%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_auth_backend_internal). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -behaviour(rabbit_auth_backend). -export([description/0]). -export([check_user_login/2, check_vhost_access/2, check_resource_access/3]). -export([add_user/2, delete_user/1, change_password/2, set_tags/2, list_users/0, user_info_keys/0, lookup_user/1, clear_password/1]). -export([make_salt/0, check_password/2, change_password_hash/2, hash_password/1]). -export([set_permissions/5, clear_permissions/2, list_permissions/0, list_vhost_permissions/1, list_user_permissions/1, list_user_vhost_permissions/2, perms_info_keys/0, vhost_perms_info_keys/0, user_perms_info_keys/0, user_vhost_perms_info_keys/0]). -include("rabbit_auth_backend_spec.hrl"). -ifdef(use_specs). -type(regexp() :: binary()). -spec(add_user/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:password()) -> 'ok'). -spec(delete_user/1 :: (rabbit_types:username()) -> 'ok'). -spec(change_password/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:password()) -> 'ok'). -spec(clear_password/1 :: (rabbit_types:username()) -> 'ok'). -spec(make_salt/0 :: () -> binary()). -spec(check_password/2 :: (rabbit_types:password(), rabbit_types:password_hash()) -> boolean()). -spec(change_password_hash/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:password_hash()) -> 'ok'). -spec(hash_password/1 :: (rabbit_types:password()) -> rabbit_types:password_hash()). -spec(set_tags/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), [atom()]) -> 'ok'). -spec(list_users/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(user_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(lookup_user/1 :: (rabbit_types:username()) -> rabbit_types:ok(rabbit_types:internal_user()) | rabbit_types:error('not_found')). -spec(set_permissions/5 ::(rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:vhost(), regexp(), regexp(), regexp()) -> 'ok'). -spec(clear_permissions/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:vhost()) -> 'ok'). -spec(list_permissions/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(list_vhost_permissions/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(list_user_permissions/1 :: (rabbit_types:username()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(list_user_vhost_permissions/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:vhost()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(perms_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(vhost_perms_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(user_perms_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(user_vhost_perms_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(PERMS_INFO_KEYS, [configure, write, read]). -define(USER_INFO_KEYS, [user, tags]). %% Implementation of rabbit_auth_backend description() -> [{name, <<"Internal">>}, {description, <<"Internal user / password database">>}]. check_user_login(Username, []) -> internal_check_user_login(Username, fun(_) -> true end); check_user_login(Username, [{password, Password}]) -> internal_check_user_login( Username, fun(#internal_user{password_hash = Hash}) -> check_password(Password, Hash) end); check_user_login(Username, AuthProps) -> exit({unknown_auth_props, Username, AuthProps}). internal_check_user_login(Username, Fun) -> Refused = {refused, "user '~s' - invalid credentials", [Username]}, case lookup_user(Username) of {ok, User = #internal_user{tags = Tags}} -> case Fun(User) of true -> {ok, #user{username = Username, tags = Tags, auth_backend = ?MODULE, impl = User}}; _ -> Refused end; {error, not_found} -> Refused end. check_vhost_access(#user{username = Username}, VHost) -> %% TODO: use dirty ops instead rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( fun () -> case mnesia:read({rabbit_user_permission, #user_vhost{username = Username, virtual_host = VHost}}) of [] -> false; [_R] -> true end end). check_resource_access(#user{username = Username}, #resource{virtual_host = VHostPath, name = Name}, Permission) -> case mnesia:dirty_read({rabbit_user_permission, #user_vhost{username = Username, virtual_host = VHostPath}}) of [] -> false; [#user_permission{permission = P}] -> PermRegexp = case element(permission_index(Permission), P) of %% <<"^$">> breaks Emacs' erlang mode <<"">> -> <<$^, $$>>; RE -> RE end, case re:run(Name, PermRegexp, [{capture, none}]) of match -> true; nomatch -> false end end. permission_index(configure) -> #permission.configure; permission_index(write) -> #permission.write; permission_index(read) -> #permission.read. