutCount + 1,
- index_state = IndexState2,
- len = Len1,
- persistent_count = PCount1 }}.
+ {AckTag, State1 #vqstate {ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount1,
+ out_counter = OutCount + 1,
+ index_state = IndexState2,
+ len = Len - 1,
+ persistent_count = PCount1}}.
State = #vqstate { q3 = Q3,
@@ -1224,37 +1234,48 @@ maybe_write_to_disk(ForceMsg, ForceIndex, MsgStatus,
%% Internal gubbins for acks
-record_pending_ack(#msg_status { seq_id = SeqId,
- msg_id = MsgId,
- msg_on_disk = MsgOnDisk } = MsgStatus,
- State = #vqstate { pending_ack = PA,
- ram_ack_index = RAI,
- ack_in_counter = AckInCount}) ->
- {AckEntry, RAI1} =
- case MsgOnDisk of
- true -> {m(trim_msg_status(MsgStatus)), RAI};
- false -> {MsgStatus, gb_trees:insert(SeqId, MsgId, RAI)}
+record_pending_ack(#msg_status { seq_id = SeqId, msg = Msg } = MsgStatus,
+ State = #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA,
+ ack_in_counter = AckInCount}) ->
+ {RPA1, DPA1} =
+ case Msg of
+ undefined -> {RPA, gb_trees:insert(SeqId, MsgStatus, DPA)};
+ _ -> {gb_trees:insert(SeqId, MsgStatus, RPA), DPA}
- State #vqstate { pending_ack = gb_trees:insert(SeqId, AckEntry, PA),
- ram_ack_index = RAI1,
- ack_in_counter = AckInCount + 1}.
+ State #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA1,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA1,
+ ack_in_counter = AckInCount + 1}.
+lookup_pending_ack(SeqId, #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA }) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(SeqId, RPA) of
+ {value, V} -> V;
+ none -> gb_trees:get(SeqId, DPA)
+ end.
-remove_pending_ack(SeqId, State = #vqstate { pending_ack = PA,
- ram_ack_index = RAI }) ->
- {gb_trees:get(SeqId, PA),
- State #vqstate { pending_ack = gb_trees:delete(SeqId, PA),
- ram_ack_index = gb_trees:delete_any(SeqId, RAI) }}.
+remove_pending_ack(SeqId, State = #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA }) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(SeqId, RPA) of
+ {value, V} -> RPA1 = gb_trees:delete(SeqId, RPA),
+ {V, State #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA1 }};
+ none -> DPA1 = gb_trees:delete(SeqId, DPA),
+ {gb_trees:get(SeqId, DPA),
+ State #vqstate { disk_pending_ack = DPA1 }}
+ end.
- State = #vqstate { pending_ack = PA,
+ State = #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA,
index_state = IndexState,
msg_store_clients = MSCState }) ->
+ F = fun (_SeqId, MsgStatus, Acc) -> accumulate_ack(MsgStatus, Acc) end,
{IndexOnDiskSeqIds, MsgIdsByStore, _AllMsgIds} =
- rabbit_misc:gb_trees_fold(fun (_SeqId, MsgStatus, Acc) ->
- accumulate_ack(MsgStatus, Acc)
- end, accumulate_ack_init(), PA),
- State1 = State #vqstate { pending_ack = gb_trees:empty(),
- ram_ack_index = gb_trees:empty() },
+ rabbit_misc:gb_trees_fold(
+ F, rabbit_misc:gb_trees_fold(F, accumulate_ack_init(), RPA), DPA),
+ State1 = State #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = gb_trees:empty(),
+ disk_pending_ack = gb_trees:empty() },
case KeepPersistent of
true -> case orddict:find(false, MsgIdsByStore) of
error -> State1;
@@ -1304,21 +1325,6 @@ record_confirms(MsgIdSet, State = #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = MOD,
unconfirmed = rabbit_misc:gb_sets_difference(UC, MsgIdSet),
confirmed = gb_sets:union(C, MsgIdSet) }.
-must_sync_index(#vqstate { msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
- unconfirmed = UC }) ->
- %% If UC is empty then by definition, MIOD and MOD are also empty
- %% and there's nothing that can be pending a sync.
