#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Format changes TSV file # # USAGE: # process-changes.pl [OPTIONS] CHANGES-TSV-FILE # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011, David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ # # This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ # # It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: # 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version # 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version # 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version # # You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of # the above three licenses. # # See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the # complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for # the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. # # # Example of Format (9 fields): # OLD VERSIONtype | enum | OLD RETURNOLD NAMEOLD ARGSNEW VERSIONtype | enum | NEW RETURNNEW NAMENEW ARGSNOTES # # Functions # 0.9.21voidoldfunctionor-(args)0.9.22voidnewfunctionor-(args)NOTES # Types # 0.9.21typeoldtypenameor--0.9.22typenewtypeor--NOTES # Enums # 0.9.21enumoldenumvalueor--0.9.22enumnewenumvalueor--NOTES # use strict; use File::Basename; use IO::File; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; our $program = basename $0; our $nbsp = ' '; our $id_prefix = undef; our $raptor_v1_version = '1.4.21'; sub print_start_chapter_as_docbook_xml($$$$) { my($fh, $id, $title, $intro_para)=@_; print $fh <<"EOT"; $title $intro_para EOT } sub print_end_chapter_as_docbook_xml($) { my($fh)=@_; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT } sub print_docbook_xml($$$@) { my($fh, $id, $title, @list)=@_; print $fh <<"EOT";
$title EOT print $fh <<"EOT";
EOT } sub print_start_section_as_docbook_xml($$$) { my($fh, $id, $title)=@_; print $fh <<"EOT";
$title EOT } sub format_function_name_as_docbook_xml($) { my($name)=@_; my $escaped_name = $name; $escaped_name =~ s/_/-/g; return qq{$name}; } sub format_type_name_as_docbook_xml($) { my($name)=@_; my $escaped_name = $name; $escaped_name =~ s/_/-/g; if($escaped_name =~ /^[-A-Z0-9]+$/) { $escaped_name .= ":CAPS"; } return qq{$name}; } sub format_enum_name_as_docbook_xml($) { my($name)=@_; my $escaped_name = $name; $escaped_name =~ s/_/-/g; if($escaped_name =~ /^[-A-Z0-9]+$/) { $escaped_name .= ":CAPS"; } return qq{$name}; } sub format_fn_sig($$$$$) { my($format_name, $show_sig, $fn_return, $fn_name, $fn_args)=@_; my $formatted_name = $format_name ? format_function_name_as_docbook_xml($fn_name) : $fn_name; return $show_sig ? $fn_return . " " . $formatted_name . $fn_args : $formatted_name; } sub format_notes($$) { my($is_inline,$notes)=@_; if ($notes eq '') { return $is_inline ? '' : $nbsp; } $notes =~ s{#((?:raptor|librdf|rasqal)\w+)}{format_type_name_as_docbook_xml($1)}ge; $notes =~ s{#?((?:RAPTOR|LIBRDF|RASQAL)_\w+)}{format_enum_name_as_docbook_xml($1)}ge; $notes =~ s{((?:raptor|librdf|rasqal)_\w+?)\(}{format_function_name_as_docbook_xml($1)."("}ge; return $is_inline ? "- " . $notes : $notes; } sub print_functions_list_as_docbook_xml($$$$@) { my($fh, $title, $format_name, $show_sig, @list)=@_; return if !@list; print $fh <<"EOT"; Functions EOT print $fh " $title\n" if defined $title; # Sort by fn_name name @list = sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @list; for my $item (@list) { my($fn_return, $fn_name, $fn_args, $notes) = @$item; my $formatted_fn = format_fn_sig($format_name, $show_sig, $fn_return, $fn_name, $fn_args); $notes = format_notes(1, $notes); print $fh " $formatted_fn $notes\n"; } print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT } sub format_type_sig($$) { my($format_name, $type_name)=@_; return $format_name ? format_type_name_as_docbook_xml($type_name) : $type_name; } sub format_enum_sig($$) { my($format_name, $enum_name)=@_; return $format_name ? format_enum_name_as_docbook_xml($enum_name) : $enum_name; } sub print_types_list_as_docbook_xml($$$$@) { my($fh, $title, $format_name, $show_sig, @list)=@_; return if !@list; print $fh <<"EOT"; Types EOT print $fh " $title\n" if defined $title; # Sort by type name @list = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @list; for my $item (@list) { my($type_name, $notes) = @$item; my $formatted_fn = format_type_sig($format_name, $type_name); $notes = format_notes(1, $notes); print $fh " $formatted_fn $notes\n"; } print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT } sub print_enums_list_as_docbook_xml($$$$@) { my($fh, $title, $format_name, $show_sig, @list)=@_; return if !