RabbitMQ Server The RabbitMQ Team <info@rabbitmq.com> rabbitmq-multi 1 RabbitMQ Server rabbitmq-multi start/stop local cluster RabbitMQ nodes rabbitmq-multi command command options Description RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high performance enterprise messaging. The RabbitMQ server is a robust and scalable implementation of an AMQP broker. rabbitmq-multi scripts allows for easy set-up of a cluster on a single machine. Commands start_all count Start count nodes with unique names, listening on all IP addresses and on sequential ports starting from 5672. For example: rabbitmq-multi start_all 3 Starts 3 local RabbitMQ nodes with unique, sequential port numbers. status Print the status of all running RabbitMQ nodes. stop_all Stop all local RabbitMQ nodes, rotate_logs Rotate log files for all local and running RabbitMQ nodes. See also rabbitmq.conf5 rabbitmq-server1 rabbitmqctl1