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-rw-r--r-- | src/rabbit_exchange.erl | 380 |
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..113b7878 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License +%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in +%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +%% http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ +%% +%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" +%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations +%% under the License. +%% +%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. +%% +%% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd., +%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd. +%% +%% Portions created by LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies +%% LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd. are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 +%% LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit +%% Technologies Ltd.; +%% +%% All Rights Reserved. +%% +%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________. +%% + +-module(rabbit_exchange). +-include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl"). +-include("rabbit.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). + +-export([recover/0, declare/6, lookup/1, lookup_or_die/1, + list_vhost_exchanges/1, list_exchange_bindings/1, + simple_publish/6, simple_publish/3, + route/2]). +-export([add_binding/2, delete_binding/2]). +-export([delete/2]). +-export([check_type/1, assert_type/2, topic_matches/2]). + +-import(mnesia). +-import(sets). +-import(lists). +-import(qlc). +-import(regexp). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-ifdef(use_specs). + +-type(publish_res() :: {'ok', [pid()]} | + not_found() | {'error', 'unroutable' | 'not_delivered'}). + +-spec(recover/0 :: () -> 'ok'). +-spec(declare/6 :: (realm_name(), name(), exchange_type(), bool(), bool(), + amqp_table()) -> exchange()). +-spec(check_type/1 :: (binary()) -> atom()). +-spec(assert_type/2 :: (exchange(), atom()) -> 'ok'). +-spec(lookup/1 :: (exchange_name()) -> {'ok', exchange()} | not_found()). +-spec(lookup_or_die/1 :: (exchange_name()) -> exchange()). +-spec(list_vhost_exchanges/1 :: (vhost()) -> [exchange()]). +-spec(list_exchange_bindings/1 :: (exchange_name()) -> + [{queue_name(), routing_key(), amqp_table()}]). +-spec(simple_publish/6 :: + (bool(), bool(), exchange_name(), routing_key(), binary(), binary()) -> + publish_res()). +-spec(simple_publish/3 :: (bool(), bool(), message()) -> publish_res()). +-spec(route/2 :: (exchange(), routing_key()) -> [pid()]). +-spec(add_binding/2 :: (binding_spec(), amqqueue()) -> + 'ok' | not_found() | + {'error', 'durability_settings_incompatible'}). +-spec(delete_binding/2 :: (binding_spec(), amqqueue()) -> + 'ok' | not_found()). +-spec(topic_matches/2 :: (binary(), binary()) -> bool()). +-spec(delete/2 :: (exchange_name(), bool()) -> + 'ok' | not_found() | {'error', 'in_use'}). + +-endif. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +recover() -> + ok = recover_durable_exchanges(), + ok. + +recover_durable_exchanges() -> + rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( + fun () -> + mnesia:foldl(fun (Exchange, Acc) -> + ok = mnesia:write(Exchange), + Acc + end, ok, durable_exchanges) + end). + +declare(RealmName, NameBin, Type, Durable, AutoDelete, Args) -> + XName = rabbit_misc:r(RealmName, exchange, NameBin), + Exchange = #exchange{name = XName, + type = Type, + durable = Durable, + auto_delete = AutoDelete, + arguments = Args}, + rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( + fun () -> + case mnesia:wread({exchange, XName}) of + [] -> ok = mnesia:write(Exchange), + if Durable -> + ok = mnesia:write( + durable_exchanges, Exchange, write); + true -> ok + end, + ok = rabbit_realm:add(RealmName, XName), + Exchange; + [ExistingX] -> ExistingX + end + end). + +check_type(<<"fanout">>) -> + fanout; +check_type(<<"direct">>) -> + direct; +check_type(<<"topic">>) -> + topic; +check_type(T) -> + rabbit_misc:protocol_error( + command_invalid, "invalid exchange type '~s'", [T]). + +assert_type(#exchange{ type = ActualType }, RequiredType) + when ActualType == RequiredType -> + ok; +assert_type(#exchange{ name = Name, type = ActualType }, RequiredType) -> + rabbit_misc:protocol_error( + not_allowed, "cannot redeclare ~s of type '~s' with type '~s'", + [rabbit_misc:rs(Name), ActualType, RequiredType]). + +lookup(Name) -> + rabbit_misc:dirty_read({exchange, Name}). + +lookup_or_die(Name) -> + case lookup(Name) of + {ok, X} -> X; + {error, not_found} -> + rabbit_misc:protocol_error( + not_found, "no ~s", [rabbit_misc:rs(Name)]) + end. + +list_vhost_exchanges(VHostPath) -> + mnesia:dirty_match_object( + #exchange{name = rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, exchange), _ = '_'}). + +list_exchange_bindings(Name) -> + [{QueueName, RoutingKey, Arguments} || + #binding{handlers = Handlers} <- bindings_for_exchange(Name), + #handler{binding_spec = #binding_spec{routing_key = RoutingKey, + arguments = Arguments}, + queue = QueueName} <- Handlers]. + +bindings_for_exchange(Name) -> + qlc:e(qlc:q([B || + B = #binding{key = K} <- mnesia:table(binding), + element(1, K) == Name])). + +empty_handlers() -> + []. + +%% Usable by Erlang code that wants to publish messages. +simple_publish(Mandatory, Immediate, ExchangeName, RoutingKeyBin, ContentTypeBin, BodyBin) -> + {ClassId, _MethodId} = rabbit_framing:method_id('basic.publish'), + Content = #content{class_id = ClassId, + properties = #'P_basic'{content_type = ContentTypeBin}, + properties_bin = none, + payload_fragments_rev = [BodyBin]}, + Message = #basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName, + routing_key = RoutingKeyBin, + content = Content, + persistent_key = none}, + simple_publish(Mandatory, Immediate, Message). + +%% Usable by Erlang code that wants to publish messages. +simple_publish(Mandatory, Immediate, + Message = #basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName, + routing_key = RoutingKey}) -> + case lookup(ExchangeName) of + {ok, Exchange} -> + QPids = route(Exchange, RoutingKey), + rabbit_router:deliver(QPids, Mandatory, Immediate, + none, Message); + {error, Error} -> {error, Error} + end. + +%% return the list of qpids to which a message with a given routing +%% key, sent to a particular exchange, should be delivered. +%% +%% The function ensures that a qpid appears in the return list exactly +%% as many times as a message should be delivered to it. With the +%% current exchange types that is at most once. +route(#exchange{name = Name, type = topic}, RoutingKey) -> + sets:to_list( + sets:union( + mnesia:activity( + async_dirty, + fun () -> + qlc:e(qlc:q([handler_qpids(H) || + #binding{key = {Name1, PatternKey}, + handlers = H} + <- mnesia:table(binding), + Name == Name1, + topic_matches(PatternKey, RoutingKey)])) + end))); + +route(#exchange{name = Name, type = Type}, RoutingKey) -> + BindingKey = delivery_key_for_type(Type, Name, RoutingKey), + case rabbit_misc:dirty_read({binding, BindingKey}) of + {ok, #binding{handlers = H}} -> sets:to_list(handler_qpids(H)); + {error, not_found} -> [] + end. + +delivery_key_for_type(fanout, Name, _RoutingKey) -> + {Name, fanout}; +delivery_key_for_type(_Type, Name, RoutingKey) -> + {Name, RoutingKey}. + +call_with_exchange(Name, Fun) -> + case mnesia:wread({exchange, Name}) of + [] -> {error, not_found}; + [X] -> Fun(X) + end. + +make_handler(BindingSpec, #amqqueue{name = QueueName, pid = QPid}) -> + #handler{binding_spec = BindingSpec, queue = QueueName, qpid = QPid}. + +add_binding(BindingSpec = #binding_spec{exchange_name = ExchangeName, + routing_key = RoutingKey}, Q) -> + call_with_exchange( + ExchangeName, + fun (X) -> if Q#amqqueue.durable and not(X#exchange.durable) -> + {error, durability_settings_incompatible}; + true -> + internal_add_binding( + X, RoutingKey, make_handler(BindingSpec, Q)) + end + end). + +delete_binding(BindingSpec = #binding_spec{exchange_name = ExchangeName, + routing_key = RoutingKey}, Q) -> + call_with_exchange( + ExchangeName, + fun (X) -> ok = internal_delete_binding( + X, RoutingKey, make_handler(BindingSpec, Q)), + maybe_auto_delete(X) + end). + +%% Must