@list; print $fh <<"EOT"; Enums EOT print $fh " $title\n" if defined $title; # Sort by format name @list = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @list; for my $item (@list) { my($enum_name, $notes) = @$item; my $formatted_fn = format_enum_sig($format_name, $enum_name); $notes = format_notes(1, $notes); print $fh " $formatted_fn $notes\n"; } print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT } sub print_renamed_functions_as_docbook_xml($$$$@) { my($fh, $title, $old_function_header, $new_function_header, @list)=@_; return if !@list; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT print $fh " \n" if defined $title; # Sort by from name @list = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @list; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT for my $item (@list) { my($from, $to, $notes) = @$item; my $formatted_name = format_function_name_as_docbook_xml($to); $notes = format_notes(0, $notes); print $fh " \n \n \n"; } print $fh <<"EOT";
$old_function_header $new_function_header Notes
$from $formatted_name $notes
EOT } sub print_changed_functions_as_docbook_xml($$$$@) { my($fh, $title, $old_function_header, $new_function_header, @list)=@_; return if !@list; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT print $fh " \n" if defined $title; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT for my $item (@list) { my($old_fn_return, $old_fn_name, $old_fn_args, $new_fn_return, $new_fn_name, $new_fn_args, $notes) = @$item; my $old_formatted_fn = format_fn_sig(0, 1, $old_fn_return, $old_fn_name, $old_fn_args); my $new_formatted_fn = format_fn_sig(1, 1, $new_fn_return, $new_fn_name, $new_fn_args); $notes = format_notes(0, $notes); print $fh " \n \n \n"; } print $fh <<"EOT";
$old_function_header $new_function_header Notes
$old_formatted_fn $new_formatted_fn $notes
EOT } sub print_end_section_as_docbook_xml($) { my($fh)=@_; print $fh <<"EOT";
EOT } sub print_changed_types_as_docbook_xml($$$$@) { my($fh, $title, $old_type_header, $new_type_header, @list)=@_; return if !@list; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT print $fh " \n" if defined $title; # Sort by old type name @list = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @list; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT for my $item (@list) { my($old_type_name, $new_type_name, $notes) = @$item; my $old_formatted_type = format_type_sig(0, $old_type_name); my $new_formatted_type = format_type_sig(1, $new_type_name); $notes = format_notes(0, $notes); print $fh " \n \n \n"; } print $fh <<"EOT";
$old_type_header $new_type_header Notes
$old_formatted_type $new_formatted_type $notes
EOT } sub print_renamed_enums_as_docbook_xml($$$$@) { my($fh, $title, $old_enum_header, $new_enum_header, @list)=@_; return if !@list; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT print $fh " \n" if defined $title; # Sort by from name @list = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @list; print $fh <<"EOT"; EOT for my $item (@list) { my($from, $to, $notes) = @$item; my $formatted_name = format_enum_name_as_docbook_xml($to); $notes = format_notes(0, $notes); print $fh " \n \n \n"; } print $fh <<"EOT";
$old_enum_header $new_enum_header Notes
$from $formatted_name $notes
EOT } sub print_deletes_as_perl_script($$@) { my($out_fh, $title, @names) = @_; print $out_fh "\n# $title\n"; for my $entry (@names) { my($name,$note)=@$entry; $note ||= ''; print $out_fh qq{s|^(.*$name.*)\$|/\\* WARNING: $name - deleted. $note \\*/ \$1|g;\n}; } } sub print_renames_as_perl_script($$$@) { my($out_fh, $title, $is_function, @names) = @_; print $out_fh "\n# $title\n"; for my $entry (@names) { my($from, $to, $note)=@$entry; $note ||= ''; my $suffix = ($is_function ? '\\(' : ''); print $out_fh qq{s|$from$suffix|$to$suffix|g;\n}; } } sub print_changes_as_perl_script($$@) { my($out_fh, $title, @names) = @_; print $out_fh "\n# $title\n"; for my $entry (@names) { my($from, $to, $note)=@$entry; $note ||= ''; print $out_fh qq{s|^(.*)($from)(.*)\$|/\\* WARNING: $from. $note \\*/ \$\{1\}$to\$\{3\}|g;\n}; } } sub print_statement_field_renames_as_perl_script($) { my($out_fh)=@_; # These are tricky / tedious to deal with entirely by hand but # the replacement for subject and object can only be determined by a person my(%statement_field_maps) = ( 'subject' => 'subject.value.uri or subject.value.blank.string /* WARNING: must choose one */', 'subject_type' => 'subject.type', 'predicate' => 'predicate.value.uri', 'predicate_type' => 'predicate.type', 'object' => 'object.value.uri or object.value.literal.string or object.value.blank.string /* WARNING: must choose one */', 'object_type' => 'object.type', 'object_literal_datatype' => 'object.value.literal.datatype', 'object_literal_language' => 'object.value.literal.language' ); print $out_fh "\n# Replace statement fields with term fields.