path: root/src/rabbit.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit.erl')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 77537994..3cfa21ba 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
{memory, any()}]).
-spec(is_running/0 :: () -> boolean()).
-spec(is_running/1 :: (node()) -> boolean()).
--spec(environment/0 :: () -> [{param() | term()}]).
+-spec(environment/0 :: () -> [{param(), term()}]).
-spec(rotate_logs/1 :: (file_suffix()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error(any())).
-spec(force_event_refresh/0 :: () -> 'ok').
@@ -258,16 +258,28 @@
+%% HiPE compilation happens before we have log handlers - so we have
+%% to io:format/2, it's all we can do.
maybe_hipe_compile() ->
{ok, Want} = application:get_env(rabbit, hipe_compile),
Can = code:which(hipe) =/= non_existing,
case {Want, Can} of
- {true, true} -> hipe_compile();
- {true, false} -> io:format("Not HiPE compiling: HiPE not found in "
- "this Erlang installation.~n");
- {false, _} -> ok
+ {true, true} -> hipe_compile(),
+ true;
+ {true, false} -> false;
+ {false, _} -> true
+warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(true) ->
+ ok;
+warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(false) ->
+ error_logger:warning_msg(
+ "Not HiPE compiling: HiPE not found in this Erlang installation.~n").
+%% HiPE compilation happens before we have log handlers and can take a
+%% long time, so make an exception to our no-stdout policy and display
+%% progress via stdout.
hipe_compile() ->
Count = length(?HIPE_WORTHY),
io:format("~nHiPE compiling: |~s|~n |",
@@ -311,14 +323,15 @@ start() ->
ok = app_utils:start_applications(
app_startup_order(), fun handle_app_error/2),
- ok = print_plugin_info(rabbit_plugins:active())
+ ok = log_broker_started(rabbit_plugins:active())
boot() ->
start_it(fun() ->
ok = ensure_application_loaded(),
- maybe_hipe_compile(),
+ Success = maybe_hipe_compile(),
ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
+ warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(Success),
ok = rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_mnesia(),
%% It's important that the consistency check happens after
@@ -332,7 +345,7 @@ boot() ->
ok = app_utils:start_applications(
StartupApps, fun handle_app_error/2),
- ok = print_plugin_info(Plugins)
+ ok = log_broker_started(Plugins)
handle_app_error(App, {bad_return, {_MFA, {'EXIT', {Reason, _}}}}) ->
@@ -408,13 +421,11 @@ status() ->
is_running() -> is_running(node()).
-is_running(Node) ->
- rabbit_nodes:is_running(Node, rabbit).
+is_running(Node) -> rabbit_nodes:is_running(Node, rabbit).
environment() ->
- lists:keysort(
- 1, [P || P = {K, _} <- application:get_all_env(rabbit),
- K =/= default_pass]).
+ lists:keysort(1, [P || P = {K, _} <- application:get_all_env(rabbit),
+ K =/= default_pass]).
rotate_logs(BinarySuffix) ->
Suffix = binary_to_list(BinarySuffix),
@@ -432,13 +443,14 @@ start(normal, []) ->
case erts_version_check() of
ok ->
{ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(rabbit, vsn),
- error_logger:info_msg("Starting RabbitMQ ~s on Erlang ~s~n",
- [Vsn, erlang:system_info(otp_release)]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("Starting RabbitMQ ~s on Erlang ~s~n~s~n~s~n",
+ [Vsn, erlang:system_info(otp_release),
{ok, SupPid} = rabbit_sup:start_link(),
true = register(rabbit, self()),
+ log_banner(),
[ok = run_boot_step(Step) || Step <- boot_steps()],
- io:format("~nbroker running~n"),
{ok, SupPid};
Error ->
@@ -467,22 +479,16 @@ app_shutdown_order() ->
%% boot step logic
-run_boot_step({StepName, Attributes}) ->
- Description = case lists:keysearch(description, 1, Attributes) of
- {value, {_, D}} -> D;
- false -> StepName
- end,
+run_boot_step({_StepName, Attributes}) ->
case [MFA || {mfa, MFA} <- Attributes] of
[] ->
- io:format("-- ~s~n", [Description]);
+ ok;
MFAs ->
- io:format("starting ~-60s ...", [Description]),
_:Reason -> boot_error(Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace())
end || {M,F,A} <- MFAs],
- io:format("done~n"),
@@ -543,6 +549,9 @@ sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps) ->
+-spec(boot_error/2 :: (term(), not_available | [tuple()]) -> no_return()).
boot_error(Term={error, {timeout_waiting_for_tables, _}}, _Stacktrace) ->
AllNodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
{Err, Nodes} =
@@ -562,13 +571,15 @@ boot_error(Reason, Stacktrace) ->
Args = [Reason, log_location(kernel), log_location(sasl)],
boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, Stacktrace).
