%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit). -behaviour(application). -export([prepare/0, start/0, stop/0, stop_and_halt/0, status/0, environment/0, rotate_logs/1]). -export([start/2, stop/1]). -export([log_location/1]). %% for testing %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Boot steps. -export([maybe_insert_default_data/0, boot_delegate/0, recover/0]). -rabbit_boot_step({pre_boot, [{description, "rabbit boot start"}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({codec_correctness_check, [{description, "codec correctness check"}, {mfa, {rabbit_binary_generator, check_empty_content_body_frame_size, []}}, {requires, pre_boot}, {enables, external_infrastructure}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({database, [{mfa, {rabbit_mnesia, init, []}}, {requires, file_handle_cache}, {enables, external_infrastructure}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({file_handle_cache, [{description, "file handle cache server"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_restartable_child, [file_handle_cache]}}, {requires, pre_boot}, {enables, worker_pool}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({worker_pool, [{description, "worker pool"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_child, [worker_pool_sup]}}, {requires, pre_boot}, {enables, external_infrastructure}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({external_infrastructure, [{description, "external infrastructure ready"}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_registry, [{description, "plugin registry"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_child, [rabbit_registry]}}, {requires, external_infrastructure}, {enables, kernel_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_log, [{description, "logging server"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_restartable_child, [rabbit_log]}}, {requires, external_infrastructure}, {enables, kernel_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_event, [{description, "statistics event manager"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_restartable_child, [rabbit_event]}}, {requires, external_infrastructure}, {enables, kernel_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({kernel_ready, [{description, "kernel ready"}, {requires, external_infrastructure}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_alarm, [{description, "alarm handler"}, {mfa, {rabbit_alarm, start, []}}, {requires, kernel_ready}, {enables, core_initialized}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_memory_monitor, [{description, "memory monitor"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_restartable_child, [rabbit_memory_monitor]}}, {requires, rabbit_alarm}, {enables, core_initialized}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({guid_generator, [{description, "guid generator"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_restartable_child, [rabbit_guid]}}, {requires, kernel_ready}, {enables, core_initialized}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({delegate_sup, [{description, "cluster delegate"}, {mfa, {rabbit, boot_delegate, []}}, {requires, kernel_ready}, {enables, core_initialized}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_node_monitor, [{description, "node monitor"}, {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_restartable_child, [rabbit_node_monitor]}}, {requires, kernel_ready}, {enables, core_initialized}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({core_initialized, [{description, "core initialized"}, {requires, kernel_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({empty_db_check, [{description, "empty DB check"}, {mfa, {?MODULE, maybe_insert_default_data, []}}, {requires, core_initialized}, {enables, routing_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({recovery, [{description, "exchange, queue and binding recovery"}, {mfa, {rabbit, recover, []}}, {requires, empty_db_check}, {enables, routing_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({mirror_queue_slave_sup, [{description, "mirror