%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_heartbeat). -export([start_heartbeat_sender/3, start_heartbeat_receiver/3, start_heartbeat_fun/1, pause_monitor/1, resume_monitor/1]). -include("rabbit.hrl"). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -export_type([heartbeaters/0]). -export_type([start_heartbeat_fun/0]). -type(heartbeaters() :: {rabbit_types:maybe(pid()), rabbit_types:maybe(pid())}). -type(heartbeat_callback() :: fun (() -> any())). -type(start_heartbeat_fun() :: fun((rabbit_net:socket(), non_neg_integer(), heartbeat_callback(), non_neg_integer(), heartbeat_callback()) -> no_return())). -spec(start_heartbeat_sender/3 :: (rabbit_net:socket(), non_neg_integer(), heartbeat_callback()) -> rabbit_types:ok(pid())). -spec(start_heartbeat_receiver/3 :: (rabbit_net:socket(), non_neg_integer(), heartbeat_callback()) -> rabbit_types:ok(pid())). -spec(start_heartbeat_fun/1 :: (pid()) -> start_heartbeat_fun()). -spec(pause_monitor/1 :: (heartbeaters()) -> 'ok'). -spec(resume_monitor/1 :: (heartbeaters()) -> 'ok'). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_heartbeat_sender(Sock, TimeoutSec, SendFun) -> %% the 'div 2' is there so that we don't end up waiting for nearly %% 2 * TimeoutSec before sending a heartbeat in the boundary case %% where the last message was sent just after a heartbeat. heartbeater( {Sock, TimeoutSec * 1000 div 2, send_oct, 0, fun () -> SendFun(), continue end}). start_heartbeat_receiver(Sock, TimeoutSec, ReceiveFun) -> %% we check for incoming data every interval, and time out after %% two checks with no change. As a result we will time out between %% 2 and 3 intervals after the last data has been received. heartbeater({Sock, TimeoutSec * 1000, recv_oct, 1, fun () -> ReceiveFun(), stop end}). start_heartbeat_fun(SupPid) -> fun (Sock, SendTimeoutSec, SendFun, ReceiveTimeoutSec, ReceiveFun) -> {ok, Sender} = start_heartbeater(SendTimeoutSec, SupPid, Sock, SendFun, heartbeat_sender, start_heartbeat_sender), {ok, Receiver} = start_heartbeater(ReceiveTimeoutSec, SupPid, Sock, ReceiveFun, heartbeat_receiver, start_heartbeat_receiver), {Sender, Receiver} end. pause_monitor({_Sender, none}) -> ok; pause_monitor({_Sender, Receiver}) -> Receiver ! pause, ok. resume_monitor({_Sender, none}) -> ok; resume_monitor({_Sender, Receiver}) -> Receiver ! resume, ok. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_heartbeater(0, _SupPid, _Sock, _TimeoutFun, _Name, _Callback) -> {ok, none}; start_heartbeater(TimeoutSec, SupPid, Sock, TimeoutFun, Name, Callback) -> supervisor2:start_child( SupPid, {Name, {rabbit_heartbeat, Callback, [Sock, TimeoutSec, TimeoutFun]}, transient, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_heartbeat]}). heartbeater(Params) -> {ok, proc_lib:spawn_link(fun () -> heartbeater(Params, {0, 0}) end)}. heartbeater({Sock, TimeoutMillisec, StatName, Threshold, Handler} = Params, {StatVal, SameCount}) -> Recurse = fun (V) -> heartbeater(Params, V) end, receive pause -> receive resume -> Recurse({0, 0}); Other -> exit({unexpected_message, Other}) end; Other -> exit({unexpected_message, Other}) after TimeoutMillisec -> case rabbit_net:getstat(Sock, [StatName]) of {ok, [{StatName, NewStatVal}]} -> if NewStatVal =/= StatVal -> Recurse({NewStatVal, 0}); SameCount < Threshold -> Recurse({NewStatVal, SameCount + 1}); true -> case Handler() of stop -> ok; continue -> Recurse({NewStatVal, 0}) end end; {error, einval} -> %% the socket is dead, most likely because the %% connection is being shut down -> terminate ok; {error, Reason} -> exit({cannot_get_socket_stats, Reason}) end end.