path: root/tests
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3 files changed, 689 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/tests/modules/blockedclient.c b/tests/modules/blockedclient.c
index f4234b0d3..db3e80b29 100644
--- a/tests/modules/blockedclient.c
+++ b/tests/modules/blockedclient.c
@@ -219,6 +219,257 @@ int do_rm_call(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc){
+static void rm_call_async_send_reply(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleCallReply *reply) {
+ RedisModule_ReplyWithCallReply(ctx, reply);
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(reply);
+/* Called when the command that was blocked on 'RM_Call' gets unblocked
+ * and send the reply to the blocked client. */
+static void rm_call_async_on_unblocked(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleCallReply *reply, void *private_data) {
+ UNUSED(ctx);
+ RedisModuleBlockedClient *bc = private_data;
+ RedisModuleCtx *bctx = RedisModule_GetThreadSafeContext(bc);
+ rm_call_async_send_reply(bctx, reply);
+ RedisModule_FreeThreadSafeContext(bctx);
+ RedisModule_UnblockClient(bc, RedisModule_BlockClientGetPrivateData(bc));
+int do_rm_call_async_fire_and_forget(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc){
+ UNUSED(argv);
+ UNUSED(argc);
+ if(argc < 2){
+ return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
+ }
+ const char* cmd = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(argv[1], NULL);
+ RedisModuleCallReply* rep = RedisModule_Call(ctx, cmd, "!KEv", argv + 2, argc - 2);
+ if(RedisModule_CallReplyType(rep) != REDISMODULE_REPLY_PROMISE) {
+ RedisModule_ReplyWithCallReply(ctx, rep);
+ } else {
+ RedisModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "Blocked");
+ }
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(rep);
+static void do_rm_call_async_free_pd(RedisModuleCtx * ctx, void *pd) {
+ UNUSED(ctx);
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(pd);
+static void do_rm_call_async_disconnect(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, struct RedisModuleBlockedClient *bc) {
+ UNUSED(ctx);
+ RedisModuleCallReply* rep = RedisModule_BlockClientGetPrivateData(bc);
+ RedisModule_CallReplyPromiseAbort(rep, NULL);
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(rep);
+ RedisModule_AbortBlock(bc);
+ * Callback for do_rm_call_async / do_rm_call_async_script_mode
+ * Gets the command to invoke as the first argument to the command and runs it,
+ * passing the rest of the arguments to the command invocation.
+ * If the command got blocked, blocks the client and unblock it when the command gets unblocked,
+ * this allows check the K (allow blocking) argument to RM_Call.
+ */
+int do_rm_call_async(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc){
+ UNUSED(argv);
+ UNUSED(argc);
+ if(argc < 2){
+ return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
+ }
+ size_t format_len = 0;
+ char format[6] = {0};
+ if (!(RedisModule_GetContextFlags(ctx) & REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_DENY_BLOCKING)) {
+ /* We are allowed to block the client so we can allow RM_Call to also block us */
+ format[format_len++] = 'K';
+ }
+ const char* invoked_cmd = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(argv[0], NULL);
+ if (strcasecmp(invoked_cmd, "do_rm_call_async_script_mode") == 0) {
+ format[format_len++] = 'S';
+ }
+ format[format_len++] = 'E';
+ format[format_len++] = 'v';
+ if (strcasecmp(invoked_cmd, "do_rm_call_async_no_replicate") != 0) {
+ /* Notice, without the '!' flag we will have inconsistency between master and replica.
+ * This is used only to check '!' flag correctness on blocked commands. */
+ format[format_len++] = '!';
+ }
+ const char* cmd = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(argv[1], NULL);
+ RedisModuleCallReply* rep = RedisModule_Call(ctx, cmd, format, argv + 2, argc - 2);
+ if(RedisModule_CallReplyType(rep) != REDISMODULE_REPLY_PROMISE) {
+ rm_call_async_send_reply(ctx, rep);
+ } else {
+ RedisModuleBlockedClient *bc = RedisModule_BlockClient(ctx, NULL, NULL, do_rm_call_async_free_pd, 0);
+ RedisModule_SetDisconnectCallback(bc, do_rm_call_async_disconnect);
+ RedisModule_BlockClientSetPrivateData(bc, rep);
+ RedisModule_CallReplyPromiseSetUnblockHandler(rep, rm_call_async_on_unblocked, bc);
+ }
+/* Private data for wait_and_do_rm_call_async that holds information about:
+ * 1. the block client, to unblock when done.
