/** * \file mtprng.c * * Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator, code. * * Developed by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura * * For more information, see: * http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/~matumoto/emt.html * * Adapted from optimized code by Shawn J. Cokus * * Note: this generator has a very long period, passes statistical test, but * needs more study to determine whether it is cryptographically strong enough. * */ /* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Virtual Unlimited B.V. * * Author: Bob Deblier * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "system.h" #include "beecrypt.h" #include "mtprng.h" #include "mp32opt.h" #include "mp32.h" #include "debug.h" #define hiBit(a) ((a) & 0x80000000) #define loBit(a) ((a) & 0x1) #define loBits(a) ((a) & 0x7FFFFFFF) #define mixBits(a, b) (hiBit(a) | loBits(b)) /*@-sizeoftype@*/ const randomGenerator mtprng = { "Mersenne Twister", sizeof(mtprngParam), (randomGeneratorSetup) mtprngSetup, (randomGeneratorSeed) mtprngSeed, (randomGeneratorNext) mtprngNext, (randomGeneratorCleanup) mtprngCleanup }; /*@=sizeoftype@*/ /** */ /*@-boundsread@*/ static void mtprngReload(mtprngParam* mp) /*@modifies mp @*/ { register uint32* p0 = mp->state; register uint32* p2=p0+2, *pM = p0+M, s0, s1; register int j; for (s0=mp->state[0], s1=mp->state[1], j=N-M+1; --j; s0=s1, s1=*(p2++)) *(p0++) = *(pM++) ^ (mixBits(s0, s1) >> 1) ^ (loBit(s1) ? K : 0); for (pM=mp->state, j=M; --j; s0=s1, s1=*(p2++)) *(p0++) = *(pM++) ^ (mixBits(s0, s1) >> 1) ^ (loBit(s1) ? K : 0); s1 = mp->state[0], *p0 = *pM ^ (mixBits(s0, s1) >> 1) ^ (loBit(s1) ? K : 0); mp->left = N; mp->nextw = mp->state; } /*@=boundsread@*/ int mtprngSetup(mtprngParam* mp) { if (mp) { #ifdef _REENTRANT # if WIN32 if (!(mp->lock = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL))) return -1; # else # if HAVE_THREAD_H && HAVE_SYNCH_H if (mutex_init(&mp->lock, USYNC_THREAD, (void *) 0)) return -1; # elif HAVE_PTHREAD_H /*@-nullpass@*/ /*@-moduncon@*/ if (pthread_mutex_init(&mp->lock, (pthread_mutexattr_t *) 0)) return -1; /*@=moduncon@*/ /*@=nullpass@*/ # endif # endif #endif mp->left = 0; return entropyGatherNext(mp->state, N+1); } return -1; } /*@-boundswrite@*/ int mtprngSeed(mtprngParam* mp, const uint32* data, int size) { if (mp) { int needed = N+1; uint32* dest = mp->state; #ifdef _REENTRANT # if WIN32 if (WaitForSingleObject(mp->lock, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return -1; # else # if HAVE_THREAD_H && HAVE_SYNCH_H if (mutex_lock(&mp->lock)) return -1; # elif HAVE_PTHREAD_H /*@-moduncon@*/ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mp->lock)) return -1; /*@=moduncon@*/ # endif # endif #endif while (size < needed) { mp32copy(size, dest, data); dest += size; needed -= size; } mp32copy(needed, dest, data); #ifdef _REENTRANT # if WIN32 if (!ReleaseMutex(mp->lock)) return -1; # else # if HAVE_THREAD_H && HAVE_SYNCH_H if (mutex_unlock(&mp->lock)) return -1; # elif HAVE_PTHREAD_H /*@-moduncon@*/ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mp->lock)) return -1; /*@=moduncon@*/ # endif # endif #endif return 0; } return -1; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ /*@-boundswrite@*/ int mtprngNext(mtprngParam* mp, uint32* data, int size) { if (mp) { register uint32 tmp; #ifdef _REENTRANT # if WIN32 if (WaitForSingleObject(mp->lock, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return -1; # else # if HAVE_THREAD_H && HAVE_SYNCH_H if (mutex_lock(&mp->lock)) return -1; # elif HAVE_PTHREAD_H /*@-moduncon@*/ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mp->lock)) return -1; /*@=moduncon@*/ # endif # endif #endif /*@-branchstate@*/ while (size--) { if (mp->left == 0) mtprngReload(mp); tmp = *(mp->nextw++); tmp ^= (tmp >> 11); tmp ^= (tmp << 7) & 0x9D2C5680; tmp ^= (tmp << 15) & 0xEFC60000; tmp ^= (tmp >> 18); mp->left--; *(data++) = tmp; } /*@=branchstate@*/ #ifdef _REENTRANT # if WIN32 if (!ReleaseMutex(mp->lock)) return -1; # else # if HAVE_THREAD_H && HAVE_SYNCH_H if (mutex_unlock(&mp->lock)) return -1; # elif HAVE_PTHREAD_H /*@-moduncon@*/ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mp->lock)) return -1; /*@=moduncon@*/ # endif # endif #endif return 0; } return -1; } /*@=boundswrite@*/ int mtprngCleanup(mtprngParam* mp) { if (mp) { #ifdef _REENTRANT # if WIN32 if (!CloseHandle(mp->lock)) return -1; # else # if HAVE_THREAD_H && HAVE_SYNCH_H if (mutex_destroy(&mp->lock)) return -1; # elif HAVE_PTHREAD_H /*@-moduncon@*/ if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&mp->lock)) return -1; /*@=moduncon@*/ # endif # endif #endif return 0; } return -1; }