%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_networking). -export([boot/0, start/0, start_tcp_listener/1, start_ssl_listener/2, stop_tcp_listener/1, on_node_down/1, active_listeners/0, node_listeners/1, register_connection/1, unregister_connection/1, connections/0, connection_info_keys/0, connection_info/1, connection_info/2, connection_info_all/0, connection_info_all/1, close_connection/2, force_connection_event_refresh/1, tcp_host/1]). %%used by TCP-based transports, e.g. STOMP adapter -export([tcp_listener_addresses/1, tcp_listener_spec/6, ensure_ssl/0, fix_ssl_options/1, poodle_check/1, ssl_transform_fun/1]). -export([tcp_listener_started/3, tcp_listener_stopped/3, start_client/1, start_ssl_client/2]). %% Internal -export([connections_local/0]). -import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2, pget/3, pset/3]). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). -define(FIRST_TEST_BIND_PORT, 10000). %% POODLE -define(BAD_SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS, [sslv3]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -export_type([ip_port/0, hostname/0]). -type(hostname() :: inet:hostname()). -type(ip_port() :: inet:port_number()). -type(family() :: atom()). -type(listener_config() :: ip_port() | {hostname(), ip_port()} | {hostname(), ip_port(), family()}). -type(address() :: {inet:ip_address(), ip_port(), family()}). -type(name_prefix() :: atom()). -type(protocol() :: atom()). -type(label() :: string()). -spec(start/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(start_tcp_listener/1 :: (listener_config()) -> 'ok'). -spec(start_ssl_listener/2 :: (listener_config(), rabbit_types:infos()) -> 'ok'). -spec(stop_tcp_listener/1 :: (listener_config()) -> 'ok'). -spec(active_listeners/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:listener()]). -spec(node_listeners/1 :: (node()) -> [rabbit_types:listener()]). -spec(register_connection/1 :: (pid()) -> ok). -spec(unregister_connection/1 :: (pid()) -> ok). -spec(connections/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:connection()]). -spec(connections_local/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:connection()]). -spec(connection_info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(connection_info/1 :: (rabbit_types:connection()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(connection_info/2 :: (rabbit_types:connection(), rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(connection_info_all/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:infos()]). -spec(connection_info_all/1 :: (rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]). -spec(close_connection/2 :: (pid(), string()) -> 'ok'). -spec(force_connection_event_refresh/1 :: (reference()) -> 'ok'). -spec(on_node_down/1 :: (node()) -> 'ok'). -spec(tcp_listener_addresses/1 :: (listener_config()) -> [address()]). -spec(tcp_listener_spec/6 :: (name_prefix(), address(), [gen_tcp:listen_option()], protocol(), label(), rabbit_types:mfargs()) -> supervisor:child_spec()). -spec(ensure_ssl/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(fix_ssl_options/1 :: (rabbit_types:infos()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(poodle_check/1 :: (atom()) -> 'ok' | 'danger'). -spec(ssl_transform_fun/1 :: (rabbit_types:infos()) -> fun ((rabbit_net:socket()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error(#ssl_socket{}))). -spec(boot/0 :: () -> 'ok'). -spec(start_client/1 :: (port() | #ssl_socket{ssl::{'sslsocket',_,_}}) -> atom() | pid() | port() | {atom(),atom()}). -spec(start_ssl_client/2 :: (_,port() | #ssl_socket{ssl::{'sslsocket',_,_}}) -> atom() | pid() | port() | {atom(),atom()}). -spec(tcp_listener_started/3 :: (_, string() | {byte(),byte(),byte(),byte()} | {char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char()}, _) -> 'ok'). -spec(tcp_listener_stopped/3 :: (_, string() | {byte(),byte(),byte(),byte()} | {char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char()}, _) -> 'ok'). