%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(file_handle_cache). %% A File Handle Cache %% %% This extends a subset of the functionality of the Erlang file %% module. In the below, we use "file handle" to specifically refer to %% file handles, and "file descriptor" to refer to descriptors which %% are not file handles, e.g. sockets. %% %% Some constraints %% 1) This supports one writer, multiple readers per file. Nothing %% else. %% 2) Do not open the same file from different processes. Bad things %% may happen, especially for writes. %% 3) Writes are all appends. You cannot write to the middle of a %% file, although you can truncate and then append if you want. %% 4) Although there is a write buffer, there is no read buffer. Feel %% free to use the read_ahead mode, but beware of the interaction %% between that buffer and the write buffer. %% %% Some benefits %% 1) You do not have to remember to call sync before close %% 2) Buffering is much more flexible than with the plain file module, %% and you can control when the buffer gets flushed out. This means %% that you can rely on reads-after-writes working, without having to %% call the expensive sync. %% 3) Unnecessary calls to position and sync get optimised out. %% 4) You can find out what your 'real' offset is, and what your %% 'virtual' offset is (i.e. where the hdl really is, and where it %% would be after the write buffer is written out). %% %% There is also a server component which serves to limit the number %% of open file descriptors. This is a hard limit: the server %% component will ensure that clients do not have more file %% descriptors open than it's configured to allow. %% %% On open, the client requests permission from the server to open the %% required number of file handles. The server may ask the client to %% close other file handles that it has open, or it may queue the %% request and ask other clients to close file handles they have open %% in order to satisfy the request. Requests are always satisfied in %% the order they arrive, even if a latter request (for a small number %% of file handles) can be satisfied before an earlier request (for a %% larger number of file handles). On close, the client sends a %% message to the server. These messages allow the server to keep %% track of the number of open handles. The client also keeps a %% gb_tree which is updated on every use of a file handle, mapping the %% time at which the file handle was last used (timestamp) to the %% handle. Thus the smallest key in this tree maps to the file handle %% that has not been used for the longest amount of time. This %% smallest key is included in the messages to the server. As such, %% the server keeps track of when the least recently used file handle %% was used *at the point of the most recent open or close* by each %% client. %% %% Note that this data can go very out of date, by the client using %% the least recently used handle. %% %% When the limit is exceeded (i.e. the number of open file handles is %% at the limit and there are pending 'open' requests), the server %% calculates the average age of the last reported least recently used %% file handle of all the clients. It then tells all the clients to %% close any handles not used for longer than this average, by %% invoking the callback the client registered. The client should %% receive this message and pass it into %% set_maximum_since_use/1. However, it is highly possible this age %% will be greater than the ages of all the handles the client knows %% of because the client has used its file handles in the mean %% time. Thus at this point the client reports to the server the %% current timestamp at which its least recently used file handle was %% last used. The server will check two seconds later that either it %% is back under the limit, in which case all is well again, or if %% not, it will calculate a new average age. Its data will be much %% more recent now, and so it is very likely that when this is %% communicated to the clients, the clients will close file handles. %% (In extreme cases, where it's very likely that all clients have %% used their open handles since they last sent in an update, which %% would mean that the average will never cause any file handles to %% be closed, the server can send out an average age of 0, resulting %% in all available clients closing all their file handles.) %% %% Care is taken to ensure that (a) processes which are blocked %% waiting for file descriptors to become available are not sent %% requests to close file handles; and (b) given it is known how