/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_serialize_rss.c - Raptor RSS 1.0 and Atom 1.0 serializers * * Copyright (C) 2003-2010, David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor2.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" #include "raptor_rss.h" typedef struct { raptor_world* world; raptor_term* term; /* shared pointer */ raptor_rss_item* item; } raptor_rss_group_map; /* * Raptor 'RSS 1.0' serializer object */ typedef struct { raptor_world* world; /* static rss model */ raptor_rss_model model; /* Triples with no assigned type node */ raptor_sequence *triples; /* Sequence of raptor_rss_item* : rdf:Seq items rdf:_ < n> at offset n */ raptor_sequence *items; /* Sequence of raptor_rss_item* (?x rdf:type rss:Enclosure) */ raptor_sequence *enclosures; /* Term of rdf:Seq node */ raptor_term *seq_term; /* Namespace stack for serializing */ raptor_namespace_stack *nstack; /* the default namespace (rdf: or atom:) - * this is destroyed when nstack above is deleted */ raptor_namespace* default_nspace; /* the xml: namespace */ raptor_namespace *xml_nspace; /* the root element (rdf:RDF or atom:feed) */ raptor_xml_element* root_element; /* where the xml is being written */ raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer; /* non-0 if this is an atom 1.0 serializer */ int is_atom; /* 0 = none * 1 = existing rss:item item containg rdf/xml encoding of any extra * triples about URI (rss-1.0 serializer only) * 2 = at:md element containing rdf/xml property elements encoding * of any extra triples about URI (atom serializer only) */ int rss_triples_mode; /* namespaces declared here */ raptor_namespace* nspaces[RAPTOR_RSS_NAMESPACES_SIZE]; /* Map of group URI (key, owned) : rss item object (value, shared) */ raptor_avltree *group_map; /* User declared namespaces */ raptor_sequence *user_namespaces; /* URI of XML Literal datatype */ raptor_uri* xml_literal_dt; int free_default_nspace; } raptor_rss10_serializer_context; static void raptor_free_group_map(raptor_rss_group_map* gm) { if(gm->term) raptor_free_term(gm->term); RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_rss_group_map, gm); } static int raptor_rss_group_map_compare(raptor_rss_group_map* gm1, raptor_rss_group_map* gm2) { return raptor_term_compare(gm1->term, gm2->term); } static raptor_rss_item* raptor_rss10_get_group_item(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer, raptor_term* term) { raptor_rss_group_map search_gm; raptor_rss_group_map* gm; search_gm.world = rss_serializer->world; search_gm.term = term; gm = (raptor_rss_group_map*)raptor_avltree_search(rss_serializer->group_map, (void*)&search_gm); return gm ? gm->item : NULL; } static int raptor_rss10_set_item_group(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer, raptor_term* term, raptor_rss_item *item) { raptor_rss_group_map* gm; if(raptor_rss10_get_group_item(rss_serializer, term)) return 0; gm = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_rss_group_map*, 1, sizeof(*gm)); gm->world = rss_serializer->world; gm->term = raptor_term_copy(term); gm->item = item; raptor_avltree_add(rss_serializer->group_map, gm); return 0; } /** * raptor_rss10_serialize_init: * @serializer: serializer object * @name: serializer name * * INTERNAL (raptor_serializer_factory API) - create a new serializer * * Return value: non-0 on failure */ static int raptor_rss10_serialize_init(raptor_serializer* serializer, const char *name) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; rss_serializer->world = serializer->world; raptor_rss_common_init(serializer->world); raptor_rss_model_init(serializer->world, &rss_serializer->model); rss_serializer->triples = raptor_new_sequence((raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_statement, (raptor_data_print_handler)raptor_statement_print); rss_serializer->items = raptor_new_sequence((raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_rss_item, (raptor_data_print_handler)NULL); rss_serializer->enclosures = raptor_new_sequence((raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_rss_item, (raptor_data_print_handler)NULL); rss_serializer->group_map = raptor_new_avltree((raptor_data_compare_handler)raptor_rss_group_map_compare, (raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_group_map, 0); rss_serializer->user_namespaces = raptor_new_sequence((raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_namespace, NULL); rss_serializer->is_atom = !(strcmp(name,"atom")); rss_serializer->nstack = raptor_new_namespaces(serializer->world, 1); rss_serializer->xml_literal_dt = raptor_new_uri(serializer->world, raptor_xml_literal_datatype_uri_string); return 0; } /** * raptor_rss10_serialize_terminate: * @serializer: serializer object * * INTERNAL (raptor_serializer_factory API) - destroy a serializer */ static void raptor_rss10_serialize_terminate(raptor_serializer* serializer) { raptor_world* world = serializer->world; raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; int i; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; raptor_rss_model_clear(&rss_serializer->model); raptor_rss_common_terminate(world); if(rss_serializer->triples) raptor_free_sequence(rss_serializer->triples); if(rss_serializer->items) raptor_free_sequence(rss_serializer->items); if(rss_serializer->enclosures) raptor_free_sequence(rss_serializer->enclosures); if(rss_serializer->seq_term) raptor_free_term(rss_serializer->seq_term); if(rss_serializer->xml_writer) raptor_free_xml_writer(rss_serializer->xml_writer); for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_NAMESPACES_SIZE; i++) { if(rss_serializer->nspaces[i]) raptor_free_namespace(rss_serializer->nspaces[i]); } if(rss_serializer->free_default_nspace && rss_serializer->default_nspace) raptor_free_namespace(rss_serializer->default_nspace); if(rss_serializer->xml_nspace) raptor_free_namespace(rss_serializer->xml_nspace); if(rss_serializer->user_namespaces) raptor_free_sequence(rss_serializer->user_namespaces); /* all raptor_namespace* objects must be freed BEFORE the stack * they are attached to here: */ if(rss_serializer->nstack) raptor_free_namespaces(rss_serializer->nstack); if(rss_serializer->group_map) raptor_free_avltree(rss_serializer->group_map); if(world->rss_fields_info_qnames) { for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE; i++) { if(world->rss_fields_info_qnames[i]) raptor_free_qname(world->rss_fields_info_qnames[i]); } RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_qname* array, world->rss_fields_info_qnames); world->rss_fields_info_qnames = NULL; } if(world->rss_types_info_qnames) { for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_COMMON_SIZE; i++) { if(world->rss_types_info_qnames[i]) raptor_free_qname(world->rss_types_info_qnames[i]); } RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_wname* array, world->rss_types_info_qnames); world->rss_types_info_qnames = NULL; } if(rss_serializer->xml_literal_dt) raptor_free_uri(rss_serializer->xml_literal_dt); } /** * raptor_rss10_move_statements: * @rss_serializer: serializer object * @type: item type * @item: item object * * INTERNAL - Move statements from the stored triples into item @item * that match @item's URI as subject. * * Return value: count of number of triples moved */ static int raptor_rss10_move_statements(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer, raptor_rss_type type, raptor_rss_item *item) { int t; int count = 0; int is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->triples); for(t = 0; t < size; t++) { raptor_statement* s; int f; s = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->triples, t); if(!s) continue; if(s->subject->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI || !raptor_uri_equals(s->subject->value.uri, item->uri)) continue; /* now we know this triple is associated with the item URI * and can count the relevant triples */ count++; /* add triples with anonymous object to the general triples sequence * for this item, and to the group map (blank node closure) */ if(s->object->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) { raptor_rss10_set_item_group(rss_serializer, s->object, item); RAPTOR_DEBUG4("Moved anonymous value property URI <%s> for typed node %i - %s\n", raptor_uri_as_string(s->predicate->value.uri), type, raptor_rss_items_info[type].name); s = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_delete_at(rss_serializer->triples, t); raptor_sequence_push(item->triples, s); continue; } /* otherwise process object value types resource or literal */ for(f = 0; f < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE; f++) { if(!rss_serializer->world->rss_fields_info_uris[f]) continue; if(s->predicate->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI && s->object->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK && raptor_uri_equals(s->predicate->value.uri, rss_serializer->world->rss_fields_info_uris[f])) { raptor_rss_field* field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); /* found field this triple to go in 'item' so move the * object value over */ if(s->object->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { field->uri = s->object->value.uri; s->object->value.uri = NULL; } else { field->value = s->object->value.literal.string; if(s->object->value.literal.datatype && raptor_uri_equals(s->object->value.literal.datatype, rss_serializer->xml_literal_dt)) field->is_xml = 1; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_CONTENT_ENCODED) field->is_xml = 1; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SUMMARY && *field->value == '<') field->is_xml = 1; s->object->value.literal.string = NULL; } if(is_atom) { int i; /* Rewrite item fields rss->atom */ for(i = 0; raptor_atom_to_rss[i].from != RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_UNKNOWN; i++) { int from_f = raptor_atom_to_rss[i].to; int to_f = raptor_atom_to_rss[i].from; /* Do not rewrite to atom0.3 terms */ if(raptor_rss_fields_info[to_f].nspace == ATOM0_3_NS) continue; if(f == from_f && !