- %% If UC is not empty, then we want to find is_empty(UC - MIOD),
- %% but the subtraction can be expensive. Thus instead, we test to
- %% see if UC is a subset of MIOD. This can only be the case if
- %% MIOD == UC, which would indicate that every message in UC is
- %% also in MIOD and is thus _all_ pending on a msg_store sync, not
- %% on a qi sync. Thus the negation of this is sufficient. Because
- %% is_subset is short circuiting, this is more efficient than the
- %% subtraction.
- not (gb_sets:is_empty(UC) orelse gb_sets:is_subset(UC, MIOD)).
msgs_written_to_disk(Callback, MsgIdSet, ignored) ->
fun (?MODULE, State) -> record_confirms(MsgIdSet, State) end);
@@ -1351,9 +1357,10 @@ msg_indices_written_to_disk(Callback, MsgIdSet) ->
publish_alpha(#msg_status { msg = undefined } = MsgStatus, State) ->
- read_msg(MsgStatus, State);
-publish_alpha(MsgStatus, #vqstate {ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount } = State) ->
- {MsgStatus, State #vqstate { ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount + 1 }}.
+ {Msg, State1} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State),
+ {MsgStatus#msg_status { msg = Msg }, inc_ram_msg_count(State1)};
+publish_alpha(MsgStatus, State) ->
+ {MsgStatus, inc_ram_msg_count(State)}.
publish_beta(MsgStatus, State) ->
{#msg_status { msg = Msg} = MsgStatus1,
@@ -1417,6 +1424,82 @@ delta_limit(?BLANK_DELTA_PATTERN(_X)) -> undefined;
delta_limit(#delta { start_seq_id = StartSeqId }) -> StartSeqId.
+%% Iterator
+ram_ack_iterator(State) ->
+ {ack, gb_trees:iterator(State#vqstate.ram_pending_ack)}.
+disk_ack_iterator(State) ->
+ {ack, gb_trees:iterator(State#vqstate.disk_pending_ack)}.
+msg_iterator(State) -> istate(start, State).
+istate(start, State) -> {q4, State#vqstate.q4, State};
+istate(q4, State) -> {q3, State#vqstate.q3, State};
+istate(q3, State) -> {delta,, State};
+istate(delta, State) -> {q2, State#vqstate.q2, State};
+istate(q2, State) -> {q1, State#vqstate.q1, State};
+istate(q1, _State) -> done.
+next({ack, It}, IndexState) ->
+ case gb_trees:next(It) of
+ none -> {empty, IndexState};
+ {_SeqId, MsgStatus, It1} -> Next = {ack, It1},
+ {value, MsgStatus, true, Next, IndexState}
+ end;
+next(done, IndexState) -> {empty, IndexState};
+next({delta, #delta{start_seq_id = SeqId,
+ end_seq_id = SeqId}, State}, IndexState) ->
+ next(istate(delta, State), IndexState);
+next({delta, #delta{start_seq_id = SeqId,
+ end_seq_id = SeqIdEnd} = Delta, State}, IndexState) ->
+ SeqIdB = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(SeqId),
+ SeqId1 = lists:min([SeqIdB, SeqIdEnd]),
+ {List, IndexState1} = rabbit_queue_index:read(SeqId, SeqId1, IndexState),
+ next({delta, Delta#delta{start_seq_id = SeqId1}, List, State}, IndexState1);
+next({delta, Delta, [], State}, IndexState) ->
+ next({delta, Delta, State}, IndexState);
+next({delta, Delta, [{_, SeqId, _, _, _} = M | Rest], State}, IndexState) ->
+ case (gb_trees:is_defined(SeqId, State#vqstate.ram_pending_ack) orelse
+ gb_trees:is_defined(SeqId, State#vqstate.disk_pending_ack)) of
+ false -> Next = {delta, Delta, Rest, State},
+ {value, beta_msg_status(M), false, Next, IndexState};
+ true -> next({delta, Delta, Rest, State}, IndexState)
+ end;
+next({Key, Q, State}, IndexState) ->
+ case ?QUEUE:out(Q) of
+ {empty, _Q} -> next(istate(Key, State), IndexState);
+ {{value, MsgStatus}, QN} -> Next = {Key, QN, State},
+ {value, MsgStatus, false, Next, IndexState}
+ end.
