%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_tests). -compile([export_all]). -export([all_tests/0]). -import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -define(PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, msg_store_persistent). -define(TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE, msg_store_transient). -define(CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME, <<"cleanup-queue">>). -define(TIMEOUT, 5000). all_tests() -> ok = setup_cluster(), ok = truncate:test(), ok = supervisor2_tests:test_all(), passed = gm_tests:all_tests(), passed = mirrored_supervisor_tests:all_tests(), application:set_env(rabbit, file_handles_high_watermark, 10), ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(10), passed = test_version_equivalance(), passed = test_file_handle_cache(), passed = test_backing_queue(), passed = test_rabbit_basic_header_handling(), passed = test_priority_queue(), passed = test_pg_local(), passed = test_unfold(), passed = test_supervisor_delayed_restart(), passed = test_table_codec(), passed = test_content_framing(), passed = test_content_transcoding(), passed = test_topic_matching(), passed = test_log_management(), passed = test_app_management(), passed = test_log_management_during_startup(), passed = test_statistics(), passed = test_arguments_parser(), passed = test_dynamic_mirroring(), passed = test_user_management(), passed = test_runtime_parameters(), passed = test_policy_validation(), passed = test_policy_opts_validation(), passed = test_ha_policy_validation(), passed = test_server_status(), passed = test_amqp_connection_refusal(), passed = test_confirms(), passed = test_with_state(), passed = test_mcall(), passed = do_if_secondary_node( fun run_cluster_dependent_tests/1, fun (SecondaryNode) -> io:format("Skipping cluster dependent tests with node ~p~n", [SecondaryNode]), passed end), passed = test_configurable_server_properties(), passed = vm_memory_monitor_tests:all_tests(), passed. do_if_secondary_node(Up, Down) -> SecondaryNode = rabbit_nodes:make("hare"), case net_adm:ping(SecondaryNode) of pong -> Up(SecondaryNode); pang -> Down(SecondaryNode) end. setup_cluster() -> do_if_secondary_node( fun (SecondaryNode) -> ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(join_cluster, [atom_to_list(SecondaryNode)]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(start_app, SecondaryNode, [], []) end, fun (_) -> ok end). maybe_run_cluster_dependent_tests() -> do_if_secondary_node( fun (SecondaryNode) -> passed = run_cluster_dependent_tests(SecondaryNode) end, fun (SecondaryNode) -> io:format("Skipping cluster dependent tests with node ~p~n", [SecondaryNode]) end). run_cluster_dependent_tests(SecondaryNode) -> io:format("Running cluster dependent tests with node ~p~n", [SecondaryNode]), passed = test_delegates_async(SecondaryNode), passed = test_delegates_sync(SecondaryNode), passed = test_queue_cleanup(SecondaryNode), passed = test_declare_on_dead_queue(SecondaryNode), passed = test_refresh_events(SecondaryNode), %% we now run the tests remotely, so that code coverage on the %% local node picks up more of the delegate Node = node(), Self = self(), Remote = spawn(SecondaryNode, fun () -> Rs = [ test_delegates_async(Node), test_delegates_sync(Node), test_queue_cleanup(Node), test_declare_on_dead_queue(Node), test_refresh_events(Node) ], Self ! {self(), Rs} end), receive {Remote, Result} -> Result = lists:duplicate(length(Result), passed) after 30000 -> throw(timeout) end, passed. test_version_equivalance() -> true = rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent("3.0.0", "3.0.0"), true = rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent("3.0.0", "3.0.1"), true = rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent("%%VSN%%", "%%VSN%%"), false = rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent("3.0.0", "3.1.0"), false = rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent("3.0.0", "3.0"), false = rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent("3.0.0", ""), false = rabbit_misc:version_minor_equivalent("3.0.0", "3.0.foo"), passed. test_rabbit_basic_header_handling() -> passed = write_table_with_invalid_existing_type_test(), passed = invalid_existing_headers_test(), passed = disparate_invalid_header_entries_accumulate_separately_test(), passed = corrupt_or_invalid_headers_are_overwritten_test(), passed = invalid_same_header_entry_accumulation_test(), passed. -define(XDEATH_TABLE, [{<<"reason">>, longstr, <<"blah">>}, {<<"queue">>, longstr, <<"foo.bar.baz">>}, {<<"exchange">>, longstr, <<"my-exchange">>}, {<<"routing-keys">>, array, []}]). -define(ROUTE_TABLE, [{<<"redelivered">>, bool, <<"true">>}]). -define(BAD_HEADER(K), {<>, longstr, <<"bad ", K>>}). -define(BAD_HEADER2(K, Suf), {<>, longstr, <<"bad ", K, Suf>>}). -define(FOUND_BAD_HEADER(K), {<>, array, [{longstr, <<"bad ", K>>}]}). write_table_with_invalid_existing_type_test() -> prepend_check(<<"header1">>, ?XDEATH_TABLE, [?BAD_HEADER("header1")]), passed. invalid_existing_headers_test() -> Headers = prepend_check(<<"header2">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, [?BAD_HEADER("header2")]), {array, [{table, ?ROUTE_TABLE}]} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, <<"header2">>), passed. disparate_invalid_header_entries_accumulate_separately_test() -> BadHeaders = [?BAD_HEADER("header2")], Headers = prepend_check(<<"header2">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, BadHeaders), Headers2 = prepend_check(<<"header1">>, ?XDEATH_TABLE, [?BAD_HEADER("header1") | Headers]), {table, [?FOUND_BAD_HEADER("header1"), ?FOUND_BAD_HEADER("header2")]} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers2, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY), passed. corrupt_or_invalid_headers_are_overwritten_test() -> Headers0 = [?BAD_HEADER("header1"), ?BAD_HEADER("x-invalid-headers")], Headers1 = prepend_check(<<"header1">>, ?XDEATH_TABLE, Headers0), {table,[?FOUND_BAD_HEADER("header1"), ?FOUND_BAD_HEADER("x-invalid-headers")]} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers1, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY), passed. invalid_same_header_entry_accumulation_test() -> BadHeader1 = ?BAD_HEADER2("header1", "a"), Headers = prepend_check(<<"header1">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, [BadHeader1]), Headers2 = prepend_check(<<"header1">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, [?BAD_HEADER2("header1", "b") | Headers]), {table, InvalidHeaders} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers2, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY), {array, [{longstr,<<"bad header1b">>}, {longstr,<<"bad header1a">>}]} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(InvalidHeaders, <<"header1">>), passed. prepend_check(HeaderKey, HeaderTable, Headers) -> Headers1 = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header( HeaderKey, HeaderTable, Headers), {table, Invalid} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers1, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY), {Type, Value} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, HeaderKey), {array, [{Type, Value} | _]} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Invalid, HeaderKey), Headers1. test_priority_queue() -> false = priority_queue:is_queue(not_a_queue), %% empty Q Q = priority_queue:new(), {true, true, 0, [], []} = test_priority_queue(Q), %% 1-4 element no-priority Q true = lists:all(fun (X) -> X =:= passed end, lists:map(fun test_simple_n_element_queue/1, lists:seq(1, 4))), %% 1-element priority Q Q1 = priority_queue:in(foo, 1, priority_queue:new()), {true, false, 1, [{1, foo}], [foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q1), %% 2-element same-priority Q Q2 = priority_queue:in(bar, 1, Q1), {true, false, 2, [{1, foo}, {1, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q2), %% 2-element different-priority Q Q3 = priority_queue:in(bar, 2, Q1), {true, false, 2, [{2, bar}, {1, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q3), %% 1-element negative priority Q Q4 = priority_queue:in(foo, -1, priority_queue:new()), {true, false, 1, [{-1, foo}], [foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q4), %% merge 2 * 1-element no-priority Qs Q5 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{0, foo}, {0, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q5), %% merge 1-element no-priority Q with 1-element priority Q Q6 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, 1, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{1, bar}, {0, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q6), %% merge 1-element priority Q with 1-element no-priority Q Q7 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{1, foo}, {0, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q7), %% merge 2 * 1-element same-priority Qs Q8 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, 1, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{1, foo}, {1, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q8), %% merge 2 * 1-element different-priority Qs Q9 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, 2, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{2, bar}, {1, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q9), %% merge 2 * 1-element different-priority Qs (other way around) Q10 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(bar, 2, Q), priority_queue:in(foo, 1, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{2, bar}, {1, foo}], [bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q10), %% merge 2 * 2-element multi-different-priority Qs Q11 = priority_queue:join(Q6, Q5), {true, false, 4, [{1, bar}, {0, foo}, {0, foo}, {0, bar}], [bar, foo, foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q11), %% and the other way around Q12 = priority_queue:join(Q5, Q6), {true, false, 4, [{1, bar}, {0, foo}, {0, bar}, {0, foo}], [bar, foo, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q12), %% merge with negative priorities Q13 = priority_queue:join(Q4, Q5), {true, false, 3, [{0, foo}, {0, bar}, {-1, foo}], [foo, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q13), %% and the other way around Q14 = priority_queue:join(Q5, Q4), {true, false, 3, [{0, foo}, {0, bar}, {-1, foo}], [foo, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q14), %% joins with empty queues: Q1 = priority_queue:join(Q, Q1), Q1 = priority_queue:join(Q1, Q), %% insert with priority into non-empty zero-priority queue Q15 = priority_queue:in(baz, 1, Q5), {true, false, 3, [{1, baz}, {0, foo}, {0, bar}], [baz, foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q15), %% 1-element infinity priority Q Q16 = priority_queue:in(foo, infinity, Q), {true, false, 1, [{infinity, foo}], [foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q16), %% add infinity to 0-priority Q Q17 = priority_queue:in(foo, infinity, priority_queue:in(bar, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{infinity, foo}, {0, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q17), %% and the other way around Q18 = priority_queue:in(bar, priority_queue:in(foo, infinity, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{infinity, foo}, {0, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q18), %% add infinity to mixed-priority Q Q19 = priority_queue:in(qux, infinity, Q3), {true, false, 3, [{infinity, qux}, {2, bar}, {1, foo}], [qux, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q19), %% merge the above with a negative priority Q Q20 = priority_queue:join(Q19, Q4), {true, false, 4, [{infinity, qux}, {2, bar}, {1, foo}, {-1, foo}], [qux, bar, foo, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q20), %% merge two infinity priority queues Q21 = priority_queue:join(priority_queue:in(foo, infinity, Q), priority_queue:in(bar, infinity, Q)), {true, false, 2, [{infinity, foo}, {infinity, bar}], [foo, bar]} = test_priority_queue(Q21), %% merge two mixed priority with infinity queues Q22 = priority_queue:join(Q18, Q20), {true, false, 6, [{infinity, foo}, {infinity, qux}, {2, bar}, {1, foo}, {0, bar}, {-1, foo}], [foo, qux, bar, foo, bar, foo]} = test_priority_queue(Q22), passed. priority_queue_in_all(Q, L) -> lists:foldl(fun (X, Acc) -> priority_queue:in(X, Acc) end, Q, L). priority_queue_out_all(Q) -> case priority_queue:out(Q) of {empty, _} -> []; {{value, V}, Q1} -> [V | priority_queue_out_all(Q1)] end. test_priority_queue(Q) -> {priority_queue:is_queue(Q), priority_queue:is_empty(Q), priority_queue:len(Q), priority_queue:to_list(Q), priority_queue_out_all(Q)}. test_simple_n_element_queue(N) -> Items = lists:seq(1, N), Q = priority_queue_in_all(priority_queue:new(), Items), ToListRes = [{0, X} || X <- Items], {true, false, N, ToListRes, Items} = test_priority_queue(Q), passed. test_pg_local() -> [P, Q] = [spawn(fun () -> receive X -> X end end) || _ <- [x, x]], check_pg_local(ok, [], []), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, P), [P], []), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, P), [P], [P]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, P), [P, P], [P]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, Q), [P, P, Q], [P]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, Q), [P, P, Q], [P, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, Q), [P, P, Q], [P, Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [P, Q], [P, Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(b, P), [P, Q], [Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [Q], [Q, Q]), check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [Q], [Q, Q]), [begin