%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(truncate). -define(ELLIPSIS_LENGTH, 3). -record(params, {content, struct, content_dec, struct_dec}). -export([log_event/2, term/2, term_limit/2]). %% exported for testing -export([test/0]). log_event({Type, GL, {Pid, Format, Args}}, Params) when Type =:= error orelse Type =:= info_msg orelse Type =:= warning_msg -> {Type, GL, {Pid, Format, [term(T, Params) || T <- Args]}}; log_event({Type, GL, {Pid, ReportType, Report}}, Params) when Type =:= error_report orelse Type =:= info_report orelse Type =:= warning_report -> {Type, GL, {Pid, ReportType, report(Report, Params)}}; log_event(Event, _Params) -> Event. report([[Thing]], Params) -> report([Thing], Params); report(List, Params) when is_list(List) -> [case Item of {K, V} -> {K, term(V, Params)}; _ -> term(Item, Params) end || Item <- List]; report(Other, Params) -> term(Other, Params). term(Thing, {Max, {Content, Struct, ContentDec, StructDec}}) -> case term_limit(Thing, Max) of true -> term(Thing, true, #params{content = Content, struct = Struct, content_dec = ContentDec, struct_dec = StructDec}); false -> Thing end. term(Bin, _AllowPrintable, #params{content = N}) when (is_binary(Bin) orelse is_bitstring(Bin)) andalso size(Bin) > N - ?ELLIPSIS_LENGTH -> Suffix = without_ellipsis(N), <> = Bin, <>/binary>>; term(L, AllowPrintable, #params{struct = N} = Params) when is_list(L) -> case AllowPrintable andalso io_lib:printable_list(L) of true -> N2 = without_ellipsis(N), case length(L) > N2 of true -> string:left(L, N2) ++ "..."; false -> L end; false -> shrink_list(L, Params) end; term(T, _AllowPrintable, Params) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple(shrink_list(tuple_to_list(T), Params)); term(T, _, _) -> T. without_ellipsis(N) -> erlang:max(N - ?ELLIPSIS_LENGTH, 0). shrink_list(_, #params{struct = N}) when N =< 0 -> ['...']; shrink_list([], _) -> []; shrink_list([H|T], #params{content = Content, struct = Struct, content_dec = ContentDec, struct_dec = StructDec} = Params) -> [term(H, true, Params#params{content = Content - ContentDec, struct = Struct - StructDec}) | term(T, false, Params#params{struct = Struct - 1})]. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% We don't use erts_debug:flat_size/1 because that ignores binary %% sizes. This is all going to be rather approximate though, these %% sizes are probably not very "fair" but we are just trying to see if %% we reach a fairly arbitrary limit anyway though. term_limit(Thing, Max) -> case term_size(Thing, Max, erlang:system_info(wordsize)) of limit_exceeded -> true; _ -> false end. term_size(B, M, _W) when is_bitstring(B) -> lim(M, size(B)); term_size(A, M, W) when is_atom(A) -> lim(M, 2 * W); term_size(N, M, W) when is_number(N) -> lim(M, 2 * W); term_size(T, M, W) when is_tuple(T) -> tuple_term_size( T, M, 1, tuple_size(T), W); term_size([], M, _W) -> M; term_size([H|T], M, W) -> case term_size(H, M, W) of limit_exceeded -> limit_exceeded; M2 -> lim(term_size(T, M2, W), 2 * W) end; term_size(X, M, W) -> lim(M, erts_debug:flat_size(X) * W). lim(S, T) when is_number(S) andalso S > T -> S - T; lim(_, _) -> limit_exceeded. tuple_term_size(_T, limit_exceeded, _I, _S, _W) -> limit_exceeded; tuple_term_size(_T, M, I, S, _W) when I > S -> M; tuple_term_size(T, M, I, S, W) -> tuple_term_size(T, lim(term_size(element(I, T), M, W), 2 * W), I + 1, S, W). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- test() -> test_short_examples_exactly(), test_term_limit(), test_large_examples_for_size(), ok. test_short_examples_exactly() -> F = fun (Term, Exp) -> Exp = term(Term, {1, {10, 10, 5, 5}}), Term = term(Term, {100000, {10, 10, 5, 5}}) end, FSmall = fun (Term, Exp) -> Exp = term(Term, {1, {2, 2, 2, 2}}), Term = term(Term, {100000, {2, 2, 2, 2}}) end, F([], []), F("h", "h"), F("hello world", "hello w..."), F([[h,e,l,l,o,' ',w,o,r,l,d]], [[h,e,l,l,o,'...']]), F([a|b], [a|b]), F(<<"hello">>, <<"hello">>), F([<<"hello world">>], [<<"he...">>]), F(<<1:1>>, <<1:1>>), F(<<1:81>>, <<0:56, "...">>), F({{{{a}}},{b},c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k}, {{{'...'}},{b},c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,'...'}), FSmall({a,30,40,40,40,40}, {a,30,'...'}), FSmall([a,30,40,40,40,40], [a,30,'...']), P = spawn(fun() -> receive die -> ok end end), F([0, 0.0, <<1:1>>, F, P], [0, 0.0, <<1:1>>, F, P]), P ! die, R = make_ref(), F([R], [R]), ok. test_term_limit() -> W = erlang:system_info(wordsize), S = <<"abc">>, 1 = term_size(S, 4, W), limit_exceeded = term_size(S, 3, W), case 100 - term_size([S, S], 100, W) of 22 -> ok; %% 32 bit 38 -> ok %% 64 bit end, case 100 - term_size([S, [S]], 100, W) of 30 -> ok; %% ditto 54 -> ok end, limit_exceeded = term_size([S, S], 6, W), ok. test_large_examples_for_size() -> %% Real world values Shrink = fun(Term) -> term(Term, {1, {1000, 100, 50, 5}}) end, TestSize = fun(Term) -> true = 5000000 < size(term_to_binary(Term)), true = 500000 > size(term_to_binary(Shrink(Term))) end, TestSize(lists:seq(1, 5000000)), TestSize(recursive_list(1000, 10)), TestSize(recursive_list(5000, 20)), TestSize(gb_sets:from_list([I || I <- lists:seq(1, 1000000)])), TestSize(gb_trees:from_orddict([{I, I} || I <- lists:seq(1, 1000000)])), ok. recursive_list(S, 0) -> lists:seq(1, S); recursive_list(S, N) -> [recursive_list(S div N, N-1) || _ <- lists:seq(1, S)].