require "chef_zero/data_store/interface_v2" require "chef_zero/chef_data/default_creator" module ChefZero module DataStore # # The DefaultFacade exists to layer defaults on top of an existing data # store. When you create an org, you just create the directory itself: # the rest of the org (such as environments/_default) will not actually # exist anywhere, but when you get(/organizations/org/environments/_default), # the DefaultFacade will create one for you on the fly. # # acls in particular are instantiated on the fly using this method. # class DefaultFacade < ChefZero::DataStore::InterfaceV2 def initialize(real_store, single_org, osc_compat, superusers = nil) @real_store = real_store @default_creator =, single_org, osc_compat, superusers) clear end attr_reader :real_store attr_reader :default_creator def clear real_store.clear if real_store.respond_to?(:clear) default_creator.clear end def create_dir(path, name, *options) if default_creator.exists?(path + [ name ]) && !options.include?(:recursive) raise + [name]) end begin real_store.create_dir(path, name, *options) rescue DataNotFoundError if default_creator.exists?(path) real_store.create_dir(path, name, :recursive, *options) else raise end end options_hash = options.last.is_a?(Hash) ? options.last : {} default_creator.created(path + [ name ], options_hash[:requestor], options.include?(:recursive)) end def create(path, name, data, *options) if default_creator.exists?(path + [ name ]) && !options.include?(:create_dir) raise + [name]) end begin real_store.create(path, name, data, *options) rescue DataNotFoundError if default_creator.exists?(path) real_store.create(path, name, data, :create_dir, *options) else raise end end options_hash = options.last.is_a?(Hash) ? options.last : {} default_creator.created(path + [ name ], options_hash[:requestor], options.include?(:create_dir)) end def get(path, request = nil) real_store.get(path, request) rescue DataNotFoundError result = default_creator.get(path) if result FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(result, pretty: true) else raise end end def set(path, data, *options) begin real_store.set(path, data, *options) rescue DataNotFoundError if options.include?(:create_dir) || options.include?(:create) && default_creator.exists?(path[0..-2]) || default_creator.exists?(path) real_store.set(path, data, :create, :create_dir, *options) else raise end end if options.include?(:create) options_hash = options.last.is_a?(Hash) ? options.last : {} default_creator.created(path, options_hash[:requestor], options.include?(:create_dir)) end end def delete(path, *options) deleted = default_creator.deleted(path) begin real_store.delete(path) rescue DataNotFoundError unless deleted raise end end end def delete_dir(path, *options) deleted = default_creator.deleted(path) begin real_store.delete_dir(path, *options) rescue DataNotFoundError unless deleted raise end end end def list(path) default_results = default_creator.list(path) begin real_results = real_store.list(path) if default_results (real_results + default_results).uniq else real_results end rescue DataNotFoundError if default_results default_results else raise end end end def exists?(path) real_store.exists?(path) || default_creator.exists?(path) end def exists_dir?(path) real_store.exists_dir?(path) || default_creator.exists?(path) end end end end