/* * Compatibility routines for older rsync protocol versions. * * Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1996 * Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1996 * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, visit the http://fsf.org website. */ #include "rsync.h" #include "itypes.h" #include "ifuncs.h" extern int am_server; extern int am_sender; extern int local_server; extern int inplace; extern int recurse; extern int use_qsort; extern int allow_inc_recurse; extern int preallocate_files; extern int append_mode; extern int fuzzy_basis; extern int read_batch; extern int write_batch; extern int delay_updates; extern int checksum_seed; extern int basis_dir_cnt; extern int prune_empty_dirs; extern int protocol_version; extern int protect_args; extern int preserve_uid; extern int preserve_gid; extern int preserve_atimes; extern int preserve_crtimes; extern int preserve_acls; extern int preserve_xattrs; extern int xfer_flags_as_varint; extern int need_messages_from_generator; extern int delete_mode, delete_before, delete_during, delete_after; extern int do_compression; extern int do_compression_level; extern int saw_stderr_opt; extern int msgs2stderr; extern char *shell_cmd; extern char *partial_dir; extern char *files_from; extern char *filesfrom_host; extern const char *checksum_choice; extern const char *compress_choice; extern filter_rule_list filter_list; extern int need_unsorted_flist; #ifdef ICONV_OPTION extern iconv_t ic_send, ic_recv; extern char *iconv_opt; #endif extern struct name_num_obj valid_checksums; int remote_protocol = 0; int file_extra_cnt = 0; /* count of file-list extras that everyone gets */ int inc_recurse = 0; int compat_flags = 0; int use_safe_inc_flist = 0; int want_xattr_optim = 0; int proper_seed_order = 0; int inplace_partial = 0; int do_negotiated_strings = 0; int xmit_id0_names = 0; /* These index values are for the file-list's extra-attribute array. */ int pathname_ndx, depth_ndx, atimes_ndx, crtimes_ndx, uid_ndx, gid_ndx, acls_ndx, xattrs_ndx, unsort_ndx; int receiver_symlink_times = 0; /* receiver can set the time on a symlink */ int sender_symlink_iconv = 0; /* sender should convert symlink content */ #ifdef ICONV_OPTION int filesfrom_convert = 0; #endif #define MAX_NSTR_STRLEN 256 struct name_num_obj valid_compressions = { "compress", NULL, NULL, 0, 0, { #ifdef SUPPORT_ZSTD { CPRES_ZSTD, "zstd", NULL }, #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4 { CPRES_LZ4, "lz4", NULL }, #endif { CPRES_ZLIBX, "zlibx", NULL }, { CPRES_ZLIB, "zlib", NULL }, { CPRES_NONE, "none", NULL }, { 0, NULL, NULL } } }; #define CF_INC_RECURSE (1<<0) #define CF_SYMLINK_TIMES (1<<1) #define CF_SYMLINK_ICONV (1<<2) #define CF_SAFE_FLIST (1<<3) #define CF_AVOID_XATTR_OPTIM (1<<4) #define CF_CHKSUM_SEED_FIX (1<<5) #define CF_INPLACE_PARTIAL_DIR (1<<6) #define CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS (1<<7) #define CF_ID0_NAMES (1<<8) static const char *client_info; /* The server makes sure that if either side only supports a pre-release * version of a protocol, that both sides must speak a compatible version * of that protocol for it to be advertised as available. */ static void check_sub_protocol(void) { char *dot; int their_protocol, their_sub; #if SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION != 0 int our_sub = protocol_version < PROTOCOL_VERSION ? 0 : SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION; #else int our_sub = 0; #endif /* client_info starts with VER.SUB string if client is a pre-release. */ if (!(their_protocol = atoi(client_info)) || !(dot = strchr(client_info, '.')) || !