(item->fields[to_f] && item->fields[to_f]->value)) { f = to_f; if(to_f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SUMMARY && *field->value == '<') field->is_xml = 1; field->is_mapped = 1; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Moved field %d - %s to field %d - %s\n", from_f, raptor_rss_fields_info[from_f].name, to_f, raptor_rss_fields_info[to_f].name); break; } } } /* end is atom field to map */ RAPTOR_DEBUG1("Adding field\n"); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, f, field); raptor_sequence_set_at(rss_serializer->triples, t, NULL); break; } } /* end for field loop */ /* loop ended early so triple was assocated with a field - continue */ if(f < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE) continue; /* otherwise triple was not found as a field so store in triples * sequence */ RAPTOR_DEBUG4("UNKNOWN property URI <%s> for typed node %i - %s\n", raptor_uri_as_string(s->predicate->value.uri), type, raptor_rss_items_info[type].name); s = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_delete_at(rss_serializer->triples, t); raptor_sequence_push(item->triples, s); } /* end for all triples */ #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(count > 0) RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Moved %d triples to typed node %i - %s with uri <%s>\n", count, type, raptor_rss_items_info[type].name, raptor_uri_as_string(item->uri)); #endif return count; } /** * raptor_rss10_move_anonymous_statements: * @rss_serializer: serializer object * * INTERNAL - Move statements with a blank node subject to the appropriate item * */ static int raptor_rss10_move_anonymous_statements(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer) { int t; int handled = 1; int round = 0; #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG int moved_count = 0; #endif for(round = 0; handled; round++) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->triples); handled = 0; for(t = 0; t < size; t++) { raptor_statement* s; raptor_rss_item* item; s = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->triples, t); if(!s) continue; if(s->subject->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) continue; item = raptor_rss10_get_group_item(rss_serializer, s->subject); if(item) { /* triple matched an existing item */ s = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_delete_at(rss_serializer->triples, t); raptor_sequence_push(item->triples, s); #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG moved_count++; #endif if(s->object->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) raptor_rss10_set_item_group(rss_serializer, s->object, item); handled = 1; } } /* end for all triples */ #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(moved_count > 0) RAPTOR_DEBUG3("Round %d: Moved %d triples\n", round, moved_count); #endif } return 0; } /** * raptor_rss10_move_leftover_statements: * @rss_serializer: serializer object * * INTERNAL - Move any statements in the serializer pool to items or channel * */ static int raptor_rss10_move_leftover_statements(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer) { raptor_rss_model* rss_model; int i; int type; raptor_rss_item* item; int size; rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; type = RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM; size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); raptor_rss10_move_statements(rss_serializer, (raptor_rss_type)type, item); } type = RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL; if(rss_model->common[type]) { item = rss_model->common[type]; raptor_rss10_move_statements(rss_serializer, (raptor_rss_type)type, item); } return 0; } /** * raptor_rss10_remove_mapped_item_fields: * @rss_serializer: serializer object * @item: rss item * @type: item type * * INTERNAL - Remove mapped fields for an item * */ static int raptor_rss10_remove_mapped_item_fields(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer, raptor_rss_item* item, int type) { int f; if(!item->fields_count) return 0; for(f = 0; f < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE; f++) { raptor_rss_field* field; int saw_mapped = 0; int saw_non_mapped = 0; for(field = item->fields[f]; field; field = field->next) { if(field->is_mapped) saw_mapped++; else saw_non_mapped++; } if(saw_mapped && saw_non_mapped) { raptor_rss_field* last_field = NULL; RAPTOR_DEBUG6("Item %p Field %d - %s: %d mapped %d non-mapped\n", item, f, raptor_rss_fields_info[f].name, saw_mapped, saw_non_mapped); field = item->fields[f]; while(field) { raptor_rss_field* next = field->next; field->next = NULL; if(field->is_mapped) raptor_rss_field_free(field); else { if(!last_field) item->fields[f] = field; else last_field->next = field; last_field = field; } field = next; } } } return 0; } /** * raptor_rss10_remove_mapped_fields: * @rss_serializer: serializer object * * INTERNAL - Move statements with a blank node subject to the appropriate item * */ static int raptor_rss10_remove_mapped_fields(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer) { raptor_rss_model* rss_model; int is_atom; int i; rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; if(!is_atom) return 0; if(rss_model->items_count) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); raptor_rss10_remove_mapped_item_fields(rss_serializer, item, RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM); } } for(i = RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL; i < RAPTOR_RSS_COMMON_SIZE; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; for(item = rss_model->common[i]; item; item = item->next) { raptor_rss10_remove_mapped_item_fields(rss_serializer, item, i); } } return 0; } /** * raptor_rss10_store_statement: * @rss_serializer: serializer object * @s: statement (shared - do not become owner of this) * * INTERNAL - decide where to store a statement in an item or keep pending * * Return value: non-0 if handled (stored) */ static int raptor_rss10_store_statement(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer, raptor_statement *s) { raptor_rss_item *item = NULL; int handled = 0; int is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; item = raptor_rss10_get_group_item(rss_serializer, s->subject); if(item && s->predicate->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI && (s->object->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI || s->object->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL)) { int f; raptor_uri* predicate_uri = s->predicate->value.uri; /* scan triples (? ) */ for(f = 0; f < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE; f++) { raptor_rss_field* field; if(!rss_serializer->world->rss_fields_info_uris[f]) continue; if(raptor_uri_equals(predicate_uri, rss_serializer->world->rss_fields_info_uris[f])) { /* found field this triple to go in 'item' so move the * object value over */ field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); if(s->object->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { field->uri = s->object->value.uri; s->object->value.uri = NULL; } else { /* must be literal - checked above */ field->value = s->object->value.literal.string; if(s->object->value.literal.datatype && raptor_uri_equals(s->object->value.literal.datatype, rss_serializer->xml_literal_dt)) field->is_xml = 1; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_CONTENT_ENCODED) field->is_xml = 1; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SUMMARY && *field->value == '<') field->is_xml = 1; s->object->value.literal.string = NULL; } if(is_atom) { int i; /* Rewrite item fields rss->atom */ for(i = 0; raptor_atom_to_rss[i].from != RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_UNKNOWN; i++) { int from_f = raptor_atom_to_rss[i].to; int to_f = raptor_atom_to_rss[i].from; /* Do not rewrite to atom0.3 terms */ if(raptor_rss_fields_info[to_f].nspace == ATOM0_3_NS) continue; if(f == from_f && !