diff options
23 files changed, 483 insertions, 479 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/chef_data/cookbook_data.rb b/lib/chef_zero/chef_data/cookbook_data.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b99bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/chef_data/cookbook_data.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+require 'digest/md5'
+require 'hashie/mash'
+module ChefZero
+ module ChefData
+ module CookbookData
+ def self.to_hash(cookbook, name, version=nil)
+ frozen = false
+ if cookbook.has_key?(:frozen)
+ frozen = cookbook[:frozen]
+ cookbook = cookbook.dup
+ cookbook.delete(:frozen)
+ end
+ result = files_from(cookbook)
+ recipe_names = result[:recipes].map do |recipe|
+ recipe_name = recipe[:name][0..-2]
+ recipe_name == 'default' ? name : "#{name}::#{recipe_name}"
+ end
+ result[:metadata] = metadata_from(cookbook, name, version, recipe_names)
+ result[:name] = "#{name}-#{result[:metadata][:version]}"
+ result[:json_class] = 'Chef::CookbookVersion'
+ result[:cookbook_name] = name
+ result[:version] = result[:metadata][:version]
+ result[:chef_type] = 'cookbook_version'
+ result[:frozen?] = true if frozen
+ result
+ end
+ def self.metadata_from(directory, name, version, recipe_names)
+ metadata =, recipe_names))
+ # If both .rb and .json exist, read .rb
+ # TODO if recipes has 3 recipes in it, and the Ruby/JSON has only one, should
+ # the resulting recipe list have 1, or 3-4 recipes in it?
+ if has_child(directory, 'metadata.rb')
+ begin
+ file = filename(directory, 'metadata.rb') || "(#{name}/metadata.rb)"
+ metadata.instance_eval(read_file(directory, 'metadata.rb'), file)
+ rescue
+ ChefZero::Log.error("Error loading cookbook #{name}: #{$!}\n #{$!.backtrace.join("\n ")}")
+ end
+ elsif has_child(directory, 'metadata.json')
+ metadata.from_json(read_file(directory, 'metadata.json'))
+ end
+ result = {}
+ metadata.to_hash.each_pair do |key,value|
+ result[key.to_sym] = value
+ end
+ result[:version] = version if version
+ result
+ end
+ private
+ # Just enough cookbook to make a Metadata object
+ class PretendCookbook
+ def initialize(name, fully_qualified_recipe_names)
+ @name = name
+ @fully_qualified_recipe_names = fully_qualified_recipe_names
+ end
+ attr_reader :name, :fully_qualified_recipe_names
+ end
+ # Handles loading configuration values from a Chef config file
+ #
+ # @author Justin Campbell <>
+ class PretendCookbookMetadata < Hash
+ # @param [String] path
+ def initialize(cookbook)
+ %w(attributes grouping dependencies supports recommendations suggestions conflicting providing replacing recipes).each do |hash_arg|
+ self[hash_arg.to_sym] =
+ end
+ end
+ def from_json(json)
+ self.merge!(JSON.parse(json))
+ end
+ private
+ def depends(cookbook, *version_constraints)
+ cookbook_arg(:dependencies, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ end
+ def supports(cookbook, *version_constraints)
+ cookbook_arg(:supports, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ end
+ def recommends(cookbook, *version_constraints)
+ cookbook_arg(:recommendations, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ end
+ def suggests(cookbook, *version_constraints)
+ cookbook_arg(:suggestions, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ end
+ def conflicts(cookbook, *version_constraints)
+ cookbook_arg(:conflicting, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ end
+ def provides(cookbook, *version_constraints)
+ cookbook_arg(:providing, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ end
+ def replaces(cookbook, *version_constraints)
+ cookbook_arg(:replacing, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ end
+ def recipe(recipe, description)
+ self[:recipes][recipe] = description
+ end
+ def attribute(name, options)
+ self[:attributes][name] = options
+ end
+ def grouping(name, options)
+ self[:grouping][name] = options
+ end
+ def cookbook_arg(key, cookbook, version_constraints)
+ self[key][cookbook] = version_constraints.first || ">= 0.0.0"
+ end
+ def method_missing(key, value = nil)
+ if value.nil?
+ self[key.to_sym]
+ else
+ store key.to_sym, value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.files_from(directory)
+ # TODO some support .rb only
+ result = {
+ :attributes => load_child_files(directory, 'attributes', false),
+ :definitions => load_child_files(directory, 'definitions', false),
+ :recipes => load_child_files(directory, 'recipes', false),
+ :libraries => load_child_files(directory, 'libraries', false),
+ :templates => load_child_files(directory, 'templates', true),
+ :files => load_child_files(directory, 'files', true),
+ :resources => load_child_files(directory, 'resources', true),
+ :providers => load_child_files(directory, 'providers', true),
+ :root_files => load_files(directory, false)
+ }
+ set_specificity(result[:templates])
+ set_specificity(result[:files])
+ result
+ end
+ def self.has_child(directory, name)
+ if directory.is_a?(Hash)
+ directory.has_key?(name)
+ else
+ directory.child(name).exists?
