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4 files changed, 885 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/file_handle_cache.erl b/src/file_handle_cache.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f648dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/file_handle_cache.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd,
+%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd,
+%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd
+%% are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial
+%% Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift
+%% Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are
+%% Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Cohesive Financial Technologies
+%% LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright
+%% (C) 2007-2010 Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% All Rights Reserved.
+%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+%% A File Handle Cache
+%% This extends a subset of the functionality of the Erlang file
+%% module.
+%% Some constraints
+%% 1) This supports one writer, multiple readers per file. Nothing
+%% else.
+%% 2) Do not open the same file from different processes. Bad things
+%% may happen.
+%% 3) Writes are all appends. You cannot write to the middle of a
+%% file, although you can truncate and then append if you want.
+%% 4) Although there is a write buffer, there is no read buffer. Feel
+%% free to use the read_ahead mode, but beware of the interaction
+%% between that buffer and the write buffer.
+%% Some benefits
+%% 1) You do not have to remember to call sync before close
+%% 2) Buffering is much more flexible than with plain file module, and
+%% you can control when the buffer gets flushed out. This means that
+%% you can rely on reads-after-writes working, without having to call
+%% the expensive sync.
+%% 3) Unnecessary calls to position and sync get optimised out.
+%% 4) You can find out what your 'real' offset is, and what your
+%% 'virtual' offset is (i.e. where the hdl really is, and where it
+%% would be after the write buffer is written out).
+%% 5) You can find out what the offset was when you last sync'd.
+%% There is also a server component which serves to limit the number
+%% of open file handles in a "soft" way - the server will never
+%% prevent a client from opening a handle, but may immediately tell it
+%% to close the handle. Thus you can set the limit to zero and it will
+%% still all work correctly, it is just that effectively no caching
+%% will take place. The operation of limiting is as follows:
+%% On open and close, the client sends messages to the server
+%% informing it of opens and closes. This allows the server to keep
+%% track of the number of open handles. The client also keeps a
+%% gb_tree which is updated on every use of a file handle, mapping the
+%% time at which the file handle was last used (timestamp) to the
+%% handle. Thus the smallest key in this tree maps to the file handle
+%% that has not been used for the longest amount of time. This
+%% smallest key is included in the messages to the server. As such,
+%% the server keeps track of when the least recently used file handle
+%% was used *at the point of the most recent open or close* by each
+%% client.
+%% Note that this data can go very out of date, by the client using
+%% the least recently used handle.
+%% When the limit is reached, the server calculates the average age of
+%% the last reported least recently used file handle of all the
+%% clients. It then tells all the clients to close any handles not
+%% used for longer than this average, by invoking the callback the
+%% client registered. The client should receive this message and pass
+%% it into set_maximum_since_use/1. However, it is highly possible
+%% this age will be greater than the ages of all the handles the
+%% client knows of because the client has used its file handles in the
+%% mean time. Thus at this point the client reports to the server the
+%% current timestamp at which its least recently used file handle was
+%% last used. The server will check two seconds later that either it
+%% is back under the limit, in which case all is well again, or if
+%% not, it will calculate a new average age. Its data will be much
+%% more recent now, and so it is very likely that when this is
+%% communicated to the clients, the clients will close file handles.
+%% The advantage of this scheme is that there is only communication
+%% from the client to the server on open, close, and when in the
+%% process of trying to reduce file handle usage. There is no
+%% communication from the client to the server on normal file handle
+%% operations. This scheme forms a feed-back loop - the server does
+%% not care which file handles are closed, just that some are, and it
+%% checks this repeatedly when over the limit. Given the guarantees of
+%% now(), even if there is just one file handle open, a limit of 1,
+%% and one client, it is certain that when the client calculates the
+%% age of the handle, it will be greater than when the server
+%% calculated it, hence it should be closed.
+%% Handles which are closed as a result of the server are put into a
+%% "soft-closed" state in which the handle is closed (data flushed out
+%% and sync'd first) but the state is maintained. The handle will be
+%% fully reopened again as soon as needed, thus users of this library
+%% do not need to worry about their handles being closed by the server
+%% - reopening them when necessary is handled transparently.
