%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_queue_consumers). -export([new/0, max_active_priority/1, inactive/1, all/1, count/0, unacknowledged_message_count/0, add/9, remove/3, erase_ch/2, send_drained/0, deliver/3, record_ack/3, subtract_acks/3, possibly_unblock/3, resume_fun/0, notify_sent_fun/1, activate_limit_fun/0, credit/6, utilisation/1]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(UNSENT_MESSAGE_LIMIT, 200). %% Utilisation average calculations are all in μs. -define(USE_AVG_HALF_LIFE, 1000000.0). -record(state, {consumers, use}). -record(consumer, {tag, ack_required, prefetch, args}). %% These are held in our process dictionary -record(cr, {ch_pid, monitor_ref, acktags, consumer_count, %% Queue of {ChPid, #consumer{}} for consumers which have %% been blocked for any reason blocked_consumers, %% The limiter itself limiter, %% Internal flow control for queue -> writer unsent_message_count}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -type time_micros() :: non_neg_integer(). -type ratio() :: float(). -type state() :: #state{consumers ::priority_queue:q(), use :: {'inactive', time_micros(), time_micros(), ratio()} | {'active', time_micros(), ratio()}}. -type ch() :: pid(). -type ack() :: non_neg_integer(). -type cr_fun() :: fun ((#cr{}) -> #cr{}). -type fetch_result() :: {rabbit_types:basic_message(), boolean(), ack()}. -spec new() -> state(). -spec max_active_priority(state()) -> integer() | 'infinity' | 'empty'. -spec inactive(state()) -> boolean(). -spec all(state()) -> [{ch(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}]. -spec count() -> non_neg_integer(). -spec unacknowledged_message_count() -> non_neg_integer(). -spec add(ch(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), pid(), boolean(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(), boolean(), state()) -> state(). -spec remove(ch(), rabbit_types:ctag(), state()) -> 'not_found' | state(). -spec erase_ch(ch(), state()) -> 'not_found' | {[ack()], [rabbit_types:ctag()], state()}. -spec send_drained() -> 'ok'. -spec deliver(fun ((boolean()) -> {fetch_result(), T}), rabbit_amqqueue:name(), state()) -> {'delivered', boolean(), T, state()} | {'undelivered', boolean(), state()}. -spec record_ack(ch(), pid(), ack()) -> 'ok'. -spec subtract_acks(ch(), [ack()], state()) -> 'not_found' | 'unchanged' | {'unblocked', state()}. -spec possibly_unblock(cr_fun(), ch(), state()) -> 'unchanged' | {'unblocked', state()}. -spec resume_fun() -> cr_fun(). -spec notify_sent_fun(non_neg_integer()) -> cr_fun(). -spec activate_limit_fun() -> cr_fun(). -spec credit(boolean(), integer(), boolean(), ch(), rabbit_types:ctag(), state()) -> 'unchanged' | {'unblocked', state()}. -spec utilisation(state()) -> ratio(). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- new() -> #state{consumers = priority_queue:new(), use = {active, now_micros(), 1.0}}. max_active_priority(#state{consumers = Consumers}) -> priority_queue:highest(Consumers). inactive(#state{consumers = Consumers}) -> priority_queue:is_empty(Consumers). all(#state{consumers = Consumers}) -> lists:foldl(fun (C, Acc) -> consumers(C#cr.blocked_consumers, Acc) end, consumers(Consumers, []), all_ch_record()). consumers(Consumers, Acc) -> priority_queue:fold( fun ({ChPid, Consumer}, _P, Acc1) -> #consumer{tag = CTag, ack_required = Ack, prefetch = Prefetch, args = Args} = Consumer, [{ChPid, CTag, Ack, Prefetch, Args} | Acc1] end, Acc, Consumers). count() -> lists:sum([Count || #cr{consumer_count = Count} <- all_ch_record()]). unacknowledged_message_count() -> lists:sum([queue:len(C#cr.acktags) || C <- all_ch_record()]). add(ChPid, CTag, NoAck, LimiterPid, LimiterActive, Prefetch, Args, IsEmpty, State = #state{consumers = Consumers}) -> C = #cr{consumer_count = Count, limiter = Limiter} = ch_record(ChPid, LimiterPid), Limiter1 = case LimiterActive of true -> rabbit_limiter:activate(Limiter); false -> Limiter end, C1 = C#cr{consumer_count = Count + 1, limiter = Limiter1}, update_ch_record( case parse_credit_args(Prefetch, Args) of {0, auto} -> C1; {_Credit, auto} when NoAck -> C1; {Credit, Mode} -> credit_and_drain( C1, CTag, Credit, Mode, IsEmpty) end), Consumer = #consumer{tag = CTag, ack_required = not NoAck, prefetch = Prefetch, args = Args}, State#state{consumers = add_consumer({ChPid, Consumer}, Consumers)}. remove(ChPid, CTag, State = #state{consumers = Consumers}) -> case lookup_ch(ChPid) of not_found -> not_found; C = #cr{consumer_count = Count, limiter = Limiter, blocked_consumers = Blocked} -> Blocked1 = remove_consumer(ChPid, CTag, Blocked), Limiter1 = case Count of 1 -> rabbit_limiter:deactivate(Limiter); _ -> Limiter end, Limiter2 = rabbit_limiter:forget_consumer(Limiter1, CTag), update_ch_record(C#cr{consumer_count = Count - 1, limiter = Limiter2, blocked_consumers = Blocked1}), State#state{consumers = remove_consumer(ChPid, CTag, Consumers)} end. erase_ch(ChPid, State = #state{consumers = Consumers}) -> case lookup_ch(ChPid) of not_found -> not_found; C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid, acktags = ChAckTags, blocked_consumers = BlockedQ} -> AllConsumers = priority_queue:join(Consumers, BlockedQ), ok = erase_ch_record(C), {[AckTag || {AckTag, _CTag} <- queue:to_list(ChAckTags)], tags(priority_queue:to_list(AllConsumers)), State#state{consumers = remove_consumers(ChPid, Consumers)}} end. send_drained() -> [update_ch_record(send_drained(C)) || C <- all_ch_record()], ok. deliver(FetchFun, QName, State) -> deliver(FetchFun, QName, false, State). deliver(FetchFun, QName, ConsumersChanged, State = #state{consumers = Consumers}) -> case priority_queue:out_p(Consumers) of {empty, _} -> {undelivered, ConsumersChanged, State#state{use = update_use(State#state.use, inactive)}}; {{value, QEntry, Priority}, Tail} -> case deliver_to_consumer(FetchFun, QEntry, QName) of {delivered, R} -> {delivered, ConsumersChanged, R, State#state{consumers = priority_queue:in(QEntry, Priority, Tail)}}; undelivered -> deliver(FetchFun, QName, true, State#state{consumers = Tail}) end end. deliver_to_consumer(FetchFun, E = {ChPid, Consumer}, QName) -> C = lookup_ch(ChPid), case is_ch_blocked(C) of true -> block_consumer(C, E), undelivered; false -> case rabbit_limiter:can_send(C#cr.limiter, Consumer#consumer.ack_required, Consumer#consumer.tag) of {suspend, Limiter} -> block_consumer(C#cr{limiter = Limiter}, E), undelivered; {continue, Limiter} -> {delivered, deliver_to_consumer( FetchFun, Consumer, C#cr{limiter = Limiter}, QName)} end end. deliver_to_consumer(FetchFun, #consumer{tag = CTag, ack_required = AckRequired}, C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid, acktags = ChAckTags, unsent_message_count = Count}, QName) -> {{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag}, R} = FetchFun(AckRequired), rabbit_channel:deliver(ChPid, CTag, AckRequired, {QName, self(), AckTag, IsDelivered, Message}), ChAckTags1 = case AckRequired of true -> queue:in({AckTag, CTag}, ChAckTags); false -> ChAckTags end, update_ch_record(C#cr{acktags = ChAckTags1, unsent_message_count = Count + 1}), R. record_ack(ChPid, LimiterPid, AckTag) -> C = #cr{acktags = ChAckTags} = ch_record(ChPid, LimiterPid), update_ch_record(C#cr{acktags = queue:in({AckTag, none}, ChAckTags)}), ok. subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State) -> case lookup_ch(ChPid) of not_found -> not_found; C = #cr{acktags = ChAckTags, limiter = Lim} -> {CTagCounts, AckTags2} = subtract_acks( AckTags, [], orddict:new(), ChAckTags), {Unblocked, Lim2} = orddict:fold( fun (CTag, Count, {UnblockedN, LimN}) -> {Unblocked1, LimN1} = rabbit_limiter:ack_from_queue(LimN, CTag, Count), {UnblockedN orelse Unblocked1, LimN1} end, {false, Lim}, CTagCounts), C2 = C#cr{acktags = AckTags2, limiter = Lim2}, case Unblocked of true -> unblock(C2, State); false -> update_ch_record(C2), unchanged end end. subtract_acks([], [], CTagCounts, AckQ) -> {CTagCounts, AckQ}; subtract_acks([], Prefix, CTagCounts, AckQ) -> {CTagCounts, queue:join(queue:from_list(lists:reverse(Prefix)), AckQ)}; subtract_acks([T | TL] = AckTags, Prefix, CTagCounts, AckQ) -> case queue:out(AckQ) of {{value, {T, CTag}}, QTail} -> subtract_acks(TL, Prefix, orddict:update_counter(CTag, 1, CTagCounts), QTail); {{value, V}, QTail} -> subtract_acks(AckTags, [V | Prefix], CTagCounts, QTail) end. possibly_unblock(Update, ChPid, State) -> case lookup_ch(ChPid) of not_found -> unchanged; C -> C1 = Update(C), case is_ch_blocked(C) andalso not is_ch_blocked(C1) of false -> update_ch_record(C1), unchanged; true -> unblock(C1, State) end end. unblock(C = #cr{blocked_consumers = BlockedQ, limiter = Limiter}, State = #state{consumers = Consumers, use = Use}) -> case lists:partition( fun({_P, {_ChPid, #consumer{tag = CTag}}}) -> rabbit_limiter:is_consumer_blocked(Limiter, CTag) end, priority_queue:to_list(BlockedQ)) of {_, []} -> update_ch_record(C), unchanged; {Blocked, Unblocked} -> BlockedQ1 = priority_queue:from_list(Blocked), UnblockedQ = priority_queue:from_list(Unblocked), update_ch_record(C#cr{blocked_consumers = BlockedQ1}), {unblocked, State#state{consumers = priority_queue:join(Consumers, UnblockedQ), use = update_use(Use, active)}} end. resume_fun() -> fun (C = #cr{limiter = Limiter}) -> C#cr{limiter = rabbit_limiter:resume(Limiter)} end. notify_sent_fun(Credit) -> fun (C = #cr{unsent_message_count = Count}) -> C#cr{unsent_message_count = Count - Credit} end. activate_limit_fun() -> fun (C = #cr{limiter = Limiter}) -> C#cr{limiter = rabbit_limiter:activate(Limiter)} end. credit(IsEmpty, Credit, Drain, ChPid, CTag, State) -> case lookup_ch(ChPid) of not_found -> unchanged; #cr{limiter = Limiter} = C -> C1 = #cr{limiter = Limiter1} = credit_and_drain(C, CTag, Credit, drain_mode(Drain), IsEmpty), case is_ch_blocked(C1) orelse (not rabbit_limiter:is_consumer_blocked(Limiter, CTag)) orelse rabbit_limiter:is_consumer_blocked(Limiter1, CTag) of true -> update_ch_record(C1), unchanged; false -> unblock(C1, State) end end. drain_mode(true) -> drain; drain_mode(false) -> manual. utilisation(#state{use = {active, Since, Avg}}) -> use_avg(now_micros() - Since, 0, Avg); utilisation(#state{use = {inactive, Since, Active, Avg}}) -> use_avg(Active, now_micros() - Since, Avg). