require "bundler/gem_tasks" def run_oc_pedant(env = {}) ENV.update(env) require File.expand_path("spec/run_oc_pedant") end ENV_DOCS = <<~END.freeze Environment: - RSPEC_OPTS Options to pass to RSpec e.g. RSPEC_OPTS="--fail-fast --profile 5" - PEDANT_OPTS Options to pass to oc-chef-pedant e.g. PEDANT_OPTS="--focus-keys --skip-users" - LOG_LEVEL Set the log level (default: warn) e.g. LOG_LEVEL=debug END task default: :pedant desc "Run specs" task :spec do system("rspec spec/*_spec.rb") end desc "Run oc-chef-pedant\n\n#{ENV_DOCS}" task pedant: :oc_pedant desc "Run oc-chef-pedant with CHEF_FS set\n\n#{ENV_DOCS}" task :cheffs do run_oc_pedant("CHEF_FS" => "yes") end desc "Run oc-chef-pedant with FILE_STORE set\n\n#{ENV_DOCS}" task :filestore do run_oc_pedant("FILE_STORE" => "yes") end task :oc_pedant do run_oc_pedant end task :chef_spec do gem_path = Bundler.environment.specs["chef"].first.full_gem_path system("cd #{gem_path} && rspec spec/integration") end task :berkshelf_spec do gem_path = Bundler.environment.specs["berkshelf"].first.full_gem_path system("cd #{gem_path} && thor spec:ci") end begin require "chefstyle" require "rubocop/rake_task" desc "Run Chefstyle tests" do |task| task.options += ["--display-cop-names", "--no-color"] end rescue LoadError puts "chefstyle gem is not installed. bundle install first to make sure all dependencies are installed." end begin require "yard" unless defined?(YARD) rescue LoadError puts "yard is not available. bundle install first to make sure all dependencies are installed." end