/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_turtle_writer.c - Raptor Turtle Writer * * Copyright (C) 2006, Dave Robillard * Copyright (C) 2003-2008, David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H #include #endif #include /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor2.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" #ifndef STANDALONE typedef enum { TURTLE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT = 1, } raptor_turtle_writer_flags; #define TURTLE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT(turtle_writer) ((turtle_writer->flags & TURTLE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT) != 0) struct raptor_turtle_writer_s { raptor_world* world; int depth; raptor_uri* base_uri; int my_nstack; raptor_namespace_stack *nstack; int nstack_depth; /* outputting to this iostream */ raptor_iostream *iostr; /* Turtle Writer flags - bits defined in enum raptor_turtle_writer_flags */ int flags; /* indentation per level if formatting */ int indent; }; /* 16 spaces */ #define SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE sizeof(spaces_buffer) static const unsigned char spaces_buffer[] = { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' }; void raptor_turtle_writer_increase_indent(raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer) { turtle_writer->depth += turtle_writer->indent; } void raptor_turtle_writer_decrease_indent(raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer) { turtle_writer->depth -= turtle_writer->indent; } void raptor_turtle_writer_newline(raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer) { int num_spaces; raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', turtle_writer->iostr); if(!TURTLE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT(turtle_writer)) return; num_spaces = turtle_writer->depth * turtle_writer->indent; while(num_spaces > 0) { int count; count = (num_spaces > RAPTOR_GOOD_CAST(int, SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE)) ? RAPTOR_GOOD_CAST(int, SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE) : num_spaces; raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(spaces_buffer, count, turtle_writer->iostr); num_spaces -= count; } return; } /** * raptor_new_turtle_writer: * @world: raptor_world object * @base_uri: Base URI for the writer (or NULL) * @write_base_uri: non-0 to write '@base' directive to output * @nstack: Namespace stack for the writer to start with (or NULL) * @iostr: I/O stream to write to * * Constructor - Create a new Turtle Writer writing Turtle to a raptor_iostream * * Return value: a new #raptor_turtle_writer object or NULL on failure **/ raptor_turtle_writer* raptor_new_turtle_writer(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* base_uri, int write_base_uri, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_iostream* iostr) { raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer; RAPTOR_CHECK_CONSTRUCTOR_WORLD(world); if(!nstack || !iostr) return NULL; raptor_world_open(world); turtle_writer = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_turtle_writer*, 1, sizeof(*turtle_writer)); if(!turtle_writer) return NULL; turtle_writer->world = world; turtle_writer->nstack_depth = 0; turtle_writer->nstack = nstack; if(!turtle_writer->nstack) { turtle_writer->nstack = raptor_new_namespaces(world, 1); turtle_writer->my_nstack = 1; } turtle_writer->iostr = iostr; turtle_writer->flags = 0; turtle_writer->indent = 2; turtle_writer->base_uri = NULL; /* Ensure any initial base URI is not written relative */ if(base_uri && write_base_uri) raptor_turtle_writer_base(turtle_writer, base_uri); turtle_writer->base_uri = base_uri; return turtle_writer; } /** * raptor_free_turtle_writer: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * * Destructor - Free Turtle Writer * **/ void raptor_free_turtle_writer(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer) { if(!turtle_writer) return; if(turtle_writer->nstack && turtle_writer->my_nstack) raptor_free_namespaces(turtle_writer->nstack); RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_turtle_writer, turtle_writer); } static int raptor_turtle_writer_contains_newline(const unsigned char *s) { size_t i = 0; for( ; i < strlen((char*)s); i++) if(s[i] == '\n') return 1; return 0; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_raw: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @s: raw string to write * * Write a raw string to the Turtle writer verbatim. * **/ void raptor_turtle_writer_raw(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, const unsigned char *s) { raptor_iostream_string_write(s, turtle_writer->iostr); } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_raw_counted: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @s: raw string to write * @len: length of string * * Write a counted string to the Turtle writer verbatim. * **/ void raptor_turtle_writer_raw_counted(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, const unsigned char *s, unsigned int len) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(s, len, turtle_writer->iostr); } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_namespace_prefix: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @ns: Namespace to write prefix declaration for * * Write a namespace prefix declaration (@prefix) * * Must only be used at the beginning of a document. */ void raptor_turtle_writer_namespace_prefix(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, raptor_namespace* ns) { raptor_iostream_string_write("@prefix ", turtle_writer->iostr); if(ns->prefix) raptor_iostream_string_write(raptor_namespace_get_prefix(ns), turtle_writer->iostr); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(": ", 2, turtle_writer->iostr); raptor_turtle_writer_reference(turtle_writer, raptor_namespace_get_uri(ns)); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" .