+inext(It, {Its, IndexState}) ->
+ case next(It, IndexState) of
+ {empty, IndexState1} ->
+ {Its, IndexState1};
+ {value, MsgStatus1, Unacked, It1, IndexState1} ->
+ {[{MsgStatus1, Unacked, It1} | Its], IndexState1}
+ end.
+ifold(_Fun, Acc, [], State) ->
+ {Acc, State};
+ifold(Fun, Acc, Its, State) ->
+ [{MsgStatus, Unacked, It} | Rest] =
+ lists:sort(fun ({#msg_status{seq_id = SeqId1}, _, _},
+ {#msg_status{seq_id = SeqId2}, _, _}) ->
+ SeqId1 =< SeqId2
+ end, Its),
+ {Msg, State1} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State),
+ case Fun(Msg, MsgStatus#msg_status.msg_props, Unacked, Acc) of
+ {stop, Acc1} ->
+ {Acc1, State};
+ {cont, Acc1} ->
+ {Its1, IndexState1} = inext(It, {Rest, State1#vqstate.index_state}),
+ ifold(Fun, Acc1, Its1, State1#vqstate{index_state = IndexState1})
+ end.
%% Phase changes
@@ -1439,12 +1522,9 @@ delta_limit(#delta { start_seq_id = StartSeqId }) -> StartSeqId.
%% one segment's worth of messages in q3 - and thus would risk
%% perpetually reporting the need for a conversion when no such
%% conversion is needed. That in turn could cause an infinite loop.
-reduce_memory_use(_AlphaBetaFun, _BetaDeltaFun, _AckFun,
- State = #vqstate {target_ram_count = infinity}) ->
- {false, State};
reduce_memory_use(AlphaBetaFun, BetaDeltaFun, AckFun,
State = #vqstate {
- ram_ack_index = RamAckIndex,
+ ram_pending_ack = RPA,
ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
target_ram_count = TargetRamCount,
rates = #rates { avg_ingress = AvgIngress,
@@ -1454,8 +1534,7 @@ reduce_memory_use(AlphaBetaFun, BetaDeltaFun, AckFun,
}) ->
{Reduce, State1 = #vqstate { q2 = Q2, q3 = Q3 }} =
- case chunk_size(RamMsgCount + gb_trees:size(RamAckIndex),
- TargetRamCount) of
+ case chunk_size(RamMsgCount + gb_trees:size(RPA), TargetRamCount) of
0 -> {false, State};
%% Reduce memory of pending acks and alphas. The order is
%% determined based on which is growing faster. Whichever
@@ -1480,23 +1559,23 @@ reduce_memory_use(AlphaBetaFun, BetaDeltaFun, AckFun,
limit_ram_acks(0, State) ->
{0, State};
-limit_ram_acks(Quota, State = #vqstate { pending_ack = PA,
- ram_ack_index = RAI }) ->
- case gb_trees:is_empty(RAI) of
+limit_ram_acks(Quota, State = #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA }) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_empty(RPA) of
true ->
{Quota, State};
false ->
- {SeqId, MsgId, RAI1} = gb_trees:take_largest(RAI),
- MsgStatus = #msg_status { msg_id = MsgId, is_persistent = false} =
- gb_trees:get(SeqId, PA),
+ {SeqId, MsgStatus, RPA1} = gb_trees:take_largest(RPA),
{MsgStatus1, State1} =
maybe_write_to_disk(true, false, MsgStatus, State),
- PA1 = gb_trees:update(SeqId, m(trim_msg_status(MsgStatus1)), PA),
+ DPA1 = gb_trees:insert(SeqId, m(trim_msg_status(MsgStatus1)), DPA),
limit_ram_acks(Quota - 1,
- State1 #vqstate { pending_ack = PA1,
- ram_ack_index = RAI1 })
+ State1 #vqstate { ram_pending_ack = RPA1,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA1 })
+reduce_memory_use(State = #vqstate { target_ram_count = infinity }) ->
+ State;
reduce_memory_use(State) ->
{_, State1} = reduce_memory_use(fun push_alphas_to_betas/2,
fun push_betas_to_deltas/2,
@@ -1562,7 +1641,8 @@ maybe_deltas_to_betas(State = #vqstate {
delta = Delta,
q3 = Q3,
index_state = IndexState,
- pending_ack = PA,
+ ram_pending_ack = RPA,
+ disk_pending_ack = DPA,
transient_threshold = TransientThreshold }) ->
#delta { start_seq_id = DeltaSeqId,
count = DeltaCount,