+ * 2. the arguments, contains the command to run using RM_Call */
+typedef struct WaitAndDoRMCallCtx {
+ RedisModuleBlockedClient *bc;
+ RedisModuleString **argv;
+ int argc;
+} WaitAndDoRMCallCtx;
+ * This callback will be called when the 'wait' command invoke on 'wait_and_do_rm_call_async' will finish.
+ * This callback will continue the execution flow just like 'do_rm_call_async' command.
+ */
+static void wait_and_do_rm_call_async_on_unblocked(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleCallReply *reply, void *private_data) {
+ WaitAndDoRMCallCtx *wctx = private_data;
+ if (RedisModule_CallReplyType(reply) != REDISMODULE_REPLY_INTEGER) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (RedisModule_CallReplyInteger(reply) != 1) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(reply);
+ reply = NULL;
+ const char* cmd = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(wctx->argv[0], NULL);
+ reply = RedisModule_Call(ctx, cmd, "!EKv", wctx->argv + 1, wctx->argc - 1);
+ if(RedisModule_CallReplyType(reply) != REDISMODULE_REPLY_PROMISE) {
+ RedisModuleCtx *bctx = RedisModule_GetThreadSafeContext(wctx->bc);
+ rm_call_async_send_reply(bctx, reply);
+ RedisModule_FreeThreadSafeContext(bctx);
+ RedisModule_UnblockClient(wctx->bc, NULL);
+ } else {
+ RedisModule_CallReplyPromiseSetUnblockHandler(reply, rm_call_async_on_unblocked, wctx->bc);
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(reply);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < wctx->argc ; ++i) {
+ RedisModule_FreeString(NULL, wctx->argv[i]);
+ }
+ RedisModule_Free(wctx->argv);
+ RedisModule_Free(wctx);
+ * Callback for wait_and_do_rm_call
+ * Gets the command to invoke as the first argument, runs 'wait'
+ * command (using the K flag to RM_Call). Once the wait finished, runs the
+ * command that was given (just like 'do_rm_call_async').
+ */
+int wait_and_do_rm_call_async(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) {
+ UNUSED(argv);
+ UNUSED(argc);
+ if(argc < 2){
+ return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
+ }
+ int flags = RedisModule_GetContextFlags(ctx);
+ return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "Err can not run wait, blocking is not allowed.");
+ }
+ RedisModuleCallReply* rep = RedisModule_Call(ctx, "wait", "!EKcc", "1", "0");
+ if(RedisModule_CallReplyType(rep) != REDISMODULE_REPLY_PROMISE) {
+ rm_call_async_send_reply(ctx, rep);
+ } else {
+ RedisModuleBlockedClient *bc = RedisModule_BlockClient(ctx, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ WaitAndDoRMCallCtx *wctx = RedisModule_Alloc(sizeof(*wctx));
+ *wctx = (WaitAndDoRMCallCtx){
+ .bc = bc,
+ .argv = RedisModule_Alloc((argc - 1) * sizeof(RedisModuleString*)),
+ .argc = argc - 1,
+ };
+ for (int i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i) {
+ wctx->argv[i - 1] = RedisModule_HoldString(NULL, argv[i]);
+ }
+ RedisModule_CallReplyPromiseSetUnblockHandler(rep, wait_and_do_rm_call_async_on_unblocked, wctx);
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(rep);
+ }
+static void blpop_and_set_multiple_keys_on_unblocked(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleCallReply *reply, void *private_data) {
+ /* ignore the reply */
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(reply);
+ WaitAndDoRMCallCtx *wctx = private_data;
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < wctx->argc ; i += 2) {
+ RedisModuleCallReply* rep = RedisModule_Call(ctx, "set", "!ss", wctx->argv[i], wctx->argv[i + 1]);
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(rep);
+ }
+ RedisModuleCtx *bctx = RedisModule_GetThreadSafeContext(wctx->bc);
+ RedisModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(bctx, "OK");
+ RedisModule_FreeThreadSafeContext(bctx);
+ RedisModule_UnblockClient(wctx->bc, NULL);
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < wctx->argc ; ++i) {
+ RedisModule_FreeString(NULL, wctx->argv[i]);
+ }
+ RedisModule_Free(wctx->argv);
+ RedisModule_Free(wctx);
+ * Performs a blpop command on a given list and when unblocked set multiple string keys.
