/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_serialize_turtle.c - Turtle serializer * * Copyright (C) 2006,2008 Dave Robillard * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * Copyright (C) 2005 Steve Shepard steveshep@gmail.com * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor2.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" #define MAX_ASCII_INT_SIZE 13 /* * Raptor turtle serializer object */ typedef struct { raptor_namespace_stack *nstack; /* Namespace stack */ raptor_namespace *rdf_nspace; /* the rdf: namespace */ raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer; /* where the xml is being written */ raptor_sequence *namespaces; /* User declared namespaces */ raptor_avltree *subjects; /* subject items */ raptor_avltree *blanks; /* blank subject items */ raptor_avltree *nodes; /* nodes */ raptor_abbrev_node *rdf_type; /* rdf:type uri */ /* URI of rdf:XMLLiteral */ raptor_uri* rdf_xml_literal_uri; /* URI of rdf:first */ raptor_uri* rdf_first_uri; /* URI of rdf:rest */ raptor_uri* rdf_rest_uri; /* URI of rdf:nil */ raptor_uri* rdf_nil_uri; /* non zero if header is finished being written * (and thus no new namespaces can be declared). */ int written_header; /* for labeling namespaces */ int namespace_count; } raptor_turtle_context; /* prototypes for functions */ static int raptor_turtle_emit_resource(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_node* node, int depth); static int raptor_turtle_emit_literal(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_node* node, int depth); static int raptor_turtle_emit_blank(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_node* node, int depth); static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject_list_items(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth); static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject_collection_items(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth); static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject_properties(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth); static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth); static int raptor_turtle_emit(raptor_serializer *serializer); static int raptor_turtle_serialize_init(raptor_serializer* serializer, const char *name); static void raptor_turtle_serialize_terminate(raptor_serializer* serializer); static int raptor_turtle_serialize_declare_namespace(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_uri *uri, const unsigned char *prefix); static int raptor_turtle_serialize_start(raptor_serializer* serializer); static int raptor_turtle_serialize_statement(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_statement *statement); static int raptor_turtle_serialize_end(raptor_serializer* serializer); static void raptor_turtle_serialize_finish_factory(raptor_serializer_factory* factory); int raptor_turtle_is_legal_turtle_qname(raptor_qname* qname) { const char* prefix_name; const char* local_name; if(!qname) return 0; prefix_name = qname->nspace ? (const char*)qname->nspace->prefix : NULL; if(prefix_name) { /* prefixName: must have leading [A-Z][a-z][0-9] (nameStartChar - '_') */ /* prefixName: no . anywhere */ if(!(isalpha((int)*prefix_name) || isdigit((int)*prefix_name)) || strchr(prefix_name, '.')) return 0; } local_name = (const char*)qname->local_name; if(local_name) { /* nameStartChar: must have leading [A-Z][a-z][0-9]_ */ /* nameChar: no . anywhere */ if(!(isalpha((int)*local_name) || isdigit((int)*local_name) || *local_name == '_') || strchr(local_name, '.')) return 0; } return 1; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit_resource: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * @node: resource node * @depth: depth into tree * * Emit a description of a resource using an XML Element * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit_resource(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_node* node, int depth) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer = context->turtle_writer; raptor_qname* qname = NULL; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Emitting resource node %p refcount %d subject %d object %d\n", node, node->ref_count, node->count_as_subject, node->count_as_object); if(node->term->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) return 1; qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_uri(context->nstack, node->term->value.uri, 10); /* XML Names allow leading '_' and '.' anywhere but Turtle does not */ if(qname && !raptor_turtle_is_legal_turtle_qname(qname)) { raptor_free_qname(qname); qname = NULL; } if(qname) { raptor_turtle_writer_qname(turtle_writer, qname); raptor_free_qname(qname); } else { raptor_turtle_writer_reference(turtle_writer, node->term->value.uri); } RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Emitted %p\n", node); return 0; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit_literal: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * @node: literal node * @depth: depth into tree * * Emit a description of a literal (object). * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit_literal(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_node* node, int