\n", 3, turtle_writer->iostr); } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_base: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @base_uri: New base URI or NULL * * Write a base URI directive (@base) to set the in-scope base URI */ void raptor_turtle_writer_base(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, raptor_uri* base_uri) { if(base_uri) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("@base ", 6, turtle_writer->iostr); raptor_turtle_writer_reference(turtle_writer, base_uri); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" .\n", 3, turtle_writer->iostr); } } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_reference: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @uri: URI to write * * Write a Turtle-encoded URI to the Turtle writer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_turtle_writer_reference(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, raptor_uri* uri) { return raptor_uri_escaped_write(uri, turtle_writer->base_uri, RAPTOR_ESCAPED_WRITE_TURTLE_URI, turtle_writer->iostr); } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_qname: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @qname: qname to write * * Write a QName to the Turtle writer. * **/ void raptor_turtle_writer_qname(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, raptor_qname* qname) { raptor_iostream* iostr = turtle_writer->iostr; if(qname->nspace && qname->nspace->prefix_length > 0) raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(qname->nspace->prefix, qname->nspace->prefix_length, iostr); raptor_iostream_write_byte(':', iostr); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(qname->local_name, qname->local_name_length, iostr); return; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_quoted_counted_string: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @s: string to write * @len: string length * * Write a Turtle escaped-string inside double quotes to the writer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_turtle_writer_quoted_counted_string(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, const unsigned char *s, size_t len) { const unsigned char *quotes = (const unsigned char *)"\"\"\"\""; const unsigned char *q = quotes + 2; size_t q_len = 1; int flags = RAPTOR_ESCAPED_WRITE_TURTLE_LITERAL; int rc = 0; if(!s) return 1; /* Turtle """longstring""" (2) or "string" (1) */ if(raptor_turtle_writer_contains_newline(s)) { /* long string */ flags = RAPTOR_ESCAPED_WRITE_TURTLE_LONG_LITERAL; q = quotes; q_len = 3; } raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(q, q_len, turtle_writer->iostr); rc = raptor_string_escaped_write(s, strlen((const char*)s), '"', flags, turtle_writer->iostr); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(q, q_len, turtle_writer->iostr); return rc; } /* * raptor_turtle_writer_literal: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @nstack: Namespace stack for making a QName for datatype URI * @s: literal string to write (SHARED) * @lang: language tag (may be NULL) * @datatype: datatype URI (may be NULL) * * INTERNAL - Write a literal (possibly with lang and datatype) to the Turtle writer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_turtle_writer_literal(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, const unsigned char* s, const unsigned char* lang, raptor_uri* datatype) { /* DBL_MAX = 309 decimal digits */ #define INT_MAX_LEN 309 /* DBL_EPSILON = 52 digits */ #define FRAC_MAX_LEN 52 char* endptr = (char *)s; int written = 0; /* typed literal special cases */ if(datatype) { /* integer */ if(raptor_uri_equals(datatype, turtle_writer->world->xsd_integer_uri)) { /* FIXME. Work around that gcc < 4.5 cannot disable warn_unused_result */ long gcc_is_stupid = strtol((const char*)s, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != (char*)s && !*endptr) { raptor_iostream_string_write(s, turtle_writer->iostr); /* More gcc madness to 'use' the variable I didn't want */ written = 1 + 0 * (int)gcc_is_stupid; } else { raptor_log_error(turtle_writer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Illegal value for xsd:integer literal."); } /* double, decimal */ } else if(raptor_uri_equals(datatype, turtle_writer->world->xsd_double_uri) || raptor_uri_equals(datatype, turtle_writer->world->xsd_decimal_uri)) { /* FIXME. Work around that gcc < 4.5 cannot disable warn_unused_result */ double gcc_is_doubly_stupid = strtod((const char*)s, &endptr); if(endptr != (char*)s && !