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- boot() -> ok = record_distribution_listener(), ok = start(), ok = boot_tcp(), ok = boot_ssl(). boot_tcp() -> {ok, TcpListeners} = application:get_env(tcp_listeners), [ok = start_tcp_listener(Listener) || Listener <- TcpListeners], ok. boot_ssl() -> case application:get_env(ssl_listeners) of {ok, []} -> ok; {ok, SslListeners} -> SslOpts = ensure_ssl(), case poodle_check('AMQP') of ok -> [start_ssl_listener(L, SslOpts) || L <- SslListeners]; danger -> ok end, ok end. start() -> rabbit_sup:start_supervisor_child( rabbit_tcp_client_sup, rabbit_client_sup, [{local, rabbit_tcp_client_sup}, {rabbit_connection_sup,start_link,[]}]). ensure_ssl() -> {ok, SslAppsConfig} = application:get_env(rabbit, ssl_apps), ok = app_utils:start_applications(SslAppsConfig), {ok, SslOptsConfig} = application:get_env(rabbit, ssl_options), fix_ssl_options(SslOptsConfig). poodle_check(Context) -> {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(ssl, vsn), case rabbit_misc:version_compare(Vsn, "5.3", gte) of %% R16B01 true -> ok; false -> case application:get_env(rabbit, ssl_allow_poodle_attack) of {ok, true} -> ok; _ -> log_poodle_fail(Context), danger end end. log_poodle_fail(Context) -> rabbit_log:error( "The installed version of Erlang (~s) contains the bug OTP-10905,~n" "which makes it impossible to disable SSLv3. This makes the system~n" "vulnerable to the POODLE attack. SSL listeners for ~s have therefore~n" "been disabled.~n~n" "You are advised to upgrade to a recent Erlang version; R16B01 is the~n" "first version in which this bug is fixed, but later is usually~n" "better.~n~n" "If you cannot upgrade now and want to re-enable SSL listeners, you can~n" "set the config item 'ssl_allow_poodle_attack' to 'true' in the~n" "'rabbit' section of your configuration file.~n", [rabbit_misc:otp_release(), Context]). fix_ssl_options(Config) -> fix_verify_fun(fix_ssl_protocol_versions(Config)). fix_verify_fun(SslOptsConfig) -> %% Starting with ssl 4.0.1 in Erlang R14B, the verify_fun function %% takes 3 arguments and returns a tuple. {ok, SslAppVer} = application:get_key(ssl, vsn), UseNewVerifyFun = rabbit_misc:version_compare(SslAppVer, "4.0.1", gte), case rabbit_misc:pget(verify_fun, SslOptsConfig) of {Module, Function, InitialUserState} -> Fun = make_verify_fun(Module, Function, InitialUserState, UseNewVerifyFun), rabbit_misc:pset(verify_fun, Fun, SslOptsConfig); {Module, Function} -> Fun = make_verify_fun(Module, Function, none, UseNewVerifyFun), rabbit_misc:pset(verify_fun, Fun, SslOptsConfig); undefined when UseNewVerifyFun -> SslOptsConfig; undefined -> % unknown_ca errors are silently ignored prior to R14B unless we % supply this verify_fun - remove when at least R14B is required case proplists:get_value(verify, SslOptsConfig, verify_none) of verify_none -> SslOptsConfig; verify_peer -> [{verify_fun, fun([]) -> true; ([_|_]) -> false end} | SslOptsConfig] end end. make_verify_fun(Module, Function, InitialUserState, UseNewVerifyFun) -> try %% Preload the module: it is required to use %% erlang:function_exported/3. Module:module_info() catch _:Exception -> rabbit_log:error("SSL verify_fun: module ~s missing: ~p~n", [Module, Exception]), throw({error, {invalid_verify_fun, missing_module}}) end, NewForm = erlang:function_exported(Module, Function, 3), OldForm = erlang:function_exported(Module, Function, 1), case {NewForm, OldForm} of {true, _} when UseNewVerifyFun -> %% This verify_fun is supported by Erlang R14B+ (ssl %% 4.0.1 and later). Fun = fun(OtpCert, Event, UserState) -> Module:Function(OtpCert, Event, UserState) end, {Fun, InitialUserState}; {_, true} -> %% This verify_fun is supported by: %% o Erlang up-to R13B; %% o Erlang R14B+ for undocumented backward %% compatibility. %% %% InitialUserState is ignored in this case. fun(ErrorList) -> Module:Function(ErrorList) end; {_, false} when not UseNewVerifyFun -> rabbit_log:error("SSL verify_fun: ~s:~s/1 form required " "for Erlang R13B~n", [Module, Function]), throw({error, {invalid_verify_fun, old_form_required}}); _ -> Arity = case UseNewVerifyFun of true -> 3; _ -> 1 end, rabbit_log:error("SSL verify_fun: no ~s:~s/~b exported~n", [Module, Function, Arity]), throw({error, {invalid_verify_fun, function_not_exported}}) end. fix_ssl_protocol_versions(Config) -> case application:get_env(rabbit, ssl_allow_poodle_attack) of {ok, true} -> Config; _ -> Configured = case pget(versions, Config) of undefined -> pget(available, ssl:versions(), []); Vs -> Vs end, pset(versions, Configured -- ?BAD_SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS, Config) end. ssl_timeout() -> {ok, Val} = application:get_env(rabbit, ssl_handshake_timeout), Val. ssl_transform_fun(SslOpts) -> fun (Sock) -> Timeout = ssl_timeout(), case catch ssl:ssl_accept(Sock, SslOpts, Timeout) of {ok, SslSock} -> {ok, #ssl_socket{tcp = Sock, ssl = SslSock}}; {error, timeout} -> {error, {ssl_upgrade_error, timeout}}; {error, Reason} -> %% We have no idea what state the ssl_connection %% process is in - it could still be happily %% going, it might be stuck, or it could be just %% about to fail. There is little that our caller %% can do but close the TCP socket, but this could %% cause ssl alerts to get dropped (which is bad %% form, according to the TLS spec). So we give %% the ssl_connection a little bit of time to send %% such alerts. timer:sleep(Timeout), {error, {ssl_upgrade_error, Reason}}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {error, {ssl_upgrade_failure, Reason}} end end. tcp_listener_addresses(Port) when is_integer(Port) -> tcp_listener_addresses_auto(Port); tcp_listener_addresses({"auto", Port}) -> %% Variant to prevent lots of hacking around in bash and batch files tcp_listener_addresses_auto(Port); tcp_listener_addresses({Host, Port}) -> %% auto: determine family IPv4 / IPv6 after converting to IP address tcp_listener_addresses({Host, Port, auto}); tcp_listener_addresses({Host, Port, Family0}) when is_integer(Port) andalso (Port >= 0) andalso (Port =< 65535) -> [{IPAddress, Port, Family} || {IPAddress, Family} <- getaddr(Host, Family0)]; tcp_listener_addresses({_Host, Port, _Family0}) -> rabbit_log:error("invalid port ~p - not 0..65535~n", [Port]), throw({error, {invalid_port, Port}}). tcp_listener_addresses_auto(Port) -> lists:append([tcp_listener_addresses(Listener) || Listener <- port_to_listeners(Port)]). tcp_listener_spec(NamePrefix, {IPAddress, Port, Family}, SocketOpts, Protocol, Label, OnConnect) -> {rabbit_misc:tcp_name(NamePrefix, IPAddress, Port), {tcp_listener_sup, start_link, [IPAddress, Port, [Family | SocketOpts], {?MODULE, tcp_listener_started, [Protocol]}, {?MODULE, tcp_listener_stopped, [Protocol]}, OnConnect, Label]}, transient, infinity, supervisor, [tcp_listener_sup]}. start_tcp_listener(Listener) -> start_listener(Listener, amqp, "TCP Listener", {?MODULE, start_client, []}). start_ssl_listener(Listener, SslOpts) -> start_listener(Listener, 'amqp/ssl', "SSL Listener", {?MODULE, start_ssl_client, [SslOpts]}). start_listener(Listener, Protocol, Label, OnConnect) -> [start_listener0(Address, Protocol, Label, OnConnect) || Address <- tcp_listener_addresses(Listener)], ok. start_listener0(Address, Protocol, Label, OnConnect) -> Spec = tcp_listener_spec(rabbit_tcp_listener_sup, Address, tcp_opts(), Protocol, Label, OnConnect), case supervisor:start_child(rabbit_sup, Spec) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, {shutdown, _}} -> {IPAddress, Port, _Family} = Address, exit({could_not_start_tcp_listener, {rabbit_misc:ntoa(IPAddress), Port}}) end. stop_tcp_listener(Listener) -> [stop_tcp_listener0(Address) || Address <- tcp_listener_addresses(Listener)], ok. stop_tcp_listener0({IPAddress, Port, _Family}) -> Name = rabbit_misc:tcp_name(rabbit_tcp_listener_sup, IPAddress, Port), ok = supervisor:terminate_child(rabbit_sup, Name), ok = supervisor:delete_child(rabbit_sup, Name). tcp_listener_started(Protocol, IPAddress, Port) -> %% We need the ip to distinguish e.g. and %% We need the host so we can distinguish multiple instances of the above %% in a cluster. ok = mnesia:dirty_write( rabbit_listener, #listener{node = node(), protocol = Protocol, host = tcp_host(IPAddress), ip_address = IPAddress, port = Port}). tcp_listener_stopped(Protocol, IPAddress, Port) -> ok = mnesia:dirty_delete_object( rabbit_listener, #listener{node = node(), protocol = Protocol, host = tcp_host(IPAddress), ip_address = IPAddress, port = Port}). record_distribution_listener() -> {Name, Host} = rabbit_nodes:parts(node()), {port, Port, _Version} = erl_epmd:port_please(Name, Host), tcp_listener_started(clustering, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, Port). active_listeners() -> rabbit_misc:dirty_read_all(rabbit_listener). node_listeners(Node) -> mnesia:dirty_read(rabbit_listener, Node). on_node_down(Node) -> ok = mnesia:dirty_delete(rabbit_listener, Node). start_client(Sock, SockTransform) -> {ok, _Child, Reader} = supervisor:start_child(rabbit_tcp_client_sup, []), ok = rabbit_net:controlling_process(Sock, Reader), Reader ! {go, Sock, SockTransform}, %% In the event that somebody floods us with connections, the %% reader processes can spew log events at error_logger faster %% than it can keep up, causing its mailbox to grow unbounded %% until we eat all the memory available and crash. So here is a %% meaningless synchronous call to the underlying gen_event %% mechanism. When it returns the mailbox is drained, and we %% return to our caller to accept more connetions. gen_event:which_handlers(error_logger), Reader. start_client(Sock) -> start_client(Sock, fun (S) -> {ok, S} end). start_ssl_client(SslOpts, Sock) -> start_client(Sock, ssl_transform_fun(SslOpts)). register_connection(Pid) -> pg_local:join(rabbit_connections, Pid). unregister_connection(Pid) -> pg_local:leave(rabbit_connections, Pid). connections() -> rabbit_misc:append_rpc_all_nodes(rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(running), rabbit_networking, connections_local, []). connections_local() -> pg_local:get_members(rabbit_connections). connection_info_keys() -> rabbit_reader:info_keys(). connection_info(Pid) -> rabbit_reader:info(Pid). connection_info(Pid, Items) -> rabbit_reader:info(Pid, Items). connection_info_all() -> cmap(fun (Q) -> connection_info(Q) end). connection_info_all(Items) -> cmap(fun (Q) -> connection_info(Q, Items) end). close_connection(Pid, Explanation) -> rabbit_log:info("Closing connection ~p because ~p~n", [Pid, Explanation]), case lists:member(Pid, connections()) of true -> rabbit_reader:shutdown(Pid, Explanation); false -> throw({error, {not_a_connection_pid, Pid}}) end. force_connection_event_refresh(Ref) -> [rabbit_reader:force_event_refresh(C, Ref) || C <- connections()], ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- tcp_host({0,0,0,0}) -> hostname(); tcp_host({0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}) -> hostname(); tcp_host(IPAddress) -> case inet:gethostbyaddr(IPAddress) of {ok, #hostent{h_name = Name}} -> Name; {error, _Reason} -> rabbit_misc:ntoa(IPAddress) end. hostname() -> {ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(), case inet:gethostbyname(Hostname) of {ok, #hostent{h_name = Name}} -> Name; {error, _Reason} -> Hostname end. cmap(F) -> rabbit_misc:filter_exit_map(F, connections()). tcp_opts() -> {ok, Opts} = application:get_env(rabbit, tcp_listen_options), Opts. %% inet_parse:address takes care of ip string, like "" %% inet:getaddr returns immediately for ip tuple {0,0,0,0}, %% and runs 