\n"; while(my($old,$new) = each %statement_field_maps) { print $out_fh qq{s|->$old|->$new|g;\n}; } print $out_fh "\n"; } sub to_id($) { my $id=shift; $id =~ s/\W/-/g; $id =~ s/\-+/-/g; $id =~ s/^\-//; $id =~ s/\-$//; return $id; } # main my $docbook_xml_file = undef; my $upgrade_script_file = undef; my $usage = undef; GetOptions( 'docbook-xml=s' => \$docbook_xml_file, 'upgrade-script=s' => \$upgrade_script_file, 'package=s' => \$id_prefix, 'help|h|?' => \$usage ) || pod2usage(2); pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $usage; # Arguments our($package, $file) = @ARGV; $id_prefix ||= $package; # Read in data our $expected_n_fields = 9; # "$old-$new" versions in order our(@version_pairs); # and seen our(%version_pairs_seen); # Hashes keyed by $version_pair. Value is array of descriptive # arrays specific to each type my(%new_functions); my(%deleted_functions); my(%renamed_functions); my(%changed_functions); my(%new_types); my(%deleted_types); my(%changed_types); my(%new_enums); my(%deleted_enums); my(%renamed_enums); open(IN, "<$file") or die "$program: Cannot read $file - $!\n"; while() { chomp; next if /^#/; my(@fields)=split(/\t/); my $actual_n_fields=scalar(@fields); die "$program: Bad line has $actual_n_fields fields expected $expected_n_fields $.: $_\n" unless $actual_n_fields == $expected_n_fields; if($fields[1] eq 'type') { my($old_ver, $dummy1, $old_name, $old_args, $new_ver, $dummy2, $new_name, $new_args,$notes)=@fields; my $version_pair = $old_ver."-".$new_ver; if(!$version_pairs_seen{$version_pair}) { push(@version_pairs, [$old_ver, $new_ver]); $version_pairs_seen{$version_pair} = 1; } $notes = '' if $notes eq '-'; if($old_name eq '-') { push(@{$new_types{$version_pair}}, [$new_name, $notes]); } elsif($new_name eq '-') { push(@{$deleted_types{$version_pair}}, [$old_name, $notes]); } elsif(($old_name eq $new_name) && $notes eq '') { # same } else { # renamed and maybe something else changed - in the notes push(@{$changed_types{$version_pair}}, [$old_name, $new_name, $notes]); } } elsif($fields[1] eq 'enum') { my($old_ver, $dummy1, $old_name, $old_args, $new_ver, $dummy2, $new_name, $new_args,$notes)=@fields; my $version_pair = $old_ver."-".$new_ver; if(!$version_pairs_seen{$version_pair}) { push(@version_pairs, [$old_ver, $new_ver]); $version_pairs_seen{$version_pair} = 1; } $notes = '' if $notes eq '-'; if($old_name eq '-') { push(@{$new_enums{$version_pair}}, [$new_name, $notes]); } elsif($new_name eq '-') { push(@{$deleted_enums{$version_pair}}, [$old_name, $notes]); } elsif(($old_name eq $new_name) && $notes eq '') { # same } else { push(@{$renamed_enums{$version_pair}}, [$old_name, $new_name, $notes]); } } else { my($old_ver, $old_return, $old_name, $old_args, $new_ver, $new_return, $new_name, $new_args,$notes)=@fields; my $version_pair = $old_ver."-".$new_ver; if(!$version_pairs_seen{$version_pair}) { push(@version_pairs, [$old_ver, $new_ver]); $version_pairs_seen{$version_pair} = 1; } $notes = '' if $notes eq '-'; if($old_name eq '-') { push(@{$new_functions{$version_pair}}, [$new_return, $new_name, $new_args, $notes]); } elsif($new_name eq '-') { push(@{$deleted_functions{$version_pair}}, [$old_return, $old_name, $old_args, $notes]); } elsif($old_return eq $new_return && $old_name eq $new_name && $old_args eq $new_args) { # same warn "$program: Line records no function change old: $old_return $old_name $old_args to new: $new_return $new_name $new_args\n$.: $_\n" if $old_ver ne $raptor_v1_version; } elsif($old_return eq $new_return && $old_name ne $new_name && $old_args eq $new_args) { # renamed but nothing else changed push(@{$renamed_functions{$version_pair}}, [$old_name, $new_name, $notes]); } else { # something changed - args and/or return push(@{$changed_functions{$version_pair}}, [$old_return, $old_name, $old_args, $new_return, $new_name, $new_args, $notes]); } } } close(IN); sub version_for_sort($) { map { sprintf("%02d", $_) } split(/\./, $_[0]); } # Write Docbook XML output if(defined $docbook_xml_file) { my $out_fh = new IO::File; $out_fh->open(">$docbook_xml_file"); our $intro_title = "API Changes"; our $intro_para = <<"EOT"; This chapter describes the API changes for $package. EOT print_start_chapter_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, $id_prefix.'-changes', $intro_title, $intro_para); print_start_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, $id_prefix.'-changes-intro', "Introduction"); print $out_fh <<"EOT"; The following sections describe the changes in the API between versions including additions, deletions, renames (retaining the same number of parameters, types and return value type) and more complex changes to functions, types and enums. EOT print_end_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh); # Sort by new version, newest first for my $vp (sort { version_for_sort($b->[1]) cmp version_for_sort($a->[1]) } @version_pairs) { my($old_version, $new_version)= @$vp; my $id = to_id($old_version) . "-to-" . to_id($new_version); my $version_pair = $old_version."