+ * This command allows checking that the unblock callback is performed as a unit
+ * and its effect are replicated to the replica and AOF wrapped with multi exec.
+ */
+int blpop_and_set_multiple_keys(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) {
+ UNUSED(argv);
+ UNUSED(argc);
+ if(argc < 2 || argc % 2 != 0){
+ return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
+ }
+ int flags = RedisModule_GetContextFlags(ctx);
+ return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "Err can not run wait, blocking is not allowed.");
+ }
+ RedisModuleCallReply* rep = RedisModule_Call(ctx, "blpop", "!EKsc", argv[1], "0");
+ if(RedisModule_CallReplyType(rep) != REDISMODULE_REPLY_PROMISE) {
+ rm_call_async_send_reply(ctx, rep);
+ } else {
+ RedisModuleBlockedClient *bc = RedisModule_BlockClient(ctx, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ WaitAndDoRMCallCtx *wctx = RedisModule_Alloc(sizeof(*wctx));
+ *wctx = (WaitAndDoRMCallCtx){
+ .bc = bc,
+ .argv = RedisModule_Alloc((argc - 2) * sizeof(RedisModuleString*)),
+ .argc = argc - 2,
+ };
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < argc - 2 ; ++i) {
+ wctx->argv[i] = RedisModule_HoldString(NULL, argv[i + 2]);
+ }
+ RedisModule_CallReplyPromiseSetUnblockHandler(rep, blpop_and_set_multiple_keys_on_unblocked, wctx);
+ RedisModule_FreeCallReply(rep);
+ }
/* simulate a blocked client replying to a thread safe context without creating a thread */
int do_fake_bg_true(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) {
@@ -316,6 +567,30 @@ int RedisModule_OnLoad(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc)
"write", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
+ if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "do_rm_call_async", do_rm_call_async,
+ "write", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
+ if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "do_rm_call_async_script_mode", do_rm_call_async,
+ "write", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
+ if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "do_rm_call_async_no_replicate", do_rm_call_async,
+ "write", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
+ if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "do_rm_call_fire_and_forget", do_rm_call_async_fire_and_forget,
+ "write", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
+ if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "wait_and_do_rm_call", wait_and_do_rm_call_async,
+ "write", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
+ if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "blpop_and_set_multiple_keys", blpop_and_set_multiple_keys,
+ "write", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "do_bg_rm_call", do_bg_rm_call, "", 0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR)
diff --git a/tests/unit/moduleapi/async_rm_call.tcl b/tests/unit/moduleapi/async_rm_call.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..142b098f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/moduleapi/async_rm_call.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/]
+set testmodule2 [file normalize tests/modules/]
+set testmodule3 [file normalize tests/modules/]
+start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
+ r module load $testmodule
+ test {Locked GIL acquisition from async RM_Call} {
+ assert_equal {OK} [r do_rm_call_async acquire_gil]
+ }
+ test "Blpop on async RM_Call fire and forget" {
+ assert_equal {Blocked} [r do_rm_call_fire_and_forget blpop l 0]
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal {0} [r llen l]
+ }
+ foreach cmd {do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async_script_mode} {
+ test "Blpop on async RM_Call using $cmd" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd $cmd blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {l a}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test "Brpop on async RM_Call using $cmd" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd $cmd brpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {l a}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test "Brpoplpush on async RM_Call using $cmd" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd $cmd brpoplpush l1 l2 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l1 a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {a}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ r lpop l2
+ } {a}
+ test "Blmove on async RM_Call using $cmd" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd $cmd blmove l1 l2 LEFT LEFT 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l1 a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {a}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ r lpop l2
+ } {a}
+ test "Bzpopmin on async RM_Call using $cmd" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd $cmd bzpopmin s 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r zadd s 10 foo
