/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Redis Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* This file implements the interface of logging clients' requests and * responses into a file. * This feature needs the LOG_REQ_RES macro to be compiled and is turned * on by the req-res-logfile config." * * Some examples: * * PING: * * 4 * ping * 12 * __argv_end__ * +PONG * * LRANGE: * * 6 * lrange * 4 * list * 1 * 0 * 2 * -1 * 12 * __argv_end__ * *1 * $3 * ele * * The request is everything up until the __argv_end__ marker. * The format is: * * * * After __argv_end__ the response appears, and the format is * RESP (2 or 3, depending on what the client has configured) */ #include "server.h" #include #ifdef LOG_REQ_RES /* ----- Helpers ----- */ static int reqresShouldLog(client *c) { if (!server.req_res_logfile) return 0; /* Ignore client with streaming non-standard response */ if (c->flags & (CLIENT_PUBSUB|CLIENT_MONITOR|CLIENT_SLAVE)) return 0; /* We only work on masters (didn't implement reqresAppendResponse to work on shared slave buffers) */ if (getClientType(c) == CLIENT_TYPE_MASTER) return 0; return 1; } static size_t reqresAppendBuffer(client *c, void *buf, size_t len) { if (!c->reqres.buf) { c->reqres.capacity = max(len, 1024); c->reqres.buf = zmalloc(c->reqres.capacity); } else if (c->reqres.capacity - c->reqres.used < len) { c->reqres.capacity += len; c->reqres.buf = zrealloc(c->reqres.buf, c->reqres.capacity); } memcpy(c->reqres.buf + c->reqres.used, buf, len); c->reqres.used += len; return len; } /* Functions for requests */ static size_t reqresAppendArg(client *c, char *arg, size_t arg_len) { char argv_len_buf[LONG_STR_SIZE]; size_t argv_len_buf_len = ll2string(argv_len_buf,sizeof(argv_len_buf),(long)arg_len); size_t ret = reqresAppendBuffer(c, argv_len_buf, argv_len_buf_len); ret += reqresAppendBuffer(c, "\r\n", 2); ret += reqresAppendBuffer(c, arg, arg_len); ret += reqresAppendBuffer(c, "\r\n", 2); return ret; } /* ----- API ----- */ /* Zero out the clientReqResInfo struct inside the client, * and free the buffer if needed */ void reqresReset(client *c, int free_buf) { if (free_buf && c->reqres.buf) zfree(c->reqres.buf); memset(&c->reqres, 0, sizeof(c->reqres)); } /* Save the offset of the reply buffer (or the reply list). * Should be called when adding a reply (but it will only save the offset * on the very first time it's called, because of c->reqres.offset.saved) * The idea is: * 1. When a client is executing a command, we save the reply offset. * 2. During the execution, the reply offset may grow, as addReply* functions are called. * 3. When client is done with the command (commandProcessed), reqresAppendResponse * is called. * 4. reqresAppendResponse will append the diff between the current offset and the one from step (1) * 5. When client is reset before the next command, we clear c->reqres.offset.saved and start again * * We cannot reply on c->sentlen to keep track because it depends on the network * (reqresAppendResponse will always write the whole buffer, unlike writeToClient) * * Ideally, we would just have this code inside reqresAppendRequest, which is called * from processCommand, but we cannot save the reply offset inside processCommand * because of the following pipe-lining scenario: * set rd [redis_deferring_client] * set buf "" * append buf "SET key vale\r\n" * append buf "BLPOP mylist 0\r\n" * $rd write $buf * $rd flush * * Let's assume we save the reply offset in processCommand * When BLPOP is processed the offset is 5 (+OK\r\n from the SET) * Then beforeSleep is called, the +OK is written to network, and bufpos is 0 * When the client is finally unblocked, the cached offset is 5, but bufpos is already * 0, so we would miss the first 5 bytes of the reply. **/ void reqresSaveClientReplyOffset(client *c) { if (!reqresShouldLog(c)) return; if (c->reqres.offset.saved) return; c->reqres.offset.saved = 1; c->reqres.offset.bufpos = c->bufpos; if (listLength(c->reply) && listNodeValue(listLast(c->reply))) { c->reqres.offset.last_node.index = listLength(c->reply) - 1; c->reqres.offset.last_node.used = ((clientReplyBlock *)listNodeValue(listLast(c->reply)))->used; } else { c->reqres.offset.last_node.index = 0; c->reqres.offset.last_node.used = 0; } } size_t reqresAppendRequest(client *c) { robj **argv = c->argv; int argc = c->argc; serverAssert(argc); if (!reqresShouldLog(c)) return 0; /* Ignore commands that have streaming non-standard response */ sds cmd = argv[0]->ptr; if (!strcasecmp(cmd,"sync") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"psync") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"monitor") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"subscribe") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"unsubscribe") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"ssubscribe") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"sunsubscribe") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"psubscribe") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"punsubscribe") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"debug") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"pfdebug") || !strcasecmp(cmd,"lolwut") || (!strcasecmp(cmd,"sentinel") && argc > 1 && !strcasecmp(argv[1]->ptr,"debug"))) { return 0; } c->reqres.argv_logged = 1; size_t ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (sdsEncodedObject(argv[i])) { ret += reqresAppendArg(c, argv[i]->ptr, sdslen(argv[i]->ptr)); } else if (argv[i]->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) { char buf[LONG_STR_SIZE]; size_t len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),(long)argv[i]->ptr); ret += reqresAppendArg(c, buf, len); } else { serverPanic("Wrong encoding in reqresAppendRequest()"); } } return ret + reqresAppendArg(c, "__argv_end__", 12); } size_t reqresAppendResponse(client *c) { size_t ret = 0; if (!reqresShouldLog(c)) return 0; if (!c->reqres.argv_logged) /* Example: UNSUBSCRIBE */ return 0; if (!c->reqres.offset.saved) /* Example: module client blocked on keys + CLIENT KILL */ return 0; /* First append the static reply buffer */ if (c->bufpos > c->reqres.offset.bufpos) { size_t written = reqresAppendBuffer(c, c->buf + c->reqres.offset.bufpos, c->bufpos - c->reqres.offset.bufpos); ret += written; } int curr_index = 0; size_t curr_used = 0; if (listLength(c->reply)) { curr_index = listLength(c->reply) - 1; curr_used = ((clientReplyBlock *)listNodeValue(listLast(c->reply)))->used; } /* Now, append reply bytes from the reply list */ if (curr_index > c->reqres.offset.last_node.index || curr_used > c->reqres.offset.last_node.used) { int i = 0; listIter iter; listNode *curr; clientReplyBlock *o; listRewind(c->reply, &iter); while ((curr = listNext(&iter)) != NULL) { size_t written; /* Skip nodes we had already processed */ if (i < c->reqres.offset.last_node.index) { i++; continue; } o = listNodeValue(curr); if (o->used == 0) { i++; continue; } if (i == c->reqres.offset.last_node.index) { /* Write the potentially incomplete node, which had data from * before the current command started */ written = reqresAppendBuffer(c, o->buf + c->reqres.offset.last_node.used, o->used - c->reqres.offset.last_node.used); } else { /* New node */ written = reqresAppendBuffer(c, o->buf, o->used); } ret += written; i++; } } serverAssert(ret); /* Flush both request and response to file */ FILE *fp = fopen(server.req_res_logfile, "a"); serverAssert(fp); fwrite(c->reqres.buf, c->reqres.used, 1, fp); fclose(fp); return ret; } #else /* #ifdef LOG_REQ_RES */ /* Just mimic the API without doing anything */ void reqresReset(client *c, int free_buf) { UNUSED(c); UNUSED(free_buf); } inline void reqresSaveClientReplyOffset(client *c) { UNUSED(c); } inline size_t reqresAppendRequest(client *c) { UNUSED(c); return 0; } inline size_t reqresAppendResponse(client *c) { UNUSED(c); return 0; } #endif /* #ifdef LOG_REQ_RES */