## The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License ## Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in ## compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ## http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ ## ## Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" ## basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ## License for the specific language governing rights and limitations ## under the License. ## ## The Original Code is RabbitMQ. ## ## The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd, ## Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd. ## ## Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd, ## Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd ## are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial ## Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd. ## ## Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LShift ## Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are ## Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Cohesive Financial Technologies ## LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright ## (C) 2007-2009 Rabbit Technologies Ltd. ## ## All Rights Reserved. ## ## Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ## from __future__ import nested_scopes import sys sys.path.append("../rabbitmq-codegen") # in case we're next to an experimental revision sys.path.append("codegen") # in case we're building from a distribution package from amqp_codegen import * import string import re erlangTypeMap = { 'octet': 'octet', 'shortstr': 'shortstr', 'longstr': 'longstr', 'short': 'shortint', 'long': 'longint', 'longlong': 'longlongint', 'bit': 'bit', 'table': 'table', 'timestamp': 'timestamp', } # Coming up with a proper encoding of AMQP tables in JSON is too much # hassle at this stage. Given that the only default value we are # interested in is for the empty table, we only support that. def convertTable(d): if len(d) == 0: return "[]" else: raise 'Non-empty table defaults not supported', d erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap = { bool : lambda x: str(x).lower(), str : lambda x: "<<\"" + x + "\">>", int : lambda x: str(x), float : lambda x: str(x), dict: convertTable, unicode: lambda x: "<<\"" + x.encode("utf-8") + "\">>" } def erlangize(s): s = s.replace('-', '_') s = s.replace(' ', '_') return s AmqpMethod.erlangName = lambda m: "'" + erlangize(m.klass.name) + '.' + erlangize(m.name) + "'" def erlangConstantName(s): return '_'.join(re.split('[- ]', s.upper())) class PackedMethodBitField: def __init__(self, index): self.index = index self.domain = 'bit' self.contents = [] def extend(self, f): self.contents.append(f) def count(self): return len(self.contents) def full(self): return self.count() == 8 def genErl(spec): def erlType(domain): return erlangTypeMap[spec.resolveDomain(domain)] def fieldTypeList(fields): return '[' + ', '.join([erlType(f.domain) for f in fields]) + ']' def fieldNameList(fields): return '[' + ', '.join([erlangize(f.name) for f in fields]) + ']' def fieldTempList(fields): return '[' + ', '.join(['F' + str(f.index) for f in fields]) + ']' def fieldMapList(fields): return ', '.join([erlangize(f.name) + " = F" + str(f.index) for f in fields]) def genLookupMethodName(m): print "lookup_method_name({%d, %d}) -> %s;" % (m.klass.index, m.index, m.erlangName()) def genMethodId(m): print "method_id(%s) -> {%d, %d};" % (m.erlangName(), m.klass.index, m.index) def genMethodHasContent(m): print "method_has_content(%s) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), str(m.hasContent).lower()) def genMethodIsSynchronous(m): hasNoWait = "nowait" in fieldNameList(m.arguments) if m.isSynchronous and hasNoWait: print "is_method_synchronous(#%s{nowait = NoWait}) -> not(NoWait);" % (m.erlangName()) else: print "is_method_synchronous(#%s{}) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), str(m.isSynchronous).lower()) def