-".$new_version; print_start_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, $id_prefix.'-changes-'.$id, "Changes between $package $old_version and $new_version"); my(@f, @t, @e); @f = @{$new_functions{$version_pair} || []}; @t = @{$new_types{$version_pair} || []}; @e = @{$new_enums{$version_pair} || []}; if(@f || @t || @e) { print_start_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, $id_prefix.'-changes-new-'.$id, "New functions, types and enums"); print_functions_list_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, 1, 1, @f); print_types_list_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, 1, 1, @t); print_enums_list_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, 1, 1, @e); print_end_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh); } @f = @{$deleted_functions{$version_pair} || []}; @t = @{$deleted_types{$version_pair} || []}; @e = @{$deleted_enums{$version_pair} || []}; if(@f || @t || @e) { print_start_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, $id_prefix.'-changes-deleted-'.$id, "Deleted functions, types and enums"); print_functions_list_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, 0, 0, @f); print_types_list_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, 0, 1, @t); print_enums_list_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, 0, 1, @e); print_end_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh); } @f = @{$renamed_functions{$version_pair} || []}; @e = @{$renamed_enums{$version_pair} || []}; if(@f || @e) { print_start_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, $id_prefix.'-changes-renamed-'.$id, "Renamed function and enums"); print_renamed_functions_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, "$old_version function", "$new_version function", @f); print_renamed_enums_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, "$old_version enum", "$new_version enum", @e); print_end_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh); } @f = @{$changed_functions{$version_pair} || []}; @t = @{$changed_types{$version_pair} || []}; if(@f || @t) { print_start_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, $id_prefix.'-changes-changed-'.$id, "Changed functions and types"); print_changed_functions_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, "$old_version function", "$new_version function", @f); print_changed_types_as_docbook_xml($out_fh, undef, "$old_version type", "$new_version type", @t); print_end_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh); } print_end_section_as_docbook_xml($out_fh); } # end pair of old/new versions print_end_chapter_as_docbook_xml($out_fh); $out_fh->close; } # Write Upgrade script output if(defined $upgrade_script_file) { my $out_fh = new IO::File; $out_fh->open(">$upgrade_script_file"); print $out_fh "#!/usr/bin/perl -pi~\n"; for my $vp (@version_pairs) { my($old_version, $new_version)= @$vp; my $version_pair = $old_version."-".$new_version; print $out_fh "# Perl script to upgrade $package $old_version to $new_version\n\n"; print_statement_field_renames_as_perl_script($out_fh); my(@f, @t, @e); @f = @{$deleted_functions{$version_pair} || []}; @t = @{$deleted_types{$version_pair} || []}; @e = @{$deleted_enums{$version_pair} || []}; print_deletes_as_perl_script($out_fh, 'Deleted functions', (map { [ $_->[1], $_->[3] ] } @f)); print_deletes_as_perl_script($out_fh, 'Deleted types', @t); print_deletes_as_perl_script($out_fh, 'Deleted enums', @e); @f = @{$renamed_functions{$version_pair} || []}; @e = @{$renamed_enums{$version_pair} || []}; print_renames_as_perl_script($out_fh, 'Renamed functions', 1, @f); print_renames_as_perl_script($out_fh, 'Renamed enums', 0, @e); @f = @{$changed_functions{$version_pair} || []}; @t = @{$changed_types{$version_pair} || []}; print_changes_as_perl_script($out_fh, 'Changed functions', (map { [ $_->[1], $_->[4], $_->[6] ] } @f)); print_changes_as_perl_script($out_fh, 'Changed types', @t); } # end of version pair loop $out_fh->close; } exit 0; __END__ =head1 NAME process-changes - turn changes TSV into files =head1 SYNOPSIS process-changes [options] PACKAGE-NAME TSV-FILE =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--help> Give command help summary. =item B<--docbook-xml> DOCBOOK-XML Set the output docbook XML file =item B<--upgrade-script> UPGRADE-SCRIPT-PL Set the output perl script to upgrade the function and type names where possible. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION Turn a package's changes TSV file into docbook XML. =cut