%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at %% http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the %% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd, %% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd. %% %% Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd, %% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd %% are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial %% Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd. %% %% Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift %% Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are %% Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Cohesive Financial Technologies %% LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright %% (C) 2007-2010 Rabbit Technologies Ltd. %% %% All Rights Reserved. %% %% Contributor(s): ______________________________________. %% -module(rabbit_tests). -compile([export_all]). -export([all_tests/0, test_parsing/0]). %% Exported so the hook mechanism can call back -export([handle_hook/3, bad_handle_hook/3, extra_arg_hook/5]). -import(lists). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). test_content_prop_roundtrip(Datum, Binary) -> Types = [element(1, E) || E <- Datum], Values = [element(2, E) || E <- Datum], Values = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_properties(Types, Binary), %% assertion Binary = rabbit_binary_generator:encode_properties(Types, Values). %% assertion all_tests() -> passed = test_priority_queue(), passed = test_pg_local(), passed = test_unfold(), passed = test_parsing(), passed = test_topic_matching(), passed = test_log_management(), passed = test_app_management(), passed = test_log_management_during_startup(), passed = test_memory_pressure(), passed = test_cluster_management(), passed = test_user_management(), passed = test_server_status(), passed = maybe_run_cluster_dependent_tests(), passed. maybe_run_cluster_dependent_tests() -> SecondaryNode = rabbit_misc:makenode("hare"), case net_adm:ping(SecondaryNode) of pong -> passed = run_cluster_dependent_tests(SecondaryNode); pang -> io:format("Skipping cluster dependent tests with node ~p~n", [SecondaryNode]) end, passed. run_cluster_dependent_tests(SecondaryNode) -> SecondaryNodeS = atom_to_list(SecondaryNode), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, [SecondaryNodeS]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), io:format("Running cluster dependent tests with node ~p~n", [SecondaryNode]), passed = test_delegates_async(SecondaryNode), passed = test_delegates_sync(SecondaryNode), passed. test_priority_queue() -> false = priority_queue:is_queue(not_a_queue), %% empty Q Q = priority_queue:new(), {true, true, 0, [], []} = test_priority_queue(Q), %% 1-4 element no-priority Q true = lists:all(fun (X) -> X =:= passed end, lists:map(fun test_simple_n_element_queue/1, lists:seq(1, 4))), %% 1-element priority Q Q1 = priority_queue:in(foo, 1, priority_queue:new()), {true, false, 1, [{1, foo}], [foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q1), %% 2-element same-priority Q Q2 = priority_queue:in(bar, 1, Q1), {true, false, 2, [{1, foo}, {1, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q2), %% 2-element different-priority Q Q3 = priority_queue:in(bar, 2, Q1), {true, false, 2, [{2, bar}, {1, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q3), %% 1-element negative priority Q Q4 = priority_queue:in(foo, -1, priority_queue:new()), {true, false, 1, [{-1, foo}], [foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q4), %% merge 2 * 1-element no-priority Qs Q5 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{0, foo}, {0, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q5), %% merge 1-element no-priority Q with 1-element priority Q Q6 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, 1, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{1, bar}, {0, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q6), %% merge 1-element priority Q with 1-element no-priority Q Q7 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{1, foo}, {0, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q7), %% merge 2 * 1-element same-priority Qs Q8 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, 1, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{1, foo}, {1, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q8), %% merge 2 * 1-element different-priority Qs Q9 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, 2, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{2, bar}, {1, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q9), %% merge 2 * 1-element different-priority Qs (other way around) Q10 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(bar, 2, Q), priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{2, bar}, {1, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q10), %% merge 2 * 2-element multi-different-priority Qs Q11 = priority_queue:join(Q6, Q5), {true, false, 4, [{1, bar}, {0, foo}, {0, foo}, {0, bar}], [bar, foo, foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q11), %% and the other way around Q12 = priority_queue:join(Q5, Q6), {true, false, 4, [{1, bar}, {0, foo}, {0, bar}, {0, foo}], [bar, foo, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q12), %% merge with negative priorities Q13 = priority_queue:join(Q4, Q5), {true, false, 3, [{0, foo}, {0, bar}, {-1, foo}], [foo, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q13), %% and the other way around Q14 = priority_queue:join(Q5, Q4), {true, false, 3, [{0, foo}, {0, bar}, {-1, foo}], [foo, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q14), %% joins with empty queues: Q1 = priority_queue:join(Q, Q1), Q1 = priority_queue:join(Q1, Q), %% insert with priority into non-empty zero-priority queue Q15 = priority_queue:in(baz, 1, Q5), {true, false, 3, [{1, baz}, {0, foo}, {0, bar}], [baz, foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q15), passed. priority_queue_in_all(Q, L) -> lists:foldl(fun (X, Acc) -> priority_queue:in(X, Acc) end, Q, L). priority_queue_out_all(Q) -> case priority_queue:out(Q) of {empty, _} -> []; {{value, V}, Q1} -> [V | priority_queue_out_all(Q1)] end. test_priority_queue(Q) -> {priority_queue:is_queue(Q), priority_queue:is_empty(Q), priority_queue:len(Q), priority_queue:to_list(Q), priority_queue_out_all(Q)}. test_simple_n_element_queue(N) -> Items = lists:seq(1, N), Q = priority_queue_in_all(priority_queue:new(), Items), ToListRes = [{0, X} || X <- Items], {true, false, N, ToListRes, Items} = test_priority_queue(Q), passed. test_pg_local() -> [P, Q] = [spawn(fun () -> receive X -> X end end) || _ <- [x, x]], check_pg_local(ok, [], []), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, P), [P], []), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, P), [P], [P]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, P), [P, P], [P]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, Q), [P, P, Q], [P]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, Q), [P, P, Q], [P, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, Q), [P, P, Q], [P, Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [P, Q], [P, Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(b, P), [P, Q], [Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [Q], [Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [Q], [Q, Q]), [begin X ! done, Ref = erlang:monitor(process, X), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, X, _Info} -> ok end end || X <- [P, Q]], check_pg_local(ok, [], []), passed. check_pg_local(ok, APids, BPids) -> ok = pg_local:sync(), [true, true] = [lists:sort(Pids) == lists:sort(pg_local:get_members(Key)) || {Key, Pids} <- [{a, APids}, {b, BPids}]]. test_unfold() -> {[], test} = rabbit_misc:unfold(fun (_V) -> false end, test), List = lists:seq(2,20,2), {List, 0} = rabbit_misc:unfold(fun (0) -> false; (N) -> {true, N*2, N-1} end, 10), passed. test_parsing() -> passed = test_content_properties(), passed = test_field_values(), passed. test_content_properties() -> test_content_prop_roundtrip([], <<0, 0>>), test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {bit, false}, {bit, true}, {bit, false}], <<16#A0, 0>>), test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}, {octet, undefined}, {bit, true}], <<16#E8,0,123>>), test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}], <<16#F0,0,123,123>>), test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {shortstr, <<"hi">>}, {bit, true}, {shortint, 54321}, {bit, true}], <<16#F8,0,2,"hi",16#D4,16#31>>), test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {shortstr, undefined}, {bit, true}, {shortint, 54321}, {bit, true}], <<16#B8,0,16#D4,16#31>>), test_content_prop_roundtrip([{table, [{<<"a signedint">>, signedint, 12345678}, {<<"a longstr">>, longstr, <<"yes please">>}, {<<"a decimal">>, decimal, {123, 12345678}}, {<<"a timestamp">>, timestamp, 123456789012345}, {<<"a nested table">>, table, [{<<"one">>, signedint, 1}, {<<"two">>, signedint, 2}]}]}], << % property-flags 16#8000:16, % property-list: % table 117:32, % table length in bytes 11,"a signedint", % name "I",12345678:32, % type and value 9,"a longstr", "S",10:32,"yes please", 9,"a decimal", "D",123,12345678:32, 