path: root/tests/cluster
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/cluster')
35 files changed, 3371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cluster/cluster.tcl b/tests/cluster/cluster.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..531e90d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/cluster.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# Cluster-specific test functions.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Salvatore Sanfilippo
+# This software is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
+# more information.
+# Track cluster configuration as created by create_cluster below
+set ::cluster_master_nodes 0
+set ::cluster_replica_nodes 0
+# Returns a parsed CLUSTER NODES output as a list of dictionaries.
+proc get_cluster_nodes id {
+ set lines [split [R $id cluster nodes] "\r\n"]
+ set nodes {}
+ foreach l $lines {
+ set l [string trim $l]
+ if {$l eq {}} continue
+ set args [split $l]
+ set node [dict create \
+ id [lindex $args 0] \
+ addr [lindex $args 1] \
+ flags [split [lindex $args 2] ,] \
+ slaveof [lindex $args 3] \
+ ping_sent [lindex $args 4] \
+ pong_recv [lindex $args 5] \
+ config_epoch [lindex $args 6] \
+ linkstate [lindex $args 7] \
+ slots [lrange $args 8 end] \
+ ]
+ lappend nodes $node
+ }
+ return $nodes
+# Test node for flag.
+proc has_flag {node flag} {
+ expr {[lsearch -exact [dict get $node flags] $flag] != -1}
+# Returns the parsed myself node entry as a dictionary.
+proc get_myself id {
+ set nodes [get_cluster_nodes $id]
+ foreach n $nodes {
+ if {[has_flag $n myself]} {return $n}
+ }
+ return {}
+# Get a specific node by ID by parsing the CLUSTER NODES output
+# of the instance Number 'instance_id'
+proc get_node_by_id {instance_id node_id} {
+ set nodes [get_cluster_nodes $instance_id]
+ foreach n $nodes {
+ if {[dict get $n id] eq $node_id} {return $n}
+ }
+ return {}
+# Return the value of the specified CLUSTER INFO field.
+proc CI {n field} {
+ get_info_field [R $n cluster info] $field
+# Return the value of the specified INFO field.
+proc s {n field} {
+ get_info_field [R $n info] $field
+# Assuming nodes are reset, this function performs slots allocation.
+# Only the first 'n' nodes are used.
+proc cluster_allocate_slots {n} {
+ set slot 16383
+ while {$slot >= 0} {
+ # Allocate successive slots to random nodes.
+ set node [randomInt $n]
+ lappend slots_$node $slot
+ incr slot -1
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
+ R $j cluster addslots {*}[set slots_${j}]
+ }
+# Check that cluster nodes agree about "state", or raise an error.
+proc assert_cluster_state {state} {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {[instance_is_killed redis $id]} continue
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [CI $id cluster_state] eq $state
+ } else {
+ fail "Cluster node $id cluster_state:[CI $id cluster_state]"
+ }
+ }
+# Search the first node starting from ID $first that is not
+# already configured as a slave.
+proc cluster_find_available_slave {first} {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$id < $first} continue
+ if {[instance_is_killed redis $id]} continue
+ set me [get_myself $id]
+ if {[dict get $me slaveof] eq {-}} {return $id}
+ }
+ fail "No available slaves"
+# Add 'slaves' slaves to a cluster composed of 'masters' masters.
+# It assumes that masters are allocated sequentially from instance ID 0
+# to N-1.
+proc cluster_allocate_slaves {masters slaves} {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $slaves} {incr j} {
+ set master_id [expr {$j % $masters}]
+ set slave_id [cluster_find_available_slave $masters]
+ set master_myself [get_myself $master_id]
+ R $slave_id cluster replicate [dict get $master_myself id]
+ }
+# Create a cluster composed of the specified number of masters and slaves.
+proc create_cluster {masters slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_slots $masters
+ if {$slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_slaves $masters $slaves
+ }
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ set ::cluster_master_nodes $masters
+ set ::cluster_replica_nodes $slaves
+proc cluster_allocate_with_continuous_slots {n} {
+ set slot 16383
+ set avg [expr ($slot+1) / $n]
+ while {$slot >= 0} {
+ set node [expr $slot/$avg >= $n ? $n-1 : $slot/$avg]
+ lappend slots_$node $slot
+ incr slot -1
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
+ R $j cluster addslots {*}[set slots_${j}]
+ }
+# Create a cluster composed of the specified number of masters and slaves,
+# but with a continuous slot range.
+proc cluster_create_with_continuous_slots {masters slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_with_continuous_slots $masters
+ if {$slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_slaves $masters $slaves
+ }
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ set ::cluster_master_nodes $masters
+ set ::cluster_replica_nodes $slaves
+# Set the cluster node-timeout to all the reachalbe nodes.
+proc set_cluster_node_timeout {to} {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ catch {R $id CONFIG SET cluster-node-timeout $to}
+ }
+# Check if the cluster is writable and readable. Use node "id"
+# as a starting point to talk with the cluster.
+proc cluster_write_test {id} {
+ set prefix [randstring 20 20 alpha]
+ set port [get_instance_attrib redis $id port]
+ set cluster [redis_cluster$port]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ $cluster set key.$j $prefix.$j
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ assert {[$cluster get key.$j] eq "$prefix.$j"}
+ }
+ $cluster close
+# Check if cluster configuration is consistent.
+proc cluster_config_consistent {} {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $::cluster_master_nodes + $::cluster_replica_nodes} {incr j} {
+ if {$j == 0} {
+ set base_cfg [R $j cluster slots]
+ } else {
+ set cfg [R $j cluster slots]
+ if {$cfg != $base_cfg} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+# Wait for cluster configuration to propagate and be consistent across nodes.
+proc wait_for_cluster_propagation {} {
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [cluster_config_consistent] eq 1
+ } else {
+ fail "cluster config did not reach a consistent state"
+ }
+# Returns a parsed CLUSTER LINKS output of the instance identified
+# by the given `id` as a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary
+# corresponds to a link.
+proc get_cluster_links id {
+ set lines [R $id cluster links]
+ set links {}
+ foreach l $lines {
+ if {$l eq {}} continue
+ assert_equal [llength $l] 12
+ assert_equal [lindex $l 0] "direction"
+ set dir [lindex $l 1]
+ assert_equal [lindex $l 2] "node"
+ set node [lindex $l 3]
+ assert_equal [lindex $l 4] "create-time"
+ set create_time [lindex $l 5]
+ assert_equal [lindex $l 6] "events"
+ set events [lindex $l 7]
+ assert_equal [lindex $l 8] "send-buffer-allocated"
+ set send_buffer_allocated [lindex $l 9]
+ assert_equal [lindex $l 10] "send-buffer-used"
+ set send_buffer_used [lindex $l 11]
+ set link [dict create \
+ dir $dir \
+ node $node \
+ create_time $create_time \
+ events $events \
+ send_buffer_allocated $send_buffer_allocated \
+ send_buffer_used $send_buffer_used \
+ ]
+ lappend links $link
+ }
+ return $links
+proc get_links_with_peer {this_instance_id peer_nodename} {
+ set links [get_cluster_links $this_instance_id]
+ set links_with_peer {}
+ foreach l $links {
+ if {[dict get $l node] eq $peer_nodename} {
+ lappend links_with_peer $l
+ }
+ }
+ return $links_with_peer
+# Return the entry in CLUSTER LINKS output by instance identified by `this_instance_id` that
+# corresponds to the link established toward a peer identified by `peer_nodename`
+proc get_link_to_peer {this_instance_id peer_nodename} {
+ set links_with_peer [get_links_with_peer $this_instance_id $peer_nodename]
+ foreach l $links_with_peer {
+ if {[dict get $l dir] eq "to"} {
+ return $l
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+# Return the entry in CLUSTER LINKS output by instance identified by `this_instance_id` that
+# corresponds to the link accepted from a peer identified by `peer_nodename`
+proc get_link_from_peer {this_instance_id peer_nodename} {
+ set links_with_peer [get_links_with_peer $this_instance_id $peer_nodename]
+ foreach l $links_with_peer {
+ if {[dict get $l dir] eq "from"} {
+ return $l
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cluster/run.tcl b/tests/cluster/run.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c81d8f39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/run.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Cluster test suite. Copyright (C) 2014 Salvatore Sanfilippo
+# This software is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
+# more information.
+cd tests/cluster
+source cluster.tcl
+source ../instances.tcl
+source ../../support/cluster.tcl ; # Redis Cluster client.
+set ::instances_count 20 ; # How many instances we use at max.
+set ::tlsdir "../../tls"
+proc main {} {
+ parse_options
+ spawn_instance redis $::redis_base_port $::instances_count {
+ "cluster-enabled yes"
+ "appendonly yes"
+ "enable-protected-configs yes"
+ "enable-debug-command yes"
+ }
+ run_tests
+ cleanup
+ end_tests
+if {[catch main e]} {
+ puts $::errorInfo
+ if {$::pause_on_error} pause_on_error
+ cleanup
+ exit 1
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/00-base.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/00-base.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..656128e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/00-base.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Check the basic monitoring and failover capabilities.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+if {$::simulate_error} {
+ test "This test will fail" {
+ fail "Simulated error"
+ }
+test "Different nodes have different IDs" {
+ set ids {}
+ set numnodes 0
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ incr numnodes
+ # Every node should just know itself.
+ set nodeid [dict get [get_myself $id] id]
+ assert {$nodeid ne {}}
+ lappend ids $nodeid
+ }
+ set numids [llength [lsort -unique $ids]]
+ assert {$numids == $numnodes}
+test "It is possible to perform slot allocation" {
+ cluster_allocate_slots 5
+test "After the join, every node gets a different config epoch" {
+ set trynum 60
+ while {[incr trynum -1] != 0} {
+ # We check that this condition is true for *all* the nodes.
+ set ok 1 ; # Will be set to 0 every time a node is not ok.
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ set epochs {}
+ foreach n [get_cluster_nodes $id] {
+ lappend epochs [dict get $n config_epoch]
+ }
+ if {[lsort $epochs] != [lsort -unique $epochs]} {
+ set ok 0 ; # At least one collision!
+ }
+ }
+ if {$ok} break
+ after 1000
+ puts -nonewline .
+ flush stdout
+ }
+ if {$trynum == 0} {
+ fail "Config epoch conflict resolution is not working."
