diff options
authorPieter Noordhuis <>2010-07-02 19:57:12 +0200
committerPieter Noordhuis <>2010-07-02 19:57:12 +0200
commit96ffb2fe97c3e77879e7a4f6f7457397a18bf233 (patch)
parent3688d7f308877dd2e2c0c786ffa1e46d6bb34a13 (diff)
parent400aea2b1343232e45a0b7a9435a69d0fe8a0956 (diff)
merged intset code into the split files
10 files changed, 1064 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index a7cc6b9a7..fb343e804 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ endif
DEBUG?= -g -rdynamic -ggdb
-OBJ = adlist.o ae.o anet.o dict.o redis.o sds.o zmalloc.o lzf_c.o lzf_d.o pqsort.o zipmap.o sha1.o ziplist.o release.o networking.o util.o object.o db.o replication.o rdb.o t_string.o t_list.o t_set.o t_zset.o t_hash.o config.o aof.o vm.o pubsub.o multi.o debug.o sort.o
+OBJ = adlist.o ae.o anet.o dict.o redis.o sds.o zmalloc.o lzf_c.o lzf_d.o pqsort.o zipmap.o sha1.o ziplist.o release.o networking.o util.o object.o db.o replication.o rdb.o t_string.o t_list.o t_set.o t_zset.o t_hash.o config.o aof.o vm.o pubsub.o multi.o debug.o sort.o intset.o
BENCHOBJ = ae.o anet.o redis-benchmark.o sds.o adlist.o zmalloc.o
CLIOBJ = anet.o sds.o adlist.o redis-cli.o zmalloc.o linenoise.o
CHECKDUMPOBJ = redis-check-dump.o lzf_c.o lzf_d.o
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ sds.o: sds.c sds.h zmalloc.h
sha1.o: sha1.c sha1.h
ziplist.o: ziplist.c zmalloc.h ziplist.h
zipmap.o: zipmap.c zmalloc.h
+intset.o: intset.c zmalloc.h
zmalloc.o: zmalloc.c config.h
redis-server: $(OBJ)
diff --git a/src/config.c b/src/config.c
index 6d946ee0c..e1b743dbf 100644
--- a/src/config.c
+++ b/src/config.c
@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ void loadServerConfig(char *filename) {
server.list_max_ziplist_entries = memtoll(argv[1], NULL);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"list-max-ziplist-value") && argc == 2){
server.list_max_ziplist_value = memtoll(argv[1], NULL);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"set-max-intset-entries") && argc == 2){
+ server.set_max_intset_entries = memtoll(argv[1], NULL);
} else {
err = "Bad directive or wrong number of arguments"; goto loaderr;
diff --git a/src/intset.c b/src/intset.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2532582ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intset.c
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "intset.h"
+#include "zmalloc.h"
+/* Note that these encodings are ordered, so:
+#define INTSET_ENC_INT16 (sizeof(int16_t))
+#define INTSET_ENC_INT32 (sizeof(int32_t))
+#define INTSET_ENC_INT64 (sizeof(int64_t))
+/* Accessors for each type of encoding */
+#define INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(__val) (((__val) < INT32_MIN || (__val) > INT32_MAX) ? \
+ INTSET_ENC_INT64 : (((__val) < INT16_MIN || (__val) > INT16_MAX) ? \
+#define INTSET_GET_ENCODED(__is,__pos,__enc) ((__enc == INTSET_ENC_INT64) ? \
+ ((int64_t*)(__is)->contents)[__pos] : ((__enc == INTSET_ENC_INT32) ? \
+ ((int32_t*)(__is)->contents)[__pos] : ((int16_t*)(__is)->contents)[__pos]))
+#define INTSET_GET(__is,__pos) (INTSET_GET_ENCODED(__is,__pos,(__is)->encoding))
+#define INTSET_SET(__is,__pos,__val) { \
+ if ((__is)->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) \
+ ((int64_t*)(__is)->contents)[__pos] = (__val); \
+ else if ((__is)->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) \
+ ((int32_t*)(__is)->contents)[__pos] = (__val); \
+ else \
+ ((int16_t*)(__is)->contents)[__pos] = (__val); }
+/* Create an empty intset. */
+intset *intsetNew(void) {
+ intset *is = zmalloc(sizeof(intset));
+ is->encoding = INTSET_ENC_INT16;
+ is->length = 0;
+ return is;
+/* Resize the intset */
+static intset *intsetResize(intset *is, uint32_t len) {
+ uint32_t size = len*is->encoding;
+ is = zrealloc(is,sizeof(intset)+size);
+ return is;
+static intset *intsetUpgrade(intset *is, uint8_t newenc, uint8_t extra, uint8_t offset) {
+ uint8_t curenc = is->encoding;
+ int length = is->length;
+ /* First set new encoding and resize */
+ is->encoding = newenc;
+ is = intsetResize(is,is->length+extra);
+ /* Upgrade back-to-front so we don't overwrite values */
+ while(length--)
+ INTSET_SET(is,length+offset,INTSET_GET_ENCODED(is,length,curenc));
+ return is;
+/* Search for the position of "value". Return 1 when the value was found and
+ * sets "pos" to the position of the value within the intset. Return 0 when
+ * the value is not present in the intset and sets "pos" to the position
+ * where "value" can be inserted. */
+static uint8_t intsetSearch(intset *is, int64_t value, uint32_t *pos) {
+ int min = 0, max = is->length-1, mid = -1;
+ int64_t cur = -1;
+ /* The value can never be found when the set is empty */
+ if (is->length == 0) {
+ if (pos) *pos = 0;
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ /* Check for the case where we know we cannot find the value,
+ * but do know the insert position. */
+ if (value > INTSET_GET(is,is->length-1)) {
+ if (pos) *pos = is->length;
+ return 0;
+ } else if (value < INTSET_GET(is,0)) {
+ if (pos) *pos = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ while(max >= min) {
+ mid = (min+max)/2;
+ cur = INTSET_GET(is,mid);
+ if (value > cur) {
+ min = mid+1;
+ } else if (value < cur) {
+ max = mid-1;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (value == cur) {
+ if (pos) *pos = mid;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ if (pos) *pos = min;
+ return 0;
+ }
+static void intsetMoveTail(intset *is, uint32_t from, uint32_t to) {
+ void *src, *dst;
+ uint32_t bytes = is->length-from;
+ if (is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) {
+ src = (int64_t*)is->contents+from;
+ dst = (int64_t*)is->contents+to;
+ bytes *= sizeof(int64_t);
+ } else if (is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) {
+ src = (int32_t*)is->contents+from;
+ dst = (int32_t*)is->contents+to;
+ bytes *= sizeof(int32_t);
+ } else {
+ src = (int16_t*)is->contents+from;
+ dst = (int16_t*)is->contents+to;
+ bytes *= sizeof(int16_t);
+ }
+ memmove(dst,src,bytes);
+/* Insert an integer in the intset */
+intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success) {
+ uint8_t valenc = INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(value);
+ uint32_t pos, offset;
+ if (success) *success = 1;
+ /* Upgrade encoding if necessary. If we need to upgrade, we know that
+ * this value should be either appended (if > 0) or prepended (if < 0),
+ * because it lies outside the range of existing values. */
+ if (valenc > is->encoding) {
+ offset = value < 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ is = intsetUpgrade(is,valenc,1,offset);
+ pos = (value < 0) ? 0 : is->length;
+ } else {
+ /* Abort if the value is already present in the set.
