#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # manifest.pl - Run Raptor against RDF Core tests Manifest.rdf # # Copyright (C) 2002-2006 David Beckett http://purl.org/net/dajobe/ # Copyright (C) 2002-2004 University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ # # This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ # # It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: # 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version # 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version # 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version # # You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of # the above three licenses. # # See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the # complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for # the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. # # # USAGE: ./manifest.pl # to run all known tests from $manifest_URL # # ./manifest.pl TEST-URL ... # to run particular tests (slightly more verbose). # use strict; use File::Basename; use IO::File; use LWP::Simple; my $progname = basename $0; my $offline=0; my $global_verbose=1; my $manifest_URL='http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/Manifest.rdf'; my $local_tests_url='http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/'; # Configuration for OWL-style test run summary RDF generation # RDF/XML written here my $results_rdf_file="results.rdf"; # Header info my $system_name="Raptor RDF Parser"; my $system_desc=<<"EOT"; Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit V1.1.0+ (CVS) as of 2003-10-31 passes all RDF Test Cases Positive and Negative Parser test cases. EOT # System URL for r:system my $system_url="http://librdf.org/raptor/"; # Results URL for r:output my $results_url="http://librdf.org/raptor/testcases/results.rdf"; # Test run output URL for r:output my $output_url="http://librdf.org/raptor/testcases/output.txt"; # CHANGE THIS for your system my $local_tests_area="./rdfcore/"; my $local_manifest_file="./rdfcore/Manifest.rdf"; # Internal globals my $test_counter=0; my $format="%-6s %5d %7.2f%%\n"; sub get_test_content($$) { my($url,$out_file)=@_; if ($url =~ m%^$local_tests_url(.*)$%) { my $in_file=$local_tests_area.$1; return $in_file if -r $in_file; open(IN, "<$in_file") or die "Cannot read $in_file ($url) - $!\n"; open(OUT, ">$out_file") or die "Cannot write to $out_file - $!\n"; print OUT join('', ); close(IN); close(OUT); } else { return if $offline; mirror($url, $out_file); } return $out_file; } sub emit_testrun_start($) { my $fh=shift; print $fh <<"EOT"; $system_name $system_desc EOT } sub emit_testrun_end($) { my $fh=shift; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT } sub emit_testrun_test($$$$$$$) { my($fh, $test_id, $test_url, $start_time, $end_time, $type, $is_positive)=@_; # starttime/end_time format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z' my @tm = (gmtime($start_time))[0..5]; $tm[5]+= 1900; $tm[4]++; $start_time=sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", reverse @tm); @tm = (gmtime($end_time))[0..5]; $tm[5]+= 1900; $tm[4]++; $end_time=sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", reverse @tm); if(!$is_positive) { if($type eq 'BAD') { $type='OK'; } elsif ($type eq 'OK') { $type='BAD'; } } my(%internal_to_testrun_types)=( SYSTEM => 'Incomplete', BAD => 'Failing', OK => 'Passing' ); $type=$internal_to_testrun_types{$type} || 'Incomplete'; $type.="Run"; # rdf:nodeID="A$test_id" print $fh <<"EOT"; $start_time $end_time EOT } sub run_test($$$$$$) { my($test_url, $test_status, $is_positive, $is_verbose, $rdfxml_url, $ntriples_url)=@_; my $rdfxml_file=get_test_content($rdfxml_url, 'test.rdf'); my $ntriples_file=$is_positive ? get_test_content($ntriples_url, 'test.nt') : undef; if(!