/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_libxml.c - Raptor libxml functions * * Copyright (C) 2000-2009, David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ * Copyright (C) 2000-2004, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor2.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" #ifdef RAPTOR_XML_LIBXML /* prototypes */ static void raptor_libxml_warning(void* user_data, const char *msg, ...) RAPTOR_PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3); static void raptor_libxml_error_common(void* user_data, const char *msg, va_list args, const char *prefix, int is_fatal) RAPTOR_PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 0); static void raptor_libxml_error(void *context, const char *msg, ...) RAPTOR_PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3); static void raptor_libxml_fatal_error(void *context, const char *msg, ...) RAPTOR_PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3); static void raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_global(void *user_data, xmlErrorPtr err); static void raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_parsing(void *user_data, xmlErrorPtr err); static const char* const xml_warning_prefix="XML parser warning - "; static const char* const xml_error_prefix="XML parser error - "; static const char* const xml_generic_error_prefix="XML error - "; static const char* const xml_fatal_error_prefix="XML parser fatal error - "; static const char* const xml_validation_error_prefix="XML parser validation error - "; static const char* const xml_validation_warning_prefix="XML parser validation warning - "; #ifdef HAVE_XMLSAX2INTERNALSUBSET /* SAX2 - 2.6.0 or later */ #define libxml2_internalSubset xmlSAX2InternalSubset #define libxml2_externalSubset xmlSAX2ExternalSubset #define libxml2_isStandalone xmlSAX2IsStandalone #define libxml2_hasInternalSubset xmlSAX2HasInternalSubset #define libxml2_hasExternalSubset xmlSAX2HasExternalSubset #define libxml2_resolveEntity xmlSAX2ResolveEntity #define libxml2_getEntity xmlSAX2GetEntity #define libxml2_getParameterEntity xmlSAX2GetParameterEntity #define libxml2_entityDecl xmlSAX2EntityDecl #define libxml2_unparsedEntityDecl xmlSAX2UnparsedEntityDecl #define libxml2_startDocument xmlSAX2StartDocument #define libxml2_endDocument xmlSAX2EndDocument #else /* SAX1 - before libxml2 2.6.0 */ #define libxml2_internalSubset internalSubset #define libxml2_externalSubset externalSubset #define libxml2_isStandalone isStandalone #define libxml2_hasInternalSubset hasInternalSubset #define libxml2_hasExternalSubset hasExternalSubset #define libxml2_resolveEntity resolveEntity #define libxml2_getEntity getEntity #define libxml2_getParameterEntity getParameterEntity #define libxml2_entityDecl entityDecl #define libxml2_unparsedEntityDecl unparsedEntityDecl #define libxml2_startDocument startDocument #define libxml2_endDocument endDocument #endif static void raptor_libxml_internalSubset(void* user_data, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; libxml2_internalSubset(sax2->xc, name, ExternalID, SystemID); } #ifdef RAPTOR_LIBXML_XMLSAXHANDLER_EXTERNALSUBSET static void raptor_libxml_externalSubset(void* user_data, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; libxml2_externalSubset(sax2->xc, name, ExternalID, SystemID); } #endif static int raptor_libxml_isStandalone (void* user_data) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; return libxml2_isStandalone(sax2->xc); } static int raptor_libxml_hasInternalSubset (void* user_data) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; return libxml2_hasInternalSubset(sax2->xc); } static int raptor_libxml_hasExternalSubset (void* user_data) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; return libxml2_hasExternalSubset(sax2->xc); } static xmlParserInputPtr raptor_libxml_resolveEntity(void* user_data, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = sax2->xc; const unsigned char *uri_string = NULL; xmlParserInputPtr