+ * This call will populate "pos" with the right position to insert
+ * the value when it cannot be found. */
+ if (intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) {
+ if (success) *success = 0;
+ return is;
+ }
+ is = intsetResize(is,is->length+1);
+ if (pos < is->length) intsetMoveTail(is,pos,pos+1);
+ }
+ INTSET_SET(is,pos,value);
+ is->length++;
+ return is;
+/* Delete integer from intset */
+intset *intsetRemove(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success) {
+ uint8_t valenc = INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(value);
+ uint32_t pos;
+ if (success) *success = 0;
+ if (valenc <= is->encoding && intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) {
+ /* We know we can delete */
+ if (success) *success = 1;
+ /* Overwrite value with tail and update length */
+ if (pos < (is->length-1)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos+1,pos);
+ is = intsetResize(is,is->length-1);
+ is->length--;
+ }
+ return is;
+/* Determine whether a value belongs to this set */
+uint8_t intsetFind(intset *is, int64_t value) {
+ uint8_t valenc = INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(value);
+ return valenc <= is->encoding && intsetSearch(is,value,NULL);
+/* Return random member */
+int64_t intsetRandom(intset *is) {
+ return INTSET_GET(is,rand()%is->length);
+/* Sets the value to the value at the given position. When this position is
+ * out of range the function returns 0, when in range it returns 1. */
+uint8_t intsetGet(intset *is, uint32_t pos, int64_t *value) {
+ if (pos < is->length) {
+ *value = INTSET_GET(is,pos);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Return intset length */
+uint32_t intsetLen(intset *is) {
+ return is->length;
+#include <sys/time.h>
+void intsetRepr(intset *is) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < is->length; i++) {
+ printf("%lld\n", (uint64_t)INTSET_GET(is,i));
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+void error(char *err) {
+ printf("%s\n", err);
+ exit(1);
+void ok(void) {
+ printf("OK\n");
+long long usec(void) {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ gettimeofday(&tv,NULL);
+ return (((long long)tv.tv_sec)*1000000)+tv.tv_usec;
+#define assert(_e) ((_e)?(void)0:(_assert(#_e,__FILE__,__LINE__),exit(1)))
+void _assert(char *estr, char *file, int line) {
+ printf("\n\n=== ASSERTION FAILED ===\n");
+ printf("==> %s:%d '%s' is not true\n",file,line,estr);
+intset *createSet(int bits, int size) {
+ uint64_t mask = (1<<bits)-1;
+ uint64_t i, value;
+ intset *is = intsetNew();
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (bits > 32) {
+ value = (rand()*rand()) & mask;
+ } else {
+ value = rand() & mask;
+ }
+ is = intsetAdd(is,value,NULL);
+ }
+ return is;
+void checkConsistency(intset *is) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (is->length-1); i++) {
+ if (is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT16) {
+ int16_t *i16 = (int16_t*)is->contents;
+ assert(i16[i] < i16[i+1]);
+ } else if (is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) {
+ int32_t *i32 = (int32_t*)is->contents;
+ assert(i32[i] < i32[i+1]);
+ } else {
+ int64_t *i64 = (int64_t*)is->contents;
+ assert(i64[i] < i64[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ uint8_t success;
+ int i;
+ intset *is;
+ sranddev();
+ printf("Value encodings: "); {
+ assert(INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(-2147483648) == INTSET_ENC_INT32);
+ assert(INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(+2147483647) == INTSET_ENC_INT32);
+ assert(INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(-2147483649) == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ assert(INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(+2147483648) == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ assert(INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(-9223372036854775808ull) == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ assert(INTSET_VALUE_ENCODING(+9223372036854775807ull) == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ ok();
+ }
+ printf("Basic adding: "); {
+ is = intsetNew();
+ is = intsetAdd(is,5,&success); assert(success);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,6,&success); assert(success);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,4,&success); assert(success);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,4,&success); assert(!success);
+ ok();
+ }
+ printf("Large number of random adds: "); {
+ int inserts = 0;
+ is = intsetNew();
+ for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
+ is = intsetAdd(is,rand()%0x800,&success);
+ if (success) inserts++;
+ }
+ assert(is->length == inserts);
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ ok();
+ }
+ printf("Upgrade from int16 to int32: "); {
+ is = intsetNew();
+ is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT16);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,65535,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32);
+ assert(intsetFind(is,32));
+ assert(intsetFind(is,65535));
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ is = intsetNew();
+ is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT16);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,-65535,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32);
+ assert(intsetFind(is,32));
+ assert(intsetFind(is,-65535));
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ ok();
+ }
+ printf("Upgrade from int16 to int64: "); {
+ is = intsetNew();
+ is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT16);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,4294967295,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ assert(intsetFind(is,32));
+ assert(intsetFind(is,4294967295));
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ is = intsetNew();
+ is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT16);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,-4294967295,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ assert(intsetFind(is,32));
+ assert(intsetFind(is,-4294967295));
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ ok();
+ }
+ printf("Upgrade from int32 to int64: "); {
+ is = intsetNew();
+ is = intsetAdd(is,65535,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,4294967295,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ assert(intsetFind(is,65535));
+ assert(intsetFind(is,4294967295));
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ is = intsetNew();
+ is = intsetAdd(is,65535,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32);
+ is = intsetAdd(is,-4294967295,NULL);
+ assert(is->encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64);
+ assert(intsetFind(is,65535));
+ assert(intsetFind(is,-4294967295));
