%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_writer). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). -export([start/5, start_link/5, mainloop/2, mainloop1/2]). -export([send_command/2, send_command/3, send_command_sync/2, send_command_sync/3, send_command_and_notify/4, send_command_and_notify/5]). -export([internal_send_command/4, internal_send_command/6]). -record(wstate, {sock, channel, frame_max, protocol}). -define(HIBERNATE_AFTER, 5000). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -spec(start/5 :: (rabbit_net:socket(), rabbit_channel:channel_number(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_types:protocol(), pid()) -> rabbit_types:ok(pid())). -spec(start_link/5 :: (rabbit_net:socket(), rabbit_channel:channel_number(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_types:protocol(), pid()) -> rabbit_types:ok(pid())). -spec(send_command/2 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record()) -> 'ok'). -spec(send_command/3 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(), rabbit_types:content()) -> 'ok'). -spec(send_command_sync/2 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record()) -> 'ok'). -spec(send_command_sync/3 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(), rabbit_types:content()) -> 'ok'). -spec(send_command_and_notify/4 :: (pid(), pid(), pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record()) -> 'ok'). -spec(send_command_and_notify/5 :: (pid(), pid(), pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(), rabbit_types:content()) -> 'ok'). -spec(internal_send_command/4 :: (rabbit_net:socket(), rabbit_channel:channel_number(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(), rabbit_types:protocol()) -> 'ok'). -spec(internal_send_command/6 :: (rabbit_net:socket(), rabbit_channel:channel_number(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(), rabbit_types:content(), non_neg_integer(), rabbit_types:protocol()) -> 'ok'). -spec(mainloop/2 :: (_,_) -> 'done'). -spec(mainloop1/2 :: (_,_) -> any()). -endif. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- start(Sock, Channel, FrameMax, Protocol, ReaderPid) -> {ok, proc_lib:spawn(?MODULE, mainloop, [ReaderPid, #wstate{sock = Sock, channel = Channel, frame_max = FrameMax, protocol = Protocol}])}. start_link(Sock, Channel, FrameMax, Protocol, ReaderPid) -> {ok, proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, mainloop, [ReaderPid, #wstate{sock = Sock, channel = Channel, frame_max = FrameMax, protocol = Protocol}])}. mainloop(ReaderPid, State) -> try mainloop1(ReaderPid, State) catch exit:Error -> ReaderPid ! {channel_exit, #wstate.channel, Error} end, done. mainloop1(ReaderPid, State) -> receive Message -> ?MODULE:mainloop1(ReaderPid, handle_message(Message, State)) after ?HIBERNATE_AFTER -> erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, mainloop, [ReaderPid, State]) end. handle_message({send_command, MethodRecord}, State) -> ok = internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, State), State; handle_message({send_command, MethodRecord, Content}, State) -> ok = internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, Content, State), State; handle_message({'$gen_call', From, {send_command_sync, MethodRecord}}, State) -> ok = internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, State), gen_server:reply(From, ok), State; handle_message({'$gen_call', From, {send_command_sync, MethodRecord, Content}}, State) -> ok = internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, Content, State), gen_server:reply(From, ok), State; handle_message({send_command_and_notify, QPid, ChPid, MethodRecord}, State) -> ok = internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, State), rabbit_amqqueue:notify_sent(QPid, ChPid), State; handle_message({send_command_and_notify, QPid, ChPid, MethodRecord, Content}, State) -> ok = internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, Content, State), rabbit_amqqueue:notify_sent(QPid, ChPid), State; handle_message({inet_reply, _, ok}, State) -> State; handle_message({inet_reply, _, Status}, _State) -> exit({writer, send_failed, Status}); handle_message(Message, _State) -> exit({writer, message_not_understood, Message}). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- send_command(W, MethodRecord) -> W ! {send_command, MethodRecord}, ok. send_command(W, MethodRecord, Content) -> W ! {send_command, MethodRecord, Content}, ok. send_command_sync(W, MethodRecord) -> call(W, {send_command_sync, MethodRecord}). send_command_sync(W, MethodRecord, Content) -> call(W, {send_command_sync, MethodRecord, Content}). send_command_and_notify(W, Q, ChPid, MethodRecord) -> W ! {send_command_and_notify, Q, ChPid, MethodRecord}, ok. send_command_and_notify(W, Q, ChPid, MethodRecord, Content) -> W ! {send_command_and_notify, Q, ChPid, MethodRecord, Content}, ok. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- call(Pid, Msg) -> {ok, Res} = gen:call(Pid, '$gen_call', Msg, infinity), Res. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- assemble_frame(Channel, MethodRecord, Protocol) -> ?LOGMESSAGE(out, Channel, MethodRecord, none), rabbit_binary_generator:build_simple_method_frame( Channel, MethodRecord, Protocol). assemble_frames(Channel, MethodRecord, Content, FrameMax, Protocol) -> ?LOGMESSAGE(out, Channel, MethodRecord, Content), MethodName = rabbit_misc:method_record_type(MethodRecord), true = Protocol:method_has_content(MethodName), % assertion MethodFrame = rabbit_binary_generator:build_simple_method_frame( Channel, MethodRecord, Protocol), ContentFrames = rabbit_binary_generator:build_simple_content_frames( Channel, Content, FrameMax, Protocol), [MethodFrame | ContentFrames]. %% We optimise delivery of small messages. Content-bearing methods %% require at least three frames. Small messages always fit into %% that. We hand their frames to the Erlang network functions in one %% go, which may lead to somewhat more efficient processing in the %% runtime and a greater chance of coalescing into fewer TCP packets. %% %% By contrast, for larger messages, split across many frames, we want %% to allow interleaving of frames on different channels. Hence we %% hand them to the Erlang network functions one frame at a time. send_frames(Fun, Sock, Frames) when length(Frames) =< 3 -> Fun(Sock, Frames); send_frames(Fun, Sock, Frames) -> lists:foldl(fun (Frame, ok) -> Fun(Sock, Frame); (_Frame, Other) -> Other end, ok, Frames). tcp_send(Sock, Data) -> rabbit_misc:throw_on_error(inet_error, fun () -> rabbit_net:send(Sock, Data) end). internal_send_command(Sock, Channel, MethodRecord, Protocol) -> ok = tcp_send(Sock, assemble_frame(Channel, MethodRecord, Protocol)). internal_send_command(Sock, Channel, MethodRecord, Content, FrameMax, Protocol) -> ok = send_frames(fun tcp_send/2, Sock, assemble_frames(Channel, MethodRecord, Content, FrameMax, Protocol)). %% gen_tcp:send/2 does a selective receive of {inet_reply, Sock, %% Status} to obtain the result. That is bad when it is called from %% the writer since it requires scanning of the writers possibly quite %% large message queue. %% %% So instead we lift the code from prim_inet:send/2, which is what %% gen_tcp:send/2 calls, do the first half here and then just process %% the result code in handle_message/2 as and when it arrives. %% %% This means we may end up happily sending data down a closed/broken %% socket, but that's ok since a) data in the buffers will be lost in %% any case (so qualitatively we are no worse off than if we used %% gen_tcp:send/2), and b) we do detect the changed socket status %% eventually, i.e. when we get round to handling the result code. %% %% Also note that the port has bounded buffers and port_command blocks %% when these are full. So the fact that we process the result %% asynchronously does not impact flow control. internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, #wstate{sock = Sock, channel = Channel, protocol = Protocol}) -> ok = port_cmd(Sock, assemble_frame(Channel, MethodRecord, Protocol)). internal_send_command_async(MethodRecord, Content, #wstate{sock = Sock, channel = Channel, frame_max = FrameMax, protocol = Protocol}) -> ok = send_frames(fun port_cmd/2, Sock, assemble_frames(Channel, MethodRecord, Content, FrameMax, Protocol)). port_cmd(Sock, Data) -> true = try rabbit_net:port_command(Sock, Data) catch error:Error -> exit({writer, send_failed, Error}) end, ok.