+ end
+ end
+ def self.read_file(directory, name)
+ if directory.is_a?(Hash)
+ directory[name]
+ else
+ directory.child(name).read
+ end
+ end
+ def self.filename(directory, name)
+ if directory.respond_to?(:file_path)
+ File.join(directory.file_path, name)
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def self.get_directory(directory, name)
+ if directory.is_a?(Hash)
+ directory[name].is_a?(Hash) ? directory[name] : nil
+ else
+ result = directory.child(name)
+ result.dir? ? result : nil
+ end
+ end
+ def self.list(directory)
+ if directory.is_a?(Hash)
+ directory.keys
+ else
+ { |c| }
+ end
+ end
+ def self.load_child_files(parent, key, recursive)
+ result = load_files(get_directory(parent, key), recursive)
+ result.each do |file|
+ file[:path] = "#{key}/#{file[:path]}"
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def self.load_files(directory, recursive)
+ result = []
+ if directory
+ list(directory).each do |child_name|
+ dir = get_directory(directory, child_name)
+ if dir
+ if recursive
+ result += load_child_files(directory, child_name, recursive)
+ end
+ else
+ result += load_file(read_file(directory, child_name), child_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def self.load_file(value, name)
+ [{
+ :name => name,
+ :path => name,
+ :checksum => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(value),
+ :specificity => 'default'
+ }]
+ end
+ def self.set_specificity(files)
+ files.each do |file|
+ parts = file[:path].split('/')
+ raise "Only directories are allowed directly under templates or files: #{file[:path]}" if parts.size == 2
+ file[:specificity] = parts[1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer.rb b/lib/chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab45d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+require 'chef_zero'
+require 'chef_zero/rest_base'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/default_creator'
+module ChefZero
+ module ChefData
+ class DataNormalizer
+ def self.normalize_acls(acls)
+ ChefData::DefaultCreator::PERMISSIONS.each do |perm|
+ acls[perm] ||= {}
+ acls[perm]['actors'] ||= []
+ acls[perm]['groups'] ||= []
+ end
+ acls
+ end
+ def self.normalize_client(client, name)
+ client['name'] ||= name
+ client['admin'] ||= false
+ client['admin'] = !!client['admin']
+ client['public_key'] ||= PUBLIC_KEY
+ client['validator'] ||= false
+ client['validator'] = !!client['validator']
+ client['json_class'] ||= "Chef::ApiClient"
+ client['chef_type'] ||= "client"
+ client
+ end
+ def self.normalize_container(container, name)
+ container.delete('id')
+ container['containername'] = name
+ container['containerpath'] = name
+ container
+ end
+ def self.normalize_user(user, name, identity_keys, osc_compat, method=nil)
+ user[identity_keys.first] ||= name
+ user['public_key'] ||= PUBLIC_KEY
+ user['admin'] ||= false
+ user['admin'] = !!user['admin']
+ user['openid'] ||= nil
+ if !osc_compat
+ if method == 'GET'
+ user.delete('admin')
+ user.delete('password')
+ user.delete('openid')
+ end
+ user['email'] ||= nil
+ user['first_name'] ||= nil
+ user['last_name'] ||= nil
+ end
+ user
+ end
+ def self.normalize_data_bag_item(data_bag_item, data_bag_name, id, method)
+ if method == 'DELETE'
+ if !(data_bag_item['json_class'] == 'Chef::DataBagItem' && data_bag_item['raw_data'])
+ data_bag_item['id'] ||= id
+ data_bag_item = { 'raw_data' => data_bag_item }
+ data_bag_item['chef_type'] ||= 'data_bag_item'
+ data_bag_item['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::DataBagItem'
+ data_bag_item['data_bag'] ||= data_bag_name
+ data_bag_item['name'] ||= "data_bag_item_#{data_bag_name}_#{id}"
+ end
+ else
+ # If it's not already wrapped with raw_data, wrap it.
+ if data_bag_item['json_class'] == 'Chef::DataBagItem' && data_bag_item['raw_data']
+ data_bag_item = data_bag_item['raw_data']
+ end
+ # Argh. We don't do this on GET, but we do on PUT and POST????