+ }
+test "Nodes should report cluster_state is ok now" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ assert {$reply eq 0}
+test "It is possible to write and read from the cluster" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Function no-cluster flag" {
+ R 1 function load lua test {
+ redis.register_function{function_name='f1', callback=function() return 'hello' end, flags={'no-cluster'}}
+ }
+ catch {R 1 fcall f1 0} e
+ assert_match {*Can not run script on cluster, 'no-cluster' flag is set*} $e
+test "Script no-cluster flag" {
+ catch {
+ R 1 eval {#!lua flags=no-cluster
+ return 1
+ } 0
+ } e
+ assert_match {*Can not run script on cluster, 'no-cluster' flag is set*} $e
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/01-faildet.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/01-faildet.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fe87c91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/01-faildet.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Check the basic monitoring and failover capabilities.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Killing two slave nodes" {
+ kill_instance redis 5
+ kill_instance redis 6
+test "Cluster should be still up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Killing one master node" {
+ kill_instance redis 0
+# Note: the only slave of instance 0 is already down so no
+# failover is possible, that would change the state back to ok.
+test "Cluster should be down now" {
+ assert_cluster_state fail
+test "Restarting master node" {
+ restart_instance redis 0
+test "Cluster should be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/02-failover.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/02-failover.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b2fd09af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/02-failover.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Check the basic monitoring and failover capabilities.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Instance #5 is a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "Instance #5 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up"
+ }
+set current_epoch [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch]
+test "Killing one master node" {
+ kill_instance redis 0
+test "Wait for failover" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch] > $current_epoch
+ } else {
+ fail "No failover detected"
+ }
+test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 1
+test "Instance #5 is now a master" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {master}}
+test "Restarting the previously killed master node" {
+ restart_instance redis 0
+test "Instance #0 gets converted into a slave" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 0 role] eq {slave}
+ } else {
+ fail "Old master was not converted into slave"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/03-failover-loop.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/03-failover-loop.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46c22a913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/03-failover-loop.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Failover stress test.
+# In this test a different node is killed in a loop for N
+# iterations. The test checks that certain properties
+# are preserved across iterations.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set iterations 20
+set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+while {[incr iterations -1]} {
+ set tokill [randomInt 10]
+ set other [expr {($tokill+1)%10}] ; # Some other instance.
+ set key [randstring 20 20 alpha]
+ set val [randstring 20 20 alpha]
+ set role [RI $tokill role]
+ if {$role eq {master}} {
+ set slave {}
+ set myid [dict get [get_myself $tokill] id]
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$id == $tokill} continue
+ if {[dict get [get_myself $id] slaveof] eq $myid} {
+ set slave $id
+ }
+ }
+ if {$slave eq {}} {
+ fail "Unable to retrieve slave's ID for master #$tokill"
+ }
+ }
+ puts "--- Iteration $iterations ---"
+ if {$role eq {master}} {
+ test "Wait for slave of #$tokill to sync" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [string match {*state=online*} [RI $tokill slave0]]
+ } else {
+ fail "Slave of node #$tokill is not ok"
+ }
+ }
+ set slave_config_epoch [CI $slave cluster_my_epoch]
+ }
+ test "Cluster is writable before failover" {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ catch {$cluster set $key:$i $val:$i} err
+ assert {$err eq {OK}}
+ }
+ # Wait for the write to propagate to the slave if we
+ # are going to kill a master.
+ if {$role eq {master}} {
+ R $tokill wait 1 20000
+ }
+ }
+ test "Terminating node #$tokill" {
+ # Stop AOF so that an initial AOFRW won't prevent the instance from terminating
+ R $tokill config set appendonly no
+ kill_instance redis $tokill
+ }
+ if {$role eq {master}} {
+ test "Wait failover by #$slave with old epoch $slave_config_epoch" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [CI $slave cluster_my_epoch] > $slave_config_epoch
+ } else {
+ fail "No failover detected, epoch is still [CI $slave cluster_my_epoch]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ }
+ test "Cluster is writable again" {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ catch {$cluster set $key:$i:2 $val:$i:2} err
+ assert {$err eq {OK}}
+ }
+ }
+ test "Restarting node #$tokill" {
+ restart_instance redis $tokill
+ }
+ test "Instance #$tokill is now a slave" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI $tokill role] eq {slave}
+ } else {
+ fail "Restarted instance is not a slave"
+ }
+ }
+ test "We can read back the value we set before" {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ catch {$cluster get $key:$i} err
+ assert {$err eq "$val:$i"}
+ catch {$cluster get $key:$i:2} err
+ assert {$err eq "$val:$i:2"}
+ }
+ }
+test "Post condition: current_epoch >= my_epoch everywhere" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ assert {[CI $id cluster_current_epoch] >= [CI $id cluster_my_epoch]}
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/04-resharding.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/04-resharding.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18a26bda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/04-resharding.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Failover stress test.
+# In this test a different node is killed in a loop for N
+# iterations. The test checks that certain properties
+# are preserved across iterations.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+source "../../../tests/support/cli.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Enable AOF in all the instances" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ R $id config set appendonly yes
+ # We use "appendfsync no" because it's fast but also guarantees that
+ # write(2) is performed before replying to client.
+ R $id config set appendfsync no
+ }
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 500 {
+ [RI $id aof_rewrite_in_progress] == 0 &&
+ [RI $id aof_enabled] == 1
+ } else {
+ fail "Failed to enable AOF on instance #$id"
+ }
+ }
+# Return non-zero if the specified PID is about a process still in execution,
+# otherwise 0 is returned.
+proc process_is_running {pid} {
+ # PS should return with an error if PID is non existing,
+ # and catch will return non-zero. We want to return non-zero if
+ # the PID exists, so we invert the return value with expr not operator.
+ expr {![catch {exec ps -p $pid}]}
+# Our resharding test performs the following actions:
+# - N commands are sent to the cluster in the course of the test.
+# - Every command selects a random key from key:0 to key:MAX-1.
+# - The operation RPUSH key <randomvalue> is performed.
+# - Tcl remembers into an array all the values pushed to each list.
+# - After N/2 commands, the resharding process is started in background.
+# - The test continues while the resharding is in progress.
+# - At the end of the test, we wait for the resharding process to stop.
+# - Finally the keys are checked to see if they contain the value they should.
+set numkeys 50000
+set numops 200000
+set start_node_port [get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]
+set cluster [redis_cluster$start_node_port]
+if {$::tls} {
+ # setup a non-TLS cluster client to the TLS cluster
+ set plaintext_port [get_instance_attrib redis 0 plaintext-port]
+ set cluster_plaintext [redis_cluster$plaintext_port 0]
+ puts "Testing TLS cluster on start node$start_node_port, plaintext port $plaintext_port"
+} else {
+ set cluster_plaintext $cluster
+ puts "Testing using non-TLS cluster"
+catch {unset content}
+array set content {}
+set tribpid {}
+test "Cluster consistency during live resharding" {
+ set ele 0
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $numops} {incr j} {
+ # Trigger the resharding once we execute half the ops.
+ if {$tribpid ne {} &&
+ ($j % 10000) == 0 &&
+ ![process_is_running $tribpid]} {
+ set tribpid {}
+ }
+ if {$j >= $numops/2 && $tribpid eq {}} {
+ puts -nonewline "...Starting resharding..."
+ flush stdout
+ set target [dict get [get_myself [randomInt 5]] id]
+ set tribpid [lindex [exec \
+ ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster reshard \
+[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
+ --cluster-from all \
+ --cluster-to $target \
+ --cluster-slots 100 \
+ --cluster-yes \
+ {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
+ | [info nameofexecutable] \
+ ../tests/helpers/onlydots.tcl \
+ &] 0]
+ }
+ # Write random data to random list.
+ set listid [randomInt $numkeys]
+ set key "key:$listid"
+ incr ele
+ # We write both with Lua scripts and with plain commands.
+ # This way we are able to stress Lua -> Redis command invocation
+ # as well, that has tests to prevent Lua to write into wrong
+ # hash slots.
+ # We also use both TLS and plaintext connections.
+ if {$listid % 3 == 0} {
+ $cluster rpush $key $ele
+ } elseif {$listid % 3 == 1} {
+ $cluster_plaintext rpush $key $ele
+ } else {
+ $cluster eval {"rpush",KEYS[1],ARGV[1])} 1 $key $ele
+ }
+ lappend content($key) $ele
+ if {($j % 1000) == 0} {
+ puts -nonewline W; flush stdout
+ }
+ }
+ # Wait for the resharding process to end
+ wait_for_condition 1000 500 {
+ [process_is_running $tribpid] == 0
+ } else {
+ fail "Resharding is not terminating after some time."
+ }
+test "Verify $numkeys keys for consistency with logical content" {
+ # Check that the Redis Cluster content matches our logical content.
+ foreach {key value} [array get content] {
+ if {[$cluster lrange $key 0 -1] ne $value} {
+ fail "Key $key expected to hold '$value' but actual content is [$cluster lrange $key 0 -1]"
+ }
+ }
+test "Terminate and restart all the instances" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ # Stop AOF so that an initial AOFRW won't prevent the instance from terminating
+ R $id config set appendonly no
+ kill_instance redis $id
+ restart_instance redis $id
+ }
+test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Verify $numkeys keys after the restart" {
+ # Check that the Redis Cluster content matches our logical content.
+ foreach {key value} [array get content] {
+ if {[$cluster lrange $key 0 -1] ne $value} {
+ fail "Key $key expected to hold '$value' but actual content is [$cluster lrange $key 0 -1]"
+ }
+ }
+test "Disable AOF in all the instances" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ R $id config set appendonly no
+ }
+test "Verify slaves consistency" {
+ set verified_masters 0
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ set role [R $id role]
+ lassign $role myrole myoffset slaves
+ if {$myrole eq {slave}} continue
+ set masterport [get_instance_attrib redis $id port]
+ set masterdigest [R $id debug digest]
+ foreach_redis_id sid {
+ set srole [R $sid role]
+ if {[lindex $srole 0] eq {master}} continue
+ if {[lindex $srole 2] != $masterport} continue
+ wait_for_condition 1000 500 {
+ [R $sid debug digest] eq $masterdigest
+ } else {
+ fail "Master and slave data digest are different"
+ }
+ incr verified_masters
+ }
+ }
+ assert {$verified_masters >= 5}
+test "Dump sanitization was skipped for migrations" {
+ set verified_masters 0
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ assert {[RI $id dump_payload_sanitizations] == 0}
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/05-slave-selection.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/05-slave-selection.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0ce863c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/05-slave-selection.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Slave selection test
+# Check the algorithm trying to pick the slave with the most complete history.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+# Create a cluster with 5 master and 10 slaves, so that we have 2
+# slaves for each master.