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ ok();
+ }
+ printf("Stress lookups: "); {
+ long num = 100000, size = 10000;
+ int i, bits = 20;
+ long long start;
+ is = createSet(bits,size);
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ start = usec();
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) intsetSearch(is,rand() % ((1<<bits)-1),NULL);
+ printf("%ld lookups, %ld element set, %lldusec\n",num,size,usec()-start);
+ }
+ printf("Stress add+delete: "); {
+ int i, v1, v2;
+ is = intsetNew();
+ for (i = 0; i < 0xffff; i++) {
+ v1 = rand() % 0xfff;
+ is = intsetAdd(is,v1,NULL);
+ assert(intsetFind(is,v1));
+ v2 = rand() % 0xfff;
+ is = intsetRemove(is,v2,NULL);
+ assert(!intsetFind(is,v2));
+ }
+ checkConsistency(is);
+ ok();
+ }
diff --git a/src/intset.h b/src/intset.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25afc18d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#ifndef __INTSET_H
+#define __INTSET_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef struct intset {
+ uint32_t encoding;
+ uint32_t length;
+ int8_t contents[];
+} intset;
+intset *intsetNew(void);
+intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success);
+intset *intsetRemove(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success);
+uint8_t intsetFind(intset *is, int64_t value);
+int64_t intsetRandom(intset *is);
+uint8_t intsetGet(intset *is, uint32_t pos, int64_t *value);
+uint32_t intsetLen(intset *is);
+#endif // __INTSET_H
diff --git a/src/object.c b/src/object.c
index 4854909e0..16c4d74c9 100644
--- a/src/object.c
+++ b/src/object.c
@@ -73,7 +73,16 @@ robj *createZiplistObject(void) {
robj *createSetObject(void) {
dict *d = dictCreate(&setDictType,NULL);
- return createObject(REDIS_SET,d);
+ robj *o = createObject(REDIS_SET,d);
+ o->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_HT;
+ return o;
+robj *createIntsetObject(void) {
+ intset *is = intsetNew();
+ robj *o = createObject(REDIS_SET,is);
+ o->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET;
+ return o;
robj *createHashObject(void) {
@@ -114,7 +123,16 @@ void freeListObject(robj *o) {
void freeSetObject(robj *o) {
- dictRelease((dict*) o->ptr);
+ switch (o->encoding) {
+ dictRelease((dict*) o->ptr);
+ break;
+ zfree(o->ptr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding type");
+ }
void freeZsetObject(robj *o) {
@@ -356,7 +374,7 @@ int getLongLongFromObject(robj *o, long long *target) {
- *target = value;
+ if (target) *target = value;
return REDIS_OK;
@@ -400,6 +418,7 @@ char *strEncoding(int encoding) {
case REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP: return "zipmap";
case REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST: return "linkedlist";
case REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST: return "ziplist";
+ case REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET: return "intset";
default: return "unknown";
diff --git a/src/rdb.c b/src/rdb.c
index 509c70c30..019aa9a00 100644
--- a/src/rdb.c
+++ b/src/rdb.c
@@ -260,17 +260,29 @@ int rdbSaveObject(FILE *fp, robj *o) {
} else if (o->type == REDIS_SET) {
/* Save a set value */
- dict *set = o->ptr;
- dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(set);
- dictEntry *de;
- if (rdbSaveLen(fp,dictSize(set)) == -1) return -1;
- while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
- robj *eleobj = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ dict *set = o->ptr;
+ dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(set);
+ dictEntry *de;
- if (rdbSaveStringObject(fp,eleobj) == -1) return -1;
+ if (rdbSaveLen(fp,dictSize(set)) == -1) return -1;
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ robj *eleobj = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ if (rdbSaveStringObject(fp,eleobj) == -1) return -1;
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ intset *is = o->ptr;
+ long long llval;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (rdbSaveLen(fp,intsetLen(is)) == -1) return -1;
+ while(intsetGet(is,i++,&llval)) {
+ if (rdbSaveLongLongAsStringObject(fp,llval) == -1) return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
- dictReleaseIterator(di);
} else if (o->type == REDIS_ZSET) {
/* Save a set value */
zset *zs = o->ptr;
@@ -628,6 +640,7 @@ int rdbLoadDoubleValue(FILE *fp, double *val) {
robj *rdbLoadObject(int type, FILE *fp) {
robj *o, *ele, *dec;
size_t len;
+ unsigned int i;
redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"LOADING OBJECT %d (at %d)\n",type,ftell(fp));
if (type == REDIS_STRING) {
@@ -669,16 +682,39 @@ robj *rdbLoadObject(int type, FILE *fp) {
} else if (type == REDIS_SET) {
/* Read list/set value */
if ((len = rdbLoadLen(fp,NULL)) == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) return NULL;
- o = createSetObject();
- /* It's faster to expand the dict to the right size asap in order
- * to avoid rehashing */
- dictExpand(o->ptr,len);
+ /* Use a regular set when there are too many entries. */
+ if (len > server.set_max_intset_entries) {
+ o = createSetObject();
+ /* It's faster to expand the dict to the right size asap in order
+ * to avoid rehashing */
+ dictExpand(o->ptr,len);
+ } else {
+ o = createIntsetObject();
+ }
/* Load every single element of the list/set */
- while(len--) {
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ long long llval;
if ((ele = rdbLoadEncodedStringObject(fp)) == NULL) return NULL;
ele = tryObjectEncoding(ele);
- dictAdd((dict*)o->ptr,ele,NULL);
+ if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ /* Fetch integer value from element */
+ if (getLongLongFromObject(ele,&llval) == REDIS_OK) {
+ o->ptr = intsetAdd(o->ptr,llval,NULL);
+ } else {
+ setTypeConvert(o,REDIS_ENCODING_HT);
+ dictExpand(o->ptr,len);
+ }
+ }
+ /* This will also be called when the set was just converted
+ * to regular hashtable encoded set */
+ if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ dictAdd((dict*)o->ptr,ele,NULL);
+ }
} else if (type == REDIS_ZSET) {
/* Read list/set value */
diff --git a/src/redis.c b/src/redis.c
index 86536b437..7809d0577 100644
--- a/src/redis.c
+++ b/src/redis.c
@@ -731,6 +731,7 @@ void initServerConfig() {
server.hash_max_zipmap_value = REDIS_HASH_MAX_ZIPMAP_VALUE;
server.list_max_ziplist_entries = REDIS_LIST_MAX_ZIPLIST_ENTRIES;
server.list_max_ziplist_value = REDIS_LIST_MAX_ZIPLIST_VALUE;
+ server.set_max_intset_entries = REDIS_SET_MAX_INTSET_ENTRIES;
server.shutdown_asap = 0;
diff --git a/src/redis.h b/src/redis.h
index 545a3e0fd..463db704a 100644
--- a/src/redis.h
+++ b/src/redis.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "anet.h" /* Networking the easy way */
#include "zipmap.h" /* Compact string -> string data structure */
#include "ziplist.h" /* Compact list data structure */