+ if %w(PUT POST).include?(method)
+ data_bag_item['chef_type'] ||= 'data_bag_item'
+ data_bag_item['data_bag'] ||= data_bag_name
+ end
+ data_bag_item['id'] ||= id
+ end
+ data_bag_item
+ end
+ def self.normalize_cookbook(endpoint, org_prefix, cookbook, name, version, base_uri, method)
+ # TODO I feel dirty
+ if method != 'PUT'
+ cookbook.each_pair do |key, value|
+ if value.is_a?(Array)
+ value.each do |file|
+ if file.is_a?(Hash) && file.has_key?('checksum')
+ file['url'] ||= endpoint.build_uri(base_uri, org_prefix + ['file_store', 'checksums', file['checksum']])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cookbook['name'] ||= "#{name}-#{version}"
+ # TODO this feels wrong, but the real chef server doesn't expand this default
+ # cookbook['version'] ||= version
+ cookbook['cookbook_name'] ||= name
+ cookbook['frozen?'] ||= false
+ cookbook['metadata'] ||= {}
+ cookbook['metadata']['version'] ||= version
+ # Sad to not be expanding defaults just because Chef doesn't :(
+ # cookbook['metadata']['name'] ||= name
+ # cookbook['metadata']['description'] ||= "A fabulous new cookbook"
+ cookbook['metadata']['long_description'] ||= ""
+ # cookbook['metadata']['maintainer'] ||= "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"
+ # cookbook['metadata']['maintainer_email'] ||= "YOUR_EMAIL"
+ # cookbook['metadata']['license'] ||= "none"
+ cookbook['metadata']['dependencies'] ||= {}
+ cookbook['metadata']['attributes'] ||= {}
+ cookbook['metadata']['recipes'] ||= {}
+ end
+ cookbook['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::CookbookVersion'
+ cookbook['chef_type'] ||= 'cookbook_version'
+ if method == 'MIN'
+ cookbook['metadata'].delete('attributes')
+ cookbook['metadata'].delete('long_description')
+ end
+ cookbook
+ end
+ def self.normalize_environment(environment, name)
+ environment['name'] ||= name
+ environment['description'] ||= ''
+ environment['cookbook_versions'] ||= {}
+ environment['json_class'] ||= "Chef::Environment"
+ environment['chef_type'] ||= "environment"
+ environment['default_attributes'] ||= {}
+ environment['override_attributes'] ||= {}
+ environment
+ end
+ def self.normalize_group(group, name, orgname)
+ group.delete('id')
+ if group['actors'].is_a?(Hash)
+ group['users'] ||= group['actors']['users']
+ group['clients'] ||= group['actors']['clients']
+ group['groups'] ||= group['actors']['groups']
+ group['actors'] = nil
+ end
+ group['users'] ||= []
+ group['clients'] ||= []
+ group['actors'] ||= (group['clients'] + group['users'])
+ group['groups'] ||= []
+ group['orgname'] ||= orgname if orgname
+ group['name'] ||= name
+ group['groupname'] ||= name
+ group['users'].uniq!
+ group['clients'].uniq!
+ group['actors'].uniq!
+ group['groups'].uniq!
+ group
+ end
+ def self.normalize_node(node, name)
+ node['name'] ||= name
+ node['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::Node'
+ node['chef_type'] ||= 'node'
+ node['chef_environment'] ||= '_default'
+ node['override'] ||= {}
+ node['normal'] ||= {}
+ node['default'] ||= {}
+ node['automatic'] ||= {}
+ node['run_list'] ||= []
+ node['run_list'] = normalize_run_list(node['run_list'])
+ node
+ end
+ def self.normalize_organization(org, name)
+ org['name'] ||= name
+ org['full_name'] ||= name
+ org['org_type'] ||= 'Business'
+ org['clientname'] ||= "#{name}-validator"
+ org['billing_plan'] ||= 'platform-free'
+ org
+ end
+ def self.normalize_role(role, name)
+ role['name'] ||= name
+ role['description'] ||= ''
+ role['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::Role'
+ role['chef_type'] ||= 'role'
+ role['default_attributes'] ||= {}
+ role['override_attributes'] ||= {}
+ role['run_list'] ||= []
+ role['run_list'] = normalize_run_list(role['run_list'])
+ role['env_run_lists'] ||= {}
+ role['env_run_lists'].each_pair do |env, run_list|
+ role['env_run_lists'][env] = normalize_run_list(run_list)
+ end
+ role
+ end
+ def self.normalize_run_list(run_list)
+ case item
+ when /^recipe\[.*\]$/
+ item # explicit recipe
+ when /^role\[.*\]$/
+ item # explicit role
+ else
+ "recipe[#{item}]"
+ end
+ }.uniq
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/cookbook_data.rb b/lib/chef_zero/cookbook_data.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 89d5282..0000000
--- a/lib/chef_zero/cookbook_data.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-require 'digest/md5'
-require 'hashie/mash'
-module ChefZero
- module CookbookData
- def self.to_hash(cookbook, name, version=nil)
- frozen = false
- if cookbook.has_key?(:frozen)
- frozen = cookbook[:frozen]
- cookbook = cookbook.dup
- cookbook.delete(:frozen)
- end
- result = files_from(cookbook)
- recipe_names = result[:recipes].map do |recipe|
- recipe_name = recipe[:name][0..-2]
- recipe_name == 'default' ? name : "#{name}::#{recipe_name}"
- end
- result[:metadata] = metadata_from(cookbook, name, version, recipe_names)
- result[:name] = "#{name}-#{result[:metadata][:version]}"
- result[:json_class] = 'Chef::CookbookVersion'
- result[:cookbook_name] = name
- result[:version] = result[:metadata][:version]
- result[:chef_type] = 'cookbook_version'
- result[:frozen?] = true if frozen
- result
- end
- def self.metadata_from(directory, name, version, recipe_names)
- metadata =, recipe_names))
- # If both .rb and .json exist, read .rb
- # TODO if recipes has 3 recipes in it, and the Ruby/JSON has only one, should
- # the resulting recipe list have 1, or 3-4 recipes in it?