X ! done, Ref = erlang:monitor(process, X), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, X, _Info} -> ok end end || X <- [P, Q]], check_pg_local(ok, [], []), passed. check_pg_local(ok, APids, BPids) -> ok = pg_local:sync(), [true, true] = [lists:sort(Pids) == lists:sort(pg_local:get_members(Key)) || {Key, Pids} <- [{a, APids}, {b, BPids}]]. test_unfold() -> {[], test} = rabbit_misc:unfold(fun (_V) -> false end, test), List = lists:seq(2,20,2), {List, 0} = rabbit_misc:unfold(fun (0) -> false; (N) -> {true, N*2, N-1} end, 10), passed. test_table_codec() -> %% FIXME this does not test inexact numbers (double and float) yet, %% because they won't pass the equality assertions Table = [{<<"longstr">>, longstr, <<"Here is a long string">>}, {<<"signedint">>, signedint, 12345}, {<<"decimal">>, decimal, {3, 123456}}, {<<"timestamp">>, timestamp, 109876543209876}, {<<"table">>, table, [{<<"one">>, signedint, 54321}, {<<"two">>, longstr, <<"A long string">>}]}, {<<"byte">>, byte, -128}, {<<"long">>, long, 1234567890}, {<<"short">>, short, 655}, {<<"bool">>, bool, true}, {<<"binary">>, binary, <<"a binary string">>}, {<<"void">>, void, undefined}, {<<"array">>, array, [{signedint, 54321}, {longstr, <<"A long string">>}]} ], Binary = << 7,"longstr", "S", 21:32, "Here is a long string", 9,"signedint", "I", 12345:32/signed, 7,"decimal", "D", 3, 123456:32, 9,"timestamp", "T", 109876543209876:64, 5,"table", "F", 31:32, % length of table 3,"one", "I", 54321:32, 3,"two", "S", 13:32, "A long string", 4,"byte", "b", -128:8/signed, 4,"long", "l", 1234567890:64, 5,"short", "s", 655:16, 4,"bool", "t", 1, 6,"binary", "x", 15:32, "a binary string", 4,"void", "V", 5,"array", "A", 23:32, "I", 54321:32, "S", 13:32, "A long string" >>, Binary = rabbit_binary_generator:generate_table(Table), Table = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table(Binary), passed. %% Test that content frames don't exceed frame-max test_content_framing(FrameMax, BodyBin) -> [Header | Frames] = rabbit_binary_generator:build_simple_content_frames( 1, rabbit_binary_generator:ensure_content_encoded( rabbit_basic:build_content(#'P_basic'{}, BodyBin), rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1), FrameMax, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1), %% header is formatted correctly and the size is the total of the %% fragments <<_FrameHeader:7/binary, _ClassAndWeight:4/binary, BodySize:64/unsigned, _Rest/binary>> = list_to_binary(Header), BodySize = size(BodyBin), true = lists:all( fun (ContentFrame) -> FrameBinary = list_to_binary(ContentFrame), %% assert <<_TypeAndChannel:3/binary, Size:32/unsigned, _Payload:Size/binary, 16#CE>> = FrameBinary, size(FrameBinary) =< FrameMax end, Frames), passed. test_content_framing() -> %% no content passed = test_content_framing(4096, <<>>), %% easily fit in one frame passed = test_content_framing(4096, <<"Easy">>), %% exactly one frame (empty frame = 8 bytes) passed = test_content_framing(11, <<"One">>), %% more than one frame passed = test_content_framing(11, <<"More than one frame">>), passed. test_content_transcoding() -> %% there are no guarantees provided by 'clear' - it's just a hint ClearDecoded = fun rabbit_binary_parser:clear_decoded_content/1, ClearEncoded = fun rabbit_binary_generator:clear_encoded_content/1, EnsureDecoded = fun (C0) -> C1 = rabbit_binary_parser:ensure_content_decoded(C0), true = C1#content.properties =/= none, C1 end, EnsureEncoded = fun (Protocol) -> fun (C0) -> C1 = rabbit_binary_generator:ensure_content_encoded( C0, Protocol), true = C1#content.properties_bin =/= none, C1 end end, %% Beyond the assertions in Ensure*, the only testable guarantee %% is that the operations should never fail. %% %% If we were using quickcheck we'd simply stuff all the above %% into a generator for sequences of operations. In the absence of %% quickcheck we pick particularly interesting sequences that: %% %% - execute every op twice since they are idempotent %% - invoke clear_decoded, clear_encoded, decode and transcode %% with one or both of decoded and encoded content present [begin sequence_with_content([Op]), sequence_with_content([ClearEncoded, Op]), sequence_with_content([ClearDecoded, Op]) end || Op <- [ClearDecoded, ClearEncoded, EnsureDecoded, EnsureEncoded(rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1), EnsureEncoded(rabbit_framing_amqp_0_8)]], passed. sequence_with_content(Sequence) -> lists:foldl(fun (F, V) -> F(F(V)) end, rabbit_binary_generator:ensure_content_encoded( rabbit_basic:build_content(#'P_basic'{}, <<>>), rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1), Sequence). test_topic_matching() -> XName = #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>, kind = exchange, name = <<"test_exchange">>}, X0 = #exchange{name = XName, type = topic, durable = false, auto_delete = false, arguments = []}, X = rabbit_exchange_decorator:set(X0), %% create rabbit_exchange_type_topic:validate(X), exchange_op_callback(X, create, []), %% add some bindings Bindings = [#binding{source = XName, key = list_to_binary(Key), destination = #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>, kind = queue, name = list_to_binary(Q)}, args = Args} || {Key, Q, Args} <- [{"a.b.c", "t1", []}, {"a.*.c", "t2", []}, {"a.#.b", "t3", []}, {"a.b.b.c", "t4", []}, {"#", "t5", []}, {"#.#", "t6", []}, {"#.b", "t7", []}, {"*.*", "t8", []}, {"a.*", "t9", []}, {"*.b.c", "t10", []}, {"a.#", "t11", []}, {"a.#.#", "t12", []}, {"b.b.c", "t13", []}, {"a.b.b", "t14", []}, {"a.b", "t15", []}, {"b.c", "t16", []}, {"", "t17", []}, {"*.*.*", "t18", []}, {"vodka.martini", "t19", []}, {"a.b.c", "t20", []}, {"*.#", "t21", []}, {"#.*.#", "t22", []}, {"*.#.#", "t23", []}, {"#.#.#", "t24", []}, {"*", "t25", []}, {"#.b.#", "t26", []}, {"args-test", "t27", [{<<"foo">>, longstr, <<"bar">>}]}, {"args-test", "t27", %% Note aliasing [{<<"foo">>, longstr, <<"baz">>}]}]], lists:foreach(fun (B) -> exchange_op_callback(X, add_binding, [B]) end, Bindings), %% test some matches test_topic_expect_match( X, [{"a.b.c", ["t1", "t2", "t5", "t6", "t10", "t11", "t12", "t18", "t20", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"a.b", ["t3", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9", "t11", "t12", "t15", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"a.b.b", ["t3", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t11", "t12", "t14", "t18", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"", ["t5", "t6", "t17", "t24"]}, {"b.c.c", ["t5", "t6", "t18", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"a.a.a.a.a", ["t5", "t6", "t11", "t12", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"vodka.gin", ["t5", "t6", "t8", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"vodka.martini", ["t5", "t6", "t8", "t19", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"b.b.c", ["t5", "t6", "t10", "t13", "t18", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"nothing.here.at.all", ["t5", "t6", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"oneword", ["t5", "t6", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t25"]}, {"args-test", ["t5", "t6", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t25", "t27"]}]), %% remove some bindings RemovedBindings = [lists:nth(1, Bindings), lists:nth(5, Bindings), lists:nth(11, Bindings), lists:nth(19, Bindings), lists:nth(21, Bindings), lists:nth(28, Bindings)], exchange_op_callback(X, remove_bindings, [RemovedBindings]), RemainingBindings = ordsets:to_list( ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Bindings), ordsets:from_list(RemovedBindings))), %% test some matches test_topic_expect_match( X, [{"a.b.c", ["t2", "t6", "t10", "t12", "t18", "t20", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"a.b", ["t3", "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9", "t12", "t15", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"a.b.b", ["t3", "t6", "t7", "t12", "t14", "t18", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"", ["t6", "t17", "t24"]}, {"b.c.c", ["t6", "t18", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"a.a.a.a.a", ["t6", "t12", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"vodka.gin", ["t6", "t8", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"vodka.martini", ["t6", "t8", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"b.b.c", ["t6", "t10", "t13", "t18", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]}, {"nothing.here.at.all", ["t6", "t22", "t23", "t24"]}, {"oneword", ["t6", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t25"]}, {"args-test", ["t6", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t25", "t27"]}]), %% remove the entire exchange exchange_op_callback(X, delete, [RemainingBindings]), %% none should match now test_topic_expect_match(X, [{"a.b.c", []}, {"b.b.c", []}, {"", []}]), passed. exchange_op_callback(X, Fun, Args) -> rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( fun () -> rabbit_exchange:callback(X, Fun, transaction, [X] ++ Args) end), rabbit_exchange:callback(X, Fun, none, [X] ++ Args). test_topic_expect_match(X, List) -> lists:foreach( fun ({Key, Expected}) -> BinKey = list_to_binary(Key), Message = rabbit_basic:message(X#exchange.name, BinKey, #'P_basic'{}, <<>>), Res = rabbit_exchange_type_topic:route( X, #delivery{mandatory = false, sender = self(), message = Message}), ExpectedRes = lists:map( fun (Q) -> #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>, kind = queue, name = list_to_binary(Q)} end, Expected), true = (lists:usort(ExpectedRes) =:= lists:usort(Res)) end, List). test_app_management() -> control_action(wait, [rabbit_mnesia:dir() ++ ".pid"]), %% Starting, stopping and diagnostics. Note that we don't try %% 'report' when the rabbit app is stopped and that we enable %% tracing for the duration of this function. ok = control_action(trace_on, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = control_action(status, []), ok = control_action(cluster_status, []), ok = control_action(environment, []), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(start_app, []), ok = control_action(status, []), ok = control_action(report, []), ok = control_action(cluster_status, []), ok = control_action(environment, []), ok = control_action(trace_off, []), passed. test_log_management() -> MainLog = rabbit:log_location(kernel), SaslLog = rabbit:log_location(sasl), Suffix = ".1", %% prepare basic logs file:delete([MainLog, Suffix]), file:delete([SaslLog, Suffix]), %% simple logs reopening ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), [true, true] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% simple log rotation ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), [true, true] = non_empty_files([[MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]]), [true, true] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% reopening logs with log rotation performed first ok = clean_logs([MainLog, SaslLog], Suffix), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = file:rename(MainLog, [MainLog, Suffix]), ok = file:rename(SaslLog, [SaslLog, Suffix]), ok = test_logs_working([MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% log rotation on empty files (the main log will have a ctl action logged) ok = clean_logs([MainLog, SaslLog], Suffix), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), [false, true] = empty_files([[MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]]), %% logs with suffix are not writable ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), ok = make_files_non_writable([[MainLog, Suffix], [SaslLog, Suffix]]), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, [Suffix]), ok = test_logs_working(MainLog, SaslLog), %% rotate when original log files are not writable ok = make_files_non_writable([MainLog, SaslLog]), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), %% logging directed to tty (first, remove handlers) ok = delete_log_handlers([rabbit_sasl_report_file_h, rabbit_error_logger_file_h]), ok = clean_logs([MainLog, SaslLog], Suffix), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, sasl_error_logger, tty), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, error_logger, tty), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), [{error, enoent}, {error, enoent}] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), %% rotate logs when logging is turned off ok = application:set_env(rabbit, sasl_error_logger, false), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, error_logger, silent), ok = control_action(rotate_logs, []), [{error, enoent}, {error, enoent}] = empty_files([MainLog, SaslLog]), %% cleanup ok = application:set_env(rabbit, sasl_error_logger, {file, SaslLog}), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, error_logger, {file, MainLog}), ok = add_log_handlers([{rabbit_error_logger_file_h, MainLog}, {rabbit_sasl_report_file_h, SaslLog}]), passed. test_log_management_during_startup() -> MainLog = rabbit:log_location(kernel), SaslLog = rabbit:log_location(sasl), %% start application with simple tty logging ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, error_logger, tty), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, sasl_error_logger, tty), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_tty_h, []}, {sasl_report_tty_h, []}]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), %% start application with tty logging and %% proper handlers not installed ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = error_logger:tty(false), ok = delete_log_handlers([sasl_report_tty_h]), ok = case catch control_action(start_app, []) of ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, log_rotation_tty_no_handlers_test}); {badrpc, {'EXIT', {rabbit,failure_during_boot, {error,{cannot_log_to_tty, _, not_installed}}}}} -> ok end, %% fix sasl logging ok = application:set_env(rabbit, sasl_error_logger, {file, SaslLog}), %% start application with logging to non-existing directory TmpLog = "/tmp/rabbit-tests/test.log", delete_file(TmpLog), ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, error_logger, {file, TmpLog}), ok = delete_log_handlers([rabbit_error_logger_file_h]), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), %% start application with logging to directory with no %% write permissions ok = control_action(stop_app, []), TmpDir = "/tmp/rabbit-tests", ok = set_permissions(TmpDir, 8#00400), ok = delete_log_handlers([rabbit_error_logger_file_h]), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]), ok = case control_action(start_app, []) of ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, log_rotation_no_write_permission_dir_test}); {badrpc, {'EXIT', {rabbit, failure_during_boot, {error, {cannot_log_to_file, _, _}}}}} -> ok end, %% start application with logging to a subdirectory which %% parent directory has no write permissions ok = control_action(stop_app, []), TmpTestDir = "/tmp/rabbit-tests/no-permission/test/log", ok = application:set_env(rabbit, error_logger, {file, TmpTestDir}), ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]), ok = case control_action(start_app, []) of ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, log_rotatation_parent_dirs_test}); {badrpc, {'EXIT', {rabbit,failure_during_boot, {error, {cannot_log_to_file, _, {error, {cannot_create_parent_dirs, _, eacces}}}}}}} -> ok end, ok = set_permissions(TmpDir, 8#00700), ok = set_permissions(TmpLog, 8#00600), ok = delete_file(TmpLog), ok = file:del_dir(TmpDir), %% start application with standard error_logger_file_h %% handler not installed ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = application:set_env(rabbit, error_logger, {file, MainLog}), ok = control_action(start_app, []), %% start application with standard sasl handler not installed %% and rabbit main log handler installed correctly ok = control_action(stop_app, []), ok = delete_log_handlers([rabbit_sasl_report_file_h]), ok = control_action(start_app, []), passed. test_arguments_parser() -> GlobalOpts1 = [{"-f1", flag}, {"-o1", {option, "foo"}}], Commands1 = [command1, {command2, [{"-f2", flag}, {"-o2", {option, "bar"}}]}], GetOptions = fun (Args) -> rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(Commands1, GlobalOpts1, Args) end, check_parse_arguments(no_command, GetOptions, []), check_parse_arguments(no_command, GetOptions, ["foo", "bar"]), check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "foo"}], []}}, GetOptions, ["command1"]), check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "blah"}], []}}, GetOptions, ["command1", "-o1", "blah"]), check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", true}, {"-o1", "foo"}], []}}, GetOptions, ["command1", "-f1"]), check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "blah"}], []}}, GetOptions, ["-o1", "blah", "command1"]), check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "blah"}], ["quux"]}}, GetOptions, ["-o1", "blah", "command1", "quux"]), check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", true}, {"-o1", "blah"}], ["quux", "baz"]}}, GetOptions, ["command1", "quux", "-f1", "-o1", "blah", "baz"]), %% For duplicate flags, the last one counts check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "second"}], []}}, GetOptions, ["-o1", "first", "command1", "-o1", "second"]), %% If the flag "eats" the command, the command won't be recognised check_parse_arguments(no_command, GetOptions, ["-o1", "command1", "quux"]), %% If a flag eats another flag, the eaten flag won't be recognised check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "-f1"}], []}}, GetOptions, ["command1", "-o1", "-f1"]), %% Now for some command-specific flags... check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command2, [{"-f1", false}, {"-f2", false}, {"-o1", "foo"}, {"-o2", "bar"}], []}}, GetOptions, ["command2"]), check_parse_arguments( {ok, {command2, [{"-f1", false}, {"-f2", true}, {"-o1", "baz"}, {"-o2", "bar"}], ["quux", "foo"]}}, GetOptions, ["-f2", "command2", "quux", "-o1", "baz", "foo"]), passed. test_dynamic_mirroring() -> %% Just unit tests of the node selection logic, see multi node %% tests for the rest... Test = fun ({NewM, NewSs, ExtraSs}, Policy, Params, {MNode, SNodes, SSNodes}, All) -> {ok, M} = rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:module(Policy), {NewM, NewSs0} = M:suggested_queue_nodes( Params, MNode, SNodes, SSNodes, All), NewSs1 = lists:sort(NewSs0), case dm_list_match(NewSs, NewSs1, ExtraSs) of ok -> ok; error -> exit({no_match, NewSs, NewSs1, ExtraSs}) end end, Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[], []}, [a,b,c]), Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[b,c],[b,c]},[a,b,c]), Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[d], [d]}, [a,b,c]), N = fun (Atoms) -> [list_to_binary(atom_to_list(A)) || A <- Atoms] end, %% Add a node Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]), Test({b,[a,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{b,[a],[a]},[a,b,c,d]), %% Add two nodes and drop one Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{a,[d],[d]},[a,b,c,d]), %% Don't try to include nodes that are not running Test({a,[b], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,f]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]), %% If we can't find any of the nodes listed then just keep the master Test({a,[], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([f,g,h]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]), %% And once that's happened, still keep the master even when not listed, %% if nothing is synced Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]), Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[b],[]}, [a,b,c,d]), %% But if something is synced we can lose the master - but make %% sure we pick the new master from the nodes which are synced! Test({b,[c], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]), Test({b,[c], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([c,b]), {a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]), Test({a,[], 1},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]), Test({a,[], 2},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]), Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c], [c]}, [a,b,c,d]), Test({a,[c], 1},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c], [c]}, [a,b,c,d]), Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c,d],[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]), Test({a,[c,d],0},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c,d],[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]), passed. %% Does the first list match the second where the second is required %% to have exactly Extra superfluous items? dm_list_match([], [], 0) -> ok; dm_list_match(_, [], _Extra) -> error; dm_list_match([H|T1], [H |T2], Extra) -> dm_list_match(T1, T2, Extra); dm_list_match(L1, [_H|T2], Extra) -> dm_list_match(L1, T2, Extra - 1). test_user_management() -> %% lots if stuff that should fail {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(delete_user, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(change_password, ["foo", "baz"]), {error, {no_such_vhost, _}} = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(set_permissions, ["foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(clear_permissions, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(list_user_permissions, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_vhost, _}} = control_action(list_permissions, [], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), {error, {invalid_regexp, _, _}} = control_action(set_permissions, ["guest", "+foo", ".*", ".*"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(set_user_tags, ["foo", "bar"]), %% user creation ok = control_action(add_user, ["foo", "bar"]), {error, {user_already_exists, _}} = control_action(add_user, ["foo", "bar"]), ok = control_action(clear_password, ["foo"]), ok = control_action(change_password, ["foo", "baz"]), TestTags = fun (Tags) -> Args = ["foo" | [atom_to_list(T) || T <- Tags]], ok = control_action(set_user_tags, Args), {ok, #internal_user{tags = Tags}} = rabbit_auth_backend_internal:lookup_user(<<"foo">>), ok = control_action(list_users, []) end, TestTags([foo, bar, baz]), TestTags([administrator]), TestTags([]), %% vhost creation ok = control_action(add_vhost, ["/testhost"]), {error, {vhost_already_exists, _}} = control_action(add_vhost, ["/testhost"]), ok = control_action(list_vhosts, []), %% user/vhost mapping ok = control_action(set_permissions, ["foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), ok = control_action(set_permissions, ["foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), ok = control_action(set_permissions, ["foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), ok = control_action(list_permissions, [], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), ok = control_action(list_permissions, [], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), ok = control_action(list_user_permissions, ["foo"]), %% user/vhost unmapping ok = control_action(clear_permissions, ["foo"], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), ok = control_action(clear_permissions, ["foo"], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), %% vhost deletion ok = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), {error, {no_such_vhost, _}} = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), %% deleting a populated vhost ok = control_action(add_vhost, ["/testhost"]), ok = control_action(set_permissions, ["foo", ".*", ".*", ".*"], [{"-p", "/testhost"}]), {new, _} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare( rabbit_misc:r(<<"/testhost">>, queue, <<"test">>), true, false, [], none), ok = control_action(delete_vhost, ["/testhost"]), %% user deletion ok = control_action(delete_user, ["foo"]), {error, {no_such_user, _}} = control_action(delete_user, ["foo"]), passed. test_runtime_parameters() -> rabbit_runtime_parameters_test:register(), Good = fun(L) -> ok = control_action(set_parameter, L) end, Bad = fun(L) -> {error_string, _} = control_action(set_parameter, L) end, %% Acceptable for bijection Good(["test", "good", "\"ignore\""]), Good(["test", "good", "123"]), Good(["test", "good", "true"]), Good(["test", "good", "false"]), Good(["test", "good", "null"]), Good(["test", "good", "{\"key\": \"value\"}"]), %% Invalid json Bad(["test", "good", "atom"]), Bad(["test", "good", "{\"foo\": \"bar\""]), Bad(["test", "good", "{foo: \"bar\"}"]), %% Test actual validation hook Good(["test", "maybe", "\"good\""]), Bad(["test", "maybe", "\"bad\""]), Good(["test", "admin", "\"ignore\""]), %% ctl means 'user' -> none ok = control_action(list_parameters, []), ok = control_action(clear_parameter, ["test", "good"]), ok = control_action(clear_parameter, ["test", "maybe"]), ok = control_action(clear_parameter, ["test", "admin"]), {error_string, _} = control_action(clear_parameter, ["test", "neverexisted"]), %% We can delete for a component that no longer exists Good(["test", "good", "\"ignore\""]), rabbit_runtime_parameters_test:unregister(), ok = control_action(clear_parameter, ["test", "good"]), passed. test_policy_validation() -> rabbit_runtime_parameters_test:register_policy_validator(), SetPol = fun (Key, Val) -> control_action_opts( ["set_policy", "name", ".*", rabbit_misc:format("{\"~s\":~p}", [Key, Val])]) end, ok = SetPol("testeven", []), ok = SetPol("testeven", [1, 2]), ok = SetPol("testeven", [1, 2, 3, 4]), ok = SetPol("testpos", [2, 5, 5678]), error = SetPol("testpos", [-1, 0, 1]), error = SetPol("testeven", [ 1, 2, 3]), ok = control_action(clear_policy, ["name"]), rabbit_runtime_parameters_test:unregister_policy_validator(), passed. test_policy_opts_validation() -> Set = fun (Extra) -> control_action_opts( ["set_policy", "name", ".