+%% The server also supports obtain and release_on_death. obtain/0
+%% blocks until a file descriptor is available. release_on_death/1
+%% takes a pid and monitors the pid, reducing the count by 1 when the
+%% pid dies. Thus the assumption is that obtain/0 is called first, and
+%% when that returns, release_on_death/1 is called with the pid who
+%% "owns" the file descriptor. This is, for example, used to track the
+%% use of file descriptors through network sockets.
+-export([open/3, close/1, read/2, append/2, sync/1, position/2, truncate/1,
+ last_sync_offset/1, current_virtual_offset/1, current_raw_offset/1,
+ flush/1, copy/3, set_maximum_since_use/1, delete/1, clear/1]).
+-export([release_on_death/1, obtain/0]).
+-export([start_link/0, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
+-define(RESERVED_FOR_OTHERS, 100).
+-define(FILE_HANDLES_LIMIT_WINDOWS, 10000000).
+ { reader_count,
+ has_writer
+ }).
+ { hdl,
+ offset,
+ trusted_offset,
+ is_dirty,
+ write_buffer_size,
+ write_buffer_size_limit,
+ write_buffer,
+ at_eof,
+ path,
+ mode,
+ options,
+ is_write,
+ is_read,
+ last_used_at
+ }).
+ { elders,
+ limit,
+ count,
+ obtains,
+ callbacks,
+ client_mrefs,
+ timer_ref
+ }).
+%% Specs
+-type(ref() :: any()).
+-type(error() :: {'error', any()}).
+-type(ok_or_error() :: ('ok' | error())).
+-type(val_or_error(T) :: ({'ok', T} | error())).
+-type(position() :: ('bof' | 'eof' | non_neg_integer() |
+ {('bof' |'eof'), non_neg_integer()} | {'cur', integer()})).
+-type(offset() :: non_neg_integer()).
+-spec(register_callback/3 :: (atom(), atom(), [any()]) -> 'ok').
+-spec(open/3 ::
+ (string(), [any()],
+ [{'write_buffer', (non_neg_integer() | 'infinity' | 'unbuffered')}]) ->
+ val_or_error(ref())).
+-spec(close/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
+-spec(read/2 :: (ref(), non_neg_integer()) ->
+ val_or_error([char()] | binary()) | 'eof').
+-spec(append/2 :: (ref(), iodata()) -> ok_or_error()).
+-spec(sync/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
+-spec(position/2 :: (ref(), position()) -> val_or_error(offset())).
+-spec(truncate/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
+-spec(last_sync_offset/1 :: (ref()) -> val_or_error(offset())).
+-spec(current_virtual_offset/1 :: (ref()) -> val_or_error(offset())).
+-spec(current_raw_offset/1 :: (ref()) -> val_or_error(offset())).
+-spec(flush/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
+-spec(copy/3 :: (ref(), ref(), non_neg_integer()) ->
+ val_or_error(non_neg_integer())).
+-spec(set_maximum_since_use/1 :: (non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(delete/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
+-spec(clear/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
+-spec(release_on_death/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(obtain/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+%% Public API
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], [{timeout, infinity}]).
+register_callback(M, F, A)
+ when is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F) andalso is_list(A) ->
+ gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {register_callback, self(), {M, F, A}}).
+open(Path, Mode, Options) ->
+ Path1 = filename:absname(Path),
+ File1 = #file { reader_count = RCount, has_writer = HasWriter } =
+ case get({Path1, fhc_file}) of
+ File = #file {} -> File;
+ undefined -> #file { reader_count = 0,
+ has_writer = false }
+ end,
+ Mode1 = append_to_write(Mode),
+ IsWriter = is_writer(Mode1),
+ case IsWriter andalso HasWriter of
+ true -> {error, writer_exists};
+ false -> Ref = make_ref(),
+ case open1(Path1, Mode1, Options, Ref, bof, new) of
+ {ok, _Handle} ->
+ RCount1 = case is_reader(Mode1) of
+ true -> RCount + 1;
+ false -> RCount
+ end,
+ HasWriter1 = HasWriter orelse IsWriter,
+ put({Path1, fhc_file},
+ File1 #file { reader_count = RCount1,
+ has_writer = HasWriter1 }),
+ {ok, Ref};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
+close(Ref) ->
+ case erase({Ref, fhc_handle}) of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ Handle -> case hard_close(Handle) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {Error, Handle1} -> put_handle(Ref, Handle1),
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
+read(Ref, Count) ->
+ with_flushed_handles(
+ [Ref],
+ fun ([#handle { is_read = false }]) ->
+ {error, not_open_for_reading};
+ ([Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset }]) ->
+ case file:read(Hdl, Count) of
+ {ok, Data} = Obj -> Offset1 = Offset + iolist_size(Data),
+ {Obj,
+ [Handle #handle { offset = Offset1 }]};
+ eof -> {eof, [Handle #handle { at_eof = true }]};
+ Error -> {Error, [Handle]}
+ end
+ end).
