require "ffi_yajl" require "chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint" require "chef_zero/rest_error_response" require "chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer" require "chef_zero/data_store/data_not_found_error" module ChefZero module Endpoints # /organizations/ORG/cookbooks/NAME/VERSION class CookbookVersionEndpoint < RestObjectEndpoint def get(request) if request.rest_path[4] == "_latest" || request.rest_path[4] == "latest" request.rest_path[4] = latest_version(list_data(request, request.rest_path[0..3])) end super(request) end def put(request) name = request.rest_path[3] version = request.rest_path[4] existing_cookbook = get_data(request, request.rest_path, :nil) # Honor frozen if existing_cookbook existing_cookbook_json = FFI_Yajl::Parser.parse(existing_cookbook) if existing_cookbook_json["frozen?"] if request.query_params["force"] != "true" raise, "The cookbook #{name} at version #{version} is frozen. Use the 'force' option to override.") end # For some reason, you are forever unable to modify "frozen?" on a frozen cookbook. request_body = FFI_Yajl::Parser.parse(request.body) if !request_body["frozen?"] request_body["frozen?"] = true request.body = FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(request_body, pretty: true) end end end # Set the cookbook set_data(request, request.rest_path, populate_defaults(request, request.body), :create_dir, :create) # If the cookbook was updated, check for deleted files and clean them up if existing_cookbook missing_checksums = get_checksums(existing_cookbook) - get_checksums(request.body) if missing_checksums.size > 0 hoover_unused_checksums(missing_checksums, request) end end already_json_response(existing_cookbook ? 200 : 201, populate_defaults(request, request.body, normalize: false)) end def delete(request) if request.rest_path[4] == "_latest" || request.rest_path[4] == "latest" request.rest_path[4] = latest_version(list_data(request, request.rest_path[0..3])) end deleted_cookbook = get_data(request) response = super(request) # Last one out turns out the lights: delete /organizations/ORG/cookbooks/NAME if it no longer has versions cookbook_path = request.rest_path[0..3] if exists_data_dir?(request, cookbook_path) && list_data(request, cookbook_path).size == 0 delete_data_dir(request, cookbook_path) end # Hoover deleted files, if they exist hoover_unused_checksums(get_checksums(deleted_cookbook), request) response end def get_checksums(cookbook) result = [] FFI_Yajl::Parser.parse(cookbook).each_pair do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |file| if file.is_a?(Hash) && file.key?("checksum") result << file["checksum"] end end end end result.uniq end private def hoover_unused_checksums(deleted_checksums, request) %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.each do |cookbook_type| begin cookbooks = data_store.list(request.rest_path[0..1] + [cookbook_type]) rescue ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError # Not all chef versions support cookbook_artifacts raise unless cookbook_type == "cookbook_artifacts" cookbooks = [] end cookbooks.each do |cookbook_name| # as below, this can be racy. begin data_store.list(request.rest_path[0..1] + [cookbook_type, cookbook_name]).each do |version| cookbook = data_store.get(request.rest_path[0..1] + [cookbook_type, cookbook_name, version], request) deleted_checksums -= get_checksums(cookbook) end rescue ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError end end end deleted_checksums.each do |checksum| # There can be a race here if multiple cookbooks are uploading. # This deals with an exception on delete, but things can still get deleted # that shouldn't be. begin delete_data(request, request.rest_path[0..1] + ["file_store", "checksums", checksum], :data_store_exceptions) rescue ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError end end end def populate_defaults(request, response_json, normalize: true) # Inject URIs into each cookbook file cookbook = FFI_Yajl::Parser.parse(response_json) cookbook["chef_type"] ||= "cookbook_version" cookbook["json_class"] ||= "Chef::CookbookVersion" cookbook = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_cookbook(self, request.rest_path[0..1], cookbook, request.rest_path[3], request.rest_path[4], request.base_uri, request.method, false, api_version: request.api_version) if normalize FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(cookbook, pretty: true) end def latest_version(versions) sorted = versions.sort_by { |version| } sorted[-1] end end end end