run within a transaction. +maybe_auto_delete(#exchange{auto_delete = false}) -> + ok; +maybe_auto_delete(#exchange{name = ExchangeName, auto_delete = true}) -> + case internal_delete(ExchangeName, true) of + {error, in_use} -> ok; + ok -> ok + end. + +handlers_isempty([]) -> true; +handlers_isempty([_|_]) -> false. + +extend_handlers(Handlers, Handler) -> [Handler | Handlers]. + +delete_handler(Handlers, Handler) -> lists:delete(Handler, Handlers). + +handler_qpids(Handlers) -> + sets:from_list([QPid || #handler{qpid = QPid} <- Handlers]). + +%% Must run within a transaction. +internal_add_binding(#exchange{name = ExchangeName, type = Type}, + RoutingKey, Handler) -> + BindingKey = delivery_key_for_type(Type, ExchangeName, RoutingKey), + ok = add_handler_to_binding(BindingKey, Handler). + +%% Must run within a transaction. +internal_delete_binding(#exchange{name = ExchangeName, type = Type}, RoutingKey, Handler) -> + BindingKey = delivery_key_for_type(Type, ExchangeName, RoutingKey), + remove_handler_from_binding(BindingKey, Handler), + ok. + +%% Must run within a transaction. +add_handler_to_binding(BindingKey, Handler) -> + ok = case mnesia:wread({binding, BindingKey}) of + [] -> + ok = mnesia:write( + #binding{key = BindingKey, + handlers = extend_handlers( + empty_handlers(), Handler)}); + [B = #binding{handlers = H}] -> + ok = mnesia:write( + B#binding{handlers = extend_handlers(H, Handler)}) + end. + +%% Must run within a transaction. +remove_handler_from_binding(BindingKey, Handler) -> + case mnesia:wread({binding, BindingKey}) of + [] -> empty; + [B = #binding{handlers = H}] -> + H1 = delete_handler(H, Handler), + case handlers_isempty(H1) of + true -> + ok = mnesia:delete({binding, BindingKey}), + empty; + _ -> + ok = mnesia:write(B#binding{handlers = H1}), + not_empty + end + end. + +split_topic_key(Key) -> + {ok, KeySplit} = regexp:split(binary_to_list(Key), "\\."), + KeySplit. + +topic_matches(PatternKey, RoutingKey) -> + P = split_topic_key(PatternKey), + R = split_topic_key(RoutingKey), + topic_matches1(P, R). + +topic_matches1(["#"], _R) -> + true; +topic_matches1(["#" | PTail], R) -> + last_topic_match(PTail, [], lists:reverse(R)); +topic_matches1([], []) -> + true; +topic_matches1(["*" | PatRest], [_ | ValRest]) -> + topic_matches1(PatRest, ValRest); +topic_matches1([PatElement | PatRest], [ValElement | ValRest]) when PatElement == ValElement -> + topic_matches1(PatRest, ValRest); +topic_matches1(_, _) -> + false. + +last_topic_match(P, R, []) -> + topic_matches1(P, R); +last_topic_match(P, R, [BacktrackNext | BacktrackList]) -> + topic_matches1(P, R) or last_topic_match(P, [BacktrackNext | R], BacktrackList). + +delete(ExchangeName, IfUnused) -> + rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( + fun () -> internal_delete(ExchangeName, IfUnused) end). + +internal_delete(ExchangeName, _IfUnused = true) -> + Bindings = bindings_for_exchange(ExchangeName), + case Bindings of + [] -> do_internal_delete(ExchangeName, Bindings); + _ -> + case lists:all(fun (#binding{handlers = H}) -> handlers_isempty(H) end, + Bindings) of + true -> + %% There are no handlers anywhere in any of the + %% bindings for this exchange. + do_internal_delete(ExchangeName, Bindings); + false -> + %% There was at least one real handler + %% present. It's still in use. + {error, in_use} + end + end; +internal_delete(ExchangeName, false) -> + do_internal_delete(ExchangeName, bindings_for_exchange(ExchangeName)). + +forcibly_remove_handlers(Handlers) -> + lists:foreach( + fun (#handler{binding_spec = BindingSpec, queue = QueueName}) -> + ok = rabbit_amqqueue:binding_forcibly_removed( + BindingSpec, QueueName) + end, Handlers), + ok. + +do_internal_delete(ExchangeName, Bindings) -> + case mnesia:wread({exchange, ExchangeName}) of + [] -> {error, not_found}; + _ -> + lists:foreach(fun (#binding{key = K, handlers = H}) -> + ok = forcibly_remove_handlers(H), + ok = mnesia:delete({binding, K}) + end, Bindings), + ok = mnesia:delete({durable_exchanges, ExchangeName}), + ok = mnesia:delete({exchange, ExchangeName}), + ok = rabbit_realm:delete_from_all(ExchangeName) + end. |