+append(Ref, Data) ->
+ with_handles(
+ [Ref],
+ fun ([#handle { is_write = false }]) ->
+ {error, not_open_for_writing};
+ ([Handle]) ->
+ case maybe_seek(eof, Handle) of
+ {{ok, _Offset}, #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset,
+ write_buffer_size_limit = 0,
+ at_eof = true } = Handle1} ->
+ Offset1 = Offset + iolist_size(Data),
+ {file:write(Hdl, Data),
+ [Handle1 #handle { is_dirty = true, offset = Offset1 }]};
+ {{ok, _Offset}, #handle { write_buffer = WriteBuffer,
+ write_buffer_size = Size,
+ write_buffer_size_limit = Limit,
+ at_eof = true } = Handle1} ->
+ WriteBuffer1 = [Data | WriteBuffer],
+ Size1 = Size + iolist_size(Data),
+ Handle2 = Handle1 #handle { write_buffer = WriteBuffer1,
+ write_buffer_size = Size1 },
+ case Limit /= infinity andalso Size1 > Limit of
+ true -> {Result, Handle3} = write_buffer(Handle2),
+ {Result, [Handle3]};
+ false -> {ok, [Handle2]}
+ end;
+ {{error, _} = Error, Handle1} ->
+ {Error, [Handle1]}
+ end
+ end).
+sync(Ref) ->
+ with_flushed_handles(
+ [Ref],
+ fun ([#handle { is_dirty = false, write_buffer = [] }]) ->
+ ok;
+ ([Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset,
+ is_dirty = true, write_buffer = [] }]) ->
+ case file:sync(Hdl) of
+ ok -> {ok, [Handle #handle { trusted_offset = Offset,
+ is_dirty = false }]};
+ Error -> {Error, [Handle]}
+ end
+ end).
+position(Ref, NewOffset) ->
+ with_flushed_handles(
+ [Ref],
+ fun ([Handle]) -> {Result, Handle1} = maybe_seek(NewOffset, Handle),
+ {Result, [Handle1]}
+ end).
+truncate(Ref) ->
+ with_flushed_handles(
+ [Ref],
+ fun ([Handle1 = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset,
+ trusted_offset = TOffset }]) ->
+ case file:truncate(Hdl) of
+ ok -> TOffset1 = lists:min([Offset, TOffset]),
+ {ok, [Handle1 #handle { trusted_offset = TOffset1,
+ at_eof = true }]};
+ Error -> {Error, [Handle1]}
+ end
+ end).
+last_sync_offset(Ref) ->
+ with_handles([Ref], fun ([#handle { trusted_offset = TOffset }]) ->
+ {ok, TOffset}
+ end).
+current_virtual_offset(Ref) ->
+ with_handles([Ref], fun ([#handle { at_eof = true, is_write = true,
+ offset = Offset,
+ write_buffer_size = Size }]) ->
+ {ok, Offset + Size};
+ ([#handle { offset = Offset }]) ->
+ {ok, Offset}
+ end).
+current_raw_offset(Ref) ->
+ with_handles([Ref], fun ([Handle]) -> {ok, Handle #handle.offset} end).
+flush(Ref) ->
+ with_flushed_handles([Ref], fun ([Handle]) -> {ok, [Handle]} end).
