path: root/src/rabbit_multi.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_multi.erl')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_multi.erl b/src/rabbit_multi.erl
index cd92f1ac..29f12ff7 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_multi.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_multi.erl
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ usage() ->
Available commands:
- start_all <NodeCount> - start a local cluster of RabbitMQ nodes.
- stop_all - stops all local RabbitMQ nodes.
+ start_all <NodeCount> - start a local cluster of RabbitMQ nodes.
+ stop_all - stops all local RabbitMQ nodes.
+ rotate_logs_all [Suffix] - rotate logs for all local RabbitMQ nodes.
@@ -89,11 +90,19 @@ action(start_all, [NodeCount], RpcTimeout) ->
action(stop_all, [], RpcTimeout) ->
io:format("Stopping all nodes...~n", []),
- case read_pids_file() of
- [] -> throw(no_nodes_running);
- NodePids -> stop_nodes(NodePids, RpcTimeout),
- delete_pids_file()
- end.
+ call_all_nodes(fun(NodePids) ->
+ stop_nodes(NodePids, RpcTimeout),
+ delete_pids_file() end);
+action(rotate_logs_all, [], RpcTimeout) ->
+ action(rotate_logs_all, [""], RpcTimeout);
+action(rotate_logs_all, [Suffix], RpcTimeout) ->
+ io:format("Rotating logs for all nodes...~n", []),
+ call_all_nodes(fun(NodePids) ->
+ rotate_logs(NodePids,
+ list_to_binary(Suffix),
+ RpcTimeout) end).
%% PNodePid is the list of PIDs
%% Running is a boolean exhibiting success at some moment
@@ -272,6 +281,21 @@ is_dead(Pid) ->
+rotate_logs([], _, _) -> ok;
+rotate_logs([{Node, _} | Rest], BinarySuffix, RpcTimeout) ->
+ io:format("Rotating logs for node ~p~n", [Node]),
+ case rpc:call(Node, rabbit, rotate_logs, [BinarySuffix], RpcTimeout) of
+ {badrpc, _} -> io:format("timeout"),
+ throw(rotate_logs_failed);
+ ok -> rotate_logs(Rest, BinarySuffix, RpcTimeout)
+ end.
+call_all_nodes(Func) ->
+ case read_pids_file() of
+ [] -> throw(no_nodes_running);
+ NodePids -> Func(NodePids)
+ end.
getenv(Var) ->
case os:getenv(Var) of
false -> throw({missing_env_var, Var});