/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_www.c - Raptor WWW retrieval core * * Copyright (C) 2003-2008, David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor2.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" static int raptor_www_file_fetch(raptor_www* www); /* * raptor_www_init: * @world: raptor_world object * * INTERNAL - Initialise the WWW class. * * Must be called before creating any #raptor_www object. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_www_init(raptor_world* world) { int rc = 0; if(world->www_initialized) return 0; if(!world->www_skip_www_init_finish) { #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL rc = curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); #endif } world->www_initialized = 1; return rc; } /* * raptor_www_finish: * @world: raptor_world object * * INTERNAL - Terminate the WWW class. * * Must be called to clean any resources used by the WWW implementation. * **/ void raptor_www_finish(raptor_world* world) { if(!world->www_skip_www_init_finish) { #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL curl_global_cleanup(); #endif } } /** * raptor_new_www_with_connection: * @world: raptor_world object * @connection: external WWW connection object. * * Constructor - create a new #raptor_www object over an existing WWW connection. * * At present this only works with a libcurl CURL handle object * when raptor is compiled with libcurl suppport. Otherwise the * @connection is ignored. This allows such things as setting * up special flags on the curl handle before passing into the constructor. * * Return value: a new #raptor_www object or NULL on failure. **/ raptor_www* raptor_new_www_with_connection(raptor_world* world, void *connection) { raptor_www* www; RAPTOR_CHECK_CONSTRUCTOR_WORLD(world); raptor_world_open(world); www = RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_www*, 1, sizeof(*www)); if(!www) return NULL; www->world = world; www->type = NULL; www->free_type = 1; /* default is to free content type */ www->total_bytes = 0; www->failed = 0; www->status_code = 0; www->write_bytes = NULL; www->content_type = NULL; www->uri_filter = NULL; www->connection_timeout = 10; www->cache_control = NULL; #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL www->curl_handle = (CURL*)connection; raptor_www_curl_init(www); #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBXML raptor_www_libxml_init(www); #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBFETCH raptor_www_libfetch_init(www); #endif return www; } /** * raptor_new_www: * @world: raptor_world object * * Constructor - create a new #raptor_www object. * * Return value: a new #raptor_www or NULL on failure. **/ raptor_www* raptor_new_www(raptor_world* world) { RAPTOR_CHECK_CONSTRUCTOR_WORLD(world); raptor_world_open(world); return raptor_new_www_with_connection(world, NULL); } /** * raptor_free_www: * @www: WWW object. * * Destructor - destroy a #raptor_www object. **/ void raptor_free_www(raptor_www* www) { /* free context */ if(www->type) { if(www->free_type) RAPTOR_FREE(char*, www->type); www->type = NULL; } if(www->user_agent) { RAPTOR_FREE(char*, www->user_agent); www->user_agent = NULL; } if(www->cache_control) { RAPTOR_FREE(char*, www->cache_control); www->cache_control = NULL; } if(www->proxy) { RAPTOR_FREE(char*, www->proxy); www->proxy = NULL; } if(www->http_accept) { RAPTOR_FREE(char*, www->http_accept); www->http_accept = NULL; } #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL raptor_www_curl_free(www); #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBXML raptor_www_libxml_free(www); #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBFETCH raptor_www_libfetch_free(www); #endif if(www->uri) raptor_free_uri(www->uri); if(www->final_uri) raptor_free_uri(www->final_uri); RAPTOR_FREE(www, www); } /** * raptor_www_set_write_bytes_handler: * @www: WWW object * @handler: bytes handler function * @user_data: bytes handler data * * Set the handler to receive bytes written by the #raptor_www implementation. * **/ void raptor_www_set_write_bytes_handler(raptor_www* www, raptor_www_write_bytes_handler handler, void *user_data) { www->write_bytes = handler; www->write_bytes_userdata = user_data; } /** * raptor_www_set_content_type_handler: * @www: WWW