queue slave sup"}, {mfa, {rabbit_mirror_queue_slave_sup, start, []}}, {requires, recovery}, {enables, routing_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({mirrored_queues, [{description, "adding mirrors to queues"}, {mfa, {rabbit_mirror_queue_misc, on_node_up, []}}, {requires, mirror_queue_slave_sup}, {enables, routing_ready}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({routing_ready, [{description, "message delivery logic ready"}, {requires, core_initialized}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({log_relay, [{description, "error log relay"}, {mfa, {rabbit_error_logger, boot, []}}, {requires, routing_ready}, {enables, networking}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({direct_client, [{mfa, {rabbit_direct, boot, []}}, {requires, log_relay}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({networking, [{mfa, {rabbit_networking, boot, []}}, {requires, log_relay}]}). -rabbit_boot_step({notify_cluster, [{description, "notify cluster nodes"}, {mfa, {rabbit_node_monitor, notify_cluster, []}}, {requires, networking}]}). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -define(APPS, [os_mon, mnesia, rabbit]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -type(file_suffix() :: binary()). %% this really should be an abstract type -type(log_location() :: 'tty' | 'undefined' | file:filename()). -spec(prepare/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(start/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(stop_and_halt/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(rotate_logs/1 :: (file_suffix()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error(any())). -spec(status/0 :: () -> [{pid, integer()} | {running_applications, [{atom(), string(), string()}]} | {os, {atom(), atom()}} | {erlang_version, string()} | {memory, any()}]). -spec(environment/0 :: () -> [{atom() | term()}]). -spec(log_location/1 :: ('sasl' | 'kernel') -> log_location()). -spec(maybe_insert_default_data/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(boot_delegate/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(recover/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- prepare() -> ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(), ok = rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_mnesia(). start() -> try ok = prepare(), ok = rabbit_misc:start_applications(application_load_order()) after %%give the error loggers some time to catch up timer:sleep(100) end. stop() -> ok = rabbit_misc:stop_applications(application_load_order()). stop_and_halt() -> try stop() after init:stop() end, ok. status() -> [{pid, list_to_integer(os:getpid())}, {running_applications, application:which_applications()}, {os, os:type()}, {erlang_version, erlang:system_info(system_version)}, {memory, erlang:memory()}]. environment() -> lists:keysort( 1, [P || P = {K, _} <- application:get_all_env(rabbit), K =/= default_pass]). rotate_logs(BinarySuffix) -> Suffix = binary_to_list(BinarySuffix), log_rotation_result(rotate_logs(log_location(kernel), Suffix, rabbit_error_logger_file_h), rotate_logs(log_location(sasl), Suffix, rabbit_sasl_report_file_h)). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start(normal, []) -> case erts_version_check() of ok -> ok = rabbit_mnesia:delete_previously_running_nodes(), {ok, SupPid} = rabbit_sup:start_link(), true = register(rabbit, self()), print_banner(), [ok = run_boot_step(Step) || Step <- boot_steps()], io:format("~nbroker running~n"), {ok, SupPid}; Error -> Error end. stop(_State) -> ok = rabbit_mnesia:record_running_nodes(), terminated_ok = error_logger:delete_report_handler(rabbit_error_logger), ok = rabbit_alarm:stop(), ok = case rabbit_mnesia:is_clustered() of true -> rabbit_amqqueue:on_node_down(node()); false -> rabbit_mnesia:empty_ram_only_tables() end, ok. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% application life cycle application_load_order() -> ok = load_applications(), {ok, G} = rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph( fun (App, _Deps) -> [{App, App}] end, fun (App, Deps) -> [{Dep, App} || Dep <- Deps] end, [{App, app_dependencies(App)} || {App, _Desc, _Vsn} <- application:loaded_applications()]), true = digraph:del_vertices( G, digraph:vertices(G) -- digraph_utils:reachable(?APPS, G)), Result = digraph_utils:topsort(G), true = digraph:delete(G), Result. load_applications() -> load_applications(queue:from_list(?APPS), sets:new()). load_applications(Worklist, Loaded) -> case queue:out(Worklist) of {empty, _WorkList} -> ok; {{value, App}, Worklist1} -> case sets:is_element(App, Loaded) of true -> load_applications(Worklist1, Loaded); false -> case application:load(App) of ok -> ok; {error, {already_loaded, App}} -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end, load_applications( queue:join(Worklist1, queue:from_list(app_dependencies(App))), sets:add_element(App, Loaded)) end end. app_dependencies(App) -> case application:get_key(App, applications) of undefined -> []; {ok, Lst} -> Lst end. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% boot step logic run_boot_step({StepName, Attributes}) -> Description = case lists:keysearch(description, 1, Attributes) of {value, {_, D}} -> D; false -> StepName end, case [MFA || {mfa, MFA} <- Attributes] of [] -> io:format("-- ~s~n", [Description]); MFAs -> io:format("starting ~-60s ...", [Description]), [try apply(M,F,A) catch _:Reason -> boot_error("FAILED~nReason: ~p~nStacktrace: ~p~n", [Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]) end || {M,F,A} <- MFAs], io:format("done~n"), ok end. boot_steps() -> sort_boot_steps(rabbit_misc:all_module_attributes(rabbit_boot_step)). vertices(_Module, Steps) -> [{StepName, {StepName, Atts}} || {StepName, Atts} <- Steps]. edges(_Module, Steps) -> [case Key of requires -> {StepName, OtherStep}; enables -> {OtherStep, StepName} end || {StepName, Atts} <- Steps, {Key, OtherStep} <- Atts, Key =:= requires orelse Key =:= enables]. sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps) -> case rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph(fun vertices/2, fun edges/2, UnsortedSteps) of {ok, G} -> %% Use topological sort to find a consistent ordering (if %% there is one, otherwise fail). SortedSteps = lists:reverse( [begin {StepName, Step} = digraph:vertex(G, StepName), Step end || StepName <- digraph_utils:topsort(G)]), digraph:delete(G), %% Check that all mentioned {M,F,A} triples are exported. case [{StepName, {M,F,A}} || {StepName, Attributes} <- SortedSteps, {mfa, {M,F,A}} <- Attributes, not erlang:function_exported(M, F, length(A))] of [] -> SortedSteps; MissingFunctions -> boot_error( "Boot step functions not exported: ~p~n", [MissingFunctions]) end; {error, {vertex, duplicate, StepName}} -> boot_error("Duplicate boot step name: ~w~n", [StepName]); {error, {edge, Reason, From, To}} -> boot_error( "Could not add boot step dependency of ~w on ~w:~n~s", [To, From, case Reason of {bad_vertex, V} -> io_lib:format("Boot step not registered: ~w~n", [V]); {bad_edge, [First | Rest]} -> [io_lib:format("Cyclic dependency: ~w", [First]), [io_lib:format(" depends on ~w", [Next]) || Next <- Rest], io_lib:format(" depends on ~w~n", [First])] end]) end. boot_error(Format, Args) -> io:format("BOOT ERROR: " ++ Format, Args), error_logger:error_msg(Format, Args), timer:sleep(1000), exit({?MODULE, failure_during_boot}). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% boot step functions boot_delegate() -> {ok, Count} = application:get_env(rabbit, delegate_count), rabbit_sup:start_child(delegate_sup, [Count]). recover() -> rabbit_binding:recover(rabbit_exchange:recover(), rabbit_amqqueue:start()). maybe_insert_default_data() -> case rabbit_mnesia:is_db_empty() of true -> insert_default_data(); false -> ok end. insert_default_data() -> {ok, DefaultUser} = application:get_env(default_user), {ok, DefaultPass} = application:get_env(default_pass), {ok, DefaultTags} = application:get_env(default_user_tags), {ok, DefaultVHost} = application:get_env(default_vhost), {ok, [DefaultConfigurePerm, DefaultWritePerm, DefaultReadPerm]} = application:get_env(default_permissions), ok = rabbit_vhost:add(DefaultVHost), ok = rabbit_auth_backend_internal:add_user(DefaultUser, DefaultPass), ok = rabbit_auth_backend_internal:set_tags(DefaultUser, DefaultTags), ok = rabbit_auth_backend_internal:set_permissions(DefaultUser, DefaultVHost, DefaultConfigurePerm, DefaultWritePerm, DefaultReadPerm), ok. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% logging ensure_working_log_handlers() -> Handlers = gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), ok = ensure_working_log_handler(error_logger_file_h, rabbit_error_logger_file_h, error_logger_tty_h, log_location(kernel), Handlers), ok = ensure_working_log_handler(sasl_report_file_h, rabbit_sasl_report_file_h, sasl_report_tty_h, log_location(sasl), Handlers), ok. ensure_working_log_handler(OldFHandler, NewFHandler, TTYHandler, LogLocation, Handlers) -> case LogLocation of undefined -> ok; tty -> case lists:member(TTYHandler, Handlers) of true -> ok; false -> throw({error, {cannot_log_to_tty, TTYHandler, not_installed}}) end; _ -> case lists:member(NewFHandler, Handlers) of true -> ok; false -> case rotate_logs(LogLocation, "", OldFHandler, NewFHandler) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {cannot_log_to_file, LogLocation, Reason}}) end end end. log_location(Type) -> case application:get_env(Type, case Type of kernel -> error_logger; sasl -> sasl_error_logger end) of {ok, {file, File}} -> File; {ok, false} -> undefined; {ok, tty} -> tty; {ok, silent} -> undefined; {ok, Bad} -> throw({error, {cannot_log_to_file, Bad}}); _ -> undefined end. rotate_logs(File, Suffix, Handler) -> rotate_logs(File, Suffix, Handler, Handler). rotate_logs(File, Suffix, OldHandler, NewHandler) -> case File of undefined -> ok; tty -> ok; _ -> gen_event:swap_handler( error_logger, {OldHandler, swap}, {NewHandler, {File, Suffix}}) end. log_rotation_result({error, MainLogError}, {error, SaslLogError}) -> {error, {{cannot_rotate_main_logs, MainLogError}, {cannot_rotate_sasl_logs, SaslLogError}}}; log_rotation_result({error, MainLogError}, ok) -> {error, {cannot_rotate_main_logs, MainLogError}}; log_rotation_result(ok, {error, SaslLogError}) -> {error, {cannot_rotate_sasl_logs, SaslLogError}}; log_rotation_result(ok, ok) -> ok. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% misc erts_version_check() -> FoundVer = erlang:system_info(version), case rabbit_misc:version_compare(?ERTS_MINIMUM, FoundVer, lte) of true -> ok; false -> {error, {erlang_version_too_old, {found, FoundVer}, {required, ?ERTS_MINIMUM}}} end. print_banner() -> {ok, Product} = application:get_key(id), {ok, Version} = application:get_key(vsn), ProductLen = string:len(Product), io:format("~n" "+---+ +---+~n" "| | | |~n" "| | | |~n" "| | | |~n" "| +---+ +-------+~n" "| |~n" "| ~s +---+ |~n" "| | | |~n" "| ~s +---+ |~n" "| |~n" "+-------------------+~n" "~s~n~s~n~s~n~n", [Product, string:right([$v|Version], ProductLen), ?PROTOCOL_VERSION, ?COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE, ?INFORMATION_MESSAGE]), Settings = [{"node", node()}, {"app descriptor", app_location()}, {"home dir", home_dir()}, {"config file(s)", config_files()}, {"cookie hash", rabbit_misc:cookie_hash()}, {"log", log_location(kernel)}, {"sasl log", log_location(sasl)}, {"database dir", rabbit_mnesia:dir()}, {"erlang version", erlang:system_info(version)}], DescrLen = 1 + lists:max([length(K) || {K, _V} <- Settings]), Format = fun (K, V) -> io:format("~-" ++ integer_to_list(DescrLen) ++ "s: ~s~n", [K, V]) end, lists:foreach(fun ({"config file(s)" = K, []}) -> Format(K, "(none)"); ({"config file(s)" = K, [V0 | Vs]}) -> Format(K, V0), [Format("", V) || V <- Vs]; ({K, V}) -> Format(K, V) end, Settings), io:nl(). app_location() -> {ok, Application} = application:get_application(), filename:absname(code:where_is_file(atom_to_list(Application) ++ ".app")). home_dir() -> case init:get_argument(home) of {ok, [[Home]]} -> Home; Other -> Other end. config_files() -> case init:get_argument(config) of {ok, Files} -> [filename:absname( filename:rootname(File, ".config") ++ ".config") || File <- Files]; error -> [] end.