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 10
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "The first master has actually two slaves" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] == 2
+ } else {
+ fail "replicas didn't connect"
+ }
+test {Slaves of #0 are instance #5 and #10 as expected} {
+ set port0 [get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]
+ assert {[lindex [R 5 role] 2] == $port0}
+ assert {[lindex [R 10 role] 2] == $port0}
+test "Instance #5 and #10 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up} &&
+ [RI 10 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 or #10 master link status is not up"
+ }
+set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+test "Slaves are both able to receive and acknowledge writes" {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ $cluster set $j $j
+ }
+ assert {[R 0 wait 2 60000] == 2}
+test "Write data while slave #10 is paused and can't receive it" {
+ # Stop the slave with a multi/exec transaction so that the master will
+ # be killed as soon as it can accept writes again.
+ R 10 multi
+ R 10 debug sleep 10
+ R 10 client kill$port0
+ R 10 deferred 1
+ R 10 exec
+ # Write some data the slave can't receive.
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ $cluster set $j $j
+ }
+ # Prevent the master from accepting new slaves.
+ # Use a large pause value since we'll kill it anyway.
+ R 0 CLIENT PAUSE 60000
+ # Wait for the slave to return available again
+ R 10 deferred 0
+ assert {[R 10 read] eq {OK OK}}
+ # Kill the master so that a reconnection will not be possible.
+ kill_instance redis 0
+test "Wait for instance #5 (and not #10) to turn into a master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 role] eq {master}
+ } else {
+ fail "No failover detected"
+ }
+test "Wait for the node #10 to return alive before ending the test" {
+ R 10 ping
+test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Node #10 should eventually replicate node #5" {
+ set port5 [get_instance_attrib redis 5 port]
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ ([lindex [R 10 role] 2] == $port5) &&
+ ([lindex [R 10 role] 3] eq {connected})
+ } else {
+ fail "#10 didn't became slave of #5"
+ }
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+# Create a cluster with 3 master and 15 slaves, so that we have 5
+# slaves for eatch master.
+test "Create a 3 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 3 15
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "The first master has actually 5 slaves" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] == 5
+ } else {
+ fail "replicas didn't connect"
+ }
+test {Slaves of #0 are instance #3, #6, #9, #12 and #15 as expected} {
+ set port0 [get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]
+ assert {[lindex [R 3 role] 2] == $port0}
+ assert {[lindex [R 6 role] 2] == $port0}
+ assert {[lindex [R 9 role] 2] == $port0}
+ assert {[lindex [R 12 role] 2] == $port0}
+ assert {[lindex [R 15 role] 2] == $port0}
+test {Instance #3, #6, #9, #12 and #15 synced with the master} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 3 master_link_status] eq {up} &&
+ [RI 6 master_link_status] eq {up} &&
+ [RI 9 master_link_status] eq {up} &&
+ [RI 12 master_link_status] eq {up} &&
+ [RI 15 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #3 or #6 or #9 or #12 or #15 master link status is not up"
+ }
+proc master_detected {instances} {
+ foreach instance [dict keys $instances] {
+ if {[RI $instance role] eq {master}} {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+test "New Master down consecutively" {
+ set instances [dict create 0 1 3 1 6 1 9 1 12 1 15 1]
+ set loops [expr {[dict size $instances]-1}]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $loops} {incr i} {
+ set master_id -1
+ foreach instance [dict keys $instances] {
+ if {[RI $instance role] eq {master}} {
+ set master_id $instance
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if {$master_id eq -1} {
+ fail "no master detected, #loop $i"
+ }
+ set instances [dict remove $instances $master_id]
+ kill_instance redis $master_id
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [master_detected $instances]
+ } else {
+ fail "No failover detected when master $master_id fails"
+ }
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/06-slave-stop-cond.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/06-slave-stop-cond.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80a2d17c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/06-slave-stop-cond.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Slave stop condition test
+# Check that if there is a disconnection time limit, the slave will not try
+# to failover its master.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+# Create a cluster with 5 master and 5 slaves.
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "The first master has actually one slave" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] == 1
+ } else {
+ fail "replicas didn't connect"
+ }
+test {Slaves of #0 is instance #5 as expected} {
+ set port0 [get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]
+ assert {[lindex [R 5 role] 2] == $port0}
+test "Instance #5 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up"
+ }
+test "Lower the slave validity factor of #5 to the value of 2" {
+ assert {[R 5 config set cluster-slave-validity-factor 2] eq {OK}}
+test "Break master-slave link and prevent further reconnections" {
+ # Stop the slave with a multi/exec transaction so that the master will
+ # be killed as soon as it can accept writes again.
+ R 5 multi
+ R 5 client kill$port0
+ # here we should sleep 6 or more seconds (node_timeout * slave_validity)
+ # but the actual validity time is actually incremented by the
+ # repl-ping-slave-period value which is 10 seconds by default. So we
+ # need to wait more than 16 seconds.
+ R 5 debug sleep 20
+ R 5 deferred 1
+ R 5 exec
+ # Prevent the master from accepting new slaves.
+ # Use a large pause value since we'll kill it anyway.
+ R 0 CLIENT PAUSE 60000
+ # Wait for the slave to return available again
+ R 5 deferred 0
+ assert {[R 5 read] eq {OK OK}}
+ # Kill the master so that a reconnection will not be possible.
+ kill_instance redis 0
+test "Slave #5 is reachable and alive" {
+ assert {[R 5 ping] eq {PONG}}
+test "Slave #5 should not be able to failover" {
+ after 10000
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "Cluster should be down" {
+ assert_cluster_state fail
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/07-replica-migration.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/07-replica-migration.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4e998571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/07-replica-migration.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Replica migration test.
+# Check that orphaned masters are joined by replicas of masters having
+# multiple replicas attached, according to the migration barrier settings.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+# Create a cluster with 5 master and 10 slaves, so that we have 2
+# slaves for each master.
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 10
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Each master should have two replicas attached" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$id < 5} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R $id role] 2]] == 2
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #$id does not have 2 slaves as expected"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+test "Killing all the slaves of master #0 and #1" {
+ kill_instance redis 5
+ kill_instance redis 10
+ kill_instance redis 6
+ kill_instance redis 11
+ after 4000
+foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$id < 5} {
+ test "Master #$id should have at least one replica" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R $id role] 2]] >= 1
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #$id has no replicas"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Now test the migration to a master which used to be a slave, after
+# a failver.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+# Create a cluster with 5 master and 10 slaves, so that we have 2
+# slaves for each master.
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 10
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Kill slave #7 of master #2. Only slave left is #12 now" {
+ kill_instance redis 7
+set current_epoch [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch]
+test "Killing master node #2, #12 should failover" {
+ kill_instance redis 2
+test "Wait for failover" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch] > $current_epoch
+ } else {
+ fail "No failover detected"
+ }
+test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 1
+test "Instance 12 is now a master without slaves" {
+ assert {[RI 12 role] eq {master}}
+# The remaining instance is now without slaves. Some other slave
+# should migrate to it.
+test "Master #12 should get at least one migrated replica" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R 12 role] 2]] >= 1
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #12 has no replicas"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/08-update-msg.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/08-update-msg.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9011f3205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/08-update-msg.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Test UPDATE messages sent by other nodes when the currently authorirative
+# master is unavailable. The test is performed in the following steps:
+# 1) Master goes down.
+# 2) Slave failover and becomes new master.
+# 3) New master is partitioned away.
+# 4) Old master returns.
+# 5) At this point we expect the old master to turn into a slave ASAP because
+# of the UPDATE messages it will receive from the other nodes when its
+# configuration will be found to be outdated.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Instance #5 is a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "Instance #5 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up"
+ }
+set current_epoch [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch]
+test "Killing one master node" {
+ kill_instance redis 0
+test "Wait for failover" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch] > $current_epoch
+ } else {
+ fail "No failover detected"
+ }
+test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 1
+test "Instance #5 is now a master" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {master}}
+test "Killing the new master #5" {
+ kill_instance redis 5
+test "Cluster should be down now" {
+ assert_cluster_state fail
+test "Restarting the old master node" {
+ restart_instance redis 0
+test "Instance #0 gets converted into a slave" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 0 role] eq {slave}
+ } else {
+ fail "Old master was not converted into slave"
+ }
+test "Restarting the new master node" {
+ restart_instance redis 5
+test "Cluster is up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/09-pubsub.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/09-pubsub.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e62b91c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/09-pubsub.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Test PUBLISH propagation across the cluster.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+proc test_cluster_publish {instance instances} {
+ # Subscribe all the instances but the one we use to send.
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $instances} {incr j} {
+ if {$j != $instance} {
+ R $j deferred 1
+ R $j subscribe testchannel
+ R $j read; # Read the subscribe reply
+ }
+ }
+ set data [randomValue]
+ R $instance PUBLISH testchannel $data
+ # Read the message back from all the nodes.
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $instances} {incr j} {
+ if {$j != $instance} {
+ set msg [R $j read]
+ assert {$data eq [lindex $msg 2]}
+ R $j unsubscribe testchannel
+ R $j read; # Read the unsubscribe reply
+ R $j deferred 0
+ }
+ }
+test "Test publishing to master" {
+ test_cluster_publish 0 10
+test "Test publishing to slave" {
+ test_cluster_publish 5 10
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/10-manual-failover.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/10-manual-failover.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5441b79f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/10-manual-failover.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Check the manual failover
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Instance #5 is a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "Instance #5 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up"
+ }
+set current_epoch [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch]
+set numkeys 50000
+set numops 10000
+set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+catch {unset content}
+array set content {}
+test "Send CLUSTER FAILOVER to #5, during load" {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $numops} {incr j} {
+ # Write random data to random list.
+ set listid [randomInt $numkeys]
+ set key "key:$listid"
+ set ele [randomValue]
+ # We write both with Lua scripts and with plain commands.
+ # This way we are able to stress Lua -> Redis command invocation
+ # as well, that has tests to prevent Lua to write into wrong
+ # hash slots.
+ if {$listid % 2} {
+ $cluster rpush $key $ele
+ } else {
+ $cluster eval {"rpush",KEYS[1],ARGV[1])} 1 $key $ele
+ }
+ lappend content($key) $ele
+ if {($j % 1000) == 0} {
+ puts -nonewline W; flush stdout
+ }
+ if {$j == $numops/2} {R 5 cluster failover}
+ }
+test "Wait for failover" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch] > $current_epoch
+ } else {
+ fail "No failover detected"
+ }
+test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 1
+test "Instance #5 is now a master" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {master}}
+test "Verify $numkeys keys for consistency with logical content" {
+ # Check that the Redis Cluster content matches our logical content.