+copy(Src, Dest, Count) ->
+ with_flushed_handles(
+ [Src, Dest],
+ fun ([SHandle = #handle { is_read = true, hdl = SHdl, offset = SOffset },
+ DHandle = #handle { is_write = true, hdl = DHdl, offset = DOffset }]
+ ) ->
+ case file:copy(SHdl, DHdl, Count) of
+ {ok, Count1} = Result1 ->
+ {Result1,
+ [SHandle #handle { offset = SOffset + Count1 },
+ DHandle #handle { offset = DOffset + Count1 }]};
+ Error ->
+ {Error, [SHandle, DHandle]}
+ end;
+ (_Handles) ->
+ {error, incorrect_handle_modes}
+ end).
+delete(Ref) ->
+ case erase({Ref, fhc_handle}) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ Handle = #handle { path = Path } ->
+ case hard_close(Handle #handle { is_dirty = false,
+ write_buffer = [] }) of
+ ok -> file:delete(Path);
+ {Error, Handle1} -> put_handle(Ref, Handle1),
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
+clear(Ref) ->
+ with_handles(
+ [Ref],
+ fun ([#handle { at_eof = true, write_buffer_size = 0, offset = 0 }]) ->
+ ok;
+ ([Handle]) ->
+ case maybe_seek(bof, Handle #handle { write_buffer = [],
+ write_buffer_size = 0 }) of
+ {{ok, 0}, Handle1 = #handle { hdl = Hdl }} ->
+ case file:truncate(Hdl) of
+ ok -> {ok, [Handle1 #handle {trusted_offset = 0,
+ at_eof = true }]};
+ Error -> {Error, [Handle1]}
+ end;
+ {{error, _} = Error, Handle1} ->
+ {Error, [Handle1]}
+ end
+ end).
+set_maximum_since_use(MaximumAge) ->
+ Now = now(),
+ case lists:foldl(
+ fun ({{Ref, fhc_handle},
+ Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, last_used_at = Then }}, Rep) ->
+ Age = timer:now_diff(Now, Then),
+ case Hdl /= closed andalso Age >= MaximumAge of
+ true -> {Res, Handle1} = soft_close(Handle),
+ case Res of
+ ok -> put({Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle1),
+ false;
+ _ -> put_handle(Ref, Handle1),
+ Rep
+ end;
+ false -> Rep
+ end;
+ (_KeyValuePair, Rep) ->
+ Rep
+ end, true, get()) of
+ true -> age_tree_change(), ok;
+ false -> ok
+ end.
+release_on_death(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {release_on_death, Pid}).
+obtain() ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, obtain, infinity).
+%% Internal functions
+is_reader(Mode) -> lists:member(read, Mode).
+is_writer(Mode) -> lists:member(write, Mode).
+append_to_write(Mode) ->
+ case lists:member(append, Mode) of
+ true -> [write | Mode -- [append, write]];
+ false -> Mode
+ end.
+with_handles(Refs, Fun) ->
+ ResHandles = lists:foldl(
+ fun (Ref, {ok, HandlesAcc}) ->
+ case get_or_reopen(Ref) of
+ {ok, Handle} -> {ok, [Handle | HandlesAcc]};
+ Error -> Error
+ end;
+ (_Ref, Error) ->
+ Error
+ end, {ok, []}, Refs),
+ case ResHandles of
+ {ok, Handles} ->
+ case Fun(lists:reverse(Handles)) of
+ {Result, Handles1} when is_list(Handles1) ->
+ lists:zipwith(fun put_handle/2, Refs, Handles1),
+ Result;
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+with_flushed_handles(Refs, Fun) ->
+ with_handles(
+ Refs,
+ fun (Handles) ->
+ case lists:foldl(
+ fun (Handle, {ok, HandlesAcc}) ->
+ {Res, Handle1} = write_buffer(Handle),
+ {Res, [Handle1 | HandlesAcc]};
+ (Handle, {Error, HandlesAcc}) ->
+ {Error, [Handle | HandlesAcc]}
+ end, {ok, []}, Handles) of
+ {ok, Handles1} ->
+ Fun(lists:reverse(Handles1));
+ {Error, Handles1} ->
+ {Error, lists:reverse(Handles1)}
+ end
+ end).
