%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_vhost). -include("rabbit.hrl"). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -export([add/1, delete/1, exists/1, list/0, with/2, assert/1]). -export([info/1, info/2, info_all/0, info_all/1]). -ifdef(use_specs). -spec(add/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> 'ok'). -spec(delete/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> 'ok'). -spec(exists/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> boolean()). -spec(list/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:vhost()]). -spec(with/2 :: (rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_misc:thunk(A)) -> A). -spec(assert/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> 'ok'). -spec(info/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(info/2 :: (rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(info_all/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:infos()]). -spec(info_all/1 :: (rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(INFO_KEYS, [name, tracing]). add(VHostPath) -> rabbit_log:info("Adding vhost '~s'~n", [VHostPath]), R = rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( fun () -> case mnesia:wread({rabbit_vhost, VHostPath}) of [] -> ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_vhost, #vhost{virtual_host = VHostPath}, write); [_] -> mnesia:abort({vhost_already_exists, VHostPath}) end end, fun (ok, true) -> ok; (ok, false) -> [rabbit_exchange:declare( rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, exchange, Name), Type, true, false, Internal, []) || {Name, Type, Internal} <- [{<<"">>, direct, false}, {<<"amq.direct">>, direct, false}, {<<"amq.topic">>, topic, false}, %% per 0-9-1 pdf {<<"amq.match">>, headers, false}, %% per 0-9-1 xml {<<"amq.headers">>, headers, false}, {<<"amq.fanout">>, fanout, false}, {<<"amq.rabbitmq.trace">>, topic, true}]], ok end), rabbit_event:notify(vhost_created, info(VHostPath)), R. delete(VHostPath) -> %% FIXME: We are forced to delete the queues and exchanges outside %% the TX below. Queue deletion involves sending messages to the queue %% process, which in turn results in further mnesia actions and %% eventually the termination of that process. Exchange deletion causes %% notifications which must be sent outside the TX rabbit_log:info("Deleting vhost '~s'~n", [VHostPath]), QDelFun = fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false) end, [assert_benign(rabbit_amqqueue:with(Name, QDelFun)) || #amqqueue{name = Name} <- rabbit_amqqueue:list(VHostPath)], [assert_benign(rabbit_exchange:delete(Name, false)) || #exchange{name = Name} <- rabbit_exchange:list(VHostPath)], Funs = rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( with(VHostPath, fun () -> internal_delete(VHostPath) end)), ok = rabbit_event:notify(vhost_deleted, [{name, VHostPath}]), [ok = Fun() || Fun <- Funs], ok. assert_benign(ok) -> ok; assert_benign({ok, _}) -> ok; assert_benign({error, not_found}) -> ok; assert_benign({error, {absent, Q}}) -> %% We have a durable queue on a down node. Removing the mnesia %% entries here is safe. If/when the down node restarts, it will %% clear out the on-disk storage of the queue. case rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(Q#amqqueue.name) of ok -> ok; {error, not_found} -> ok end. internal_delete(VHostPath) -> [ok = rabbit_auth_backend_internal:clear_permissions( proplists:get_value(user, Info), VHostPath) || Info <- rabbit_auth_backend_internal:list_vhost_permissions(VHostPath)], Fs1 = [rabbit_runtime_parameters:clear(VHostPath, proplists:get_value(component, Info), proplists:get_value(name, Info)) || Info <- rabbit_runtime_parameters:list(VHostPath)], Fs2 = [rabbit_policy:delete(VHostPath, proplists:get_value(name, Info)) || Info <- rabbit_policy:list(VHostPath)], ok = mnesia:delete({rabbit_vhost, VHostPath}), Fs1 ++ Fs2. exists(VHostPath) -> mnesia:dirty_read({rabbit_vhost, VHostPath}) /= []. list() -> mnesia:dirty_all_keys(rabbit_vhost). with(VHostPath, Thunk) -> fun () -> case mnesia:read({rabbit_vhost, VHostPath}) of [] -> mnesia:abort({no_such_vhost, VHostPath}); [_V] -> Thunk() end end. %% Like with/2 but outside an Mnesia tx assert(VHostPath) -> case exists(VHostPath) of true -> ok; false -> throw({error, {no_such_vhost, VHostPath}}) end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- infos(Items, X) -> [{Item, i(Item, X)} || Item <- Items]. i(name, VHost) -> VHost; i(tracing, VHost) -> rabbit_trace:enabled(VHost); i(Item, _) -> throw({bad_argument, Item}). info(VHost) -> infos(?INFO_KEYS, VHost). info(VHost, Items) -> infos(Items, VHost). info_all() -> info_all(?INFO_KEYS). info_all(Items) -> [info(VHost, Items) || VHost <- list()].