require_relative "../../chef_zero" require_relative "../rest_base" require_relative "default_creator" module ChefZero module ChefData class DataNormalizer COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS = %w{ resources providers recipes definitions libraries attributes files templates root_files }.freeze def self.normalize_acls(acls) ChefData::DefaultCreator::PERMISSIONS.each do |perm| acls[perm] ||= {} acls[perm]["groups"] ||= [] if acls[perm].key? "users" # When clients and users are split, their combined list # is the final list of actors that a subsequent GET will # provide. Each list is guaranteed to be unique, but the # combined list is not. acls[perm]["actors"] = acls[perm]["clients"].uniq + acls[perm]["users"].uniq else # this gets doubled sometimes, for reasons. (acls[perm]["actors"] ||= []).uniq! end end acls end def self.normalize_client(client, name, orgname = nil) client["name"] ||= name client["clientname"] ||= name client["admin"] = !!client["admin"] if client.key?("admin") client["public_key"] = PUBLIC_KEY unless client.key?("public_key") client["orgname"] ||= orgname client["validator"] ||= false client["validator"] = !!client["validator"] client["json_class"] ||= "Chef::ApiClient" client["chef_type"] ||= "client" client end def self.normalize_container(container, name) container.delete("id") container["containername"] = name container["containerpath"] = name container end def self.normalize_user(user, name, identity_keys, osc_compat, method = nil) user[identity_keys.first] ||= name user["public_key"] = PUBLIC_KEY unless user.key?("public_key") user["admin"] ||= false user["admin"] = !!user["admin"] user["openid"] ||= nil unless osc_compat if method == "GET" user.delete("admin") user.delete("password") user.delete("openid") end user["email"] ||= nil user["first_name"] ||= nil user["last_name"] ||= nil end user end def self.normalize_data_bag_item(data_bag_item, data_bag_name, id, method) if method == "DELETE" # TODO SERIOUSLY, WHO DOES THIS MANY EXCEPTIONS IN THEIR INTERFACE unless data_bag_item["json_class"] == "Chef::DataBagItem" && data_bag_item["raw_data"] data_bag_item["id"] ||= id data_bag_item = { "raw_data" => data_bag_item } data_bag_item["chef_type"] ||= "data_bag_item" data_bag_item["json_class"] ||= "Chef::DataBagItem" data_bag_item["data_bag"] ||= data_bag_name data_bag_item["name"] ||= "data_bag_item_#{data_bag_name}_#{id}" end else # If it's not already wrapped with raw_data, wrap it. if data_bag_item["json_class"] == "Chef::DataBagItem" && data_bag_item["raw_data"] data_bag_item = data_bag_item["raw_data"] end # Argh. We don't do this on GET, but we do on PUT and POST???? if %w{PUT POST}.include?(method) data_bag_item["chef_type"] ||= "data_bag_item" data_bag_item["data_bag"] ||= data_bag_name end data_bag_item["id"] ||= id end data_bag_item end def self.normalize_cookbook(endpoint, org_prefix, cookbook, name, version, base_uri, method, is_cookbook_artifact = false, api_version: 2) # TODO I feel dirty if method == "PUT" && api_version < 2 cookbook["all_files"] = cookbook.delete(["root_files"]) { [] } COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each do |segment| next unless cookbook.key? segment cookbook[segment].each do |file| file["name"] = "#{segment}/#{file["name"]}" cookbook["all_files"] << file end cookbook.delete(segment) end elsif method != "PUT" if cookbook.key? "all_files" cookbook["all_files"].each do |file| if file.is_a?(Hash) && file.key?