#include "redis.h" #include /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hash type API *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Check the length of a number of objects to see if we need to convert a * zipmap to a real hash. Note that we only check string encoded objects * as their string length can be queried in constant time. */ void hashTypeTryConversion(robj *subject, robj **argv, int start, int end) { int i; if (subject->encoding != REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) return; for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (argv[i]->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_RAW && sdslen(argv[i]->ptr) > server.hash_max_zipmap_value) { convertToRealHash(subject); return; } } } /* Encode given objects in-place when the hash uses a dict. */ void hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(robj *subject, robj **o1, robj **o2) { if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) { if (o1) *o1 = tryObjectEncoding(*o1); if (o2) *o2 = tryObjectEncoding(*o2); } } /* Get the value from a hash identified by key. * * If the string is found either REDIS_ENCODING_HT or REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP * is returned, and either **objval or **v and *vlen are set accordingly, * so that objects in hash tables are returend as objects and pointers * inside a zipmap are returned as such. * * If the object was not found -1 is returned. * * This function is copy on write friendly as there is no incr/decr * of refcount needed if objects are accessed just for reading operations. */ int hashTypeGet(robj *o, robj *key, robj **objval, unsigned char **v, unsigned int *vlen) { if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) { int found; key = getDecodedObject(key); found = zipmapGet(o->ptr,key->ptr,sdslen(key->ptr),v,vlen); decrRefCount(key); if (!found) return -1; } else { dictEntry *de = dictFind(o->ptr,key); if (de == NULL) return -1; *objval = dictGetVal(de); } return o->encoding; } /* Higher level function of hashTypeGet() that always returns a Redis * object (either new or with refcount incremented), so that the caller * can retain a reference or call decrRefCount after the usage. * * The lower level function can prevent copy on write so it is * the preferred way of doing read operations. */ robj *hashTypeGetObject(robj *o, robj *key) { robj *objval; unsigned char *v; unsigned int vlen; int encoding = hashTypeGet(o,key,&objval,&v,&vlen); switch(encoding) { case REDIS_ENCODING_HT: incrRefCount(objval); return objval; case REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP: objval = createStringObject((char*)v,vlen); return objval; default: return NULL; } } /* Test if the key exists in the given hash. Returns 1 if the key * exists and 0 when it doesn't. */ int hashTypeExists(robj *o, robj *key) { if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) { key = getDecodedObject(key); if (zipmapExists(o->ptr,key->ptr,sdslen(key->ptr))) { decrRefCount(key); return 1; } decrRefCount(key); } else { if (dictFind(o->ptr,key) != NULL) { return 1; } } return 0; } /* Add an element, discard the old if the key already exists. * Return 0 on insert and 1 on update. */ int hashTypeSet(robj *o, robj *key, robj *value) { int update = 0; if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) { key = getDecodedObject(key); value = getDecodedObject(value); o->ptr = zipmapSet(o->ptr, key->ptr,sdslen(key->ptr), value->ptr,sdslen(value->ptr), &update); decrRefCount(key); decrRefCount(value); /* Check if the zipmap needs to be upgraded to a real hash table */ if (zipmapLen(o->ptr) > server.hash_max_zipmap_entries) convertToRealHash(o); } else { if (dictReplace(o->ptr,key,value)) { /* Insert */ incrRefCount(key); } else { /* Update */ update = 1; } incrRefCount(value); } return update; } /* Delete an element from a hash. * Return 1 on deleted and 0 on not found. */ int hashTypeDelete(robj *o, robj *key) { int deleted = 0; if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) { key = getDecodedObject(key); o->ptr = zipmapDel(o->ptr,key->ptr,sdslen(key->ptr), &deleted); decrRefCount(key); } else { deleted = dictDelete((dict*)o->ptr,key) == DICT_OK; /* Always check if the dictionary needs a resize after a delete. */ if (deleted && htNeedsResize(o->ptr)) dictResize(o->ptr); } return deleted; } /* Return the number of elements in a hash. */ unsigned long hashTypeLength(robj *o) { return (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) ? zipmapLen((unsigned char*)o->ptr) : dictSize((dict*)o->ptr); } hashTypeIterator *hashTypeInitIterator(robj *subject) { hashTypeIterator *hi = zmalloc(sizeof(hashTypeIterator)); hi->encoding = subject->encoding; if (hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) { hi->zi = zipmapRewind(subject->ptr); } else if (hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) { hi->di = dictGetIterator(subject->ptr); } else { redisAssertWithInfo(NULL,subject,0); } return hi; } void hashTypeReleaseIterator(hashTypeIterator *hi) { if (hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) { dictReleaseIterator(hi->di); } zfree(hi); } /* Move to the next entry in the hash. Return REDIS_OK when the next entry * could be found and REDIS_ERR when the iterator reaches the end. */ int hashTypeNext(hashTypeIterator *hi) { if (hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) { if ((hi->zi = zipmapNext(hi->zi, &hi->zk, &hi->zklen, &hi->zv, &hi->zvlen)) == NULL) return REDIS_ERR; } else { if ((hi->de = dictNext(hi->di)) == NULL) return REDIS_ERR; } return REDIS_OK; } /* Get key or value object at current iteration position. * The returned item differs with the hash object encoding: * - When encoding is REDIS_ENCODING_HT, the objval pointer is populated * with the original object. * - When encoding is REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP, a pointer to the string and * its length is retunred populating the v and vlen pointers. * This function is copy on write friendly as accessing objects in read only * does not require writing to any memory page. * * The function returns the encoding of the object, so that the caller * can underestand if the key or value was returned as object or C string. */ int hashTypeCurrent(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what, robj **objval, unsigned char **v, unsigned int *vlen) { if (hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) { if (what & REDIS_HASH_KEY) { *v = hi->zk; *vlen = hi->zklen; } else { *v = hi->zv; *vlen = hi->zvlen; } } else { if (what & REDIS_HASH_KEY) *objval = dictGetKey(hi->de); else *objval = dictGetVal(hi->de); } return hi->encoding; } /* A non copy-on-write friendly but higher level version of hashTypeCurrent() * that always returns an object with refcount incremented by one (or a new * object), so it's up to the caller to decrRefCount() the object if no * reference is retained. */ robj *hashTypeCurrentObject(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what) { robj *obj; unsigned char *v = NULL; unsigned int vlen = 0; int encoding = hashTypeCurrent(hi,what,&obj,&v,&vlen); if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) { incrRefCount(obj); return obj; } else { return createStringObject((char*)v,vlen); } } robj *hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(redisClient *c, robj *key) { robj *o = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,key); if (o == NULL) { o = createHashObject(); dbAdd(c->db,key,o); } else { if (o->type != REDIS_HASH) { addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr); return NULL; } } return o; } void convertToRealHash(robj *o) { unsigned char *key, *val, *p, *zm = o->ptr; unsigned int klen, vlen; dict *dict = dictCreate(&hashDictType,NULL); redisAssertWithInfo(NULL,o,o->type == REDIS_HASH && o->encoding != REDIS_ENCODING_HT); p = zipmapRewind(zm); while((p = zipmapNext(p,&key,&klen,&val,&vlen)) != NULL) { robj *keyobj, *valobj; keyobj = createStringObject((char*)key,klen); valobj = createStringObject((char*)val,vlen); keyobj = tryObjectEncoding(keyobj); valobj = tryObjectEncoding(valobj); dictAdd(dict,keyobj,valobj); } o->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_HT; o->ptr = dict; zfree(zm); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hash type commands *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hsetCommand(redisClient *c) { int update; robj *o; if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return; hashTypeTryConversion(o,c->argv,2,3); hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[2], &c->argv[3]); update = hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[2],c->argv[3]); addReply(c, update ? shared.czero : shared.cone); signalModifiedKey(c->db,c->argv[1]); server.dirty++; } void hsetnxCommand(redisClient *c) { robj *o; if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return; hashTypeTryConversion(o,c->argv,2,3); if (hashTypeExists(o, c->argv[2])) { addReply(c, shared.czero); } else { hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[2], &c->argv[3]); hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[2],c->argv[3]); addReply(c, shared.cone); signalModifiedKey(c->db,c->argv[1]); server.dirty++; } } void hmsetCommand(redisClient *c) { int i; robj *o; if ((c->argc % 2) == 1) { addReplyError(c,"wrong number of arguments for HMSET"); return; } if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return; hashTypeTryConversion(o,c->argv,2,c->argc-1); for (i = 2; i < c->argc; i += 2) { hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[i], &c->argv[i+1]); hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[i],c->argv[i+1]); } addReply(c, shared.ok); signalModifiedKey(c->db,c->argv[1]); server.dirty++; } void hincrbyCommand(redisClient *c) { long long value, incr; robj *o, *current, *new; if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&incr,NULL) != REDIS_OK) return; if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return; if ((current = hashTypeGetObject(o,c->argv[2])) != NULL) { if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c,current,&value, "hash value is not an integer") != REDIS_OK) { decrRefCount(current); return; } decrRefCount(current); } else { value = 0; } value += incr; new = createStringObjectFromLongLong(value); hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[2],NULL); hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[2],new); decrRefCount(new); addReplyLongLong(c,value); signalModifiedKey(c->db,c->argv[1]); server.dirty++; } void hincrbyfloatCommand(redisClient *c) { double long value, incr; robj *o, *current, *new; if (getLongDoubleFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&incr,NULL) != REDIS_OK) return; if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return; if ((current = hashTypeGetObject(o,c->argv[2])) != NULL) { if (getLongDoubleFromObjectOrReply(c,current,&value, "hash value is not a valid float") != REDIS_OK) { decrRefCount(current); return; } decrRefCount(current); } else { value = 0; } value += incr; new = createStringObjectFromLongDouble(value); hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[2],NULL); hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[2],new); addReplyBulk(c,new); decrRefCount(new); signalModifiedKey(c->db,c->argv[1]); server.dirty++; } void hgetCommand(redisClient *c) { robj *o, *value; unsigned char *v; unsigned int vlen; int encoding; if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.nullbulk)) == NULL || checkType(c,o,REDIS_HASH)) return; if ((encoding = hashTypeGet(o,c->argv[2],&value,&v,&vlen)) != -1) { if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) addReplyBulk(c,value); else addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,v,vlen); } else { addReply(c,shared.nullbulk); } } void hmgetCommand(redisClient *c) { int i, encoding; robj *o, *value; unsigned char *v; unsigned int vlen; o = lookupKeyRead(c->db,c->argv[1]); if (o != NULL && o->type != REDIS_HASH) { addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr); return; } /* Note the check for o != NULL happens inside the loop. This is * done because objects that cannot be found are considered to be * an empty hash. The reply should then be a series of NULLs. */ addReplyMultiBulkLen(c,c->argc-2); for (i = 2; i < c->argc; i++) { if (o != NULL && (encoding = hashTypeGet(o,c->argv[i],&value,&v,&vlen)) != -1) { if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) addReplyBulk(c,value); else addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,v,vlen); } else { addReply(c,shared.nullbulk); } } } void hdelCommand(redisClient *c) { robj *o; int j, deleted = 0; if ((o = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL || checkType(c,o,REDIS_HASH)) return; for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) { if (hashTypeDelete(o,c->argv[j])) { deleted++; if (hashTypeLength(o) == 0) { dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[1]); break; } } } if (deleted) { signalModifiedKey(c->db,c->argv[1]); server.dirty += deleted; } addReplyLongLong(c,deleted); } void hlenCommand(redisClient *c) { robj *o; if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL || checkType(c,o,REDIS_HASH)) return; addReplyLongLong(c,hashTypeLength(o)); } void genericHgetallCommand(redisClient *c, int flags) { robj *o; unsigned long count = 0; hashTypeIterator *hi; void *replylen = NULL; if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.emptymultibulk)) == NULL || checkType(c,o,REDIS_HASH)) return; replylen = addDeferredMultiBulkLength(c); hi = hashTypeInitIterator(o); while (hashTypeNext(hi) != REDIS_ERR) { robj *obj; unsigned char *v = NULL; unsigned int vlen = 0; int encoding; if (flags & REDIS_HASH_KEY) { encoding = hashTypeCurrent(hi,REDIS_HASH_KEY,&obj,&v,&vlen); if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) addReplyBulk(c,obj); else addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,v,vlen); count++; } if (flags & REDIS_HASH_VALUE) { encoding = hashTypeCurrent(hi,REDIS_HASH_VALUE,&obj,&v,&vlen); if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) addReplyBulk(c,obj); else addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,v,vlen); count++; } } hashTypeReleaseIterator(hi); setDeferredMultiBulkLength(c,replylen,count); } void hkeysCommand(redisClient *c) { genericHgetallCommand(c,REDIS_HASH_KEY); } void hvalsCommand(redisClient *c) { genericHgetallCommand(c,REDIS_HASH_VALUE); } void hgetallCommand(redisClient *c) { genericHgetallCommand(c,REDIS_HASH_KEY|REDIS_HASH_VALUE); } void hexistsCommand(redisClient *c) { robj *o; if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL || checkType(c,o,REDIS_HASH)) return; addReply(c, hashTypeExists(o,c->argv[2]) ? shared.cone : shared.czero); }