+-spec(boot_error/4 :: (term(), string(), [any()], not_available | [tuple()])
+ -> no_return()).
+boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, not_available) ->
+ basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args);
boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, Stacktrace) ->
- case Stacktrace of
- not_available -> basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args);
- _ -> basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt ++
- "Stack trace:~n ~p~n~n",
- Args ++ [Stacktrace])
- end.
+ basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt ++ "Stack trace:~n ~p~n~n",
+ Args ++ [Stacktrace]).
basic_boot_error(Reason, Format, Args) ->
io:format("~n~nBOOT FAILED~n===========~n~n" ++ Format, Args),
@@ -694,24 +705,17 @@ force_event_refresh() ->
%% misc
-print_plugin_info([]) ->
- ok;
-print_plugin_info(Plugins) ->
- %% This gets invoked by rabbitmqctl start_app, outside the context
- %% of the rabbit application
+log_broker_started(Plugins) ->
fun() ->
- io:format("~n-- plugins running~n"),
- [print_plugin_info(
- AppName, element(2, application:get_key(AppName, vsn)))
- || AppName <- Plugins],
- ok
+ PluginList = iolist_to_binary([rabbit_misc:format(" * ~s~n", [P])
+ || P <- Plugins]),
+ error_logger:info_msg(
+ "Server startup complete; ~b plugins started.~n~s",
+ [length(Plugins), PluginList]),
+ io:format(" completed with ~p plugins.~n", [length(Plugins)])
-print_plugin_info(Plugin, Vsn) ->
- Len = 76 - length(Vsn),
- io:format("~-" ++ integer_to_list(Len) ++ "s ~s~n", [Plugin, Vsn]).
erts_version_check() ->
FoundVer = erlang:system_info(version),
case rabbit_misc:version_compare(?ERTS_MINIMUM, FoundVer, lte) of
@@ -723,49 +727,39 @@ erts_version_check() ->
print_banner() ->
{ok, Product} = application:get_key(id),
{ok, Version} = application:get_key(vsn),
- ProductLen = string:len(Product),
- io:format("~n"
- "+---+ +---+~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| +---+ +-------+~n"
- "| |~n"
- "| ~s +---+ |~n"
- "| | | |~n"
- "| ~s +---+ |~n"
- "| |~n"
- "+-------------------+~n"
- "~s~n~s~n~s~n~n",
- [Product, string:right([$v|Version], ProductLen),
+ io:format("~n ~s ~s. ~s"
+ "~n ## ## ~s"
+ "~n ## ##"
+ "~n ########## Logs: ~s"
+ "~n ###### ## ~s"
+ "~n ##########"
+ "~n Starting broker...",
+ log_location(kernel), log_location(sasl)]).
+log_banner() ->
Settings = [{"node", node()},
- {"app descriptor", app_location()},
{"home dir", home_dir()},
{"config file(s)", config_files()},
{"cookie hash", rabbit_nodes:cookie_hash()},
{"log", log_location(kernel)},
{"sasl log", log_location(sasl)},
- {"database dir", rabbit_mnesia:dir()},
- {"erlang version", erlang:system_info(version)}],
+ {"database dir", rabbit_mnesia:dir()}],
DescrLen = 1 + lists:max([length(K) || {K, _V} <- Settings]),
Format = fun (K, V) ->
- io:format("~-" ++ integer_to_list(DescrLen) ++ "s: ~s~n",
- [K, V])
+ rabbit_misc:format(
+ "~-" ++ integer_to_list(DescrLen) ++ "s: ~s~n", [K, V])
- lists:foreach(fun ({"config file(s)" = K, []}) ->
- Format(K, "(none)");
- ({"config file(s)" = K, [V0 | Vs]}) ->
- Format(K, V0), [Format("", V) || V <- Vs];
- ({K, V}) ->
- Format(K, V)
- end, Settings),
- io:nl().
-app_location() ->
- {ok, Application} = application:get_application(),
- filename:absname(code:where_is_file(atom_to_list(Application) ++ ".app")).
+ Banner = iolist_to_binary(
+ [case S of
+ {"config file(s)" = K, []} ->
+ Format(K, "(none)");
+ {"config file(s)" = K, [V0 | Vs]} ->
+ Format(K, V0), [Format("", V) || V <- Vs];
+ {K, V} ->
+ Format(K, V)
+ end || S <- Settings]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("~s", [Banner]).
home_dir() ->
case init:get_argument(home) of