(item->fields[to_f] && item->fields[to_f]->value)) { f = to_f; if(to_f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SUMMARY && *field->value == '<') field->is_xml = 1; field->is_mapped = 1; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Moved field %d - %s to field %d - %s\n", from_f, raptor_rss_fields_info[from_f].name, to_f, raptor_rss_fields_info[to_f].name); break; } } } RAPTOR_DEBUG1("Adding field\n"); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, f, field); #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Stored statement under typed node %p\n", item); #endif handled = 1; break; } } } if(!handled) { raptor_statement *t; /* Need to handle this later so copy it */ t = raptor_statement_copy(s); if(t) { raptor_sequence_push(rss_serializer->triples, t); #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 fprintf(stderr,"Stored statement: "); raptor_statement_print_as_ntriples(s, stderr); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); #endif handled = 1; } } return handled; } static int raptor_rss10_serialize_start(raptor_serializer* serializer) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; const char* rss_triples; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; rss_triples = (const char*)RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_STRING(serializer, RAPTOR_OPTION_RSS_TRIPLES); if(rss_triples) { if(!strcmp(rss_triples, "none")) rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode = 0; else if(!strcmp(rss_triples, "rdf-xml")) rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode = 1; else if(!strcmp(rss_triples, "atom-triples")) rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode = 2; else rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode = 0; } return 0; } /** * raptor_rss10_serialize_statement: * @serializer: serializer object * @statement: statement (shared - am not owner of this) * * INTERNAL (raptor_serializer_factory API) - Serialize a statement * * Return value: non-0 on failure */ static int raptor_rss10_serialize_statement(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_statement *statement) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_rss_model *rss_model; int handled = 0; int i; raptor_rss_type type; raptor_rss_item *item = NULL; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 if(1) { RAPTOR_DEBUG1("Processing statement\n "); raptor_statement_print_as_ntriples(statement, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); } #endif if(raptor_uri_equals(statement->predicate->value.uri, RAPTOR_RSS_RSS_items_URI(rss_model))) { /* ignore any triple (? rss:items ?) - is infered */ return 0; } if(!raptor_uri_equals(statement->predicate->value.uri, RAPTOR_RDF_type_URI(serializer->world))) goto savetriple; type = RAPTOR_RSS_NONE; if(statement->object->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { raptor_uri* object_uri = statement->object->value.uri; /* look for triple: (? rdf:type ?class-uri) to find containers and blocks */ /* Look for triple (? rdf:type rdf:Seq) */ if(raptor_uri_equals(object_uri, RAPTOR_RDF_Seq_URI(serializer->world))) { rss_serializer->seq_term = raptor_term_copy(statement->subject); handled = 1; goto savetriple; } /* look for triple: (? rdf:type ?class-uri) to find containers and blocks */ for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_COMMON_SIZE; i++) { raptor_uri *item_uri = serializer->world->rss_types_info_uris[i]; if(item_uri && raptor_uri_equals(object_uri, item_uri)) { type = (raptor_rss_type)i; #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(1) { unsigned char* ts; ts = raptor_term_to_string(statement->subject); RAPTOR_DEBUG4("Found typed node %i - %s with term %s\n", type, raptor_rss_items_info[type].name, ts); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, ts); } #endif break; } } } if(type == RAPTOR_RSS_NONE) { #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(1) { unsigned char* ts; ts = raptor_term_to_string(statement->object); RAPTOR_DEBUG2("UNKNOWN typed node with type term %s\n", ts); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, ts); } #endif goto savetriple; } if(type == RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); if(raptor_rss_item_equals_statement_subject(item, statement)) break; } if(i < size) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Found RSS item at entry %d in sequence of items\n", i); } else { #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(1) { unsigned char* ts; ts = raptor_term_to_string(statement->subject); RAPTOR_DEBUG2("RSS item term %s is not in sequence of items\n", ts); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, ts); } #endif item = NULL; } } else if(type == RAPTOR_RSS_ENCLOSURE) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->enclosures); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->enclosures, i); if(raptor_rss_item_equals_statement_subject(item, statement)) break; } if(i < size) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Found enclosure at entry %d in sequence of enclosures\n", i); } else { #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(1) { unsigned char* ts; ts = raptor_term_to_string(statement->subject); RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Add new enclosure to sequence with term %s\n", ts); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, ts); } #endif item = raptor_new_rss_item(rss_serializer->world); raptor_sequence_push(rss_serializer->enclosures, item); } } else { item = raptor_rss_model_add_common(rss_model, type); } if(item && statement->subject->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { raptor_rss_item_set_uri(item, statement->subject->value.uri); /* Move any existing statements to the newly discovered item */ raptor_rss10_move_statements(rss_serializer, type, item); raptor_rss10_set_item_group(rss_serializer, item->term, item); handled = 1; } savetriple: if(!handled) { handled = raptor_rss10_store_statement(rss_serializer, statement); /* failed to store */ if(!handled) return 1; } return 0; } static void raptor_rss10_build_items(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer) { raptor_rss_model* rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; int i; int size; if(!rss_serializer->seq_term) return; size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->triples); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { int ordinal = -1; raptor_statement* s; s = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->triples, i); if(!s) continue; #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 RAPTOR_DEBUG1("Processing statement\n "); raptor_statement_print_as_ntriples(s, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); #endif /* skip triples that are not ? ? */ if(s->object->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { RAPTOR_DEBUG1("Not ? ? - continuing\n"); continue; } if(raptor_term_equals(s->subject, rss_serializer->seq_term)) { const unsigned char* uri_str; /* found triple */ /* predicate is a resource */ uri_str = raptor_uri_as_string(s->predicate->value.uri); if(!strncmp((const char*)uri_str, "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_", 44)) ordinal= raptor_check_ordinal(uri_str + 44); #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(1) { unsigned char* ts; ts = raptor_term_to_string(s->object); RAPTOR_DEBUG3("Found RSS 1.0 item %d with term %s\n", ordinal, ts); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, ts); } #endif if(ordinal >= 0) { raptor_rss_item *item; item = raptor_new_rss_item(rss_serializer->world); raptor_rss_item_set_uri(item, s->object->value.uri); raptor_sequence_set_at(rss_serializer->items, ordinal - 1, item); raptor_sequence_set_at(rss_serializer->triples, i, NULL); /* Move any existing statements to the newly discovered item */ raptor_rss10_move_statements(rss_serializer, RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM, item); raptor_rss10_set_item_group(rss_serializer, item->term, item); } } } rss_model->items_count = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); } static void raptor_rss10_build_xml_names(raptor_serializer *serializer, int is_entry) { raptor_world* world = serializer->world; raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_rss_model* rss_model; raptor_uri *base_uri = serializer->base_uri; raptor_xml_element *element; raptor_qname *qname; const unsigned char *root_local_name; int i; int is_atom; const raptor_rss_item_info *item_node_type; int item_node_typei; const unsigned char* ns_uri; int default_ns_id; const unsigned char *default_prefix; int size; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; if(is_atom) { default_ns_id = ATOM1_0_NS; ns_uri = raptor_atom_namespace_uri; root_local_name = (is_entry ? (const unsigned char*)"entry" : (const unsigned char*)"feed"); item_node_typei = RAPTOR_ATOM_ENTRY; } else { default_ns_id = RSS1_0_NS; ns_uri = raptor_rdf_namespace_uri; root_local_name = (const unsigned char*)"RDF"; item_node_typei = RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM; } item_node_type = &raptor_rss_items_info[item_node_typei]; if(RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_NUMERIC(serializer, RAPTOR_OPTION_PREFIX_ELEMENTS)) /* declare this NS with standard prefix */ default_prefix = (const unsigned char*)raptor_rss_namespaces_info[default_ns_id].prefix; else default_prefix = NULL; rss_serializer->default_nspace = raptor_new_namespace(rss_serializer->nstack, default_prefix, ns_uri, 0); rss_serializer->free_default_nspace = 1; if(RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_NUMERIC(serializer, RAPTOR_OPTION_PREFIX_ELEMENTS)) { rss_serializer->nspaces[default_ns_id] = rss_serializer->default_nspace; rss_serializer->free_default_nspace = 0; } rss_serializer->xml_nspace = raptor_new_namespace(rss_serializer->nstack, (const unsigned char*)"xml", (const unsigned char*)raptor_xml_namespace_uri, 0); /* Now we have a namespace stack, declare the namespaces */ for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_NAMESPACES_SIZE; i++) { raptor_uri* uri = serializer->world->rss_namespaces_info_uris[i]; const unsigned char *prefix; prefix = (const unsigned char*)raptor_rss_namespaces_info[i].prefix; if(!prefix) continue; if(i == default_ns_id) { if(RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_NUMERIC(serializer, RAPTOR_OPTION_PREFIX_ELEMENTS)) prefix = NULL; } if(uri) { raptor_namespace* nspace; nspace = raptor_new_namespace_from_uri(rss_serializer->nstack, prefix, uri, 0); rss_serializer->nspaces[i] = nspace; } } qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(serializer->world, rss_serializer->nspaces[default_ns_id], root_local_name, NULL); if(base_uri) base_uri = raptor_uri_copy(base_uri); element = raptor_new_xml_element(qname, NULL, base_uri); rss_serializer->root_element = element; /* Declare the namespaces on the root element */ raptor_xml_element_declare_namespace(element, rss_serializer->default_nspace); for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_NAMESPACES_SIZE; i++) { const unsigned char *prefix; prefix = (const unsigned char*)raptor_rss_namespaces_info[i].prefix; if(!prefix && i != default_ns_id) continue; if(rss_serializer->nspaces[i]) raptor_xml_element_declare_namespace(element, rss_serializer->nspaces[i]); } size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->user_namespaces); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_namespace* nspace; nspace = (raptor_namespace*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->user_namespaces, i); /* Ignore user setting default namespace prefix */ if(!nspace->prefix) continue; raptor_xml_element_declare_namespace(element, nspace); } world->rss_fields_info_qnames = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); if(!world->rss_fields_info_qnames) return; for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE; i++) { int n = raptor_rss_fields_info[i].nspace; raptor_namespace* nspace = rss_serializer->nspaces[n]; const unsigned char* lname; lname = (const unsigned char*)raptor_rss_fields_info[i].name; world->rss_fields_info_qnames[i] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(serializer->world, nspace, lname, NULL); if(!world->rss_fields_info_qnames[i]) return; } world->rss_types_info_qnames = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, RAPTOR_RSS_COMMON_SIZE, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); if(!world->rss_types_info_qnames) return; for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_COMMON_SIZE; i++) { int n = raptor_rss_items_info[i].nspace; raptor_namespace* nspace = rss_serializer->nspaces[n]; if(nspace) { const unsigned char* lname = (const unsigned char*)raptor_rss_items_info[i].name; world->rss_types_info_qnames[i] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(serializer->world, nspace, lname, NULL); if(!world->rss_types_info_qnames[i]) return; } } for(i = 0; i < RAPTOR_RSS_COMMON_SIZE; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; for(item = rss_model->common[i]; item; item = item->next) { int typei = i; if(!item->fields_count) continue; if(is_atom) { if(typei == RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL) typei = RAPTOR_ATOM_FEED; else if(typei == RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM) typei = RAPTOR_ATOM_ENTRY; } item->node_type = &raptor_rss_items_info[typei]; item->node_typei = typei; } } size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); item->node_type = item_node_type; item->node_typei = item_node_typei; } size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->enclosures); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->enclosures, i); item->node_type = &raptor_rss_items_info[RAPTOR_RSS_ENCLOSURE]; item->node_typei = RAPTOR_RSS_ENCLOSURE; } } static void raptor_rss10_emit_atom_triples_map(raptor_serializer *serializer, int is_feed, const unsigned char* map_element_name) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; raptor_uri *base_uri = serializer->base_uri; raptor_uri* base_uri_copy = NULL; raptor_namespace* at_nspace; raptor_xml_element* at_map_root_element; raptor_qname *at_map_root_qname; int i; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; xml_writer = rss_serializer->xml_writer; at_nspace = rss_serializer->nspaces[ATOMTRIPLES_NS]; at_map_root_qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(serializer->world, at_nspace, (const unsigned char*)map_element_name, NULL); base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; at_map_root_element = raptor_new_xml_element(at_map_root_qname, NULL, base_uri_copy); raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, at_map_root_element); /* Walk list of fields mapped atom to rss */ for(i = 0; raptor_atom_to_rss[i].from != RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_UNKNOWN; i++) { int from_f = raptor_atom_to_rss[i].from; int to_f = raptor_atom_to_rss[i].to; const raptor_rss_field_info* from_field_info = &raptor_rss_fields_info[from_f]; const raptor_rss_field_info* to_field_info = &raptor_rss_fields_info[to_f]; raptor_xml_element* at_map_element; raptor_qname *at_map_qname; raptor_qname** at_map_attrs; const char* predicate_prefix; unsigned char* ruri_string; /* Do not rewrite to atom0.3 terms */ if(to_field_info->nspace == ATOM0_3_NS) continue; /* atom:feed only contains some fields that are mapped */ if(is_feed && !(from_f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_ID || from_f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_UPDATED || from_f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_RIGHTS || from_f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_TITLE)) continue; predicate_prefix = raptor_rss_namespaces_info[from_field_info->nspace].prefix; if(!predicate_prefix) continue; /* {atom element} */ at_map_qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, at_nspace, map_element_name, NULL); base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; at_map_element = raptor_new_xml_element(at_map_qname, NULL, base_uri_copy); at_map_attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 1, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); ruri_string = raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string(base_uri, serializer->world->rss_fields_info_uris[to_f]); at_map_attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname(rss_serializer->nstack, (const unsigned char*)"property", ruri_string); raptor_free_memory(ruri_string); raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(at_map_element, at_map_attrs, 1); raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, at_map_element); raptor_xml_writer_cdata(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)predicate_prefix); raptor_xml_writer_cdata_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)":", 