(their_sub = atoi(dot+1))) { #if SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION != 0 if (our_sub) protocol_version--; #endif return; } if (their_protocol < protocol_version) { if (their_sub) protocol_version = their_protocol - 1; return; } if (their_protocol > protocol_version) their_sub = 0; /* 0 == final version of older protocol */ if (their_sub != our_sub) protocol_version--; } void set_allow_inc_recurse(void) { if (!local_server) client_info = shell_cmd ? shell_cmd : ""; else if (am_server) { char buf[64]; maybe_add_e_option(buf, sizeof buf); client_info = *buf ? strdup(buf+1) : ""; /* The +1 skips the leading "e". */ } if (!recurse || use_qsort) allow_inc_recurse = 0; else if (!am_sender && (delete_before || delete_after || delay_updates || prune_empty_dirs)) allow_inc_recurse = 0; else if (am_server && strchr(client_info, 'i') == NULL) allow_inc_recurse = 0; } void parse_compress_choice(int final_call) { if (valid_compressions.negotiated_name) do_compression = valid_compressions.negotiated_num; else if (compress_choice) { struct name_num_item *nni = get_nni_by_name(&valid_compressions, compress_choice, -1); if (!nni) { rprintf(FERROR, "unknown compress name: %s\n", compress_choice); exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); } do_compression = nni->num; if (am_server) validate_choice_vs_env(NSTR_COMPRESS, do_compression, -1); } else if (do_compression) do_compression = CPRES_ZLIB; else do_compression = CPRES_NONE; if (do_compression != CPRES_NONE && final_call) init_compression_level(); /* There's a chance this might turn compression off! */ if (do_compression == CPRES_NONE) compress_choice = NULL; /* Snag the compression name for both write_batch's option output & the following debug output. */ if (valid_compressions.negotiated_name) compress_choice = valid_compressions.negotiated_name; else if (compress_choice == NULL) { struct name_num_item *nni = get_nni_by_num(&valid_compressions, do_compression); compress_choice = nni ? nni->name : "UNKNOWN"; } if (final_call && DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, am_server ? 3 : 1) && (do_compression != CPRES_NONE || do_compression_level != CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED)) { rprintf(FINFO, "%s%s compress: %s (level %d)\n", am_server ? "Server" : "Client", valid_compressions.negotiated_name ? " negotiated" : "", compress_choice, do_compression_level); } } struct name_num_item *get_nni_by_name(struct name_num_obj *nno, const char *name, int len) { struct name_num_item *nni; if (len < 0) len = strlen(name); for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) { if (strncasecmp(name, nni->name, len) == 0 && nni->name[len] == '\0') return nni; } return NULL; } struct name_num_item *get_nni_by_num(struct name_num_obj *nno, int num) { struct name_num_item *nni; for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) { if (num == nni->num) return nni; } return NULL; } static void init_nno_saw(struct name_num_obj *nno, int val) { struct name_num_item *nni; int cnt; if (!nno->saw_len) { for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) { if (nni->num >= nno->saw_len) nno->saw_len = nni->num + 1; } } if (!nno->saw) { nno->saw = new_array0(uchar, nno->saw_len); /* We'll take this opportunity to make sure that the main_name values are set right. */ for (cnt = 1, nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++, cnt++) { if (nno->saw[nni->num]) nni->main_name = nno->list[nno->saw[nni->num]-1].name; else nno->saw[nni->num] = cnt; } } memset(nno->saw, val, nno->saw_len); } /* Simplify the user-provided string so that it contains valid names without any duplicates. * It also sets the "saw" flags to a 1-relative count of which name was seen first. */ static int parse_nni_str(struct name_num_obj *nno, const char *from, char *tobuf, int tobuf_len) { char *to = tobuf, *tok = NULL; int saw_tok = 0, cnt = 0; while (1) { int at_space = isSpace(from); char ch = *from++; if (ch == '&') ch = '\0'; if (!ch || at_space) { if (tok) { struct name_num_item *nni = get_nni_by_name(nno, tok, to - tok); if (nni && !nno->saw[nni->num]) { nno->saw[nni->num] = ++cnt; if (nni->main_name) { to = tok + strlcpy(tok, nni->main_name, tobuf_len - (tok - tobuf)); if (to - tobuf >= tobuf_len) { to = tok - 1; break; } } } else to = tok - (tok != tobuf); saw_tok = 1; tok = NULL; } if (!ch) break; continue; } if (!tok) { if (to != tobuf) *to++ = ' '; tok = to; } if (to - tobuf >= tobuf_len - 1) { to = tok - (tok != tobuf); break; } *to++ = ch; } *to = '\0'; if (saw_tok && to == tobuf) return strlcpy(tobuf, "INVALID", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN); return to - tobuf; } /* This routine is always called with a tmpbuf of MAX_NSTR_STRLEN length, but the * buffer may be pre-populated with a "len" length string to use OR a len of -1 * to tell us to read a string from the fd. */ static void recv_negotiate_str(int f_in, struct name_num_obj *nno, char *tmpbuf, int len) { struct name_num_item *ret = NULL; if (len < 0) len = read_vstring(f_in, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN); if (DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, am_server ? 3 : 2)) { if (am_server) rprintf(FINFO, "Client %s list (on server): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf); else rprintf(FINFO, "Server %s list (on client): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf); } if (len > 0) { struct name_num_item *nni; int best = nno->saw_len; /* We want best == 1 from the client list, so start with a big number. */ char *space, *tok = tmpbuf; while (tok) { while (*tok == ' ') tok++; /* Should be unneeded... */ if (!*tok) break; if ((space = strchr(tok, ' ')) != NULL) *space = '\0'; nni = get_nni_by_name(nno, tok, -1); if (space) { *space = ' '; tok = space + 1; } else tok = NULL; if (!nni || !nno->saw[nni->num] || best <= nno->saw[nni->num]) continue; ret = nni; best = nno->saw[nni->num]; if (best == 1 || am_server) /* The server side stops at the first acceptable client choice */ break; } if (ret) { free(nno->saw); nno->saw = NULL; nno->negotiated_name = ret->main_name ? ret->main_name : ret->name; nno->negotiated_num = ret->num; return; } } if (!am_server || !do_negotiated_strings) { char *cp = tmpbuf; int j; rprintf(FERROR, "Failed to negotiate a %s choice.\n", nno->type); rprintf(FERROR, "%s list: %s\n", am_server ? "Client" : "Server", tmpbuf); /* Recreate our original list from the saw values. This can't overflow our huge * buffer because we don't have enough valid entries to get anywhere close. */ for (j = 1, *cp = '\0'; j <= nno->saw_len; j++) { struct name_num_item *nni; for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) { if (nno->saw[nni->num] == j) { *cp++ = ' '; cp += strlcpy(cp, nni->name, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN - (cp - tmpbuf)); break; } } } if (!*tmpbuf) strlcpy(cp, " INVALID", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN); rprintf(FERROR, "%s list:%s\n", am_server ? "Server" : "Client", tmpbuf); } exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); } static const char *getenv_nstr(int ntype) { const char *env_str = getenv(ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? "RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST" : "RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST"); /* When writing a batch file, we always negotiate an old-style choice. */ if (write_batch) env_str = ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? "zlib" : protocol_version >= 30 ? "md5" : "md4"; if (am_server && env_str) { char *cp = strchr(env_str, '&'); if (cp) env_str = cp + 1; } return env_str; } void validate_choice_vs_env(int ntype, int num1, int num2) { struct name_num_obj *nno = ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? &valid_compressions : &valid_checksums; const char *list_str = getenv_nstr(ntype); char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN]; if (!list_str) return; while (isSpace(list_str)) list_str++; if (!*list_str) return; init_nno_saw(nno, 0); parse_nni_str(nno, list_str, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN); if (ntype == NSTR_CHECKSUM) /* If "md4" is in the env list, all the old MD4 choices are OK too. */ nno->saw[CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC] = nno->saw[CSUM_MD4_BUSTED] = nno->saw[CSUM_MD4_OLD] = nno->saw[CSUM_MD4]; if (!nno->saw[num1] || (num2 >= 0 && !nno->saw[num2])) { rprintf(FERROR, "Your --%s-choice value (%s) was refused by the server.