- if has_child(directory, 'metadata.rb')
- begin
- file = filename(directory, 'metadata.rb') || "(#{name}/metadata.rb)"
- metadata.instance_eval(read_file(directory, 'metadata.rb'), file)
- rescue
- ChefZero::Log.error("Error loading cookbook #{name}: #{$!}\n #{$!.backtrace.join("\n ")}")
- end
- elsif has_child(directory, 'metadata.json')
- metadata.from_json(read_file(directory, 'metadata.json'))
- end
- result = {}
- metadata.to_hash.each_pair do |key,value|
- result[key.to_sym] = value
- end
- result[:version] = version if version
- result
- end
- private
- # Just enough cookbook to make a Metadata object
- class PretendCookbook
- def initialize(name, fully_qualified_recipe_names)
- @name = name
- @fully_qualified_recipe_names = fully_qualified_recipe_names
- end
- attr_reader :name, :fully_qualified_recipe_names
- end
- # Handles loading configuration values from a Chef config file
- #
- # @author Justin Campbell <>
- class PretendCookbookMetadata < Hash
- # @param [String] path
- def initialize(cookbook)
- %w(attributes grouping dependencies supports recommendations suggestions conflicting providing replacing recipes).each do |hash_arg|
- self[hash_arg.to_sym] =
- end
- end
- def from_json(json)
- self.merge!(JSON.parse(json))
- end
- private
- def depends(cookbook, *version_constraints)
- cookbook_arg(:dependencies, cookbook, version_constraints)
- end
- def supports(cookbook, *version_constraints)
- cookbook_arg(:supports, cookbook, version_constraints)
- end
- def recommends(cookbook, *version_constraints)
- cookbook_arg(:recommendations, cookbook, version_constraints)
- end
- def suggests(cookbook, *version_constraints)
- cookbook_arg(:suggestions, cookbook, version_constraints)
- end
- def conflicts(cookbook, *version_constraints)
- cookbook_arg(:conflicting, cookbook, version_constraints)
- end
- def provides(cookbook, *version_constraints)
- cookbook_arg(:providing, cookbook, version_constraints)
- end
- def replaces(cookbook, *version_constraints)
- cookbook_arg(:replacing, cookbook, version_constraints)
- end
- def recipe(recipe, description)
- self[:recipes][recipe] = description
- end
- def attribute(name, options)
- self[:attributes][name] = options
- end
- def grouping(name, options)
- self[:grouping][name] = options
- end
- def cookbook_arg(key, cookbook, version_constraints)
- self[key][cookbook] = version_constraints.first || ">= 0.0.0"
- end
- def method_missing(key, value = nil)
- if value.nil?
- self[key.to_sym]
- else
- store key.to_sym, value
- end
- end
- end
- def self.files_from(directory)
- # TODO some support .rb only
- result = {
- :attributes => load_child_files(directory, 'attributes', false),
- :definitions => load_child_files(directory, 'definitions', false),
- :recipes => load_child_files(directory, 'recipes', false),
- :libraries => load_child_files(directory, 'libraries', false),
- :templates => load_child_files(directory, 'templates', true),
- :files => load_child_files(directory, 'files', true),
- :resources => load_child_files(directory, 'resources', true),
- :providers => load_child_files(directory, 'providers', true),
- :root_files => load_files(directory, false)
- }
- set_specificity(result[:templates])
- set_specificity(result[:files])
- result
- end
- def self.has_child(directory, name)
- if directory.is_a?(Hash)
- directory.has_key?(name)
- else
- directory.child(name).exists?
