/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2021, Redis Labs Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A RESP parser for parsing replies returned by RM_Call or Lua's * 'redis.call()'. * * The parser introduces callbacks that need to be set by the user. Each * callback represents a different reply type. Each callback gets a p_ctx that * was given to the parseReply function. The callbacks also give the protocol * (underlying blob) of the current reply and the size.  * * Some callbacks also get the parser object itself: * - array_callback * - set_callback * - map_callback * * These callbacks need to continue parsing by calling parseReply a number of * times, according to the supplied length. Subsequent parseReply calls may use * a different p_ctx, which will be used for nested CallReply objects. * * These callbacks also do not receive a proto_len, which is not known at the * time of parsing. Callers may calculate it themselves after parsing the * entire collection. * * NOTE: This parser is designed to only handle replies generated by Redis * itself. It does not perform many required validations and thus NOT SAFE FOR * PARSING USER INPUT. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "resp_parser.h" #include "server.h" static int parseBulk(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); long long bulklen; parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ string2ll(proto+1,p-proto-1,&bulklen); if (bulklen == -1) { parser->callbacks.null_bulk_string_callback(p_ctx, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); } else { const char *str = parser->curr_location; parser->curr_location += bulklen; parser->curr_location += 2; /* for \r\n */ parser->callbacks.bulk_string_callback(p_ctx, str, bulklen, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); } return C_OK; } static int parseSimpleString(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ parser->callbacks.simple_str_callback(p_ctx, proto+1, p-proto-1, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseError(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); parser->curr_location = p + 2; // for \r\n parser->callbacks.error_callback(p_ctx, proto+1, p-proto-1, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseLong(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ long long val; string2ll(proto+1,p-proto-1,&val); parser->callbacks.long_callback(p_ctx, val, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseAttributes(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); long long len; string2ll(proto+1,p-proto-1,&len); p += 2; parser->curr_location = p; parser->callbacks.attribute_callback(parser, p_ctx, len, proto); return C_OK; } static int parseVerbatimString(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); long long bulklen; parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ string2ll(proto+1,p-proto-1,&bulklen); const char *format = parser->curr_location; parser->curr_location += bulklen; parser->curr_location += 2; /* for \r\n */ parser->callbacks.verbatim_string_callback(p_ctx, format, format + 4, bulklen - 4, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseBigNumber(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ parser->callbacks.big_number_callback(p_ctx, proto+1, p-proto-1, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseNull(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ parser->callbacks.null_callback(p_ctx, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseDouble(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ char buf[MAX_LONG_DOUBLE_CHARS+1]; size_t len = p-proto-1; double d; if (len <= MAX_LONG_DOUBLE_CHARS) { memcpy(buf,proto+1,len); buf[len] = '\0'; d = strtod(buf,NULL); /* We expect a valid representation. */ } else { d = 0; } parser->callbacks.double_callback(p_ctx, d, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseBool(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); parser->curr_location = p + 2; /* for \r\n */ parser->callbacks.bool_callback(p_ctx, proto[1] == 't', proto, parser->curr_location - proto); return C_OK; } static int parseArray(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); long long len; string2ll(proto+1,p-proto-1,&len); p += 2; parser->curr_location = p; if (len == -1) { parser->callbacks.null_array_callback(p_ctx, proto, parser->curr_location - proto); } else { parser->callbacks.array_callback(parser, p_ctx, len, proto); } return C_OK; } static int parseSet(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); long long len; string2ll(proto+1,p-proto-1,&len); p += 2; parser->curr_location = p; parser->callbacks.set_callback(parser, p_ctx, len, proto); return C_OK; } static int parseMap(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { const char *proto = parser->curr_location; char *p = strchr(proto+1,'\r'); long long len; string2ll(proto+1,p-proto-1,&len); p += 2; parser->curr_location = p; parser->callbacks.map_callback(parser, p_ctx, len, proto); return C_OK; } /* Parse a reply pointed to by parser->curr_location. */ int parseReply(ReplyParser *parser, void *p_ctx) { switch (parser->curr_location[0]) { case '$': return parseBulk(parser, p_ctx); case '+': return parseSimpleString(parser, p_ctx); case '-': return parseError(parser, p_ctx); case ':': return parseLong(parser, p_ctx); case '*': return parseArray(parser, p_ctx); case '~': return parseSet(parser, p_ctx); case '%': return parseMap(parser, p_ctx); case '#': return parseBool(parser, p_ctx); case ',': return parseDouble(parser, p_ctx); case '_': return parseNull(parser, p_ctx); case '(': return parseBigNumber(parser, p_ctx); case '=': return parseVerbatimString(parser, p_ctx); case '|': return parseAttributes(parser, p_ctx); default: if (parser->callbacks.error) parser->callbacks.error(p_ctx); } return C_ERR; }