+ foreach {key value} [array get content] {
+ assert {[$cluster lrange $key 0 -1] eq $value}
+ }
+test "Instance #0 gets converted into a slave" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 0 role] eq {slave}
+ } else {
+ fail "Old master was not converted into slave"
+ }
+## Check that manual failover does not happen if we can't talk with the master.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Instance #5 is a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "Instance #5 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up"
+ }
+test "Make instance #0 unreachable without killing it" {
+ R 0 deferred 1
+test "Send CLUSTER FAILOVER to instance #5" {
+ R 5 cluster failover
+test "Instance #5 is still a slave after some time (no failover)" {
+ after 5000
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {master}}
+test "Wait for instance #0 to return back alive" {
+ R 0 deferred 0
+ assert {[R 0 read] eq {OK}}
+## Check with "force" failover happens anyway.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Instance #5 is a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "Instance #5 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up"
+ }
+test "Make instance #0 unreachable without killing it" {
+ R 0 deferred 1
+test "Send CLUSTER FAILOVER to instance #5" {
+ R 5 cluster failover force
+test "Instance #5 is a master after some time" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 role] eq {master}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 is not a master after some time regardless of FORCE"
+ }
+test "Wait for instance #0 to return back alive" {
+ R 0 deferred 0
+ assert {[R 0 read] eq {OK}}
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/11-manual-takeover.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/11-manual-takeover.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f567c6962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/11-manual-takeover.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Manual takeover test
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Killing majority of master nodes" {
+ kill_instance redis 0
+ kill_instance redis 1
+ kill_instance redis 2
+test "Cluster should eventually be down" {
+ assert_cluster_state fail
+test "Use takeover to bring slaves back" {
+ R 5 cluster failover takeover
+ R 6 cluster failover takeover
+ R 7 cluster failover takeover
+test "Cluster should eventually be up again" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 4
+test "Instance #5, #6, #7 are now masters" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {master}}
+ assert {[RI 6 role] eq {master}}
+ assert {[RI 7 role] eq {master}}
+test "Restarting the previously killed master nodes" {
+ restart_instance redis 0
+ restart_instance redis 1
+ restart_instance redis 2
+test "Instance #0, #1, #2 gets converted into a slaves" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 0 role] eq {slave} && [RI 1 role] eq {slave} && [RI 2 role] eq {slave}
+ } else {
+ fail "Old masters not converted into slaves"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/12-replica-migration-2.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/12-replica-migration-2.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0493e57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/12-replica-migration-2.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Replica migration test #2.
+# Check that the status of master that can be targeted by replica migration
+# is acquired again, after being getting slots again, in a cluster where the
+# other masters have slaves.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+source "../../../tests/support/cli.tcl"
+# Create a cluster with 5 master and 15 slaves, to make sure there are no
+# empty masters and make rebalancing simpler to handle during the test.
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ cluster_create_with_continuous_slots 5 15
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Each master should have at least two replicas attached" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$id < 5} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R $id role] 2]] >= 2
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #$id does not have 2 slaves as expected"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+test "Set allow-replica-migration yes" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ R $id CONFIG SET cluster-allow-replica-migration yes
+ }
+set master0_id [dict get [get_myself 0] id]
+test "Resharding all the master #0 slots away from it" {
+ set output [exec \
+ ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster rebalance \
+[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
+ {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
+ --cluster-weight ${master0_id}=0 >@ stdout ]
+test "Master #0 should lose its replicas" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] == 0
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #0 still has replicas"
+ }
+test "Resharding back some slot to master #0" {
+ # Wait for the cluster config to propagate before attempting a
+ # new resharding.
+ after 10000
+ set output [exec \
+ ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster rebalance \
+[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
+ {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
+ --cluster-weight ${master0_id}=.01 \
+ --cluster-use-empty-masters >@ stdout]
+test "Master #0 should re-acquire one or more replicas" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] >= 1
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #0 has no has replicas"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/12.1-replica-migration-3.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/12.1-replica-migration-3.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..790c73209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/12.1-replica-migration-3.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Replica migration test #2.
+# Check that if 'cluster-allow-replica-migration' is set to 'no', slaves do not
+# migrate when master becomes empty.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+source "../tests/includes/utils.tcl"
+# Create a cluster with 5 master and 15 slaves, to make sure there are no
+# empty masters and make rebalancing simpler to handle during the test.
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ cluster_create_with_continuous_slots 5 15
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Each master should have at least two replicas attached" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$id < 5} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R $id role] 2]] >= 2
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #$id does not have 2 slaves as expected"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+test "Set allow-replica-migration no" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ R $id CONFIG SET cluster-allow-replica-migration no
+ }
+set master0_id [dict get [get_myself 0] id]
+test "Resharding all the master #0 slots away from it" {
+ set output [exec \
+ ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster rebalance \
+[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
+ {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
+ --cluster-weight ${master0_id}=0 >@ stdout ]
+test "Wait cluster to be stable" {
+ wait_cluster_stable
+test "Master #0 still should have its replicas" {
+ assert { [llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] >= 2 }
+test "Each master should have at least two replicas attached" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$id < 5} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R $id role] 2]] >= 2
+ } else {
+ fail "Master #$id does not have 2 slaves as expected"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/13-no-failover-option.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/13-no-failover-option.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..befa598d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/13-no-failover-option.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Check that the no-failover option works
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Instance #5 is a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+ # Configure it to never failover the master
+ R 5 CONFIG SET cluster-slave-no-failover yes
+test "Instance #5 synced with the master" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up}
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up"
+ }
+test "The nofailover flag is propagated" {
+ set slave5_id [dict get [get_myself 5] id]
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [has_flag [get_node_by_id $id $slave5_id] nofailover]
+ } else {
+ fail "Instance $id can't see the nofailover flag of slave"
+ }
+ }
+set current_epoch [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch]
+test "Killing one master node" {
+ kill_instance redis 0
+test "Cluster should be still down after some time" {
+ after 10000
+ assert_cluster_state fail
+test "Instance #5 is still a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "Restarting the previously killed master node" {
+ restart_instance redis 0
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/14-consistency-check.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/14-consistency-check.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3b9a1918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/14-consistency-check.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+source "../../../tests/support/cli.tcl"
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 5 5
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+proc find_non_empty_master {} {
+ set master_id_no {}
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {[RI $id role] eq {master} && [R $id dbsize] > 0} {
+ set master_id_no $id
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return $master_id_no
+proc get_one_of_my_replica {id} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [lindex [R $id role] 2]] > 0
+ } else {
+ fail "replicas didn't connect"
+ }
+ set replica_port [lindex [lindex [lindex [R $id role] 2] 0] 1]
+ set replica_id_num [get_instance_id_by_port redis $replica_port]
+ return $replica_id_num
+proc cluster_write_keys_with_expire {id ttl} {
+ set prefix [randstring 20 20 alpha]
+ set port [get_instance_attrib redis $id port]
+ set cluster [redis_cluster$port]
+ for {set j 100} {$j < 200} {incr j} {
+ $cluster setex key_expire.$j $ttl $prefix.$j
+ }
+ $cluster close
+# make sure that replica who restarts from persistence will load keys
+# that have already expired, critical for correct execution of commands
+# that arrive from the master
+proc test_slave_load_expired_keys {aof} {
+ test "Slave expired keys is loaded when restarted: appendonly=$aof" {
+ set master_id [find_non_empty_master]
+ set replica_id [get_one_of_my_replica $master_id]
+ set master_dbsize_0 [R $master_id dbsize]
+ set replica_dbsize_0 [R $replica_id dbsize]
+ assert_equal $master_dbsize_0 $replica_dbsize_0
+ # config the replica persistency and rewrite the config file to survive restart
+ # note that this needs to be done before populating the volatile keys since
+ # that triggers and AOFRW, and we rather the AOF file to have 'SET PXAT' commands
+ # rather than an RDB with volatile keys
+ R $replica_id config set appendonly $aof
+ R $replica_id config rewrite
+ # fill with 100 keys with 3 second TTL
+ set data_ttl 3
+ cluster_write_keys_with_expire $master_id $data_ttl
+ # wait for replica to be in sync with master
+ wait_for_condition 500 10 {
+ [R $replica_id dbsize] eq [R $master_id dbsize]
+ } else {
+ fail "replica didn't sync"
+ }
+ set replica_dbsize_1 [R $replica_id dbsize]
+ assert {$replica_dbsize_1 > $replica_dbsize_0}
+ # make replica create persistence file
+ if {$aof == "yes"} {
+ # we need to wait for the initial AOFRW to be done, otherwise
+ # kill_instance (which now uses SIGTERM will fail ("Writing initial AOF, can't exit")
+ wait_for_condition 100 10 {
+ [RI $replica_id aof_rewrite_scheduled] eq 0 &&
+ [RI $replica_id aof_rewrite_in_progress] eq 0
+ } else {
+ fail "AOFRW didn't finish"
+ }
+ } else {
+ R $replica_id save
+ }
+ # kill the replica (would stay down until re-started)
+ kill_instance redis $replica_id
+ # Make sure the master doesn't do active expire (sending DELs to the replica)
+ # wait for all the keys to get logically expired
+ after [expr $data_ttl*1000]
+ # start the replica again (loading an RDB or AOF file)
+ restart_instance redis $replica_id
+ # make sure the keys are still there
+ set replica_dbsize_3 [R $replica_id dbsize]
+ assert {$replica_dbsize_3 > $replica_dbsize_0}
+ # restore settings
+ # wait for the master to expire all keys and replica to get the DELs
+ wait_for_condition 500 10 {
+ [R $replica_id dbsize] eq $master_dbsize_0
+ } else {
+ fail "keys didn't expire"
+ }
+ }
+test_slave_load_expired_keys no
+test_slave_load_expired_keys yes
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/15-cluster-slots.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/15-cluster-slots.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93b64b408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/15-cluster-slots.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+proc cluster_allocate_mixedSlots {n} {
+ set slot 16383
+ while {$slot >= 0} {
+ set node [expr {$slot % $n}]
+ lappend slots_$node $slot
+ incr slot -1
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
+ R $j cluster addslots {*}[set slots_${j}]
+ }
+proc create_cluster_with_mixedSlot {masters slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_mixedSlots $masters
+ if {$slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_slaves $masters $slaves
+ }
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster_with_mixedSlot 5 15
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Instance #5 is a slave" {
+ assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}}
+test "client do not break when cluster slot" {
+ R 0 config set client-output-buffer-limit "normal 33554432 16777216 60"
+ if { [catch {R 0 cluster slots}] } {
+ fail "output overflow when cluster slots"
+ }
+test "client can handle keys with hash tag" {
+ set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+ $cluster set foo{tag} bar
+ $cluster close
+test "slot migration is valid from primary to another primary" {
+ set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+ set key order1
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $key]
+ array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+test "slot migration is invalid from primary to replica" {
+ set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+ set key order1
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $key]
+ array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ # Get replica node serving slot.