+get_or_reopen(Ref) ->
+ case get({Ref, fhc_handle}) of
+ undefined ->
+ {error, not_open, Ref};
+ #handle { hdl = closed, offset = Offset,
+ path = Path, mode = Mode, options = Options } ->
+ open1(Path, Mode, Options, Ref, Offset, reopen);
+ Handle ->
+ {ok, Handle}
+ end.
+put_handle(Ref, Handle = #handle { last_used_at = Then }) ->
+ Now = now(),
+ age_tree_update(Then, Now, Ref),
+ put({Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle #handle { last_used_at = Now }).
+with_age_tree(Fun) ->
+ put(fhc_age_tree, Fun(case get(fhc_age_tree) of
+ undefined -> gb_trees:empty();
+ AgeTree -> AgeTree
+ end)).
+age_tree_insert(Now, Ref) ->
+ with_age_tree(
+ fun (Tree) ->
+ Tree1 = gb_trees:insert(Now, Ref, Tree),
+ {Oldest, _Ref} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree1),
+ gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {open, self(), Oldest}),
+ Tree1
+ end).
+age_tree_update(Then, Now, Ref) ->
+ with_age_tree(
+ fun (Tree) ->
+ gb_trees:insert(Now, Ref, gb_trees:delete_any(Then, Tree))
+ end).
+age_tree_delete(Then) ->
+ with_age_tree(
+ fun (Tree) ->
+ Tree1 = gb_trees:delete_any(Then, Tree),
+ Oldest = case gb_trees:is_empty(Tree1) of
+ true ->
+ undefined;
+ false ->
+ {Oldest1, _Ref} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree1),
+ Oldest1
+ end,
+ gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {close, self(), Oldest}),
+ Tree1
+ end).
+age_tree_change() ->
+ with_age_tree(
+ fun (Tree) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_empty(Tree) of
+ true -> Tree;
+ false -> {Oldest, _Ref} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree),
+ gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {update, self(), Oldest})
+ end,
+ Tree
+ end).
+open1(Path, Mode, Options, Ref, Offset, NewOrReopen) ->
+ Mode1 = case NewOrReopen of
+ new -> Mode;
+ reopen -> [read | Mode]
+ end,
+ case file:open(Path, Mode1) of
+ {ok, Hdl} ->
+ WriteBufferSize =
+ case proplists:get_value(write_buffer, Options, unbuffered) of
+ unbuffered -> 0;
+ infinity -> infinity;
+ N when is_integer(N) -> N
+ end,
+ Now = now(),
+ Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl,
+ offset = 0,
+ trusted_offset = 0,
+ is_dirty = false,
+ write_buffer_size = 0,
+ write_buffer_size_limit = WriteBufferSize,
+ write_buffer = [],
+ at_eof = false,
+ path = Path,
+ mode = Mode,
+ options = Options,
+ is_write = is_writer(Mode),
+ is_read = is_reader(Mode),
+ last_used_at = Now },
+ {{ok, Offset1}, Handle1} = maybe_seek(Offset, Handle),
+ Handle2 = Handle1 #handle { trusted_offset = Offset1 },
+ put({Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle2),
+ age_tree_insert(Now, Ref),
+ {ok, Handle2};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+soft_close(Handle = #handle { hdl = closed }) ->
+ {ok, Handle};
+soft_close(Handle) ->
+ case write_buffer(Handle) of
+ {ok, #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset, is_dirty = IsDirty,
+ last_used_at = Then } = Handle1 } ->
+ ok = case IsDirty of
+ true -> file:sync(Hdl);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ ok = file:close(Hdl),
+ age_tree_delete(Then),
+ {ok, Handle1 #handle { hdl = closed, trusted_offset = Offset,
+ is_dirty = false }};
+ {_Error, _Handle} = Result ->
+ Result
+ end.