- end
- end
- def self.read_file(directory, name)
- if directory.is_a?(Hash)
- directory[name]
- else
- directory.child(name).read
- end
- end
- def self.filename(directory, name)
- if directory.respond_to?(:file_path)
- File.join(directory.file_path, name)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def self.get_directory(directory, name)
- if directory.is_a?(Hash)
- directory[name].is_a?(Hash) ? directory[name] : nil
- else
- result = directory.child(name)
- result.dir? ? result : nil
- end
- end
- def self.list(directory)
- if directory.is_a?(Hash)
- directory.keys
- else
- { |c| }
- end
- end
- def self.load_child_files(parent, key, recursive)
- result = load_files(get_directory(parent, key), recursive)
- result.each do |file|
- file[:path] = "#{key}/#{file[:path]}"
- end
- result
- end
- def self.load_files(directory, recursive)
- result = []
- if directory
- list(directory).each do |child_name|
- dir = get_directory(directory, child_name)
- if dir
- if recursive
- result += load_child_files(directory, child_name, recursive)
- end
- else
- result += load_file(read_file(directory, child_name), child_name)
- end
- end
- end
- result
- end
- def self.load_file(value, name)
- [{
- :name => name,
- :path => name,
- :checksum => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(value),
- :specificity => 'default'
- }]
- end
- def self.set_specificity(files)
- files.each do |file|
- parts = file[:path].split('/')
- raise "Only directories are allowed directly under templates or files: #{file[:path]}" if parts.size == 2
- file[:specificity] = parts[1]
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/data_normalizer.rb b/lib/chef_zero/data_normalizer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 39cccc5..0000000
--- a/lib/chef_zero/data_normalizer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-require 'chef_zero'
-require 'chef_zero/rest_base'
-require 'chef_zero/chef_data/default_creator'
-module ChefZero
- class DataNormalizer
- def self.normalize_acls(acls)
- ChefData::DefaultCreator::PERMISSIONS.each do |perm|
- acls[perm] ||= {}
- acls[perm]['actors'] ||= []
- acls[perm]['groups'] ||= []
- end
- acls
- end
- def self.normalize_client(client, name)
- client['name'] ||= name
- client['admin'] ||= false
- client['admin'] = !!client['admin']
- client['public_key'] ||= PUBLIC_KEY
- client['validator'] ||= false
- client['validator'] = !!client['validator']
- client['json_class'] ||= "Chef::ApiClient"
- client['chef_type'] ||= "client"
- client
- end
- def self.normalize_container(container, name)
- container.delete('id')
- container['containername'] = name
- container['containerpath'] = name
- container
- end
- def self.normalize_user(user, name, identity_keys, osc_compat, method=nil)
- user[identity_keys.first] ||= name
- user['public_key'] ||= PUBLIC_KEY
- user['admin'] ||= false
- user['admin'] = !!user['admin']
- user['openid'] ||= nil
- if !osc_compat
- if method == 'GET'
- user.delete('admin')
- user.delete('password')
- user.delete('openid')
- end
- user['email'] ||= nil
- user['first_name'] ||= nil
- user['last_name'] ||= nil
- end
- user
- end
- def self.normalize_data_bag_item(data_bag_item, data_bag_name, id, method)
- if method == 'DELETE'
- if !(data_bag_item['json_class'] == 'Chef::DataBagItem' && data_bag_item['raw_data'])
- data_bag_item['id'] ||= id
- data_bag_item = { 'raw_data' => data_bag_item }
- data_bag_item['chef_type'] ||= 'data_bag_item'
- data_bag_item['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::DataBagItem'
- data_bag_item['data_bag'] ||= data_bag_name
- data_bag_item['name'] ||= "data_bag_item_#{data_bag_name}_#{id}"
- end
- else
- # If it's not already wrapped with raw_data, wrap it.
- if data_bag_item['json_class'] == 'Chef::DataBagItem' && data_bag_item['raw_data']
- data_bag_item = data_bag_item['raw_data']
- end
- # Argh. We don't do this on GET, but we do on PUT and POST????