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {s foo 10}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test "Bzpopmax on async RM_Call using $cmd" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd $cmd bzpopmax s 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r zadd s 10 foo
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {s foo 10}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ }
+ test {Nested async RM_Call} {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {l a}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test {Test multiple async RM_Call waiting on the same event} {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd1 do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async blpop l 0
+ $rd2 do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async do_rm_call_async blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 2
+ r lpush l element element
+ assert_equal [$rd1 read] {l element}
+ assert_equal [$rd2 read] {l element}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test {async RM_Call calls RM_Call} {
+ assert_equal {PONG} [r do_rm_call_async do_rm_call ping]
+ }
+ test {async RM_Call calls background RM_Call calls RM_Call} {
+ assert_equal {PONG} [r do_rm_call_async do_bg_rm_call do_rm_call ping]
+ }
+ test {async RM_Call calls background RM_Call calls RM_Call calls async RM_Call} {
+ assert_equal {PONG} [r do_rm_call_async do_bg_rm_call do_rm_call do_rm_call_async ping]
+ }
+ test {async RM_Call inside async RM_Call callback} {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd wait_and_do_rm_call blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ start_server {} {
+ test "Connect a replica to the master instance" {
+ r slaveof [srv -1 host] [srv -1 port]
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [s role] eq {slave} &&
+ [string match {*master_link_status:up*} [r info replication]]
+ } else {
+ fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"
+ }
+ }
+ assert_equal {1} [r -1 lpush l a]
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {l a}
+ }
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test {Become replica while having async RM_Call running} {
+ r flushall
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd do_rm_call_async blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ #become a replica of a not existing redis
+ r replicaof localhost 30000
+ catch {[$rd read]} e
+ assert_match {UNBLOCKED force unblock from blocking operation*} $e
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ r replicaof no one
+ r lpush l 1
+ # make sure the async rm_call was aborted
+ assert_equal [r llen l] {1}
+ }
+ test {Pipeline with blocking RM_Call} {
+ r flushall
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ set buf ""
+ append buf "do_rm_call_async blpop l 0\r\n"
+ append buf "ping\r\n"
+ $rd write $buf
+ $rd flush
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ # release the blocked client
+ r lpush l 1
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {l 1}
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {PONG}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test {blocking RM_Call abort} {
+ r flushall
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd client id
+ set client_id [$rd read]
+ $rd do_rm_call_async blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r client kill ID $client_id
+ assert_error {*error reading reply*} {$rd read}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ r lpush l 1
+ # make sure the async rm_call was aborted
+ assert_equal [r llen l] {1}
+ }
+start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
+ r module load $testmodule
+ test {Test basic replication stream on unblock handler} {
+ r flushall
+ set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd do_rm_call_async blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {l a}
+ assert_replication_stream $repl {
+ {select *}
+ {lpush l a}
+ {lpop l}
+ }
+ close_replication_stream $repl
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test {Test unblock handler are executed as a unit} {
+ r flushall
+ set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd blpop_and_set_multiple_keys l x 1 y 2
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {OK}
+ assert_replication_stream $repl {
+ {select *}
+ {lpush l a}
+ {multi}
+ {lpop l}
+ {set x 1}
+ {set y 2}
+ {exec}
+ }
+ close_replication_stream $repl
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test {Test no propagation of blocking command} {
+ r flushall
+ set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd do_rm_call_async_no_replicate blpop l 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {l a}
+ # make sure the lpop are not replicated
+ r set x 1
+ assert_replication_stream $repl {
+ {select *}
+ {lpush l a}
+ {set x 1}
+ }
+ close_replication_stream $repl
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
+ r module load $testmodule
+ r module load $testmodule2
+ test {Test unblock handler are executed as a unit with key space notifications} {
+ r flushall
