%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_amqqueue). -export([recover/0, stop/0, start/1, declare/5, declare/6, delete_immediately/1, delete/3, purge/1, forget_all_durable/1]). -export([pseudo_queue/2]). -export([lookup/1, not_found_or_absent/1, with/2, with/3, with_or_die/2, assert_equivalence/5, check_exclusive_access/2, with_exclusive_access_or_die/3, stat/1, deliver/2, deliver_flow/2, requeue/3, ack/3, reject/4]). -export([list/0, list/1, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2]). -export([force_event_refresh/1, notify_policy_changed/1]). -export([consumers/1, consumers_all/1, consumer_info_keys/0]). -export([basic_get/4, basic_consume/10, basic_cancel/4, notify_decorators/1]). -export([notify_sent/2, notify_sent_queue_down/1, resume/2]). -export([notify_down_all/2, activate_limit_all/2, credit/5]). -export([on_node_down/1]). -export([update/2, store_queue/1, policy_changed/2]). -export([start_mirroring/1, stop_mirroring/1, sync_mirrors/1, cancel_sync_mirrors/1]). %% internal -export([internal_declare/2, internal_delete/1, run_backing_queue/3, set_ram_duration_target/2, set_maximum_since_use/2]). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl"). -define(INTEGER_ARG_TYPES, [byte, short, signedint, long]). -define(MORE_CONSUMER_CREDIT_AFTER, 50). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -export_type([name/0, qmsg/0]). -type(name() :: rabbit_types:r('queue')). -type(qpids() :: [pid()]). -type(qlen() :: rabbit_types:ok(non_neg_integer())). -type(qfun(A) :: fun ((rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> A | no_return())). -type(qmsg() :: {name(), pid(), msg_id(), boolean(), rabbit_types:message()}). -type(msg_id() :: non_neg_integer()). -type(ok_or_errors() :: 'ok' | {'error', [{'error' | 'exit' | 'throw', any()}]}). -type(queue_or_absent() :: rabbit_types:amqqueue() | {'absent', rabbit_types:amqqueue()}). -type(not_found_or_absent() :: 'not_found' | {'absent', rabbit_types:amqqueue()}). -spec(recover/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:amqqueue()]). -spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(start/1 :: ([rabbit_types:amqqueue()]) -> 'ok'). -spec(declare/5 :: (name(), boolean(), boolean(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(), rabbit_types:maybe(pid())) -> {'new' | 'existing' | 'absent' | 'owner_died', rabbit_types:amqqueue()} | rabbit_types:channel_exit()). -spec(declare/6 :: (name(), boolean(), boolean(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(), rabbit_types:maybe(pid()), node()) -> {'new' | 'existing' | 'absent' | 'owner_died', rabbit_types:amqqueue()} | rabbit_types:channel_exit()). -spec(internal_declare/2 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), boolean()) -> queue_or_absent() | rabbit_misc:thunk(queue_or_absent())). -spec(update/2 :: (name(), fun((rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> rabbit_types:amqqueue())) -> 'not_found' | rabbit_types:amqqueue()). -spec(lookup/1 :: (name()) -> rabbit_types:ok(rabbit_types:amqqueue()) | rabbit_types:error('not_found'); ([name()]) -> [rabbit_types:amqqueue()]). -spec(not_found_or_absent/1 :: (name()) -> not_found_or_absent()). -spec(with/2 :: (name(), qfun(A)) -> A | rabbit_types:error(not_found_or_absent())). -spec(with/3 :: (name(), qfun(A), fun((not_found_or_absent()) -> B)) -> A | B). -spec(with_or_die/2 :: (name(), qfun(A)) -> A | rabbit_types:channel_exit()). -spec(assert_equivalence/5 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), boolean(), boolean(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(), rabbit_types:maybe(pid())) -> 'ok' | rabbit_types:channel_exit() | rabbit_types:connection_exit()). -spec(check_exclusive_access/2 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid()) -> 