+#include "intset.h" /* Compact integer set structure */
#include "version.h"
/* Error codes */
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
#define REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP 3 /* Encoded as zipmap */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST 4 /* Encoded as regular linked list */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST 5 /* Encoded as ziplist */
+#define REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET 6 /* Encoded as intset */
/* Object types only used for dumping to disk */
@@ -187,6 +189,7 @@
/* Sets operations codes */
#define REDIS_OP_UNION 0
@@ -396,6 +399,7 @@ struct redisServer {
size_t hash_max_zipmap_value;
size_t list_max_ziplist_entries;
size_t list_max_ziplist_value;
+ size_t set_max_intset_entries;
/* Virtual memory state */
FILE *vm_fp;
int vm_fd;
@@ -533,6 +537,14 @@ typedef struct {
listNode *ln; /* Entry in linked list */
} listTypeEntry;
+/* Structure to hold set iteration abstraction. */
+typedef struct {
+ robj *subject;
+ int encoding;
+ int ii; /* intset iterator */
+ dictIterator *di;
+} setIterator;
/* Structure to hold hash iteration abstration. Note that iteration over
* hashes involves both fields and values. Because it is possible that
* not both are required, store pointers in the iterator to avoid
@@ -631,6 +643,7 @@ robj *createStringObjectFromLongLong(long long value);
robj *createListObject(void);
robj *createZiplistObject(void);
robj *createSetObject(void);
+robj *createIntsetObject(void);
robj *createHashObject(void);
robj *createZsetObject(void);
int getLongFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, long *target, const char *msg);
@@ -714,6 +727,18 @@ int dontWaitForSwappedKey(redisClient *c, robj *key);
void handleClientsBlockedOnSwappedKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
vmpointer *vmSwapObjectBlocking(robj *val);
+/* Set data type */
+robj *setTypeCreate(robj *value);
+int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, robj *value);
+int setTypeRemove(robj *subject, robj *value);
+int setTypeIsMember(robj *subject, robj *value);
+setIterator *setTypeInitIterator(robj *subject);
+void setTypeReleaseIterator(setIterator *si);
+robj *setTypeNext(setIterator *si);
+robj *setTypeRandomElement(robj *subject);
+unsigned long setTypeSize(robj *subject);
+void setTypeConvert(robj *subject, int enc);
/* Hash data type */
void convertToRealHash(robj *o);
void hashTypeTryConversion(robj *subject, robj **argv, int start, int end);
diff --git a/src/t_set.c b/src/t_set.c
index 808ef268e..3fbf13a35 100644
--- a/src/t_set.c
+++ b/src/t_set.c
@@ -4,12 +4,182 @@
* Set Commands
+/* Factory method to return a set that *can* hold "value". When the object has
+ * an integer-encodable value, an intset will be returned. Otherwise a regular
+ * hash table. */
+robj *setTypeCreate(robj *value) {
+ if (getLongLongFromObject(value,NULL) == REDIS_OK)
+ return createIntsetObject();
+ return createSetObject();
+int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, robj *value) {
+ long long llval;
+ if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ if (dictAdd(subject->ptr,value,NULL) == DICT_OK) {
+ incrRefCount(value);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ if (getLongLongFromObject(value,&llval) == REDIS_OK) {
+ uint8_t success = 0;
+ subject->ptr = intsetAdd(subject->ptr,llval,&success);
+ if (success) {
+ /* Convert to regular set when the intset contains
+ * too many entries. */
+ if (intsetLen(subject->ptr) > server.set_max_intset_entries)
+ setTypeConvert(subject,REDIS_ENCODING_HT);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Failed to get integer from object, convert to regular set. */
+ setTypeConvert(subject,REDIS_ENCODING_HT);
+ /* The set *was* an intset and this value is not integer
+ * encodable, so dictAdd should always work. */
+ redisAssert(dictAdd(subject->ptr,value,NULL) == DICT_OK);
+ incrRefCount(value);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int setTypeRemove(robj *subject, robj *value) {
+ long long llval;
+ if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ if (dictDelete(subject->ptr,value) == DICT_OK) {
+ if (htNeedsResize(subject->ptr)) dictResize(subject->ptr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ if (getLongLongFromObject(value,&llval) == REDIS_OK) {
+ uint8_t success;
+ subject->ptr = intsetRemove(subject->ptr,llval,&success);
+ if (success) return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int setTypeIsMember(robj *subject, robj *value) {
+ long long llval;
+ if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ return dictFind((dict*)subject->ptr,value) != NULL;
+ } else if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ if (getLongLongFromObject(value,&llval) == REDIS_OK) {
+ return intsetFind((intset*)subject->ptr,llval);
+ }
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
+ }
+ return 0;
+setIterator *setTypeInitIterator(robj *subject) {
+ setIterator *si = zmalloc(sizeof(setIterator));
+ si->subject = subject;
+ si->encoding = subject->encoding;
+ if (si->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ si->di = dictGetIterator(subject->ptr);
+ } else if (si->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ si->ii = 0;
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
+ }
+ return si;
+void setTypeReleaseIterator(setIterator *si) {
+ if (si->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT)
+ dictReleaseIterator(si->di);
+ zfree(si);
+/* Move to the next entry in the set. Returns the object at the current
+ * position, or NULL when the end is reached. This object will have its
+ * refcount incremented, so the caller needs to take care of this. */
+robj *setTypeNext(setIterator *si) {
+ robj *ret = NULL;
+ if (si->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ dictEntry *de = dictNext(si->di);
+ if (de != NULL) {
+ ret = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ incrRefCount(ret);
+ }
+ } else if (si->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ long long llval;
+ if (intsetGet(si->subject->ptr,si->ii++,&llval))
+ ret = createStringObjectFromLongLong(llval);
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* Return random element from set. The returned object will always have
+ * an incremented refcount. */
+robj *setTypeRandomElement(robj *subject) {
+ robj *ret = NULL;
+ if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ dictEntry *de = dictGetRandomKey(subject->ptr);
+ ret = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ incrRefCount(ret);
+ } else if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ long long llval = intsetRandom(subject->ptr);
+ ret = createStringObjectFromLongLong(llval);
