/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_guess.c - Raptor guessing real parser implementation * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008, David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ * Copyright (C) 2005, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" /* * guess parser object */ struct raptor_guess_parser_context_s { /* content type got from URI request */ char* content_type; /* URI from start_parse */ raptor_uri* uri; /* Non-0 when we need to guess */ int do_guess; /* Actual parser to use */ raptor_parser* parser; }; typedef struct raptor_guess_parser_context_s raptor_guess_parser_context; static int raptor_guess_parse_init(raptor_parser* rdf_parser, const char *name) { raptor_guess_parser_context *guess_parser = (raptor_guess_parser_context*)rdf_parser->context; guess_parser->content_type = NULL; guess_parser->do_guess = 1; return 0; } static void raptor_guess_parse_terminate(raptor_parser *rdf_parser) { raptor_guess_parser_context *guess_parser = (raptor_guess_parser_context*)rdf_parser->context; if(guess_parser->content_type) RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, guess_parser->content_type); if(guess_parser->parser) raptor_free_parser(guess_parser->parser); } static void raptor_guess_parse_content_type_handler(raptor_parser* rdf_parser, const char* content_type) { raptor_guess_parser_context* guess_parser = (raptor_guess_parser_context*)rdf_parser->context; if(content_type) { const char *p; size_t len; if((p = strchr(content_type,';'))) len = p-content_type; else len = strlen(content_type); guess_parser->content_type = (char*)RAPTOR_MALLOC(cstring, len+1); strncpy(guess_parser->content_type, content_type, len); guess_parser->content_type[len]='\0'; RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Got content type '%s'\n", guess_parser->content_type); } } static int raptor_guess_parse_chunk(raptor_parser* rdf_parser, const unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, int is_end) { raptor_guess_parser_context* guess_parser = (raptor_guess_parser_context*)rdf_parser->context; if(guess_parser->do_guess) { const unsigned char *identifier = NULL; const char *name; guess_parser->do_guess = 0; if(rdf_parser->base_uri) identifier = raptor_uri_as_string(rdf_parser->base_uri); name = raptor_world_guess_parser_name(rdf_parser->world, NULL, guess_parser->content_type, buffer, len, identifier); if(!name) { raptor_parser_error(rdf_parser, "Failed to guess parser from content type '%s'", guess_parser->content_type ? guess_parser->content_type : "(none)"); raptor_parser_parse_abort(rdf_parser); if(guess_parser->parser) { raptor_free_parser(guess_parser->parser); guess_parser->parser = NULL; } return 1; } else { #if RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Guessed parser name '%s'\n", name); #endif /* If there is an existing guessed parser factory present and * it's different from the wanted parser, free it */ if(guess_parser->parser) { raptor_parser_factory* factory = raptor_world_get_parser_factory(rdf_parser->world, name); if(guess_parser->parser->factory != factory) { raptor_free_parser(guess_parser->parser); guess_parser->parser = NULL; } } if(!guess_parser->parser) { guess_parser->parser = raptor_new_parser(rdf_parser->world, name); if(!guess_parser->parser) return 1; } /* copy any user data to the grddl parser */ if(raptor_parser_copy_user_state(guess_parser->parser, rdf_parser)) return 1; if(raptor_parser_parse_start(guess_parser->parser, rdf_parser->base_uri)) return 1; } } /* now we can pass on calls to internal guess_parser */ return raptor_parser_parse_chunk(guess_parser->parser, buffer, len, is_end); } static const char* raptor_guess_accept_header(raptor_parser* rdf_parser) { return raptor_parser_get_accept_header_all(rdf_parser->world); } static int raptor_guess_get_current_base_id(raptor_parser* rdf_parser) { raptor_guess_parser_context *guess_parser = (raptor_guess_parser_context*)rdf_parser->context; return raptor_parser_get_current_base_id(guess_parser->parser); } static const char* raptor_guess_guess_get_name(raptor_parser* rdf_parser) { raptor_guess_parser_context *guess_parser; guess_parser = (raptor_guess_parser_context*)rdf_parser->context; if(guess_parser) return raptor_parser_get_name(guess_parser->parser); else return rdf_parser->factory->name; } static int raptor_guess_parser_register_factory(raptor_parser_factory *factory) { factory->context_length = sizeof(raptor_guess_parser_context); factory->need_base_uri = 1; factory->init = raptor_guess_parse_init; factory->terminate = raptor_guess_parse_terminate; factory->chunk = raptor_guess_parse_chunk; factory->content_type_handler = raptor_guess_parse_content_type_handler; factory->accept_header = raptor_guess_accept_header; factory->get_current_base_id = raptor_guess_get_current_base_id; factory->get_name = raptor_guess_guess_get_name; return 0; } int raptor_init_parser_guess(raptor_world* world) { return !raptor_parser_register_factory(world, "guess", "Pick the parser to use using content type and URI", &raptor_guess_parser_register_factory); }