%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2013 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_binary_generator). -include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -export([build_simple_method_frame/3, build_simple_content_frames/4, build_heartbeat_frame/0]). -export([generate_table/1]). -export([check_empty_frame_size/0]). -export([ensure_content_encoded/2, clear_encoded_content/1]). -export([map_exception/3]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -type(frame() :: [binary()]). -spec(build_simple_method_frame/3 :: (rabbit_channel:channel_number(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(), rabbit_types:protocol()) -> frame()). -spec(build_simple_content_frames/4 :: (rabbit_channel:channel_number(), rabbit_types:content(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_types:protocol()) -> [frame()]). -spec(build_heartbeat_frame/0 :: () -> frame()). -spec(generate_table/1 :: (rabbit_framing:amqp_table()) -> binary()). -spec(check_empty_frame_size/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(ensure_content_encoded/2 :: (rabbit_types:content(), rabbit_types:protocol()) -> rabbit_types:encoded_content()). -spec(clear_encoded_content/1 :: (rabbit_types:content()) -> rabbit_types:unencoded_content()). -spec(map_exception/3 :: (rabbit_channel:channel_number(), rabbit_types:amqp_error() | any(), rabbit_types:protocol()) -> {rabbit_channel:channel_number(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record()}). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- build_simple_method_frame(ChannelInt, MethodRecord, Protocol) -> MethodFields = Protocol:encode_method_fields(MethodRecord), MethodName = rabbit_misc:method_record_type(MethodRecord), {ClassId, MethodId} = Protocol:method_id(MethodName), create_frame(1, ChannelInt, [<>, MethodFields]). build_simple_content_frames(ChannelInt, Content, FrameMax, Protocol) -> #content{class_id = ClassId, properties_bin = ContentPropertiesBin, payload_fragments_rev = PayloadFragmentsRev} = ensure_content_encoded(Content, Protocol), {BodySize, ContentFrames} = build_content_frames(PayloadFragmentsRev, FrameMax, ChannelInt), HeaderFrame = create_frame(2, ChannelInt, [<>, ContentPropertiesBin]), [HeaderFrame | ContentFrames]. build_content_frames(FragsRev, FrameMax, ChannelInt) -> BodyPayloadMax = if FrameMax == 0 -> iolist_size(FragsRev); true -> FrameMax - ?EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE end, build_content_frames(0, [], BodyPayloadMax, [], lists:reverse(FragsRev), BodyPayloadMax, ChannelInt). build_content_frames(SizeAcc, FramesAcc, _FragSizeRem, [], [], _BodyPayloadMax, _ChannelInt) -> {SizeAcc, lists:reverse(FramesAcc)}; build_content_frames(SizeAcc, FramesAcc, FragSizeRem, FragAcc, Frags, BodyPayloadMax, ChannelInt) when FragSizeRem == 0 orelse Frags == [] -> Frame = create_frame(3, ChannelInt, lists:reverse(FragAcc)), FrameSize = BodyPayloadMax - FragSizeRem, build_content_frames(SizeAcc + FrameSize, [Frame | FramesAcc], BodyPayloadMax, [], Frags, BodyPayloadMax, ChannelInt); build_content_frames(SizeAcc, FramesAcc, FragSizeRem, FragAcc, [Frag | Frags], BodyPayloadMax, ChannelInt) -> Size = size(Frag), {NewFragSizeRem, NewFragAcc, NewFrags} = if Size == 0 -> {FragSizeRem, FragAcc, Frags}; Size =< FragSizeRem -> {FragSizeRem - Size, [Frag | FragAcc], Frags}; true -> <> = Frag, {0, [Head | FragAcc], [Tail | Frags]} end, build_content_frames(SizeAcc, FramesAcc, NewFragSizeRem, NewFragAcc, NewFrags, BodyPayloadMax, ChannelInt). build_heartbeat_frame() -> create_frame(?FRAME_HEARTBEAT, 0, <<>>). create_frame(TypeInt, ChannelInt, Payload) -> [<>, Payload, ?FRAME_END]. %% table_field_to_binary supports the AMQP 0-8/0-9 standard types, S, %% I, D, T and F, as well as the QPid extensions b, d, f, l, s, t, x, %% and