genMethodFieldTypes(m): """Not currently used - may be useful in future?""" print "method_fieldtypes(%s) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), fieldTypeList(m.arguments)) def genMethodFieldNames(m): print "method_fieldnames(%s) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), fieldNameList(m.arguments)) def packMethodFields(fields): packed = [] bitfield = None for f in fields: if erlType(f.domain) == 'bit': if not(bitfield) or bitfield.full(): bitfield = PackedMethodBitField(f.index) packed.append(bitfield) bitfield.extend(f) else: bitfield = None packed.append(f) return packed def methodFieldFragment(f): type = erlType(f.domain) p = 'F' + str(f.index) if type == 'shortstr': return p+'Len:8/unsigned, '+p+':'+p+'Len/binary' elif type == 'longstr': return p+'Len:32/unsigned, '+p+':'+p+'Len/binary' elif type == 'octet': return p+':8/unsigned' elif type == 'shortint': return p+':16/unsigned' elif type == 'longint': return p+':32/unsigned' elif type == 'longlongint': return p+':64/unsigned' elif type == 'timestamp': return p+':64/unsigned' elif type == 'bit': return p+'Bits:8' elif type == 'table': return p+'Len:32/unsigned, '+p+'Tab:'+p+'Len/binary' def genFieldPostprocessing(packed): for f in packed: type = erlType(f.domain) if type == 'bit': for index in range(f.count()): print " F%d = ((F%dBits band %d) /= 0)," % \ (f.index + index, f.index, 1 << index) elif type == 'table': print " F%d = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table(F%dTab)," % \ (f.index, f.index) else: pass def genDecodeMethodFields(m): packedFields = packMethodFields(m.arguments) binaryPattern = ', '.join([methodFieldFragment(f) for f in packedFields]) if binaryPattern: restSeparator = ', ' else: restSeparator = '' recordConstructorExpr = '#%s{%s}' % (m.erlangName(), fieldMapList(m.arguments)) print "decode_method_fields(%s, <<%s>>) ->" % (m.erlangName(), binaryPattern) genFieldPostprocessing(packedFields) print " %s;" % (recordConstructorExpr,) def genDecodeProperties(c): print "decode_properties(%d, PropBin) ->" % (c.index) print " %s = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_properties(%s, PropBin)," % \ (fieldTempList(c.fields), fieldTypeList(c.fields)) print " #'P_%s'{%s};" % (erlangize(c.name), fieldMapList(c.fields)) def genFieldPreprocessing(packed): for f in packed: type = erlType(f.domain) if type == 'bit': print " F%dBits = (%s)," % \ (f.index, ' bor '.join(['(bitvalue(F%d) bsl %d)' % (x.index, x.index - f.index) for x in f.contents])) elif type == 'table': print " F%dTab = rabbit_binary_generator:generate_table(F%d)," % (f.index, f.index) print " F%dLen = size(F%dTab)," % (f.index, f.index) elif type in ['shortstr', 'longstr']: print " F%dLen = size(F%d)," % (f.index, f.index) else: pass def genEncodeMethodFields(m): packedFields = packMethodFields(m.arguments) print "encode_method_fields(#%s{%s}) ->" % (m.erlangName(), fieldMapList(m.arguments)) genFieldPreprocessing(packedFields) print " <<%s>>;" % (', '.join([methodFieldFragment(f) for f in packedFields])) def genEncodeProperties(c): print "encode_properties(#'P_%s'{%s}) ->" % (erlangize(c.name), fieldMapList(c.fields)) print " rabbit_binary_generator:encode_properties(%s, %s);" % \ (fieldTypeList(c.fields), fieldTempList(c.fields)) def messageConstantClass(cls): # We do this because 0.8 uses "soft error" and 8.1 uses "soft-error". return erlangConstantName(cls) def genLookupException(c,v,cls): mCls = messageConstantClass(cls) if mCls == 'SOFT_ERROR': genLookupException1(c,'false') elif mCls == 'HARD_ERROR': genLookupException1(c, 'true') elif mCls == '': pass else: raise 'Unknown constant class', cls def genLookupException1(c,hardErrorBoolStr): n = erlangConstantName(c) print 'lookup_amqp_exception(%s) -> {%s, ?