-r $rdfxml_file || ($is_positive && ! -r $ntriples_file)) { return (); } my $plabel=($is_positive) ? 'Positive' : 'Negative'; if($is_verbose) { print "$progname: $plabel Test $test_url ($test_status)\n"; print " Input RDF/XML $rdfxml_url - $rdfxml_file \n"; print " Output N-Triples $ntriples_url - $ntriples_file\n" if $ntriples_url; } my $cmd="./rapper -q --m strict -o ntriples $rdfxml_file '$rdfxml_url'"; unlink 'test.err', 'parser.nt', 'expected.nt', 'test.ntc'; my $start_time=time; my $status=system("$cmd 2>test.err >parser.nt"); $status = ($status & 0xff00) >> 8; my $end_time=time; if($status > 128) { return (result=>'SYSTEM', msg=>"$cmd failed - returned status $status\n", start_time=>$start_time, end_time=>$end_time); } # Nothing to compare to, it must be a negative test if(!$ntriples_url) { # && !$is_positive if($status) { return (result=>'BAD', msg=>"$cmd failed\n", start_time=>$start_time, end_time=>$end_time); } return (result=>'OK', msg=>"$cmd succeeded", start_time=>$start_time, end_time=>$end_time); } open(NT,"<$ntriples_file") or die "Cannot read $ntriples_file - $!\n"; open(NT2,">expected.nt") or die "Cannot create expected.nt - $!\n"; while() { next if /^\s*\#/; next if /^\s*$/; print NT2; } close(NT); close(NT2); $cmd="./ntc parser.nt expected.nt > test.ntc"; $status=system("$cmd 2>&1 >/dev/null"); $status = ($status & 0xff00) >> 8; if($status > 2) { return (result=>'SYSTEM', msg=>"$cmd failed - returned status $status\n", start_time=>$start_time, end_time=>$end_time); } if($status == 1) { my $msg=`diff -u expected.nt parser.nt | tail +3`; return (result=>'BAD', msg=>"N-Triples match failed\n$msg", start_time=>$start_time, end_time=>$end_time); } if($status == 2) { return (result=>'PRINTINGS', msg=>"N-Triples matched with warnings\n", start_time=>$start_time, end_time=>$end_time); } return (result=>'OK', msg=>"N-Triples matched", start_time=>$start_time, end_time=>$end_time); } sub read_err($) { my($err)=@_; open(ERR,"<$err") or die "Cannot read $err - $!\n"; $err=join('', grep(!/(?:raptor_|^\s*attributes|^\s*$)/, )); close(ERR); return $err; } sub run_tests($$$$$$@) { my($fh,$tests,$test_statuses,$is_verbose,$results,$totals,@test_urls)=@_; for my $test (@test_urls) { if(!$tests->{$test}) { print "$progname: No such test $test, skipping\n"; next; } my $is_positive=$tests->{$test}->{positive}; my $plabel=($is_positive) ? 'Positive' : 'Negative'; my $inputs=$tests->{$test}->{'test:inputDocument'}; my $outputs=$tests->{$test}->{'test:outputDocument'}; if(!defined $inputs || !$inputs->{'test:RDF-XML-Document'} ||scalar(@{$inputs->{'test:RDF-XML-Document'}}) !=1) { die "$plabel Test $test has not got exactly 1 input RDF/XML file\n"; } if($is_positive) { if(!defined $outputs || !$outputs->{'test:NT-Document'} ||scalar(@{$outputs->{'test:NT-Document'}}) !=1) { die "$plabel Test $test has not got exactly 1 output N-Triple file\n"; } } my $input_rdfxml=$inputs->{'test:RDF-XML-Document'}->[0]; my $output_ntriples=$is_positive ? $outputs->{'test:NT-Document'}->[0] : undef; my(%this_test_result)=run_test($test, $test_statuses->{$test}, $is_positive, $is_verbose, $input_rdfxml, $output_ntriples); my $result=$this_test_result{result}; my $msg=$this_test_result{msg}; emit_testrun_test($fh, $test_counter++, $test, $this_test_result{start_time}, $this_test_result{end_time}, $result, $is_positive) if $fh; if($result eq 'SYSTEM') { my $err=read_err('test.err'); $msg .= "\n".$err; print "Test $test SYSTEM ERROR: $msg\n"; push(@{$totals->{SYSTEM}}, $test); } elsif($result eq 'OK') { if($is_positive) { push(@{$totals->{OK}}, $test); } else { open(TOUT,"); close(TOUT); $msg= " ".