{ "SADD": { "summary": "Add one or more members to a set", "complexity": "O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments.", "group": "set", "since": "1.0.0", "arity": -3, "function": "saddCommand", "history": [ [ "2.4.0", "Accepts multiple `member` arguments." ] ], "command_flags": [ "WRITE", "DENYOOM", "FAST" ], "acl_categories": [ "SET" ], "key_specs": [ { "flags": [ "RW", "INSERT" ], "begin_search": { "index": { "pos": 1 } }, "find_keys": { "range": { "lastkey": 0, "step": 1, "limit": 0 } } } ], "reply_schema": { "description": "Number of elements that were added to the set, not including all the elements already present in the set.", "type": "integer" }, "arguments": [ { "name": "key", "type": "key", "key_spec_index": 0 }, { "name": "member", "type": "string", "multiple": true } ] } }