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1 files changed, 33 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
index d3cacb17..8fbacdae 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
@@ -113,14 +113,29 @@ init() ->
init_from_config() ->
+ FindBadNodeNames = fun
+ (Name, BadNames) when is_atom(Name) -> BadNames;
+ (Name, BadNames) -> [Name | BadNames]
+ end,
{TryNodes, NodeType} =
case application:get_env(rabbit, cluster_nodes) of
+ {ok, {Nodes, Type} = Config}
+ when is_list(Nodes) andalso (Type == disc orelse Type == ram) ->
+ case lists:foldl(FindBadNodeNames, [], Nodes) of
+ [] -> Config;
+ BadNames -> e({invalid_cluster_node_names, BadNames})
+ end;
+ {ok, {_, BadType}} when BadType /= disc andalso BadType /= ram ->
+ e({invalid_cluster_node_type, BadType});
{ok, Nodes} when is_list(Nodes) ->
%% The legacy syntax (a nodes list without the node
%% type) is unsupported.
- e(cluster_node_type_mandatory);
- {ok, Config} ->
- Config
+ case lists:foldl(FindBadNodeNames, [], Nodes) of
+ [] -> e(cluster_node_type_mandatory);
+ BadNames -> e(invalid_cluster_nodes_conf)
+ end;
+ {ok, _} ->
+ e(invalid_cluster_nodes_conf)
case TryNodes of
[] -> init_db_and_upgrade([node()], disc, false);
@@ -829,6 +844,20 @@ nodes_excl_me(Nodes) -> Nodes -- [node()].
e(Tag) -> throw({error, {Tag, error_description(Tag)}}).
+error_description({invalid_cluster_node_names, BadNames}) ->
+ "In the 'cluster_nodes' configuration key, the following node names "
+ "are invalid: " ++ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [BadNames]));
+error_description({invalid_cluster_node_type, BadType}) ->
+ "In the 'cluster_nodes' configuration key, the node type is invalid "
+ "(expected 'disc' or 'ram'): " ++
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [BadType]));
+error_description(cluster_node_type_mandatory) ->
+ "The 'cluster_nodes' configuration key must indicate the node type: "
+ "either {[...], disc} or {[...], ram}";
+error_description(invalid_cluster_nodes_conf) ->
+ "The 'cluster_nodes' configuration key is invalid, it must be of the "
+ "form {[Nodes], Type}, where Nodes is a list of node names and "
+ "Type is either 'disc' or 'ram'";
error_description(clustering_only_disc_node) ->
"You cannot cluster a node if it is the only disc node in its existing "
" cluster. If new nodes joined while this node was offline, use "
@@ -856,7 +885,4 @@ error_description(removing_node_from_offline_node) ->
"To remove a node remotely from an offline node, the node you are removing "
"from must be a disc node and all the other nodes must be offline.";
error_description(no_running_cluster_nodes) ->
- "You cannot leave a cluster if no online nodes are present.";
-error_description(cluster_node_type_mandatory) ->
- "The 'cluster_nodes' configuration key must indicate the node type: "
- "either {[...], disc} or {[...], ram}".
+ "You cannot leave a cluster if no online nodes are present.".