%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at %% http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the %% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2010-2012 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_mirror_queue_sync). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -export([master_prepare/4, master_go/7, slave/7]). -define(SYNC_PROGRESS_INTERVAL, 1000000). %% There are three processes around, the master, the syncer and the %% slave(s). The syncer is an intermediary, linked to the master in %% order to make sure we do not mess with the master's credit flow or %% set of monitors. %% %% Interactions %% ------------ %% %% '*' indicates repeating messages. All are standard Erlang messages %% except sync_start which is sent over GM to flush out any other %% messages that we might have sent that way already. (credit) is the %% usual credit_flow bump message every so often. %% %% Master Syncer Slave(s) %% sync_mirrors -> || || %% (from channel) || -- (spawns) --> || || %% || --------- sync_start (over GM) -------> || %% || || <--- sync_ready ---- || %% || || (or) || %% || || <--- sync_deny ----- || %% || <--- ready ---- || || %% || <--- next* ---- || || } %% || ---- msg* ----> || || } loop %% || || ---- sync_msg* ----> || } %% || || <--- (credit)* ----- || } %% || <--- next ---- || || %% || ---- done ----> || || %% || || -- sync_complete --> || %% || (Dies) || -ifdef(use_specs). -type(log_fun() :: fun ((string(), [any()]) -> 'ok')). -type(bq() :: atom()). -type(bqs() :: any()). -type(ack() :: any()). -type(slave_sync_state() :: {[{rabbit_types:msg_id(), ack()}], timer:tref(), bqs()}). -spec(master_prepare/4 :: (reference(), rabbit_amqqueue:name(), log_fun(), [pid()]) -> pid()). -spec(master_go/7 :: (pid(), reference(), log_fun(), rabbit_mirror_queue_master:stats_fun(), rabbit_mirror_queue_master:stats_fun(), bq(), bqs()) -> {'already_synced', bqs()} | {'ok', bqs()} | {'shutdown', any(), bqs()} | {'sync_died', any(), bqs()}). -spec(slave/7 :: (non_neg_integer(), reference(), timer:tref(), pid(), bq(), bqs(), fun((bq(), bqs()) -> {timer:tref(), bqs()})) -> 'denied' | {'ok' | 'failed', slave_sync_state()} | {'stop', any(), slave_sync_state()}). -endif. %% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Master master_prepare(Ref, QName, Log, SPids) -> MPid = self(), spawn_link(fun () -> ?store_proc_name(QName), syncer(Ref, Log, MPid, SPids) end). master_go(Syncer, Ref, Log, HandleInfo, EmitStats, BQ, BQS) -> Args = {Syncer, Ref, Log, HandleInfo, EmitStats, rabbit_misc:get_parent()}, receive {'EXIT', Syncer, normal} -> {already_synced, BQS}; {'EXIT', Syncer, Reason} -> {sync_died, Reason, BQS}; {ready, Syncer} -> EmitStats({syncing, 0}), master_go0(Args, BQ, BQS) end. master_go0(Args, BQ, BQS) -> case BQ:fold(fun (Msg, MsgProps, Unacked, Acc) -> master_send(Msg, MsgProps, Unacked, Args, Acc) end, {0, erlang:now()}, BQS) of {{shutdown, Reason}, BQS1} -> {shutdown, Reason, BQS1}; {{sync_died, Reason}, BQS1} -> {sync_died, Reason, BQS1}; {_, BQS1} -> master_done(Args, BQS1) end. master_send(Msg, MsgProps, Unacked, {Syncer, Ref, Log, HandleInfo, EmitStats, Parent}, {I, Last}) -> T = case timer:now_diff(erlang:now(), Last) > ?SYNC_PROGRESS_INTERVAL of true -> EmitStats({syncing, I}), Log("~p messages", [I]), erlang:now(); false -> Last end, HandleInfo({syncing, I}), receive {'$gen_cast', {set_maximum_since_use, Age}} -> ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age) after 0 -> ok end, receive {'$gen_call', From, cancel_sync_mirrors} -> stop_syncer(Syncer, {cancel, Ref}), gen_server2:reply(From, ok), {stop, cancelled}; {next, Ref} -> Syncer ! {msg, Ref, Msg, MsgProps, Unacked}, {cont, {I + 1, T}}; {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> {stop, {shutdown, Reason}}; {'EXIT', Syncer, Reason} -> {stop, {sync_died, Reason}} end. master_done({Syncer, Ref, _Log, _HandleInfo, _EmitStats, Parent}, BQS) -> receive {next, Ref} -> stop_syncer(Syncer, {done, Ref}), {ok, BQS}; {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> {shutdown, Reason, BQS}; {'EXIT', Syncer, Reason} -> {sync_died, Reason, BQS} end. stop_syncer(Syncer, Msg) -> unlink(Syncer), Syncer ! Msg, receive {'EXIT', Syncer, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end. %% Master %% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Syncer syncer(Ref, Log, MPid, SPids) -> [erlang:monitor(process, SPid) || SPid <- SPids], %% We wait for a reply from the slaves so that we know they are in %% a receive block and will thus receive messages we send to them %% *without* those messages ending up in their gen_server2 pqueue. case [SPid || SPid <- SPids, receive {sync_ready, Ref, SPid} -> true; {sync_deny, Ref, SPid} -> false; {'DOWN', _, process, SPid, _} -> false end] of [] -> Log("all slaves already synced", []); SPids1 -> MPid ! {ready, self()}, Log("mirrors ~p to sync", [[node(SPid) || SPid <- SPids1]]), syncer_loop(Ref, MPid, SPids1) end. syncer_loop(Ref, MPid, SPids) -> MPid ! {next, Ref}, receive {msg, Ref, Msg, MsgProps, Unacked} -> SPids1 = wait_for_credit(SPids), [begin credit_flow:send(SPid), SPid ! {sync_msg, Ref, Msg, MsgProps, Unacked} end || SPid <- SPids1], syncer_loop(Ref, MPid, SPids1); {cancel, Ref} -> %% We don't tell the slaves we will die - so when we do %% they interpret that as a failure, which is what we %% want. ok; {done, Ref} -> [SPid ! {sync_complete, Ref} || SPid <- SPids] end. wait_for_credit(SPids) -> case credit_flow:blocked() of true -> receive {bump_credit, Msg} -> credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg), wait_for_credit(SPids); {'DOWN', _, process, SPid, _} -> credit_flow:peer_down(SPid), wait_for_credit(lists:delete(SPid, SPids)) end; false -> SPids end. %% Syncer %% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Slave slave(0, Ref, _TRef, Syncer, _BQ, _BQS, _UpdateRamDuration) -> Syncer ! {sync_deny, Ref, self()}, denied; slave(_DD, Ref, TRef, Syncer, BQ, BQS, UpdateRamDuration) -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Syncer), Syncer ! {sync_ready, Ref, self()}, {_MsgCount, BQS1} = BQ:purge(BQ:purge_acks(BQS)), slave_sync_loop({Ref, MRef, Syncer, BQ, UpdateRamDuration, rabbit_misc:get_parent()}, {[], TRef, BQS1}). slave_sync_loop(Args = {Ref, MRef, Syncer, BQ, UpdateRamDuration, Parent}, State = {MA, TRef, BQS}) -> receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Syncer, _Reason} -> %% If the master dies half way we are not in the usual %% half-synced state (with messages nearer the tail of the %% queue); instead we have ones nearer the head. If we then %% sync with a newly promoted master, or even just receive %% messages from it, we have a hole in the middle. So the %% only thing to do here is purge. {_MsgCount, BQS1} = BQ:purge(BQ:purge_acks(BQS)), credit_flow:peer_down(Syncer), {failed, {[], TRef, BQS1}}; {bump_credit, Msg} -> credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg), slave_sync_loop(Args, State); {sync_complete, Ref} -> erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]), credit_flow:peer_down(Syncer), {ok, State}; {'$gen_cast', {set_maximum_since_use, Age}} -> ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age), slave_sync_loop(Args, State); {'$gen_cast', {set_ram_duration_target, Duration}} -> BQS1 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(Duration, BQS), slave_sync_loop(Args, {MA, TRef, BQS1}); update_ram_duration -> {TRef1, BQS1} = UpdateRamDuration(BQ, BQS), slave_sync_loop(Args, {MA, TRef1, BQS1}); {sync_msg, Ref, Msg, Props, Unacked} -> credit_flow:ack(Syncer), Props1 = Props#message_properties{needs_confirming = false}, {MA1, BQS1} = case Unacked of false -> {MA, BQ:publish(Msg, Props1, true, none, BQS)}; true -> {AckTag, BQS2} = BQ:publish_delivered( Msg, Props1, none, BQS), {[{Msg#basic_message.id, AckTag} | MA], BQS2} end, slave_sync_loop(Args, {MA1, TRef, BQS1}); {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> {stop, Reason, State}; %% If the master throws an exception {'$gen_cast', {gm, {delete_and_terminate, Reason}}} -> BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS), {stop, Reason, {[], TRef, undefined}} end.