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Manipulation of the user database add_user(Username, Password) -> rabbit_log:info("Creating user '~s'~n", [Username]), R = rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( fun () -> case mnesia:wread({rabbit_user, Username}) of [] -> ok = mnesia:write( rabbit_user, #internal_user{username = Username, password_hash = hash_password(Password), tags = []}, write); _ -> mnesia:abort({user_already_exists, Username}) end end), R. delete_user(Username) -> rabbit_log:info("Deleting user '~s'~n", [Username]), R = rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( rabbit_misc:with_user( Username, fun () -> ok = mnesia:delete({rabbit_user, Username}), [ok = mnesia:delete_object( rabbit_user_permission, R, write) || R <- mnesia:match_object( rabbit_user_permission, #user_permission{user_vhost = #user_vhost{ username = Username, virtual_host = '_'}, permission = '_'}, write)], ok end)), R. change_password(Username, Password) -> rabbit_log:info("Changing password for '~s'~n", [Username]), change_password_hash(Username, hash_password(Password)). clear_password(Username) -> rabbit_log:info("Clearing password for '~s'~n", [Username]), change_password_hash(Username, <<"">>). change_password_hash(Username, PasswordHash) -> R = update_user(Username, fun(User) -> User#internal_user{ password_hash = PasswordHash } end), R. hash_password(Cleartext) -> Salt = make_salt(), Hash = salted_md5(Salt, Cleartext), <>. check_password(Cleartext, <>) -> Hash =:= salted_md5(Salt, Cleartext). make_salt() -> {A1,A2,A3} = now(), random:seed(A1, A2, A3), Salt = random:uniform(16#ffffffff), <>. salted_md5(Salt, Cleartext) -> Salted = <>, erlang:md5(Salted). set_tags(Username, Tags) -> rabbit_log:info("Setting user tags for user '~s' to ~p~n", [Username, Tags]), R = update_user(Username, fun(User) -> User#internal_user{tags = Tags} end), R. update_user(Username, Fun) -> rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( rabbit_misc:with_user( Username, fun () -> {ok, User} = lookup_user(Username), ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_user, Fun(User), write) end)). list_users() -> [[{user, Username}, {tags, Tags}] || #internal_user{username = Username, tags = Tags} <- mnesia:dirty_match_object(rabbit_user, #internal_user{_ = '_'})]. user_info_keys() -> ?USER_INFO_KEYS. lookup_user(Username) -> rabbit_misc:dirty_read({rabbit_user, Username}). validate_regexp(RegexpBin) -> Regexp = binary_to_list(RegexpBin), case re:compile(Regexp) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {invalid_regexp, Regexp, Reason}}) end. set_permissions(Username, VHostPath, ConfigurePerm, WritePerm, ReadPerm) -> rabbit_log:info("Setting permissions for '~s' in '~s' to '~s', '~s', '~s'~n", [Username, VHostPath, ConfigurePerm, WritePerm, ReadPerm]), lists:map(fun validate_regexp/1, [ConfigurePerm, WritePerm, ReadPerm]), rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( rabbit_misc:with_user_and_vhost( Username, VHostPath, fun () -> ok = mnesia:write( rabbit_user_permission, #user_permission{user_vhost = #user_vhost{ username = Username, virtual_host = VHostPath}, permission = #permission{ configure = ConfigurePerm, write = WritePerm, read = ReadPerm}}, write) end)). clear_permissions(Username, VHostPath) -> rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( rabbit_misc:with_user_and_vhost( Username, VHostPath, fun () -> ok = mnesia:delete({rabbit_user_permission, #user_vhost{username = Username, virtual_host = VHostPath}}) end)). perms_info_keys() -> [user, vhost | ?PERMS_INFO_KEYS]. vhost_perms_info_keys() -> [user | ?PERMS_INFO_KEYS]. user_perms_info_keys() -> [vhost | ?PERMS_INFO_KEYS]. user_vhost_perms_info_keys() -> ?PERMS_INFO_KEYS. list_permissions() -> list_permissions(perms_info_keys(), match_user_vhost('_', '_')). list_vhost_permissions(VHostPath) -> list_permissions( vhost_perms_info_keys(), rabbit_vhost:with(VHostPath, match_user_vhost('_', VHostPath))). list_user_permissions(Username) -> list_permissions( user_perms_info_keys(), rabbit_misc:with_user(Username, match_user_vhost(Username, '_'))). list_user_vhost_permissions(Username, VHostPath) -> list_permissions( user_vhost_perms_info_keys(), rabbit_misc:with_user_and_vhost( Username, VHostPath, match_user_vhost(Username, VHostPath))). filter_props(Keys, Props) -> [T || T = {K, _} <- Props, lists:member(K, Keys)]. list_permissions(Keys, QueryThunk) -> [filter_props(Keys, [{user, Username}, {vhost, VHostPath}, {configure, ConfigurePerm}, {write, WritePerm}, {read, ReadPerm}]) || #user_permission{user_vhost = #user_vhost{username = Username, virtual_host = VHostPath}, permission = #permission{ configure = ConfigurePerm, write = WritePerm, read = ReadPerm}} <- %% TODO: use dirty ops instead rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(QueryThunk)]. match_user_vhost(Username, VHostPath) -> fun () -> mnesia:match_object( rabbit_user_permission, #user_permission{user_vhost = #user_vhost{ username = Username, virtual_host = VHostPath}, permission = '_'}, read) end.