11,"a timestamp", "T", 123456789012345:64, 14,"a nested table", "F", 18:32, 3,"one", "I",1:32, 3,"two", "I",2:32 >>), case catch rabbit_binary_parser:parse_properties([bit, bit, bit, bit], <<16#A0,0,1>>) of {'EXIT', content_properties_binary_overflow} -> passed; V -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, V}) end. test_field_values() -> %% FIXME this does not test inexact numbers (double and float) yet, %% because they won't pass the equality assertions test_content_prop_roundtrip( [{table, [{<<"longstr">>, longstr, <<"Here is a long string">>}, {<<"signedint">>, signedint, 12345}, {<<"decimal">>, decimal, {3, 123456}}, {<<"timestamp">>, timestamp, 109876543209876}, {<<"table">>, table, [{<<"one">>, signedint, 54321}, {<<"two">>, longstr, <<"A long string">>}]}, {<<"byte">>, byte, 255}, {<<"long">>, long, 1234567890}, {<<"short">>, short, 655}, {<<"bool">>, bool, true}, {<<"binary">>, binary, <<"a binary string">>}, {<<"void">>, void, undefined}, {<<"array">>, array, [{signedint, 54321}, {longstr, <<"A long string">>}]} ]}], << % property-flags 16#8000:16, % table length in bytes 228:32, 7,"longstr", "S", 21:32, "Here is a long string", % = 34 9,"signedint", "I", 12345:32/signed, % + 15 = 49 7,"decimal", "D", 3, 123456:32, % + 14 = 63 9,"timestamp", "T", 109876543209876:64, % + 19 = 82 5,"table", "F", 31:32, % length of table % + 11 = 93 3,"one", "I", 54321:32, % + 9 = 102 3,"two", "S", 13:32, "A long string",% + 22 = 124 4,"byte", "b", 255:8, % + 7 = 131 4,"long", "l", 1234567890:64, % + 14 = 145 5,"short", "s", 655:16, % + 9 = 154 4,"bool", "t", 1, % + 7 = 161 6,"binary", "x", 15:32, "a binary string", % + 27 = 188 4,"void", "V", % + 6 = 194 5,"array", "A", 23:32, % + 11 = 205 "I", 54321:32, % + 5 = 210 "S", 13:32, "A long string" % + 18 = 228 >>), passed. test_topic_match(P, R) -> test_topic_match(P, R, true). test_topic_match(P, R, Expected) -> case rabbit_exchange_type_topic:topic_matches(list_to_binary(P), list_to_binary(R)) of Expected -> passed; _ -> {topic_match_failure, P, R} end. test_topic_matching() -> passed = test_topic_match("#", "test.test"), passed = test_topic_match("#", ""), passed = test_topic_match("#.T.R", "T.T.R"), passed = test_topic_match("#.T.R", "T.R.T.R"), passed = test_topic_match("#.Y.Z", "X.Y.Z.X.Y.Z"), passed = test_topic_match("#.test", "test"), passed = test_topic_match("#.test", "test.test"), passed = test_topic_match("#.test", "ignored.test"), passed = test_topic_match("#.test", "more.ignored.test"), passed = test_topic_match("#.test", "notmatched", false), passed = test_topic_match("#.z", "one.two.three.four", false), passed. test_app_management() -> %% starting, stopping, status ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(status, []), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(status, []), passed. test_log_management() -> MainLog = rabbit:log_location(kernel), SaslLog = rabbit:log_location(sasl), Suffix = ".1", %% prepare basic logs file:delete([MainLog, Suffix]), file:delete([SaslLog, Suffix]), %% simple logs reopening ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), [true, true] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% simple log rotation ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), [true, true] = non_empty_files([[MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]]), [true, true] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% reopening logs with log rotation performed first ok = clean_logs([MainLog, SaslLog], Suffix), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = file:rename(MainLog, [MainLog, Suffix]), ok = file:rename(SaslLog, [SaslLog, Suffix]), ok = test_logs_working([MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% log rotation on empty file ok = clean_logs([MainLog, SaslLog], Suffix), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), [true, true] = empty_files([[MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]]), %% original main log file is not writable ok = make_files_non_writable([MainLog]), {error, {cannot_rotate_main_logs, _}} = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = clean_logs([MainLog], Suffix), ok = add_log_handlers([{rabbit_error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]), %% original sasl log file is not writable ok = make_files_non_writable([SaslLog]), {error, {cannot_rotate_sasl_logs, _}} = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = clean_logs([SaslLog], Suffix), ok = add_log_handlers([{rabbit_sasl_report_file_h, SaslLog}]), %% logs with suffix are not writable ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), ok = make_files_non_writable([[MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]]), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% original log files are not writable ok = make_files_non_writable([MainLog, SaslLog]), {error, {{cannot_rotate_main_logs, _}, {cannot_rotate_sasl_logs, _}}} = control_action(rotate_logs, []), %% logging directed to tty (handlers were removed in last test) ok = clean_logs([MainLog, SaslLog], Suffix), ok = application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, tty), ok = application:set_env(kernel, error_logger, tty), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), [{error, enoent}, {error, enoent}] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), %% rotate logs when logging is turned off ok = application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, false), ok = application:set_env(kernel, error_logger, silent), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), [{error, enoent}, {error, enoent}] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), %% cleanup ok = application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, {file, SaslLog}), ok = application:set_env(kernel, error_logger, {file, MainLog}), ok = add_log_handlers([{rabbit_error_logger_file_h, MainLog}, {rabbit_sasl_report_file_h, SaslLog}]), passed. test_log_management_during_startup() -> MainLog = rabbit:log_location(kernel), SaslLog = rabbit:log_location(sasl), %% start application with simple tty logging ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = application:set_env(kernel, error_logger, tty), ok = application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, tty), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_tty_h, []}, {sasl_report_tty_h, []}]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), %% start application with tty logging and %% proper handlers not installed ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = error_logger:tty(false), ok = delete_log_handlers([sasl_report_tty_h]), ok = case catch control_action(start_app, []) of ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, log_rotation_tty_no_handlers_test}); {error, {cannot_log_to_tty, _, _}} -> ok end, %% fix sasl logging ok = application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, {file, SaslLog}), %% start application with logging to non-existing directory TmpLog = "/tmp/rabbit-tests/test.log", delete_file(TmpLog), ok = application:set_env(kernel, error_logger, {file, TmpLog}), ok = delete_log_handlers([rabbit_error_logger_file_h]), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), %% start application with logging to directory with no %% write permissions TmpDir = "/tmp/rabbit-tests", ok = set_permissions(TmpDir, 8#00400), ok = delete_log_handlers([rabbit_error_logger_file_h]), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]), ok = case control_action(start_app, []) of ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, log_rotation_no_write_permission_dir_test}); {error, {cannot_log_to_file, _, _}} -> ok end, %% start application with logging to a subdirectory which %% parent directory has no write permissions TmpTestDir = "/tmp/rabbit-tests/no-permission/test/log", ok = application:set_env(kernel, error_logger, {file, TmpTestDir}), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]), ok = case control_action(start_app, []) of ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, log_rotatation_parent_dirs_test}); {error, {cannot_log_to_file, _, {error, {cannot_create_parent_dirs, _, eacces}}}} -> ok end, ok = set_permissions(TmpDir, 8#00700), ok = set_permissions(TmpLog, 8#00600), ok = delete_file(TmpLog), ok = file:del_dir(TmpDir), %% start application with standard error_logger_file_h %% handler not installed ok = application:set_env(kernel, error_logger, {file, MainLog}), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), %% start application with standard sasl handler not installed %% and rabbit main log handler installed correctly ok = delete_log_handlers([rabbit_sasl_report_file_h]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), passed. test_cluster_management() -> %% 'cluster' and 'reset' should only work if the app is stopped {error, _} = control_action(cluster, []), {error, _} = control_action(reset, []), {error, _} = control_action(force_reset, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), %% various ways of creating a standalone node NodeS = atom_to_list(node()), ClusteringSequence = [[], [NodeS], ["invalid@invalid", NodeS], [NodeS, "invalid@invalid"]], ok = control_action(reset, []), lists:foreach(fun (Arg) -> ok = control_action(cluster, Arg), ok end, ClusteringSequence), lists:foreach(fun (Arg) -> ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, Arg), ok end, ClusteringSequence), ok = control_action(reset, []), lists:foreach(fun (Arg) -> ok = control_action(cluster, Arg), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok end, ClusteringSequence), lists:foreach(fun (Arg) -> ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, Arg), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok end, ClusteringSequence), %% convert a disk node into a ram node ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(cluster, ["invalid1@invalid", "invalid2@invalid"]), %% join a non-existing cluster as a ram node ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, ["invalid1@invalid", "invalid2@invalid"]), SecondaryNode = rabbit_misc:makenode("hare"), case net_adm:ping(SecondaryNode) of pong -> passed = test_cluster_management2(SecondaryNode); pang -> io:format("Skipping clustering tests with node ~p~n", [SecondaryNode]) end, ok = control_action(start_app, []), passed. test_cluster_management2(SecondaryNode) -> NodeS = atom_to_list(node()), SecondaryNodeS = atom_to_list(SecondaryNode), %% make a disk node ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, [NodeS]), %% make a ram node ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, [SecondaryNodeS]), %% join cluster as a ram node ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, [SecondaryNodeS, "invalid1@invalid"]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), %% change cluster config while remaining in same cluster ok = control_action(cluster, ["invalid2@invalid", SecondaryNodeS]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), %% join non-existing cluster as a ram node ok = control_action(cluster, ["invalid1@invalid", "invalid2@invalid"]), %% turn ram node into disk node ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, [SecondaryNodeS, NodeS]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), %% convert a disk node into a ram node ok = control_action(cluster, ["invalid1@invalid", "invalid2@invalid"]), %% turn a disk node into a ram node ok = control_action(reset, []), ok = control_action(cluster, [SecondaryNodeS]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), %% NB: this will log an inconsistent_database error, which is harmless %% Turning cover on / off is OK even if we're not in general using cover, %% it just turns the engine on / off, doesn't actually log anything. cover:stop([SecondaryNode]), true = disconnect_node(SecondaryNode), pong = net_adm:ping(SecondaryNode), cover:start([SecondaryNode]), %% leaving a cluster as a ram node ok = control_action(reset, []), %% ...and as a disk node ok = control_action(cluster, [SecondaryNodeS, NodeS]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(reset, []), %% attempt to leave cluster when no other node is alive ok = control_action(cluster, [SecondaryNodeS, NodeS]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, SecondaryNode, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), {error, {no_running_cluster_nodes, _, _}} = control_action(reset, []), %% leave system clustered, with the secondary node as a ram node ok = control_action(force_reset, []), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(force_reset, SecondaryNode, []), ok = control_action(cluster, SecondaryNode, [NodeS]), ok = control_action(start_app, SecondaryNode, []), passed. test_user_management() -> %% lots if stuff that should fail {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(delete_user, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(change_password, ["foo", "baz"]), {error, {no_such_vhost, _}} = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(set_permissions, ["foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(clear_permissions, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(list_user_permissions, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_vhost, _}} = control_action(list_permissions, ["-p", "/testhost"]), {error, {invalid_regexp, _, _}} = control_action(set_permissions, ["guest", "+foo", ".*", ".