+hard_close(Handle) ->
+ case soft_close(Handle) of
+ {ok, #handle { path = Path,
+ is_read = IsReader, is_write = IsWriter }} ->
+ #file { reader_count = RCount, has_writer = HasWriter } = File =
+ get({Path, fhc_file}),
+ RCount1 = case IsReader of
+ true -> RCount - 1;
+ false -> RCount
+ end,
+ HasWriter1 = HasWriter andalso not IsWriter,
+ case RCount1 =:= 0 andalso not HasWriter1 of
+ true -> erase({Path, fhc_file});
+ false -> put({Path, fhc_file},
+ File #file { reader_count = RCount1,
+ has_writer = HasWriter1 })
+ end,
+ ok;
+ {_Error, _Handle} = Result ->
+ Result
+ end.
+maybe_seek(NewOffset, Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset,
+ at_eof = AtEoF }) ->
+ {AtEoF1, NeedsSeek} = needs_seek(AtEoF, Offset, NewOffset),
+ case (case NeedsSeek of
+ true -> file:position(Hdl, NewOffset);
+ false -> {ok, Offset}
+ end) of
+ {ok, Offset1} = Result ->
+ {Result, Handle #handle { offset = Offset1, at_eof = AtEoF1 }};
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ {Error, Handle}
+ end.
+needs_seek( AtEoF, _CurOffset, cur ) -> {AtEoF, false};
+needs_seek( AtEoF, _CurOffset, {cur, 0}) -> {AtEoF, false};
+needs_seek( true, _CurOffset, eof ) -> {true , false};
+needs_seek( true, _CurOffset, {eof, 0}) -> {true , false};
+needs_seek( false, _CurOffset, eof ) -> {true , true };
+needs_seek( false, _CurOffset, {eof, 0}) -> {true , true };
+needs_seek( AtEoF, 0, bof ) -> {AtEoF, false};
+needs_seek( AtEoF, 0, {bof, 0}) -> {AtEoF, false};
+needs_seek( AtEoF, CurOffset, CurOffset) -> {AtEoF, false};
+needs_seek( true, CurOffset, {bof, DesiredOffset})
+ when DesiredOffset >= CurOffset ->
+ {true, true};
+needs_seek( true, _CurOffset, {cur, DesiredOffset})
+ when DesiredOffset > 0 ->
+ {true, true};
+needs_seek( true, CurOffset, DesiredOffset) %% same as {bof, DO}
+ when is_integer(DesiredOffset) andalso DesiredOffset >= CurOffset ->
+ {true, true};
+%% because we can't really track size, we could well end up at EoF and not know
+needs_seek(_AtEoF, _CurOffset, _DesiredOffset) ->
+ {false, true}.
+write_buffer(Handle = #handle { write_buffer = [] }) ->
+ {ok, Handle};
+write_buffer(Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset,
+ write_buffer = WriteBuffer,
+ write_buffer_size = DataSize,
+ at_eof = true }) ->
+ case file:write(Hdl, lists:reverse(WriteBuffer)) of
+ ok ->
+ Offset1 = Offset + DataSize,
+ {ok, Handle #handle { offset = Offset1, is_dirty = true,
+ write_buffer = [], write_buffer_size = 0 }};
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ {Error, Handle}
+ end.
+%% gen_server callbacks
+init([]) ->
+ Limit = case application:get_env(file_handles_high_watermark) of
+ {ok, Watermark} when (is_integer(Watermark) andalso
+ Watermark > 0) ->
+ Watermark;
+ _ ->
+ ulimit()
+ end,
+ error_logger:info_msg("Limiting to approx ~p file handles~n", [Limit]),
+ {ok, #fhc_state { elders = dict:new(), limit = Limit, count = 0,
+ obtains = [], callbacks = dict:new(),
+ client_mrefs = dict:new(), timer_ref = undefined }}.
+handle_call(obtain, From, State = #fhc_state { count = Count }) ->
+ State1 = #fhc_state { count = Count1, limit = Limit, obtains = Obtains } =
+ maybe_reduce(State #fhc_state { count = Count + 1 }),
+ case Limit /= infinity andalso Count1 >= Limit of
+ true -> {noreply, State1 #fhc_state { obtains = [From | Obtains],
+ count = Count1 - 1 }};
+ false -> {reply, ok, State1}
+ end.