entity_input = NULL; int load_entity = 0; if(ctxt->input) uri_string = RAPTOR_GOOD_CAST(const unsigned char *, ctxt->input->filename); if(!uri_string) uri_string = RAPTOR_GOOD_CAST(const unsigned char *, ctxt->directory); load_entity = RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_NUMERIC(sax2, RAPTOR_OPTION_LOAD_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES); if(load_entity) load_entity = raptor_sax2_check_load_uri_string(sax2, uri_string); if(load_entity) { entity_input = xmlLoadExternalEntity(RAPTOR_GOOD_CAST(const char*, uri_string), RAPTOR_GOOD_CAST(const char*, publicId), ctxt); } else { RAPTOR_DEBUG4("Not loading entity URI %s by policy for publicId '%s' systemId '%s'\n", uri_string, publicId, systemId); } return entity_input; } static xmlEntityPtr raptor_libxml_getEntity(void* user_data, const xmlChar *name) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; xmlParserCtxtPtr xc = sax2->xc; xmlEntityPtr ret = NULL; if(!xc) return NULL; if(!xc->inSubset) { /* looks for hardcoded set of entity names - lt, gt etc. */ ret = xmlGetPredefinedEntity(name); if(ret) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Entity '%s' found in predefined set\n", name); return ret; } } /* This section uses xmlGetDocEntity which looks for entities in * memory only, never from a file or URI */ if(xc->myDoc && (xc->myDoc->standalone == 1)) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Entity '%s' document is standalone\n", name); /* Document is standalone: no entities are required to interpret doc */ if(xc->inSubset == 2) { xc->myDoc->standalone = 0; ret = xmlGetDocEntity(xc->myDoc, name); xc->myDoc->standalone = 1; } else { ret = xmlGetDocEntity(xc->myDoc, name); if(!ret) { xc->myDoc->standalone = 0; ret = xmlGetDocEntity(xc->myDoc, name); xc->myDoc->standalone = 1; } } } else { ret = xmlGetDocEntity(xc->myDoc, name); } if(ret && !ret->children && (ret->etype == XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY)) { /* Entity is an external general parsed entity. It may be in a * catalog file, user file or user URI */ int val = 0; xmlNodePtr children; int load_entity = 0; load_entity = RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_NUMERIC(sax2, RAPTOR_OPTION_LOAD_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES); if(load_entity) load_entity = raptor_sax2_check_load_uri_string(sax2, ret->URI); if(!load_entity) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Not getting entity URI %s by policy\n", ret->URI); children = xmlNewText((const xmlChar*)""); } else { /* Disable SAX2 handlers so that the SAX2 events do not all get * sent to callbacks during dealing with the entity parsing. */ sax2->enabled = 0; val = xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity(xc, ret->URI, ret->ExternalID, &children); sax2->enabled = 1; } if(!val) { xmlAddChildList((xmlNodePtr)ret, children); } else { xc->validate = 0; return NULL; } ret->owner = 1; #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20627 /* Checked field was released in 2.6.27 on 2006-10-25 * http://git.gnome.org/browse/libxml2/commit/?id=a37a6ad91a61d168ecc4b29263def3363fff4da6 * */ /* Mark this entity as having been checked - never do this again */ if(!ret->checked) ret->checked = 1; #endif } return ret; } static xmlEntityPtr raptor_libxml_getParameterEntity(void* user_data, const xmlChar *name) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; return libxml2_getParameterEntity(sax2->xc, name); } static void raptor_libxml_entityDecl(void* user_data, const xmlChar *name, int type, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId, xmlChar *content) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; libxml2_entityDecl(sax2->xc, name, type, publicId, systemId, content); } static void raptor_libxml_unparsedEntityDecl(void* user_data, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId, const xmlChar *notationName) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; libxml2_unparsedEntityDecl(sax2->xc, name, publicId, systemId, notationName); } static