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
+ }
+ return ret;
+unsigned long setTypeSize(robj *subject) {
+ if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ return dictSize((dict*)subject->ptr);
+ } else if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
+ return intsetLen((intset*)subject->ptr);
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
+ }
+/* Convert the set to specified encoding. The resulting dict (when converting
+ * to a hashtable) is presized to hold the number of elements in the original
+ * set. */
+void setTypeConvert(robj *subject, int enc) {
+ setIterator *si;
+ robj *element;
+ redisAssert(subject->type == REDIS_SET);
+ if (enc == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ dict *d = dictCreate(&setDictType,NULL);
+ /* Presize the dict to avoid rehashing */
+ dictExpand(d,intsetLen(subject->ptr));
+ /* setTypeGet returns a robj with incremented refcount */
+ si = setTypeInitIterator(subject);
+ while ((element = setTypeNext(si)) != NULL)
+ redisAssert(dictAdd(d,element,NULL) == DICT_OK);
+ setTypeReleaseIterator(si);
+ subject->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_HT;
+ zfree(subject->ptr);
+ subject->ptr = d;
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unsupported set conversion");
+ }
void saddCommand(redisClient *c) {
robj *set;
set = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
if (set == NULL) {
- set = createSetObject();
+ set = setTypeCreate(c->argv[2]);
} else {
if (set->type != REDIS_SET) {
@@ -17,8 +187,7 @@ void saddCommand(redisClient *c) {
- if (dictAdd(set->ptr,c->argv[2],NULL) == DICT_OK) {
- incrRefCount(c->argv[2]);
+ if (setTypeAdd(set,c->argv[2])) {
} else {
@@ -32,10 +201,9 @@ void sremCommand(redisClient *c) {
if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
- if (dictDelete(set->ptr,c->argv[2]) == DICT_OK) {
+ if (setTypeRemove(set,c->argv[2])) {
+ if (setTypeSize(set) == 0) dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
- if (htNeedsResize(set->ptr)) dictResize(set->ptr);
- if (dictSize((dict*)set->ptr) == 0) dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
} else {
@@ -43,38 +211,46 @@ void sremCommand(redisClient *c) {
void smoveCommand(redisClient *c) {
- robj *srcset, *dstset;
+ robj *srcset, *dstset, *ele;
srcset = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
dstset = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[2]);
+ ele = c->argv[3];
- /* If the source key does not exist return 0, if it's of the wrong type
- * raise an error */
- if (srcset == NULL || srcset->type != REDIS_SET) {
- addReply(c, srcset ? shared.wrongtypeerr : shared.czero);
+ /* If the source key does not exist return 0 */
+ if (srcset == NULL) {
+ addReply(c,shared.czero);
- /* Error if the destination key is not a set as well */
- if (dstset && dstset->type != REDIS_SET) {
- addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
+ /* If the source key has the wrong type, or the destination key
+ * is set and has the wrong type, return with an error. */
+ if (checkType(c,srcset,REDIS_SET) ||
+ (dstset && checkType(c,dstset,REDIS_SET))) return;
+ /* If srcset and dstset are equal, SMOVE is a no-op */
+ if (srcset == dstset) {
+ addReply(c,shared.cone);
- /* Remove the element from the source set */
- if (dictDelete(srcset->ptr,c->argv[3]) == DICT_ERR) {
- /* Key not found in the src set! return zero */
+ /* If the element cannot be removed from the src set, return 0. */
+ if (!setTypeRemove(srcset,ele)) {
- if (dictSize((dict*)srcset->ptr) == 0 && srcset != dstset)
- dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
+ /* Remove the src set from the database when empty */
+ if (setTypeSize(srcset) == 0) dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
- /* Add the element to the destination set */
+ /* Create the destination set when it doesn't exist */
if (!dstset) {
- dstset = createSetObject();
+ dstset = setTypeCreate(ele);
- if (dictAdd(dstset->ptr,c->argv[3],NULL) == DICT_OK)
- incrRefCount(c->argv[3]);
+ /* An extra key has changed when ele was successfully added to dstset */
+ if (setTypeAdd(dstset,ele)) server.dirty++;
@@ -84,7 +260,7 @@ void sismemberCommand(redisClient *c) {
if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
- if (dictFind(set->ptr,c->argv[2]))
+ if (setTypeIsMember(set,c->argv[2]))
@@ -92,74 +268,62 @@ void sismemberCommand(redisClient *c) {
void scardCommand(redisClient *c) {
robj *o;
- dict *s;
if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,o,REDIS_SET)) return;
- s = o->ptr;
- addReplyUlong(c,dictSize(s));
+ addReplyUlong(c,setTypeSize(o));
void spopCommand(redisClient *c) {
- robj *set;
- dictEntry *de;
+ robj *set, *ele;
if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.nullbulk)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
- de = dictGetRandomKey(set->ptr);
- if (de == NULL) {
+ ele = setTypeRandomElement(set);
+ if (ele == NULL) {
} else {
- robj *ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ setTypeRemove(set,ele);
- dictDelete(set->ptr,ele);
- if (htNeedsResize(set->ptr)) dictResize(set->ptr);
- if (dictSize((dict*)set->ptr) == 0) dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
+ decrRefCount(ele);
+ if (setTypeSize(set) == 0) dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]);
void srandmemberCommand(redisClient *c) {
- robj *set;
- dictEntry *de;
+ robj *set, *ele;
if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.nullbulk)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,REDIS_SET)) return;
- de = dictGetRandomKey(set->ptr);
- if (de == NULL) {
+ ele = setTypeRandomElement(set);
+ if (ele == NULL) {
} else {
- robj *ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ decrRefCount(ele);
int qsortCompareSetsByCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
- dict **d1 = (void*) s1, **d2 = (void*) s2;
- return dictSize(*d1)-dictSize(*d2);
+ return setTypeSize(*(robj**)s1)-setTypeSize(*(robj**)s2);
-void sinterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setskeys, unsigned long setsnum, robj *dstkey) {
- dict **dv = zmalloc(sizeof(dict*)*setsnum);
- dictIterator *di;
- dictEntry *de;
- robj *lenobj = NULL, *dstset = NULL;
+void sinterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setkeys, unsigned long setnum, robj *dstkey) {
+ robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum);
+ setIterator *si;
+ robj *ele, *lenobj = NULL, *dstset = NULL;
unsigned long j, cardinality = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < setsnum; j++) {
- robj *setobj;
- setobj = dstkey ?
- lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setskeys[j]) :
- lookupKeyRead(c->db,setskeys[j]);
+ for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
+ robj *setobj = dstkey ?
+ lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setkeys[j]) :
+ lookupKeyRead(c->db,setkeys[j]);
if (!setobj) {
- zfree(dv);
+ zfree(sets);
if (dstkey) {
if (dbDelete(c->db,dstkey))
@@ -169,16 +333,15 @@ void sinterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setskeys, unsigned long setsnum
- if (setobj->type != REDIS_SET) {
- zfree(dv);
- addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
+ if (checkType(c,setobj,REDIS_SET)) {
+ zfree(sets);
- dv[j] = setobj->ptr;
+ sets[j] = setobj;
/* Sort sets from the smallest to largest, this will improve our
* algorithm's performace */
- qsort(dv,setsnum,sizeof(dict*),qsortCompareSetsByCardinality);
+ qsort(sets,setnum,sizeof(robj*),qsortCompareSetsByCardinality);
/* The first thing we should output is the total number of elements...
* since this is a multi-bulk write, but at this stage we don't know
@@ -192,39 +355,37 @@ void sinterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setskeys, unsigned long setsnum
} else {
/* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
* create this key with an empty set inside */
- dstset = createSetObject();
+ dstset = createIntsetObject();
/* Iterate all the elements of the first (smallest) set, and test
* the element against all the other sets, if at least one set does
* not include the element it is discarded */
- di = dictGetIterator(dv[0]);
- while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
- robj *ele;
- for (j = 1; j < setsnum; j++)
- if (dictFind(dv[j],dictGetEntryKey(de)) == NULL) break;
- if (j != setsnum)
- continue; /* at least one set does not contain the member */
- ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
- if (!dstkey) {
- addReplyBulk(c,ele);
- cardinality++;
- } else {
- dictAdd(dstset->ptr,ele,NULL);
- incrRefCount(ele);
+ si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[0]);
+ while((ele = setTypeNext(si)) != NULL) {
+ for (j = 1; j < setnum; j++)
+ if (!setTypeIsMember(sets[j],ele)) break;
+ /* Only take action when all sets contain the member */
+ if (j == setnum) {
+ if (!dstkey) {
+ addReplyBulk(c,ele);
+ cardinality++;
+ } else {
+ setTypeAdd(dstset,ele);
+ }
+ decrRefCount(ele);
- dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ setTypeReleaseIterator(si);
if (dstkey) {
/* Store the resulting set into the target, if the intersection
* is not an empty set. */
- if (dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr) > 0) {
+ if (setTypeSize(dstset) > 0) {
- addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr));
+ addReplyLongLong(c,setTypeSize(dstset));
} else {
@@ -233,7 +394,7 @@ void sinterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setskeys, unsigned long setsnum
} else {
lenobj->ptr = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"*%lu\r\n",cardinality);
- zfree(dv);
+ zfree(sets);
void sinterCommand(redisClient *c) {
@@ -244,92 +405,85 @@ void sinterstoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
-void sunionDiffGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setskeys, int setsnum, robj *dstkey, int op) {
- dict **dv = zmalloc(sizeof(dict*)*setsnum);
- dictIterator *di;
- dictEntry *de;
- robj *dstset = NULL;
- int j, cardinality = 0;
+#define REDIS_OP_UNION 0
+#define REDIS_OP_DIFF 1
+#define REDIS_OP_INTER 2
- for (j = 0; j < setsnum; j++) {
- robj *setobj;
+void sunionDiffGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setkeys, int setnum, robj *dstkey, int op) {
+ robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum);
+ setIterator *si;
+ robj *ele, *dstset = NULL;
+ int j, cardinality = 0;
- setobj = dstkey ?
- lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setskeys[j]) :
- lookupKeyRead(c->db,setskeys[j]);
+ for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
+ robj *setobj = dstkey ?
+ lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setkeys[j]) :
+ lookupKeyRead(c->db,setkeys[j]);
if (!setobj) {
- dv[j] = NULL;
+ sets[j] = NULL;
- if (setobj->type != REDIS_SET) {
- zfree(dv);
- addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
+ if (checkType(c,setobj,REDIS_SET)) {
+ zfree(sets);
- dv[j] = setobj->ptr;
+ sets[j] = setobj;
/* We need a temp set object to store our union. If the dstkey
* is not NULL (that is, we are inside an SUNIONSTORE operation) then
* this set object will be the resulting object to set into the target key*/
- dstset = createSetObject();
+ dstset = createIntsetObject();
/* Iterate all the elements of all the sets, add every element a single
* time to the result set */
- for (j = 0; j < setsnum; j++) {
- if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && j == 0 && !dv[j]) break; /* result set is empty */
- if (!dv[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */
- di = dictGetIterator(dv[j]);
+ for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
+ if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && j == 0 && !sets[j]) break; /* result set is empty */
+ if (!sets[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */
- while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
- robj *ele;
- /* dictAdd will not add the same element multiple times */
- ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[j]);
+ while((ele = setTypeNext(si)) != NULL) {
if (op == REDIS_OP_UNION || j == 0) {
- if (dictAdd(dstset->ptr,ele,NULL) == DICT_OK) {
- incrRefCount(ele);
+ if (setTypeAdd(dstset,ele)) {
} else if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF) {
- if (dictDelete(dstset->ptr,ele) == DICT_OK) {
+ if (setTypeRemove(dstset,ele)) {
+ decrRefCount(ele);
- dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ setTypeReleaseIterator(si);
- /* result set is empty? Exit asap. */
+ /* Exit when result set is empty. */
if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && cardinality == 0) break;
/* Output the content of the resulting set, if not in STORE mode */
if (!dstkey) {
- di = dictGetIterator(dstset->ptr);
- while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
- robj *ele;
- ele = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ si = setTypeInitIterator(dstset);
+ while((ele = setTypeNext(si)) != NULL) {
+ decrRefCount(ele);
- dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ setTypeReleaseIterator(si);
} else {
/* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
* create this key with the result set inside */