*", "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\"}" | Extra]) end, OK = fun (Extra) -> ok = Set(Extra) end, Fail = fun (Extra) -> error = Set(Extra) end, OK ([]), OK (["--priority", "0"]), OK (["--priority", "3"]), Fail(["--priority", "banana"]), Fail(["--priority"]), OK (["--apply-to", "all"]), OK (["--apply-to", "queues"]), Fail(["--apply-to", "bananas"]), Fail(["--apply-to"]), OK (["--priority", "3", "--apply-to", "queues"]), Fail(["--priority", "banana", "--apply-to", "queues"]), Fail(["--priority", "3", "--apply-to", "bananas"]), Fail(["--offline"]), ok = control_action(clear_policy, ["name"]), passed. test_ha_policy_validation() -> Set = fun (JSON) -> control_action_opts( ["set_policy", "name", ".*", JSON]) end, OK = fun (JSON) -> ok = Set(JSON) end, Fail = fun (JSON) -> error = Set(JSON) end, OK ("{\"ha-mode\":\"all\"}"), Fail("{\"ha-mode\":\"made_up\"}"), Fail("{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\"}"), Fail("{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\",\"ha-params\":2}"), Fail("{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\",\"ha-params\":[\"a\",2]}"), OK ("{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\",\"ha-params\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}"), Fail("{\"ha-params\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}"), Fail("{\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\"}"), Fail("{\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\",\"ha-params\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}"), OK ("{\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\",\"ha-params\":2}"), Fail("{\"ha-params\":2}"), OK ("{\"ha-mode\":\"all\",\"ha-sync-mode\":\"manual\"}"), OK ("{\"ha-mode\":\"all\",\"ha-sync-mode\":\"automatic\"}"), Fail("{\"ha-mode\":\"all\",\"ha-sync-mode\":\"made_up\"}"), Fail("{\"ha-sync-mode\":\"manual\"}"), Fail("{\"ha-sync-mode\":\"automatic\"}"), ok = control_action(clear_policy, ["name"]), passed. test_server_status() -> %% create a few things so there is some useful information to list {_Writer, Limiter, Ch} = test_channel(), [Q, Q2] = [Queue || Name <- [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>], {new, Queue = #amqqueue{}} <- [rabbit_amqqueue:declare( rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name), false, false, [], none)]], ok = rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume( Q, true, Ch, Limiter, false, 0, <<"ctag">>, true, [], undefined), %% list queues ok = info_action(list_queues, rabbit_amqqueue:info_keys(), true), %% list exchanges ok = info_action(list_exchanges, rabbit_exchange:info_keys(), true), %% list bindings ok = info_action(list_bindings, rabbit_binding:info_keys(), true), %% misc binding listing APIs [_|_] = rabbit_binding:list_for_source( rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>)), [_] = rabbit_binding:list_for_destination( rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>)), [_] = rabbit_binding:list_for_source_and_destination( rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>), rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>)), %% list connections {H, P} = find_listener(), {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []), gen_tcp:send(C, <<"AMQP", 0, 0, 9, 1>>), timer:sleep(100), ok = info_action(list_connections, rabbit_networking:connection_info_keys(), false), %% close_connection [ConnPid] = rabbit_networking:connections(), ok = control_action(close_connection, [rabbit_misc:pid_to_string(ConnPid), "go away"]), %% list channels ok = info_action(list_channels, rabbit_channel:info_keys(), false), %% list consumers ok = control_action(list_consumers, []), %% set vm memory high watermark HWM = vm_memory_monitor:get_vm_memory_high_watermark(), ok = control_action(set_vm_memory_high_watermark, ["1"]), ok = control_action(set_vm_memory_high_watermark, ["1.0"]), %% this will trigger an alarm ok = control_action(set_vm_memory_high_watermark, ["0.0"]), %% reset ok = control_action(set_vm_memory_high_watermark, [float_to_list(HWM)]), %% eval {error_string, _} = control_action(eval, ["\""]), {error_string, _} = control_action(eval, ["a("]), ok = control_action(eval, ["a."]), %% cleanup [{ok, _} = rabbit_amqqueue:delete(QR, false, false) || QR <- [Q, Q2]], unlink(Ch), ok = rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch), passed. test_amqp_connection_refusal() -> [passed = test_amqp_connection_refusal(V) || V <- [<<"AMQP",9,9,9,9>>, <<"AMQP",0,1,0,0>>, <<"XXXX",0,0,9,1>>]], passed. test_amqp_connection_refusal(Header) -> {H, P} = find_listener(), {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, [binary, {active, false}]), ok = gen_tcp:send(C, Header), {ok, <<"AMQP",0,0,9,1>>} = gen_tcp:recv(C, 8, 100), ok = gen_tcp:close(C), passed. find_listener() -> [#listener{host = H, port = P} | _] = [L || L = #listener{node = N, protocol = amqp} <- rabbit_networking:active_listeners(), N =:= node()], {H, P}. test_writer(Pid) -> receive {'$gen_call', From, flush} -> gen_server:reply(From, ok), test_writer(Pid); {send_command, Method} -> Pid ! Method, test_writer(Pid); shutdown -> ok end. test_channel() -> Me = self(), Writer = spawn(fun () -> test_writer(Me) end), {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(no_id), {ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link( 1, Me, Writer, Me, "", rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1, user(<<"guest">>), <<"/">>, [], Me, Limiter), {Writer, Limiter, Ch}. test_spawn() -> {Writer, _Limiter, Ch} = test_channel(), ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'channel.open'{}), receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok) end, {Writer, Ch}. test_spawn(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_spawn_remote, []). %% Spawn an arbitrary long lived process, so we don't end up linking %% the channel to the short-lived process (RPC, here) spun up by the %% RPC server. test_spawn_remote() -> RPC = self(), spawn(fun () -> {Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(), RPC ! {Writer, Ch}, link(Ch), receive _ -> ok end end), receive Res -> Res after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_result) end. user(Username) -> #user{username = Username, tags = [administrator], auth_backend = rabbit_auth_backend_internal, impl = #internal_user{username = Username, tags = [administrator]}}. test_confirms() -> {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(), DeclareBindDurableQueue = fun() -> rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{durable = true}), receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q0} -> rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.bind'{ queue = Q0, exchange = <<"amq.direct">>, routing_key = "magic" }), receive #'queue.bind_ok'{} -> Q0 after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_bind_queue) end after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_declare_queue) end end, %% Declare and bind two queues QName1 = DeclareBindDurableQueue(), QName2 = DeclareBindDurableQueue(), %% Get the first one's pid (we'll crash it later) {ok, Q1} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName1)), QPid1 = Q1#amqqueue.pid, %% Enable confirms rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'confirm.select'{}), receive #'confirm.select_ok'{} -> ok after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_enable_confirms) end, %% Publish a message rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"amq.direct">>, routing_key = "magic" }, rabbit_basic:build_content( #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = 2}, <<"">>)), %% We must not kill the queue before the channel has processed the %% 'publish'. ok = rabbit_channel:flush(Ch), %% Crash the queue QPid1 ! boom, %% Wait for a nack receive #'basic.nack'{} -> ok; #'basic.ack'{} -> throw(received_ack_instead_of_nack) after ?TIMEOUT-> throw(did_not_receive_nack) end, receive #'basic.ack'{} -> throw(received_ack_when_none_expected) after 1000 -> ok end, %% Cleanup rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = QName2}), receive #'queue.delete_ok'{} -> ok after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_cleanup_queue) end, unlink(Ch), ok = rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch), passed. test_with_state() -> fhc_state = gen_server2:with_state(file_handle_cache, fun (S) -> element(1, S) end), passed. test_mcall() -> P1 = spawn(fun gs2_test_listener/0), register(foo, P1), global:register_name(gfoo, P1), P2 = spawn(fun() -> exit(bang) end), %% ensure P2 is dead (ignore the race setting up the monitor) await_exit(P2), P3 = spawn(fun gs2_test_crasher/0), %% since P2 crashes almost immediately and P3 after receiving its first %% message, we have to spawn a few more processes to handle the additional %% cases we're interested in here register(baz, spawn(fun gs2_test_crasher/0)), register(bog, spawn(fun gs2_test_crasher/0)), global:register_name(gbaz, spawn(fun gs2_test_crasher/0)), NoNode = rabbit_nodes:make("nonode"), Targets = %% pids [P1, P2, P3] ++ %% registered names [foo, bar, baz] ++ %% {Name, Node} pairs [{foo, node()}, {bar, node()}, {bog, node()}, {foo, NoNode}] ++ %% {global, Name} [{global, gfoo}, {global, gbar}, {global, gbaz}], GoodResults = [{D, goodbye} || D <- [P1, foo, {foo, node()}, {global, gfoo}]], BadResults = [{P2, noproc}, % died before use {P3, boom}, % died on first use {bar, noproc}, % never registered {baz, boom}, % died on first use {{bar, node()}, noproc}, % never registered {{bog, node()}, boom}, % died on first use {{foo, NoNode}, nodedown}, % invalid node {{global, gbar}, noproc}, % never registered globally {{global, gbaz}, boom}], % died on first use {Replies, Errors} = gen_server2:mcall([{T, hello} || T <- Targets]), true = lists:sort(Replies) == lists:sort(GoodResults), true = lists:sort(Errors) == lists:sort(BadResults), %% cleanup (ignore the race setting up the monitor) P1 ! stop, await_exit(P1), passed. await_exit(Pid) -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), receive {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> ok end. gs2_test_crasher() -> receive {'$gen_call', _From, hello} -> exit(boom) end. gs2_test_listener() -> receive {'$gen_call', From, hello} -> gen_server2:reply(From, goodbye), gs2_test_listener(); stop -> ok end. test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid) -> receive Foo -> Pid ! Foo, test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid) end. test_statistics_receive_event(Ch, Matcher) -> rabbit_channel:flush(Ch), Ch ! emit_stats, test_statistics_receive_event1(Ch, Matcher). test_statistics_receive_event1(Ch, Matcher) -> receive #event{type = channel_stats, props = Props} -> case Matcher(Props) of true -> Props; _ -> test_statistics_receive_event1(Ch, Matcher) end after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_event) end. test_statistics() -> application:set_env(rabbit, collect_statistics, fine), %% ATM this just tests the queue / exchange stats in channels. That's %% by far the most complex code though. %% Set up a channel and queue {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(), rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{}), QName = receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q0} -> Q0 after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_queue_declare_ok) end, QRes = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName), X = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>), rabbit_tests_event_receiver:start(self(), [node()], [channel_stats]), %% Check stats empty Event = test_statistics_receive_event(Ch, fun (_) -> true end), [] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event), [] = proplists:get_value(channel_exchange_stats, Event), [] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_exchange_stats, Event), %% Publish and get a message rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>, routing_key = QName}, rabbit_basic:build_content(#'P_basic'{}, <<"">>)), rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = QName}), %% Check the stats reflect that Event2 = test_statistics_receive_event( Ch, fun (E) -> length(proplists:get_value( channel_queue_exchange_stats, E)) > 0 end), [{QRes, [{get,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event2), [{X,[{publish,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_exchange_stats, Event2), [{{QRes,X},[{publish,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_exchange_stats, Event2), %% Check the stats remove stuff on queue deletion rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = QName}), Event3 = test_statistics_receive_event( Ch, fun (E) -> length(proplists:get_value( channel_queue_exchange_stats, E)) == 0 end), [] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event3), [{X,[{publish,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_exchange_stats, Event3), [] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_exchange_stats, Event3), rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch), rabbit_tests_event_receiver:stop(), passed. test_refresh_events(SecondaryNode) -> rabbit_tests_event_receiver:start(self(), [node(), SecondaryNode], [channel_created, queue_created]), {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(), expect_events(pid, Ch, channel_created), rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch), {_Writer2, Ch2} = test_spawn(SecondaryNode), expect_events(pid, Ch2, channel_created), rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch2), {new, #amqqueue{name = QName} = Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(test_queue(), false, false, [], none), expect_events(name, QName, queue_created), rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false), rabbit_tests_event_receiver:stop(), passed. expect_events(Tag, Key, Type) -> expect_event(Tag, Key, Type), rabbit:force_event_refresh(make_ref()), expect_event(Tag, Key, Type). expect_event(Tag, Key, Type) -> receive #event{type = Type, props = Props} -> case pget(Tag, Props) of Key -> ok; _ -> expect_event(Tag, Key, Type) end after ?TIMEOUT -> throw({failed_to_receive_event, Type}) end. test_delegates_async(SecondaryNode) -> Self = self(), Sender = fun (Pid) -> Pid ! {invoked, Self} end, Responder = make_responder(fun ({invoked, Pid}) -> Pid ! response end), ok = delegate:invoke_no_result(spawn(Responder), Sender), ok = delegate:invoke_no_result(spawn(SecondaryNode, Responder), Sender), await_response(2), LocalPids = spawn_responders(node(), Responder, 10), RemotePids = spawn_responders(SecondaryNode, Responder, 10), ok = delegate:invoke_no_result(LocalPids ++ RemotePids, Sender), await_response(20), passed. make_responder(FMsg) -> make_responder(FMsg, timeout). make_responder(FMsg, Throw) -> fun () -> receive Msg -> FMsg(Msg) after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(Throw) end end. spawn_responders(Node, Responder, Count) -> [spawn(Node, Responder) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Count)]. await_response(0) -> ok; await_response(Count) -> receive response -> ok, await_response(Count - 1) after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(timeout) end. must_exit(Fun) -> try Fun(), throw(exit_not_thrown) catch exit:_ -> ok end. test_delegates_sync(SecondaryNode) -> Sender = fun (Pid) -> gen_server:call(Pid, invoked, infinity) end, BadSender = fun (_Pid) -> exit(exception) end, Responder = make_responder(fun ({'$gen_call', From, invoked}) -> gen_server:reply(From, response) end), BadResponder = make_responder(fun ({'$gen_call', From, invoked}) -> gen_server:reply(From, response) end, bad_responder_died), response = delegate:invoke(spawn(Responder), Sender), response = delegate:invoke(spawn(SecondaryNode, Responder), Sender), must_exit(fun () -> delegate:invoke(spawn(BadResponder), BadSender) end), must_exit(fun () -> delegate:invoke(spawn(SecondaryNode, BadResponder), BadSender) end), LocalGoodPids = spawn_responders(node(), Responder, 2), RemoteGoodPids = spawn_responders(SecondaryNode, Responder, 2), LocalBadPids = spawn_responders(node(), BadResponder, 2), RemoteBadPids = spawn_responders(SecondaryNode, BadResponder, 2), {GoodRes, []} = delegate:invoke(LocalGoodPids ++ RemoteGoodPids, Sender), true = lists:all(fun ({_, response}) -> true end, GoodRes), GoodResPids = [Pid || {Pid, _} <- GoodRes], Good = lists:usort(LocalGoodPids ++ RemoteGoodPids), Good = lists:usort(GoodResPids), {[], BadRes} = delegate:invoke(LocalBadPids ++ RemoteBadPids, BadSender), true = lists:all(fun ({_, {exit, exception, _}}) -> true end, BadRes), BadResPids = [Pid || {Pid, _} <- BadRes], Bad = lists:usort(LocalBadPids ++ RemoteBadPids), Bad = lists:usort(BadResPids), MagicalPids = [rabbit_misc:string_to_pid(Str) || Str <- ["", ""]], {[], BadNodes} = delegate:invoke(MagicalPids, Sender), true = lists:all( fun ({_, {exit, {nodedown, nonode@nohost}, _Stack}}) -> true end, BadNodes), BadNodesPids = [Pid || {Pid, _} <- BadNodes], Magical = lists:usort(MagicalPids), Magical = lists:usort(BadNodesPids), passed. test_queue_cleanup(_SecondaryNode) -> {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(), rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{ queue = ?CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME }), receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = ?CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME} -> ok after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_queue_declare_ok) end, rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch), rabbit:stop(), rabbit:start(), {_Writer2, Ch2} = test_spawn(), rabbit_channel:do(Ch2, #'queue.declare'{ passive = true, queue = ?CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME }), receive #'channel.close'{reply_code = ?NOT_FOUND} -> ok after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_exit) end, rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch2), passed. test_declare_on_dead_queue(SecondaryNode) -> QueueName = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, ?CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME), Self = self(), Pid = spawn(SecondaryNode, fun () -> {new, #amqqueue{name = QueueName, pid = QPid}} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(QueueName, false, false, [], none), exit(QPid, kill), Self ! {self(), killed, QPid} end), receive {Pid, killed, QPid} -> {existing, #amqqueue{name = QueueName, pid = QPid}} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(QueueName, false, false, [], none), false = rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(QPid), {new, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(QueueName, false, false, [], none), true = rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(Q#amqqueue.pid), {ok, 0} = rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false), passed after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_create_and_kill_queue) end. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------- control_action(Command, Args) -> control_action(Command, node(), Args, default_options()). control_action(Command, Args, NewOpts) -> control_action(Command, node(), Args, expand_options(default_options(), NewOpts)). control_action(Command, Node, Args, Opts) -> case catch rabbit_control_main:action( Command, Node, Args, Opts, fun (Format, Args1) -> io:format(Format ++ " ...~n", Args1) end) of ok -> io:format("done.~n"), ok; Other -> io:format("failed.~n"), Other end. control_action_opts(Raw) -> NodeStr = atom_to_list(node()), case rabbit_control_main:parse_arguments(Raw, NodeStr) of {ok, {Cmd, Opts, Args}} -> case control_action(Cmd, node(), Args, Opts) of ok -> ok; _ -> error end; _ -> error end. info_action(Command, Args, CheckVHost) -> ok = control_action(Command, []), if CheckVHost -> ok = control_action(Command, [], ["-p", "/"]); true -> ok end, ok = control_action(Command, lists:map(fun atom_to_list/1, Args)), {bad_argument, dummy} = control_action(Command, ["dummy"]), ok. default_options() -> [{"-p", "/"}, {"-q", "false"}]. expand_options(As, Bs) -> lists:foldl(fun({K, _}=A, R) -> case proplists:is_defined(K, R) of true -> R; false -> [A | R] end end, Bs, As). check_parse_arguments(ExpRes, Fun, As) -> SortRes = fun (no_command) -> no_command; ({ok, {C, KVs, As1}}) -> {ok, {C, lists:sort(KVs), As1}} end, true = SortRes(ExpRes) =:= SortRes(Fun(As)). empty_files(Files) -> [case file:read_file_info(File) of {ok, FInfo} -> FInfo#file_info.size == 0; Error -> Error end || File <- Files]. non_empty_files(Files) -> [case EmptyFile of {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; _ -> not(EmptyFile) end || EmptyFile <- empty_files(Files)]. test_logs_working(MainLogFile, SaslLogFile) -> ok = rabbit_log:error("foo bar"), ok = error_logger:error_report(crash_report, [foo, bar]), %% give the error loggers some time to catch up timer:sleep(100), [true, true] = non_empty_files([MainLogFile, SaslLogFile]), ok. set_permissions(Path, Mode) -> case file:read_file_info(Path) of {ok, FInfo} -> file:write_file_info( Path, FInfo#file_info{mode=Mode}); Error -> Error end. clean_logs(Files, Suffix) -> [begin ok = delete_file(File), ok = delete_file([File, Suffix]) end || File <- Files], ok. assert_ram_node() -> case rabbit_mnesia:node_type() of disc -> exit('not_ram_node'); ram -> ok end. assert_disc_node() -> case rabbit_mnesia:node_type() of disc -> ok; ram -> exit('not_disc_node') end. delete_file(File) -> case file:delete(File) of ok -> ok; {error, enoent} -> ok; Error -> Error end. make_files_non_writable(Files) -> [ok = file:write_file_info(File, #file_info{mode=0}) || File <- Files], ok. add_log_handlers(Handlers) -> [ok = error_logger:add_report_handler(Handler, Args) || {Handler, Args} <- Handlers], ok. delete_log_handlers(Handlers) -> [[] = error_logger:delete_report_handler(Handler) || Handler <- Handlers], ok. test_supervisor_delayed_restart() -> test_sup:test_supervisor_delayed_restart(). test_file_handle_cache() -> %% test copying when there is just one spare handle Limit = file_handle_cache:get_limit(), ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(5), %% 1 or 2 sockets, 2 msg_stores TmpDir = filename:join(rabbit_mnesia:dir(), "tmp"), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(TmpDir, "nothing")), [Src1, Dst1, Src2, Dst2] = Files = [filename:join(TmpDir, Str) || Str <- ["file1", "file2", "file3", "file4"]], Content = <<"foo">>, CopyFun = fun (Src, Dst) -> {ok, Hdl} = prim_file:open(Src, [binary, write]), ok = prim_file:write(Hdl, Content), ok = prim_file:sync(Hdl), prim_file:close(Hdl), {ok, SrcHdl} = file_handle_cache:open(Src, [read], []), {ok, DstHdl} = file_handle_cache:open(Dst, [write], []), Size = size(Content), {ok, Size} = file_handle_cache:copy(SrcHdl, DstHdl, Size), ok = file_handle_cache:delete(SrcHdl), ok = file_handle_cache:delete(DstHdl) end, Pid = spawn(fun () -> {ok, Hdl} = file_handle_cache:open( filename:join(TmpDir, "file5"), [write], []), receive {next, Pid1} -> Pid1 ! {next, self()} end, file_handle_cache:delete(Hdl), %% This will block and never return, so we %% exercise the fhc tidying up the pending %% queue on the death of a process. ok = CopyFun(Src1, Dst1) end), ok = CopyFun(Src1, Dst1), ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(2), Pid ! {next, self()}, receive {next, Pid} -> ok end, timer:sleep(100), Pid1 = spawn(fun () -> CopyFun(Src2, Dst2) end), timer:sleep(100), erlang:monitor(process, Pid), erlang:monitor(process, Pid1), exit(Pid, kill), exit(Pid1, kill), receive {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _Reason} -> ok end, receive {'DOWN', _MRef1, process, Pid1, _Reason1} -> ok end, [file:delete(File) || File <- Files], ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(Limit), passed. test_backing_queue() -> case application:get_env(rabbit, backing_queue_module) of {ok, rabbit_variable_queue} -> {ok, FileSizeLimit} = application:get_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit), application:set_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit, 512), {ok, MaxJournal} = application:get_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries), application:set_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries, 128), passed = test_msg_store(), application:set_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit, FileSizeLimit), passed = test_queue_index(), passed = test_queue_index_props(), passed = test_variable_queue(), passed = test_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback(), passed = test_queue_recover(), application:set_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries, MaxJournal), %% We will have restarted the message store, and thus changed %% the order of the children of rabbit_sup. This will cause %% problems if there are subsequent failures - see bug 24262. ok = restart_app(), passed; _ -> passed end. restart_msg_store_empty() -> ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop_msg_store(), ok = rabbit_variable_queue:start_msg_store( undefined, {fun (ok) -> finished end, ok}). msg_id_bin(X) -> erlang:md5(term_to_binary(X)). msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref) -> rabbit_msg_store:client_init(MsgStore, Ref, undefined, undefined). on_disk_capture() -> receive {await, MsgIds, Pid} -> on_disk_capture([], MsgIds, Pid); stop -> done end. on_disk_capture([_|_], _Awaiting, Pid) -> Pid ! {self(), surplus}; on_disk_capture(OnDisk, Awaiting, Pid) -> receive {on_disk, MsgIdsS} -> MsgIds = gb_sets:to_list(MsgIdsS), on_disk_capture(OnDisk ++ (MsgIds -- Awaiting), Awaiting -- MsgIds, Pid); stop -> done after (case Awaiting of [] -> 200; _ -> ?TIMEOUT end) -> case Awaiting of [] -> Pid ! {self(), arrived}, on_disk_capture(); _ -> Pid ! {self(), timeout} end end. on_disk_await(Pid, MsgIds) when is_list(MsgIds) -> Pid ! {await, MsgIds, self()}, receive {Pid, arrived} -> ok; {Pid, Error} -> Error end. on_disk_stop(Pid) -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), Pid ! stop, receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _Reason} -> ok end. msg_store_client_init_capture(MsgStore, Ref) -> Pid = spawn(fun on_disk_capture/0), {Pid, rabbit_msg_store:client_init( MsgStore, Ref, fun (MsgIds, _ActionTaken) -> Pid ! {on_disk, MsgIds} end, undefined)}. msg_store_contains(Atom, MsgIds, MSCState) -> Atom = lists:foldl( fun (MsgId, Atom1) when Atom1 =:= Atom -> rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, MSCState) end, Atom, MsgIds). msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState) -> lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, MSCStateM) -> {{ok, MsgId}, MSCStateN} = rabbit_msg_store:read( MsgId, MSCStateM), MSCStateN end, MSCState, MsgIds). msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState) -> ok = lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, ok) -> rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, MsgId, MSCState) end, ok, MsgIds). msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState) -> rabbit_msg_store:remove(MsgIds, MSCState). msg_store_remove(MsgStore, Ref, MsgIds) -> with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref, fun (MSCStateM) -> ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCStateM), MSCStateM end). with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref, Fun) -> rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate( Fun(msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref))). foreach_with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref, Fun, L) -> rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate( lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, MSCState) -> Fun(MsgId, MSCState) end, msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref), L)). test_msg_store() -> restart_msg_store_empty(), MsgIds = [msg_id_bin(M) || M <- lists:seq(1,100)], {MsgIds1stHalf, MsgIds2ndHalf} = lists:split(length(MsgIds) div 2, MsgIds), Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(), {Cap, MSCState} = msg_store_client_init_capture( ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref), Ref2 = rabbit_guid:gen(), {Cap2, MSC2State} = msg_store_client_init_capture( ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref2), %% check we don't contain any of the msgs we're about to publish false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState), %% test confirm logic passed = test_msg_store_confirms([hd(MsgIds)], Cap, MSCState), %% check we don't contain any of the msgs we're about to publish false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState), %% publish the first half ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState), %% sync on the first half ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds1stHalf), %% publish the second half ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState), %% check they're all in there true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds, MSCState), %% publish the latter half twice so we hit the caching and ref %% count code. We need to do this through a 2nd client since a %% single client is not supposed to write the same message more %% than once without first removing it. ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSC2State), %% check they're still all in there true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds, MSCState), %% sync on the 2nd half ok = on_disk_await(Cap2, MsgIds2ndHalf), %% cleanup ok = on_disk_stop(Cap2), ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSC2State), ok = on_disk_stop(Cap), %% read them all MSCState1 = msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState), %% read them all again - this will hit the cache, not disk MSCState2 = msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState1), %% remove them all ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState2), %% check first half doesn't exist false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState2), %% check second half does exist true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState2), %% read the second half again MSCState3 = msg_store_read(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState2), %% read the second half again, just for fun (aka code coverage) MSCState4 = msg_store_read(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState3), ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState4), %% stop and restart, preserving every other msg in 2nd half ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop_msg_store(), ok = rabbit_variable_queue:start_msg_store( [], {fun ([]) -> finished; ([MsgId|MsgIdsTail]) when length(MsgIdsTail) rem 2 == 0 -> {MsgId, 1, MsgIdsTail}; ([MsgId|MsgIdsTail]) -> {MsgId, 0, MsgIdsTail} end, MsgIds2ndHalf}), MSCState5 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref), %% check we have the right msgs left lists:foldl( fun (MsgId, Bool) -> not(Bool = rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, MSCState5)) end, false, MsgIds2ndHalf), ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState5), %% restart empty restart_msg_store_empty(), MSCState6 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref), %% check we don't contain any of the msgs false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState6), %% publish the first half again ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState6), %% this should force some sort of sync internally otherwise misread ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate( msg_store_read(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState6)), MSCState7 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref), ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState7), ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState7), %% restart empty restart_msg_store_empty(), %% now safe to reuse msg_ids %% push a lot of msgs in... at least 100 files worth {ok, FileSize} = application:get_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit), PayloadSizeBits = 65536, BigCount = trunc(100 * FileSize / (PayloadSizeBits div 8)), MsgIdsBig = [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(1, BigCount)], Payload = << 0:PayloadSizeBits >>, ok = with_msg_store_client( ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref, fun (MSCStateM) -> [ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, Payload, MSCStateM) || MsgId <- MsgIdsBig], MSCStateM end), %% now read them to ensure we hit the fast client-side reading ok = foreach_with_msg_store_client( ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref, fun (MsgId, MSCStateM) -> {{ok, Payload}, MSCStateN} = rabbit_msg_store:read( MsgId, MSCStateM), MSCStateN end, MsgIdsBig), %% .., then 3s by 1... ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref, [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount, 1, -3)]), %% .., then remove 3s by 2, from the young end first. This hits %% GC (under 50% good data left, but no empty files. Must GC). ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref, [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-1, 1, -3)]), %% .., then remove 3s by 3, from the young end first. This hits %% GC... ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref, [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-2, 1, -3)]), %% ensure empty ok = with_msg_store_client( ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref, fun (MSCStateM) -> false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIdsBig, MSCStateM), MSCStateM end), %% passed = test_msg_store_client_delete_and_terminate(), %% restart empty restart_msg_store_empty(), passed. test_msg_store_confirms(MsgIds, Cap, MSCState) -> %% write -> confirmed ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds), %% remove -> _ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = on_disk_await(Cap, []), %% write, remove -> confirmed ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds), %% write, remove, write -> confirmed, confirmed ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds ++ MsgIds), %% remove, write -> confirmed ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds), %% remove, write, remove -> confirmed ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds), %% confirmation on timer-based sync passed = test_msg_store_confirm_timer(), passed. test_msg_store_confirm_timer() -> Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(), MsgId = msg_id_bin(1), Self = self(), MSCState = rabbit_msg_store:client_init( ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref, fun (MsgIds, _ActionTaken) -> case gb_sets:is_member(MsgId, MsgIds) of true -> Self ! on_disk; false -> ok end end, undefined), ok = msg_store_write([MsgId], MSCState), ok = msg_store_keep_busy_until_confirm([msg_id_bin(2)], MSCState), ok = msg_store_remove([MsgId], MSCState), ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState), passed. msg_store_keep_busy_until_confirm(MsgIds, MSCState) -> receive on_disk -> ok after 0 -> ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState), msg_store_keep_busy_until_confirm(MsgIds, MSCState) end. test_msg_store_client_delete_and_terminate() -> restart_msg_store_empty(), MsgIds = [msg_id_bin(M) || M <- lists:seq(1, 10)], Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(), MSCState = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref), ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState), %% test the 'dying client' fast path for writes ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState), passed. queue_name(Name) -> rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name). test_queue() -> queue_name(<<"test">>). init_test_queue() -> TestQueue = test_queue(), PRef = rabbit_guid:gen(), PersistentClient = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, PRef), Res = rabbit_queue_index:recover( TestQueue, [], false, fun (MsgId) -> rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, PersistentClient) end, fun nop/1), ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(PersistentClient), Res. restart_test_queue(Qi) -> _ = rabbit_queue_index:terminate([], Qi), ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(), {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start([test_queue()]), init_test_queue(). empty_test_queue() -> ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(), {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start([]), {0, 0, Qi} = init_test_queue(), _ = rabbit_queue_index:delete_and_terminate(Qi), ok. with_empty_test_queue(Fun) -> ok = empty_test_queue(), {0, 0, Qi} = init_test_queue(), rabbit_queue_index:delete_and_terminate(Fun(Qi)). restart_app() -> rabbit:stop(), rabbit:start(). queue_index_publish(SeqIds, Persistent, Qi) -> Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(), MsgStore = case Persistent of true -> ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE; false -> ?TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE end, MSCState = msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref), {A, B = [{_SeqId, LastMsgIdWritten} | _]} = lists:foldl( fun (SeqId, {QiN, SeqIdsMsgIdsAcc}) -> MsgId = rabbit_guid:gen(), QiM = rabbit_queue_index:publish( MsgId, SeqId, #message_properties{size = 10}, Persistent, QiN), ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, MsgId, MSCState), {QiM, [{SeqId, MsgId} | SeqIdsMsgIdsAcc]} end, {Qi, []}, SeqIds), %% do this just to force all of the publishes through to the msg_store: true = rabbit_msg_store:contains(LastMsgIdWritten, MSCState), ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState), {A, B}. verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, [], _) -> ok; verify_read_with_published(Delivered, Persistent, [{MsgId, SeqId, _Props, Persistent, Delivered}|Read], [{SeqId, MsgId}|Published]) -> verify_read_with_published(Delivered, Persistent, Read, Published); verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, _Read, _Published) -> ko. test_queue_index_props() -> with_empty_test_queue( fun(Qi0) -> MsgId = rabbit_guid:gen(), Props = #message_properties{expiry=12345, size = 10}, Qi1 = rabbit_queue_index:publish(MsgId, 1, Props, true, Qi0), {[{MsgId, 1, Props, _, _}], Qi2} = rabbit_queue_index:read(1, 2, Qi1), Qi2 end), ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(), {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start([]), passed. test_queue_index() -> SegmentSize = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0), TwoSegs = SegmentSize + SegmentSize, MostOfASegment = trunc(SegmentSize*0.75), SeqIdsA = lists:seq(0, MostOfASegment-1), SeqIdsB = lists:seq(MostOfASegment, 2*MostOfASegment), SeqIdsC = lists:seq(0, trunc(SegmentSize/2)), SeqIdsD = lists:seq(0, SegmentSize*4), with_empty_test_queue( fun (Qi0) -> {0, 0, Qi1} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi0), {Qi2, SeqIdsMsgIdsA} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsA, false, Qi1), {0, SegmentSize, Qi3} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi2), {ReadA, Qi4} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi3), ok = verify_read_with_published(false, false, ReadA, lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsA)), %% should get length back as 0, as all the msgs were transient {0, 0, Qi6} = restart_test_queue(Qi4), {0, 0, Qi7} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi6), {Qi8, SeqIdsMsgIdsB} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsB, true, Qi7), {0, TwoSegs, Qi9} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi8), {ReadB, Qi10} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi9), ok = verify_read_with_published(false, true, ReadB, lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsB)), %% should get length back as MostOfASegment LenB = length(SeqIdsB), BytesB = LenB * 10, {LenB, BytesB, Qi12} = restart_test_queue(Qi10), {0, TwoSegs, Qi13} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi12), Qi14 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsB, Qi13), {ReadC, Qi15} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi14), ok = verify_read_with_published(true, true, ReadC, lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsB)), Qi16 