+ set replicanodeinfo [$cluster cluster replicas $nodefrom(id)]
+ puts $replicanodeinfo
+ set args [split $replicanodeinfo " "]
+ set replicaid [lindex [split [lindex $args 0] \{] 1]
+ puts $replicaid
+ catch {[$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $replicaid]} err
+ assert_match "*Target node is not a master" $err
+if {$::tls} {
+ test {CLUSTER SLOTS from non-TLS client in TLS cluster} {
+ set slots_tls [R 0 cluster slots]
+ set host [get_instance_attrib redis 0 host]
+ set plaintext_port [get_instance_attrib redis 0 plaintext-port]
+ set client_plain [redis $host $plaintext_port 0 0]
+ set slots_plain [$client_plain cluster slots]
+ $client_plain close
+ # Compare the ports in the first row
+ assert_no_match [lindex $slots_tls 0 3 1] [lindex $slots_plain 0 3 1]
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/16-transactions-on-replica.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/16-transactions-on-replica.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee9f7c6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/16-transactions-on-replica.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Check basic transactions on a replica.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a primary with a replica" {
+ create_cluster 1 1
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set primary [Rn 0]
+set replica [Rn 1]
+test "Can't read from replica without READONLY" {
+ $primary SET a 1
+ wait_for_ofs_sync $primary $replica
+ catch {$replica GET a} err
+ assert {[string range $err 0 4] eq {MOVED}}
+test "Can read from replica after READONLY" {
+ $replica READONLY
+ assert {[$replica GET a] eq {1}}
+test "Can perform HSET primary and HGET from replica" {
+ $primary HSET h a 1
+ $primary HSET h b 2
+ $primary HSET h c 3
+ wait_for_ofs_sync $primary $replica
+ assert {[$replica HGET h a] eq {1}}
+ assert {[$replica HGET h b] eq {2}}
+ assert {[$replica HGET h c] eq {3}}
+test "Can MULTI-EXEC transaction of HGET operations from replica" {
+ $replica MULTI
+ assert {[$replica HGET h a] eq {QUEUED}}
+ assert {[$replica HGET h b] eq {QUEUED}}
+ assert {[$replica HGET h c] eq {QUEUED}}
+ assert {[$replica EXEC] eq {1 2 3}}
+test "MULTI-EXEC with write operations is MOVED" {
+ $replica MULTI
+ catch {$replica HSET h b 4} err
+ assert {[string range $err 0 4] eq {MOVED}}
+ catch {$replica exec} err
+ assert {[string range $err 0 8] eq {EXECABORT}}
+test "read-only blocking operations from replica" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client redis 1]
+ $rd readonly
+ $rd read
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [RI 1 blocked_clients] eq {1}
+ } else {
+ fail "client wasn't blocked"
+ }
+ $primary XADD k * foo bar
+ set res [$rd read]
+ set res [lindex [lindex [lindex [lindex $res 0] 1] 0] 1]
+ assert {$res eq {foo bar}}
+ $rd close
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/17-diskless-load-swapdb.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/17-diskless-load-swapdb.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a56ec783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/17-diskless-load-swapdb.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Check that replica keys and keys to slots map are right after failing to diskless load using SWAPDB.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a primary with a replica" {
+ create_cluster 1 1
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+test "Main db not affected when fail to diskless load" {
+ set master [Rn 0]
+ set replica [Rn 1]
+ set master_id 0
+ set replica_id 1
+ $replica READONLY
+ $replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb
+ $replica config set appendonly no
+ $replica config set save ""
+ $replica config rewrite
+ $master config set repl-backlog-size 1024
+ $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes
+ $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0
+ $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 10000
+ $master config set rdbcompression no
+ $master config set appendonly no
+ $master config set save ""
+ # Write a key that belongs to slot 0
+ set slot0_key "06S"
+ $master set $slot0_key 1
+ wait_for_ofs_sync $master $replica
+ assert_equal {1} [$replica get $slot0_key]
+ assert_equal $slot0_key [$replica CLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT 0 1]
+ # Save an RDB and kill the replica
+ $replica save
+ kill_instance redis $replica_id
+ # Delete the key from master
+ $master del $slot0_key
+ # Replica must full sync with master when start because replication
+ # backlog size is very small, and dumping rdb will cost several seconds.
+ set num 10000
+ set value [string repeat A 1024]
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client redis $master_id]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $num} {incr j} {
+ $rd set $j $value
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $num} {incr j} {
+ $rd read
+ }
+ # Start the replica again
+ restart_instance redis $replica_id
+ $replica READONLY
+ # Start full sync, wait till after db started loading in background
+ wait_for_condition 500 10 {
+ [s $replica_id async_loading] eq 1
+ } else {
+ fail "Fail to full sync"
+ }
+ # Kill master, abort full sync
+ kill_instance redis $master_id
+ # Start full sync, wait till the replica detects the disconnection
+ wait_for_condition 500 10 {
+ [s $replica_id async_loading] eq 0
+ } else {
+ fail "Fail to full sync"
+ }
+ # Replica keys and keys to slots map still both are right
+ assert_equal {1} [$replica get $slot0_key]
+ assert_equal $slot0_key [$replica CLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT 0 1]
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/18-info.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/18-info.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68c62d357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/18-info.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Check cluster info stats
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a primary with a replica" {
+ create_cluster 2 0
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set primary1 [Rn 0]
+set primary2 [Rn 1]
+proc cmdstat {instance cmd} {
+ return [cmdrstat $cmd $instance]
+proc errorstat {instance cmd} {
+ return [errorrstat $cmd $instance]
+test "errorstats: rejected call due to MOVED Redirection" {
+ $primary1 config resetstat
+ $primary2 config resetstat
+ assert_match {} [errorstat $primary1 MOVED]
+ assert_match {} [errorstat $primary2 MOVED]
+ # we know that one will have a MOVED reply and one will succeed
+ catch {$primary1 set key b} replyP1
+ catch {$primary2 set key b} replyP2
+ # sort servers so we know which one failed
+ if {$replyP1 eq {OK}} {
+ assert_match {MOVED*} $replyP2
+ set pok $primary1
+ set perr $primary2
+ } else {
+ assert_match {MOVED*} $replyP1
+ set pok $primary2
+ set perr $primary1
+ }
+ assert_match {} [errorstat $pok MOVED]
+ assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat $perr MOVED]
+ assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat $perr set]
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/19-cluster-nodes-slots.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/19-cluster-nodes-slots.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77faec912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/19-cluster-nodes-slots.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Optimize CLUSTER NODES command by generating all nodes slot topology firstly
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 2 nodes cluster" {
+ cluster_create_with_continuous_slots 2 2
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set master1 [Rn 0]
+set master2 [Rn 1]
+test "Continuous slots distribution" {
+ assert_match "* 0-8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "* 8192-16383*" [$master2 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*0 8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_match "*8192 16383*" [$master2 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master1 CLUSTER DELSLOTS 4096
+ assert_match "* 0-4095 4097-8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*0 4095*4097 8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master2 CLUSTER DELSLOTS 12288
+ assert_match "* 8192-12287 12289-16383*" [$master2 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*8192 12287*12289 16383*" [$master2 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+test "Discontinuous slots distribution" {
+ # Remove middle slots
+ $master1 CLUSTER DELSLOTS 4092 4094
+ assert_match "* 0-4091 4093 4095 4097-8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*0 4091*4093 4093*4095 4095*4097 8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master2 CLUSTER DELSLOTS 12284 12286
+ assert_match "* 8192-12283 12285 12287 12289-16383*" [$master2 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*8192 12283*12285 12285*12287 12287*12289 16383*" [$master2 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ # Remove head slots
+ $master1 CLUSTER DELSLOTS 0 2
+ assert_match "* 1 3-4091 4093 4095 4097-8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*1 1*3 4091*4093 4093*4095 4095*4097 8191*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ # Remove tail slots
+ $master2 CLUSTER DELSLOTS 16380 16382 16383
+ assert_match "* 8192-12283 12285 12287 12289-16379 16381*" [$master2 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*8192 12283*12285 12285*12287 12287*12289 16379*16381 16381*" [$master2 CLUSTER SLOTS]
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/20-half-migrated-slot.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/20-half-migrated-slot.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..229b3a86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/20-half-migrated-slot.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Tests for fixing migrating slot at all stages:
+# 1. when migration is half inited on "migrating" node
+# 2. when migration is half inited on "importing" node
+# 3. migration inited, but not finished
+# 4. migration is half finished on "migrating" node
+# 5. migration is half finished on "importing" node
+# TODO: Test is currently disabled until it is stabilized (fixing the test
+# itself or real issues in Redis).
+if {false} {
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+source "../tests/includes/utils.tcl"
+test "Create a 2 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 2 0
+ config_set_all_nodes cluster-allow-replica-migration no
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+catch {unset nodefrom}
+catch {unset nodeto}
+proc reset_cluster {} {
+ uplevel 1 {
+ $cluster refresh_nodes_map
+ array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot 609]
+ array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot 609]
+ }
+$cluster set aga xyz
+test "Half init migration in 'migrating' is fixable" {
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot 609 migrating $nodeto(id)]
+ fix_cluster $nodefrom(addr)
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+test "Half init migration in 'importing' is fixable" {
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot 609 importing $nodefrom(id)]
+ fix_cluster $nodefrom(addr)
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+test "Init migration and move key" {
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot 609 migrating $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot 609 importing $nodefrom(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) migrate $nodeto(host) $nodeto(port) aga 0 10000]
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+ fix_cluster $nodefrom(addr)
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+test "Move key again" {
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot 609 migrating $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot 609 importing $nodefrom(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) migrate $nodeto(host) $nodeto(port) aga 0 10000]
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+test "Half-finish migration" {
+ # half finish migration on 'migrating' node
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot 609 node $nodeto(id)]
+ fix_cluster $nodefrom(addr)
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+test "Move key back" {
+ # 'aga' key is in 609 slot
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot 609 migrating $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot 609 importing $nodefrom(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) migrate $nodeto(host) $nodeto(port) aga 0 10000]
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+test "Half-finish importing" {
+ # Now we half finish 'importing' node
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot 609 node $nodeto(id)]
+ fix_cluster $nodefrom(addr)
+ assert_equal "xyz" [$cluster get aga]
+config_set_all_nodes cluster-allow-replica-migration yes
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/21-many-slot-migration.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/21-many-slot-migration.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ac73dc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/21-many-slot-migration.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Tests for many simultaneous migrations.
+# TODO: Test is currently disabled until it is stabilized (fixing the test
+# itself or real issues in Redis).