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- parse_credit_args(Default, Args) -> case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, <<"x-credit">>) of {table, T} -> case {rabbit_misc:table_lookup(T, <<"credit">>), rabbit_misc:table_lookup(T, <<"drain">>)} of {{long, C}, {bool, D}} -> {C, drain_mode(D)}; _ -> {Default, auto} end; undefined -> {Default, auto} end. lookup_ch(ChPid) -> case get({ch, ChPid}) of undefined -> not_found; C -> C end. ch_record(ChPid, LimiterPid) -> Key = {ch, ChPid}, case get(Key) of undefined -> MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, ChPid), Limiter = rabbit_limiter:client(LimiterPid), C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid, monitor_ref = MonitorRef, acktags = queue:new(), consumer_count = 0, blocked_consumers = priority_queue:new(), limiter = Limiter, unsent_message_count = 0}, put(Key, C), C; C = #cr{} -> C end. update_ch_record(C = #cr{consumer_count = ConsumerCount, acktags = ChAckTags, unsent_message_count = UnsentMessageCount}) -> case {queue:is_empty(ChAckTags), ConsumerCount, UnsentMessageCount} of {true, 0, 0} -> ok = erase_ch_record(C); _ -> ok = store_ch_record(C) end, C. store_ch_record(C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid}) -> put({ch, ChPid}, C), ok. erase_ch_record(#cr{ch_pid = ChPid, monitor_ref = MonitorRef}) -> erlang:demonitor(MonitorRef), erase({ch, ChPid}), ok. all_ch_record() -> [C || {{ch, _}, C} <- get()]. block_consumer(C = #cr{blocked_consumers = Blocked}, QEntry) -> update_ch_record(C#cr{blocked_consumers = add_consumer(QEntry, Blocked)}). is_ch_blocked(#cr{unsent_message_count = Count, limiter = Limiter}) -> Count >= ?UNSENT_MESSAGE_LIMIT orelse rabbit_limiter:is_suspended(Limiter). send_drained(C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid, limiter = Limiter}) -> case rabbit_limiter:drained(Limiter) of {[], Limiter} -> C; {CTagCredit, Limiter2} -> rabbit_channel:send_drained( ChPid, CTagCredit), C#cr{limiter = Limiter2} end. credit_and_drain(C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid, limiter = Limiter}, CTag, Credit, Mode, IsEmpty) -> case rabbit_limiter:credit(Limiter, CTag, Credit, Mode, IsEmpty) of {true, Limiter1} -> rabbit_channel:send_drained(ChPid, [{CTag, Credit}]), C#cr{limiter = Limiter1}; {false, Limiter1} -> C#cr{limiter = Limiter1} end. tags(CList) -> [CTag || {_P, {_ChPid, #consumer{tag = CTag}}} <- CList]. add_consumer({ChPid, Consumer = #consumer{args = Args}}, Queue) -> Priority = case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, <<"x-priority">>) of {_, P} -> P; _ -> 0 end, priority_queue:in({ChPid, Consumer}, Priority, Queue). remove_consumer(ChPid, CTag, Queue) -> priority_queue:filter(fun ({CP, #consumer{tag = CT}}) -> (CP /= ChPid) or (CT /= CTag) end, Queue). remove_consumers(ChPid, Queue) -> priority_queue:filter(fun ({CP, _Consumer}) when CP =:= ChPid -> false; (_) -> true end, Queue). update_use({inactive, _, _, _} = CUInfo, inactive) -> CUInfo; update_use({active, _, _} = CUInfo, active) -> CUInfo; update_use({active, Since, Avg}, inactive) -> Now = now_micros(), {inactive, Now, Now - Since, Avg}; update_use({inactive, Since, Active, Avg}, active) -> Now = now_micros(), {active, Now, use_avg(Active, Now - Since, Avg)}. use_avg(Active, Inactive, Avg) -> Time = Inactive + Active, rabbit_misc:moving_average(Time, ?USE_AVG_HALF_LIFE, Active / Time, Avg). now_micros() -> timer:now_diff(now(), {0,0,0}).