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsB, Qi15), Qi17 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi16), %% Everything will have gone now because #pubs == #acks {0, 0, Qi18} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi17), %% should get length back as 0 because all persistent %% msgs have been acked {0, 0, Qi19} = restart_test_queue(Qi18), Qi19 end), %% These next bits are just to hit the auto deletion of segment files. %% First, partials: %% a) partial pub+del+ack, then move to new segment with_empty_test_queue( fun (Qi0) -> {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC, false, Qi0), Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsC, Qi1), Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsC, Qi2), Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi3), {Qi5, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC1} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize], false, Qi4), Qi5 end), %% b) partial pub+del, then move to new segment, then ack all in old segment with_empty_test_queue( fun (Qi0) -> {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC2} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC, false, Qi0), Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsC, Qi1), {Qi3, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC3} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize], false, Qi2), Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsC, Qi3), rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi4) end), %% c) just fill up several segments of all pubs, then +dels, then +acks with_empty_test_queue( fun (Qi0) -> {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsD} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsD, false, Qi0), Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsD, Qi1), Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsD, Qi2), rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi3) end), %% d) get messages in all states to a segment, then flush, then do %% the same again, don't flush and read. This will hit all %% possibilities in combining the segment with the journal. with_empty_test_queue( fun (Qi0) -> {Qi1, [Seven,Five,Four|_]} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7], false, Qi0), Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([0,1,4], Qi1), Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([0], Qi2), Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi3), {Qi5, [Eight,Six|_]} = queue_index_publish([3,6,8], false, Qi4), Qi6 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([2,3,5,6], Qi5), Qi7 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([1,2,3], Qi6), {[], Qi8} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, 4, Qi7), {ReadD, Qi9} = rabbit_queue_index:read(4, 7, Qi8), ok = verify_read_with_published(true, false, ReadD, [Four, Five, Six]), {ReadE, Qi10} = rabbit_queue_index:read(7, 9, Qi9), ok = verify_read_with_published(false, false, ReadE, [Seven, Eight]), Qi10 end), %% e) as for (d), but use terminate instead of read, which will %% exercise journal_minus_segment, not segment_plus_journal. with_empty_test_queue( fun (Qi0) -> {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsE} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7], true, Qi0), Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([0,1,4], Qi1), Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([0], Qi2), {5, 50, Qi4} = restart_test_queue(Qi3), {Qi5, _SeqIdsMsgIdsF} = queue_index_publish([3,6,8], true, Qi4), Qi6 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([2,3,5,6], Qi5), Qi7 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([1,2,3], Qi6), {5, 50, Qi8} = restart_test_queue(Qi7), Qi8 end), ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(), {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start([]), passed. variable_queue_init(Q, Recover) -> rabbit_variable_queue:init( Q, case Recover of true -> non_clean_shutdown; false -> new end, fun nop/2, fun nop/2, fun nop/1). variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, VQ) -> variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, fun (_N, P) -> P end, VQ). variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) -> variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, 1, Count, PropFun, fun (_N) -> <<>> end, VQ). variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun, PayloadFun, VQ) -> variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end( lists:foldl( fun (N, VQN) -> rabbit_variable_queue:publish( rabbit_basic:message( rabbit_misc:r(<<>>, exchange, <<>>), <<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = case IsPersistent of true -> 2; false -> 1 end}, PayloadFun(N)), PropFun(N, #message_properties{size = 10}), false, self(), VQN) end, VQ, lists:seq(Start, Start + Count - 1))). variable_queue_fetch(Count, IsPersistent, IsDelivered, Len, VQ) -> lists:foldl(fun (N, {VQN, AckTagsAcc}) -> Rem = Len - N, {{#basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent }, IsDelivered, AckTagN}, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQN), Rem = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQM), {VQM, [AckTagN | AckTagsAcc]} end, {VQ, []}, lists:seq(1, Count)). variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(Duration, VQ) -> variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end( rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(Duration, VQ)). assert_prop(List, Prop, Value) -> Value = proplists:get_value(Prop, List). assert_props(List, PropVals) -> [assert_prop(List, Prop, Value) || {Prop, Value} <- PropVals]. test_amqqueue(Durable) -> (rabbit_amqqueue:pseudo_queue(test_queue(), self())) #amqqueue { durable = Durable }. with_fresh_variable_queue(Fun) -> Ref = make_ref(), Me = self(), %% Run in a separate process since rabbit_msg_store will send %% bump_credit messages and we want to ignore them spawn_link(fun() -> ok = empty_test_queue(), VQ = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(true), false), S0 = variable_queue_status(VQ), assert_props(S0, [{q1, 0}, {q2, 0}, {delta, {delta, undefined, 0, undefined}}, {q3, 0}, {q4, 0}, {len, 0}]), _ = rabbit_variable_queue:delete_and_terminate( shutdown, Fun(VQ)), Me ! Ref end), receive Ref -> ok end, passed. publish_and_confirm(Q, Payload, Count) -> Seqs = lists:seq(1, Count), [begin Msg = rabbit_basic:message(rabbit_misc:r(<<>>, exchange, <<>>), <<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = 2}, Payload), Delivery = #delivery{mandatory = false, sender = self(), confirm = true, message = Msg, msg_seq_no = Seq}, _QPids = rabbit_amqqueue:deliver([Q], Delivery) end || Seq <- Seqs], wait_for_confirms(gb_sets:from_list(Seqs)). wait_for_confirms(Unconfirmed) -> case gb_sets:is_empty(Unconfirmed) of true -> ok; false -> receive {'$gen_cast', {confirm, Confirmed, _}} -> wait_for_confirms( rabbit_misc:gb_sets_difference( Unconfirmed, gb_sets:from_list(Confirmed))) after ?TIMEOUT -> exit(timeout_waiting_for_confirm) end end. test_variable_queue() -> [passed = with_fresh_variable_queue(F) || F <- [fun test_variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change/1, fun test_variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing/1, fun test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere1/1, fun test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere2/1, fun test_drop/1, fun test_variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk/1, fun test_dropfetchwhile/1, fun test_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration/1, fun test_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration/1, fun test_variable_queue_ack_limiting/1, fun test_variable_queue_purge/1, fun test_variable_queue_requeue/1, fun test_variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta/1, fun test_variable_queue_fold/1]], passed. test_variable_queue_fold(VQ0) -> {PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} = variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0), Count = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ1), Msgs = lists:sort(PendingMsgs ++ RequeuedMsgs ++ FreshMsgs), lists:foldl(fun (Cut, VQ2) -> test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ2) end, VQ1, [0, 1, 2, Count div 2, Count - 1, Count, Count + 1, Count * 2]). test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ0) -> {Acc, VQ1} = rabbit_variable_queue:fold( fun (M, _, Pending, A) -> MInt = msg2int(M), Pending = lists:member(MInt, PendingMsgs), %% assert case MInt =< Cut of true -> {cont, [MInt | A]}; false -> {stop, A} end end, [], VQ0), Expected = lists:takewhile(fun (I) -> I =< Cut end, Msgs), Expected = lists:reverse(Acc), %% assertion VQ1. msg2int(#basic_message{content = #content{ payload_fragments_rev = P}}) -> binary_to_term(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(P))). ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, Rem) -> lists:filter(fun ({_Ack, N}) -> (N + Rem) rem Interval == 0 end, AckSeqs). requeue_one_by_one(Acks, VQ) -> lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) -> {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue( [AckTag], VQN), VQM end, VQ, Acks). %% Create a vq with messages in q1, delta, and q3, and holes (in the %% form of pending acks) in the latter two. variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0) -> Interval = 2048, %% should match vq:IO_BATCH_SIZE Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2 * Interval, Seq = lists:seq(1, Count), VQ1 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ0), VQ2 = variable_queue_publish( false, 1, Count, fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ1), {VQ3, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2), Acks = lists:reverse(AcksR), AckSeqs = lists:zip(Acks, Seq), [{Subset1, _Seq1}, {Subset2, _Seq2}, {Subset3, Seq3}] = [lists:unzip(ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, I)) || I <- [0, 1, 2]], %% we requeue in three phases in order to exercise requeuing logic %% in various vq states {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue( Acks -- (Subset1 ++ Subset2 ++ Subset3), VQ3), VQ5 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset1, VQ4), %% by now we have some messages (and holes) in delta VQ6 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset2, VQ5), VQ7 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ6), %% add the q1 tail VQ8 = variable_queue_publish( true, Count + 1, Interval, fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ7), %% assertions [false = case V of {delta, _, 0, _} -> true; 0 -> true; _ -> false end || {K, V} <- variable_queue_status(VQ8), lists:member(K, [q1, delta, q3])], Depth = Count + Interval, Depth = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ8), Len = Depth - length(Subset3), Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8), {Seq3, Seq -- Seq3, lists:seq(Count + 1, Count + Interval), VQ8}. test_variable_queue_requeue(VQ0) -> {_PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} = variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0), Msgs = lists:zip(RequeuedMsgs, lists:duplicate(length(RequeuedMsgs), true)) ++ lists:zip(FreshMsgs, lists:duplicate(length(FreshMsgs), false)), VQ2 = lists:foldl(fun ({I, Requeued}, VQa) -> {{M, MRequeued, _}, VQb} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQa), Requeued = MRequeued, %% assertion I = msg2int(M), %% assertion VQb end, VQ1, Msgs), {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ2), VQ3. %% requeue from ram_pending_ack into q3, move to delta and then empty queue test_variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta(VQ0) -> Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2, VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ0), {VQ2, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ1), {Back, Front} = lists:split(Count div 2, AcksR), {_, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(erlang:tl(Back), VQ2), VQ4 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ3), {_, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue([erlang:hd(Back)], VQ4), VQ6 = requeue_one_by_one(Front, VQ5), {VQ7, AcksAll} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, true, Count, VQ6), {_, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack(AcksAll, VQ7), VQ8. test_variable_queue_purge(VQ0) -> LenDepth = fun (VQ) -> {rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ), rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ)} end, VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 10, VQ0), {VQ2, Acks} = variable_queue_fetch(6, false, false, 10, VQ1), {4, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:purge(VQ2), {0, 6} = LenDepth(VQ3), {_, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(lists:sublist(Acks, 2), VQ3), {2, 6} = LenDepth(VQ4), VQ5 = rabbit_variable_queue:purge_acks(VQ4), {2, 2} = LenDepth(VQ5), VQ5. test_variable_queue_ack_limiting(VQ0) -> %% start by sending in a bunch of messages Len = 1024, VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, Len, VQ0), %% squeeze and relax queue Churn = Len div 32, VQ2 = publish_fetch_and_ack(Churn, Len, VQ1), %% update stats for duration {_Duration, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ2), %% fetch