object * @handler: content type handler function * @user_data: content type handler data * * Set the handler to receive the HTTP Content-Type header value. * * This is called if or when the value is discovered during retrieval * by the raptor_www implementation. Not all implementations provide * access to this. **/ void raptor_www_set_content_type_handler(raptor_www* www, raptor_www_content_type_handler handler, void *user_data) { www->content_type = handler; www->content_type_userdata = user_data; } /** * raptor_www_set_user_agent: * @www: WWW object * @user_agent: User-Agent string * * Set the user agent value, for HTTP requests typically. **/ void raptor_www_set_user_agent(raptor_www* www, const char *user_agent) { char *ua_copy = NULL; size_t ua_len; if(!user_agent || !*user_agent) { www->user_agent = NULL; return; } ua_len = strlen(user_agent); ua_copy = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, ua_len + 1); if(!ua_copy) return; memcpy(ua_copy, user_agent, ua_len + 1); /* copy NUL */ www->user_agent = ua_copy; } /** * raptor_www_set_proxy: * @www: WWW object * @proxy: proxy string. * * Set the proxy for the WWW object. * * The @proxy usually a string of the form http://server.domain:port. **/ void raptor_www_set_proxy(raptor_www* www, const char *proxy) { char *proxy_copy; size_t proxy_len; if(!proxy) return; proxy_len = strlen(proxy); proxy_copy = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, proxy_len + 1); if(!proxy_copy) return; memcpy(proxy_copy, proxy, proxy_len + 1); /* copy NUL */ www->proxy = proxy_copy; } /** * raptor_www_set_http_accept: * @www: #raptor_www class * @value: Accept: header value or NULL to have an empty one. * * Set HTTP Accept header. * **/ void raptor_www_set_http_accept(raptor_www* www, const char *value) { char *value_copy; size_t len = 8; /* strlen("Accept:")+1 */ size_t value_len = 0; if(value) { value_len = strlen(value); len += 1 + value_len; /* " "+value */ } value_copy = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, len); if(!value_copy) return; www->http_accept = value_copy; /* copy header name */ memcpy(value_copy, "Accept:", 7); /* Do not copy NUL */ value_copy += 7; /* copy header value */ if(value) { *value_copy ++= ' '; memcpy(value_copy, value, value_len + 1); /* Copy NUL */ } else { /* Ensure value is NUL terminated */ *value_copy = '\0'; } #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Using Accept header: '%s'\n", www->http_accept); #endif } /** * raptor_www_set_connection_timeout: * @www: WWW object * @timeout: Timeout in seconds * * Set WWW connection timeout **/ void raptor_www_set_connection_timeout(raptor_www* www, int timeout) { www->connection_timeout = timeout; } /** * raptor_www_set_http_cache_control: * @www: WWW object * @cache_control: Cache-Control header value (or NULL to disable) * * Set HTTP Cache-Control:header (default none) * * The @cache_control value can be a string to set it, "" to send * a blank header or NULL to not set the header at all. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_www_set_http_cache_control(raptor_www* www, const char* cache_control) { char *cache_control_copy; const char* const header="Cache-Control:"; const size_t header_len = 14; /* strlen("Cache-Control:") */ size_t len; size_t cc_len; RAPTOR_ASSERT((strlen(header) != header_len), "Cache-Control header length is wrong"); if(www->cache_control) { RAPTOR_FREE(char*, www->cache_control); www->cache_control = NULL; } if(!cache_control) { www->cache_control = NULL; return 0; } cc_len = strlen(cache_control); len = header_len + 1 + cc_len + 1; /* header+" "+cache_control+"\0" */ cache_control_copy = RAPTOR_MALLOC(char*, len); if(!cache_control_copy) return 1; www->cache_control = cache_control_copy; /* copy header name */ memcpy(cache_control_copy, header, header_len); /* Do not copy NUL */ cache_control_copy += header_len; /* copy header value */ if(*cache_control) { *cache_control_copy ++= ' '; memcpy(cache_control_copy, cache_control, cc_len + 1); /* Copy NUL */ } else { /* Ensure value is NUL terminated */ *cache_control_copy = '\0'; } #if defined(RAPTOR_DEBUG) && RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 RAPTOR_DEBUG2("Using Cache-Control header: '%s'\n", www->cache_control); #endif return 0; } /** * raptor_www_set_uri_filter: * @www: WWW object * @filter: URI filter function * @user_data: User data to pass to filter function * * Set URI filter function for WWW retrieval. **/ void raptor_www_set_uri_filter(raptor_www* www, raptor_uri_filter_func filter, void *user_data) { www->uri_filter = filter; www->uri_filter_user_data = user_data; } /** * raptor_www_set_ssl_cert_options: * @www: WWW object * @cert_filename: SSL client certificate file * @cert_type: SSL client certificate type (default is "PEM") * @cert_passphrase: SSL client certificate password * * Set SSL client certificate options (where supported) * * Return value: non-0 when setting options is not supported **/ int raptor_www_set_ssl_cert_options(raptor_www* www, const char* cert_filename, const char* cert_type, const char* cert_passphrase) { #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL return raptor_www_curl_set_ssl_cert_options(www, cert_filename, cert_type, cert_passphrase); #else return 1; #endif } /** * raptor_www_set_ssl_verify_options: * @www: WWW object * @verify_peer: SSL verify peer - non-0 to verify peer SSL certificate (default) * @verify_host: SSL verify host - 0 none, non-0 to require a CN match (default). * * Set whether SSL verifies the authenticity of the peer's certificate * * These options correspond to setting the curl * CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST options. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_www_set_ssl_verify_options(raptor_www* www, int verify_peer, int verify_host) { #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL return raptor_www_curl_set_ssl_verify_options(www, verify_peer, verify_host); #else return 1; #endif } /** * raptor_www_get_connection: * @www: #raptor_www object * * Get WWW library connection object. * * Return the internal WWW connection handle. For libcurl, this * returns the CURL handle and for libxml the context. Otherwise * it returns NULL. * * Return value: connection pointer **/ void* raptor_www_get_connection(raptor_www* www) { #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_NONE return NULL; #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL return www->curl_handle; #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBXML return www->ctxt; #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBFETCH return NULL; #endif return NULL; } /** * raptor_www_abort: * @www: WWW object * @reason: abort reason message * * Abort an ongoing raptor WWW operation and pass back a reason. * * This is typically used within one of the raptor WWW handlers * when retrieval need no longer continue due to another * processing issue or error. **/ void raptor_www_abort(raptor_www* www, const char *reason) { www->failed = 1; } void raptor_www_error(raptor_www* www, const char *message, ...) { va_list arguments; va_start(arguments, message); raptor_log_error_varargs(www->world, RAPTOR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, &www->locator, message, arguments); va_end(arguments); } static int raptor_www_file_handle_fetch(raptor_www* www, FILE* fh) { while(!feof(fh)) { size_t len = fread(www->buffer, 1, RAPTOR_WWW_BUFFER_SIZE, fh); if(len > 0) { www->total_bytes += len; www->buffer[len]='\0'; if(www->write_bytes) www->write_bytes(www, www->write_bytes_userdata, www->buffer, len, 1); } if(feof(fh) || www->failed) break; } if(!www->failed) www->status_code = 200; return www->failed; } static int raptor_www_file_fetch(raptor_www* www) { char *filename; FILE *fh; unsigned char *uri_string = raptor_uri_as_string(www->uri); #if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) && defined(HAVE_SYS_STAT_H) struct stat buf; #endif www->status_code = 200; filename = raptor_uri_uri_string_to_filename(uri_string); if(!filename) { raptor_www_error(www, "Not a file: URI"); return 1; } #if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) && defined(HAVE_SYS_STAT_H) if(!stat(filename, &buf) && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { raptor_www_error(www, "Cannot read from a directory '%s'", filename); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, filename); www->status_code = 404; return 1; } #endif fh = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(!fh) { raptor_www_error(www, "file '%s' open failed - %s", filename, strerror(errno)); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, filename); www->status_code = (errno == EACCES) ? 