*endptr) { raptor_iostream_string_write(s, turtle_writer->iostr); /* More gcc madness to 'use' the variable I didn't want */ written = 1 + 0 * (int)gcc_is_doubly_stupid; } else { raptor_log_error(turtle_writer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Illegal value for xsd:double or xsd:decimal literal."); } /* boolean */ } else if(raptor_uri_equals(datatype, turtle_writer->world->xsd_boolean_uri)) { if(!strcmp((const char*)s, "0") || !strcmp((const char*)s, "false")) { raptor_iostream_string_write("false", turtle_writer->iostr); written = 1; } else if(!strcmp((const char*)s, "1") || !strcmp((const char*)s, "true")) { raptor_iostream_string_write("true", turtle_writer->iostr); written = 1; } else { raptor_log_error(turtle_writer->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, NULL, "Illegal value for xsd:boolean literal."); } } } if(written) return 0; if(raptor_turtle_writer_quoted_counted_string(turtle_writer, s, strlen((const char*)s))) return 1; /* typed literal, not a special case */ if(datatype) { raptor_qname* qname; raptor_iostream_string_write("^^", turtle_writer->iostr); qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_uri(nstack, datatype, 10); if(qname) { raptor_turtle_writer_qname(turtle_writer, qname); raptor_free_qname(qname); } else raptor_turtle_writer_reference(turtle_writer, datatype); } else if(lang) { /* literal with language tag */ raptor_iostream_write_byte('@', turtle_writer->iostr); raptor_iostream_string_write(lang, turtle_writer->iostr); } return 0; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_comment: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @s: comment string to write * * Write a Turtle comment to the Turtle writer. * **/ void raptor_turtle_writer_comment(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, const unsigned char *string) { unsigned char c; size_t len = strlen((const char*)string); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write((const unsigned char*)"# ", 2, turtle_writer->iostr); for(; (c=*string); string++, len--) { if(c == '\n') { raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write((const unsigned char*)"# ", 2, turtle_writer->iostr); } else if(c != '\r') { /* skip carriage returns (windows... *sigh*) */ raptor_iostream_write_byte(c, turtle_writer->iostr); } } raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_set_option: * @turtle_writer: #raptor_turtle_writer turtle_writer object * @option: option to set from enumerated #raptor_option values * @value: integer option value (0 or larger) * * Set turtle_writer options with integer values. * * The allowed options are available via * raptor_world_get_option_description() * * Return value: non 0 on failure or if the option is unknown **/ int raptor_turtle_writer_set_option(raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer, raptor_option option, int value) { if(value < 0 || !raptor_option_is_valid_for_area(option, RAPTOR_OPTION_AREA_TURTLE_WRITER)) return 1; switch(option) { case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT: if(value) turtle_writer->flags |= TURTLE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT; else turtle_writer->flags &= ~TURTLE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT; break; case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_INDENT_WIDTH: turtle_writer->indent = value; break; case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_XML_VERSION: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_XML_DECLARATION: break; /* parser options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_SCANNING: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_NON_NS_ATTRIBUTES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_BAGID: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_RDF_TYPE_RDF_LIST: case RAPTOR_OPTION_NORMALIZE_LANGUAGE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_NON_NFC_FATAL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WARN_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_CHECK_RDF_ID: case RAPTOR_OPTION_HTML_TAG_SOUP: case RAPTOR_OPTION_MICROFORMATS: case RAPTOR_OPTION_HTML_LINK: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_TIMEOUT: case RAPTOR_OPTION_STRICT: /* Shared */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_NO_NET: case RAPTOR_OPTION_NO_FILE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_LOAD_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES: /* XML writer options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_RELATIVE_URIS: /* DOT serializer options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_RESOURCE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_LITERAL_BORDER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_BNODE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_RESOURCE_FILL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_LITERAL_FILL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_BNODE_FILL: /* JSON serializer options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_JSON_CALLBACK: case RAPTOR_OPTION_JSON_EXTRA_DATA: case RAPTOR_OPTION_RSS_TRIPLES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ATOM_ENTRY_URI: case RAPTOR_OPTION_PREFIX_ELEMENTS: /* Turtle serializer option */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITE_BASE_URI: /* WWW option */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_HTTP_USER_AGENT: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_CERT_FILENAME: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_CERT_TYPE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_CERT_PASSPHRASE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_SSL_VERIFY_PEER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_SSL_VERIFY_HOST: default: return -1; } return 0; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_set_option_string: * @turtle_writer: #raptor_turtle_writer turtle_writer object * @option: option to set from enumerated #raptor_option values * @value: option value * * Set turtle_writer options with string values. * * The allowed options are available via * raptor_world_get_option_description(). * If the option type is integer, the value is interpreted as an * integer. * * Return value: non 0 on failure or if the option is unknown **/ int raptor_turtle_writer_set_option_string(raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer, raptor_option option, const unsigned char *value) { if(!value || !raptor_option_is_valid_for_area(option, RAPTOR_OPTION_AREA_TURTLE_WRITER)) return 1; if(raptor_option_value_is_numeric(option)) return raptor_turtle_writer_set_option(turtle_writer, option, atoi((const char*)value)); return 1; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_get_option: * @turtle_writer: #raptor_turtle_writer serializer object * @option: option to get value * * Get various turtle_writer options. * * The allowed options are available via raptor_options_enumerate(). * * Note: no option value is negative * * Return value: option value or < 0 for an illegal option **/ int raptor_turtle_writer_get_option(raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer, raptor_option option) { int result = -1; switch(option) { case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT: result = TURTLE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT(turtle_writer); break; case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_INDENT_WIDTH: result = turtle_writer->indent; break; /* writer options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_XML_VERSION: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_XML_DECLARATION: /* parser options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_SCANNING: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_NON_NS_ATTRIBUTES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_BAGID: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ALLOW_RDF_TYPE_RDF_LIST: case RAPTOR_OPTION_NORMALIZE_LANGUAGE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_NON_NFC_FATAL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WARN_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_CHECK_RDF_ID: case RAPTOR_OPTION_HTML_TAG_SOUP: case RAPTOR_OPTION_MICROFORMATS: case RAPTOR_OPTION_HTML_LINK: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_TIMEOUT: case RAPTOR_OPTION_STRICT: /* Shared */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_NO_NET: case RAPTOR_OPTION_NO_FILE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_LOAD_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES: /* XML writer options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_RELATIVE_URIS: /* DOT serializer options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_RESOURCE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_LITERAL_BORDER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_BNODE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_RESOURCE_FILL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_LITERAL_FILL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_BNODE_FILL: /* JSON serializer options */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_JSON_CALLBACK: case RAPTOR_OPTION_JSON_EXTRA_DATA: case RAPTOR_OPTION_RSS_TRIPLES: case RAPTOR_OPTION_ATOM_ENTRY_URI: case RAPTOR_OPTION_PREFIX_ELEMENTS: /* Turtle serializer option */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITE_BASE_URI: /* WWW option */ case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_HTTP_USER_AGENT: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_CERT_FILENAME: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_CERT_TYPE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_CERT_PASSPHRASE: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_SSL_VERIFY_PEER: case RAPTOR_OPTION_WWW_SSL_VERIFY_HOST: default: break; } return result; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_get_option_string: * @turtle_writer: #raptor_turtle_writer serializer object * @option: option to get value * * Get turtle_writer options with string values. * * The allowed options are available via raptor_options_enumerate(). * * Return value: option value or NULL for an illegal option or no value **/ const unsigned char * raptor_turtle_writer_get_option_string(raptor_turtle_writer *turtle_writer, raptor_option option) { return NULL; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_bnodeid: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @bnodeid: blank node ID to write * @len: length of @bnodeid * * Write a blank node ID with leading _: to the Turtle writer. * **/ void raptor_turtle_writer_bnodeid(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, const unsigned char *bnodeid, size_t len) { raptor_bnodeid_ntriples_write(bnodeid, len, turtle_writer->iostr); } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_uri: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @uri: uri * * Write a #raptor_uri to a turtle writer in qname or URI form * * Return value: non-0 on failure */ int