@@ -1570,10 +1650,10 @@ maybe_deltas_to_betas(State = #vqstate {
DeltaSeqId1 =
- {List, IndexState1} =
- rabbit_queue_index:read(DeltaSeqId, DeltaSeqId1, IndexState),
- {Q3a, IndexState2} =
- betas_from_index_entries(List, TransientThreshold, PA, IndexState1),
+ {List, IndexState1} = rabbit_queue_index:read(DeltaSeqId, DeltaSeqId1,
+ IndexState),
+ {Q3a, IndexState2} = betas_from_index_entries(List, TransientThreshold,
+ RPA, DPA, IndexState1),
State1 = State #vqstate { index_state = IndexState2 },
case ?QUEUE:len(Q3a) of
0 ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_vhost.erl b/src/rabbit_vhost.erl
index 839ebb96..2858cf58 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_vhost.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_vhost.erl
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ add(VHostPath) ->
{<<"amq.rabbitmq.trace">>, topic}]],
+ rabbit_event:notify(vhost_created, info(VHostPath)),
delete(VHostPath) ->
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ delete(VHostPath) ->
with(VHostPath, fun () ->
ok = internal_delete(VHostPath)
+ ok = rabbit_event:notify(vhost_deleted, [{name, VHostPath}]),
internal_delete(VHostPath) ->
@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ with(VHostPath, Thunk) ->
infos(Items, X) -> [{Item, i(Item, X)} || Item <- Items].
i(name, VHost) -> VHost;
-i(tracing, VHost) -> rabbit_trace:tracing(VHost);
+i(tracing, VHost) -> rabbit_trace:enabled(VHost);
i(Item, _) -> throw({bad_argument, Item}).
info(VHost) -> infos(?INFO_KEYS, VHost).
diff --git a/src/tcp_acceptor.erl b/src/tcp_acceptor.erl
index c76681c2..2725be31 100644
--- a/src/tcp_acceptor.erl
+++ b/src/tcp_acceptor.erl
@@ -55,8 +55,19 @@ handle_info({inet_async, LSock, Ref, {ok, Sock}},
inet_db:register_socket(Sock, Mod),
%% handle
- file_handle_cache:transfer(apply(M, F, A ++ [Sock])),
- ok = file_handle_cache:obtain(),
+ case tune_buffer_size(Sock) of
+ ok -> file_handle_cache:transfer(
+ apply(M, F, A ++ [Sock])),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:obtain();
+ {error, enotconn} -> catch port_close(Sock);
+ {error, Err} -> {ok, {IPAddress, Port}} = inet:sockname(LSock),
+ error_logger:error_msg(
+ "failed to tune buffer size of "
+ "connection accepted on ~s:~p - ~p (~s)~n",
+ [rabbit_misc:ntoab(IPAddress), Port,
+ Err, rabbit_misc:format_inet_error(Err)]),
+ catch port_close(Sock)
+ end,
%% accept more
@@ -85,3 +96,10 @@ accept(State = #state{sock=LSock}) ->
{ok, Ref} -> {noreply, State#state{ref=Ref}};
Error -> {stop, {cannot_accept, Error}, State}
+tune_buffer_size(Sock) ->
+ case inet:getopts(Sock, [sndbuf, recbuf, buffer]) of
+ {ok, BufSizes} -> BufSz = lists:max([Sz || {_Opt, Sz} <- BufSizes]),
+ inet:setopts(Sock, [{buffer, BufSz}]);
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
diff --git a/src/worker_pool_worker.erl b/src/worker_pool_worker.erl
index 56e4b7b3..22b223d2 100644
--- a/src/worker_pool_worker.erl
+++ b/src/worker_pool_worker.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_cast/2]).
+ terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_cast/3]).
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ init([WId]) ->
{ok, WId, hibernate,
-prioritise_cast({set_maximum_since_use, _Age}, _State) -> 8;
-prioritise_cast(_Msg, _State) -> 0.
+prioritise_cast({set_maximum_since_use, _Age}, _Len, _State) -> 8;
+prioritise_cast(_Msg, _Len, _State) -> 0.
handle_call({submit, Fun}, From, WId) ->
gen_server2:reply(From, run(Fun)),