$out; print "$plabel Test $test SUCCEEDED, should have failed - returned: \n$msg\n"; push(@{$totals->{BAD}}, $test); } } else { if($is_positive) { my $err=read_err('test.err'); $msg .= "\n".$err; print "$plabel Test $test FAILED - $msg\n"; push(@{$totals->{BAD}}, $test); } else { push(@{$totals->{OK}}, $test); } } $results->{$test}=$result; } } sub summarize_results($$$$;$) { my($title, $results, $totals, $total, $verbose)=@_; print "Results for $title\n"; for my $type (sort keys %$totals) { my(@rt)=@{$totals->{$type}}; my(@short_rt)=map {s/^$local_tests_url//; $_} @rt; print sprintf($format,$type, scalar(@rt), (int(scalar(@rt)/$total*10000))/100); if($verbose) { print " ",join("\n ",@rt),"\n"; } } print sprintf($format, 'TOTAL', $total, '100'); } my(%tests); my(%test_statuses); my(@positive_test_urls); my(@negative_test_urls); my(@approved_positive_test_urls); my(@approved_negative_test_urls); my(@unapproved_positive_test_urls); my(@unapproved_negative_test_urls); my(@withdrawn_test_urls); if($offline) { print "$progname: OFFLINE - using stored manifest URL $manifest_URL\n"; } else { print "$progname: Checking mirrored manifest URL $manifest_URL\n"; if(mirror($manifest_URL, $local_manifest_file ) == RC_NOT_MODIFIED) { print "$progname: OK, not modified\n"; } else { print "$progname: Unknown error\n"; } } # Content from the file my $content=''; open(IN, "<$local_manifest_file") or die "Cannot read $local_manifest_file - $!\n"; $content .= join('',); close($content); # Remove comments 1 while $content =~ s///gms; # Unify blanks $content =~ s/\s+/ /gs; $content =~ s/\s*$//s; # Remove everything but tests $content =~ s%^<\?xml version="1.0"\?> ]+>%%; $content =~ s%$%%s; # Find the tests while(length $content) { $content =~ s/^\s+//; last if !length $content; if($content =~ s%^(.+?)%%) { # " my($type,$url,$test_content)=($1,$2,$3); while(length $test_content) { $test_content =~ s/^\s+//; last if !length $test_content; if($test_content =~ s%^<(\S+) rdf:resource="([^"]+)"\s*/>%%) { #" $tests{$url}->{$1}=$2; } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^<(test:\w+)>\s*<(test:[-\w]+) rdf:about="([^"]+)"\s*/>\s*%%) { #" push(@{$tests{$url}->{$1}->{$2}}, $3); } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^<(test:\w+)>([^<]+)%%) { $tests{$url}->{$1}=$2; } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^\s*\s*\s*%%) { } else { die "I'm stumped 1 at test content >>$test_content<<\n"; } } my $test_status=$tests{$url}->{'test:status'} || ''; $test_statuses{$url}=$test_status; if ($test_status =~ /^OBSOLETE/) { #print "$progname: Ignoring Obsolete Test URL $url\n"; next; } if ($type eq 'Positive') { push(@positive_test_urls, $url); $tests{$url}->{positive}=1; } else { push(@negative_test_urls, $url); } if ($test_status eq 'APPROVED') { if ($type eq 'Positive') { push(@approved_positive_test_urls, $url); } else { push(@approved_negative_test_urls, $url); } } elsif ($test_status eq 'NOT_APPROVED' || $test_status eq 'PENDING') { if ($type eq 'Positive') { push(@unapproved_positive_test_urls, $url); } else { push(@unapproved_negative_test_urls, $url); } } elsif ($test_status eq 'WITHDRAWN') { push(@withdrawn_test_urls, $url); } else { print "$progname: Ignoring test with unknown test:status $test_status\n"; next; } } elsif($content =~ s%^(.+?)