void raptor_libxml_startDocument(void* user_data) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; libxml2_startDocument(sax2->xc); } static void raptor_libxml_endDocument(void* user_data) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; xmlParserCtxtPtr xc = sax2->xc; libxml2_endDocument(sax2->xc); if(xc->myDoc) { xmlFreeDoc(xc->myDoc); xc->myDoc = NULL; } } static void raptor_libxml_set_document_locator(void* user_data, xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; sax2->loc = loc; } void raptor_libxml_update_document_locator(raptor_sax2* sax2, raptor_locator* locator) { /* for storing error info */ xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc = sax2 ? sax2->loc : NULL; xmlParserCtxtPtr xc= sax2 ? sax2->xc : NULL; if(xc && xc->inSubset) return; if(!locator) return; locator->line= -1; locator->column= -1; if(!xc) return; if(loc) { locator->line = loc->getLineNumber(xc); /* Seems to be broken */ /* locator->column = loc->getColumnNumber(xc); */ } } static void raptor_libxml_warning(void* user_data, const char *msg, ...) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = NULL; va_list args; int prefix_length = RAPTOR_BAD_CAST(int, strlen(xml_warning_prefix)); int length; char *nmsg; int msg_len; /* Work around libxml2 bug - sometimes the sax2->error * returns a ctx, sometimes the userdata */ if(((raptor_sax2*)user_data)->magic == RAPTOR_LIBXML_MAGIC) sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; else /* user_data is not userData */ sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)((xmlParserCtxtPtr)user_data)->userData; va_start(args, msg); raptor_libxml_update_document_locator(sax2, sax2->locator); msg_len = RAPTOR_BAD_CAST(int, strlen(msg)); length = prefix_length + msg_len + 1; nmsg = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, length); if(nmsg) { memcpy(nmsg, xml_warning_prefix, prefix_length); /* Do not copy NUL */ memcpy(nmsg + prefix_length, msg, msg_len + 1); /* Copy NUL */ if(nmsg[length-2] == '\n') nmsg[length-2]='\0'; } raptor_log_error_varargs(sax2->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, sax2->locator, nmsg ? nmsg : msg, args); if(nmsg) RAPTOR_FREE(char*, nmsg); va_end(args); } static void raptor_libxml_error_common(void* user_data, const char *msg, va_list args, const char *prefix, int is_fatal) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = NULL; int prefix_length = RAPTOR_BAD_CAST(int, strlen(prefix)); int length; char *nmsg; int msg_len; raptor_world* world = NULL; raptor_locator* locator = NULL; if(user_data) { /* Work around libxml2 bug - sometimes the sax2->error * returns a user_data, sometimes the userdata */ if(((raptor_sax2*)user_data)->magic == RAPTOR_LIBXML_MAGIC) sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; else /* user_data is not userData */ sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)((xmlParserCtxtPtr)user_data)->userData; } if(sax2) { world = sax2->world; locator = sax2->locator; if(locator) raptor_libxml_update_document_locator(sax2, sax2->locator); } msg_len = RAPTOR_BAD_CAST(int, strlen(msg)); length = prefix_length + msg_len + 1; nmsg = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, length); if(nmsg) { memcpy(nmsg, prefix, prefix_length); /* Do not copy NUL */ memcpy(nmsg + prefix_length, msg, msg_len + 1); /* Copy NUL */ if(nmsg[length-1] == '\n') nmsg[length-1]='\0'; } if(is_fatal) raptor_log_error_varargs(world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, locator, nmsg ? nmsg : msg, args); else raptor_log_error_varargs(world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, locator, nmsg ? nmsg : msg, args); if(nmsg) RAPTOR_FREE(char*, nmsg); } static void raptor_libxml_error(void* user_data, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); raptor_libxml_error_common(user_data, msg, args, xml_error_prefix, 0); va_end(args); } void raptor_libxml_generic_error(void* user_data, const