("checksum") file["url"] ||= endpoint.build_uri(base_uri, org_prefix + ["file_store", "checksums", file["checksum"]]) end end # down convert to old style manifest, ensuring we don't send all_files on the wire and that we correctly divine segments # any file that's not in an old segment is just dropped on the floor. if api_version < 2 # the spec appears to think we should send empty arrays for each segment, so let's do that COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each { |seg| cookbook[seg] ||= [] } cookbook["all_files"].each do |file| segment, name = file["name"].split("/") # root_files have no segment prepended if name.nil? name = segment segment = "root_files" end file.delete("full_path") next unless COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.include? segment file["name"] = name cookbook[segment] << file end cookbook.delete("all_files") end end cookbook["name"] ||= "#{name}-#{version}" # TODO it feels wrong, but the real chef server doesn't expand 'version', so we don't either. cookbook["frozen?"] ||= false cookbook["metadata"] ||= {} cookbook["metadata"]["version"] ||= version # defaults set by the client and not the Server: # metadata[name, description, maintainer, maintainer_email, license] cookbook["metadata"]["long_description"] ||= "" cookbook["metadata"]["dependencies"] ||= {} cookbook["metadata"]["attributes"] ||= {} cookbook["metadata"]["recipes"] ||= {} end if is_cookbook_artifact cookbook.delete("json_class") else cookbook["cookbook_name"] ||= name cookbook["json_class"] ||= "Chef::CookbookVersion" end cookbook["chef_type"] ||= "cookbook_version" if method == "MIN" cookbook["metadata"].delete("attributes") cookbook["metadata"].delete("long_description") end cookbook end def self.normalize_environment(environment, name) environment["name"] ||= name environment["description"] ||= "" environment["cookbook_versions"] ||= {} environment["json_class"] ||= "Chef::Environment" environment["chef_type"] ||= "environment" environment["default_attributes"] ||= {} environment["override_attributes"] ||= {} environment end def self.normalize_group(group, name, orgname) group.delete("id") if group["actors"].is_a?(Hash) group["users"] ||= group["actors"]["users"] group["clients"] ||= group["actors"]["clients"] group["groups"] ||= group["actors"]["groups"] group["actors"] = nil end group["users"] ||= [] group["clients"] ||= [] group["actors"] ||= (group["clients"] + group["users"]) group["groups"] ||= [] group["orgname"] ||= orgname if orgname group["name"] ||= name group["groupname"] ||= name group["users"].uniq! group["clients"].uniq! group["actors"].uniq! group["groups"].uniq! group end def self.normalize_node(node, name) node["name"] ||= name node["json_class"] ||= "Chef::Node" node["chef_type"] ||= "node" node["chef_environment"] ||= "_default" node["override"] ||= {} node["normal"] ||= { "tags" => [] } node["default"] ||= {} node["automatic"] ||= {} node["run_list"] ||= [] node["run_list"] = normalize_run_list(node["run_list"]) node end def self.normalize_policy(policy, name, revision) policy["name"] ||= name policy["revision_id"] ||= revision policy["run_list"] ||= [] policy["cookbook_locks"] ||= {} policy end def self.normalize_policy_group(policy_group, name) policy_group[name] ||= "name" policy_group["policies"] ||= {} policy_group end def self.normalize_organization(org, name) org["name"] ||= name org["full_name"] ||= name org["org_type"] ||= "Business" org["clientname"] ||= "#{name}-validator" org["billing_plan"] ||= "platform-free" org end def self.normalize_role(role, name) role["name"] ||= name role["description"] ||= "" role["json_class"] ||= "Chef::Role" role["chef_type"] ||= "role" role["default_attributes"] ||= {} role["override_attributes"] ||= {} role["run_list"] ||= [] role["run_list"] = normalize_run_list(role["run_list"]) role["env_run_lists"] ||= {} role["env_run_lists"].each_pair do |env, run_list| role["env_run_lists"][env] = normalize_run_list(run_list) end role end def self.normalize_run_list(run_list) do |item| case item when /^recipe\[.*\]$/ item # explicit recipe when /^role\[.*\]$/ item # explicit role else "recipe[#{item}]" end end.uniq end end end end