+handle_cast({register_callback, Pid, MFA},
+ State = #fhc_state { callbacks = Callbacks }) ->
+ {noreply, ensure_mref(
+ Pid, State #fhc_state {
+ callbacks = dict:store(Pid, MFA, Callbacks) })};
+handle_cast({open, Pid, EldestUnusedSince}, State =
+ #fhc_state { elders = Elders, count = Count }) ->
+ Elders1 = dict:store(Pid, EldestUnusedSince, Elders),
+ {noreply, maybe_reduce(
+ ensure_mref(Pid, State #fhc_state { elders = Elders1,
+ count = Count + 1 }))};
+handle_cast({update, Pid, EldestUnusedSince}, State =
+ #fhc_state { elders = Elders }) ->
+ Elders1 = dict:store(Pid, EldestUnusedSince, Elders),
+ %% don't call maybe_reduce from here otherwise we can create a
+ %% storm of messages
+ {noreply, ensure_mref(Pid, State #fhc_state { elders = Elders1 })};
+handle_cast({close, Pid, EldestUnusedSince}, State =
+ #fhc_state { elders = Elders, count = Count }) ->
+ Elders1 = case EldestUnusedSince of
+ undefined -> dict:erase(Pid, Elders);
+ _ -> dict:store(Pid, EldestUnusedSince, Elders)
+ end,
+ {noreply, process_obtains(
+ ensure_mref(Pid, State #fhc_state { elders = Elders1,
+ count = Count - 1 }))};
+handle_cast(check_counts, State) ->
+ {noreply, maybe_reduce(State #fhc_state { timer_ref = undefined })};
+handle_cast({release_on_death, Pid}, State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _Reason}, State =
+ #fhc_state { count = Count, callbacks = Callbacks,
+ client_mrefs = ClientMRefs, elders = Elders }) ->
+ {noreply, process_obtains(
+ case dict:find(Pid, ClientMRefs) of
+ {ok, MRef} -> State #fhc_state {
+ elders = dict:erase(Pid, Elders),
+ client_mrefs = dict:erase(Pid, ClientMRefs),
+ callbacks = dict:erase(Pid, Callbacks) };
+ _ -> State #fhc_state { count = Count - 1 }
+ end)}.
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ State.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%% server helpers
+process_obtains(State = #fhc_state { obtains = [] }) ->
+ State;
+process_obtains(State = #fhc_state { limit = Limit, count = Count })
+ when Limit /= infinity andalso Count >= Limit ->
+ State;
+process_obtains(State = #fhc_state { limit = Limit, count = Count,
+ obtains = Obtains }) ->
+ ObtainsLen = length(Obtains),
+ ObtainableLen = lists:min([ObtainsLen, Limit - Count]),
+ Take = ObtainsLen - ObtainableLen,
+ {ObtainsNew, ObtainableRev} = lists:split(Take, Obtains),
+ [gen_server:reply(From, ok) || From <- ObtainableRev],
+ State #fhc_state { count = Count + ObtainableLen, obtains = ObtainsNew }.
+maybe_reduce(State = #fhc_state { limit = Limit, count = Count, elders = Elders,
+ callbacks = Callbacks, timer_ref = TRef })
+ when Limit /= infinity andalso Count >= Limit ->
+ Now = now(),
+ {Pids, Sum, ClientCount} =
+ dict:fold(fun (_Pid, undefined, Accs) ->
+ Accs;
+ (Pid, Eldest, {PidsAcc, SumAcc, CountAcc}) ->
+ {[Pid|PidsAcc], SumAcc + timer:now_diff(Now, Eldest),
+ CountAcc + 1}
+ end, {[], 0, 0}, Elders),
+ case Pids of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ -> AverageAge = Sum / ClientCount,
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun (Pid) ->
+ case dict:find(Pid, Callbacks) of
+ error -> ok;
+ {ok, {M, F, A}} -> apply(M, F, A ++ [AverageAge])
+ end
+ end, Pids)
+ end,
+ case TRef of
+ undefined -> {ok, TRef1} = timer:apply_after(
+ gen_server, cast, [?SERVER, check_counts]),
+ State #fhc_state { timer_ref = TRef1 };
+ _ -> State
+ end;
+maybe_reduce(State) ->
+ State.