many %% file handles a process has open, when the average age is forced to %% 0, close messages are only sent to enough processes to release the %% correct number of file handles and the list of processes is %% randomly shuffled. This ensures we don't cause processes to %% needlessly close file handles, and ensures that we don't always %% make such requests of the same processes. %% %% The advantage of this scheme is that there is only communication %% from the client to the server on open, close, and when in the %% process of trying to reduce file handle usage. There is no %% communication from the client to the server on normal file handle %% operations. This scheme forms a feed-back loop - the server does %% not care which file handles are closed, just that some are, and it %% checks this repeatedly when over the limit. %% %% Handles which are closed as a result of the server are put into a %% "soft-closed" state in which the handle is closed (data flushed out %% and sync'd first) but the state is maintained. The handle will be %% fully reopened again as soon as needed, thus users of this library %% do not need to worry about their handles being closed by the server %% - reopening them when necessary is handled transparently. %% %% The server also supports obtain, release and transfer. obtain/0 %% blocks until a file descriptor is available, at which point the %% requesting process is considered to 'own' one more %% descriptor. release/0 is the inverse operation and releases a %% previously obtained descriptor. transfer/1 transfers ownership of a %% file descriptor between processes. It is non-blocking. Obtain has a %% lower limit, set by the ?OBTAIN_LIMIT/1 macro. File handles can use %% the entire limit, but will be evicted by obtain calls up to the %% point at which no more obtain calls can be satisfied by the obtains %% limit. Thus there will always be some capacity available for file %% handles. Processes that use obtain are never asked to return them, %% and they are not managed in any way by the server. It is simply a %% mechanism to ensure that processes that need file descriptors such %% as sockets can do so in such a way that the overall number of open %% file descriptors is managed. %% %% The callers of register_callback/3, obtain/0, and the argument of %% transfer/1 are monitored, reducing the count of handles in use %% appropriately when the processes terminate. -behaviour(gen_server2). -export([register_callback/3]). -export([open/3, close/1, read/2, append/2, needs_sync/1, sync/1, position/2, truncate/1, current_virtual_offset/1, current_raw_offset/1, flush/1, copy/3, set_maximum_since_use/1, delete/1, clear/1]). -export([obtain/0, release/0, transfer/1, set_limit/1, get_limit/0, info_keys/0, info/0, info/1]). -export([ulimit/0]). -export([start_link/0, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_cast/2]). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -define(RESERVED_FOR_OTHERS, 100). -define(FILE_HANDLES_LIMIT_OTHER, 1024). -define(FILE_HANDLES_CHECK_INTERVAL, 2000). -define(OBTAIN_LIMIT(LIMIT), trunc((LIMIT * 0.9) - 2)). -define(CLIENT_ETS_TABLE, file_handle_cache_client). -define(ELDERS_ETS_TABLE, file_handle_cache_elders). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(file, { reader_count, has_writer }). -record(handle, { hdl, offset, is_dirty, write_buffer_size, write_buffer_size_limit, write_buffer, at_eof, path, mode, options, is_write, is_read, last_used_at }). -record(fhc_state, { elders, limit, open_count, open_pending, obtain_limit, obtain_count, obtain_pending, clients, timer_ref }). -record(cstate, { pid, callback, opened, obtained, blocked, pending_closes }). -record(pending, { kind, pid, requested, from }). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Specs %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -type(ref() :: any()). -type(ok_or_error() :: 'ok' | {'error', any()}). -type(val_or_error(T) :: {'ok', T} | {'error', any()}). -type(position() :: ('bof' | 'eof' | non_neg_integer() | {('bof' |'eof'), non_neg_integer()} | {'cur', integer()})). -type(offset() :: non_neg_integer()). -spec(register_callback/3 :: (atom(), atom(), [any()]) -> 'ok'). -spec(open/3 :: (file:filename(), [any()], [{'write_buffer', (non_neg_integer() | 'infinity' | 'unbuffered')}]) -> val_or_error(ref())). -spec(close/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()). -spec(read/2 :: (ref(), non_neg_integer()) -> val_or_error([char()] | binary()) | 'eof'). -spec(append/2 :: (ref(), iodata()) -> ok_or_error()). -spec(sync/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()). -spec(position/2 :: (ref(), position()) -> val_or_error(offset())). -spec(truncate/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()). -spec(current_virtual_offset/1 :: (ref()) -> val_or_error(offset())). -spec(current_raw_offset/1 :: (ref()) -> val_or_error(offset())). -spec(flush/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()). -spec(copy/3 :: (ref(), ref(), non_neg_integer()) -> val_or_error(non_neg_integer())). -spec(delete/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()). -spec(clear/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()). -spec(set_maximum_since_use/1 :: (non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok'). -spec(obtain/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(release/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(transfer/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(set_limit/1 :: (non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok'). -spec(get_limit/0 :: () -> non_neg_integer()). -spec(info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(info/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(info/1 :: ([atom()]) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(ulimit/0 :: () -> 'unknown' | non_neg_integer()). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(INFO_KEYS, [total_limit, total_used, sockets_limit, sockets_used]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Public API %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_server2:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], [{timeout, infinity}]). register_callback(M, F, A) when is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F) andalso is_list(A) -> gen_server2:cast(?SERVER, {register_callback, self(), {M, F, A}}). open(Path, Mode, Options) -> Path1 = filename:absname(Path), File1 = #file { reader_count = RCount, has_writer = HasWriter } = case get({Path1, fhc_file}) of File = #file {} -> File; undefined -> #file { reader_count = 0, has_writer = false } end, Mode1 = append_to_write(Mode), IsWriter = is_writer(Mode1), case IsWriter andalso HasWriter of true -> {error, writer_exists}; false -> {ok, Ref} = new_closed_handle(Path1, Mode1, Options), case get_or_reopen([{Ref, new}]) of {ok, [_Handle1]} -> RCount1 = case is_reader(Mode1) of true -> RCount + 1; false -> RCount end, HasWriter1 = HasWriter orelse IsWriter, put({Path1, fhc_file}, File1 #file { reader_count = RCount1, has_writer = HasWriter1 }), {ok, Ref}; Error -> erase({Ref, fhc_handle}), Error end end. close(Ref) -> case erase({Ref, fhc_handle}) of undefined -> ok; Handle -> case hard_close(Handle) of ok -> ok; {Error, Handle1} -> put_handle(Ref, Handle1), Error end end. read(Ref, Count) -> with_flushed_handles( [Ref], fun ([#handle { is_read = false }]) -> {error, not_open_for_reading}; ([Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset }]) -> case prim_file:read(Hdl, Count) of {ok, Data} = Obj -> Offset1 = Offset + iolist_size(Data), {Obj, [Handle #handle { offset = Offset1 }]}; eof -> {eof, [Handle #handle { at_eof = true }]}; Error -> {Error, [Handle]} end end). append(Ref, Data) -> with_handles( [Ref], fun ([#handle { is_write = false }]) -> {error, not_open_for_writing}; ([Handle]) -> case maybe_seek(eof, Handle) of {{ok, _Offset}, #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset, write_buffer_size_limit = 0, at_eof = true } = Handle1} -> Offset1 = Offset + iolist_size(Data), {prim_file:write(Hdl, Data), [Handle1 #handle { is_dirty = true, offset = Offset1 }]}; {{ok, _Offset}, #handle { write_buffer = WriteBuffer, write_buffer_size = Size, write_buffer_size_limit = Limit, at_eof = true } = Handle1} -> WriteBuffer1 = [Data | WriteBuffer], Size1 = Size + iolist_size(Data), Handle2 = Handle1 #handle { write_buffer = WriteBuffer1, write_buffer_size = Size1 }, case Limit =/= infinity andalso Size1 > Limit of true -> {Result, Handle3} = write_buffer(Handle2), {Result, [Handle3]}; false -> {ok, [Handle2]} end; {{error, _} = Error, Handle1} -> {Error, [Handle1]} end end). sync(Ref) -> with_flushed_handles( [Ref], fun ([#handle { is_dirty = false, write_buffer = [] }]) -> ok; ([Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, is_dirty = true, write_buffer = [] }]) -> case prim_file:sync(Hdl) of ok -> {ok, [Handle #handle { is_dirty = false }]}; Error -> {Error, [Handle]} end end). needs_sync(Ref) -> with_handles( [Ref], fun ([#handle { is_dirty = false, write_buffer = [] }]) -> false; ([_Handle]) -> true end). position(Ref, NewOffset) -> with_flushed_handles( [Ref], fun ([Handle]) -> {Result, Handle1} = maybe_seek(NewOffset, Handle), {Result, [Handle1]} end). truncate(Ref) -> with_flushed_handles( [Ref], fun ([Handle1 = #handle { hdl = Hdl }]) -> case prim_file:truncate(Hdl) of ok -> {ok, [Handle1 #handle { at_eof = true }]}; Error -> {Error, [Handle1]} end end). current_virtual_offset(Ref) -> with_handles([Ref], fun ([#handle { at_eof = true, is_write = true, offset = Offset, write_buffer_size = Size }]) -> {ok, Offset + Size}; ([#handle { offset = Offset }]) -> {ok, Offset} end). current_raw_offset(Ref) -> with_handles([Ref], fun ([Handle]) -> {ok, Handle #handle.offset} end). flush(Ref) -> with_flushed_handles([Ref], fun ([Handle]) -> {ok, [Handle]} end). copy(Src, Dest, Count) -> with_flushed_handles( [Src, Dest], fun ([SHandle = #handle { is_read = true, hdl = SHdl, offset = SOffset }, DHandle = #handle { is_write = true, hdl = DHdl, offset = DOffset }] ) -> case prim_file:copy(SHdl, DHdl, Count) of {ok, Count1} = Result1 -> {Result1, [SHandle #handle { offset = SOffset + Count1 }, DHandle #handle { offset = DOffset + Count1, is_dirty = true }]}; Error -> {Error, [SHandle, DHandle]} end; (_Handles) -> {error, incorrect_handle_modes} end). delete(Ref) -> case erase({Ref, fhc_handle}) of undefined -> ok; Handle = #handle { path = Path } -> case hard_close(Handle #handle { is_dirty = false, write_buffer = [] }) of ok -> prim_file:delete(Path); {Error, Handle1} -> put_handle(Ref, Handle1), Error end end. clear(Ref) -> with_handles( [Ref], fun ([#handle { at_eof = true, write_buffer_size = 0, offset = 0 }]) -> ok; ([Handle]) -> case maybe_seek(bof, Handle #handle { write_buffer = [], write_buffer_size = 0 }) of {{ok, 0}, Handle1 = #handle { hdl = Hdl }} -> case prim_file:truncate(Hdl) of ok -> {ok, [Handle1 #handle { at_eof = true }]}; Error -> {Error, [Handle1]} end; {{error, _} = Error, Handle1} -> {Error, [Handle1]} end end). set_maximum_since_use(MaximumAge) -> Now = now(), case lists:foldl( fun ({{Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, last_used_at = Then }}, Rep) -> case Hdl =/= closed andalso timer:now_diff(Now, Then) >= MaximumAge of true -> soft_close(Ref, Handle) orelse Rep; false -> Rep end; (_KeyValuePair, Rep) -> Rep end, false, get()) of false -> age_tree_change(), ok; true -> ok end. obtain() -> %% If the FHC isn't running, obtains succeed immediately. case whereis(?SERVER) of undefined -> ok; _ -> gen_server2:call(?SERVER, {obtain, self()}, infinity) end. release() -> gen_server2:cast(?SERVER, {release, self()}). transfer(Pid) -> gen_server2:cast(?SERVER, {transfer, self(), Pid}). set_limit(Limit) -> gen_server2:call(?SERVER, {set_limit, Limit}, infinity). get_limit() -> gen_server2:call(?SERVER, get_limit, infinity). info_keys() -> ?INFO_KEYS. info() -> info(?INFO_KEYS). info(Items) -> gen_server2:call(?SERVER, {info, Items}, infinity). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_reader(Mode) -> lists:member(read, Mode). is_writer(Mode) -> lists:member(write, Mode). append_to_write(Mode) -> case lists:member(append, Mode) of true -> [write | Mode -- [append, write]]; false -> Mode end. with_handles(Refs, Fun) -> case get_or_reopen([{Ref, reopen} || Ref <- Refs]) of {ok, Handles} -> case Fun(Handles) of {Result, Handles1} when is_list(Handles1) -> lists:zipwith(fun put_handle/2, Refs, Handles1), Result; Result -> Result end; Error -> Error end. with_flushed_handles(Refs, Fun) -> with_handles( Refs, fun (Handles) -> case lists:foldl( fun (Handle, {ok, HandlesAcc}) -> {Res, Handle1} = write_buffer(Handle), {Res, [Handle1 | HandlesAcc]}; (Handle, {Error, HandlesAcc}) -> {Error, [Handle | HandlesAcc]} end, {ok, []}, Handles) of {ok, Handles1} -> Fun(lists:reverse(Handles1)); {Error, Handles1} -> {Error, lists:reverse(Handles1)} end end). get_or_reopen(RefNewOrReopens) -> case partition_handles(RefNewOrReopens) of {OpenHdls, []} -> {ok, [Handle || {_Ref, Handle} <- OpenHdls]}; {OpenHdls, ClosedHdls} -> Oldest = oldest(get_age_tree(), fun () -> now() end), case gen_server2:call(?SERVER, {open, self(), length(ClosedHdls), Oldest}, infinity) of ok -> case reopen(ClosedHdls) of {ok, RefHdls} -> sort_handles(RefNewOrReopens, OpenHdls, RefHdls, []); Error -> Error end; close -> [soft_close(Ref, Handle) || {{Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl }} <- get(), Hdl =/= closed], get_or_reopen(RefNewOrReopens) end end. reopen(ClosedHdls) -> reopen(ClosedHdls, get_age_tree(), []). reopen([], Tree, RefHdls) -> put_age_tree(Tree), {ok, lists:reverse(RefHdls)}; reopen([{Ref, NewOrReopen, Handle = #handle { hdl = closed, path = Path, mode = Mode, offset = Offset, last_used_at = undefined }} | RefNewOrReopenHdls] = ToOpen, Tree, RefHdls) -> case prim_file:open(Path, case NewOrReopen of new -> Mode; reopen -> [read | Mode] end) of {ok, Hdl} -> Now = now(), {{ok, _Offset}, Handle1} = maybe_seek(Offset, Handle #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = 0, last_used_at = Now }), put({Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle1), reopen(RefNewOrReopenHdls, gb_trees:insert(Now, Ref, Tree), [{Ref, Handle1} | RefHdls]); Error -> %% NB: none of the handles in ToOpen are in the age tree Oldest = oldest(Tree, fun () -> undefined end), [gen_server2:cast(?SERVER, {close, self(), Oldest}) || _ <- ToOpen], put_age_tree(Tree), Error end. partition_handles(RefNewOrReopens) -> lists:foldr( fun ({Ref, NewOrReopen}, {Open, Closed}) -> case get({Ref, fhc_handle}) of #handle { hdl = closed } = Handle -> {Open, [{Ref, NewOrReopen, Handle} | Closed]}; #handle {} = Handle -> {[{Ref, Handle} | Open], Closed} end end, {[], []}, RefNewOrReopens). sort_handles([], [], [], Acc) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}; sort_handles([{Ref, _} | RefHdls], [{Ref, Handle} | RefHdlsA], RefHdlsB, Acc) -> sort_handles(RefHdls, RefHdlsA, RefHdlsB, [Handle | Acc]); sort_handles([{Ref, _} | RefHdls], RefHdlsA, [{Ref, Handle} | RefHdlsB], Acc) -> sort_handles(RefHdls, RefHdlsA, RefHdlsB, [Handle | Acc]). put_handle(Ref, Handle = #handle { last_used_at = Then }) -> Now = now(), age_tree_update(Then, Now, Ref), put({Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle #handle { last_used_at = Now }). with_age_tree(Fun) -> put_age_tree(Fun(get_age_tree())). get_age_tree() -> case get(fhc_age_tree) of undefined -> gb_trees:empty(); AgeTree -> AgeTree end. put_age_tree(Tree) -> put(fhc_age_tree, Tree). age_tree_update(Then, Now, Ref) -> with_age_tree( fun (Tree) -> gb_trees:insert(Now, Ref, gb_trees:delete_any(Then, Tree)) end). age_tree_delete(Then) -> with_age_tree( fun (Tree) -> Tree1 = gb_trees:delete_any(Then, Tree), Oldest = oldest(Tree1, fun () -> undefined end), gen_server2:cast(?SERVER, {close, self(), Oldest}), Tree1 end). age_tree_change() -> with_age_tree( fun (Tree) -> case gb_trees:is_empty(Tree) of true -> Tree; false -> {Oldest, _Ref} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree), gen_server2:cast(?SERVER, {update, self(), Oldest}) end, Tree end). oldest(Tree, DefaultFun) -> case gb_trees:is_empty(Tree) of true -> DefaultFun(); false -> {Oldest, _Ref} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree), Oldest end. new_closed_handle(Path, Mode, Options) -> WriteBufferSize = case proplists:get_value(write_buffer, Options, unbuffered) of unbuffered -> 0; infinity -> infinity; N when is_integer(N) -> N end, Ref = make_ref(), put({Ref, fhc_handle}, #handle { hdl = closed, offset = 0, is_dirty = false, write_buffer_size = 0, write_buffer_size_limit = WriteBufferSize, write_buffer = [], at_eof = false, path = Path, mode = Mode, options = Options, is_write = is_writer(Mode), is_read = is_reader(Mode), last_used_at = undefined }), {ok, Ref}. soft_close(Ref, Handle) -> {Res, Handle1} = soft_close(Handle), case Res of ok -> put({Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle1), true; _ -> put_handle(Ref, Handle1), false end. soft_close(Handle = #handle { hdl = closed }) -> {ok, Handle}; soft_close(Handle) -> case write_buffer(Handle) of {ok, #handle { hdl = Hdl, is_dirty = IsDirty, last_used_at = Then } = Handle1 } -> ok = case IsDirty of true -> prim_file:sync(Hdl); false -> ok end, ok = prim_file:close(Hdl), age_tree_delete(Then), {ok, Handle1 #handle { hdl = closed, is_dirty = false, last_used_at = undefined }}; {_Error, _Handle} = Result -> Result end. hard_close(Handle) -> case soft_close(Handle) of {ok, #handle { path = Path, is_read = IsReader, is_write = IsWriter }} -> #file { reader_count = RCount, has_writer = HasWriter } = File = get({Path, fhc_file}), RCount1 = case IsReader of true -> RCount - 1; false -> RCount end, HasWriter1 = HasWriter andalso not IsWriter, case RCount1 =:= 0 andalso not HasWriter1 of true -> erase({Path, fhc_file}); false -> put({Path, fhc_file}, File #file { reader_count = RCount1, has_writer = HasWriter1 }) end, ok; {_Error, _Handle} = Result -> Result end. maybe_seek(NewOffset, Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset, at_eof = AtEoF }) -> {AtEoF1, NeedsSeek} = needs_seek(AtEoF, Offset, NewOffset), case (case NeedsSeek of true -> prim_file:position(Hdl, NewOffset); false -> {ok, Offset} end) of {ok, Offset1} = Result -> {Result, Handle #handle { offset = Offset1, at_eof = AtEoF1 }}; {error, _} = Error -> {Error, Handle} end. needs_seek( AtEoF, _CurOffset, cur ) -> {AtEoF, false}; needs_seek( AtEoF, _CurOffset, {cur, 0}) -> {AtEoF, false}; needs_seek( true, _CurOffset, eof ) -> {true , false}; needs_seek( true, _CurOffset, {eof, 0}) -> {true , false}; needs_seek( false, _CurOffset, eof ) -> {true , true }; needs_seek( false, _CurOffset, {eof, 0}) -> {true , true }; needs_seek( AtEoF, 0, bof ) -> {AtEoF, false}; needs_seek( AtEoF, 0, {bof, 0}) -> {AtEoF, false}; needs_seek( AtEoF, CurOffset, CurOffset) -> {AtEoF, false}; needs_seek( true, CurOffset, {bof, DesiredOffset}) when DesiredOffset >= CurOffset -> {true, true}; needs_seek( true, _CurOffset, {cur, DesiredOffset}) when DesiredOffset > 0 -> {true, true}; needs_seek( true, CurOffset, DesiredOffset) %% same as {bof, DO} when is_integer(DesiredOffset) andalso DesiredOffset >= CurOffset -> {true, true}; %% because we can't really track size, we could well end up at EoF and not know needs_seek(_AtEoF, _CurOffset, _DesiredOffset) -> {false, true}. write_buffer(Handle = #handle { write_buffer = [] }) -> {ok, Handle}; write_buffer(Handle = #handle { hdl = Hdl, offset = Offset, write_buffer = WriteBuffer, write_buffer_size = DataSize, at_eof = true }) -> case prim_file:write(Hdl, lists:reverse(WriteBuffer)) of ok -> Offset1 = Offset + DataSize, {ok, Handle #handle { offset = Offset1, is_dirty = true, write_buffer = [], write_buffer_size = 0 }}; {error, _} = Error -> {Error, Handle} end. infos(Items, State) -> [{Item, i(Item, State)} || Item <- Items]. i(total_limit, #fhc_state{limit = Limit}) -> Limit; i(total_used, #fhc_state{open_count = C1, obtain_count = C2}) -> C1 + C2; i(sockets_limit, #fhc_state{obtain_limit = Limit}) -> Limit; i(sockets_used, #fhc_state{obtain_count = Count}) -> Count; i(Item, _) -> throw({bad_argument, Item}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% gen_server2 callbacks %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- init([]) -> Limit = case application:get_env(file_handles_high_watermark) of {ok, Watermark} when (is_integer(Watermark) andalso Watermark > 0) -> Watermark; _ -> case ulimit() of unknown -> ?FILE_HANDLES_LIMIT_OTHER; Lim -> lists:max([2, Lim - ?RESERVED_FOR_OTHERS]) end end, ObtainLimit = obtain_limit(Limit), error_logger:info_msg("Limiting to approx ~p file handles (~p sockets)~n", [Limit, ObtainLimit]), Clients = ets:new(?CLIENT_ETS_TABLE, [set, private, {keypos, #cstate.pid}]), Elders = ets:new(?ELDERS_ETS_TABLE, [set, private]), {ok, #fhc_state { elders = Elders, limit = Limit, open_count = 0, open_pending = pending_new(), obtain_limit = ObtainLimit, obtain_count = 0, obtain_pending = pending_new(), clients = Clients, timer_ref = undefined }}. prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) -> case Msg of {release, _} -> 5; _ -> 0 end. handle_call({open, Pid, Requested, EldestUnusedSince}, From, State = #fhc_state { open_count = Count, open_pending = Pending, elders = Elders, clients = Clients }) when EldestUnusedSince =/= undefined -> true = ets:insert(Elders, {Pid, EldestUnusedSince}), Item = #pending { kind = open, pid = Pid, requested = Requested, from = From }, ok = track_client(Pid, Clients), case needs_reduce(State #fhc_state { open_count = Count + Requested }) of true -> case ets:lookup(Clients, Pid) of [#cstate { opened = 0 }] -> true = ets:update_element( Clients, Pid, {#cstate.blocked, true}), {noreply, reduce(State #fhc_state { open_pending = pending_in(Item, Pending) })}; [#cstate { opened = Opened }] -> true = ets:update_element( Clients, Pid, {#cstate.pending_closes, Opened}), {reply, close, State} end; false -> {noreply, run_pending_item(Item, State)} end; handle_call({obtain, Pid}, From, State = #fhc_state { obtain_count = Count, obtain_pending = Pending, clients = Clients }) -> ok = track_client(Pid, Clients), Item = #pending { kind = obtain, pid = Pid, requested = 1, from = From }, Enqueue = fun () -> true = ets:update_element(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.blocked, true}), State #fhc_state { obtain_pending = pending_in(Item, Pending) } end, {noreply, case obtain_limit_reached(State) of true -> Enqueue(); false -> case needs_reduce(State #fhc_state { obtain_count = Count + 1 }) of true -> reduce(Enqueue()); false -> adjust_alarm( State, run_pending_item(Item, State)) end end}; handle_call({set_limit, Limit}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, adjust_alarm( State, maybe_reduce( process_pending( State #fhc_state { limit = Limit, obtain_limit = obtain_limit(Limit) })))}; handle_call(get_limit, _From, State = #fhc_state { limit = Limit }) -> {reply, Limit, State}; handle_call({info, Items}, _From, State) -> {reply, infos(Items, State), State}. handle_cast({register_callback, Pid, MFA}, State = #fhc_state { clients = Clients }) -> ok = track_client(Pid, Clients), true = ets:update_element(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.callback, MFA}), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({update, Pid, EldestUnusedSince}, State = #fhc_state { elders = Elders }) when EldestUnusedSince =/= undefined -> true = ets:insert(Elders, {Pid, EldestUnusedSince}), %% don't call maybe_reduce from here otherwise we can create a %% storm of messages {noreply, State}; handle_cast({release, Pid}, State) -> {noreply, adjust_alarm(State, process_pending( update_counts(obtain, Pid, -1, State)))}; handle_cast({close, Pid, EldestUnusedSince}, State = #fhc_state { elders = Elders, clients = Clients }) -> true = case EldestUnusedSince of undefined -> ets:delete(Elders, Pid); _ -> ets:insert(Elders, {Pid, EldestUnusedSince}) end, ets:update_counter(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.pending_closes, -1, 0, 0}), {noreply, adjust_alarm(State, process_pending( update_counts(open, Pid, -1, State)))}; handle_cast({transfer, FromPid, ToPid}, State) -> ok = track_client(ToPid, State#fhc_state.clients), {noreply, process_pending( update_counts(obtain, ToPid, +1, update_counts(obtain, FromPid, -1, State)))}. handle_info(check_counts, State) -> {noreply, maybe_reduce(State #fhc_state { timer_ref = undefined })}; handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _Reason}, State = #fhc_state { elders = Elders, open_count = OpenCount, open_pending = OpenPending, obtain_count = ObtainCount, obtain_pending = ObtainPending, clients = Clients }) -> [#cstate { opened = Opened, obtained = Obtained }] = ets:lookup(Clients, Pid), true = ets:delete(Clients, Pid), true = ets:delete(Elders, Pid), FilterFun = fun (#pending { pid = Pid1 }) -> Pid1 =/= Pid end, {noreply, adjust_alarm( State, process_pending( State #fhc_state { open_count = OpenCount - Opened, open_pending = filter_pending(FilterFun, OpenPending), obtain_count = ObtainCount - Obtained, obtain_pending = filter_pending(FilterFun, ObtainPending) }))}. terminate(_Reason, State = #fhc_state { clients = Clients, elders = Elders }) -> ets:delete(Clients), ets:delete(Elders), State. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% pending queue abstraction helpers %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- queue_fold(Fun, Init, Q) -> case queue:out(Q) of {empty, _Q} -> Init; {{value, V}, Q1} -> queue_fold(Fun, Fun(V, Init), Q1) end. filter_pending(Fun, {Count, Queue}) -> {Delta, Queue1} = queue_fold( fun (Item = #pending { requested = Requested }, {DeltaN, QueueN}) -> case Fun(Item) of true -> {DeltaN, queue:in(Item, QueueN)}; false -> {DeltaN - Requested, QueueN} end end, {0, queue:new()}, Queue), {Count + Delta, Queue1}. pending_new() -> {0, queue:new()}. pending_in(Item = #pending { requested = Requested }, {Count, Queue}) -> {Count + Requested, queue:in(Item, Queue)}. pending_out({0, _Queue} = Pending) -> {empty, Pending}; pending_out({N, Queue}) -> {{value, #pending { requested = Requested }} = Result, Queue1} = queue:out(Queue), {Result, {N - Requested, Queue1}}. pending_count({Count, _Queue}) -> Count. pending_is_empty({0, _Queue}) -> true; pending_is_empty({_N, _Queue}) -> false. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% server helpers %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obtain_limit(infinity) -> infinity; obtain_limit(Limit) -> case ?OBTAIN_LIMIT(Limit) of OLimit when OLimit < 0 -> 0; OLimit -> OLimit end. obtain_limit_reached(#fhc_state { obtain_limit = Limit, obtain_count = Count}) -> Limit =/= infinity andalso Count >= Limit. adjust_alarm(OldState, NewState) -> case {obtain_limit_reached(OldState), obtain_limit_reached(NewState)} of {false, true} -> alarm_handler:set_alarm({file_descriptor_limit, []}); {true, false} -> alarm_handler:clear_alarm(file_descriptor_limit); _ -> ok end, NewState. process_pending(State = #fhc_state { limit = infinity }) -> State; process_pending(State) -> process_open(process_obtain(State)). process_open(State = #fhc_state { limit = Limit, open_pending = Pending, open_count = OpenCount, obtain_count = ObtainCount }) -> {Pending1, State1} = process_pending(Pending, Limit - (ObtainCount + OpenCount), State), State1 #fhc_state { open_pending = Pending1 }. process_obtain(State = #fhc_state { limit = Limit, obtain_pending = Pending, obtain_limit = ObtainLimit, obtain_count = ObtainCount, open_count = OpenCount }) -> Quota = lists:min([ObtainLimit - ObtainCount, Limit - (ObtainCount + OpenCount)]), {Pending1, State1} = process_pending(Pending, Quota, State), State1 #fhc_state { obtain_pending = Pending1 }. process_pending(Pending, Quota, State) when Quota =< 0 -> {Pending, State}; process_pending(Pending, Quota, State) -> case pending_out(Pending) of {empty, _Pending} -> {Pending, State}; {{value, #pending { requested = Requested }}, _Pending1} when Requested > Quota -> {Pending, State}; {{value, #pending { requested = Requested } = Item}, Pending1} -> process_pending(Pending1, Quota - Requested, run_pending_item(Item, State)) end. run_pending_item(#pending { kind = Kind, pid = Pid, requested = Requested, from = From }, State = #fhc_state { clients = Clients }) -> gen_server2:reply(From, ok), true = ets:update_element(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.blocked, false}), update_counts(Kind, Pid, Requested, State). update_counts(Kind, Pid, Delta, State = #fhc_state { open_count = OpenCount, obtain_count = ObtainCount, clients = Clients }) -> {OpenDelta, ObtainDelta} = update_counts1(Kind, Pid, Delta, Clients), State #fhc_state { open_count = OpenCount + OpenDelta, obtain_count = ObtainCount + ObtainDelta }. update_counts1(open, Pid, Delta, Clients) -> ets:update_counter(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.opened, Delta}), {Delta, 0}; update_counts1(obtain, Pid, Delta, Clients) -> ets:update_counter(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.obtained, Delta}), {0, Delta}. maybe_reduce(State) -> case needs_reduce(State) of true -> reduce(State); false -> State end. needs_reduce(#fhc_state { limit = Limit, open_count = OpenCount, open_pending = OpenPending, obtain_count = ObtainCount, obtain_limit = ObtainLimit, obtain_pending = ObtainPending }) -> Limit =/= infinity andalso ((OpenCount + ObtainCount > Limit) orelse (not pending_is_empty(OpenPending)) orelse (ObtainCount < ObtainLimit andalso not pending_is_empty(ObtainPending))). reduce(State = #fhc_state { open_pending = OpenPending, obtain_pending = ObtainPending, elders = Elders, clients = Clients, timer_ref = TRef }) -> Now = now(), {CStates, Sum, ClientCount} = ets:foldl(fun ({Pid, Eldest}, {CStatesAcc, SumAcc, CountAcc} = Accs) -> [#cstate { pending_closes = PendingCloses, opened = Opened, blocked = Blocked } = CState] = ets:lookup(Clients, Pid), case Blocked orelse PendingCloses =:= Opened of true -> Accs; false -> {[CState | CStatesAcc], SumAcc + timer:now_diff(Now, Eldest), CountAcc + 1} end end, {[], 0, 0}, Elders), case CStates of [] -> ok; _ -> case (Sum / ClientCount) - (1000 * ?FILE_HANDLES_CHECK_INTERVAL) of AverageAge when AverageAge > 0 -> notify_age(CStates, AverageAge); _ -> notify_age0(Clients, CStates, pending_count(OpenPending) + pending_count(ObtainPending)) end end, case TRef of undefined -> TRef1 = erlang:send_after( ?FILE_HANDLES_CHECK_INTERVAL, ?SERVER, check_counts), State #fhc_state { timer_ref = TRef1 }; _ -> State end. notify_age(CStates, AverageAge) -> lists:foreach( fun (#cstate { callback = undefined }) -> ok; (#cstate { callback = {M, F, A} }) -> apply(M, F, A ++ [AverageAge]) end, CStates). notify_age0(Clients, CStates, Required) -> case [CState || CState <- CStates, CState#cstate.callback =/= undefined] of [] -> ok; Notifications -> S = random:uniform(length(Notifications)), {L1, L2} = lists:split(S, Notifications), notify(Clients, Required, L2 ++ L1) end. notify(_Clients, _Required, []) -> ok; notify(_Clients, Required, _Notifications) when Required =< 0 -> ok; notify(Clients, Required, [#cstate{ pid = Pid, callback = {M, F, A}, opened = Opened } | Notifications]) -> apply(M, F, A ++ [0]), ets:update_element(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.pending_closes, Opened}), notify(Clients, Required - Opened, Notifications). track_client(Pid, Clients) -> case ets:insert_new(Clients, #cstate { pid = Pid, callback = undefined, opened = 0, obtained = 0, blocked = false, pending_closes = 0 }) of true -> _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), ok; false -> ok end. %% To increase the number of file descriptors: on Windows set ERL_MAX_PORTS %% environment variable, on Linux set `ulimit -n`. ulimit() -> case proplists:get_value(max_fds, erlang:system_info(check_io)) of MaxFds when is_integer(MaxFds) andalso MaxFds > 1 -> case os:type() of {win32, _OsName} -> %% On Windows max_fds is twice the number of open files: %% https://github.com/yrashk/erlang/blob/e1282325ed75e52a98d5/erts/emulator/sys/win32/sys.c#L2459-2466 MaxFds div 2; _Any -> %% For other operating systems trust Erlang. MaxFds end; _ -> unknown end.