- if %w(PUT POST).include?(method)
- data_bag_item['chef_type'] ||= 'data_bag_item'
- data_bag_item['data_bag'] ||= data_bag_name
- end
- data_bag_item['id'] ||= id
- end
- data_bag_item
- end
- def self.normalize_cookbook(endpoint, org_prefix, cookbook, name, version, base_uri, method)
- # TODO I feel dirty
- if method != 'PUT'
- cookbook.each_pair do |key, value|
- if value.is_a?(Array)
- value.each do |file|
- if file.is_a?(Hash) && file.has_key?('checksum')
- file['url'] ||= endpoint.build_uri(base_uri, org_prefix + ['file_store', 'checksums', file['checksum']])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- cookbook['name'] ||= "#{name}-#{version}"
- # TODO this feels wrong, but the real chef server doesn't expand this default
- # cookbook['version'] ||= version
- cookbook['cookbook_name'] ||= name
- cookbook['frozen?'] ||= false
- cookbook['metadata'] ||= {}
- cookbook['metadata']['version'] ||= version
- # Sad to not be expanding defaults just because Chef doesn't :(
-# cookbook['metadata']['name'] ||= name
-# cookbook['metadata']['description'] ||= "A fabulous new cookbook"
- cookbook['metadata']['long_description'] ||= ""
-# cookbook['metadata']['maintainer'] ||= "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"
-# cookbook['metadata']['maintainer_email'] ||= "YOUR_EMAIL"
-# cookbook['metadata']['license'] ||= "none"
- cookbook['metadata']['dependencies'] ||= {}
- cookbook['metadata']['attributes'] ||= {}
- cookbook['metadata']['recipes'] ||= {}
- end
- cookbook['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::CookbookVersion'
- cookbook['chef_type'] ||= 'cookbook_version'
- if method == 'MIN'
- cookbook['metadata'].delete('attributes')
- cookbook['metadata'].delete('long_description')
- end
- cookbook
- end
- def self.normalize_environment(environment, name)
- environment['name'] ||= name
- environment['description'] ||= ''
- environment['cookbook_versions'] ||= {}
- environment['json_class'] ||= "Chef::Environment"
- environment['chef_type'] ||= "environment"
- environment['default_attributes'] ||= {}
- environment['override_attributes'] ||= {}
- environment
- end
- def self.normalize_group(group, name, orgname)
- group.delete('id')
- if group['actors'].is_a?(Hash)
- group['users'] ||= group['actors']['users']
- group['clients'] ||= group['actors']['clients']
- group['groups'] ||= group['actors']['groups']
- group['actors'] = nil
- end
- group['users'] ||= []
- group['clients'] ||= []
- group['actors'] ||= (group['clients'] + group['users'])
- group['groups'] ||= []
- group['orgname'] ||= orgname if orgname
- group['name'] ||= name
- group['groupname'] ||= name
- group['users'].uniq!
- group['clients'].uniq!
- group['actors'].uniq!
- group['groups'].uniq!
- group
- end
- def self.normalize_node(node, name)
- node['name'] ||= name
- node['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::Node'
- node['chef_type'] ||= 'node'
- node['chef_environment'] ||= '_default'
- node['override'] ||= {}
- node['normal'] ||= {}
- node['default'] ||= {}
- node['automatic'] ||= {}
- node['run_list'] ||= []
- node['run_list'] = normalize_run_list(node['run_list'])
- node
- end
- def self.normalize_organization(org, name)
- org['name'] ||= name
- org['full_name'] ||= name
- org['org_type'] ||= 'Business'
- org['clientname'] ||= "#{name}-validator"
- org['billing_plan'] ||= 'platform-free'
- org
- end
- def self.normalize_role(role, name)
- role['name'] ||= name
- role['description'] ||= ''
- role['json_class'] ||= 'Chef::Role'
- role['chef_type'] ||= 'role'
- role['default_attributes'] ||= {}
- role['override_attributes'] ||= {}
- role['run_list'] ||= []
- role['run_list'] = normalize_run_list(role['run_list'])
- role['env_run_lists'] ||= {}
- role['env_run_lists'].each_pair do |env, run_list|
- role['env_run_lists'][env] = normalize_run_list(run_list)
- end
- role
- end
- def self.normalize_run_list(run_list)
- case item
- when /^recipe\[.*\]$/
- item # explicit recipe
- when /^role\[.*\]$/
- item # explicit role
- else
- "recipe[#{item}]"
- end
- }.uniq
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/acls_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/acls_endpoint.rb
index e62fd36..d05abe5 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/acls_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/acls_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/rest_base'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
require 'chef_zero/chef_data/acl_path'
module ChefZero
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module ChefZero
raise, "Object not found: #{build_uri(request.base_uri, request.rest_path)}")
acls = JSON.parse(get_data(request, acl_path), :create_additions => false)
- acls = DataNormalizer.normalize_acls(acls)
+ acls = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_acls(acls)
json_response(200, acls)
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actor_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actor_endpoint.rb
index ded6530..7b098ff 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actor_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actor_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ module ChefZero
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
response = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
if request.rest_path[2] == 'clients'
- response = DataNormalizer.normalize_client(response, request.rest_path[3])
+ response = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_client(response, request.rest_path[3])
- response = DataNormalizer.normalize_user(response, request.rest_path[3], identity_keys, server.options[:osc_compat], request.method)
+ response = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_user(response, request.rest_path[3], identity_keys, server.options[:osc_compat], request.method)
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actors_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actors_endpoint.rb
index 55dac80..90a53d8 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actors_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/actors_endpoint.rb
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module ChefZero
record = get_data(request, request.rest_path + [ name ], :nil)
if record
record = JSON.parse(record, :create_additions => false)
- record = DataNormalizer.normalize_user(record, name, identity_keys, server.options[:osc_compat])
+ record = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_user(record, name, identity_keys, server.options[:osc_compat])
results[name] = record
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/authenticate_user_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/authenticate_user_endpoint.rb