403: 404; www->failed = 1; return www->failed; } raptor_www_file_handle_fetch(www, fh); fclose(fh); RAPTOR_FREE(char*, filename); return www->failed; } /** * raptor_www_fetch: * @www: WWW object * @uri: URI to read from * * Start a WWW content retrieval for the given URI, returning data via the write_bytes handler. * * Return value: non-0 on failure. **/ int raptor_www_fetch(raptor_www *www, raptor_uri *uri) { int status = 1; www->uri = raptor_new_uri_for_retrieval(uri); www->locator.uri = uri; www->locator.line= -1; www->locator.column= -1; if(www->uri_filter) { int rc = www->uri_filter(www->uri_filter_user_data, uri); if(rc) return rc; } #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_NONE status = raptor_www_file_fetch(www); #else if(raptor_uri_uri_string_is_file_uri(raptor_uri_as_string(www->uri))) status = raptor_www_file_fetch(www); else { #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBCURL status = raptor_www_curl_fetch(www); #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBXML status = raptor_www_libxml_fetch(www); #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBFETCH status = raptor_www_libfetch_fetch(www); #endif } #endif if(!status && www->status_code && www->status_code != 200){ raptor_www_error(www, "Resolving URI failed with HTTP status %d", www->status_code); status = 1; } www->failed = status; return www->failed; } static void raptor_www_fetch_to_string_write_bytes(raptor_www* www, void *userdata, const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) { raptor_stringbuffer* sb = (raptor_stringbuffer*)userdata; size_t len = size * nmemb; raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(sb, (unsigned char*)ptr, len, 1); } /** * raptor_www_fetch_to_string: * @www: raptor_www object * @uri: raptor_uri to retrieve * @string_p: pointer to location to hold string * @length_p: pointer to location to hold length of string (or NULL) * @malloc_handler: pointer to malloc() to use to make string (or NULL) * * Start a WWW content retrieval for the given URI, returning the data in a new string. * * If @malloc_handler is null, raptor will allocate it using it's * own memory allocator. *string_p is set to NULL on failure (and * *length_p to 0 if length_p is not NULL). * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ RAPTOR_EXTERN_C int raptor_www_fetch_to_string(raptor_www *www, raptor_uri *uri, void **string_p, size_t *length_p, raptor_data_malloc_handler const malloc_handler) { raptor_stringbuffer *sb = NULL; void *str = NULL; raptor_www_write_bytes_handler saved_write_bytes; void *saved_write_bytes_userdata; sb = raptor_new_stringbuffer(); if(!sb) return 1; if(length_p) *length_p=0; saved_write_bytes = www->write_bytes; saved_write_bytes_userdata = www->write_bytes_userdata; raptor_www_set_write_bytes_handler(www, raptor_www_fetch_to_string_write_bytes, sb); if(raptor_www_fetch(www, uri)) str = NULL; else { size_t len = raptor_stringbuffer_length(sb); if(len) { str = (void*)malloc_handler(len+1); if(str) { raptor_stringbuffer_copy_to_string(sb, (unsigned char*)str, len+1); *string_p=str; if(length_p) *length_p=len; } } } if(sb) raptor_free_stringbuffer(sb); raptor_www_set_write_bytes_handler(www, saved_write_bytes, saved_write_bytes_userdata); return (str == NULL); } /** * raptor_www_get_final_uri: * @www: #raptor_www object * * Get the WWW final resolved URI. * * This returns the URI used after any protocol redirection. * * Return value: a new URI or NULL if not known. **/ raptor_uri* raptor_www_get_final_uri(raptor_www* www) { return www->final_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(www->final_uri) : NULL; } /** * raptor_www_set_final_uri_handler: * @www: WWW object * @handler: content type handler function * @user_data: content type handler data * * Set the handler to receive the HTTP Content-Type header value. * * This is called if or when the value is discovered during retrieval * by the raptor_www implementation. Not all implementations provide * access to this. **/ void raptor_www_set_final_uri_handler(raptor_www* www, raptor_www_final_uri_handler handler, void *user_data) { www->final_uri_handler = handler; www->final_uri_userdata = user_data; }