#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id:$ # # Format output generated by bison # # Usage: # bison -b brql_parser -p brql_parser_ -d -v brql_parser.y # perl fix-bison brql_parser.tab.c > $tmp # mv $tmp brql_parser.tab.c # # Copyright (C) 2004-2006, David Beckett http://purl.org/net/dajobe/ # Copyright (C) 2004, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ # my $seen_yyerrlab1=0; my $line_offset=1; # #line directives always refer to the NEXT line while(<>) { # Remove code that causes a warning if(/Suppress GCC warning that yyerrlab1/) { do { $_=<>; $line_offset--; # skipped a line } while(!/^\#endif/); $line_offset--; # skipped a line next; } $seen_yyerrlab1=1 if /goto yyerrlab1/; s/^yyerrlab1:// unless $seen_yyerrlab1; # Do not use macro name for a temporary variable s/unsigned int yylineno = /unsigned int yylineno_tmp = /; s/yyrule - 1, yylineno\)/yyrule - 1, yylineno_tmp\)/; # Do not (re)define prototypes that the system did better if(m%^void \*malloc\s*\(%) { $line_offset--; # skipped a line next; } if(m%^void free\s*\(%) { $line_offset--; # skipped a line next; } # Suppress warnings about empty declarations s/(^static int .*_init_globals.*);$/$1/; # Fixup pending filename renaming, see above. # Fix line numbers. my $line=$. +$line_offset; s/^(\#line) \d+ (.*)\.tab\.c/$1 $line $2.c/; print; }