- if (dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr) > 0) {
+ if (setTypeSize(dstset) > 0) {
- addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize((dict*)dstset->ptr));
+ addReplyLongLong(c,setTypeSize(dstset));
} else {
- zfree(dv);
+ zfree(sets);
void sunionCommand(redisClient *c) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/type/set.tcl b/tests/unit/type/set.tcl
index 58ea2b5b2..a1b655ef8 100644
--- a/tests/unit/type/set.tcl
+++ b/tests/unit/type/set.tcl
@@ -1,151 +1,287 @@
-start_server {tags {"set"}} {
- r sadd myset foo
- r sadd myset bar
- list [r scard myset] [r sismember myset foo] \
- [r sismember myset bar] [r sismember myset bla] \
- [lsort [r smembers myset]]
- } {2 1 1 0 {bar foo}}
- test {SADD adding the same element multiple times} {
- r sadd myset foo
- r sadd myset foo
- r sadd myset foo
- r scard myset
- } {2}
+start_server {
+ tags {"set"}
+ overrides {
+ "set-max-intset-entries" 512
+ }
+} {
+ proc create_set {key entries} {
+ r del $key
+ foreach entry $entries { r sadd $key $entry }
+ }
+ test {SADD, SCARD, SISMEMBER, SMEMBERS basics - regular set} {
+ create_set myset {foo}
+ assert_encoding hashtable myset
+ assert_equal 1 [r sadd myset bar]
+ assert_equal 0 [r sadd myset bar]
+ assert_equal 2 [r scard myset]
+ assert_equal 1 [r sismember myset foo]
+ assert_equal 1 [r sismember myset bar]
+ assert_equal 0 [r sismember myset bla]
+ assert_equal {bar foo} [lsort [r smembers myset]]
+ }
+ test {SADD, SCARD, SISMEMBER, SMEMBERS basics - intset} {
+ create_set myset {17}
+ assert_encoding intset myset
+ assert_equal 1 [r sadd myset 16]
+ assert_equal 0 [r sadd myset 16]
+ assert_equal 2 [r scard myset]
+ assert_equal 1 [r sismember myset 16]
+ assert_equal 1 [r sismember myset 17]
+ assert_equal 0 [r sismember myset 18]
+ assert_equal {16 17} [lsort [r smembers myset]]
+ }
test {SADD against non set} {
r lpush mylist foo
- catch {r sadd mylist bar} err
- format $err
- } {ERR*kind*}
- test {SREM basics} {
- r sadd myset ciao
- r srem myset foo
- lsort [r smembers myset]
- } {bar ciao}
- test {Mass SADD and SINTER with two sets} {
- for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ assert_error ERR*kind* {r sadd mylist bar}
+ }
+ test "SADD a non-integer against an intset" {
+ create_set myset {1 2 3}
+ assert_encoding intset myset
+ assert_equal 1 [r sadd myset a]
+ assert_encoding hashtable myset
+ }
+ test "SADD overflows the maximum allowed integers in an intset" {
+ r del myset
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 512} {incr i} { r sadd myset $i }
+ assert_encoding intset myset
+ assert_equal 1 [r sadd myset 512]
+ assert_encoding hashtable myset
+ }
+ test "Set encoding after DEBUG RELOAD" {
+ r del myintset myhashset mylargeintset
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { r sadd myintset $i }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1280} {incr i} { r sadd mylargeintset $i }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i} { r sadd myhashset [format "i%03d" $i] }
+ assert_encoding intset myintset
+ assert_encoding hashtable mylargeintset
+ assert_encoding hashtable myhashset
+ r debug reload
+ assert_encoding intset myintset
+ assert_encoding hashtable mylargeintset
+ assert_encoding hashtable myhashset
+ }
+ test {SREM basics - regular set} {
+ create_set myset {foo bar ciao}
+ assert_encoding hashtable myset
+ assert_equal 0 [r srem myset qux]
+ assert_equal 1 [r srem myset foo]
+ assert_equal {bar ciao} [lsort [r smembers myset]]
+ }
+ test {SREM basics - intset} {
+ create_set myset {3 4 5}
+ assert_encoding intset myset
+ assert_equal 0 [r srem myset 6]
+ assert_equal 1 [r srem myset 4]
+ assert_equal {3 5} [lsort [r smembers myset]]
+ }
+ foreach {type} {hashtable intset} {
+ for {set i 1} {$i <= 5} {incr i} {
+ r del [format "set%d" $i]
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 200} {incr i} {
r sadd set1 $i
- r sadd set2 [expr $i+995]
+ r sadd set2 [expr $i+195]
+ }
+ foreach i {199 195 1000 2000} {
+ r sadd set3 $i
+ }
+ for {set i 5} {$i < 200} {incr i} {
+ r sadd set4 $i
- lsort [r sinter set1 set2]
- } {995 996 997 998 999}
+ r sadd set5 0
- test {SUNION with two sets} {
- lsort [r sunion set1 set2]
- } [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ # it is possible that a hashtable encoded only contains integers,
+ # because it is converted from an intset to a hashtable when a
+ # non-integer element is added and then removed.
+ if {$type eq "hashtable"} {
+ for {set i 1} {$i <= 5} {incr i} {
+ r sadd [format "set%d" $i] foo
+ r srem [format "set%d" $i] foo
+ }
+ }
- test {SINTERSTORE with two sets} {
- r sinterstore setres set1 set2
- lsort [r smembers setres]
- } {995 996 997 998 999}
+ test "Generated sets must be encoded as $type" {
+ for {set i 1} {$i <= 5} {incr i} {
+ assert_encoding $type [format "set%d" $i]
+ }
+ }
- test {SINTERSTORE with two sets, after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
- r debug reload
- r sinterstore setres set1 set2
- lsort [r smembers setres]
- } {995 996 997 998 999}
+ test "SINTER with two sets - $type" {
+ assert_equal {195 196 197 198 199} [lsort [r sinter set1 set2]]
+ }
+ test "SINTERSTORE with two sets - $type" {
+ r sinterstore setres set1 set2
+ assert_encoding intset setres
+ assert_equal {195 196 197 198 199} [lsort [r smembers setres]]
+ }
+ test "SINTERSTORE with two sets, after a DEBUG RELOAD - $type" {
+ r debug reload
+ r sinterstore setres set1 set2
+ assert_encoding intset setres
+ assert_equal {195 196 197 198 199} [lsort [r smembers setres]]
+ }
+ test "SUNION with two sets - $type" {
+ set expected [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ assert_equal $expected [lsort [r sunion set1 set2]]
+ }
+ test "SUNIONSTORE with two sets - $type" {
+ r sunionstore setres set1 set2
+ assert_encoding intset setres
+ set expected [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ assert_equal $expected [lsort [r smembers setres]]
+ }
- test {SUNIONSTORE with two sets} {
- r sunionstore setres set1 set2
- lsort [r smembers setres]
- } [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ test "SINTER against three sets - $type" {
+ assert_equal {195 199} [lsort [r sinter set1 set2 set3]]
+ }
+ test "SINTERSTORE with three sets - $type" {
+ r sinterstore setres set1 set2 set3
+ assert_equal {195 199} [r smembers setres]