+ set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd blpop_and_set_multiple_keys l string_foo 1 string_bar 2
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {OK}
+ assert_replication_stream $repl {
+ {select *}
+ {lpush l a}
+ {multi}
+ {lpop l}
+ {set string_foo 1}
+ {set string_bar 2}
+ {incr string_changed{string_foo}}
+ {incr string_changed{string_bar}}
+ {incr string_total}
+ {incr string_total}
+ {exec}
+ }
+ close_replication_stream $repl
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+ test {Test unblock handler are executed as a unit with lazy expire} {
+ r flushall
+ set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd blpop_and_set_multiple_keys l string_foo 1 string_bar 2
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {OK}
+ # set expiration on string_foo
+ r pexpire string_foo 1
+ after 10
+ # now the key should have been expired
+ $rd blpop_and_set_multiple_keys l string_foo 1 string_bar 2
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r lpush l a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {OK}
+ assert_replication_stream $repl {
+ {select *}
+ {lpush l a}
+ {multi}
+ {lpop l}
+ {set string_foo 1}
+ {set string_bar 2}
+ {incr string_changed{string_foo}}
+ {incr string_changed{string_bar}}
+ {incr string_total}
+ {incr string_total}
+ {exec}
+ {pexpireat string_foo *}
+ {lpush l a}
+ {multi}
+ {lpop l}
+ {del string_foo}
+ {set string_foo 1}
+ {set string_bar 2}
+ {incr expired}
+ {incr string_changed{string_foo}}
+ {incr string_changed{string_bar}}
+ {incr string_total}
+ {incr string_total}
+ {exec}
+ }
+ close_replication_stream $repl
+ }
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
+ r module load $testmodule
+ r module load $testmodule3
+ test {Test unblock handler on module blocked on keys} {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ r fsl.push l 1
+ $rd do_rm_call_async FSL.BPOPGT l 3 0
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
+ r fsl.push l 2
+ r fsl.push l 3
+ r fsl.push l 4
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {4}
+ wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/unit/scripting.tcl b/tests/unit/scripting.tcl
index 02459354a..29193f642 100644
--- a/tests/unit/scripting.tcl
+++ b/tests/unit/scripting.tcl
@@ -217,41 +217,45 @@ start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
} {*execution time*}
- test {EVAL - Scripts can't run blpop command} {
- set e {}
- catch {run_script {return redis.pcall('blpop','x',0)} 1 x} e
- set e
- } {*not allowed*}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on blpop command} {
+ r lpush l 1
+ r lpop l
+ run_script {return redis.pcall('blpop','l',0)} 1 l
+ } {}
- test {EVAL - Scripts can't run brpop command} {
- set e {}
- catch {run_script {return redis.pcall('brpop','empty_list',0)} 1 empty_list} e
- set e
- } {*not allowed*}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on brpop command} {
+ r lpush l 1
+ r lpop l
+ run_script {return redis.pcall('brpop','l',0)} 1 l
+ } {}
- test {EVAL - Scripts can't run brpoplpush command} {
- set e {}
- catch {run_script {return redis.pcall('brpoplpush','empty_list1{t}', 'empty_list2{t}',0)} 2 empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t}} e
- set e
- } {*not allowed*}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on brpoplpush command} {
+ r lpush empty_list1{t} 1
+ r lpop empty_list1{t}
+ run_script {return redis.pcall('brpoplpush','empty_list1{t}', 'empty_list2{t}',0)} 2 empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t}
+ } {}
- test {EVAL - Scripts can't run blmove command} {
- set e {}
- catch {run_script {return redis.pcall('blmove','empty_list1{t}', 'empty_list2{t}', 'LEFT', 'LEFT', 0)} 2 empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t}} e
- set e
- } {*not allowed*}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on blmove command} {
+ r lpush empty_list1{t} 1
+ r lpop empty_list1{t}
+ run_script {return redis.pcall('blmove','empty_list1{t}', 'empty_list2{t}', 'LEFT', 'LEFT', 0)} 2 empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t}
+ } {}
- test {EVAL - Scripts can't run bzpopmin command} {
- set e {}
- catch {run_script {return redis.pcall('bzpopmin','empty_zset', 0)} 1 empty_zset} e
- set e
- } {*not allowed*}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on bzpopmin command} {
+ r zadd empty_zset 10 foo
+ r zmpop 1 empty_zset MIN
+ run_script {return redis.pcall('bzpopmin','empty_zset', 0)} 1 empty_zset
+ } {}
- test {EVAL - Scripts can't run bzpopmax command} {
- set e {}
- catch {run_script {return redis.pcall('bzpopmax','empty_zset', 0)} 1 empty_zset} e
- set e
- } {*not allowed*}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on bzpopmax command} {
+ r zadd empty_zset 10 foo
+ r zmpop 1 empty_zset MIN
+ run_script {return redis.pcall('bzpopmax','empty_zset', 0)} 1 empty_zset
+ } {}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on wait} {
+ run_script {return redis.pcall('wait','1','0')} 0
+ } {0}
test {EVAL - Scripts can't run XREAD and XREADGROUP with BLOCK option} {
r del s