+%% Googling around suggests that Windows has a limit somewhere around
+%% 16M, eg
+%% For everything else, assume ulimit exists. Further googling
+%% suggests that BSDs (incl OS X), solaris and linux all agree that
+%% ulimit -n is file handles
+ulimit() ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, _OsName} ->
+ {unix, _OsName} ->
+ %% Under Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD, ulimit is a shell
+ %% builtin, not a command. In OS X, it's a command.
+ %% Fortunately, os:cmd invokes the cmd in a shell env, so
+ %% we're safe in all cases.
+ case os:cmd("ulimit -n") of
+ "unlimited" ->
+ infinity;
+ String = [C|_] when $0 =< C andalso C =< $9 ->
+ Num = list_to_integer(
+ lists:takewhile(
+ fun (D) -> $0 =< D andalso D =< $9 end, String)) -
+ lists:max([1, Num]);
+ _ ->
+ %% probably a variant of
+ %% "/bin/sh: line 1: ulimit: command not found\n"
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ end.
+ensure_mref(Pid, State = #fhc_state { client_mrefs = ClientMRefs }) ->
+ case dict:find(Pid, ClientMRefs) of
+ {ok, _MRef} -> State;
+ error -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ State #fhc_state {
+ client_mrefs = dict:store(Pid, MRef, ClientMRefs) }
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 225ff450..7ca5b07b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@
[{mfa, {rabbit_mnesia, init, []}},
{enables, external_infrastructure}]}).
+ [{description, "file handle cache server"},
+ {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_restartable_child,
+ [file_handle_cache]}},
+ {enables, worker_pool}]}).
[{description, "worker pool"},
{mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_child, [worker_pool_sup]}},
diff --git a/src/tcp_acceptor.erl b/src/tcp_acceptor.erl
index 68efc27f..3b23daa5 100644
--- a/src/tcp_acceptor.erl
+++ b/src/tcp_acceptor.erl
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ handle_info({inet_async, LSock, Ref, {ok, Sock}},
[inet_parse:ntoa(Address), Port,
inet_parse:ntoa(PeerAddress), PeerPort]),
%% handle
- apply(M, F, A ++ [Sock])
+ file_handle_cache:release_on_death(apply(M, F, A ++ [Sock]))
catch {inet_error, Reason} ->
error_logger:error_msg("unable to accept TCP connection: ~p~n",
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
inet_op(F) -> rabbit_misc:throw_on_error(inet_error, F).
accept(State = #state{sock=LSock}) ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:obtain(),
case prim_inet:async_accept(LSock, -1) of
{ok, Ref} -> {noreply, State#state{ref=Ref}};
Error -> {stop, {cannot_accept, Error}, State}
diff --git a/src/worker_pool_worker.erl b/src/worker_pool_worker.erl
index d3a48119..d3942a1b 100644
--- a/src/worker_pool_worker.erl
+++ b/src/worker_pool_worker.erl
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
-export([start_link/1, submit/2, submit_async/2, run/1]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
@@ -47,6 +49,8 @@
-spec(submit_async/2 ::
(pid(), fun (() -> any()) | {atom(), atom(), [any()]}) -> 'ok').
+-spec(set_maximum_since_use/2 :: (pid(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
@@ -65,7 +69,14 @@ submit(Pid, Fun) ->
submit_async(Pid, Fun) ->
gen_server2:cast(Pid, {submit_async, Fun}).
+set_maximum_since_use(Pid, Age) ->
+ gen_server2:pcast(Pid, 8, {set_maximum_since_use, Age}).
init([WId]) ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:register_callback(?MODULE, set_maximum_since_use,
+ [self()]),
ok = worker_pool:idle(WId),
put(worker_pool_worker, true),
{ok, WId, hibernate,
@@ -84,6 +95,10 @@ handle_cast({submit_async, Fun}, WId) ->
ok = worker_pool:idle(WId),
{noreply, WId, hibernate};
+handle_cast({set_maximum_since_use, Age}, WId) ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age),
+ {noreply, WId, hibernate};
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
{stop, {unexpected_cast, Msg}, State}.