1); raptor_xml_writer_cdata(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)from_field_info->name); raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, at_map_element); raptor_free_xml_element(at_map_element); } raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, at_map_root_element); raptor_free_xml_element(at_map_root_element); } /* atom-specific feed XML elements */ static void raptor_rss10_emit_atom_feed(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_rss_item *item) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; raptor_uri *base_uri = serializer->base_uri; raptor_uri* base_uri_copy = NULL; raptor_xml_element* atom_link_element; raptor_qname *atom_link_qname; raptor_qname** atom_link_attrs; raptor_namespace* atom_nspace; unsigned char* ruri_string; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; atom_nspace = rss_serializer->nspaces[ATOM1_0_NS]; xml_writer = rss_serializer->xml_writer; atom_link_qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, atom_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"link", NULL); base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; atom_link_element = raptor_new_xml_element(atom_link_qname, NULL, base_uri_copy); atom_link_attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 2, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); ruri_string = raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string(base_uri, item->uri); atom_link_attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname(rss_serializer->nstack, (const unsigned char*)"href", ruri_string); raptor_free_memory(ruri_string); atom_link_attrs[1] = raptor_new_qname(rss_serializer->nstack, (const unsigned char*)"rel", (const unsigned char*)"self"); raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(atom_link_element, atom_link_attrs, 2); raptor_xml_writer_empty_element(xml_writer, atom_link_element); raptor_free_xml_element(atom_link_element); if(rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode == 2) { raptor_rss10_emit_atom_triples_map(serializer, 1, (const unsigned char*)"feedmap"); raptor_rss10_emit_atom_triples_map(serializer, 0, (const unsigned char*)"entrymap"); } } /* emit the RSS 1.0-specific rdf:Seq and rss:item XML elements */ static void raptor_rss10_emit_rss_items(raptor_serializer *serializer) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; raptor_uri *base_uri = serializer->base_uri; raptor_uri* base_uri_copy = NULL; raptor_xml_element* rss_items_predicate; int i; raptor_qname *rdf_Seq_qname; raptor_xml_element *rdf_Seq_element; int size; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; if(!raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items)) return; xml_writer = rss_serializer->xml_writer; rdf_Seq_qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->default_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"Seq", NULL); base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; rdf_Seq_element = raptor_new_xml_element(rdf_Seq_qname, NULL, base_uri_copy); /* make the .... */ base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; rss_items_predicate = raptor_new_xml_element(raptor_qname_copy(serializer->world->rss_fields_info_qnames[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ITEMS]), NULL, base_uri_copy); raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, rss_items_predicate); raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, rdf_Seq_element); size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item_item; raptor_qname *rdf_li_qname; raptor_xml_element *rdf_li_element; raptor_qname **attrs; unsigned char* ruri_string; item_item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); rdf_li_qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->default_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"li", NULL); base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; rdf_li_element = raptor_new_xml_element(rdf_li_qname, NULL, base_uri_copy); attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 1, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); ruri_string = raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string(base_uri, item_item->uri); attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->default_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"resource", ruri_string); raptor_free_memory(ruri_string); raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(rdf_li_element, attrs, 1); raptor_xml_writer_empty_element(xml_writer, rdf_li_element); raptor_xml_writer_newline(xml_writer); raptor_free_xml_element(rdf_li_element); } raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, rdf_Seq_element); raptor_free_xml_element(rdf_Seq_element); raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, rss_items_predicate); raptor_free_xml_element(rss_items_predicate); } /* emit a block of RDF/XML depending on the rssTriples option mode */ static void raptor_rss10_emit_rdfxml_item_triples(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_rss_item *item) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; raptor_qname* root_qname = NULL; raptor_xml_element* root_element = NULL; raptor_serializer* ser = NULL; raptor_uri* base_uri = NULL; int t_max_count = raptor_sequence_size(item->triples); int t_count; int t; int is_atom; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; if(rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode == 0 || !item->triples) return; xml_writer = rss_serializer->xml_writer; is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; /* can only use atom-triples with atom serializer */ if(rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode == 2 && !is_atom) return; /* can only use rdf-xml with rss-1.0 serializer */ if(rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode == 1 && is_atom) return; t_count = 0; for(t = 0; t < t_max_count; t++) { if(raptor_sequence_get_at(item->triples, t)) t_count++; } if(!t_count) return; RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Serializing %d triples\n", t_count); if(is_atom) { raptor_namespace* at_nspace = rss_serializer->nspaces[ATOMTRIPLES_NS]; /* atom:md with no attribute */ root_qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, at_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"md", NULL); if(!root_qname) goto oom; base_uri = serializer->base_uri; if(base_uri) base_uri = raptor_uri_copy(base_uri); /* after this root_element owns root_qname and (this copy of) base_uri */ root_element = raptor_new_xml_element(root_qname, NULL, base_uri); if(!root_element) { if(base_uri) raptor_free_uri(base_uri); raptor_free_qname(root_qname); root_qname = NULL; goto oom; } root_qname = NULL; raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, root_element); } ser = raptor_new_serializer(rss_serializer->world, "rdfxml-abbrev"); if(!ser) goto oom; raptor_rdfxmla_serialize_set_xml_writer(ser, xml_writer, rss_serializer->nstack); raptor_rdfxmla_serialize_set_write_rdf_RDF(ser, 0); raptor_rdfxmla_serialize_set_single_node(ser, item->uri); if(rss_serializer->rss_triples_mode == 2) { /* raptor_rdfxmla_serialize_set_write_typed_nodes(ser, 0); */ } /* after this call, ser does * NOT own serializer->iostream and will not destroy it * when raptor_free_serializer(ser) is called. */ raptor_serializer_start_to_iostream(ser, base_uri, serializer->iostream); for(t = 0; t < t_max_count; t++) { raptor_statement* s; s = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_get_at(item->triples, t); if(s) raptor_serializer_serialize_statement(ser, s); } raptor_serializer_serialize_end(ser); raptor_free_serializer(ser); ser = NULL; if(is_atom) raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, root_element); oom: if(ser) raptor_free_serializer(ser); if(root_qname) raptor_free_qname(root_qname); if(root_element) raptor_free_xml_element(root_element); } /** * raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one: * @item: RSS item object * @f: ATOM field type * * INTERNAL - Check that the given item @field appears 0 or 1 times */ static void raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(raptor_rss_item* item, raptor_rss_fields_type f) { raptor_rss_field* field = item->fields[f]; if(!field) return; if(field->next) { /* more than 1 value so delete rest of values */ raptor_rss_field* next = field->next; field->next = NULL; do { field = next; next = field->next; field->next = NULL; raptor_rss_field_free(field); } while(next); } } /** * raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_feed_valid: * @rss_serializer: serializer object * * INTERNAL - Ensure the atom items have all the fields they need: * & & <updated> * plus: * <link rel='alternate' ...