\n", ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? "compress" : "checksum", ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? compress_choice : checksum_choice); exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); } free(nno->saw); nno->saw = NULL; } /* The saw buffer is initialized and used to store ordinal values from 1 to N * for the order of the args in the array. If dup_markup == '\0', duplicates * are removed otherwise the char is prefixed to the duplicate term and, if it * is an opening paren/bracket/brace, the matching closing char is suffixed. * "none" is removed on the client side unless dup_markup != '\0'. */ int get_default_nno_list(struct name_num_obj *nno, char *to_buf, int to_buf_len, char dup_markup) { struct name_num_item *nni; int len = 0, cnt = 0; char delim = '\0', post_delim; switch (dup_markup) { case '(': post_delim = ')'; break; case '[': post_delim = ']'; break; case '{': post_delim = '}'; break; default: post_delim = '\0'; break; } init_nno_saw(nno, 0); for (nni = nno->list, len = 0; nni->name; nni++) { if (nni->main_name) { if (!dup_markup) continue; delim = dup_markup; } if (nni->num == 0 && !am_server && !dup_markup) continue; if (len) to_buf[len++]= ' '; if (delim) { to_buf[len++]= delim; delim = post_delim; } len += strlcpy(to_buf+len, nni->name, to_buf_len - len); if (len >= to_buf_len - 3) exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); /* IMPOSSIBLE... */ if (delim) { to_buf[len++]= delim; delim = '\0'; } nno->saw[nni->num] = ++cnt; } return len; } static void send_negotiate_str(int f_out, struct name_num_obj *nno, int ntype) { char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN]; const char *list_str = getenv_nstr(ntype); int len; if (list_str && *list_str) { init_nno_saw(nno, 0); len = parse_nni_str(nno, list_str, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN); list_str = tmpbuf; } else list_str = NULL; if (!list_str || !*list_str) len = get_default_nno_list(nno, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN, '\0'); if (DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, am_server ? 3 : 2)) { if (am_server) rprintf(FINFO, "Server %s list (on server): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf); else rprintf(FINFO, "Client %s list (on client): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf); } /* Each side sends their list of valid names to the other side and then both sides * pick the first name in the client's list that is also in the server's list. */ if (do_negotiated_strings) write_vstring(f_out, tmpbuf, len); } static void negotiate_the_strings(int f_in, int f_out) { /* We send all the negotiation strings before we start to read them to help avoid a slow startup. */ if (!checksum_choice) send_negotiate_str(f_out, &valid_checksums, NSTR_CHECKSUM); if (do_compression && !compress_choice) send_negotiate_str(f_out, &valid_compressions, NSTR_COMPRESS); if (valid_checksums.saw) { char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN]; int len; if (do_negotiated_strings) len = -1; else len = strlcpy(tmpbuf, protocol_version >= 30 ? "md5" : "md4", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN); recv_negotiate_str(f_in, &valid_checksums, tmpbuf, len); } if (valid_compressions.saw) { char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN]; int len; if (do_negotiated_strings) len = -1; else len = strlcpy(tmpbuf, "zlib", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN); recv_negotiate_str(f_in, &valid_compressions, tmpbuf, len); } /* If the other side is too old to negotiate, the above steps just made sure that * the env didn't disallow the old algorithm. Mark things as non-negotiated. */ if (!do_negotiated_strings) valid_checksums.negotiated_name = valid_compressions.negotiated_name = NULL; } void setup_protocol(int f_out,int f_in) { assert(file_extra_cnt == 0); assert(EXTRA64_CNT == 2 || EXTRA64_CNT == 1); /* All int64 values must be set first so that they are guaranteed to be * aligned for