index 98dbf04..76751d8 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/authenticate_user_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/authenticate_user_endpoint.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module ChefZero
raise, "Bad username or password")
user = JSON.parse(user, :create_additions => false)
- user = DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, name, [ 'username' ], server.options[:osc_compat])
+ user = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, name, [ 'username' ], server.options[:osc_compat])
if user['password'] != password
raise, "Bad username or password")
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/container_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/container_endpoint.rb
index edb6a7f..e2bb000 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/container_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/container_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module ChefZero
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
container = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- container = DataNormalizer.normalize_container(container, request.rest_path[3])
+ container = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_container(container, request.rest_path[3])
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbook_version_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbook_version_endpoint.rb
index 098c6c6..db33d12 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbook_version_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbook_version_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
require 'chef_zero/rest_error_response'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
require 'chef_zero/data_store/data_not_found_error'
module ChefZero
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ module ChefZero
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
# Inject URIs into each cookbook file
cookbook = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- cookbook = DataNormalizer.normalize_cookbook(self, request.rest_path[0..1], cookbook, request.rest_path[3], request.rest_path[4], request.base_uri, request.method)
+ cookbook = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_cookbook(self, request.rest_path[0..1], cookbook, request.rest_path[3], request.rest_path[4], request.base_uri, request.method)
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbooks_base.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbooks_base.rb
index ccc89ab..76a4914 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbooks_base.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/cookbooks_base.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/rest_base'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/data_bag_item_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/data_bag_item_endpoint.rb
index b92fe92..1ab8793 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/data_bag_item_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/data_bag_item_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/data_bag_item_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module ChefZero
def self.populate_defaults(request, response_json, data_bag, data_bag_item)
response = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- response = DataNormalizer.normalize_data_bag_item(response, data_bag, data_bag_item, request.method)
+ response = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_data_bag_item(response, data_bag, data_bag_item, request.method)
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_cookbook_versions_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_cookbook_versions_endpoint.rb
index d6e1a80..ae4a85a 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_cookbook_versions_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_cookbook_versions_endpoint.rb
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module ChefZero
result = {}
solved.each_pair do |name, versions|
cookbook = JSON.parse(get_data(request, request.rest_path[0..1] + ['cookbooks', name, versions[0]]), :create_additions => false)
- result[name] = DataNormalizer.normalize_cookbook(self, request.rest_path[0..1], cookbook, name, versions[0], request.base_uri, 'MIN')
+ result[name] = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_cookbook(self, request.rest_path[0..1], cookbook, name, versions[0], request.base_uri, 'MIN')
json_response(200, result)
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_endpoint.rb
index d792b98..74a175b 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/environment_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module ChefZero
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
response = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- response = DataNormalizer.normalize_environment(response, request.rest_path[3])
+ response = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_environment(response, request.rest_path[3])
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/group_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/group_endpoint.rb
index 74d55f6..48f05cd 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/group_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/group_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module ChefZero
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
group = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- group = DataNormalizer.normalize_group(group, request.rest_path[3], request.rest_path[1])
+ group = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_group(group, request.rest_path[3], request.rest_path[1])
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/node_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/node_endpoint.rb
index 5c35e0c..c87e658 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/node_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/node_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module ChefZero
class NodeEndpoint < RestObjectEndpoint
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
node = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- node = DataNormalizer.normalize_node(node, request.rest_path[3])
+ node = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_node(node, request.rest_path[3])
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_endpoint.rb
index b33b105..4a0bcad 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_endpoint.rb
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module ChefZero
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
org = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- org = DataNormalizer.normalize_organization(org, request.rest_path[1])
+ org = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_organization(org, request.rest_path[1])