'ok' | rabbit_types:channel_exit()). -spec(with_exclusive_access_or_die/3 :: (name(), pid(), qfun(A)) -> A | rabbit_types:channel_exit()). -spec(list/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:amqqueue()]). -spec(list/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> [rabbit_types:amqqueue()]). -spec(info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(info/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(info/2 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(info_all/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]). -spec(info_all/2 :: (rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]). -spec(force_event_refresh/1 :: (reference()) -> 'ok'). -spec(notify_policy_changed/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok'). -spec(consumers/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> [{pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}]). -spec(consumer_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(consumers_all/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> [{name(), pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}]). -spec(stat/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> {'ok', non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}). -spec(delete_immediately/1 :: (qpids()) -> 'ok'). -spec(delete/3 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'false', 'false') -> qlen(); (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'true' , 'false') -> qlen() | rabbit_types:error('in_use'); (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'false', 'true' ) -> qlen() | rabbit_types:error('not_empty'); (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'true' , 'true' ) -> qlen() | rabbit_types:error('in_use') | rabbit_types:error('not_empty')). -spec(purge/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> qlen()). -spec(forget_all_durable/1 :: (node()) -> 'ok'). -spec(deliver/2 :: ([rabbit_types:amqqueue()], rabbit_types:delivery()) -> qpids()). -spec(deliver_flow/2 :: ([rabbit_types:amqqueue()], rabbit_types:delivery()) -> qpids()). -spec(requeue/3 :: (pid(), [msg_id()], pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(ack/3 :: (pid(), [msg_id()], pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(reject/4 :: (pid(), [msg_id()], boolean(), pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(notify_down_all/2 :: (qpids(), pid()) -> ok_or_errors()). -spec(activate_limit_all/2 :: (qpids(), pid()) -> ok_or_errors()). -spec(basic_get/4 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), boolean(), pid()) -> {'ok', non_neg_integer(), qmsg()} | 'empty'). -spec(credit/5 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), non_neg_integer(), boolean()) -> 'ok'). -spec(basic_consume/10 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), boolean(), pid(), pid(), boolean(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(), any()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('exclusive_consume_unavailable')). -spec(basic_cancel/4 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), any()) -> 'ok'). -spec(notify_decorators/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok'). -spec(notify_sent/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(notify_sent_queue_down/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(resume/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(internal_delete/1 :: (name()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('not_found') | rabbit_types:connection_exit() | fun (() -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('not_found') | rabbit_types:connection_exit())). -spec(run_backing_queue/3 :: (pid(), atom(), (fun ((atom(), A) -> {[rabbit_types:msg_id()], A}))) -> 