# This prevents testing branches that are created just for PRs branches: only: - master # Early warning system to catch if Rubygems breaks something before_install: - gem update --system - gem install bundler sudo: false language: ruby cache: bundler script: - bundle update - bundle exec rake pedant env: global: - "GEMFILE_MOD=\"gem 'chef', '~> 13.0'\"" matrix: include: - rvm: 2.5.0 env: PEDANT_KNIFE_TESTS=true PEDANT_ALLOW_RVM=1 - rvm: 2.5.0 env: SINGLE_ORG=true - rvm: 2.5.0 env: CHEF_FS=true # Commented out until we work with a released version again # - rvm: 2.2.5 # env: # - CHEF_FS=true # - "GEMFILE_MOD=\"gem 'chef', github: 'chef/chef'\"" # - rvm: 2.3.1 # env: # - CHEF_FS=true # - "GEMFILE_MOD=\"gem 'chef', github: 'chef/chef'\"" - rvm: 2.5.0 env: FILE_STORE=true - rvm: 2.5.0 script: bundle exec rake chef_spec env: TEST=chef_spec - rvm: 2.5.0 script: bundle exec rake spec env: TEST=rake_spec - rvm: 2.4.3 script: bundle exec rake spec env: TEST=rake_spec - rvm: 2.5.0 script: bundle exec rake style env: TEST=chefstyle