raptor_turtle_writer_uri(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, raptor_uri* uri) { raptor_qname* qname; int rc = 0; if(!uri) return 1; qname = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_uri(turtle_writer->nstack, uri, 10); /* XML Names allow leading '_' and '.' anywhere but Turtle does not */ if(qname && !raptor_turtle_is_legal_turtle_qname(qname)) { raptor_free_qname(qname); qname = NULL; } if(qname) { raptor_turtle_writer_qname(turtle_writer, qname); raptor_free_qname(qname); } else { rc = raptor_turtle_writer_reference(turtle_writer, uri); } return rc; } /** * raptor_turtle_writer_term: * @turtle_writer: Turtle writer object * @term: term * * Write a #raptor_term to a turtle write * * Return value: non-0 on failure */ int raptor_turtle_writer_term(raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer, raptor_term* term) { int rc = 0; if(!term) return 1; if(term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_URI) { rc = raptor_turtle_writer_uri(turtle_writer, term->value.uri); } else if(term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL) { rc = raptor_turtle_writer_literal(turtle_writer, turtle_writer->nstack, term->value.literal.string, term->value.literal.language, term->value.literal.datatype); } else if(term->type == RAPTOR_TERM_TYPE_BLANK) { rc = raptor_bnodeid_ntriples_write(term->value.blank.string, term->value.blank.string_len, turtle_writer->iostr); } else { rc = 2; } return rc; } #endif #ifdef STANDALONE /* one more prototype */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]); const unsigned char *base_uri_string = (const unsigned char*)"http://example.org/base#"; const unsigned char* longstr = (const unsigned char*)"it's quoted\nand has newlines, \"s <> and\n\ttabbing"; #define OUT_BYTES_COUNT 149 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { raptor_world *world; const char *program = raptor_basename(argv[0]); raptor_iostream *iostr; raptor_namespace_stack *nstack; raptor_namespace* ex_ns; raptor_turtle_writer* turtle_writer; raptor_uri* base_uri; raptor_qname* el_name; unsigned long count; /* for raptor_new_iostream_to_string */ void *string = NULL; size_t string_len = 0; world = raptor_new_world(); if(!world || raptor_world_open(world)) exit(1); iostr = raptor_new_iostream_to_string(world, &string, &string_len, NULL); if(!iostr) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create iostream to string\n", program); exit(1); } nstack = raptor_new_namespaces(world, 1); base_uri = raptor_new_uri(world, base_uri_string); turtle_writer = raptor_new_turtle_writer(world, base_uri, 1, nstack, iostr); if(!turtle_writer) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create turtle_writer to iostream\n", program); exit(1); } raptor_turtle_writer_set_option(turtle_writer, RAPTOR_OPTION_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT, 1); ex_ns = raptor_new_namespace(nstack, (const unsigned char*)"ex", (const unsigned char*)"http://example.org/ns#", 0); raptor_turtle_writer_namespace_prefix(turtle_writer, ex_ns); raptor_turtle_writer_reference(turtle_writer, base_uri); raptor_turtle_writer_increase_indent(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_raw(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)"ex:foo "); raptor_turtle_writer_quoted_counted_string(turtle_writer, longstr, strlen((const char*)longstr)); raptor_turtle_writer_raw_counted(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)" ;", 2); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); el_name = raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(world, ex_ns, (const unsigned char*)"bar", NULL); raptor_turtle_writer_qname(turtle_writer, el_name); raptor_free_qname(el_name); raptor_turtle_writer_raw_counted(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)" ", 1); raptor_turtle_writer_literal(turtle_writer, nstack, (const unsigned char*)"10.0", NULL, world->xsd_decimal_uri); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_decrease_indent(turtle_writer); raptor_turtle_writer_raw_counted(turtle_writer, (const unsigned char*)".", 1); raptor_turtle_writer_newline(turtle_writer); raptor_free_turtle_writer(turtle_writer); raptor_free_namespace(ex_ns); raptor_free_namespaces(nstack); raptor_free_uri(base_uri); count = raptor_iostream_tell(iostr); #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Freeing iostream\n", program); #endif raptor_free_iostream(iostr); if(count != OUT_BYTES_COUNT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: I/O stream wrote %d bytes, expected %d\n", program, (int)count, (int)OUT_BYTES_COUNT); fputs("[[", stderr); (void)fwrite(string, 1, string_len, stderr); fputs("]]\n", stderr); return 1; } if(!string) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: I/O stream failed to create a string\n", program); return 1; } string_len = strlen((const char*)string); if(string_len != count) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: I/O stream created a string length %d, expected %d\n", program, (int)string_len, (int)count); return 1; } #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Made Turtle string of %d bytes\n", program, (int)string_len); fputs("[[", stderr); (void)fwrite(string, 1, string_len, stderr); fputs("]]\n", stderr); #endif raptor_free_memory(string); raptor_free_world(world); /* keep gcc -Wall happy */ return(0); } #endif