direct int64-pointer memory access. */ if (preserve_atimes) atimes_ndx = (file_extra_cnt += EXTRA64_CNT); if (preserve_crtimes) crtimes_ndx = (file_extra_cnt += EXTRA64_CNT); if (am_sender) /* This is most likely in the file_extras64 union as well. */ pathname_ndx = (file_extra_cnt += PTR_EXTRA_CNT); else depth_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt; if (preserve_uid) uid_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt; if (preserve_gid) gid_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt; if (preserve_acls && !am_sender) acls_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt; if (preserve_xattrs) xattrs_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt; if (am_server) set_allow_inc_recurse(); if (remote_protocol == 0) { if (am_server && !local_server) check_sub_protocol(); if (!read_batch) write_int(f_out, protocol_version); remote_protocol = read_int(f_in); if (protocol_version > remote_protocol) protocol_version = remote_protocol; } if (read_batch && remote_protocol > protocol_version) { rprintf(FERROR, "The protocol version in the batch file is too new (%d > %d).\n", remote_protocol, protocol_version); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (DEBUG_GTE(PROTO, 1)) { rprintf(FINFO, "(%s) Protocol versions: remote=%d, negotiated=%d\n", am_server? "Server" : "Client", remote_protocol, protocol_version); } if (remote_protocol < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION || remote_protocol > MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { rprintf(FERROR,"protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?\n"); rprintf(FERROR,"(see the rsync man page for an explanation)\n"); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (remote_protocol < OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { rprintf(FINFO,"%s is very old version of rsync, upgrade recommended.\n", am_server? "Client" : "Server"); } if (protocol_version < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { rprintf(FERROR, "--protocol must be at least %d on the %s.\n", MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION, am_server? "Server" : "Client"); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (protocol_version > PROTOCOL_VERSION) { rprintf(FERROR, "--protocol must be no more than %d on the %s.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION, am_server? "Server" : "Client"); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (read_batch) check_batch_flags(); if (!saw_stderr_opt && protocol_version <= 28 && am_server) msgs2stderr = 0; /* The client side may not have stderr setup for us. */ #ifndef SUPPORT_PREALLOCATION if (preallocate_files && !am_sender) { rprintf(FERROR, "preallocation is not supported on this %s\n", am_server ? "Server" : "Client"); exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX); } #endif if (protocol_version < 30) { if (append_mode == 1) append_mode = 2; if (preserve_acls && !local_server) { rprintf(FERROR, "--acls requires protocol 30 or higher" " (negotiated %d).\n", protocol_version); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (preserve_xattrs && !local_server) { rprintf(FERROR, "--xattrs requires protocol 30 or higher" " (negotiated %d).\n", protocol_version); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } } if (delete_mode && !(delete_before+delete_during+delete_after)) { if (protocol_version < 30) delete_before = 1; else delete_during = 1; } if (protocol_version < 29) { if (fuzzy_basis) { rprintf(FERROR, "--fuzzy requires protocol 29 or higher" " (negotiated %d).\n", protocol_version); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (basis_dir_cnt && inplace) { rprintf(FERROR, "%s with --inplace requires protocol 29 or higher" " (negotiated %d).\n", alt_dest_opt(0), protocol_version); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (basis_dir_cnt > 1) { rprintf(FERROR, "Using more than one %s option requires protocol" " 29 or higher (negotiated %d).