char *msg, ...) { raptor_world* world = (raptor_world*)user_data; va_list args; const char* prefix = xml_generic_error_prefix; int prefix_length = RAPTOR_BAD_CAST(int, strlen(prefix)); int length; char *nmsg; int msg_len; va_start(args, msg); msg_len = RAPTOR_BAD_CAST(int, strlen(msg)); length = prefix_length + msg_len + 1; nmsg = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, length); if(nmsg) { memcpy(nmsg, prefix, prefix_length); /* Do not copy NUL */ memcpy(nmsg + prefix_length, msg, msg_len + 1); /* Copy NUL */ if(nmsg[length-1] == '\n') nmsg[length-1]='\0'; } raptor_log_error_varargs(world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, /* locator */ NULL, nmsg ? nmsg : msg, args); if(nmsg) RAPTOR_FREE(char*, nmsg); va_end(args); } static void raptor_libxml_fatal_error(void* user_data, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); raptor_libxml_error_common(user_data, msg, args, xml_fatal_error_prefix, 1); va_end(args); } void raptor_libxml_validation_error(void* user_data, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); raptor_libxml_error_common(user_data, msg, args, xml_validation_error_prefix, 1); va_end(args); } void raptor_libxml_validation_warning(void* user_data, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; raptor_sax2* sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; int prefix_length = RAPTOR_GOOD_CAST(int, strlen(xml_validation_warning_prefix)); int length; char *nmsg; int msg_len; va_start(args, msg); raptor_libxml_update_document_locator(sax2, sax2->locator); msg_len = RAPTOR_BAD_CAST(int, strlen(msg)); length = prefix_length + msg_len + 1; nmsg = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, length); if(nmsg) { memcpy(nmsg, xml_validation_warning_prefix, prefix_length); /* Do not copy NUL */ memcpy(nmsg + prefix_length, msg, msg_len + 1); /* Copy NUL */ if(nmsg[length-2] == '\n') nmsg[length-2]='\0'; } raptor_log_error_varargs(sax2->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, sax2->locator, nmsg ? nmsg : msg, args); if(nmsg) RAPTOR_FREE(char*, nmsg); va_end(args); } /* * Initialise libxml for a particular SAX2 setup */ void raptor_libxml_sax_init(raptor_sax2* sax2) { xmlSAXHandler *sax = &sax2->sax; sax->internalSubset = raptor_libxml_internalSubset; sax->isStandalone = raptor_libxml_isStandalone; sax->hasInternalSubset = raptor_libxml_hasInternalSubset; sax->hasExternalSubset = raptor_libxml_hasExternalSubset; sax->resolveEntity = raptor_libxml_resolveEntity; sax->getEntity = raptor_libxml_getEntity; sax->getParameterEntity = raptor_libxml_getParameterEntity; sax->entityDecl = raptor_libxml_entityDecl; sax->attributeDecl = NULL; /* attributeDecl */ sax->elementDecl = NULL; /* elementDecl */ sax->notationDecl = NULL; /* notationDecl */ sax->unparsedEntityDecl = raptor_libxml_unparsedEntityDecl; sax->setDocumentLocator = raptor_libxml_set_document_locator; sax->startDocument = raptor_libxml_startDocument; sax->endDocument = raptor_libxml_endDocument; sax->startElement= raptor_sax2_start_element; sax->endElement= raptor_sax2_end_element; sax->reference = NULL; /* reference */ sax->characters= raptor_sax2_characters; sax->cdataBlock= raptor_sax2_cdata; /* like */ sax->ignorableWhitespace= raptor_sax2_cdata; sax->processingInstruction = NULL; /* processingInstruction */ sax->comment = raptor_sax2_comment; /* comment */ sax->warning = (warningSAXFunc)raptor_libxml_warning; sax->error = (errorSAXFunc)raptor_libxml_error; sax->fatalError = (fatalErrorSAXFunc)raptor_libxml_fatal_error; sax->serror = (xmlStructuredErrorFunc)raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_parsing; #ifdef RAPTOR_LIBXML_XMLSAXHANDLER_EXTERNALSUBSET sax->externalSubset = raptor_libxml_externalSubset; #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_LIBXML_XMLSAXHANDLER_INITIALIZED sax->initialized = 1; #endif } void raptor_libxml_free(xmlParserCtxtPtr xc) { libxml2_endDocument(xc); if(xc->myDoc) { xmlFreeDoc(xc->myDoc); xc->myDoc = NULL; } xmlFreeParserCtxt(xc); } int raptor_libxml_init(raptor_world* world) { xmlInitParser(); if(world->libxml_flags & RAPTOR_WORLD_FLAG_LIBXML_STRUCTURED_ERROR_SAVE) { world->libxml_saved_structured_error_context = xmlGenericErrorContext; world->libxml_saved_structured_error_handler = xmlStructuredError; /* sets xmlGenericErrorContext and xmlStructuredError */ xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc(world, (xmlStructuredErrorFunc)raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_global); } if(world->libxml_flags & RAPTOR_WORLD_FLAG_LIBXML_GENERIC_ERROR_SAVE) { world->libxml_saved_generic_error_context = xmlGenericErrorContext; world->libxml_saved_generic_error_handler = xmlGenericError; /* sets xmlGenericErrorContext and xmlGenericError */ xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(world, (xmlGenericErrorFunc)raptor_libxml_generic_error); } return 0; } void raptor_libxml_finish(raptor_world* world) { if(world->libxml_flags & RAPTOR_WORLD_FLAG_LIBXML_STRUCTURED_ERROR_SAVE) xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc(world->libxml_saved_structured_error_context, world->libxml_saved_structured_error_handler); if(world->libxml_flags & RAPTOR_WORLD_FLAG_LIBXML_GENERIC_ERROR_SAVE) xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(world->libxml_saved_generic_error_context, world->libxml_saved_generic_error_handler); xmlCleanupParser(); } #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20632 #define XML_LAST_DL XML_FROM_SCHEMATRONV #else #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20621 #define XML_LAST_DL XML_FROM_I18N #else #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20617 #define XML_LAST_DL XML_FROM_WRITER #else #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20616 #define XML_LAST_DL XML_FROM_CHECK #else #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20615 #define XML_LAST_DL XML_FROM_VALID #else #define XML_LAST_DL XML_FROM_XSLT #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif /* All other symbols not specifically below noted were added during * the period 2-10 October 2003 which is before the minimum libxml2 * version 2.6.8 release date of Mar 23 2004. * * When the minimum libxml2 version goes up, the #ifdefs for * older versions can be removed. */ static const char* const raptor_libxml_domain_labels[XML_LAST_DL+2]= { NULL, /* XML_FROM_NONE */ "parser", /* XML_FROM_PARSER */ "tree", /* XML_FROM_TREE */ "namespace", /* XML_FROM_NAMESPACE */ "validity", /* XML_FROM_DTD */ "HTML parser", /* XML_FROM_HTML */ "memory", /* XML_FROM_MEMORY */ "output", /* XML_FROM_OUTPUT */ "I/O" , /* XML_FROM_IO */ "FTP", /* XML_FROM_FTP */ #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20618 /* 2005-02-13 - v2.6.18 */ "HTTP", /* XML_FROM_HTTP */ #endif "XInclude", /* XML_FROM_XINCLUDE */ "XPath", /* XML_FROM_XPATH */ "parser", /* XML_FROM_XPOINTER */ "regexp", /* XML_FROM_REGEXP */ "Schemas datatype", /* XML_FROM_DATATYPE */ "Schemas parser", /* XML_FROM_SCHEMASP */ "Schemas validity", /* XML_FROM_SCHEMASV */ "Relax-NG parser", /* XML_FROM_RELAXNGP */ "Relax-NG validity", /* XML_FROM_RELAXNGV */ "Catalog", /* XML_FROM_CATALOG */ "C14", /* XML_FROM_C14N */ "XSLT", /* XML_FROM_XSLT */ #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20615 /* 2004-10-07 - v2.6.15 */ "validity", /* XML_FROM_VALID */ #endif #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20616 /* 2004-11-04 - v2.6.16 */ "checking", /* XML_FROM_CHECK */ #endif #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20617 /* 2005-01-04 - v2.6.17 */ "writer", /* XML_FROM_WRITER */ #endif #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20621 /* 2005-08-24 - v2.6.21 */ "module", /* XML_FROM_MODULE */ "encoding", /* XML_FROM_I18N */ #endif #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20632 /* 2008-04-08 - v2.6.32 */ "schematronv", /* XML_FROM_SCHEMATRONV */ #endif NULL }; static void raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_common(raptor_world *world, raptor_locator *locator, xmlErrorPtr err) { raptor_stringbuffer* sb; char *nmsg; raptor_log_level level = RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; if(err == NULL || err->code == XML_ERR_OK || err->level == XML_ERR_NONE) return; /* Do not warn about things with no location */ if(err->level == XML_ERR_WARNING && !err->file) return; /* XML fatal errors never cause an abort */ if(err->level == XML_ERR_FATAL) err->level = XML_ERR_ERROR; sb = raptor_new_stringbuffer(); if(err->domain != XML_FROM_HTML) raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, (const unsigned char*)"XML ", 4, 1); if(err->domain != XML_FROM_NONE && err->domain < XML_LAST_DL) { const unsigned char* label; label = (const unsigned char*)raptor_libxml_domain_labels[(int)err->domain]; raptor_stringbuffer_append_string(sb, label, 1); raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, (const unsigned char*)" ", 1, 1); } if(err->level == XML_ERR_WARNING) raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, (const unsigned char*)"warning: ", 9, 1); else /* XML_ERR_ERROR or XML_ERR_FATAL */ raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, (const unsigned char*)"error: ", 7, 1); if(err->message) { unsigned char* msg; size_t len; msg = (unsigned char*)err->message; len= strlen((const char*)msg); if(len && msg[len-1] == '\n') msg[--len]='\0'; raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, msg, len, 1); } #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20618 /* 2005-02-13 - v2.6.18 */ /* str1 has the detailed HTTP error */ if(err->domain == XML_FROM_HTTP && err->str1) { unsigned char* msg; size_t len; msg = (unsigned char*)err->str1; len= strlen((const char*)msg); if(len && msg[len-1] == '\n') msg[--len]='\0'; raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, (const unsigned char*)" - ", 3, 1); raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, msg, len, 1); } #endif /* When err->domain == XML_FROM_XPATH then err->int1 is * the offset into err->str1, the line with the error */ if(err->domain == XML_FROM_XPATH && err->str1) { raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, (const unsigned char*)" in ", 4, 1); raptor_stringbuffer_append_string(sb, (const unsigned char*)err->str1, 1); } nmsg = (char*)raptor_stringbuffer_as_string(sb); if(err->level == XML_ERR_FATAL) level = RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL; else if(err->level == XML_ERR_ERROR) level = RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; else level = RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_WARN; raptor_log_error(world, level, locator, nmsg); raptor_free_stringbuffer(sb); } /* user_data is a raptor_world* */ static void raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_global(void *user_data, xmlErrorPtr err) { raptor_world *world = NULL; /* user_data may point to a raptor_world* */ if(user_data) { world = (raptor_world*)user_data; if(world->magic != RAPTOR2_WORLD_MAGIC) world = NULL; } raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_common(world, NULL, err); } /* user_data may be a raptor_sax2; err->ctxt->userData may point to a * raptor_sax2* */ static void raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_parsing(void *user_data, xmlErrorPtr err) { raptor_sax2* sax2 = NULL; /* user_data may point to a raptor_sax2* */ if(user_data) { sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)user_data; if(sax2->magic != RAPTOR_LIBXML_MAGIC) sax2 = NULL; } /* err->ctxt->userData may point to a raptor_sax2* */ if(err && err->ctxt) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlParserCtxtPtr)err->ctxt; if(ctxt->userData) { sax2 = (raptor_sax2*)ctxt->userData; if(sax2->magic != RAPTOR_LIBXML_MAGIC) sax2 = NULL; } } if(sax2) raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_common(sax2->world, sax2->locator, err); else raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredError_handler_common(NULL, NULL, err); } /* end if RAPTOR_XML_LIBXML */ #endif