%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2011-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(pmon). -export([new/0, new/1, monitor/2, monitor_all/2, demonitor/2, is_monitored/2, erase/2, monitored/1, is_empty/1]). -compile({no_auto_import, [monitor/2]}). -record(state, {dict, module}). -ifdef(use_specs). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -export_type([?MODULE/0]). -opaque(?MODULE() :: #state{dict :: dict(), module :: atom()}). -type(item() :: pid() | {atom(), node()}). -spec(new/0 :: () -> ?MODULE()). -spec(new/1 :: ('erlang' | 'delegate') -> ?MODULE()). -spec(monitor/2 :: (item(), ?MODULE()) -> ?MODULE()). -spec(monitor_all/2 :: ([item()], ?MODULE()) -> ?MODULE()). -spec(demonitor/2 :: (item(), ?MODULE()) -> ?MODULE()). -spec(is_monitored/2 :: (item(), ?MODULE()) -> boolean()). -spec(erase/2 :: (item(), ?MODULE()) -> ?MODULE()). -spec(monitored/1 :: (?MODULE()) -> [item()]). -spec(is_empty/1 :: (?MODULE()) -> boolean()). -endif. new() -> new(erlang). new(Module) -> #state{dict = dict:new(), module = Module}. monitor(Item, S = #state{dict = M, module = Module}) -> case dict:is_key(Item, M) of true -> S; false -> S#state{dict = dict:store( Item, Module:monitor(process, Item), M)} end. monitor_all([], S) -> S; %% optimisation monitor_all([Item], S) -> monitor(Item, S); %% optimisation monitor_all(Items, S) -> lists:foldl(fun monitor/2, S, Items). demonitor(Item, S = #state{dict = M, module = Module}) -> case dict:find(Item, M) of {ok, MRef} -> Module:demonitor(MRef), S#state{dict = dict:erase(Item, M)}; error -> M end. is_monitored(Item, #state{dict = M}) -> dict:is_key(Item, M). erase(Item, S = #state{dict = M}) -> S#state{dict = dict:erase(Item, M)}. monitored(#state{dict = M}) -> dict:fetch_keys(M). is_empty(#state{dict = M}) -> dict:size(M) == 0.