# -*- Mode: Makefile -*- # # Makefile.am - automake file for Raptor # # $Id$ # # Copyright (C) 2000-2004, David Beckett http://purl.org/net/dajobe/ # Institute for Learning and Research Technology http://www.ilrt.bristol.ac.uk/ # University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ # # This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ # # It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: # 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version # 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version # 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version # # You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of # the above three licenses. # # See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the # complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for # the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. # # bin_PROGRAMS = rapper EXTRA_PROGRAMS = rdfdiff bin_SCRIPTS = raptor-config noinst_SCRIPTS = raptor-src-config lib_LTLIBRARIES = libraptor.la include_HEADERS = raptor.h noinst_HEADERS = raptor_internal.h win32_raptor_config.h man_MANS = rapper.1 libraptor.3 raptor-config.1 SUBDIRS= tests win32 examples TESTS=raptor_parse_test raptor_rfc2396_test raptor_uri_test \ raptor_namespace_test strcasecmp_test raptor_www_test \ raptor_sequence_test raptor_stringbuffer_test \ raptor_uri_win32_test raptor_iostream_test raptor_xml_writer_test if RAPTOR_PARSER_RDFXML TESTS += raptor_set_test raptor_xml_test endif CLEANFILES=$(TESTS) turtle_lexer_test turtle_parser_test rdfdiff MAINTAINERCLEANFILES=turtle_lexer.c turtle_lexer.h \ turtle_parser.c turtle_parser.h turtle_parser.output # Memory debugging alternatives MEM=@MEM@ MEM_LIBS=@MEM_LIBS@ # 1) None (use standard functions directly) #MEM= #MEM_LIBS= # 2) Use dmalloc library #MEM=-DRAPTOR_MEMORY_DEBUG_DMALLOC=1 #MEM_LIBS=-ldmalloc AM_CFLAGS=@CFLAGS@ $(MEM) STANDARD_CFLAGS=@STANDARD_CFLAGS@ $(MEM) LIBS=@LIBS@ $(MEM_LIBS) libraptor_la_SOURCES = raptor_parse.c raptor_serialize.c \ raptor_rfc2396.c raptor_uri.c raptor_locator.c \ raptor_namespace.c raptor_qname.c \ raptor_feature.c raptor_general.c raptor_utf8.c \ raptor_www.c \ raptor_identifier.c \ raptor_sequence.c raptor_stringbuffer.c raptor_iostream.c if RAPTOR_PARSER_RDFXML libraptor_la_SOURCES += raptor_rdfxml.c raptor_xml.c raptor_xml_writer.c \ raptor_sax2.c raptor_set.c if RAPTOR_XML_LIBXML libraptor_la_SOURCES += raptor_libxml.c endif if RAPTOR_XML_EXPAT libraptor_la_SOURCES += raptor_expat.c endif endif if RAPTOR_PARSER_TURTLE libraptor_la_SOURCES += turtle_lexer.c turtle_lexer.h turtle_parser.c turtle_parser.h turtle_common.h endif if RAPTOR_PARSER_N3 libraptor_la_SOURCES += n3_lexer.c n3_lexer.h n3_parser.c n3_parser.h n3_common.h endif if RAPTOR_PARSER_NTRIPLES libraptor_la_SOURCES += ntriples_parse.c endif if RAPTOR_PARSER_RSS libraptor_la_SOURCES += raptor_rss.c endif if RAPTOR_PARSER_GRDDL libraptor_la_SOURCES += raptor_xslt.c endif # Note other serializers are currently implemented in raptor_serialize.c # and cannot be conditionally compiled away as separate files if RAPTOR_SERIALIZER_RDFXML_ABBREV libraptor_la_SOURCES += raptor_serialize_rdfxmla.c endif if RAPTOR_NFC_CHECK libraptor_la_SOURCES += raptor_nfc_data.c raptor_nfc.c raptor_nfc.h endif if STRCASECMP libraptor_la_SOURCES += strcasecmp.c endif libraptor_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @RAPTOR_LIBTOOL_VERSION@ libraptor_la_LIBADD = @LTLIBOBJS@ rapper_SOURCES = rdfdump.c if GETOPT rapper_SOURCES += getopt.c raptor_getopt.h endif rapper_LDADD=libraptor.la rdfdiff_SOURCES = rdfdiff.c if GETOPT rdfdiff_SOURCES += getopt.c raptor_getopt.h endif rdfdiff_LDADD=libraptor.la pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig pkgconfig_DATA = raptor.pc EXTRA_DIST=\ ChangeLog ChangeLog.1 ChangeLog.2 ChangeLog.3 ChangeLog.4 ChangeLog.5 \ README NEWS LICENSE.txt \ README.html NEWS.html LICENSE.html INSTALL.html \ libraptor.html rapper.html RELEASE.html \ LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE \ raptor.rdf.in \ raptor-config.in raptor-src-config.in \ autogen.sh \ raptor.spec.in \ dc.rdf \ raptor_www_test.c \ raptor_nfc_test.c \ raptor_win32.c \ fix-groff-xhtml \ $(man_MANS) \ raptor.pc.in \ turtle_lexer.l turtle_parser.y \ n3_lexer.l n3_parser.y \ fix-flex LEX=@LEX@ YACC=@YACC@ # Create some text files from HTML sources LYNX=lynx HTML_TO_TEXT=TERM=vt100 $(LYNX) -dump -nolist SUFFIXES = .html .txt .html.txt: $(HTML_TO_TEXT) $< > $@ README: README.html $(HTML_TO_TEXT) $< > $@ NEWS: NEWS.html $(HTML_TO_TEXT) $< > $@ if MAINTAINER_MODE libraptor.html: $(srcdir)/libraptor.3 $(srcdir)/fix-groff-xhtml -groff -man -Thtml -P-l $< | tidy -asxml -wrap 1000 2>/dev/null | perl $(srcdir)/fix-groff-xhtml $@ rapper.html: $(srcdir)/rapper.1 $(srcdir)/fix-groff-xhtml -groff -man -Thtml -P-l $< | tidy -asxml -wrap 1000 2>/dev/null | perl $(srcdir)/fix-groff-xhtml $@ # Actually it needs turtle_parser.h but nevermind turtle_lexer.c: $(srcdir)/turtle_lexer.l turtle_parser.c $(srcdir)/fix-flex $(LEX) -o$@ $(srcdir)/turtle_lexer.l $(PERL) $(srcdir)/fix-flex $@ > turtle_lexer.t mv turtle_lexer.t $@ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/fix-flex turtle_lexer.h > turtle_lexer.t mv turtle_lexer.t turtle_lexer.h turtle_parser.c: $(srcdir)/turtle_parser.y $(YACC) -b turtle_parser -p turtle_parser_ -d -v $(srcdir)/turtle_parser.y sed -e '/Suppress GCC warning that yyerrlab1/,/^\#endif/d' -e "s/turtle_parser.tab.c/$@/" turtle_parser.tab.c > $@ mv turtle_parser.tab.h turtle_parser.h rm -f turtle_parser.tab.c # Actually it needs n3_parser.h but nevermind n3_lexer.c: $(srcdir)/n3_lexer.l n3_parser.c $(srcdir)/fix-flex $(LEX) -o$@ $(srcdir)/n3_lexer.l $(PERL) $(srcdir)/fix-flex $@ > n3_lexer.t mv n3_lexer.t $@ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/fix-flex n3_lexer.h > n3_lexer.t mv n3_lexer.t n3_lexer.h n3_parser.c: $(srcdir)/n3_parser.y $(YACC) -b n3_parser -p n3_parser_ -d -v $(srcdir)/n3_parser.y sed -e '/Suppress GCC warning that yyerrlab1/,/^\#endif/d' -e "s/n3_parser.tab.c/$@/" n3_parser.tab.c > $@ mv n3_parser.tab.h n3_parser.h rm -f n3_parser.tab.c endif # Actually it needs turtle_parser.h but nevermind turtle_lexer_test: $(srcdir)/turtle_lexer.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/turtle_lexer.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) turtle_parser_test: $(srcdir)/turtle_parser.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/turtle_parser.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) check-local: rapper rdfdiff # Some people need a little help ;-) test: check raptor_parse_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_general.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_parse.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_rfc2396_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_rfc2396.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_rfc2396.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_uri_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_uri.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_uri.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_uri_win32_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_uri.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE -DWIN32_URI_TEST $(srcdir)/raptor_uri.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_namespace_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_namespace.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_namespace.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) strcasecmp_test: $(srcdir)/strcasecmp.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/strcasecmp.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_www_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_www_test.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_www_test.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_set_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_set.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_set.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_xml_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_xml.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_xml.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_sequence_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_sequence.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_sequence.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_stringbuffer_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_stringbuffer.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_stringbuffer.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_nfc_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_nfc_test.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_nfc_test.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_iostream_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_iostream.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_iostream.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) raptor_xml_writer_test: $(srcdir)/raptor_xml_writer.c libraptor.la $(LINK) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I. -DSTANDALONE $(srcdir)/raptor_xml_writer.c libraptor.la $(LIBS) deb: distcheck rm -rf $(distdir) tar xfz $(distdir).tar.gz cd $distdir && dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot dist-hook: README NEWS @for file in README NEWS; do \ if test -r $(srcdir)/$$file; then \ rm -f $(distdir)/$$file; \ cp -p $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)/$$file; \ fi; \ done