%s, <<"%s">>};' % \ (n.lower(), hardErrorBoolStr, n, n) def genIsAmqpHardErrorCode(c,v,cls): mCls = messageConstantClass(cls) if mCls == 'SOFT_ERROR' : genIsAmqpHardErrorCode1(c,'false') elif mCls == 'HARD_ERROR' : genIsAmqpHardErrorCode1(c,'true') elif mCls == '' : pass else: raise 'Unkown constant class', cls def genIsAmqpHardErrorCode1(c,hardErrorBoolStr): n = erlangConstantName(c) print 'is_amqp_hard_error_code(?%s) -> %s;' % \ (n, hardErrorBoolStr) print 'is_amqp_hard_error_code(%s) -> %s;' % \ (n.lower(), hardErrorBoolStr) methods = spec.allMethods() print """-module(rabbit_framing). -include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). -export([lookup_method_name/1]). -export([method_id/1]). -export([method_has_content/1]). -export([is_method_synchronous/1]). -export([method_fieldnames/1]). -export([decode_method_fields/2]). -export([decode_properties/2]). -export([encode_method_fields/1]). -export([encode_properties/1]). -export([lookup_amqp_exception/1]). -export([is_amqp_hard_error_code/1]). bitvalue(true) -> 1; bitvalue(false) -> 0; bitvalue(undefined) -> 0. """ for m in methods: genLookupMethodName(m) print "lookup_method_name({_ClassId, _MethodId} = Id) -> exit({unknown_method_id, Id})." for m in methods: genMethodId(m) print "method_id(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name})." for m in methods: genMethodHasContent(m) print "method_has_content(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name})." for m in methods: genMethodIsSynchronous(m) print "is_method_synchronous(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name})." for m in methods: genMethodFieldNames(m) print "method_fieldnames(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name})." for m in methods: genDecodeMethodFields(m) print "decode_method_fields(Name, BinaryFields) ->" print " rabbit_misc:frame_error(Name, BinaryFields)." for c in spec.allClasses(): genDecodeProperties(c) print "decode_properties(ClassId, _BinaryFields) -> exit({unknown_class_id, ClassId})." for m in methods: genEncodeMethodFields(m) print "encode_method_fields(Record) -> exit({unknown_method_name, element(1, Record)})." for c in spec.allClasses(): genEncodeProperties(c) print "encode_properties(Record) -> exit({unknown_properties_record, Record})." for (c,v,cls) in spec.constants: genLookupException(c,v,cls) print "lookup_amqp_exception(Code) ->" print " rabbit_log:warning(\"Unknown AMQP error code '~p'~n\", [Code])," print " {true, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, <<\"INTERNAL_ERROR\">>}." for(c,v,cls) in spec.constants: genIsAmqpHardErrorCode(c,v,cls) print "is_amqp_hard_error_code(Code) when is_integer(Code) ->" print " true;" print "is_amqp_hard_error_code(Code) ->" print " rabbit_log:warning(\"Unknown AMQP error code '~p'~n\", [Code])," print " true." def genHrl(spec): def erlType(domain): return erlangTypeMap[spec.resolveDomain(domain)] def fieldNameList(fields): return ', '.join([erlangize(f.name) for f in fields]) def fieldNameListDefaults(fields): def fillField(field): result = erlangize(f.name) if field.defaultvalue != None: conv_fn = erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap[type(field.defaultvalue)] result += ' = ' + conv_fn(field.defaultvalue) return result return ', '.join([fillField(f) for f in fields]) methods = spec.allMethods() print "-define(PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAJOR, %d)." % (spec.major) print "-define(PROTOCOL_VERSION_MINOR, %d)." % (spec.minor) print "-define(PROTOCOL_PORT, %d)." % (spec.port) for (c,v,cls) in spec.constants: print "-define(%s, %s)." % (erlangConstantName(c), v) print "%% Method field records." for m in methods: print "-record(%s, {%s})." % (m.erlangName(), fieldNameListDefaults(m.arguments)) print "%% Class property records." for c in spec.allClasses(): print "-record('P_%s', {%s})." % (erlangize(c.name), fieldNameList(c.fields)) def generateErl(specPath): genErl(AmqpSpec(specPath)) def generateHrl(specPath): genHrl(AmqpSpec(specPath)) if __name__ == "__main__": do_main(generateHrl, generateErl)