V. table_field_to_binary({FName, T, V}) -> [short_string_to_binary(FName) | field_value_to_binary(T, V)]. field_value_to_binary(longstr, V) -> ["S", long_string_to_binary(V)]; field_value_to_binary(signedint, V) -> ["I", <>]; field_value_to_binary(decimal, V) -> {Before, After} = V, ["D", Before, <>]; field_value_to_binary(timestamp, V) -> ["T", <>]; field_value_to_binary(table, V) -> ["F", table_to_binary(V)]; field_value_to_binary(array, V) -> ["A", array_to_binary(V)]; field_value_to_binary(byte, V) -> ["b", <>]; field_value_to_binary(double, V) -> ["d", <>]; field_value_to_binary(float, V) -> ["f", <>]; field_value_to_binary(long, V) -> ["l", <>]; field_value_to_binary(short, V) -> ["s", <>]; field_value_to_binary(bool, V) -> ["t", if V -> 1; true -> 0 end]; field_value_to_binary(binary, V) -> ["x", long_string_to_binary(V)]; field_value_to_binary(void, _V) -> ["V"]. table_to_binary(Table) when is_list(Table) -> BinTable = generate_table(Table), [<<(size(BinTable)):32>>, BinTable]. array_to_binary(Array) when is_list(Array) -> BinArray = generate_array(Array), [<<(size(BinArray)):32>>, BinArray]. generate_table(Table) when is_list(Table) -> list_to_binary(lists:map(fun table_field_to_binary/1, Table)). generate_array(Array) when is_list(Array) -> list_to_binary(lists:map(fun ({T, V}) -> field_value_to_binary(T, V) end, Array)). short_string_to_binary(String) when is_binary(String) -> Len = size(String), if Len < 256 -> [<>, String]; true -> exit(content_properties_shortstr_overflow) end; short_string_to_binary(String) -> Len = length(String), if Len < 256 -> [<>, String]; true -> exit(content_properties_shortstr_overflow) end. long_string_to_binary(String) when is_binary(String) -> [<<(size(String)):32>>, String]; long_string_to_binary(String) -> [<<(length(String)):32>>, String]. check_empty_frame_size() -> %% Intended to ensure that EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE is defined correctly. case iolist_size(create_frame(?FRAME_BODY, 0, <<>>)) of ?EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE -> ok; ComputedSize -> exit({incorrect_empty_frame_size, ComputedSize, ?EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE}) end. ensure_content_encoded(Content = #content{properties_bin = PropBin, protocol = Protocol}, Protocol) when PropBin =/= none -> Content; ensure_content_encoded(Content = #content{properties = none, properties_bin = PropBin, protocol = Protocol}, Protocol1) when PropBin =/= none -> Props = Protocol:decode_properties(Content#content.class_id, PropBin), Content#content{properties = Props, properties_bin = Protocol1:encode_properties(Props), protocol = Protocol1}; ensure_content_encoded(Content = #content{properties = Props}, Protocol) when Props =/= none -> Content#content{properties_bin = Protocol:encode_properties(Props), protocol = Protocol}. clear_encoded_content(Content = #content{properties_bin = none, protocol = none}) -> Content; clear_encoded_content(Content = #content{properties = none}) -> %% Only clear when we can rebuild the properties_bin later in %% accordance to the content record definition comment - maximum %% one of properties and properties_bin can be 'none' Content; clear_encoded_content(Content = #content{}) -> Content#content{properties_bin = none, protocol = none}. %% NB: this function is also used by the Erlang client map_exception(Channel, Reason, Protocol) -> {SuggestedClose, ReplyCode, ReplyText, FailedMethod} = lookup_amqp_exception(Reason, Protocol), {ClassId, MethodId} = case FailedMethod of {_, _} -> FailedMethod; none -> {0, 0}; _ -> Protocol:method_id(FailedMethod) end, case SuggestedClose orelse (Channel == 0) of true -> {0, #'connection.close'{reply_code = ReplyCode, reply_text = ReplyText, class_id = ClassId, method_id = MethodId}}; false -> {Channel, #'channel.close'{reply_code = ReplyCode, reply_text = ReplyText, class_id = ClassId, method_id = MethodId}} end. lookup_amqp_exception(#amqp_error{name = Name, explanation = Expl, method = Method}, Protocol) -> {ShouldClose, Code, Text} = Protocol:lookup_amqp_exception(Name), ExplBin = amqp_exception_explanation(Text, Expl), {ShouldClose, Code, ExplBin, Method}; lookup_amqp_exception(Other, Protocol) -> rabbit_log:warning("Non-AMQP exit reason '~p'~n", [Other]), {ShouldClose, Code, Text} = Protocol:lookup_amqp_exception(internal_error), {ShouldClose, Code, Text, none}. amqp_exception_explanation(Text, Expl) -> ExplBin = list_to_binary(Expl), CompleteTextBin = <>, if size(CompleteTextBin) > 255 -> <>; true -> CompleteTextBin end.