+if {false} {
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+source "../tests/includes/utils.tcl"
+# TODO: This test currently runs without replicas, as failovers (which may
+# happen on lower-end CI platforms) are still not handled properly by the
+# cluster during slot migration (related to #6339).
+test "Create a 10 nodes cluster" {
+ create_cluster 10 0
+ config_set_all_nodes cluster-allow-replica-migration no
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+catch {unset nodefrom}
+catch {unset nodeto}
+$cluster refresh_nodes_map
+test "Set many keys" {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 40000} {incr i} {
+ $cluster set key:$i val:$i
+ }
+test "Keys are accessible" {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 40000} {incr i} {
+ assert { [$cluster get key:$i] eq "val:$i" }
+ }
+test "Init migration of many slots" {
+ for {set slot 0} {$slot < 1000} {incr slot} {
+ array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot]
+ $nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id)
+ $nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id)
+ }
+test "Fix cluster" {
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+ fix_cluster $nodefrom(addr)
+test "Keys are accessible" {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 40000} {incr i} {
+ assert { [$cluster get key:$i] eq "val:$i" }
+ }
+config_set_all_nodes cluster-allow-replica-migration yes
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/22-replica-in-sync.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/22-replica-in-sync.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5645aa75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/22-replica-in-sync.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 1 node cluster" {
+ create_cluster 1 0
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Cluster is writable" {
+ cluster_write_test 0
+proc is_in_slots {master_id replica} {
+ set slots [R $master_id cluster slots]
+ set found_position [string first $replica $slots]
+ set result [expr {$found_position != -1}]
+ return $result
+proc is_replica_online {info_repl} {
+ set found_position [string first "state=online" $info_repl]
+ set result [expr {$found_position != -1}]
+ return $result
+proc get_last_pong_time {node_id target_cid} {
+ foreach item [split [R $node_id cluster nodes] \n] {
+ set args [split $item " "]
+ if {[lindex $args 0] eq $target_cid} {
+ return [lindex $args 5]
+ }
+ }
+ fail "Target node ID was not present"
+set master_id 0
+test "Fill up primary with data" {
+ # Set 1 MB of data
+ R $master_id debug populate 1000 key 1000
+test "Add new node as replica" {
+ set replica_id 1
+ set replica [R $replica_id CLUSTER MYID]
+ R $replica_id cluster replicate [R $master_id CLUSTER MYID]
+test "Check digest and replica state" {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [is_in_slots $master_id $replica]
+ } else {
+ fail "New replica didn't appear in the slots"
+ }
+ wait_for_condition 100 50 {
+ [is_replica_online [R $master_id info replication]]
+ } else {
+ fail "Replica is down for too long"
+ }
+ set replica_digest [R $replica_id debug digest]
+ assert {$replica_digest ne 0}
+test "Replica in loading state is hidden" {
+ # Kill replica client for master and load new data to the primary
+ R $master_id config set repl-backlog-size 100
+ # Set the key load delay so that it will take at least
+ # 2 seconds to fully load the data.
+ R $replica_id config set key-load-delay 4000
+ # Trigger event loop processing every 1024 bytes, this trigger
+ # allows us to send and receive cluster messages, so we are setting
+ # it low so that the cluster messages are sent more frequently.
+ R $replica_id config set loading-process-events-interval-bytes 1024
+ R $master_id multi
+ R $master_id client kill type replica
+ set num 100
+ set value [string repeat A 1024]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $num} {incr j} {
+ set key "{0}"
+ append key $j
+ R $master_id set $key $value
+ }
+ R $master_id exec
+ # The master will be the last to know the replica
+ # is loading, so we will wait on that and assert
+ # the replica is loading afterwards.
+ wait_for_condition 100 50 {
+ ![is_in_slots $master_id $replica]
+ } else {
+ fail "Replica was always present in cluster slots"
+ }
+ assert_equal 1 [s $replica_id loading]
+ # Wait for the replica to finish full-sync and become online
+ wait_for_condition 200 50 {
+ [s $replica_id master_link_status] eq "up"
+ } else {
+ fail "Replica didn't finish loading"
+ }
+ # Return configs to default values
+ R $replica_id config set loading-process-events-interval-bytes 2097152
+ R $replica_id config set key-load-delay 0
+ # Check replica is back in cluster slots
+ wait_for_condition 100 50 {
+ [is_in_slots $master_id $replica]
+ } else {
+ fail "Replica is not back to slots"
+ }
+ assert_equal 1 [is_in_slots $replica_id $replica]
+test "Check disconnected replica not hidden from slots" {
+ # We want to disconnect the replica, but keep it alive so it can still gossip
+ # Make sure that the replica will not be able to re-connect to the master
+ R $master_id config set requirepass asdf
+ # Disconnect replica from primary
+ R $master_id client kill type replica
+ # Check master to have no replicas
+ assert {[s $master_id connected_slaves] == 0}
+ set replica_cid [R $replica_id cluster myid]
+ set initial_pong [get_last_pong_time $master_id $replica_cid]
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ $initial_pong != [get_last_pong_time $master_id $replica_cid]
+ } else {
+ fail "Primary never received gossip from replica"
+ }
+ # Check that replica is still in the cluster slots
+ assert {[is_in_slots $master_id $replica]}
+ # undo config
+ R $master_id config set requirepass ""
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/23-multiple-slot-operations.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/23-multiple-slot-operations.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..060ab577a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/23-multiple-slot-operations.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Check the multiple slot add and remove commands
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+proc cluster_allocate_with_continuous_slots_local {n} {
+ R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 0 3276
+ R 1 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3277 6552
+ R 2 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 6553 9828
+ R 3 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 9829 13104
+ R 4 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 13105 16383
+proc cluster_create_with_continuous_slots_local {masters slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_with_continuous_slots_local $masters
+ if {$slaves} {
+ cluster_allocate_slaves $masters $slaves
+ }
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
+ cluster_create_with_continuous_slots_local 5 5
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set master1 [Rn 0]
+set master2 [Rn 1]
+set master3 [Rn 2]
+set master4 [Rn 3]
+set master5 [Rn 4]
+test "Continuous slots distribution" {
+ assert_match "* 0-3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "* 3277-6552*" [$master2 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "* 6553-9828*" [$master3 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "* 9829-13104*" [$master4 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "* 13105-16383*" [$master5 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*0 3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_match "*3277 6552*" [$master2 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_match "*6553 9828*" [$master3 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_match "*9829 13104*" [$master4 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_match "*13105 16383*" [$master5 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master1 CLUSTER DELSLOTSRANGE 3001 3050
+ assert_match "* 0-3000 3051-3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*0 3000*3051 3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master2 CLUSTER DELSLOTSRANGE 5001 5500
+ assert_match "* 3277-5000 5501-6552*" [$master2 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*3277 5000*5501 6552*" [$master2 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master3 CLUSTER DELSLOTSRANGE 7001 7100 8001 8500
+ assert_match "* 6553-7000 7101-8000 8501-9828*" [$master3 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*6553 7000*7101 8000*8501 9828*" [$master3 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master4 CLUSTER DELSLOTSRANGE 11001 12000 12101 12200
+ assert_match "* 9829-11000 12001-12100 12201-13104*" [$master4 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*9829 11000*12001 12100*12201 13104*" [$master4 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ $master5 CLUSTER DELSLOTSRANGE 13501 14000 15001 16000
+ assert_match "* 13105-13500 14001-15000 16001-16383*" [$master5 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*13105 13500*14001 15000*16001 16383*" [$master5 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+test "ADDSLOTSRANGE command with several boundary conditions test suite" {
+ # Add multiple slots with incorrect argument number
+ assert_error "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'cluster|addslotsrange' command" {R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3001 3020 3030}
+ # Add multiple slots with invalid input slot
+ assert_error "ERR Invalid or out of range slot" {R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3001 3020 3030 aaa}
+ assert_error "ERR Invalid or out of range slot" {R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3001 3020 3030 70000}
+ assert_error "ERR Invalid or out of range slot" {R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3001 3020 -1000 3030}
+ # Add multiple slots when start slot number is greater than the end slot
+ assert_error "ERR start slot number 3030 is greater than end slot number 3025" {R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3001 3020 3030 3025}
+ # Add multiple slots with busy slot
+ assert_error "ERR Slot 3200 is already busy" {R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3001 3020 3200 3250}
+ # Add multiple slots with assigned multiple times
+ assert_error "ERR Slot 3001 specified multiple times" {R 0 cluster ADDSLOTSRANGE 3001 3020 3001 3020}
+test "DELSLOTSRANGE command with several boundary conditions test suite" {
+ # Delete multiple slots with incorrect argument number
+ assert_error "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'cluster|delslotsrange' command" {R 0 cluster DELSLOTSRANGE 1000 2000 2100}
+ assert_match "* 0-3000 3051-3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*0 3000*3051 3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ # Delete multiple slots with invalid input slot
+ assert_error "ERR Invalid or out of range slot" {R 0 cluster DELSLOTSRANGE 1000 2000 2100 aaa}
+ assert_error "ERR Invalid or out of range slot" {R 0 cluster DELSLOTSRANGE 1000 2000 2100 70000}
+ assert_error "ERR Invalid or out of range slot" {R 0 cluster DELSLOTSRANGE 1000 2000 -2100 2200}
+ assert_match "* 0-3000 3051-3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*0 3000*3051 3276*" [$master1 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ # Delete multiple slots when start slot number is greater than the end slot
+ assert_error "ERR start slot number 5800 is greater than end slot number 5750" {R 1 cluster DELSLOTSRANGE 5600 5700 5800 5750}
+ assert_match "* 3277-5000 5501-6552*" [$master2 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*3277 5000*5501 6552*" [$master2 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ # Delete multiple slots with already unassigned
+ assert_error "ERR Slot 7001 is already unassigned" {R 2 cluster DELSLOTSRANGE 7001 7100 9000 9200}
+ assert_match "* 6553-7000 7101-8000 8501-9828*" [$master3 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*6553 7000*7101 8000*8501 9828*" [$master3 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ # Delete multiple slots with assigned multiple times
+ assert_error "ERR Slot 12500 specified multiple times" {R 3 cluster DELSLOTSRANGE 12500 12600 12500 12600}
+ assert_match "* 9829-11000 12001-12100 12201-13104*" [$master4 CLUSTER NODES]
+ assert_match "*9829 11000*12001 12100*12201 13104*" [$master4 CLUSTER SLOTS]
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/24-links.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/24-links.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0ddea200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/24-links.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a cluster with two single-node shards" {
+ create_cluster 2 0
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+proc number_of_peers {id} {
+ expr [llength [get_cluster_nodes $id]] - 1
+proc number_of_links {id} {
+ llength [get_cluster_links $id]
+test "Each node has two links with each peer" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ # Assert that from point of view of each node, there are two links for
+ # each peer. It might take a while for cluster to stabilize so wait up
+ # to 5 seconds.