*"]), %% user creation ok = control_action(add_user, ["foo", "bar"]), {error, {user_already_exists, _}} = control_action(add_user, ["foo", "bar"]), ok = control_action(change_password, ["foo", "baz"]), ok = control_action(list_users, []), %% vhost creation ok = control_action(add_vhost, ["/testhost"]), {error, {vhost_already_exists, _}} = control_action(add_vhost, ["/testhost"]), ok = control_action(list_vhosts, []), %% user/vhost mapping ok = control_action(set_permissions, ["-p", "/testhost", "foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"]), ok = control_action(set_permissions, ["-p", "/testhost", "foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"]), ok = control_action(list_permissions, ["-p", "/testhost"]), ok = control_action(list_user_permissions, ["foo"]), %% user/vhost unmapping ok = control_action(clear_permissions, ["-p", "/testhost", "foo"]), ok = control_action(clear_permissions, ["-p", "/testhost", "foo"]), %% vhost deletion ok = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), {error, {no_such_vhost, _}} = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), %% deleting a populated vhost ok = control_action(add_vhost, ["/testhost"]), ok = control_action(set_permissions, ["-p", "/testhost", "foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"]), ok = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), %% user deletion ok = control_action(delete_user, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(delete_user, ["foo"]), passed. test_server_status() -> %% create a few things so there is some useful information to list Writer = spawn(fun () -> receive shutdown -> ok end end), Ch = rabbit_channel:start_link(1, self(), Writer, <<"user">>, <<"/">>, self()), [Q, Q2] = [#amqqueue{} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare( rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name), false, false, [], none) || Name <- [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]], ok = rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume(Q, true, Ch, undefined, <<"ctag">>, true, undefined), %% list queues ok = info_action(list_queues, rabbit_amqqueue:info_keys(), true), %% list exchanges ok = info_action(list_exchanges, rabbit_exchange:info_keys(), true), %% list bindings ok = control_action(list_bindings, []), %% list connections [#listener{host = H, port = P} | _] = [L || L = #listener{node = N} <- rabbit_networking:active_listeners(), N =:= node()], {ok, _C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []), timer:sleep(100), ok = info_action(list_connections, rabbit_networking:connection_info_keys(), false), %% close_connection [ConnPid] = rabbit_networking:connections(), ok = control_action(close_connection, [rabbit_misc:pid_to_string(ConnPid), "go away"]), %% list channels ok = info_action(list_channels, rabbit_channel:info_keys(), false), %% list consumers ok = control_action(list_consumers, []), %% cleanup [{ok, _} = rabbit_amqqueue:delete(QR, false, false) || QR <- [Q, Q2]], ok = rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch), passed. test_hooks() -> %% Firing of hooks calls all hooks in an isolated manner rabbit_hooks:subscribe(test_hook, test, {rabbit_tests, handle_hook, []}), rabbit_hooks:subscribe(test_hook, test2, {rabbit_tests, handle_hook, []}), rabbit_hooks:subscribe(test_hook2, test2, {rabbit_tests, handle_hook, []}), rabbit_hooks:trigger(test_hook, [arg1, arg2]), [arg1, arg2] = get(test_hook_test_fired), [arg1, arg2] = get(test_hook_test2_fired), undefined = get(test_hook2_test2_fired), %% Hook Deletion works put(test_hook_test_fired, undefined), put(test_hook_test2_fired, undefined), rabbit_hooks:unsubscribe(test_hook, test), rabbit_hooks:trigger(test_hook, [arg3, arg4]), undefined = get(test_hook_test_fired), [arg3, arg4] = get(test_hook_test2_fired), undefined = get(test_hook2_test2_fired), %% Catches exceptions from bad hooks rabbit_hooks:subscribe(test_hook3, test, {rabbit_tests, bad_handle_hook, []}), ok = rabbit_hooks:trigger(test_hook3, []), %% Passing extra arguments to hooks rabbit_hooks:subscribe(arg_hook, test, {rabbit_tests, extra_arg_hook, [1, 3]}), rabbit_hooks:trigger(arg_hook, [arg1, arg2]), {[arg1, arg2], 1, 3} = get(arg_hook_test_fired), %% Invoking Pids Remote = fun () -> receive {rabbitmq_hook,[remote_test,test,[],Target]} -> Target ! invoked end end, P = spawn(Remote), rabbit_hooks:subscribe(remote_test, test, {rabbit_hooks, notify_remote, [P, [self()]]}), rabbit_hooks:trigger(remote_test, []), receive invoked -> ok after 100 -> io:format("Remote hook not invoked"), throw(timeout) end, passed. test_memory_pressure_receiver(Pid) -> receive shutdown -> ok; {send_command, Method} -> ok = case Method of #'channel.flow'{} -> ok; #'basic.qos_ok'{} -> ok; #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok end, Pid ! Method, test_memory_pressure_receiver(Pid); sync -> Pid ! sync, test_memory_pressure_receiver(Pid) end. test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(Active) -> receive #'channel.flow'{active = Active} -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_flow) end, receive #'channel.flow'{} -> throw(pipelining_sync_commands_detected) after 0 -> ok end. test_memory_pressure_sync(Ch, Writer) -> ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'basic.qos'{}), Writer ! sync, receive sync -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_writer_sync) end, receive #'basic.qos_ok'{} -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_basic_qos_ok) end. test_memory_pressure_spawn() -> Me = self(), Writer = spawn(fun () -> test_memory_pressure_receiver(Me) end), Ch = rabbit_channel:start_link(1, self(), Writer, <<"user">>, <<"/">>, self()), ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'channel.open'{}), MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Ch), receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok) end, {Writer, Ch, MRef}. expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef, Ch) -> receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Ch, normal} -> ok after 1000 -> throw(channel_failed_to_exit) end. test_memory_pressure() -> {Writer0, Ch0, MRef0} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(), [ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch0, Conserve) || Conserve <- [false, false, true, false, true, true, false]], ok = test_memory_pressure_sync(Ch0, Writer0), receive {'DOWN', MRef0, process, Ch0, Info0} -> throw({channel_died_early, Info0}) after 0 -> ok end, %% we should have just 1 active=false waiting for us ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(false), %% if we reply with flow_ok, we should immediately get an %% active=true back ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch0, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}), ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(true), %% if we publish at this point, the channel should die Content = #content{class_id = element(1, rabbit_framing:method_id( 'basic.publish')), properties = none, properties_bin = <<>>, payload_fragments_rev = []}, ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch0, #'basic.publish'{}, Content), expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef0, Ch0), {Writer1, Ch1, MRef1} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(), ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch1, true), ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(false), ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch1, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}), ok = test_memory_pressure_sync(Ch1, Writer1), ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch1, false), ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(true), %% send back the wrong flow_ok. Channel should die. ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch1, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}), expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef1, Ch1), {_Writer2, Ch2, MRef2} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(), %% just out of the blue, send a flow_ok. Life should end. ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch2, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = true}), expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef2, Ch2), {_Writer3, Ch3, MRef3} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(), ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch3, true), receive {'DOWN', MRef3, process, Ch3, _} -> ok after 12000 -> throw(channel_failed_to_exit) end, alarm_handler:set_alarm({vm_memory_high_watermark, []}), Me = self(), Writer4 = spawn(fun () -> test_memory_pressure_receiver(Me) end), Ch4 = rabbit_channel:start_link(1, self(), Writer4, <<"user">>, <<"/">>, self()), ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch4, #'channel.open'{}), MRef4 = erlang:monitor(process, Ch4), Writer4 ! sync, receive sync -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_writer_sync) end, receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> throw(unexpected_channel_open_ok) after 0 -> ok end, alarm_handler:clear_alarm(vm_memory_high_watermark), Writer4 ! sync, receive sync -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_writer_sync) end, receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok) end, rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch4), expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef4, Ch4), passed. test_delegates_async(SecondaryNode) -> Self = self(), Sender = fun (Pid) -> Pid ! {invoked, Self} end, Responder = make_responder(fun ({invoked, Pid}) -> Pid ! response end), ok = delegate:invoke_no_result(spawn(Responder), Sender), ok = delegate:invoke_no_result(spawn(SecondaryNode, Responder), Sender), await_response(2), LocalPids = spawn_responders(node(), Responder, 10), RemotePids = spawn_responders(SecondaryNode, Responder, 10), ok = delegate:invoke_no_result(LocalPids ++ RemotePids, Sender), await_response(20), passed. make_responder(FMsg) -> make_responder(FMsg, timeout). make_responder(FMsg, Throw) -> fun () -> receive Msg -> FMsg(Msg) after 1000 -> throw(Throw) end end. spawn_responders(Node, Responder, Count) -> [spawn(Node, Responder) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Count)]. await_response(0) -> ok; await_response(Count) -> receive response -> ok, await_response(Count - 1) after 1000 -> io:format("Async reply not received~n"), throw(timeout) end. must_exit(Fun) -> try Fun(), throw(exit_not_thrown) catch exit:_ -> ok end. test_delegates_sync(SecondaryNode) -> Sender = fun (Pid) -> gen_server:call(Pid, invoked) end, BadSender = fun (_Pid) -> exit(exception) end, Responder = make_responder(fun ({'$gen_call', From, invoked}) -> gen_server:reply(From, response) end), BadResponder = make_responder(fun ({'$gen_call', From, invoked}) -> gen_server:reply(From, response) end, bad_responder_died), response = delegate:invoke(spawn(Responder), Sender), response = delegate:invoke(spawn(SecondaryNode, Responder), Sender), must_exit(fun () -> delegate:invoke(spawn(BadResponder), BadSender) end), must_exit(fun () -> delegate:invoke(spawn(SecondaryNode, BadResponder), BadSender) end), LocalGoodPids = spawn_responders(node(), Responder, 2), RemoteGoodPids = spawn_responders(SecondaryNode, Responder, 2), LocalBadPids = spawn_responders(node(), BadResponder, 2), RemoteBadPids = spawn_responders(SecondaryNode, BadResponder, 2), {GoodRes, []} = delegate:invoke(LocalGoodPids ++ RemoteGoodPids, Sender), true = lists:all(fun ({_, response}) -> true end, GoodRes), GoodResPids = [Pid || {Pid, _} <- GoodRes], Good = ordsets:from_list(LocalGoodPids ++ RemoteGoodPids), Good = ordsets:from_list(GoodResPids), {[], BadRes} = delegate:invoke(LocalBadPids ++ RemoteBadPids, BadSender), true = lists:all(fun ({_, {exit, exception, _}}) -> true end, BadRes), BadResPids = [Pid || {Pid, _} <- BadRes], Bad = ordsets:from_list(LocalBadPids ++ RemoteBadPids), Bad = ordsets:from_list(BadResPids), passed. %--------------------------------------------------------------------- control_action(Command, Args) -> control_action(Command, node(), Args). control_action(Command, Node, Args) -> case catch rabbit_control:action( Command, Node, Args, fun (Format, Args1) -> io:format(Format ++ " ...~n", Args1) end) of ok -> io:format("done.~n"), ok; Other -> io:format("failed.~n"), Other end. info_action(Command, Args, CheckVHost) -> ok = control_action(Command, []), if CheckVHost -> ok = control_action(Command, ["-p", "/"]); true -> ok end, ok = control_action(Command, lists:map(fun atom_to_list/1, Args)), {bad_argument, dummy} = control_action(Command, ["dummy"]), ok. empty_files(Files) -> [case file:read_file_info(File) of {ok, FInfo} -> FInfo#file_info.size == 0; Error -> Error end || File <- Files]. non_empty_files(Files) -> [case EmptyFile of {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; _ -> not(EmptyFile) end || EmptyFile <- empty_files(Files)]. test_logs_working(MainLogFile, SaslLogFile) -> ok = rabbit_log:error("foo bar"), ok = error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [foo, bar]), %% give the error loggers some time to catch up timer:sleep(50), [true, true] = non_empty_files([MainLogFile, SaslLogFile]), ok. set_permissions(Path, Mode) -> case file:read_file_info(Path) of {ok, FInfo} -> file:write_file_info( Path, FInfo#file_info{mode=Mode}); Error -> Error end. clean_logs(Files, Suffix) -> [begin ok = delete_file(File), ok = delete_file([File, Suffix]) end || File <- Files], ok. delete_file(File) -> case file:delete(File) of ok -> ok; {error, enoent} -> ok; Error -> Error end. make_files_non_writable(Files) -> [ok = file:write_file_info(File, #file_info{mode=0}) || File <- Files], ok. add_log_handlers(Handlers) -> [ok = error_logger:add_report_handler(Handler, Args) || {Handler, Args} <- Handlers], ok. delete_log_handlers(Handlers) -> [[] = error_logger:delete_report_handler(Handler) || Handler <- Handlers], ok. handle_hook(HookName, Handler, Args) -> A = atom_to_list(HookName) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Handler) ++ "_fired", put(list_to_atom(A), Args). bad_handle_hook(_, _, _) -> bad:bad(). extra_arg_hook(Hookname, Handler, Args, Extra1, Extra2) -> handle_hook(Hookname, Handler, {Args, Extra1, Extra2}).