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_user_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_user_endpoint.rb
index 368a068..c7b4817 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_user_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/organization_user_endpoint.rb
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ module ChefZero
get_data(request) # 404 if user is not in org
user = get_data(request, [ 'users', username ])
user = JSON.parse(user, :create_additions => false)
- json_response(200, DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, username, ['username'], server.options[:osc_compat], request.method))
+ json_response(200, ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, username, ['username'], server.options[:osc_compat], request.method))
def delete(request)
user = get_data(request)
user = JSON.parse(user, :create_additions => false)
- json_response(200, DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, request.rest_path[3], ['username'], server.options[:osc_compat]))
+ json_response(200, ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, request.rest_path[3], ['username'], server.options[:osc_compat]))
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/role_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/role_endpoint.rb
index 5b7a1b3..6cf91c8 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/role_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/role_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
module ChefZero
module Endpoints
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module ChefZero
class RoleEndpoint < RestObjectEndpoint
def populate_defaults(request, response_json)
role = JSON.parse(response_json, :create_additions => false)
- role = DataNormalizer.normalize_role(role, request.rest_path[3])
+ role = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_role(role, request.rest_path[3])
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/search_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/search_endpoint.rb
index 73c44b0..db29f7c 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/search_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/search_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint'
-require 'chef_zero/data_normalizer'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer'
require 'chef_zero/rest_error_response'
require 'chef_zero/solr/solr_parser'
require 'chef_zero/solr/solr_doc'
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ module ChefZero
def search_container(request, index)
relative_parts, normalize_proc = case index
when 'client'
- [ ['clients'], { |client, name| DataNormalizer.normalize_client(client, name) } ]
+ [ ['clients'], { |client, name| ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_client(client, name) } ]
when 'node'
- [ ['nodes'], { |node, name| DataNormalizer.normalize_node(node, name) } ]
+ [ ['nodes'], { |node, name| ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_node(node, name) } ]
when 'environment'
- [ ['environments'], { |environment, name| DataNormalizer.normalize_environment(environment, name) } ]
+ [ ['environments'], { |environment, name| ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_environment(environment, name) } ]
when 'role'
- [ ['roles'], { |role, name| DataNormalizer.normalize_role(role, name) } ]
+ [ ['roles'], { |role, name| ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_role(role, name) } ]
- [ ['data', index], { |data_bag_item, id| DataNormalizer.normalize_data_bag_item(data_bag_item, index, id, 'DELETE') } ]
+ [ ['data', index], { |data_bag_item, id| ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_data_bag_item(data_bag_item, index, id, 'DELETE') } ]
request.rest_path[0..1] + relative_parts,
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module ChefZero
elsif !%w(client environment role).include?(index)
- DataNormalizer.normalize_data_bag_item(value, index, id, 'GET')
+ ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_data_bag_item(value, index, id, 'GET')
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/system_recovery_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/system_recovery_endpoint.rb
index 125643b..a3c62fa 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/system_recovery_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/system_recovery_endpoint.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module ChefZero
user = JSON.parse(user, :create_additions => false)
- user = DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, name, [ 'username' ], server.options[:osc_compat])
+ user = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_user(user, name, [ 'username' ], server.options[:osc_compat])
if !user['recovery_authentication_enabled']
raise, "Only users with recovery_authentication_enabled=true may use /system_recovery to log in")
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/user_organizations_endpoint.rb b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/user_organizations_endpoint.rb
index aa5034c..98824d6 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/user_organizations_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/endpoints/user_organizations_endpoint.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module ChefZero
result = do |orgname|
org = get_data(request, [ 'organizations', orgname, 'org' ])
org = JSON.parse(org, :create_additions => false)
- DataNormalizer.normalize_organization(org, orgname)
+ ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_organization(org, orgname)
json_response(200, result)
diff --git a/lib/chef_zero/server.rb b/lib/chef_zero/server.rb
index 1f1e29e..a78757f 100644
--- a/lib/chef_zero/server.rb
+++ b/lib/chef_zero/server.rb
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ require 'webrick'
require 'webrick/https'
require 'chef_zero'
-require 'chef_zero/cookbook_data'
+require 'chef_zero/chef_data/cookbook_data'
require 'chef_zero/rest_router'
require 'chef_zero/data_store/memory_store_v2'
require 'chef_zero/data_store/v1_to_v2_adapter'
@@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ module ChefZero
if contents['cookbooks']
contents['cookbooks'].each_pair do |name_version, cookbook|
if name_version =~ /(.+)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/
- cookbook_data = CookbookData.to_hash(cookbook, $1, $2)
+ cookbook_data = ChefData::CookbookData.to_hash(cookbook, $1, $2)
- cookbook_data = CookbookData.to_hash(cookbook, name_version)
+ cookbook_data = ChefData::CookbookData.to_hash(cookbook, name_version)
raise "No version specified" if !cookbook_data[:version]
data_store.create_dir(['organizations', org_name, 'cookbooks'], cookbook_data[:cookbook_name], :recursive)