'inet_gethost' port process for dns lookups. %% On Windows inet:getaddr runs dns resolver for ip string, which may fail. getaddr(Host, Family) -> case inet_parse:address(Host) of {ok, IPAddress} -> [{IPAddress, resolve_family(IPAddress, Family)}]; {error, _} -> gethostaddr(Host, Family) end. gethostaddr(Host, auto) -> Lookups = [{Family, inet:getaddr(Host, Family)} || Family <- [inet, inet6]], case [{IP, Family} || {Family, {ok, IP}} <- Lookups] of [] -> host_lookup_error(Host, Lookups); IPs -> IPs end; gethostaddr(Host, Family) -> case inet:getaddr(Host, Family) of {ok, IPAddress} -> [{IPAddress, Family}]; {error, Reason} -> host_lookup_error(Host, Reason) end. host_lookup_error(Host, Reason) -> rabbit_log:error("invalid host ~p - ~p~n", [Host, Reason]), throw({error, {invalid_host, Host, Reason}}). resolve_family({_,_,_,_}, auto) -> inet; resolve_family({_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}, auto) -> inet6; resolve_family(IP, auto) -> throw({error, {strange_family, IP}}); resolve_family(_, F) -> F. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% There are three kinds of machine (for our purposes). %% %% * Those which treat IPv4 addresses as a special kind of IPv6 address %% ("Single stack") %% - Linux by default, Windows Vista and later %% - We also treat any (hypothetical?) IPv6-only machine the same way %% * Those which consider IPv6 and IPv4 to be completely separate things %% ("Dual stack") %% - OpenBSD, Windows XP / 2003, Linux if so configured %% * Those which do not support IPv6. %% - Ancient/weird OSes, Linux if so configured %% %% How to reconfigure Linux to test this: %% Single stack (default): %% echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only %% Dual stack: %% echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only %% IPv4 only: %% add ipv6.disable=1 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub then %% sudo update-grub && sudo reboot %% %% This matters in (and only in) the case where the sysadmin (or the %% app descriptor) has only supplied a port and we wish to bind to %% "all addresses". This means different things depending on whether %% we're single or dual stack. On single stack binding to "::" %% implicitly includes all IPv4 addresses, and subsequently attempting %% to bind to "" will fail. On dual stack, binding to "::" will %% only bind to IPv6 addresses, and we need another listener bound to %% "" for IPv4. Finally, on IPv4-only systems we of course only %% want to bind to "". %% %% Unfortunately it seems there is no way to detect single vs dual stack %% apart from attempting to bind to the port. port_to_listeners(Port) -> IPv4 = {"", Port, inet}, IPv6 = {"::", Port, inet6}, case ipv6_status(?FIRST_TEST_BIND_PORT) of single_stack -> [IPv6]; ipv6_only -> [IPv6]; dual_stack -> [IPv6, IPv4]; ipv4_only -> [IPv4] end. ipv6_status(TestPort) -> IPv4 = [inet, {ip, {0,0,0,0}}], IPv6 = [inet6, {ip, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}], case gen_tcp:listen(TestPort, IPv6) of {ok, LSock6} -> case gen_tcp:listen(TestPort, IPv4) of {ok, LSock4} -> %% Dual stack gen_tcp:close(LSock6), gen_tcp:close(LSock4), dual_stack; %% Checking the error here would only let us %% distinguish single stack IPv6 / IPv4 vs IPv6 only, %% which we figure out below anyway. {error, _} -> gen_tcp:close(LSock6), case gen_tcp:listen(TestPort, IPv4) of %% Single stack {ok, LSock4} -> gen_tcp:close(LSock4), single_stack; %% IPv6-only machine. Welcome to the future. {error, eafnosupport} -> ipv6_only; %% Linux {error, eprotonosupport}-> ipv6_only; %% FreeBSD %% Dual stack machine with something already %% on IPv4. {error, _} -> ipv6_status(TestPort + 1) end end; %% IPv4-only machine. Welcome to the 90s. {error, eafnosupport} -> %% Linux ipv4_only; {error, eprotonosupport} -> %% FreeBSD ipv4_only; %% Port in use {error, _} -> ipv6_status(TestPort + 1) end.