%%) { # " my($type,$url,$test_content)=($1,$2,$3); while(length $test_content) { $test_content =~ s/^\s+//; last if !length $test_content; if($test_content =~ s%^<(\S+) rdf:resource="([^"]+)"\s*/>%%) { #" $tests{$url}->{$1}=$2; } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^<(test:\w+)>\s*<(test:[-\w]+) rdf:about="([^"]+)"\s*/>\s*%%) { #" push(@{$tests{$url}->{$1}->{$2}}, $3); } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^<(test:\w+)>([^<]+)%%) { $tests{$url}->{$1}=$2; } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^\s*\s*\s*%%) { } else { die "I'm stumped 2 at test content >>$test_content<<\n"; } } my $test_status=$tests{$url}->{'test:status'} || 'not APPROVED'; #print "$progname: Ignoring $type Entailment Test URL $url ($test_status)\n"; } elsif($content =~ s%^(.+?)%%) { # " my($url,$test_content)=($1,$2); while(length $test_content) { $test_content =~ s/^\s+//; last if !length $test_content; if($test_content =~ s%^<(\S+) rdf:resource="([^"]+)"\s*/>%%) { #" $tests{$url}->{$1}=$2; } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^<(test:\w+)>\s*<(test:[-\w]+) rdf:about="([^"]+)"\s*/>\s*%%) { #" push(@{$tests{$url}->{$1}->{$2}}, $3); } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^<(test:\w+)>([^<]+)%%) { $tests{$url}->{$1}=$2; } elsif ($test_content =~ s%^\s*\s*\s*%%) { } else { die "I'm stumped 3 at test content >>$test_content<<\n"; } } my $test_status=$tests{$url}->{'test:status'} || 'not APPROVED'; #print "$progname: Ignoring Miscellaneous Test URL $url ($test_status)\n"; } else { die "I'm stumped 4 at content >>$content<<\n"; } } print "$progname: Parser tests found:\n"; print "$progname: Positive: ",scalar(@positive_test_urls),"\n"; print "$progname: Negative: ",scalar(@negative_test_urls),"\n"; print "$progname: APPROVED parser tests found:\n"; print "$progname: Positive: ",scalar(@approved_positive_test_urls),"\n"; print "$progname: Negative: ",scalar(@approved_negative_test_urls),"\n"; print "$progname: not APPROVED parser tests found:\n"; print "$progname: Positive: ",scalar(@unapproved_positive_test_urls),"\n"; print "$progname: Negative: ",scalar(@unapproved_negative_test_urls),"\n"; print "$progname: withdrawn parser tests found: ",scalar(@withdrawn_test_urls),"\n"; print "\n\n"; my(%results); if(@ARGV) { my(%totals); print "$progname: Running user parser tests:\n"; run_tests(undef, \%tests, \%test_statuses, 1, \%results, \%totals, @ARGV); summarize_results("User Parser Tests", \%results, \%totals, scalar(@ARGV)); exit 0; } my $fh=new IO::File ">$results_rdf_file"; if($fh) { emit_testrun_start($fh) } my(%approved_positive_totals)=(); run_tests($fh, \%tests, \%test_statuses, $global_verbose, \%results, \%approved_positive_totals, @approved_positive_test_urls); summarize_results("Positive Approved Parser Tests", \%results, \%approved_positive_totals, scalar(@approved_positive_test_urls)); print "\n\n"; my(%approved_negative_totals)=(); run_tests($fh, \%tests, \%test_statuses, $global_verbose, \%results, \%approved_negative_totals, @approved_negative_test_urls); summarize_results("Negative Approved Parser Tests", \%results, \%approved_negative_totals, scalar(@approved_negative_test_urls)); print "\n\n"; if($fh) { emit_testrun_end($fh); close($fh); warn "Wrote test run RDF/XML to $results_rdf_file - should be installed at $results_url\n"; } exit 0; my(%unapproved_positive_totals)=(); run_tests(\%tests, \%test_statuses, $global_verbose, \%results, \%unapproved_positive_totals, @unapproved_positive_test_urls); summarize_results("Not APPROVED Positive Parser Tests", \%results, \%unapproved_positive_totals, scalar(@unapproved_positive_test_urls),1); print "\n\n"; my(%unapproved_negative_totals)=(); run_tests(\%tests, \%test_statuses, $global_verbose, \%results, \%unapproved_negative_totals, @unapproved_negative_test_urls); summarize_results("Not APPROVED Negative Parser Tests", \%results, \%unapproved_negative_totals, scalar(@unapproved_negative_test_urls),1);