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [number_of_peers $id]*2 == [number_of_links $id]
+ } else {
+ assert_equal [expr [number_of_peers $id]*2] [number_of_links $id]
+ }
+ set nodes [get_cluster_nodes $id]
+ set links [get_cluster_links $id]
+ # For each peer there should be exactly one
+ # link "to" it and one link "from" it.
+ foreach n $nodes {
+ if {[has_flag $n myself]} continue
+ set peer [dict get $n id]
+ set to 0
+ set from 0
+ foreach l $links {
+ if {[dict get $l node] eq $peer} {
+ if {[dict get $l dir] eq "to"} {
+ incr to
+ } elseif {[dict get $l dir] eq "from"} {
+ incr from
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert {$to eq 1}
+ assert {$from eq 1}
+ }
+ }
+set primary1_id 0
+set primary2_id 1
+set primary1 [Rn $primary1_id]
+set primary2 [Rn $primary2_id]
+test "Disconnect link when send buffer limit reached" {
+ # On primary1, set timeout to 1 hour so links won't get disconnected due to timeouts
+ set oldtimeout [lindex [$primary1 CONFIG get cluster-node-timeout] 1]
+ $primary1 CONFIG set cluster-node-timeout [expr 60*60*1000]
+ # Get primary1's links with primary2
+ set primary2_name [dict get [get_myself $primary2_id] id]
+ set orig_link_p1_to_p2 [get_link_to_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
+ set orig_link_p1_from_p2 [get_link_from_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
+ # On primary1, set cluster link send buffer limit to 256KB, which is large enough to not be
+ # overflowed by regular gossip messages but also small enough that it doesn't take too much
+ # memory to overflow it. If it is set too high, Redis may get OOM killed by kernel before this
+ # limit is overflowed in some RAM-limited test environments.
+ set oldlimit [lindex [$primary1 CONFIG get cluster-link-sendbuf-limit] 1]
+ $primary1 CONFIG set cluster-link-sendbuf-limit [expr 256*1024]
+ assert {[get_info_field [$primary1 cluster info] total_cluster_links_buffer_limit_exceeded] eq 0}
+ # To manufacture an ever-growing send buffer from primary1 to primary2,
+ # make primary2 unresponsive.
+ set primary2_pid [get_instance_attrib redis $primary2_id pid]
+ exec kill -SIGSTOP $primary2_pid
+ # On primary1, send 128KB Pubsub messages in a loop until the send buffer of the link from
+ # primary1 to primary2 exceeds buffer limit therefore be dropped.
+ # For the send buffer to grow, we need to first exhaust TCP send buffer of primary1 and TCP
+ # receive buffer of primary2 first. The sizes of these two buffers vary by OS, but 100 128KB
+ # messages should be sufficient.
+ set i 0
+ wait_for_condition 100 0 {
+ [catch {incr i} e] == 0 &&
+ [catch {$primary1 publish channel [prepare_value [expr 128*1024]]} e] == 0 &&
+ [catch {after 500} e] == 0 &&
+ [get_info_field [$primary1 cluster info] total_cluster_links_buffer_limit_exceeded] >= 1
+ } else {
+ fail "Cluster link not freed as expected"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline "$i 128KB messages needed to overflow 256KB buffer limit. "
+ # A new link to primary2 should have been recreated
+ set new_link_p1_to_p2 [get_link_to_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
+ assert {[dict get $new_link_p1_to_p2 create_time] > [dict get $orig_link_p1_to_p2 create_time]}
+ # Link from primary2 should not be affected
+ set same_link_p1_from_p2 [get_link_from_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
+ assert {[dict get $same_link_p1_from_p2 create_time] eq [dict get $orig_link_p1_from_p2 create_time]}
+ # Revive primary2
+ exec kill -SIGCONT $primary2_pid
+ # Reset configs on primary1 so config changes don't leak out to other tests
+ $primary1 CONFIG set cluster-node-timeout $oldtimeout
+ $primary1 CONFIG set cluster-link-sendbuf-limit $oldlimit
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/25-pubsubshard-slot-migration.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/25-pubsubshard-slot-migration.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11b77d36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/25-pubsubshard-slot-migration.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 3 nodes cluster" {
+ cluster_create_with_continuous_slots 3 3
+test "Cluster is up" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+test "Migrate a slot, verify client receives sunsubscribe on primary serving the slot." {
+ # Setup the to and from node
+ set channelname mychannel
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname]
+ array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot]
+ set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $nodefrom(host) $nodefrom(port)]
+ $subscribeclient deferred 1
+ $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname
+ $subscribeclient read
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id)]
+ # Verify subscribe is still valid, able to receive messages.
+ $nodefrom(link) spublish $channelname hello
+ assert_equal {message mychannel hello} [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]}
+ assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]}
+ assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]}
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+ $subscribeclient close
+test "Client subscribes to multiple channels, migrate a slot, verify client receives sunsubscribe on primary serving the slot." {
+ # Setup the to and from node
+ set channelname ch3
+ set anotherchannelname ch7
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname]
+ array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot]
+ set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $nodefrom(host) $nodefrom(port)]
+ $subscribeclient deferred 1
+ $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname
+ $subscribeclient read
+ $subscribeclient ssubscribe $anotherchannelname
+ $subscribeclient read
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id)]
+ # Verify subscribe is still valid, able to receive messages.
+ $nodefrom(link) spublish $channelname hello
+ assert_equal {message ch3 hello} [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+ # Verify the client receives sunsubscribe message for the channel(slot) which got migrated.
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]}
+ assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]}
+ assert {"1" eq [lindex $msg 2]}
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+ $nodefrom(link) spublish $anotherchannelname hello
+ # Verify the client is still connected and receives message from the other channel.
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert {"message" eq [lindex $msg 0]}
+ assert {$anotherchannelname eq [lindex $msg 1]}
+ assert {"hello" eq [lindex $msg 2]}
+ $subscribeclient close
+test "Migrate a slot, verify client receives sunsubscribe on replica serving the slot." {
+ # Setup the to and from node
+ set channelname mychannel1
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname]
+ array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot]
+ # Get replica node serving slot (mychannel) to connect a client.
+ set replicanodeinfo [$cluster cluster replicas $nodefrom(id)]
+ set args [split $replicanodeinfo " "]
+ set addr [lindex [split [lindex $args 1] @] 0]
+ set replicahost [lindex [split $addr :] 0]
+ set replicaport [lindex [split $addr :] 1]
+ set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $replicahost $replicaport]
+ $subscribeclient deferred 1
+ $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname
+ $subscribeclient read
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id)]
+ # Verify subscribe is still valid, able to receive messages.
+ $nodefrom(link) spublish $channelname hello
+ assert_equal {message mychannel1 hello} [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+ assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)]
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]}
+ assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]}
+ assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]}
+ $subscribeclient close
+test "Delete a slot, verify sunsubscribe message" {
+ set channelname ch2
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname]
+ array set primary_client [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $primary_client(host) $primary_client(port)]
+ $subscribeclient deferred 1
+ $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname
+ $subscribeclient read
+ $primary_client(link) cluster DELSLOTS $slot
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]}
+ assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]}
+ assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]}
+ $subscribeclient close
+test "Reset cluster, verify sunsubscribe message" {
+ set channelname ch4
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname]
+ array set primary_client [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $primary_client(host) $primary_client(port)]
+ $subscribeclient deferred 1
+ $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname
+ $subscribeclient read
+ $cluster cluster reset HARD
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]}
+ assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]}
+ assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]}
+ $cluster close
+ $subscribeclient close
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/26-pubsubshard.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/26-pubsubshard.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2619eda0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/26-pubsubshard.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Test PUBSUB shard propagation in a cluster slot.
