# 1.5.5 - Fix issue with - in term (name:a-b) # 1.5.4 - Fix issue where run_lists in format cookbook::recipe@version do not depsolve # 1.5.3 - Add Server: chef-zero header to response # 1.5.2 - Fix a couple of search query issues (make parentheses and NOT term:value work) # 1.5.1 - Add Unix domain socket support (e.g. chef-zero --socket /tmp/chef-zero.sock) (stevendanna) # 1.5 - Add -d option for daemon mode (sethvargo) - Fix bug with cookbook metadata.rb files that rely on __FILE__ # 1.4 - Run with downgraded Puma 1.6 in order to work on Windows (2.x doesn't yet) # 1.3 - Fix bug with search when JSON contains the same key in different places # 1.2.1 - Fix search when JSON contains integers # 1.2 - Allow rspec users to specify cookbook NAME, VERSION, { :frozen => true } - Documentation fix # 1.1.3 - Return better defaults for cookbooks - Support /cookbook_versions?cookbook_versions=... query parameter - Fix server crash when cookbook has multiple identical checksums # 1.1.2 - Allow rspec users to specify the same data twice (overwrites) # 1.1.1 - Fix broken rspec functionality (jkeiser, reset) # 1.1 - Create plugin system to allow other storage besides memory # 1.0.1 - Fix depsolver crash with frozen version strings (sethvargo) # 1.0 - Increased testing of server # 0.9.13 - Remove extra require of 'thin' so rspec users don't get broke # 0.9.12 - Switch from thin to puma (sethvargo) # 0.9.11 - Support full cookbook metadata.rb syntax, including "depends" # 0.9.10 - Add -d flag to print debug output (sethvargo) # 0.9.9 - Remove chef as a dependency so we can run on jruby (reset) - Server assumes json is acceptable if Accept header is not sent (stevendanna) # 0.9.8 - Support runlists with a::b in them in depsolver # 0.9.7 - Return file URLs and other important things in depsolver response # 0.9.6 - Make 404 a JSON response # 0.9.5 - Fix crash in 405 error response generator - Add ability to verify request/response pairs from rspec api # 0.9.4 - Ruby 1.8.7 support # 0.9.3 - rspec fixes: - Faster (0 retries) - Work with more than one test - Allow tags on when_the_chef_server - make 500 response return actual exception info # 0.9.2 - Speed increase for rspec (only start server once) - Support CTRL+C when running rspec chef-zero tests # 0.9.1 - Switch from webrick -> thin - Bugfixes # 0.9 - Initial code-complete release with working server