path: root/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/type/zset.tcl')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl b/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl
index 8318ebb63..c657c1e4e 100644
--- a/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl
+++ b/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
proc basics {encoding} {
+ set original_max_entries [lindex [r config get zset-max-ziplist-entries] 1]
+ set original_max_value [lindex [r config get zset-max-ziplist-value] 1]
if {$encoding == "ziplist"} {
r config set zset-max-ziplist-entries 128
r config set zset-max-ziplist-value 64
@@ -713,6 +715,12 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
assert_equal {b 3 c 5} [r zinter 2 zseta zsetb withscores]
+ test "ZINTER RESP3 - $encoding" {
+ r hello 3
+ assert_equal {{b 3.0} {c 5.0}} [r zinter 2 zseta zsetb withscores]
+ }
+ r hello 2
test "ZINTERSTORE with weights - $encoding" {
assert_equal 2 [r zinterstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3]
assert_equal {b 7 c 12} [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
@@ -919,6 +927,9 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
assert_equal 0 [r zcard z1]
assert_equal 1 [r zcard z2]
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-entries $original_max_entries
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-value $original_max_value
basics ziplist
@@ -1016,6 +1027,8 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
proc stressers {encoding} {
+ set original_max_entries [lindex [r config get zset-max-ziplist-entries] 1]
+ set original_max_value [lindex [r config get zset-max-ziplist-value] 1]
if {$encoding == "ziplist"} {
# Little extra to allow proper fuzzing in the sorting stresser
r config set zset-max-ziplist-entries 256
@@ -1440,6 +1453,8 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
r zadd zset 0 foo
assert_equal {zset foo 0} [$rd read]
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-entries $original_max_entries
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-value $original_max_value
tags {"slow"} {
@@ -1481,6 +1496,12 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
r zrange z2 0 -1 withscores
} {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4}
+ r hello 3
+ r zrange z2 0 -1 withscores
+ } {{a 1.0} {b 2.0} {c 3.0} {d 4.0}}
+ r hello 2
test {ZRANGESTORE range} {
set res [r zrangestore z2 z1 1 2]
assert_equal $res 2
@@ -1554,4 +1575,171 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
catch {r zrangebyscore z1 0 -1 REV} err
assert_match "*syntax*" $err
+ proc get_keys {l} {
+ set res {}
+ foreach {score key} $l {
+ lappend res $key
+ }
+ return $res
+ }
+ foreach {type contents} "ziplist {1 a 2 b 3 c} skiplist {1 a 2 b 3 [randstring 70 90 alpha]}" {
+ set original_max_value [lindex [r config get zset-max-ziplist-value] 1]
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-value 10
+ create_zset myzset $contents
+ assert_encoding $type myzset
+ test "ZRANDMEMBER - $type" {
+ unset -nocomplain myzset
+ array set myzset {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set key [r zrandmember myzset]
+ set myzset($key) 1
+ }
+ assert_equal [lsort [get_keys $contents]] [lsort [array names myzset]]
+ }
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-value $original_max_value
+ }
+ test "ZRANDMEMBER with RESP3" {
+ r hello 3
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset 3 withscores]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] 3
+ assert_equal [llength [lindex $res 1]] 2
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset 3]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] 3
+ assert_equal [llength [lindex $res 1]] 1
+ }
+ r hello 2
+ test "ZRANDMEMBER count of 0 is handled correctly" {
+ r zrandmember myzset 0
+ } {}
+ test "ZRANDMEMBER with <count> against non existing key" {
+ r zrandmember nonexisting_key 100
+ } {}
+ foreach {type contents} "
+ skiplist {1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g 7 h 9 i 10 [randstring 70 90 alpha]}
+ ziplist {1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g 7 h 9 i 10 j} " {
+ test "ZRANDMEMBER with <count> - $type" {
+ set original_max_value [lindex [r config get zset-max-ziplist-value] 1]
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-value 10
+ create_zset myzset $contents
+ assert_encoding $type myzset
+ # create a dict for easy lookup
+ unset -nocomplain mydict
+ foreach {k v} [r zrange myzset 0 -1 withscores] {
+ dict append mydict $k $v
+ }
+ # We'll stress different parts of the code, see the implementation
+ # of ZRANDMEMBER for more information, but basically there are
+ # four different code paths.
+ # PATH 1: Use negative count.
+ # 1) Check that it returns repeated elements with and without values.
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset -20]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] 20
+ # again with WITHSCORES
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset -20 withscores]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] 40
+ # 2) Check that all the elements actually belong to the original zset.
+ foreach {key val} $res {
+ assert {[dict exists $mydict $key]}
+ }
+ # 3) Check that eventually all the elements are returned.
+ # Use both WITHSCORES and without
+ unset -nocomplain auxset
+ set iterations 1000
+ while {$iterations != 0} {
+ incr iterations -1
+ if {[expr {$iterations % 2}] == 0} {
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset -3 withscores]
+ foreach {key val} $res {
+ dict append auxset $key $val
+ }
+ } else {
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset -3]
+ foreach key $res {
+ dict append auxset $key $val
+ }
+ }
+ if {[lsort [dict keys $mydict]] eq
+ [lsort [dict keys $auxset]]} {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert {$iterations != 0}
+ # PATH 2: positive count (unique behavior) with requested size
+ # equal or greater than set size.
+ foreach size {10 20} {
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset $size]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] 10
+ assert_equal [lsort $res] [lsort [dict keys $mydict]]
+ # again with WITHSCORES
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset $size withscores]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] 20
+ assert_equal [lsort $res] [lsort $mydict]
+ }
+ # PATH 3: Ask almost as elements as there are in the set.
+ # In this case the implementation will duplicate the original
+ # set and will remove random elements up to the requested size.
+ #
+ # PATH 4: Ask a number of elements definitely smaller than
+ # the set size.
+ #
+ # We can test both the code paths just changing the size but
+ # using the same code.
+ foreach size {8 2} {
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset $size]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] $size
+ # again with WITHSCORES
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset $size withscores]
+ assert_equal [llength $res] [expr {$size * 2}]
+ # 1) Check that all the elements actually belong to the
+ # original set.
+ foreach ele [dict keys $res] {
+ assert {[dict exists $mydict $ele]}
+ }
+ # 2) Check that eventually all the elements are returned.
+ # Use both WITHSCORES and without
+ unset -nocomplain auxset
+ set iterations 1000
+ while {$iterations != 0} {
+ incr iterations -1
+ if {[expr {$iterations % 2}] == 0} {
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset $size withscores]
+ foreach {key value} $res {
+ dict append auxset $key $value
+ }
+ } else {
+ set res [r zrandmember myzset $size]
+ foreach key $res {
+ dict append auxset $key
+ }
+ }
+ if {[lsort [dict keys $mydict]] eq
+ [lsort [dict keys $auxset]]} {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert {$iterations != 0}
+ }
+ }
+ r config set zset-max-ziplist-value $original_max_value
+ }