+ }
+ test "SUNION with non existing keys - $type" {
+ set expected [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ assert_equal $expected [lsort [r sunion nokey1 set1 set2 nokey2]]
+ }
+ test "SDIFF with two sets - $type" {
+ assert_equal {0 1 2 3 4} [lsort [r sdiff set1 set4]]
+ }
- test {SUNIONSTORE against non existing keys} {
+ test "SDIFF with three sets - $type" {
+ assert_equal {1 2 3 4} [lsort [r sdiff set1 set4 set5]]
+ }
+ test "SDIFFSTORE with three sets - $type" {
+ r sdiffstore setres set1 set4 set5
+ assert_encoding intset setres
+ assert_equal {1 2 3 4} [lsort [r smembers setres]]
+ }
+ }
+ test "SINTER against non-set should throw error" {
+ r set key1 x
+ assert_error "ERR*wrong kind*" {r sinter key1 noset}
+ }
+ test "SUNION against non-set should throw error" {
+ r set key1 x
+ assert_error "ERR*wrong kind*" {r sunion key1 noset}
+ }
+ test "SINTERSTORE against non existing keys should delete dstkey" {
r set setres xxx
- list [r sunionstore setres foo111 bar222] [r exists xxx]
- } {0 0}
- test {SINTER against three sets} {
- r sadd set3 999
- r sadd set3 995
- r sadd set3 1000
- r sadd set3 2000
- lsort [r sinter set1 set2 set3]
- } {995 999}
- test {SINTERSTORE with three sets} {
- r sinterstore setres set1 set2 set3
- lsort [r smembers setres]
- } {995 999}
- test {SUNION with non existing keys} {
- lsort [r sunion nokey1 set1 set2 nokey2]
- } [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
- test {SDIFF with two sets} {
- for {set i 5} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
- r sadd set4 $i
+ assert_equal 0 [r sinterstore setres foo111 bar222]
+ assert_equal 0 [r exists setres]
+ }
+ test "SUNIONSTORE against non existing keys should delete dstkey" {
+ r set setres xxx
+ assert_equal 0 [r sunionstore setres foo111 bar222]
+ assert_equal 0 [r exists setres]
+ }
+ foreach {type contents} {hashtable {a b c} intset {1 2 3}} {
+ test "SPOP basics - $type" {
+ create_set myset $contents
+ assert_encoding $type myset
+ assert_equal $contents [lsort [list [r spop myset] [r spop myset] [r spop myset]]]
+ assert_equal 0 [r scard myset]
- lsort [r sdiff set1 set4]
- } {0 1 2 3 4}
- test {SDIFF with three sets} {
- r sadd set5 0
- lsort [r sdiff set1 set4 set5]
- } {1 2 3 4}
+ test "SRANDMEMBER - $type" {
+ create_set myset $contents
+ unset -nocomplain myset
+ array set myset {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set myset([r srandmember myset]) 1
+ }
+ assert_equal $contents [lsort [array names myset]]
+ }
+ }
- test {SDIFFSTORE with three sets} {
- r sdiffstore sres set1 set4 set5
- lsort [r smembers sres]
- } {1 2 3 4}
+ proc setup_move {} {
+ r del myset3 myset4
+ create_set myset1 {1 a b}
+ create_set myset2 {2 3 4}
+ assert_encoding hashtable myset1
+ assert_encoding intset myset2
+ }
- test {SPOP basics} {
- r del myset
- r sadd myset 1
- r sadd myset 2
- r sadd myset 3
- list [lsort [list [r spop myset] [r spop myset] [r spop myset]]] [r scard myset]
- } {{1 2 3} 0}
- test {SRANDMEMBER} {
- r del myset
- r sadd myset a
- r sadd myset b
- r sadd myset c
- unset -nocomplain myset
- array set myset {}
- for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
- set myset([r srandmember myset]) 1
- }
- lsort [array names myset]
- } {a b c}
- test {SMOVE basics} {
- r sadd myset1 a
- r sadd myset1 b
- r sadd myset1 c
- r sadd myset2 x
- r sadd myset2 y
- r sadd myset2 z
- r smove myset1 myset2 a
- list [lsort [r smembers myset2]] [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
- } {{a x y z} {b c}}
- test {SMOVE non existing key} {
- list [r smove myset1 myset2 foo] [lsort [r smembers myset2]] [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
- } {0 {a x y z} {b c}}
- test {SMOVE non existing src set} {
- list [r smove noset myset2 foo] [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
- } {0 {a x y z}}
- test {SMOVE non existing dst set} {
- list [r smove myset2 myset3 y] [lsort [r smembers myset2]] [lsort [r smembers myset3]]
- } {1 {a x z} y}
- test {SMOVE wrong src key type} {
+ test "SMOVE basics - from regular set to intset" {
+ # move a non-integer element to an intset should convert encoding
+ setup_move
+ assert_equal 1 [r smove myset1 myset2 a]
+ assert_equal {1 b} [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
+ assert_equal {2 3 4 a} [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
+ assert_encoding hashtable myset2
+ # move an integer element should not convert the encoding
+ setup_move
+ assert_equal 1 [r smove myset1 myset2 1]
+ assert_equal {a b} [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
+ assert_equal {1 2 3 4} [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
+ assert_encoding intset myset2
+ }
+ test "SMOVE basics - from intset to regular set" {
+ setup_move
+ assert_equal 1 [r smove myset2 myset1 2]
+ assert_equal {1 2 a b} [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
+ assert_equal {3 4} [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
+ }
+ test "SMOVE non existing key" {
+ setup_move
+ assert_equal 0 [r smove myset1 myset2 foo]
+ assert_equal {1 a b} [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
+ assert_equal {2 3 4} [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
+ }
+ test "SMOVE non existing src set" {
+ setup_move
+ assert_equal 0 [r smove noset myset2 foo]
+ assert_equal {2 3 4} [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
+ }
+ test "SMOVE from regular set to non existing destination set" {
+ setup_move
+ assert_equal 1 [r smove myset1 myset3 a]
+ assert_equal {1 b} [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
+ assert_equal {a} [lsort [r smembers myset3]]
+ assert_encoding hashtable myset3
+ }
+ test "SMOVE from intset to non existing destination set" {
+ setup_move
+ assert_equal 1 [r smove myset2 myset3 2]
+ assert_equal {3 4} [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
+ assert_equal {2} [lsort [r smembers myset3]]
+ assert_encoding intset myset3
+ }
+ test "SMOVE wrong src key type" {
r set x 10
- catch {r smove x myset2 foo} err
- format $err
- } {ERR*}
+ assert_error "ERR*wrong kind*" {r smove x myset2 foo}
+ }
- test {SMOVE wrong dst key type} {
+ test "SMOVE wrong dst key type" {
r set x 10
- catch {r smove myset2 x foo} err
- format $err
- } {ERR*}
+ assert_error "ERR*wrong kind*" {r smove myset2 x foo}
+ }