half the messages {VQ4, _AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(Len div 2, false, false, Len, VQ3), VQ5 = check_variable_queue_status( VQ4, [{len, Len div 2}, {messages_unacknowledged_ram, Len div 2}, {messages_ready_ram, Len div 2}, {messages_ram, Len}]), %% ensure all acks go to disk on 0 duration target VQ6 = check_variable_queue_status( variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ5), [{len, Len div 2}, {target_ram_count, 0}, {messages_unacknowledged_ram, 0}, {messages_ready_ram, 0}, {messages_ram, 0}]), VQ6. test_drop(VQ0) -> %% start by sending a messages VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0), %% drop message with AckRequired = true {{MsgId, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(true, VQ1), true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ2), true = AckTag =/= undefinded, %% drop again -> empty {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ2), %% requeue {[MsgId], VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue([AckTag], VQ3), %% drop message with AckRequired = false {{MsgId, undefined}, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ4), true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5), VQ5. test_dropfetchwhile(VQ0) -> Count = 10, %% add messages with sequential expiry VQ1 = variable_queue_publish( false, 1, Count, fun (N, Props) -> Props#message_properties{expiry = N} end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ0), %% fetch the first 5 messages {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, {Msgs, AckTags}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile( fun (#message_properties{expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end, fun (Msg, AckTag, {MsgAcc, AckAcc}) -> {[Msg | MsgAcc], [AckTag | AckAcc]} end, {[], []}, VQ1), true = lists:seq(1, 5) == [msg2int(M) || M <- lists:reverse(Msgs)], %% requeue them {_MsgIds, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(AckTags, VQ2), %% drop the first 5 messages {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile( fun (#message_properties {expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end, VQ3), %% fetch 5 VQ5 = lists:foldl(fun (N, VQN) -> {{Msg, _, _}, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQN), true = msg2int(Msg) == N, VQM end, VQ4, lists:seq(6, Count)), %% should be empty now true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5), VQ5. test_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration(VQ0) -> test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration( fun (VQ1) -> {_, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile( fun (_) -> false end, VQ1), VQ2 end, VQ0). test_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(VQ0) -> test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration( fun (VQ1) -> {_, ok, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile( fun (_) -> false end, fun (_, _, A) -> A end, ok, VQ1), VQ2 end, VQ0). test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(Fun, VQ0) -> VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0), VQ2 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ1), VQ3 = Fun(VQ2), VQ4 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ3), VQ5 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ4), VQ6 = Fun(VQ5), VQ6. test_variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change(VQ0) -> SegmentSize = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0), %% start by sending in a couple of segments worth Len = 2*SegmentSize, VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, Len, VQ0), %% squeeze and relax queue Churn = Len div 32, VQ2 = publish_fetch_and_ack(Churn, Len, VQ1), {Duration, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ2), VQ7 = lists:foldl( fun (Duration1, VQ4) -> {_Duration, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ4), io:format("~p:~n~p~n", [Duration1, variable_queue_status(VQ5)]), VQ6 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target( Duration1, VQ5), publish_fetch_and_ack(Churn, Len, VQ6) end, VQ3, [Duration / 4, 0, Duration / 4, infinity]), %% drain {VQ8, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(Len, false, false, Len, VQ7), {_Guids, VQ9} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack(AckTags, VQ8), {empty, VQ10} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ9), VQ10. publish_fetch_and_ack(0, _Len, VQ0) -> VQ0; publish_fetch_and_ack(N, Len, VQ0) -> VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0), {{_Msg, false, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1), Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2), {_Guids, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack([AckTag], VQ2), publish_fetch_and_ack(N-1, Len, VQ3). test_variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing(VQ0) -> SegmentSize = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0), HalfSegment = SegmentSize div 2, OneAndAHalfSegment = SegmentSize + HalfSegment, VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, OneAndAHalfSegment, VQ0), {_Duration, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ1), VQ3 = check_variable_queue_status( variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ2), %% one segment in q3, and half a segment in delta [{delta, {delta, SegmentSize, HalfSegment, OneAndAHalfSegment}}, {q3, SegmentSize}, {len, SegmentSize + HalfSegment}]), VQ4 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ3), VQ5 = check_variable_queue_status( variable_queue_publish(true, 1, VQ4), %% one alpha, but it's in the same segment as the deltas [{q1, 1}, {delta, {delta, SegmentSize, HalfSegment, OneAndAHalfSegment}}, {q3, SegmentSize}, {len, SegmentSize + HalfSegment + 1}]), {VQ6, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(SegmentSize, true, false, SegmentSize + HalfSegment + 1, VQ5), VQ7 = check_variable_queue_status( VQ6, %% the half segment should now be in q3 [{q1, 1}, {delta, {delta, undefined, 0, undefined}}, {q3, HalfSegment}, {len, HalfSegment + 1}]), {VQ8, AckTags1} = variable_queue_fetch(HalfSegment + 1, true, false, HalfSegment + 1, VQ7), {_Guids, VQ9} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack(AckTags ++ AckTags1, VQ8), %% should be empty now {empty, VQ10} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ9), VQ10. check_variable_queue_status(VQ0, Props) -> VQ1 = variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(VQ0), S = variable_queue_status(VQ1), io:format("~p~n", [S]), assert_props(S, Props), VQ1. variable_queue_status(VQ) -> Keys = rabbit_backing_queue:info_keys() -- [backing_queue_status], [{K, rabbit_variable_queue:info(K, VQ)} || K <- Keys] ++ rabbit_variable_queue:info(backing_queue_status, VQ). variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(VQ) -> case credit_flow:blocked() of false -> VQ; true -> receive {bump_credit, Msg} -> credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg), variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end( rabbit_variable_queue:resume(VQ)) end end. test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere1(VQ0) -> Count = 2 * rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0), VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, Count, VQ0), VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ1), VQ3 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ2), {VQ4, _AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, true, false, Count + Count, VQ3), {VQ5, _AckTags1} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ4), _VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(shutdown, VQ5), VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(true), true), {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ7), Count1 = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8), VQ9 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ8), VQ10 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ9), {VQ11, _AckTags2} = variable_queue_fetch(Count1, true, true, Count, VQ10), {VQ12, _AckTags3} = variable_queue_fetch(1, false, false, 1, VQ11), VQ12. test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere2(VQ0) -> VQ1 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ0), VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(false, 4, VQ1), {VQ3, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(2, false, false, 4, VQ2), {_Guids, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(AckTags, VQ3), VQ5 = rabbit_variable_queue:timeout(VQ4), _VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(shutdown, VQ5), VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(true), true), {empty, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQ7), VQ8. test_variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk(VQ0) -> VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, 1, VQ0), {VQ2, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(1, true, false, 1, VQ1), {ok, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ackfold(fun (_M, _A, ok) -> ok end, ok, VQ2, AckTags), VQ3. test_queue_recover() -> Count = 2 * rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0), {new, #amqqueue { pid = QPid, name = QName } = Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(test_queue(), true, false, [], none), publish_and_confirm(Q, <<>>, Count), exit(QPid, kill), MRef = erlang:monitor(process, QPid), receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, QPid, _Info} -> ok after 10000 -> exit(timeout_waiting_for_queue_death) end, rabbit_amqqueue:stop(), rabbit_amqqueue:start(rabbit_amqqueue:recover()), {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(no_id), rabbit_amqqueue:with_or_die( QName, fun (Q1 = #amqqueue { pid = QPid1 }) -> CountMinusOne = Count - 1, {ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid1, _AckTag, true, _Msg}} = rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q1, self(), false, Limiter), exit(QPid1, shutdown), VQ1 = variable_queue_init(Q, true), {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1), CountMinusOne = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2), _VQ3 = rabbit_variable_queue:delete_and_terminate(shutdown, VQ2), rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName) end), passed. test_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback() -> ok = restart_msg_store_empty(), {new, #amqqueue { pid = QPid, name = QName } = Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(test_queue(), true, false, [], none), Payload = <<0:8388608>>, %% 1MB Count = 30, publish_and_confirm(Q, Payload, Count), rabbit_amqqueue:set_ram_duration_target(QPid, 0), {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(no_id), CountMinusOne = Count - 1, {ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid, _AckTag, false, _Msg}} = rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), true, Limiter), {ok, CountMinusOne} = rabbit_amqqueue:purge(Q), %% give the queue a second to receive the close_fds callback msg timer:sleep(1000), rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false), passed. test_configurable_server_properties() -> %% List of the names of the built-in properties do we expect to find BuiltInPropNames = [<<"product">>, <<"version">>, <<"platform">>, <<"copyright">>, <<"information">>], Protocol = rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1, %% Verify that the built-in properties are initially present ActualPropNames = [Key || {Key, longstr, _} <- rabbit_reader:server_properties(Protocol)], true = lists:all(fun (X) -> lists:member(X, ActualPropNames) end, BuiltInPropNames), %% Get the initial server properties configured in the environment {ok, ServerProperties} = application:get_env(rabbit, server_properties), %% Helper functions ConsProp = fun (X) -> application:set_env(rabbit, server_properties, [X | ServerProperties]) end, IsPropPresent = fun (X) -> lists:member(X, rabbit_reader:server_properties(Protocol)) end, %% Add a wholly new property of the simplified {KeyAtom, StringValue} form NewSimplifiedProperty = {NewHareKey, NewHareVal} = {hare, "soup"}, ConsProp(NewSimplifiedProperty), %% Do we find hare soup, appropriately formatted in the generated properties? ExpectedHareImage = {list_to_binary(atom_to_list(NewHareKey)), longstr, list_to_binary(NewHareVal)}, true = IsPropPresent(ExpectedHareImage), %% Add a wholly new property of the {BinaryKey, Type, Value} form %% and check for it NewProperty = {<<"new-bin-key">>, signedint, -1}, ConsProp(NewProperty), %% Do we find the new property? true = IsPropPresent(NewProperty), %% Add a property that clobbers a built-in, and verify correct clobbering {NewVerKey, NewVerVal} = NewVersion = {version, "X.Y.Z."}, {BinNewVerKey, BinNewVerVal} = {list_to_binary(atom_to_list(NewVerKey)), list_to_binary(NewVerVal)}, ConsProp(NewVersion), ClobberedServerProps = rabbit_reader:server_properties(Protocol), %% Is the clobbering insert present? true = IsPropPresent({BinNewVerKey, longstr, BinNewVerVal}), %% Is the clobbering insert the only thing with the clobbering key? [{BinNewVerKey, longstr, BinNewVerVal}] = [E || {K, longstr, _V} = E <- ClobberedServerProps, K =:= BinNewVerKey], application:set_env(rabbit, server_properties, ServerProperties), passed. nop(_) -> ok. nop(_, _) -> ok.