depth) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer = context->turtle_writer; int rc = 0; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Emitting literal node %p refcount %d subject %d object %d\n", node, node->ref_count, node->count_as_subject, node->count_as_object); if(node->term->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL) return 1; rc = raptor_turtle_writer_literal(turtle_writer, context->nstack, node->term->value.literal.string, node->term->value.literal.language, node->term->value.literal.datatype); RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Emitted %p\n", node); return rc; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit_blank: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * @node: blank node * @depth: depth into tree * * Emit a description of a blank node * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit_blank(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_node* node, int depth) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; int rc = 0; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Emitting blank node %p refcount %d subject %d object %d\n", node, node->ref_count, node->count_as_subject, node->count_as_object); if(node->term->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) return 1; if((node->count_as_subject == 1 && node->count_as_object == 1)) { /* If this is only used as a 1 subject and object or never * used as a subject or never used as an object, it never need * be referenced with an explicit name */ raptor_abbrev_subject* blank; blank = raptor_abbrev_subject_find(context->blanks, node->term); if(blank) { rc = raptor_turtle_emit_subject(serializer, blank, depth+1); raptor_abbrev_subject_invalidate(blank); } } else { /* Blank node that needs an explicit name */ raptor_turtle_writer_bnodeid(context->turtle_writer, node->term->value.blank.string, node->term->value.blank.string_len); } RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Emitted %p\n", node); return rc; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit_subject_list_items: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * @subject: subject node * @depth: depth into tree * * Emit an rdf list of items (rdf:li) about a subject node. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject_list_items(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth) { int rv = 0; int i = 0; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Emitting subject list items for node %p refcount %d subject %d object %d\n", subject->node, subject->node->ref_count, subject->node->count_as_subject, subject->node->count_as_object); while(!rv && i < raptor_sequence_size(subject->list_items)) { raptor_abbrev_node* object; object = (raptor_abbrev_node*)raptor_sequence_get_at(subject->list_items, i++); if(!object) continue; switch(object->term->type) { case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_resource(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_literal(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_blank(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: raptor_log_error_formatted(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Triple has unsupported term type %d", object->term->type); break; } } return rv; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit_subject_collection_items: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * @subject: subject node * @depth: depth into tree * * Emit an abbreviated rdf collection of items (rdf:first, rdf:rest) about a subject node. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject_collection_items(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; int rv = 0; raptor_avltree_iterator* iter = NULL; int i; int is_new_subject = 0; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Emitting subject collection items for node %p refcount %d subject %d object %d\n", subject->node, subject->node->ref_count, subject->node->count_as_subject, subject->node->count_as_object); /* if just saw a new subject (is_new_subject is true) then there is no need * to advance the iterator - it was just reset */ for(i = 0, (iter = raptor_new_avltree_iterator(subject->properties, NULL, NULL, 1)); iter && !rv; i++, (rv = is_new_subject ? 0 : raptor_avltree_iterator_next(iter))) { raptor_abbrev_node** nodes; raptor_abbrev_node* predicate; raptor_abbrev_node* object; is_new_subject = 0; nodes = (raptor_abbrev_node**)raptor_avltree_iterator_get(iter); if(!nodes) break; predicate= nodes[0]; object= nodes[1]; if(!raptor_uri_equals(predicate->term->value.uri, context->rdf_first_uri)) { raptor_log_error(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Malformed collection - first predicate is not rdf:first"); return 1; } if(!object) continue; if(i > 0) raptor_turtle_writer_newline(context->turtle_writer); switch(object->term->type) { case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_resource(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_literal(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_blank(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: raptor_log_error_formatted(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Triple has unsupported term type %d", object->term->type); break; } /* Return error if emitting something failed above */ if(rv) return rv; /* last item */ rv = raptor_avltree_iterator_next(iter); if(rv) break; nodes = (raptor_abbrev_node**)raptor_avltree_iterator_get(iter); predicate = nodes[0]; object = nodes[1]; if(!raptor_uri_equals(predicate->term->value.uri, context->rdf_rest_uri)) { raptor_log_error(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Malformed collection - second predicate is not rdf:rest"); return 1; } if(object->term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) { subject = raptor_abbrev_subject_find(context->blanks, object->term); if(!subject) { raptor_log_error(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Malformed collection - could not find subject for rdf:rest"); return 1; } /* got a <(old)subject> rdf:rest <(new)subject> triple so know * subject has changed and should reset the properties iterator */ if(iter) raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); iter = raptor_new_avltree_iterator(subject->properties, NULL, NULL, 1); is_new_subject = 1; } else { if(object->term->type != RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI || !raptor_uri_equals(object->term->value.uri, context->rdf_nil_uri)) { raptor_log_error(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Malformed collection - last rdf:rest resource is not rdf:nil"); return 1; } break; } } if(iter) raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); return rv; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit_subject_properties: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * @subject: subject node * @depth: depth into tree * * Emit the properties about a subject node. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject_properties(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer = context->turtle_writer; raptor_abbrev_node* last_predicate = NULL; int rv = 0; raptor_avltree_iterator* iter = NULL; int i; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Emitting subject properties for node %p refcount %d subject %d object %d\n", subject->node, subject->node->ref_count, subject->node->count_as_subject, subject->node->count_as_object); /* Emit any rdf:_n properties collected */ if(raptor_sequence_size(subject->list_items) > 0) rv = raptor_turtle_emit_subject_list_items(serializer, subject, depth+1); for(i = 0, (iter = raptor_new_avltree_iterator(subject->properties, NULL, NULL, 1)); iter && !rv; i++, (rv = raptor_avltree_iterator_next(iter))) { raptor_abbrev_node** nodes; raptor_abbrev_node* predicate; raptor_abbrev_node* object; raptor_qname *qname; nodes = (raptor_abbrev_node**)raptor_avltree_iterator_get(iter); if(!nodes) break; predicate= nodes[0]; object= nodes[1]; if(!(last_predicate && raptor_abbrev_node_equals(predicate, last_predicate))) { /* no object list abbreviation possible, terminate last object */ if(last_predicate) { raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)" ;"); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); } qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_uri(context->nstack, predicate->term->value.uri, 10); if(raptor_abbrev_node_equals(predicate, context->rdf_type)) raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)"a"); else if(qname) raptor_turtle_writer_qname(turtle_writer, qname); else raptor_turtle_writer_reference(turtle_writer, predicate->term->value.uri); raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)" "); if(qname) raptor_free_qname(qname); } else raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)", "); switch(object->term->type) { case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_resource(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_literal(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK: rv = raptor_turtle_emit_blank(serializer, object, depth+1); break; case RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: raptor_log_error_formatted(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Triple has unsupported term type %d", object->term->type); break; } /* Return error if emitting something failed above */ if(rv) return rv; last_predicate = predicate; } if(iter) raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); return rv; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit_subject: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * @subject: subject node * @depth: depth into tree * * Emit a subject node * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit_subject(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_abbrev_subject* subject, int depth) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer = context->turtle_writer; int blank = 1; int collection = 0; int rc = 0; if(!raptor_abbrev_subject_valid(subject)) return 0; RAPTOR_DEBUG5("Emitting subject node %p refcount %d subject %d object %d\n", subject->node, subject->node->ref_count, subject->node->count_as_subject, subject->node->count_as_object); if(!depth && subject->node->term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK && subject->node->count_as_subject == 1 && subject->node->count_as_object == 1) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Skipping subject node %p\n", subject->node); return 0; } if(raptor_avltree_size(subject->properties) == 0) { RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Skipping subject node %p\n", subject->node); return 0; } /* check if we can do collection abbreviation */ if(raptor_avltree_size(subject->properties) >= 2) { raptor_avltree_iterator* iter = NULL; raptor_abbrev_node* pred1; raptor_abbrev_node* pred2; iter = raptor_new_avltree_iterator(subject->properties, NULL, NULL, 1); if(!iter) return 1; pred1 = ((raptor_abbrev_node**)raptor_avltree_iterator_get(iter))[0]; raptor_avltree_iterator_next(iter); pred2 = ((raptor_abbrev_node**)raptor_avltree_iterator_get(iter))[0]; raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); if(pred1->term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI && pred2->term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI && ( (raptor_uri_equals(pred1->term->value.uri, context->rdf_first_uri) && raptor_uri_equals(pred2->term->value.uri, context->rdf_rest_uri)) || (raptor_uri_equals(pred2->term->value.uri, context->rdf_first_uri) && raptor_uri_equals(pred1->term->value.uri, context->rdf_rest_uri)) ) ) { collection = 1; } } /* emit the subject node */ if(subject->node->term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { rc= raptor_turtle_emit_resource(serializer, subject->node, depth+1); if(rc) return rc; blank = 0; collection = 0; } else if(subject->node->term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) { if((subject->node->count_as_subject == 1 && subject->node->count_as_object == 0) && depth > 1) { blank = 1; } else if(subject->node->count_as_object == 0) { raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)"[]"); blank = 0; } else if(!collection && subject->node->count_as_object > 1) { /* Referred to (used as an object), so needs a nodeID */ const unsigned char* genid = subject->node->term->value.blank.string; size_t len = strlen((const char*)genid); unsigned char* subject_str; subject_str= RAPTOR_MALLOC(unsigned char*, len + 3); if(!subject_str) return 1; subject_str[0]='_'; subject_str[1]=':'; memcpy(&subject_str[2], genid, len + 1); raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, subject_str); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, subject_str); } } if(collection) { raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)"("); raptor_turtle_writer_increase_indent(turtle_writer); rc = raptor_turtle_emit_subject_collection_items(serializer, subject, depth+1); raptor_turtle_writer_decrease_indent(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)")"); } else { if(blank && depth > 1) raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)"["); raptor_turtle_writer_increase_indent(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_emit_subject_properties(serializer, subject, depth+1); raptor_turtle_writer_decrease_indent(turtle_writer); if(blank && depth > 1) { raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)"]"); } } if(depth == 0) { /* NOTE: the space before the . here MUST be there or statements * that end in a numeric literal will be interpreted incorrectly * (the "." will be parsed as part of the literal and statement * left unterminated) */ raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)" ."); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); } return rc; } /* * raptor_turtle_emit: * @serializer: #raptor_serializer object * * Emit Turtle for all stored triples. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_turtle_emit(raptor_serializer *serializer) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_abbrev_subject* subject; raptor_abbrev_subject* blank; int rc; raptor_avltree_iterator* iter = NULL; iter = raptor_new_avltree_iterator(context->subjects, NULL, NULL, 1); while(iter) { subject = (raptor_abbrev_subject *)raptor_avltree_iterator_get(iter); if(subject) { rc = raptor_turtle_emit_subject(serializer, subject, 0); if(rc) { raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); return rc; } } if(raptor_avltree_iterator_next(iter)) break; } if(iter) raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); /* Emit any remaining blank nodes. */ iter = raptor_new_avltree_iterator(context->blanks, NULL, NULL, 1); while(iter) { blank = (raptor_abbrev_subject *)raptor_avltree_iterator_get(iter); if(blank) { rc = raptor_turtle_emit_subject(serializer, blank, 0); if(rc) { raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); return rc; } } if(raptor_avltree_iterator_next(iter)) break; } if(iter) raptor_free_avltree_iterator(iter); return 0; } /* * raptor serializer Turtle implementation */ /* create a new serializer */ static int raptor_turtle_serialize_init(raptor_serializer* serializer, const char *name) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_uri *rdf_type_uri; context->nstack = raptor_new_namespaces(serializer->world, 1); if(!context->nstack) return 1; context->rdf_nspace = raptor_new_namespace(context->nstack, (const unsigned char*)"rdf", (const unsigned