> OR <content>.. * */ static int raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_feed_valid(raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer) { int is_atom; int i; raptor_rss_item* item; raptor_rss_model* rss_model; time_t now = 0; int size; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval tv; if(!gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)) now = tv.tv_sec; #else now = time(NULL); #endif is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; if(!is_atom) return 0; item = rss_model->common[RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL]; if(item) { int f; /* atom:id is required */ f = RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_ID; if(!item->fields[f]) { raptor_rss_field* field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); field->uri = raptor_uri_copy(item->uri); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, f, field); } /* atom:updated is required */ f = RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_UPDATED; if(!item->fields[f]) { raptor_rss_field* field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); raptor_rss_set_date_field(field, now); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, f, field); } /* atom:content is forbidden in feed */ f = RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_CONTENT; if(item->fields[f]) { raptor_rss_field_free(item->fields[f]); item->fields[f] = NULL; } /* atom:summary is forbidden in feed */ f = RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SUMMARY; if(item->fields[f]) { raptor_rss_field_free(item->fields[f]); item->fields[f] = NULL; } /* These fields can appear 0 or 1 times on a feed */ raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_ICON); raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_LOGO); raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_RIGHTS); raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SUBTITLE); } size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); /* atom:id - defaults to item URI */ if(!item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_ID]) { raptor_rss_field* field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); field->uri = raptor_uri_copy(item->uri); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_ID, field); } /* atom:title - defaults to "untitled" */ if(!item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_TITLE]) { raptor_rss_field* field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); field->value = RAPTOR_MALLOC(unsigned char*, 9); memcpy(field->value, "untitled", 9); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_TITLE, field); } /* atom:updated - defaults to now time */ if(!item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_UPDATED]) { raptor_rss_field* field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); raptor_rss_set_date_field(field, now); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_UPDATED, field); } /* enforce there is either an atom:content OR atom:link (rel = alternate) * by adding a link to {item URI} if missing */ if(!item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_CONTENT] && !item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_LINK]) { raptor_rss_field* field = raptor_rss_new_field(rss_serializer->world); field->uri = raptor_uri_copy(item->uri); raptor_rss_item_add_field(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_LINK, field); } /* These fields can appear 0 or 1 times on an entry */ raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_PUBLISHED); raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_RIGHTS); raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SOURCE); raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_field_zero_one(item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_SUMMARY); } return 0; } static void raptor_rss10_emit_item(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_rss_item *item, int item_type, int emit_container) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; raptor_rss_model* rss_model; raptor_uri *base_uri = serializer->base_uri; raptor_xml_element *element = NULL; raptor_qname **attrs = NULL; raptor_uri* base_uri_copy = NULL; int fi; int is_atom; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(!item) { RAPTOR_FATAL3("Tried to emit NULL item of type %d - %s\n", item_type, raptor_rss_items_info[item_type].name); } #endif xml_writer = rss_serializer->xml_writer; is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; if(!item->fields_count) { int i; int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->enclosures); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_rss_item *enclosure_item; enclosure_item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->enclosures, i); /* If the item and enclosure item have the same URI, move the * enclosure fields to the item. Assumed that they got conflated * previously such as when the enclosure url = the guid */ if(enclosure_item->uri && raptor_uri_equals(item->uri, enclosure_item->uri)) { int j; for(j = 0; j < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE; j++) { if(j != RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_TYPE && j != RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_LENGTH && j != RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_URL) { item->fields[j] = enclosure_item->fields[j]; enclosure_item->fields[j] = NULL; item->fields_count++; enclosure_item->fields_count--; } } break; } } } if(!item->fields_count) return; if(emit_container) { raptor_qname* qname_copy; qname_copy = raptor_qname_copy(serializer->world->rss_types_info_qnames[item->node_typei]); base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; element = raptor_new_xml_element(qname_copy, NULL, base_uri_copy); if(!is_atom && item->uri) { unsigned char* ruri_string; attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 1, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); ruri_string = raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string(base_uri, item->uri); attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(serializer->world, rss_serializer->default_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"about", ruri_string); raptor_free_memory(ruri_string); raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(element, attrs, 1); } raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, element); } for(fi = 0; fi < RAPTOR_RSS_FIELDS_SIZE; fi++) { raptor_rss_fields_type f = (raptor_rss_fields_type)fi; raptor_rss_field* field; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ITEMS) /* emitting the RSS items rdf:Seq block is done after this loop */ continue; if(!serializer->world->rss_fields_info_uris[f]) continue; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_AUTHOR) { int typei; if(!is_atom) continue; if(item_type != RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL) continue; typei = RAPTOR_ATOM_AUTHOR; if(!rss_model->common[typei]) { raptor_rss_item* author_item; /* No atom author was present so make a new atom:author item * then either promote the string to an atom:name field OR * use "unknown" */ author_item = raptor_rss_model_add_common(rss_model, (raptor_rss_type)typei); author_item->node_type = &raptor_rss_items_info[typei]; author_item->node_typei = typei; /* FIXME - uses _:author as bnode name - should make a new * genid for each author node. This is OK because there * is a check above that there is only 1 author per FEED. */ author_item->term = raptor_new_term_from_blank(serializer->world, (unsigned char*)"author"); /* Move atom:name author field, or create a dummy one */ f = RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_NAME; if(item->fields[f]) { field = item->fields[f]; item->fields[f] = NULL; } else { field = raptor_rss_new_field(serializer->world); field->value = RAPTOR_MALLOC(unsigned char*, 8); memcpy(field->value, "unknown", 8); } raptor_rss_item_add_field(author_item, RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_NAME, field); /* Move atom author fields if found: atom:uri and atom:email * are only used inside Person constructs */ f = RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_URI; if(item->fields[f]) { field = item->fields[f]; raptor_rss_item_add_field(author_item, f, field); item->fields[f] = NULL; } f = RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_EMAIL; if(item->fields[f]) { field = item->fields[f]; raptor_rss_item_add_field(author_item, f, field); item->fields[f] = NULL; } } RAPTOR_DEBUG3("Emitting type %i - %s\n", typei, raptor_rss_items_info[typei].name); raptor_rss10_emit_item(serializer, rss_model->common[typei], typei, 1); continue; } for(field = item->fields[f]; field; field = field->next) { raptor_xml_element* predicate; /* Use atom:summary in preference */ if(is_atom && f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION) continue; base_uri_copy = base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; predicate = raptor_new_xml_element(raptor_qname_copy(serializer->world->rss_fields_info_qnames[f]), NULL, base_uri_copy); if(is_atom && field->uri) { unsigned char* ruri_string; size_t len; raptor_uri* my_base_uri = base_uri; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_ID) my_base_uri = NULL; ruri_string = raptor_uri_to_relative_counted_uri_string(my_base_uri, field->uri, &len); if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_LINK && !item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_CONTENT]) { /* atom:link to URI and there is no atom:content */ raptor_qname **predicate_attrs = NULL; predicate_attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 2, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); predicate_attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, NULL, (const unsigned char*)"href", ruri_string); predicate_attrs[1] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, NULL, (const unsigned char*)"rel", (const unsigned char*)"alternate"); field->value = NULL; raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(predicate, predicate_attrs, 2); raptor_xml_writer_empty_element(xml_writer, predicate); } else if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ATOM_CONTENT) { /* <atom:content src="{uri value}" type="{type}" /> */ raptor_qname **predicate_attrs = NULL; const unsigned char* content_type; raptor_rss_field* content_type_field; /* get the type */ content_type_field = item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_AT_CONTENT_TYPE]; if(content_type_field && content_type_field->value) content_type = content_type_field->value; else content_type = (const unsigned char*)"text/html"; predicate_attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 2, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); predicate_attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, NULL, (const unsigned char*)"src", ruri_string); predicate_attrs[1] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, NULL, (const unsigned char*)"type", (const unsigned char*)content_type); /* free at:contentType field - no need to emit it */ if(content_type_field) { raptor_rss_field_free(content_type_field); item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_AT_CONTENT_TYPE] = NULL; } field->value = NULL; raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(predicate, predicate_attrs, 2); raptor_xml_writer_empty_element(xml_writer, predicate); } else { raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, predicate); raptor_xml_writer_cdata_counted(xml_writer, ruri_string, (unsigned int)len); raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, predicate); } raptor_free_memory(ruri_string); } else if(field->uri) { raptor_uri* enclosure_uri = field->uri; raptor_rss_item *enclosure_item = NULL; int i; if(f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_ENCLOSURE && item_type == RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->enclosures); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { enclosure_item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->enclosures, i); if(enclosure_item->uri && raptor_uri_equals(enclosure_uri, enclosure_item->uri)) break; } if(enclosure_item) { int attr_count = 0; unsigned char* ruri_string; attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 3, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); ruri_string = raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string(base_uri, field->uri); attrs[attr_count] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->default_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"resource", ruri_string); raptor_free_memory(ruri_string); attr_count++; if(enclosure_item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_TYPE] && enclosure_item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_TYPE]->value) { attrs[attr_count] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->nspaces[RSS2_0_ENC_NS], (const unsigned char*)raptor_rss_fields_info[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_TYPE].name, (const unsigned char*)enclosure_item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_TYPE]->value); attr_count++; } if(enclosure_item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_LENGTH] && enclosure_item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_LENGTH]->value) { attrs[attr_count] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->nspaces[RSS2_0_ENC_NS], (const unsigned char*)raptor_rss_fields_info[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_LENGTH].name, (const unsigned char*)enclosure_item->fields[RAPTOR_RSS_RDF_ENCLOSURE_LENGTH]->value); attr_count++; } raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(predicate, attrs, attr_count); } else { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Enclosure item with URI %s could not be found in list of enclosures\n", raptor_uri_as_string(enclosure_uri)); } } else { unsigned char* ruri_string; /* not an rss:item with an rss:enclosure field */ attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 1, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); ruri_string = raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string(base_uri, field->uri); attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->default_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"resource", ruri_string); raptor_free_memory(ruri_string); raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(predicate, attrs, 1); } raptor_xml_writer_empty_element(xml_writer, predicate); } else if(field->value) { /* not a URI, must be a literal */ int is_xhtml_content = field->is_xml; int prefer_cdata = (!is_atom && f == RAPTOR_RSS_FIELD_CONTENT_ENCODED); if(is_xhtml_content && !prefer_cdata) { raptor_qname **predicate_attrs = NULL; predicate_attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 1, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); if(is_atom) predicate_attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, NULL, (const unsigned char*)"type", (const unsigned char*)"xhtml"); else predicate_attrs[0] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->default_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"parseType", (const unsigned char*)"Literal"); raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(predicate, predicate_attrs, 1); } raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, predicate); if(is_xhtml_content) { if(prefer_cdata) raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"<![CDATA[", 9); raptor_xml_writer_raw(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)field->value); if(prefer_cdata) raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"]]>", 3); } else raptor_xml_writer_cdata(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)field->value); raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, predicate); } else { RAPTOR_DEBUG3("Field %d - %s had no URI or literal value\n", f, raptor_rss_fields_info[f].name); } raptor_free_xml_element(predicate); } } if(item_type == RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL) { if(is_atom) raptor_rss10_emit_atom_feed(serializer, item); if(!is_atom) raptor_rss10_emit_rss_items(serializer); } /* Add an RDF/XML block with remaining triples if Atom */ if(item->triples && raptor_sequence_size(item->triples)) raptor_rss10_emit_rdfxml_item_triples(serializer, item); if(emit_container) { raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, element); raptor_free_xml_element(element); } } /** * raptor_rss10_serialize_end: * @serializer: serializer object * * INTERNAL (raptor_serializer_factory API) - End a serializing * * Return value: non-0 on failure */ static int raptor_rss10_serialize_end(raptor_serializer* serializer) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context *rss_serializer; raptor_rss_model* rss_model; int i; raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG int triple_count = 0; #endif int is_atom; raptor_qname **attrs = NULL; int attrs_count = 0; raptor_uri* entry_uri = NULL; raptor_rss_item* entry_item = NULL; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; rss_model = &rss_serializer->model; is_atom = rss_serializer->is_atom; raptor_rss10_build_items(rss_serializer); raptor_rss10_move_leftover_statements(rss_serializer); raptor_rss10_move_anonymous_statements(rss_serializer); if(is_atom) { char* entry_uri_string; raptor_rss10_ensure_atom_feed_valid(rss_serializer); raptor_rss10_remove_mapped_fields(rss_serializer); entry_uri_string = RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_STRING(serializer, RAPTOR_OPTION_ATOM_ENTRY_URI); if(entry_uri_string) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); entry_uri = raptor_new_uri(rss_serializer->world, (const unsigned char*)entry_uri_string); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); if(raptor_uri_equals(item->uri, entry_uri)) { entry_item = item; break; } } if(!entry_item) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Entry URI %s was not found in list of items\n", raptor_uri_as_string(entry_uri)); raptor_free_uri(entry_uri); entry_uri = NULL; } } } #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG if(1) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->triples); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_statement* t; t = (raptor_statement*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->triples, i); if(t) { fprintf(stderr, " %d: ", i); raptor_statement_print(t, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); triple_count++; } } RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Starting with %d stored triples\n", triple_count); } #endif if(!rss_model->common[RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL]) { raptor_log_error(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "No RSS channel found"); return 1; } if(rss_serializer->xml_writer) raptor_free_xml_writer(rss_serializer->xml_writer); xml_writer = raptor_new_xml_writer(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->nstack, serializer->iostream); rss_serializer->xml_writer = xml_writer; raptor_xml_writer_set_option(xml_writer, RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT, NULL, 1); raptor_xml_writer_set_option(xml_writer, RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY, NULL, 1); raptor_rss10_build_xml_names(serializer, (is_atom && entry_uri)); if(serializer->base_uri && RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_NUMERIC(serializer, RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITE_BASE_URI)) { const unsigned char* base_uri_string; attrs = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_qname**, 1, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); base_uri_string = raptor_uri_as_string(serializer->base_uri); attrs[attrs_count++] = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(rss_serializer->world, rss_serializer->xml_nspace, (const unsigned char*)"base", base_uri_string); } if(attrs_count) raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(rss_serializer->root_element, attrs, attrs_count); else raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(rss_serializer->root_element, NULL, 0); raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, rss_serializer->root_element); if(entry_item) { RAPTOR_DEBUG1("Emitting entry\n"); raptor_rss10_emit_item(serializer, entry_item, RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM, 0); raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"\n", 1); } else { i = RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL; RAPTOR_DEBUG3("Emitting type %i - %s\n", i, raptor_rss_items_info[i].name); raptor_rss10_emit_item(serializer, rss_model->common[i], i, !is_atom); raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"\n", 1); if(rss_model->items_count) { int size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->items); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; item = (raptor_rss_item*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->items, i); raptor_rss10_emit_item(serializer, item, RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM, 1); raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"\n", 1); } } for(i = RAPTOR_RSS_CHANNEL + 1; i < RAPTOR_RSS_COMMON_SIZE; i++) { raptor_rss_item* item; if(is_atom) { /* atom 1.0 only serializes rss:item (channel is done above) */ if(i != RAPTOR_RSS_ITEM) continue; } else { /* rss 1.0 ignores atom:author for now - FIXME */ if(i == RAPTOR_ATOM_AUTHOR) continue; } for(item = rss_model->common[i]; item; item = item->next) { RAPTOR_DEBUG3("Emitting type %i - %s\n", i, raptor_rss_items_info[i].name); raptor_rss10_emit_item(serializer, item, i, 1); } } } if(entry_uri) raptor_free_uri(entry_uri); raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, rss_serializer->root_element); raptor_free_xml_element(rss_serializer->root_element); raptor_xml_writer_newline(xml_writer); raptor_xml_writer_flush(xml_writer); return 0; } /* add a namespace */ static int raptor_rss10_serialize_declare_namespace_from_namespace(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_namespace *nspace) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context* rss_serializer; int i; int size; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; size = raptor_sequence_size(rss_serializer->user_namespaces); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { raptor_namespace* ns; ns = (raptor_namespace*)raptor_sequence_get_at(rss_serializer->user_namespaces, i); /* If prefix is already declared, ignore it */ if(!ns->prefix && !nspace->prefix) return 1; if(ns->prefix && nspace->prefix && !strcmp((const char*)ns->prefix, (const char*)nspace->prefix)) return 1; if(ns->uri && nspace->uri && raptor_uri_equals(ns->uri, nspace->uri)) return 1; } nspace = raptor_new_namespace_from_uri(rss_serializer->nstack, nspace->prefix, nspace->uri, 0); if(!nspace) return 1; raptor_sequence_push(rss_serializer->user_namespaces, nspace); return 0; } /* add a namespace */ static int raptor_rss10_serialize_declare_namespace(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_uri *uri, const unsigned char *prefix) { raptor_rss10_serializer_context* rss_serializer; raptor_namespace *ns; int rc; rss_serializer = (raptor_rss10_serializer_context*)serializer->context; ns = raptor_new_namespace_from_uri(rss_serializer->nstack, prefix, uri, 0); rc = raptor_rss10_serialize_declare_namespace_from_namespace(serializer, ns); raptor_free_namespace(ns); return rc; } /** * raptor_rss10_serialize_finish_factory: * @factory: serializer factory * * INTERNAL (raptor_serializer_factory API) - finish the serializer factory */ static void raptor_rss10_serialize_finish_factory(raptor_serializer_factory* factory) { } static const char* rss10_names[3] = { "rss-1.0", NULL}; static const char* const rss10_uri_strings[2] = { "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/spec", NULL }; #define RSS10_TYPES_COUNT 5 static const raptor_type_q rss10_types[RSS10_TYPES_COUNT + 1] = { { "application/rss+xml", 19, 10}, { "application/rss", 15, 3}, { "text/rss", 8, 3}, { "application/xml", 15, 3}, { "text/xml", 8, 3}, { NULL, 0, 0} }; static int raptor_rss10_serializer_register_factory(raptor_serializer_factory *factory) { factory->desc.names = rss10_names; factory->desc.mime_types = rss10_types; factory->desc.label = "RSS 1.0"; factory->desc.uri_strings = rss10_uri_strings; factory->context_length = sizeof(raptor_rss10_serializer_context); factory->init = raptor_rss10_serialize_init; factory->terminate = raptor_rss10_serialize_terminate; factory->declare_namespace = raptor_rss10_serialize_declare_namespace; factory->declare_namespace_from_namespace = raptor_rss10_serialize_declare_namespace_from_namespace; factory->serialize_start = raptor_rss10_serialize_start; factory->serialize_statement = raptor_rss10_serialize_statement; factory->serialize_end = raptor_rss10_serialize_end; factory->finish_factory = raptor_rss10_serialize_finish_factory; return 0; } static const char* atom_names[3] = { "atom", NULL}; static const char* const atom_uri_strings[2] = { "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287.txt", NULL }; #define ATOM_TYPES_COUNT 1 static const raptor_type_q atom_types[ATOM_TYPES_COUNT + 1] = { { "application/atom+xml", 20, 10}, { NULL, 0, 0} }; static int raptor_atom_serializer_register_factory(raptor_serializer_factory *factory) { factory->desc.names = atom_names; factory->desc.mime_types = atom_types; factory->desc.label = "Atom 1.0"; factory->desc.uri_strings = atom_uri_strings; factory->context_length = sizeof(raptor_rss10_serializer_context); factory->init = raptor_rss10_serialize_init; factory->terminate = raptor_rss10_serialize_terminate; factory->declare_namespace = raptor_rss10_serialize_declare_namespace; factory->declare_namespace_from_namespace = raptor_rss10_serialize_declare_namespace_from_namespace; factory->serialize_start = raptor_rss10_serialize_start; factory->serialize_statement = raptor_rss10_serialize_statement; factory->serialize_end = raptor_rss10_serialize_end; factory->finish_factory = raptor_rss10_serialize_finish_factory; return 0; } int raptor_init_serializer_rss10(raptor_world* world) { return !raptor_serializer_register_factory(world, &raptor_rss10_serializer_register_factory); } int raptor_init_serializer_atom(raptor_world* world) { return !raptor_serializer_register_factory(world, &raptor_atom_serializer_register_factory); }