'ok'). -spec(set_ram_duration_target/2 :: (pid(), number() | 'infinity') -> 'ok'). -spec(set_maximum_since_use/2 :: (pid(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok'). -spec(on_node_down/1 :: (node()) -> 'ok'). -spec(pseudo_queue/2 :: (name(), pid()) -> rabbit_types:amqqueue()). -spec(store_queue/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok'). -spec(policy_changed/2 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok'). -spec(start_mirroring/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(stop_mirroring/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(sync_mirrors/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok' | rabbit_types:error('not_mirrored')). -spec(cancel_sync_mirrors/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok' | {'ok', 'not_syncing'}). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(CONSUMER_INFO_KEYS, [queue_name, channel_pid, consumer_tag, ack_required, prefetch_count, arguments]). recover() -> %% Clear out remnants of old incarnation, in case we restarted %% faster than other nodes handled DOWN messages from us. on_node_down(node()), DurableQueues = find_durable_queues(), {ok, BQ} = application:get_env(rabbit, backing_queue_module), %% We rely on BQ:start/1 returning the recovery terms in the same %% order as the supplied queue names, so that we can zip them together %% for further processing in recover_durable_queues. {ok, OrderedRecoveryTerms} = BQ:start([QName || #amqqueue{name = QName} <- DurableQueues]), {ok,_} = supervisor:start_child( rabbit_sup, {rabbit_amqqueue_sup, {rabbit_amqqueue_sup, start_link, []}, transient, infinity, supervisor, [rabbit_amqqueue_sup]}), recover_durable_queues(lists:zip(DurableQueues, OrderedRecoveryTerms)). stop() -> ok = supervisor:terminate_child(rabbit_sup, rabbit_amqqueue_sup), ok = supervisor:delete_child(rabbit_sup, rabbit_amqqueue_sup), {ok, BQ} = application:get_env(rabbit, backing_queue_module), ok = BQ:stop(). start(Qs) -> %% At this point all recovered queues and their bindings are %% visible to routing, so now it is safe for them to complete %% their initialisation (which may involve interacting with other %% queues). [Pid ! {self(), go} || #amqqueue{pid = Pid} <- Qs], ok. find_durable_queues() -> Node = node(), mnesia:async_dirty( fun () -> qlc:e(qlc:q([Q || Q = #amqqueue{name = Name, pid = Pid} <- mnesia:table(rabbit_durable_queue), node(Pid) == Node, mnesia:read(rabbit_queue, Name, read) =:= []])) end). recover_durable_queues(QueuesAndRecoveryTerms) -> {Results, Failures} = gen_server2:mcall([{start_queue_process(node(), Q), {init, {self(), Terms}}} || {Q, Terms} <- QueuesAndRecoveryTerms]), [rabbit_log:error("Queue ~p failed to initialise: ~p~n", [Pid, Error]) || {Pid, Error} <- Failures], [Q || {_, {new, Q}} <- Results]. declare(QueueName, Durable, AutoDelete, Args, Owner) -> declare(QueueName, Durable, AutoDelete, Args, Owner, node()). %% The Node argument suggests where the queue (master if mirrored) %% should be. Note that in some cases (e.g. with "nodes" policy in %% effect) this might not be possible to satisfy. declare(QueueName, Durable, AutoDelete, Args, Owner, Node) -> ok = check_declare_arguments(QueueName, Args), Q = rabbit_policy:set(#amqqueue{name = QueueName, durable = Durable, auto_delete = AutoDelete, arguments = Args, exclusive_owner = Owner, pid = none, slave_pids = [], sync_slave_pids = [], gm_pids = []}), Node = rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:initial_queue_node(Q, Node), gen_server2:call(start_queue_process(Node, Q), {init, new}, infinity). internal_declare(Q, true) -> rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_tx_with_tail( fun () -> ok = store_queue(Q), rabbit_misc:const(Q) end); internal_declare(Q = #amqqueue{name = QueueName}, false) -> rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_tx_with_tail( fun () -> case mnesia:wread({rabbit_queue, QueueName}) of [] -> case not_found_or_absent(QueueName) of not_found -> Q1 = rabbit_policy:set(Q), ok = store_queue(Q1), B = add_default_binding(Q1), fun () -> B(), Q1 end; {absent, _Q} = R -> rabbit_misc:const(R) end; [ExistingQ = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}] -> case rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(QPid) of true -> rabbit_misc:const(ExistingQ); false -> TailFun = internal_delete(QueueName), fun () -> TailFun(), ExistingQ end end end end). update(Name, Fun) -> case mnesia:wread({rabbit_queue, Name}) of [Q = #amqqueue{durable = Durable}] -> Q1 = Fun(Q), ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_queue, Q1, write), case Durable of true -> ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_durable_queue, Q1, write); _ -> ok end, Q1; [] -> not_found end. store_queue(Q = #amqqueue{durable = true}) -> ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_durable_queue, Q#amqqueue{slave_pids = [], sync_slave_pids = [], gm_pids = []}, write), ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_queue, Q, write), ok; store_queue(Q = #amqqueue{durable = false}) -> ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_queue, Q, write), ok. policy_changed(Q1 = #amqqueue{decorators = Decorators1}, Q2 = #amqqueue{decorators = Decorators2}) -> rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:update_mirrors(Q1, Q2), D1 = rabbit_queue_decorator:select(Decorators1), D2 = rabbit_queue_decorator:select(Decorators2), [ok = M:policy_changed(Q1, Q2) || M <- lists:usort(D1 ++ D2)], %% Make sure we emit a stats event even if nothing %% mirroring-related has changed - the policy may have changed anyway. notify_policy_changed(Q1). start_queue_process(Node, Q) -> {ok, Pid} = rabbit_amqqueue_sup:start_child(Node, [Q]), Pid. add_default_binding(#amqqueue{name = QueueName}) -> ExchangeName = rabbit_misc:r(QueueName, exchange, <<>>), RoutingKey = QueueName#resource.name, rabbit_binding:add(#binding{source = ExchangeName, destination = QueueName, key = RoutingKey, args = []}). lookup([]) -> []; %% optimisation lookup([Name]) -> ets:lookup(rabbit_queue, Name); %% optimisation lookup(Names) when is_list(Names) -> %% Normally we'd call mnesia:dirty_read/1 here, but that is quite %% expensive for reasons explained in rabbit_misc:dirty_read/1. lists:append([ets:lookup(rabbit_queue, Name) || Name <- Names]); lookup(Name) -> rabbit_misc:dirty_read({rabbit_queue, Name}). not_found_or_absent(Name) -> %% NB: we assume that the caller has already performed a lookup on %% rabbit_queue and not found anything case mnesia:read({rabbit_durable_queue, Name}) of [] -> not_found; [Q] -> {absent, Q} %% Q exists on stopped node end. not_found_or_absent_dirty(Name) -> %% We should read from both tables inside a tx, to get a %% consistent view. But the chances of an inconsistency are small, %% and only affect the error kind. case rabbit_misc:dirty_read({rabbit_durable_queue, Name}) of {error, not_found} -> not_found; {ok, Q} -> {absent, Q} end. with(Name, F, E) -> case lookup(Name) of {ok, Q = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}} -> %% We check is_process_alive(QPid) in case we receive a %% nodedown (for example) in F() that has nothing to do %% with the QPid. F() should be written s.t. that this %% cannot happen, so we bail if it does since that %% indicates a code bug and we don't want to get stuck in %% the retry loop. rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler( fun () -> false = rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(QPid), timer:sleep(25), with(Name, F, E) end, fun () -> F(Q) end); {error, not_found} -> E(not_found_or_absent_dirty(Name)) end. with(Name, F) -> with(Name, F, fun (E) -> {error, E} end). with_or_die(Name, F) -> with(Name, F, fun (not_found) -> rabbit_misc:not_found(Name); ({absent, Q}) -> rabbit_misc:absent(Q) end). assert_equivalence(#amqqueue{durable = Durable, auto_delete = AutoDelete} = Q, Durable, AutoDelete, RequiredArgs, Owner) -> assert_args_equivalence(Q, RequiredArgs), check_exclusive_access(Q, Owner, strict); assert_equivalence(#amqqueue{name = QueueName}, _Durable, _AutoDelete, _RequiredArgs, _Owner) -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( precondition_failed, "parameters for ~s not equivalent", [rabbit_misc:rs(QueueName)]). check_exclusive_access(Q, Owner) -> check_exclusive_access(Q, Owner, lax). check_exclusive_access(#amqqueue{exclusive_owner = Owner}, Owner, _MatchType) -> ok; check_exclusive_access(#amqqueue{exclusive_owner = none}, _ReaderPid, lax) -> ok; check_exclusive_access(#amqqueue{name = QueueName}, _ReaderPid, _MatchType) -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( resource_locked, "cannot obtain exclusive access to locked ~s", [rabbit_misc:rs(QueueName)]). with_exclusive_access_or_die(Name, ReaderPid, F) -> with_or_die(Name, fun (Q) -> check_exclusive_access(Q, ReaderPid), F(Q) end). assert_args_equivalence(#amqqueue{name = QueueName, arguments = Args}, RequiredArgs) -> rabbit_misc:assert_args_equivalence(Args, RequiredArgs, QueueName, [Key || {Key, _Fun} <- declare_args()]). check_declare_arguments(QueueName, Args) -> check_arguments(QueueName, Args, declare_args()). check_consume_arguments(QueueName, Args) -> check_arguments(QueueName, Args, consume_args()). check_arguments(QueueName, Args, Validators) -> [case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, Key) of undefined -> ok; TypeVal -> case Fun(TypeVal, Args) of ok -> ok; {error, Error} -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( precondition_failed, "invalid arg '~s' for ~s: ~255p", [Key, rabbit_misc:rs(QueueName), Error]) end end || {Key, Fun} <- Validators], ok. declare_args() -> [{<<"x-expires">>, fun check_expires_arg/2}, {<<"x-message-ttl">>, fun check_message_ttl_arg/2}, {<<"x-dead-letter-routing-key">>, fun check_dlxrk_arg/2}, {<<"x-max-length">>, fun check_non_neg_int_arg/2}]. consume_args() -> [{<<"x-priority">>, fun check_int_arg/2}, {<<"x-cancel-on-ha-failover">>, fun check_bool_arg/2}]. check_int_arg({Type, _}, _) -> case lists:member(Type, ?INTEGER_ARG_TYPES) of true -> ok; false -> {error, {unacceptable_type, Type}} end. check_bool_arg({bool, _}, _) -> ok; check_bool_arg({Type, _}, _) -> {error, {unacceptable_type, Type}}. check_non_neg_int_arg({Type, Val}, Args) -> case check_int_arg({Type, Val}, Args) of ok when Val >= 0 -> ok; ok -> {error, {value_negative, Val}}; Error -> Error end. check_expires_arg({Type, Val}, Args) -> case check_int_arg({Type, Val}, Args) of ok when Val == 0 -> {error, {value_zero, Val}}; ok -> rabbit_misc:check_expiry(Val); Error -> Error end. check_message_ttl_arg({Type, Val}, Args) -> case check_int_arg({Type, Val}, Args) of ok -> rabbit_misc:check_expiry(Val); Error -> Error end. check_dlxrk_arg({longstr, _}, Args) -> case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, <<"x-dead-letter-exchange">>) of undefined -> {error, routing_key_but_no_dlx_defined}; _ -> ok end; check_dlxrk_arg({Type, _}, _Args) -> {error, {unacceptable_type, Type}}. list() -> mnesia:dirty_match_object(rabbit_queue, #amqqueue{_ = '_'}). %% Not dirty_match_object since that would not be transactional when used in a %% tx context list(VHostPath) -> mnesia:async_dirty( fun () -> mnesia:match_object( rabbit_queue, #amqqueue{name = rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, queue), _ = '_'}, read) end). info_keys() -> rabbit_amqqueue_process:info_keys(). map(VHostPath, F) -> rabbit_misc:filter_exit_map(F, list(VHostPath)). info(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }) -> delegate:call(QPid, info). info(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }, Items) -> case delegate:call(QPid, {info, Items}) of {ok, Res} -> Res; {error, Error} -> throw(Error) end. info_all(VHostPath) -> map(VHostPath, fun (Q) -> info(Q) end). info_all(VHostPath, Items) -> map(VHostPath, fun (Q) -> info(Q, Items) end). force_event_refresh(Ref) -> [gen_server2:cast(Q#amqqueue.pid, {force_event_refresh, Ref}) || Q <- list()], ok. notify_policy_changed(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}) -> gen_server2:cast(QPid, policy_changed). consumers(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }) -> delegate:call(QPid, consumers). consumer_info_keys() -> ?CONSUMER_INFO_KEYS. consumers_all(VHostPath) -> ConsumerInfoKeys=consumer_info_keys(), lists:append( map(VHostPath, fun (Q) -> [lists:zip( ConsumerInfoKeys, [Q#amqqueue.name, ChPid, CTag, AckRequired, Prefetch, Args]) || {ChPid, CTag, AckRequired, Prefetch, Args} <- consumers(Q)] end)). stat(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}) -> delegate:call(QPid, stat). delete_immediately(QPids) -> [gen_server2:cast(QPid, delete_immediately) || QPid <- QPids], ok. delete(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }, IfUnused, IfEmpty) -> delegate:call(QPid, {delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty}). purge(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }) -> delegate:call(QPid, purge). deliver(Qs, Delivery) -> deliver(Qs, Delivery, noflow). deliver_flow(Qs, Delivery) -> deliver(Qs, Delivery, flow). requeue(QPid, MsgIds, ChPid) -> delegate:call(QPid, {requeue, MsgIds, ChPid}). ack(QPid, MsgIds, ChPid) -> delegate:cast(QPid, {ack, MsgIds, ChPid}). reject(QPid, Requeue, MsgIds, ChPid) -> delegate:cast(QPid, {reject, Requeue, MsgIds, ChPid}). notify_down_all(QPids, ChPid) -> {_, Bads} = delegate:call(QPids, {notify_down, ChPid}), case lists:filter( fun ({_Pid, {exit, {R, _}, _}}) -> rabbit_misc:is_abnormal_exit(R); ({_Pid, _}) -> false end, Bads) of [] -> ok; Bads1 -> {error, Bads1} end. activate_limit_all(QPids, ChPid) -> delegate:cast(QPids, {activate_limit, ChPid}). credit(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, CTag, Credit, Drain) -> delegate:cast(QPid, {credit, ChPid, CTag, Credit, Drain}). basic_get(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, NoAck, LimiterPid) -> delegate:call(QPid, {basic_get, ChPid, NoAck, LimiterPid}). basic_consume(#amqqueue{pid = QPid, name = QName}, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid, LimiterActive, ConsumerPrefetchCount, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, Args, OkMsg) -> ok = check_consume_arguments(QName, Args), delegate:call(QPid, {basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid, LimiterActive, ConsumerPrefetchCount, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, Args, OkMsg}). basic_cancel(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg) -> delegate:call(QPid, {basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}). notify_decorators(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}) -> delegate:cast(QPid, notify_decorators). notify_sent(QPid, ChPid) -> Key = {consumer_credit_to, QPid}, put(Key, case get(Key) of 1 -> gen_server2:cast( QPid, {notify_sent, ChPid, ?MORE_CONSUMER_CREDIT_AFTER}), ?MORE_CONSUMER_CREDIT_AFTER; undefined -> erlang:monitor(process, QPid), ?MORE_CONSUMER_CREDIT_AFTER - 1; C -> C - 1 end), ok. notify_sent_queue_down(QPid) -> erase({consumer_credit_to, QPid}), ok. resume(QPid, ChPid) -> delegate:cast(QPid, {resume, ChPid}). internal_delete1(QueueName) -> ok = mnesia:delete({rabbit_queue, QueueName}), %% this 'guarded' delete prevents unnecessary writes to the mnesia %% disk log case mnesia:wread({rabbit_durable_queue, QueueName}) of [] -> ok; [_] -> ok = mnesia:delete({rabbit_durable_queue, QueueName}) end, %% we want to execute some things, as decided by rabbit_exchange, %% after the transaction. rabbit_binding:remove_for_destination(QueueName). internal_delete(QueueName) -> rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_tx_with_tail( fun () -> case {mnesia:wread({rabbit_queue, QueueName}), mnesia:wread({rabbit_durable_queue, QueueName})} of {[], []} -> rabbit_misc:const({error, not_found}); _ -> Deletions = internal_delete1(QueueName), T = rabbit_binding:process_deletions(Deletions), fun() -> ok = T(), ok = rabbit_event:notify(queue_deleted, [{name, QueueName}]) end end end). forget_all_durable(Node) -> %% Note rabbit is not running so we avoid e.g. the worker pool. Also why %% we don't invoke the return from rabbit_binding:process_deletions/1. {atomic, ok} = mnesia:sync_transaction( fun () -> Qs = mnesia:match_object(rabbit_durable_queue, #amqqueue{_ = '_'}, write), [rabbit_binding:process_deletions( internal_delete1(Name)) || #amqqueue{name = Name, pid = Pid} = Q <- Qs, node(Pid) =:= Node, rabbit_policy:get(<<"ha-mode">>, Q) =:= undefined], ok end), ok. run_backing_queue(QPid, Mod, Fun) -> gen_server2:cast(QPid, {run_backing_queue, Mod, Fun}). set_ram_duration_target(QPid, Duration) -> gen_server2:cast(QPid, {set_ram_duration_target, Duration}). set_maximum_since_use(QPid, Age) -> gen_server2:cast(QPid, {set_maximum_since_use, Age}). start_mirroring(QPid) -> ok = delegate:cast(QPid, start_mirroring). stop_mirroring(QPid) -> ok = delegate:cast(QPid, stop_mirroring). sync_mirrors(QPid) -> delegate:call(QPid, sync_mirrors). cancel_sync_mirrors(QPid) -> delegate:call(QPid, cancel_sync_mirrors). on_node_down(Node) -> rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_tx_with_tail( fun () -> QsDels = qlc:e(qlc:q([{QName, delete_queue(QName)} || #amqqueue{name = QName, pid = Pid, slave_pids = []} <- mnesia:table(rabbit_queue), node(Pid) == Node andalso not rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(Pid)])), {Qs, Dels} = lists:unzip(QsDels), T = rabbit_binding:process_deletions( lists:foldl(fun rabbit_binding:combine_deletions/2, rabbit_binding:new_deletions(), Dels)), fun () -> T(), lists:foreach( fun(QName) -> ok = rabbit_event:notify(queue_deleted, [{name, QName}]) end, Qs) end end). delete_queue(QueueName) -> ok = mnesia:delete({rabbit_queue, QueueName}), rabbit_binding:remove_transient_for_destination(QueueName). pseudo_queue(QueueName, Pid) -> #amqqueue{name = QueueName, durable = false, auto_delete = false, arguments = [], pid = Pid, slave_pids = []}. deliver([], _Delivery, _Flow) -> %% /dev/null optimisation []; deliver(Qs, Delivery, Flow) -> {MPids, SPids} = qpids(Qs), QPids = MPids ++ SPids, case Flow of flow -> [credit_flow:send(QPid) || QPid <- QPids]; noflow -> ok end, %% We let slaves know that they were being addressed as slaves at %% the time - if they receive such a message from the channel %% after they have become master they should mark the message as %% 'delivered' since they do not know what the master may have %% done with it. MMsg = {deliver, Delivery, false, Flow}, SMsg = {deliver, Delivery, true, Flow}, delegate:cast(MPids, MMsg), delegate:cast(SPids, SMsg), QPids. qpids([]) -> {[], []}; %% optimisation qpids([#amqqueue{pid = QPid, slave_pids = SPids}]) -> {[QPid], SPids}; %% opt qpids(Qs) -> {MPids, SPids} = lists:foldl(fun (#amqqueue{pid = QPid, slave_pids = SPids}, {MPidAcc, SPidAcc}) -> {[QPid | MPidAcc], [SPids | SPidAcc]} end, {[], []}, Qs), {MPids, lists:append(SPids)}.