char*)raptor_rdf_namespace_uri, 0); context->namespaces = raptor_new_sequence(NULL, NULL); context->subjects = raptor_new_avltree((raptor_data_compare_handler)raptor_abbrev_subject_compare, (raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_abbrev_subject, 0); context->blanks = raptor_new_avltree((raptor_data_compare_handler)raptor_abbrev_subject_compare, (raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_abbrev_subject, 0); context->nodes = raptor_new_avltree((raptor_data_compare_handler)raptor_abbrev_node_compare, (raptor_data_free_handler)raptor_free_abbrev_node, 0); rdf_type_uri = raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept(serializer->world, (const unsigned char*)"type"); if(rdf_type_uri) { raptor_term* uri_term; uri_term = raptor_new_term_from_uri(serializer->world, rdf_type_uri); raptor_free_uri(rdf_type_uri); context->rdf_type = raptor_new_abbrev_node(serializer->world, uri_term); raptor_free_term(uri_term); } else context->rdf_type = NULL; context->rdf_xml_literal_uri = raptor_new_uri(serializer->world, raptor_xml_literal_datatype_uri_string); context->rdf_first_uri = raptor_new_uri(serializer->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#first"); context->rdf_rest_uri = raptor_new_uri(serializer->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#rest"); context->rdf_nil_uri = raptor_new_uri(serializer->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil"); if(!context->rdf_nspace || !context->namespaces || !context->subjects || !context->blanks || !context->nodes || !context->rdf_xml_literal_uri || !context->rdf_first_uri || !context->rdf_rest_uri || !context->rdf_nil_uri || !context->rdf_type) { raptor_turtle_serialize_terminate(serializer); return 1; } /* Note: item 0 in the list is rdf:RDF's namespace */ if(raptor_sequence_push(context->namespaces, context->rdf_nspace)) { raptor_turtle_serialize_terminate(serializer); return 1; } return 0; } /* destroy a serializer */ static void raptor_turtle_serialize_terminate(raptor_serializer* serializer) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; if(context->turtle_writer) { raptor_free_turtle_writer(context->turtle_writer); context->turtle_writer = NULL; } if(context->rdf_nspace) { raptor_free_namespace(context->rdf_nspace); context->rdf_nspace = NULL; } if(context->namespaces) { int i; /* Note: item 0 in the list is rdf:RDF's namespace and freed above */ for(i = 1; i< raptor_sequence_size(context->namespaces); i++) { raptor_namespace* ns; ns =(raptor_namespace*)raptor_sequence_get_at(context->namespaces, i); if(ns) raptor_free_namespace(ns); } raptor_free_sequence(context->namespaces); context->namespaces = NULL; } if(context->subjects) { raptor_free_avltree(context->subjects); context->subjects = NULL; } if(context->blanks) { raptor_free_avltree(context->blanks); context->blanks = NULL; } if(context->nodes) { raptor_free_avltree(context->nodes); context->nodes = NULL; } if(context->nstack) { raptor_free_namespaces(context->nstack); context->nstack = NULL; } if(context->rdf_type) { raptor_free_abbrev_node(context->rdf_type); context->rdf_type = NULL; } if(context->rdf_xml_literal_uri) { raptor_free_uri(context->rdf_xml_literal_uri); context->rdf_xml_literal_uri = NULL; } if(context->rdf_first_uri) { raptor_free_uri(context->rdf_first_uri); context->rdf_first_uri = NULL; } if(context->rdf_rest_uri) { raptor_free_uri(context->rdf_rest_uri); context->rdf_rest_uri = NULL; } if(context->rdf_nil_uri) { raptor_free_uri(context->rdf_nil_uri); context->rdf_nil_uri = NULL; } } #define TURTLE_NAMESPACE_DEPTH 0 /* add a namespace */ static int raptor_turtle_serialize_declare_namespace_from_namespace(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_namespace *nspace) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; int i; if(context->written_header) return 1; for(i = 0; i< raptor_sequence_size(context->namespaces); i++) { raptor_namespace* ns; ns = (raptor_namespace*)raptor_sequence_get_at(context->namespaces, i); /* If prefix is already declared, ignore it */ if(!ns->prefix && !nspace->prefix) return 1; if(ns->prefix && nspace->prefix && !strcmp((const char*)ns->prefix, (const char*)nspace->prefix)) return 1; if(ns->uri && nspace->uri && raptor_uri_equals(ns->uri, nspace->uri)) return 1; } nspace = raptor_new_namespace_from_uri(context->nstack, nspace->prefix, nspace->uri, TURTLE_NAMESPACE_DEPTH); if(!nspace) return 1; raptor_sequence_push(context->namespaces, nspace); return 0; } /* add a namespace */ static int raptor_turtle_serialize_declare_namespace(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_uri *uri, const unsigned char *prefix) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_namespace *ns; int rc; ns = raptor_new_namespace_from_uri(context->nstack, prefix, uri, TURTLE_NAMESPACE_DEPTH); rc = raptor_turtle_serialize_declare_namespace_from_namespace(serializer, ns); raptor_free_namespace(ns); return rc; } /* start a serialize */ static int raptor_turtle_serialize_start(raptor_serializer* serializer) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer; int flag; if(context->turtle_writer) raptor_free_turtle_writer(context->turtle_writer); flag = RAPTOR_OPTIONS_GET_NUMERIC(serializer, RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITE_BASE_URI); turtle_writer = raptor_new_turtle_writer(serializer->world, serializer->base_uri, flag, context->nstack, serializer->iostream); if(!turtle_writer) return 1; raptor_turtle_writer_set_option(turtle_writer, RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT, 1); raptor_turtle_writer_set_option(turtle_writer, RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_INDENT_WIDTH, 2); context->turtle_writer = turtle_writer; return 0; } static void raptor_turtle_ensure_writen_header(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_turtle_context* context) { int i; if(context->written_header) return; if(!context->turtle_writer) return; for(i = 0; i< raptor_sequence_size(context->namespaces); i++) { raptor_namespace* ns; ns = (raptor_namespace*)raptor_sequence_get_at(context->namespaces, i); raptor_turtle_writer_namespace_prefix(context->turtle_writer, ns); raptor_namespace_stack_start_namespace(context->nstack, ns, 0); } raptor_turtle_writer_raw(context->turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)"\n"); context->written_header = 1; } /* serialize a statement */ static int raptor_turtle_serialize_statement(raptor_serializer* serializer, raptor_statement *statement) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_abbrev_subject* subject = NULL; raptor_abbrev_node* predicate = NULL; raptor_abbrev_node* object = NULL; int rv; raptor_term_type object_type; if(!(statement->subject->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI || statement->subject->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK)) { raptor_log_error_formatted(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Do not know how to serialize node type %d", statement->subject->type); return 1; } subject = raptor_abbrev_subject_lookup(context->nodes, context->subjects, context->blanks, statement->subject); if(!subject) { return 1; } object_type = statement->object->type; if(!(object_type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI || object_type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK || object_type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL)) { raptor_log_error_formatted(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Cannot serialize a triple with object node type %d", object_type); return 1; } object = raptor_abbrev_node_lookup(context->nodes, statement->object); if(!object) return 1; if(statement->predicate->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { predicate = raptor_abbrev_node_lookup(context->nodes, statement->predicate); if(!predicate) return 1; rv = raptor_abbrev_subject_add_property(subject, predicate, object); if(rv < 0) { raptor_log_error_formatted(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Unable to add properties to subject %p", subject); return rv; } } else { raptor_log_error_formatted(serializer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Do not know how to serialize node type %d", statement->predicate->type); return 1; } if(object_type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI || object_type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) object->count_as_object++; return 0; } /* end a serialize */ static int raptor_turtle_serialize_end(raptor_serializer* serializer) { raptor_turtle_context* context = (raptor_turtle_context*)serializer->context; raptor_turtle_ensure_writen_header(serializer, context); raptor_turtle_emit(serializer); /* reset serializer for reuse */ context->written_header = 0; return 0; } /* finish the serializer factory */ static void raptor_turtle_serialize_finish_factory(raptor_serializer_factory* factory) { /* NOP */ } static const char* const turtle_names[2] = { "turtle", NULL}; static const char* const turtle_uri_strings[3] = { "http://www.w3.org/ns/formats/Turtle", "http://www.dajobe.org/2004/01/turtle/", NULL }; #define TURTLE_TYPES_COUNT 6 static const raptor_type_q turtle_types[TURTLE_TYPES_COUNT + 1] = { { "text/turtle", 11, 10}, { "application/turtle", 18, 10}, { "application/x-turtle", 20, 8}, { "text/n3", 7, 3}, { "text/rdf+n3", 11, 3}, { "application/rdf+n3", 18, 3}, { NULL, 0, 0} }; static int raptor_turtle_serializer_register_factory(raptor_serializer_factory *factory) { factory->desc.names = turtle_names; factory->desc.mime_types = turtle_types; factory->desc.label = "Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language"; factory->desc.uri_strings = turtle_uri_strings; factory->context_length = sizeof(raptor_turtle_context); factory->init = raptor_turtle_serialize_init; factory->terminate = raptor_turtle_serialize_terminate; factory->declare_namespace = raptor_turtle_serialize_declare_namespace; factory->declare_namespace_from_namespace = raptor_turtle_serialize_declare_namespace_from_namespace; factory->serialize_start = raptor_turtle_serialize_start; factory->serialize_statement = raptor_turtle_serialize_statement; factory->serialize_end = raptor_turtle_serialize_end; factory->finish_factory = raptor_turtle_serialize_finish_factory; return 0; } int raptor_init_serializer_turtle(raptor_world* world) { return !raptor_serializer_register_factory(world, &raptor_turtle_serializer_register_factory); } /** * raptor_uri_turtle_write: * @world: world * @iostr: iostream for writing * @uri: uri * @nstack: namespace stack * @base_uri: base URI * * Write #raptor_uri to a stream in turtle syntax (using QNames). * * Note: This creates and destroys several internal objects for each * call so for more efficient writing, create a turtle serializer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure */ int raptor_uri_turtle_write(raptor_world *world, raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_uri* uri, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_uri *base_uri) { int rc; raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer; turtle_writer = raptor_new_turtle_writer(world, base_uri, 0, nstack, iostr); if(!turtle_writer) return 1; rc = raptor_turtle_writer_uri(turtle_writer, uri); raptor_free_turtle_writer(turtle_writer); return rc; } /** * raptor_term_turtle_write: * @iostr: iostream for writing * @term: term * @nstack: namespace stack * @base_uri: base URI * * Write #raptor_term to a stream in turtle syntax (using QNames). * * Note: This creates and destroys several internal objects for each * call so for more efficient writing, create a turtle serializer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure */ int raptor_term_turtle_write(raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_term* term, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_uri *base_uri) { int rc; raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer; turtle_writer = raptor_new_turtle_writer(term->world, base_uri, 0, nstack, iostr); if(!turtle_writer) return 1; rc = raptor_turtle_writer_term(turtle_writer, term); raptor_free_turtle_writer(turtle_writer); return rc; } /** * raptor_uri_to_turtle_counted_string: * @world: world * @uri: uri * @nstack: namespace stack * @base_uri: base URI * @len_p: Pointer to location to store length of new string (if not NULL) * * Convert #raptor_uri to a string. * Caller has responsibility to free the string. * * Note: This creates and destroys several internal objects for each * call so for more efficient writing, create a turtle serializer. * * Return value: the new string or NULL on failure. The length of * the new string is returned in *@len_p if len_p is not NULL. */ unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_turtle_counted_string(raptor_world *world, raptor_uri* uri, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_uri *base_uri, size_t *len_p) { int rc = 1; raptor_iostream* iostr; unsigned char *s = NULL; raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer; iostr = raptor_new_iostream_to_string(world, (void**)&s, len_p, malloc); if(!iostr) return NULL; turtle_writer = raptor_new_turtle_writer(world, base_uri, 0, nstack, iostr); if(!turtle_writer) goto tidy; rc = raptor_turtle_writer_uri(turtle_writer, uri); raptor_free_turtle_writer(turtle_writer); tidy: raptor_free_iostream(iostr); if(rc) { free(s); s = NULL; } return s; } /** * raptor_uri_to_turtle_string: * @world: world * @uri: uri * @nstack: namespace stack * @base_uri: base URI * * Convert #raptor_uri to a string. * Caller has responsibility to free the string. * * Note: This creates and destroys several internal objects for each * call so for more efficient writing, create a turtle serializer. * * Return value: the new string or NULL on failure. */ unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_turtle_string(raptor_world *world, raptor_uri* uri, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_uri *base_uri) { return raptor_uri_to_turtle_counted_string(world, uri, nstack, base_uri, NULL); } /** * raptor_term_to_turtle_counted_string: * @term: term * @nstack: namespace stack * @base_uri: base URI * @len_p: Pointer to location to store length of new string (if not NULL) * * Convert #raptor_term to a string. * Caller has responsibility to free the string. * * Note: This creates and destroys several internal objects for each * call so for more efficient writing, create a turtle serializer. * * Return value: the new string or NULL on failure. The length of * the new string is returned in *@len_p if len_p is not NULL. */ unsigned char* raptor_term_to_turtle_counted_string(raptor_term* term, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_uri *base_uri, size_t *len_p) { int rc; raptor_iostream* iostr; unsigned char *s; iostr = raptor_new_iostream_to_string(term->world, (void**)&s, len_p, malloc); if(!iostr) return NULL; rc = raptor_term_turtle_write(iostr, term, nstack, base_uri); raptor_free_iostream(iostr); if(rc) { free(s); s = NULL; } return s; } /** * raptor_term_to_turtle_string: * @term: term * @nstack: namespace stack * @base_uri: base URI * * Convert #raptor_term to a string. * Caller has responsibility to free the string. * * Return value: the new string or NULL on failure. */ unsigned char* raptor_term_to_turtle_string(raptor_term* term, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_uri *base_uri) { return raptor_term_to_turtle_counted_string(term, nstack, base_uri, NULL); }