\n", alt_dest_opt(0), protocol_version); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (prune_empty_dirs) { rprintf(FERROR, "--prune-empty-dirs requires protocol 29 or higher" " (negotiated %d).\n", protocol_version); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } } else if (protocol_version >= 30) { if (am_server) { compat_flags = allow_inc_recurse ? CF_INC_RECURSE : 0; #ifdef CAN_SET_SYMLINK_TIMES compat_flags |= CF_SYMLINK_TIMES; #endif #ifdef ICONV_OPTION compat_flags |= CF_SYMLINK_ICONV; #endif if (strchr(client_info, 'f') != NULL) compat_flags |= CF_SAFE_FLIST; if (strchr(client_info, 'x') != NULL) compat_flags |= CF_AVOID_XATTR_OPTIM; if (strchr(client_info, 'C') != NULL) compat_flags |= CF_CHKSUM_SEED_FIX; if (strchr(client_info, 'I') != NULL) compat_flags |= CF_INPLACE_PARTIAL_DIR; if (strchr(client_info, 'u') != NULL) compat_flags |= CF_ID0_NAMES; if (strchr(client_info, 'v') != NULL) { do_negotiated_strings = 1; compat_flags |= CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS; } if (strchr(client_info, 'V') != NULL) { /* Support a pre-release 'V' that got superseded */ if (!write_batch) compat_flags |= CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS; write_byte(f_out, compat_flags); } else write_varint(f_out, compat_flags); } else { /* read_varint() is compatible with the older write_byte() when the 0x80 bit isn't on. */ compat_flags = read_varint(f_in); if (compat_flags & CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS) do_negotiated_strings = 1; } /* The inc_recurse var MUST be set to 0 or 1. */ inc_recurse = compat_flags & CF_INC_RECURSE ? 1 : 0; want_xattr_optim = protocol_version >= 31 && !(compat_flags & CF_AVOID_XATTR_OPTIM); proper_seed_order = compat_flags & CF_CHKSUM_SEED_FIX ? 1 : 0; xfer_flags_as_varint = compat_flags & CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS ? 1 : 0; xmit_id0_names = compat_flags & CF_ID0_NAMES ? 1 : 0; if (!xfer_flags_as_varint && preserve_crtimes) { fprintf(stderr, "Both rsync versions must be at least 3.2.0 for --crtimes.\n"); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } if (am_sender) { receiver_symlink_times = am_server ? strchr(client_info, 'L') != NULL : !!(compat_flags & CF_SYMLINK_TIMES); } #ifdef CAN_SET_SYMLINK_TIMES else receiver_symlink_times = 1; #endif #ifdef ICONV_OPTION sender_symlink_iconv = iconv_opt && (am_server ? strchr(client_info, 's') != NULL : !!(compat_flags & CF_SYMLINK_ICONV)); #endif if (inc_recurse && !allow_inc_recurse) { /* This should only be able to happen in a batch. */ fprintf(stderr, "Incompatible options specified for inc-recursive %s.\n", read_batch ? "batch file" : "connection"); exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX); } use_safe_inc_flist = (compat_flags & CF_SAFE_FLIST) || protocol_version >= 31; need_messages_from_generator = 1; if (compat_flags & CF_INPLACE_PARTIAL_DIR) inplace_partial = 1; #ifdef CAN_SET_SYMLINK_TIMES } else if (!am_sender) { receiver_symlink_times = 1; #endif } if (read_batch) do_negotiated_strings = 0; if (need_unsorted_flist && (!am_sender || inc_recurse)) unsort_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt; if (partial_dir && *partial_dir != '/' && (!am_server || local_server)) { int rflags = FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES | FILTRULE_DIRECTORY; if (!am_sender || protocol_version >= 30) rflags |= FILTRULE_PERISHABLE; parse_filter_str(&filter_list, partial_dir, rule_template(rflags), 0); } #ifdef ICONV_OPTION if (protect_args && files_from) { if (am_sender) filesfrom_convert = filesfrom_host && ic_send != (iconv_t)-1; else filesfrom_convert = !filesfrom_host && ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1; } #endif negotiate_the_strings(f_in, f_out); if (am_server) { if (!checksum_seed) checksum_seed = time(NULL) ^ (getpid() << 6); write_int(f_out, checksum_seed); } else { checksum_seed = read_int(f_in); } parse_checksum_choice(1); /* Sets checksum_type & xfersum_type */ parse_compress_choice(1); /* Sets do_compression */ if (write_batch && !am_server) write_batch_shell_file(); init_flist(); }