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+test "Create a 3 nodes cluster" {
+ cluster_create_with_continuous_slots 3 3
+set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]]
+test "Pub/Sub shard basics" {
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot "channel.0"]
+ array set publishnode [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ array set notshardnode [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot]
+ set publishclient [redis_client_by_addr $publishnode(host) $publishnode(port)]
+ set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $publishnode(host) $publishnode(port)]
+ set subscribeclient2 [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $publishnode(host) $publishnode(port)]
+ set anotherclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $notshardnode(host) $notshardnode(port)]
+ $subscribeclient ssubscribe channel.0
+ $subscribeclient read
+ $subscribeclient2 ssubscribe channel.0
+ $subscribeclient2 read
+ $anotherclient ssubscribe channel.0
+ catch {$anotherclient read} err
+ assert_match {MOVED *} $err
+ set data [randomValue]
+ $publishclient spublish channel.0 $data
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert_equal $data [lindex $msg 2]
+ set msg [$subscribeclient2 read]
+ assert_equal $data [lindex $msg 2]
+ $publishclient close
+ $subscribeclient close
+ $subscribeclient2 close
+ $anotherclient close
+test "client can't subscribe to multiple shard channels across different slots in same call" {
+ catch {$cluster ssubscribe channel.0 channel.1} err
+ assert_match {CROSSSLOT Keys*} $err
+test "client can subscribe to multiple shard channels across different slots in separate call" {
+ $cluster ssubscribe ch3
+ $cluster ssubscribe ch7
+ $cluster sunsubscribe ch3
+ $cluster sunsubscribe ch7
+test "Verify Pub/Sub and Pub/Sub shard no overlap" {
+ set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot "channel.0"]
+ array set publishnode [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot]
+ array set notshardnode [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot]
+ set publishshardclient [redis_client_by_addr $publishnode(host) $publishnode(port)]
+ set publishclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $publishnode(host) $publishnode(port)]
+ set subscribeshardclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $publishnode(host) $publishnode(port)]
+ set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $publishnode(host) $publishnode(port)]
+ $subscribeshardclient deferred 1
+ $subscribeshardclient ssubscribe channel.0
+ $subscribeshardclient read
+ $subscribeclient deferred 1
+ $subscribeclient subscribe channel.0
+ $subscribeclient read
+ set sharddata "testingpubsubdata"
+ $publishshardclient spublish channel.0 $sharddata
+ set data "somemoredata"
+ $publishclient publish channel.0 $data
+ set msg [$subscribeshardclient read]
+ assert_equal $sharddata [lindex $msg 2]
+ set msg [$subscribeclient read]
+ assert_equal $data [lindex $msg 2]
+ $cluster close
+ $publishclient close
+ $subscribeclient close
+ $subscribeshardclient close
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/27-endpoints.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/27-endpoints.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4010b92ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/27-endpoints.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
+# Check if cluster's view of hostnames is consistent
+proc are_hostnames_propagated {match_string} {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $::cluster_master_nodes + $::cluster_replica_nodes} {incr j} {
+ set cfg [R $j cluster slots]
+ foreach node $cfg {
+ for {set i 2} {$i < [llength $node]} {incr i} {
+ if {! [string match $match_string [lindex [lindex [lindex $node $i] 3] 1]] } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+# Isolate a node from the cluster and give it a new nodeid
+proc isolate_node {id} {
+ set node_id [R $id CLUSTER MYID]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 20} {incr j} {
+ if { $j eq $id } {
+ continue
+ }
+ R $j CLUSTER FORGET $node_id
+ }
+proc get_slot_field {slot_output shard_id node_id attrib_id} {
+ return [lindex [lindex [lindex $slot_output $shard_id] $node_id] $attrib_id]
+test "Create a 6 nodes cluster" {
+ cluster_create_with_continuous_slots 3 3
+test "Cluster should start ok" {
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+test "Set cluster hostnames and verify they are propagated" {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $::cluster_master_nodes + $::cluster_replica_nodes} {incr j} {
+ R $j config set cluster-announce-hostname "host-$"
+ }
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [are_hostnames_propagated "host-*.com"] eq 1
+ } else {
+ fail "cluster hostnames were not propagated"
+ }
+ # Now that everything is propagated, assert everyone agrees
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+test "Update hostnames and make sure they are all eventually propagated" {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $::cluster_master_nodes + $::cluster_replica_nodes} {incr j} {
+ R $j config set cluster-announce-hostname "host-updated-$"
+ }
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [are_hostnames_propagated "host-updated-*.com"] eq 1
+ } else {
+ fail "cluster hostnames were not propagated"
+ }
+ # Now that everything is propagated, assert everyone agrees
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+test "Remove hostnames and make sure they are all eventually propagated" {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $::cluster_master_nodes + $::cluster_replica_nodes} {incr j} {
+ R $j config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ }
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [are_hostnames_propagated ""] eq 1
+ } else {
+ fail "cluster hostnames were not propagated"
+ }
+ # Now that everything is propagated, assert everyone agrees
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+test "Verify cluster-preferred-endpoint-type behavior for redirects and info" {
+ R 0 config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ R 1 config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ R 2 config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+ # Verify default behavior
+ set slot_result [R 0 cluster slots]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 0] 1]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 0] 1]
+ assert_equal "hostname" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 0]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 1]
+ assert_equal "hostname" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 3] 0]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 3] 1]
+ # Redirect will use the IP address
+ catch {R 0 set foo foo} redir_err
+ assert_match "MOVED **" $redir_err
+ # Verify prefer hostname behavior
+ R 0 config set cluster-preferred-endpoint-type hostname
+ set slot_result [R 0 cluster slots]
+ assert_equal "" [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 0]
+ assert_equal "" [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 0]
+ # Redirect should use hostname
+ catch {R 0 set foo foo} redir_err
+ assert_match "MOVED **" $redir_err
+ # Redirect to an unknown hostname returns ?
+ catch {R 0 set barfoo bar} redir_err
+ assert_match "MOVED * ?:*" $redir_err
+ # Verify unknown hostname behavior
+ R 0 config set cluster-preferred-endpoint-type unknown-endpoint
+ # Verify default behavior
+ set slot_result [R 0 cluster slots]
+ assert_equal "ip" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 0]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 1]
+ assert_equal "ip" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 3] 0]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 3] 1]
+ assert_equal "ip" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 1 2 3] 0]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 1 2 3] 1]
+ # Not required by the protocol, but IP comes before hostname
+ assert_equal "hostname" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 2]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 3]
+ assert_equal "hostname" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 3] 2]
+ assert_equal "" [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 3] 3]
+ # This node doesn't have a hostname
+ assert_equal 2 [llength [get_slot_field $slot_result 1 2 3]]
+ # Redirect should use empty string
+ catch {R 0 set foo foo} redir_err
+ assert_match "MOVED * :*" $redir_err
+ R 0 config set cluster-preferred-endpoint-type ip
+test "Verify the nodes configured with prefer hostname only show hostname for new nodes" {
+ # Have everyone forget node 6 and isolate it from the cluster.
+ isolate_node 6
+ # Set hostnames for the primaries, now that the node is isolated
+ R 0 config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ R 1 config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ R 2 config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ # Prevent Node 0 and Node 6 from properly meeting,
+ # they'll hang in the handshake phase. This allows us to
+ # test the case where we "know" about it but haven't
+ # successfully retrieved information about it yet.
+ # Have a replica meet the isolated node
+ R 3 cluster meet [get_instance_attrib redis 6 port]
+ # Wait for the isolated node to learn about the rest of the cluster,
+ # which correspond to a single entry in cluster nodes. Note this
+ # doesn't mean the isolated node has successfully contacted each
+ # node.
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [llength [split [R 6 CLUSTER NODES] "\n"]] eq 21
+ } else {
+ fail "Isolated node didn't learn about the rest of the cluster *"
+ }
+ # Now, we wait until the two nodes that aren't filtering packets
+ # to accept our isolated nodes connections. At this point they will
+ # start showing up in cluster slots.
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [llength [R 6 CLUSTER SLOTS]] eq 2
+ } else {
+ fail "Node did not learn about the 2 shards it can talk to"
+ }
+ set slot_result [R 6 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_equal [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 1] ""
+ assert_equal [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 1 2 3] 1] ""
+ # Also make sure we know about the isolated primary, we
+ # just can't reach it.
+ set primary_id [R 0 CLUSTER MYID]
+ assert_match "*$primary_id*" [R 6 CLUSTER NODES]
+ # Stop dropping cluster packets, and make sure everything
+ # stabilizes
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [llength [R 6 CLUSTER SLOTS]] eq 3
+ } else {
+ fail "Node did not learn about the 2 shards it can talk to"
+ }
+ set slot_result [R 6 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_equal [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 1] ""
+ assert_equal [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 1 2 3] 1] ""
+ assert_equal [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 2 2 3] 1] ""
+test "Test restart will keep hostname information" {
+ # Set a new hostname, reboot and make sure it sticks
+ R 0 config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ restart_instance redis 0
+ set slot_result [R 0 CLUSTER SLOTS]
+ assert_equal [lindex [get_slot_field $slot_result 0 2 3] 1] ""
+ # As a sanity check, make sure everyone eventually agrees
+ wait_for_cluster_propagation
+test "Test hostname validation" {
+ catch {R 0 config set cluster-announce-hostname [string repeat x 256]} err
+ assert_match "*Hostnames must be less than 256 characters*" $err
+ catch {R 0 config set cluster-announce-hostname "?.com"} err
+ assert_match "*Hostnames may only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens or dots*" $err
+ # Note this isn't a valid hostname, but it passes our internal validation
+ R 0 config set cluster-announce-hostname "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-."
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/helpers/onlydots.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/helpers/onlydots.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a6d1aee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/helpers/onlydots.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Read the standard input and only shows dots in the output, filtering out
+# all the other characters. Designed to avoid bufferization so that when
+# we get the output of redis-trib and want to show just the dots, we'll see
+# the dots as soon as redis-trib will output them.
+fconfigure stdin -buffering none
+while 1 {
+ set c [read stdin 1]
+ if {$c eq {}} {
+ exit 0; # EOF
+ } elseif {$c eq {.}} {
+ puts -nonewline .
+ flush stdout
+ }
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc5897a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Initialization tests -- most units will start including this.
+test "(init) Restart killed instances" {
+ foreach type {redis} {
+ foreach_${type}_id id {
+ if {[get_instance_attrib $type $id pid] == -1} {
+ puts -nonewline "$type/$id "
+ flush stdout
+ restart_instance $type $id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+test "Cluster nodes are reachable" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ # Every node should be reachable.
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ ([catch {R $id ping} ping_reply] == 0) &&
+ ($ping_reply eq {PONG})
+ } else {
+ catch {R $id ping} err
+ fail "Node #$id keeps replying '$err' to PING."
+ }
+ }
+test "Cluster nodes hard reset" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$::valgrind} {
+ set node_timeout 10000
+ } else {
+ set node_timeout 3000
+ }
+ catch {R $id flushall} ; # May fail for readonly slaves.
+ R $id MULTI
+ R $id cluster reset hard
+ R $id cluster set-config-epoch [expr {$id+1}]
+ R $id EXEC
+ R $id config set cluster-node-timeout $node_timeout
+ R $id config set cluster-slave-validity-factor 10
+ R $id config set loading-process-events-interval-bytes 2097152
+ R $id config set key-load-delay 0
+ R $id config set repl-diskless-load disabled
+ R $id config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ R $id config rewrite
+ }
+test "Cluster Join and auto-discovery test" {
+ # Join node 0 with 1, 1 with 2, ... and so forth.
+ # If auto-discovery works all nodes will know every other node
+ # eventually.
+ set ids {}
+ foreach_redis_id id {lappend ids $id}
+ for {set j 0} {$j < [expr [llength $ids]-1]} {incr j} {
+ set a [lindex $ids $j]
+ set b [lindex $ids [expr $j+1]]
+ set b_port [get_instance_attrib redis $b port]
+ R $a cluster meet $b_port
+ }
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [get_cluster_nodes $id]] == [llength $ids]
+ } else {
+ fail "Cluster failed to join into a full mesh."
+ }
+ }
+test "Before slots allocation, all nodes report cluster failure" {
+ assert_cluster_state fail
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/includes/utils.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/utils.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1b0fe6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/utils.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+source "../../../tests/support/cli.tcl"
+proc config_set_all_nodes {keyword value} {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ R $id config set $keyword $value
+ }
+proc fix_cluster {addr} {
+ set code [catch {
+ exec ../../../src/redis-cli {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] --cluster fix $addr << yes
+ } result]
+ if {$code != 0} {
+ puts "redis-cli --cluster fix returns non-zero exit code, output below:\n$result"
+ }
+ # Note: redis-cli --cluster fix may return a non-zero exit code if nodes don't agree,
+ # but we can ignore that and rely on the check below.
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ wait_for_condition 100 100 {
+ [catch {exec ../../../src/redis-cli {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] --cluster check $addr} result] == 0
+ } else {
+ puts "redis-cli --cluster check returns non-zero exit code, output below:\n$result"
+ fail "Cluster could not settle with configuration"
+ }
+proc wait_cluster_stable {} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [catch {exec ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster \
+ check[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
+ {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
+ }] == 0
+ } else {
+ fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tmp/.gitignore b/tests/cluster/tmp/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f581f73e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tmp/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@